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Standards for height and weight. Height-to-weight ratio in children and adolescents

Greetings, dear readers! All parents strive for their children to grow up healthy and develop normally. But how can you tell if everything is okay with your baby? Doctors recommend focusing on such important indicators as the child’s weight and height by month. Compliance with the standards proposed by WHO on the basis of research, doctors determine the degree of full term of the baby and the quality of its further development.

World Health Organization, or WHO in the period 1997-2003. conducted a number of studies on the development of children under one year old, as well as a parallel analysis of the height and weight of children aged 1.5 to 6 years. The focus of the world organization was not only on indicators, but also on their ratios and monthly increases.

Why was such a global study needed? The latest data on indicators of physical development of children were recorded back in the 70s. 20th century. Since then, not only the rhythm and lifestyle of people has changed, but also the nature of infant feeding.

If during the Soviet period most babies were bottle-fed, then with the improvement of working conditions for nursing women and the opportunity to receive paid leave after childbirth for 1.5 years, more and more babies are now breastfed, which is otherwise reflected in the increase in body weight and length.

Data collection was carried out in different countries and ethnic groups: European countries, the USA, India, Brazil, Oman, etc. The study showed that each nation has its own parameters, therefore, to derive the average value of length and weight, for example, for European and Indian children, it is forbidden.

What do the values ​​depend on?

Mothers who have at least once had a monthly check-up with their babies at the clinic know that the nurse not only measures and records indicators, but also pays attention to associated development factors:

  • past viral and infectious diseases;
  • presence of dehydration;
  • teething;
  • presence of appetite;
  • conditions of education.

They have a temporary effect on physical development, which can be corrected in the future.

However, there are other factors that the mother or doctors cannot or can hardly influence:

  • gender of the child;
  • genetic features (if dad and mom are tall, the baby will also be tall);
  • degree of term, as well as initial height and weight at birth;
  • nature of nutrition (natural or artificial);
  • presence of congenital diseases;
  • mobility;
  • ecological situation;
  • the nature of the pregnancy (did the mother smoke, drink alcohol, etc.);
  • the amount of somatotropic hormone produced, which is responsible for the growth of tubular bones (since most of the hormone is released at night, sleep disturbances in a child can cause growth retardation).

Good care, regular breastfeeding, adequate sleep, physical activity and outdoor exercise speed up children's growth. In turn, insufficient care and poor environmental conditions do not have the best effect on physical development.

To check whether your baby is developing normally, you do not have to rush to the clinic. Parents can take measurements themselves, based on generally accepted development standards and calculation formulas.

Child growth by months

Child growth standards depend, first of all, on the child’s gender, so WHO has created separate tables with average indicators for girls and boys. Depending on the age of the baby, the ratio of length and weight of the body, as well as the increase, will also differ.

First year

The table shows approximate growth indicators for babies at birth and up to one year; you can also track how many centimeters the child will grow within a month.

Children under one year old are characterized by a special change in indicators, and every month of life during this period is significant. But before you take measurements and count, you should make sure that your baby meets the indicators of a full-term baby:

  • The birth took place at 38-40 weeks of pregnancy.
  • Height is at least 45 cm with a weight of 2.5 kg.
  • Head circumference – from 34 to 36 cm.
  • Body parts are proportional.
  • The skin is smooth and delicate.
  • Hair length from 1 cm.
  • Clear rhythmic pulse.
  • Developed sucking reflex (you can read in my article).

If a baby was born premature, there are separate height and weight indicators for him depending on what week of pregnancy he was born. Here is a table of the height and weight of a premature baby:

Features of growth increase in the first year of life are as follows:

  • On average, the baby gains 3 cm over a monthly period.
  • The total increase in the first year of life should be at least 25 cm. Thus, the normal figure for a one-year-old baby is from 74 to 76 cm.
  • Children grow more rapidly in the first months after birth, after which this process slows down. So, in the first 3 months the increase will be 3.5 cm per month, from 3 to six months - 3-2.5 cm, from 7 to 9 - about 1.5 cm, from 9 to one year - 1 cm.
  • It is not only the overall increase in height that is important, but also its relationship to the weight and proportionality of body parts.

For doctors, the indicator of normal development of a baby is not so much its height as its head circumference. If the head is large and disproportionate to the body, doctors may suspect a disease such as hydrocephalus, an accumulation of fluid in the brain.

From 2 to 17 years

When a baby turns one year old, parents, as a rule, pay little attention to how much his growth is within normal limits. However, before the onset of puberty, this indicator is no less important than in the first months of life.

After a year, children's growth begins to slow down. Up to 2 years of age, the baby grows by an average of 9-12 cm, depending on gender and other factors. Until the age of 5 years, his height will increase by only 20-22 cm.

By the age of 10, the average height of a boy is 138-139 cm. From 11 to 17 years, during puberty, the growth of girls slows down, and in boys, on the contrary, it increases after 12-13 years. By the age of 17, the average for a girl will be 155-160 cm, for a boy - 166-171 cm.

How to determine a child's height?

To determine how tall your baby is under one year old, you will need a measuring tape or meter ruler:

  1. Place the baby on the crib so that the back of his head rests on a hard surface.
  2. Extend your legs and place your feet at a 90-degree angle.
  3. Mark where the heels end.
  4. Raise the child and measure the distance from the mark to a hard surface.

If the child can already stand, to measure his height, place him near the wall so that his heels touch a hard surface. Then take a hard ruler and place it on the child's head so that it forms a right angle with the wall. Make a mark where they touch and measure the distance from the floor to the mark.

After measuring your child's height, be sure to pay attention to his weight.

Baby's weight by month

WHO strongly recommends that parents pay attention not only to the height and proportionality of body parts, but also to weight gain. Many parents believe that the more a baby weighs before one year, the better. But this statement is fundamentally wrong. Unhealthy obesity can affect both teenagers and infants, especially those who are formula-fed.

Up to a year

For children under one year old, the weight norm is determined by month, and it should be taken into account that bottle-fed children gain weight much faster:

  • 1 month. During this time, the child gains on average about 0.6 kg. To maintain normal developmental indicators, it is ideal if the mother feeds the baby every 3 hours. The volume of mixture consumed ranges from 80 to 120 ml per feeding.
  • 2 month. During this period, the increase will be about 0.7-0.8 kg. The intervals between feedings can be increased to 3.5 hours. If in the future you decide to wean your baby from feeding at night, keep in mind that his weight will begin to decrease.
  • 3 month. An increase of 0.8 kg is maintained. The intervals between feedings remain, but it is worth considering that up to 3 months the baby is bothered by intestinal colic, so appetite may decrease.
  • 4 month. The child gains an average of 0.75 kg, and further indicators will decrease.
  • 5 month. By the end of the fifth month, the baby already weighs 0.7 kg more.
  • 6 month. In six months, Baby gains 0.65 kg. During this period, complementary foods in the form of vegetable purees begin to be introduced, which can replace one feeding.
  • 7 month. Body weight increases by 0.6 kg. At seven months of age, babies can be given gluten-free porridge in the morning.
  • 8 months. Weight gain is about 0.55 kg. The baby's menu includes a variety of vegetables, lean meat, cereals, and egg yolk.
  • 9 months . The weight gain is half a kilogram. Purees from several components and fermented milk products appear on the menu.
  • 10 months . The baby weighs 0.4 kg more than last month. He already tolerates fresh fruit well. You can add butter or vegetable oil to porridge.
  • 11 months. Weight increases by 0.4 kg. You can include low-fat fish in the menu.
  • 12 months . The weight increase occurs by 0.35-0.4 kg.

The following chart will help you determine if your baby is developing normally:

  • For the first half of the year. Multiply 800 by the number of months for the calculation period and add the weight of the baby at the time of birth.
  • In the second half of the year. M+800×6+400x(N-6), where M is the birth weight, N is the number of months.

After a year

In the future, not only the indicators prescribed by WHO will be important for girls and boys, but also the body mass index, which shows whether the weight is insufficient, normal or excessive. To determine your mass index, you need to divide your body weight by your height.

Based on the indicators proposed by WHO, one must take into account that they are averaged, and minor fluctuations in one direction or another are acceptable. Parents need to sound the alarm if weight values ​​are significantly underestimated or overestimated.

If the levels are low, it is recommended to reconsider your diet and daily activity. For example, if until the age of 5 the child steadily gained weight, and by the age of 6 he began to lose weight sharply, the changes may be associated with preparation for school and a stressful state, a violation of the usual daily routine.

For infants up to one year old, vomiting, leading to dehydration, can be a dangerous phenomenon. The problem may arise due to improper nutrition, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and nervous system. In this case, you should definitely see a doctor.

In adolescence, boys, as a rule, experience pronounced thinness associated with intensive growth. Girls should eat more plant foods, since during the period of hormonal maturation there is a high probability of becoming obese.

Deviations from normal body weight at any age in a child should be a signal for parents that it is time to sound the alarm and seek help from doctors if you cannot help the baby on your own.

As each child develops, it grows and gains weight. Parents who are concerned about their baby growing “correctly” always pay attention to “normal” indicators of body weight and height, focusing on the average data given in the tables of the World Health Organization. When answering the question of how much a child of a certain age should weigh, it should be taken into account that each person’s body has individual characteristics. That is, in order to understand that everything is fine with the child and he is growing normally, you need not only to compare his parameters with the standard, but also to take into account their relationships.


The ratio of height parameters and body weight of a child

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The concept of “body mass index” is well known to many parents - especially mothers who watch their figure. To assess the harmonious development of a child and identify possible deviations in height and weight, you will also need to calculate BMI.

It is important to remember that normal values ​​for a baby differ from similar values ​​calculated for the adult population. The normal BMI of an adult is no more than 25; for children, a similar index can vary between 13-21. BMI is calculated to help diagnose the following conditions:

  1. obesity requiring treatment;
  2. overweight;
  3. slightly increased weight, within the permissible range of normal fluctuations;
  4. normal weight (see also:);
  5. underweight;
  6. exhaustion requiring treatment.

Features of the baby's first year of life

In the first twelve months of a child’s life, indicators of his growth and development are directly related to feeding characteristics. In accordance with WHO guidelines, a breastfed child with a birth weight of 3.3 kg (boy) or 3.2 kg (girl) is taken as a standard for developing the table. According to growth standards, the “starting indicators” are taken to be 49.9 cm and 49.1 cm, respectively.

If the baby was born with less body weight and height (this often occurs in children born prematurely, as well as in those born from short parents), then there is no need to worry that after a month or two he “lags behind” from tabular indicators.

Up to one year of age, the determining factor is not the correspondence of height and weight to the table, but their change over time. If a child is systematically gaining kilograms and growing, then everything is fine with him, and there is no reason to panic.

Girls' height and weight

Age, monthsWeight in gramsHeight, cm
Very lowNormVery tallVery lowNormVery tall
0 2000 3200 4800 43,6 49,1 54,7
1 2700 4200 6200 47,8 53,7 59,5
2 3400 5100 7500 51,0 57,1 63,2
3 4000 5800 8500 53,5 59,8 66,1
4 4400 6400 9300 55,6 62,1 68,6
5 4800 6900 10000 57,4 64,0 70,7
6 5100 7300 10600 58,9 65,7 72,5
7 5300 7600 11100 60,3 67,3 74,2
8 5600 7900 11600 61,7 68,7 75,8
9 5800 8200 12000 62,9 70,1 77,4
10 5900 8500 12400 64,1 71,5 78,9
11 6100 8700 12800 65,2 72,8 80,3
12 6300 8900 13100 66,3 74,0 81,7

Height and weight of boys

The characteristics of the weight and height of male children before they reach one year of age are determined according to the same principles as for girls. Monthly weight gain is of decisive importance for monitoring the condition and development of a child - that is, you need to compare the baby first of all with himself, what he was like a month ago.

Age, monthsWeight in gramsHeight, cm
Very lowNormVery tallVery lowNormVery tall
0 2100 3300 5000 44,2 49,9 55,6
1 2900 4500 6600 48,9 54,7 60,6
2 3800 5600 8000 52,4 58,4 64,4
3 4400 6400 9000 55,3 61,4 67,6
4 4900 7000 9700 57,6 63,9 70,1
5 5300 7500 10400 59,6 65,9 72,2
6 5700 7900 10900 61,2 67,6 74,0
7 5900 8300 11400 62,7 69,2 75,7
8 6200 8600 11900 64,0 70,6 77,2
9 6400 8900 12300 65,2 72,0 78,7
10 6600 9200 12700 66,4 73,3 80,1
11 6800 9400 13000 67,6 74,5 81,5
12 6900 9600 13300 68,6 75,7 82,9

Indicators of a child under 10 years of age

The period from birth to the age of 10 is characterized by rapid growth of the child. However, if before the age of one year the baby grew noticeably and became “heavier” almost every day, at an older age he will grow a little slower.

This is due to changes in metabolism and the growing activity of the baby: a baby spends much less energy and calories on outdoor games than a toddler who has already learned to walk and run, and is now actively exploring the world around him.

Baby's height and weight at 1 year

If we look at the average values, we can note that during the first year of life the baby gains about 6-7 kilograms. Moreover, most of the “gain” occurs in the first six months of life, when the child gains about 700-800 grams in one month. With proper care, healthy low birth weight babies can “catch up” in weight to their peers born with average body weight by 6-7 months.

The weight of a one-year-old child is considered normal if its value is in the range between 8 and 12 kg. The increase in height will be about 25 cm. The height of a child at 1 year is approximately 75 cm ± 6 cm.

Height and weight from 2 to 3 years

Between two and three years old, the baby is still growing. However, in his daily routine there is less and less quiet rest and meals, and the amount of time devoted to outdoor games is steadily growing. Normally, during the third year of his life, a child will gain about two to three kilograms (that is, he will weigh 11-15 kg) and grow by 9-10 cm.

Height and weight from 4 to 5 years

The average weight of a harmoniously developed 4-year-old child, according to WHO, is about 16 kg, while a deviation of 2-3 kg up or down is considered normal. The height of a child of this age is 102-103 cm. By his fifth birthday, a preschooler will gain about 2 kg and grow by 7 cm.

Height and weight from 6 to 7 years

If you put a healthy six-year-old baby on the scale, and the screen displays a value in the range of 18-23.5 kg, then he fully complies with the standards developed by WHO. By his seventh birthday, an older preschooler (or a junior schoolchild) will become 2-3 kg heavier. According to growth standards, he will grow by about 5 cm.

Summary table with parameters from 1 to 10 years

For those parents who are worried about the development of their baby, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with the summary table of the height and weight of children, compiled according to WHO data. Here are the average height and weight values ​​for children of both sexes aged 1-10 years. The baby’s parameters do not have to correspond exactly to the values ​​​​given in the table - a deviation of 2-3 kg and a few centimeters in any direction is considered a variation of the norm.

It should also be taken into account that girls grow rapidly after 10 and up to 12 years of age, while in boys a jump is observed at an older age - after 13 and up to 16 years. Girls gain height on average up to 19 years, and boys - up to 22 years.

Age, yearsBoysGirls
Weight, kgHeight, cmWeight, kgHeight, cm
1 9,6 75,7 8,9 74,0
2 12,2 87,8 11,5 86,4
3 14,3 96,1 13,9 95,1
4 16,3 103,3 16,1 102,7
5 18,3 110,0 18,2 109,4
6 20,5 116,0 20,2 115,1
7 22,9 121,7 22,4 120,8
8 25,4 127,3 25,0 126,6
9 28,1 132,6 28,2 132,5
10 31,2 137,8 31,9 138,6

Indicators for children from 11 to 18 years old

Indicators that are considered normal at the age of 11-18 years are distinguished by their wide range. This is the period of the onset of puberty, when global changes occur in the teenager’s body. Parents must prepare their growing son or daughter not only physically, but also emotionally.

It should also be borne in mind that following a diet for weight loss at this time is not recommended - a lack of necessary elements before the 18th birthday can lead to serious problems in the future.

The height and body weight standards for children are presented below.

Age, yearsMaleFemale
Weight, kgHeight, cmWeight, kgHeight, cm
11 31,0-39,9 138,5-148,3 30,7-39 140,2-148,8
12 34,4-45,1 143,6-154,5 36-45,4 145,9-154,2
13 38,0-50,6 149,8-160,6 43-52,5 151,8-159,8
14 42,8-56,6 156,2-167,7 48,2-58 155,4-163,6
15 48,3-62,8 162,5-173,5 50,6-60,5 157,2-166
16 54,0-69,6 166,8-177,8 51,8-61,3 158,0-166,8
17 59,8-74 171,6-181,6 49,2-68 158,6-169,2

Factors that influence growth rate and weight gain in children

Growth rate and weight gain depend on a number of factors. First of all, this is, of course, heredity. If the baby’s parents are short and have an asthenic physique, then with a high degree of probability the child’s body weight and height will be similar.

Scientists around the world are studying the factors that influence a person’s height and weight at any age. The most modern data say that the characteristics of the ratio in weight and height of children under five years of age depend not only on heredity and genetic predisposition, but also characterize the quality of life of the family as a whole: nutrition, climate, psychological peace in the family. If we touch upon the norms of height and weight of children, this directly depends not only on the physical development of the child, but also shows the characteristics of the life of his family.


Short stature for a child under 5 years of age may mean a developmental delay, indicate the presence of certain diseases, and indicate the child’s prematurity, which has not been compensated over time. Tall height is usually not a problem, but being too tall may indicate the presence of an endocrine disorder (a similar suspicion arises if the parents of a child who is too tall are of average or below average height).

Height rating scale:

  • Too low – medical help is required;
  • Low – it is advisable to consult a doctor;
  • Below average is a variant of the norm;
  • Average is normal;
  • Above average is a variant of the norm;
  • High;
  • Too tall.


Weight characteristics are less informative for the doctor and give a very superficial idea of ​​the child’s development. However, if you have low or very low weight, you should consult a doctor for additional tests.

Weight rating scale:

  • Extremely (very) low weight – the child is exhausted;
  • Low weight (underweight) - exhaustion;
  • Less than average is a variant of the norm;
  • Average is normal;
  • More than average is a variant of the norm;
  • Very big.

Height and weight in relation to each other

Height and weight in relation to each other are usually called the Body Mass Index. It is by this parameter that one should determine how developed a child is and how physically healthy he is. However, it is important to remember that BMI indicators for children depend on age and are very different from BMI indicators for adults.

What can be diagnosed by BMI:

  • Exhaustion in a child (treatment required);
  • Being underweight;
  • Having low weight (a type of normal);
  • Weight norm;
  • Increased weight (a type of normal);
  • Overweight;
  • Obesity (needs treatment).

Preventing excess weight and obesity

Excess weight is a problem for both children and adults. Recommendations for normalizing weight are the same for everyone - proper nutrition, exercise. Those. It is the lifestyle of the child and his family that directly regulates everyone’s weight.

  • It is important to make physical activity and proper nutrition a family hobby. Plan a healthy menu with your children and engage in active sports with the whole family.
  • Never reward children with sweets or junk food if they behave well or get good grades. Do not associate praise or punishment with food.
  • You should not force your child to finish eating if he is full.
  • You shouldn’t talk about healthy and unhealthy foods all the time, much less completely exclude sweets and delicacies from your diet. Such a ban can push your child to eat a lot of junk food secretly from you - for future use.

There is no need to remind how dangerous excess weight can be for a child. Therefore, it is very important to identify the reasons that make children overeat and choose higher-calorie foods. Often children, like adults, relieve stress and replace disappointments with sweets and other unhealthy foods when attention and support from adults could help.

  • “How to wean a child off sweets. A proven, safe and simple program" Teitelbaum, Kennedy. Everyone understands how harmful sugar is to health and how it affects excess weight, so this book will be useful for both parents and children. In addition, she has already gained many enthusiastic fans.
  • Book by Evgenia Makarova “How to rid a child of excess weight” will help you understand the psychological problems of excess weight and help your child cope with them.
  • Book by Smirnova, Kartelishev, Rumyantsev “Obesity in children and adolescents. Causes and modern technologies of therapy and prevention" is devoted to the whole range of issues of obesity in children and is intended for a wide range of readers, both parents and doctors.

Features of height and weight from 1 year to 10 years

Until the age of 10, a child grows actively. As with babies under one year old, it is now necessary to take into account many factors: genetic predisposition, the presence of congenital or acquired pathologies, possible diseases. The nutrition and lifestyle of the family as a whole is also very important. Metabolic features should also be taken into account.

Weight of girls by year from 1 year to 10 years. WHO data. Table.

AgeLow weight (kg)Weight below average (kg)Average weight
Above average weight
Heavy weight
Too much weight
1 year7 7,9 8,9 10,1 11,5 13,1
2 years9 10,2 11,5 13 14,8 17
3 years10,8 12,2 13,9 15,8 18,1 20,9
4 years13,3 14 16,1 18,5 21,5 25,2
5 years13,7 15,8 18,2 21,2 24,9 29,5
6 years15,3 17,5 20,2 23,5 27,8 33,4
7 years16,8 19,3 22,4 26,3 31,4 38,3
8 years18,6 21,4 25 29,7 35,8 44,1
9 years20,8 24 28,2 33,6 41 51,1
10 years23,3 27 31,9 38,2 46,9 59,2

The growth of girls by year from 1 year to 10 years. WHO data. Table.

AgeLow height (cm)Below average height (cm)Average height
Above average height
High growth
Very tall
1 year69 71 74 76 79 81
2 years80 83 86 89 92 96
3 years87 91 95 98 102 106
4 years94 98 102 107 111 115
5 years99 104 109 114 118 123
6 years104 110 115 120 125 130
7 years109 115 120 126 131 137
8 years115 120 126 132 138 143
9 years120 126 132 138 144 150
10 years125 132 138 145 151 157

Weight of boys by year from 1 year to 10 years. WHO data. Table.

AgeLow weight (kg)Weight below average (kg)Average weight
Above average weight
Heavy weight
Too much weight
1 year7,7 8,6 9,6 10,8 12 13,3
2 years9,7 10,8 12,2 13,6 15,3 17,1
3 years11,3 12,7 14,3 16,2 18,3 20,7
4 years12,7 14,4 16,3 18,6 21,2 24,2
5 years14,1 16 18,3 21 24,2 27,9
6 years15,9 18 20,5 23,5 27,1 31,5
7 years17,7 20 22,9 26,4 30,7 36,1
8 years19,5 22,1 25,4 29,5 34,7 41,5
9 years21,3 24,3 28,1 33 39,4 48,2
10 years23,2 26,7 31,2 37 45 56,4

The growth of boys by year from 1 year to 10 years. WHO data. Table.

AgeLow height (cm)Below average height (cm)Average height (cm)Above average height (cm)High growth
Very tall
1 year71 37 75 78 80 83
2 years81 84 87 90 94 97
3 years88 92 96 99 103 107
4 years94 99 103 107 112 116
5 years100 105 110 114 119 124
6 years106 111 116 120 126 130
7 years111 116 121 127 132 137
8 years116 121 127 132 138 144
9 years120 126 132 138 144 150
10 years125 131 137 144 150 157

Height and weight from 11 to 18 years

At this age, the spectrum of norms is very wide for both boys and girls. The time of puberty in girls is characterized by the appearance of rounded shapes, when at the same time boys are still short and small. It is necessary to psychologically prepare the child for the changes occurring in his body. At this time, girls are strictly prohibited from dieting.

The weight of girls is from 11 to 18 years. WHO data. Table.

AgeLow weight (kg)Weight is below average. (kg)Average weight
Above average weight
Heavy weight
Too much weight
11 years25-28 27,7-30,6 30,7-39 39-44,6 44,6-55,3
12 years27,8-32 31,7-36 36-45,4 45,4-52 52-63,4
13 years32-38,7 38,6-43 43-52,5 52,5-59 59-69
14 years37,5-44 43,8-48,2 48,2-58 58-64 64-72,2
15 years42-47 46,8-50,6 50,6-60,5 60,4-66,5 66,6-75
16 years45,2-48,5 48,4-52 51,8-61,3 61,4-67,6 67,5-75,6
17-18 years old46,3-49,2 53-62 49,2-53 61,9-68 68-76

The height of girls is from 11 to 18 years. WHO data. Table.

AgeLow height (m)Below average height (m)Average height
Above average height
High growth
Very tall
11 years1,32-1,36 1,36-1,40 1,40-1,49 1,49-1,53 1,53-1,57
12 years1,37-1,42 1,42-1,46 1,46-1.54 1,54-1,59 1,59-1,63
13 years1,43-1,48 1,48-1,52 1,52-1,60 1,60-1,67 1,64-1,68
14 years1,48-1,52 1,52-1,55 1,55-1,63 1,63-1,67 1,67-1,71
15 years1,51-1,54 1,54-1,57 1,57-1,66 1.66-1,69 1,69-1,73
16 years1,48-1,52 1,55-1,58 1,58-1,67 1,67-1,70 1,70-1,74
17-18 years old1,52-1,56 1,56-1,58 1,58-1,67 1,67-1,70 1,70-1,74

The weight of boys is from 11 to 18 years. WHO data. Table.

AgeLow weight (kg)Weight is below average. (kg)Average weight
Above average weight
Heavy weight
Too much weight
11 years26-28 28-31 31-39,9 39,9-44,6 44,9-51,5
12 years28,2-30,7 30,7-34,4 34,4-45,1 45,1-50,6 50,6-58,7
13 years30,9-33,8 33,8-38 48-50,6 50,6-56,8 56,8-66
14 years34,3-38 38-42,8 42,8-56,6 56,6-63,4 63,4-73,2
15 years38,7-43 43-48,3 48,3-62,8 62,8-70 70-80,1
16 years44-48,3 48,3-54 54-69,6 69,6-76,5 66,5-84,7
17-18 years old49,3-54,6 54,6-59,8 59,8-74 74-80,1 80,1-87,8

The height of boys is from 11 to 18 years. WHO data. Table.

AgeLow height (m)Below average height (m)Average height
Above average height
High growth
Very tall
11 years1,31-1,34 1,34-1,38 1,38-1,48 1,48-1,53 1,53-1,56
12 years1,36-1,40 1,40-1,43 1,43-1.54 1,54-1,59 1,59-1,63
13 years1,42-1,45 1,45-1,50 1,50-1,60 1,60-1,66 1,66-1,70
14 years1,48-1,52 1,52-1,56 1,56-1,67 1,67-1,72 1,72-1,76
15 years1,54-1,58 1,58-1,62 1,62-1,73 1.73-1,77 1,77-1,81
16 years1,59-1,63 1,63-1,67 1,67-1,78 1,78-1,82 1,82-1,86
17-18 years old1,63-1,66 1,66-1,71 1,71-1,81 1,81-1,86 1,86-1,88

Features of puberty

  • Girls begin to grow earlier, from 10 to 18.
  • Guys' growth starts later, around 15 and continues until 18-22 years old.
  • The most intensive period of growth for a girl begins at age 10 and continues until age 13.
  • The most intensive period of growth in boys begins at 13 years of age and continues until 16.
  • It is hormonal activity that explains the sharp jump in growth.
  • The norms for the parameters of boys and girls, which are shown in the table of height and weight of children, are averaged, so it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the body and genetics.

If a child has very little weight or, on the contrary, is overweight, then it is necessary to look for the reason. It could be:

  1. disease;
  2. family lifestyle;
  3. daily routine (food, sleep);
  4. stress;
  5. the child's temperament, etc.

Bottom line

A growing child needs to be motivated; he cannot be “put on a diet” or forced to lead an active lifestyle. But we must remember that it is at this age that the dangers of developing various diseases, both physical and mental, arise.

  • From 1 year to 5: It is necessary to develop healthy habits from childhood. Correct eating behavior is established already in the first years of life. Offer your baby only healthy and nutritious food. Encourage your child's mobility.
  • From 6 to 12: maintaining daily physical activity. Sports section, active games on the street. Weekend walks. Encourage healthy eating.
  • From 13 to 18: Try to maintain healthy eating habits. Teach your child to cook tasty, healthy food on their own. Let there be only the right products at home. Maintain daily physical activity.
  • For all: Minimize the time your child spends watching TV and computer. Do not allow eating while watching movies or cartoons. Prepare healthy and varied food. Eat together often. There should always be a lot of vegetables and fruits at home. Carbonated drinks are harmful to a child's diet. Breakfast is very important. You can't miss it.

When you yourself eat right and exercise, and for you healthy habits are the norm, part of life, then you can easily make the life of your children healthy and active. Sports and proper nutrition should be part of life, the norm for the whole family.

But the most important thing is to love your children, no matter what their weight and height.

One of the first things you hear after your baby is born is his height and weight. This information is first entered into the child’s medical record, and it is also communicated to friends and relatives. I propose to figure out why exactly these indicators are so important.

Firstly, the height and weight of the child, as well as the circumference of the head and chest, help doctors correctly determine the condition of the newborn, suggest or exclude a number of diseases and pathologies. In the future, as the baby grows, these indicators serve as an indicator of the child’s physical development.

It is by the ratio of height and weight, as well as by the speed of development, that experts determine whether the sleep and rest schedule is correct, how to adjust the diet, and what physical activity will have a beneficial effect on the child’s body.

Baby's height at birth

  • The growth of a newborn at a gestational age of 38-40 weeks, as an important anthropometric indicator, can range from 46 to 56 cm. It depends on the blood flow of the placenta, the nutrition of the expectant mother, heredity, as well as the sex of the child
  • When assessing the condition of a newborn, short stature is not always a sign of poor development or prematurity of the fetus. For example, if the child’s parents are short, then the newborn may also be small
  • In addition, normal indicators also fluctuate for multiple pregnancies, in which children are born shorter and weigh less. However, each case is assessed individually by pediatricians based on general anthropometric indications and the physical condition of the newborn.
  • The ratio calculated using the weight/height formula (Quetelet index) is important. For full-term babies, the normal value is 60-70

In the first year of life, given the active development of the baby, height is extremely important for assessing health and nutritional balance. It is believed that the norm is an increase in height of about 25 cm per year. Here is an approximate table of height growth in the first year of a child’s life:

In the first six months of a baby’s life, its weight is calculated using the formula: weight of the newborn + 800 * number of months. So, if at birth the child’s weight was 3200 g, then at 4 months the weight should be no less than 3200 + 800 * 4 = 6400 g.

After 6 months the formula becomes more complicated. Now we add 400g for each month from 6 to 12 months. So, take the same data for a child of 8 months: 3200+800*6+400*2 = 8800 - the average weight of the child.

Important: Height and weight are important indicators of a child’s development, and if you have any doubts about your baby’s growth, share them with your pediatrician.

A baby is considered premature before 38 weeks. Naturally, the height and weight standards for such children are different, and further development also occurs along a different path. For example, the normal growth rate for a premature baby at birth is 35-45 cm.

  • Premature babies develop differently. Parents in such a situation should calm down and not rush events.
  • If babies with normal weight gain their bulk and height in the first months of life, then a premature baby begins to actively grow, catching up with peers, only after 3 months
  • This is due to the fact that the baby needs to gain the weight lost at birth (and it makes up up to 15% of the total weight) and gain weight to normal

The increase in height during the first year of life is about 26-36 cm, in the first six months the increase is 2-5 cm per month Premature babies not only differ in size, they have different physical and mental development, which frightens many parents, because the child begins to hold his head up later, later walk, etc.

Important: Remember, the baby will not lag behind, he will definitely catch up with his peers. Sometimes strengthening massage courses can help him develop.

Child growth chart: growth standards for boys and girls from birth to 18 years

Growth is influenced by many factors - physical development, nutrition, and a properly adjusted sleep and rest schedule is also important. In addition, we should not forget about heredity and the fact that each child develops differently.

Anthropometric centile tables will help determine the approximate growth rate for your child. They are compiled based on an analysis of the growth of several million children, as a result of which the average statistical indicator by age is derived.

It is worth noting that growth standards for boys and girls are different. Find the child's age and height in the table and see which column it is in.

Table of height and weight norms for girls

The norms include height, which is indicated in the columns highlighted in red. Everything that is indicated to the left: 10% is below the norm within acceptable limits, 3% is beyond acceptable limits. The situation is the same with the columns to the right, only in the direction of increase.

Important: If your child’s height and weight are in the extreme columns, consult with specialists: pediatrician, endocrinologist, therapist.

Table of height and weight norms for boys

How to calculate a child's height based on the parents' height: formula

Naturally, it is impossible to determine exactly how tall the baby will be, but it is still possible to make an assumption based on the hereditary factor. I suggest you familiarize yourself with the most popular formulas for calculating the height of boys and girls.

Height and weight ratio in children, tables

  • Of no less importance is the ratio of height and weight in a child, which reflects his physical development. Monitoring indicators over time will help prevent the baby from falling behind or developing obesity.
  • Even if your child is a couple of centimeters taller or shorter than his peers, or his height or weight does not fit into the age norms, you should pay attention to their ratio

Based on the above tables, you can make an approximate conclusion about the anthropometric indicators of your child.

Please note that you can also use a calculator to quickly calculate the ratio of a child's weight and height. You just need to enter your age, height and weight to determine your body mass index and developmental level.

Periods of intense growth in children: growth spurts

In the first year of a newborn’s life, approximately 5 so-called growth spurts are observed:

  • 1-3 weeks
  • 6-8 weeks
  • 3 months
  • 6 months
  • 9 months

During growth, your baby may become whiny and will likely have a significantly increased appetite and require more time and food to satisfy his desires. If you are breastfeeding your baby, you may feel like you are not getting enough milk. The main thing is not to worry and continue feeding. Your body will do everything for you.

  • It is worth noting that in infants growth spurts do not last long - on average 2-3 days. In addition to increased appetite, you may notice increased anxiety during these periods, the emergence of new skills
  • Sometimes a growth spurt may be indicated by sudden sleep disturbances - the child wakes up more often or does not sleep at all, or, on the contrary, may fall asleep unusually soundly and for a long time

After a year, the child gains weight and grows more steadily. The next noticeable growth spurt occurs at approximately 6-7 years.

  • You need to understand that at this age extremely important changes occur in the child’s body, among which the first place is the formation of the musculoskeletal system and strengthening of the skeleton
  • Pay attention to the child’s posture; this is the time when problems with the spine can develop. The average height increase is about 8-10cm per year

Important: During the period of 6-7 years, it is difficult for a child to maintain one position for a long time or to remain motionless.

The next major growth spurt occurs during adolescent puberty. In this case, it is impossible to guess at what age it will happen. In girls, puberty occurs at 10-12 years of age, but in boys it is usually 1-3 years later. Growth per year can reach 8-10cm, sometimes more.

  • A growth spurt is accompanied by hormonal changes in the child’s body, and secondary sexual characteristics appear
  • Moreover, the child’s body often negatively experiences rapid growth and weight gain.
  • A teenager may begin to experience seizures, headaches, and dental problems.
  • Hormonal changes affect the child’s behavior: he may become whiny or aggressive, get tired quickly

During this period, it is important for you to ensure that your child receives all the necessary substances and vitamins. Please note that during a growth spurt, fluid requirements may increase by up to 20-30%.

Problems of very tall height in children

You can read in detail about the reasons that influence a child’s growth, the factors leading to high growth, as well as recommendations for parents of a tall child

My child is short, what should I do?

If your child’s weight is much lower than normal, do not rush to draw conclusions, because it is possible to influence growth until the growth zones have closed.

Important: Before taking any steps on your own, consult your doctor - insufficient centimeters in some cases can be a symptom of glandular failure.

Factors that can affect a child's growth:

  • Nutritious food
  • Healthy sleep, properly regulated sleep and rest patterns
  • Sports loads
  • Favorable psycho-emotional environment

What height and weight can a child have, video

Weight and height tables and graphs are based on data from the World Health Organization (WHO).

Many factors and characteristics will influence a child’s height and weight. Every child develops differently. However, it is important to monitor and prevent developmental deviations in time. The tables and graphs provided on our website will help you determine whether the child’s height and weight are within normal limits. Under no circumstances should you panic or worry ahead of time. Perhaps deviations from the average values ​​are simply a feature of development or, for example, heredity. But one way or another, if you do not see positive dynamics, you should definitely consult with an experienced doctor!

Height and weight tables allow you to determine whether a child has deviations from the average values. The graphs on our website allow you to visualize the child’s physical development relative to the norm.

Historical background (WHO tables and graphs)

Since the late 1970s, reference development indicators adopted by the National Center for Health Statistics/World Health Organization (NCHS/WHO) have been used.

In 1993-1994, WHO concluded that the reference indicators used do not adequately reflect early child development and have many shortcomings. The shortcomings were very serious and this interfered with the optimal management of feeding of young children. It was necessary to explore new norms of development.

From 1997 to 2003, WHO conducted large developmental studies to create new curves for assessing infant and young child development. The study was called the Multicenter Growth Reference Study (MGRS). The total number of children studied was 8440. Some of them were excluded from the study due to illness or other complications. Studies were conducted on children in Brazil, Ghana, India, Norway, Oman, and the USA. In this way, it was possible to collect statistical data from countries with different climates, cultures and other characteristics.

During the study, the Standard Child Development Indicators were adopted:

  • body length (height) - age
  • body mass (weight) - age
  • body weight - body length
  • body weight - height
  • body mass index (BMI) - age

Here it is worth paying attention to the differences in the concepts of body length and height. Body length was measured in children aged from birth to 2 years in the supine position. Height was measured in children aged 2 to 5 years in a standing position. The final statistics for children aged 18 to 30 months take both values ​​into account. In our tables and graphs, we use the word “growth” for simplicity.

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