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Special gifts in Odnoklassniki. We give free gifts in Odnoklassniki. There are several types of alerts

We all remember how quite recently the social network was replete with free gifts for 0 OK. Now, as if it had been cut off, you will no longer find such things on your page. And here we have a question - “why did my free positions in Odnoklassniki disappear?” The purpose of this short article will be to answer your question.

New site strategy

It’s no secret to any of you that the site administration does not make any profit from freebies. Naturally, this state of affairs does not suit them. But that's not all. The fact is that when we send such gifts, we lose interest in paid ones, and accordingly, we don’t buy them, and this is doubly bad.

What do you think the marketing department did when they weighed all this? That's right - removed it free gifts far away. It's so simple, but there is one thing in all of this interesting point. Now we are testing the situation without them. This is a long-term process, and if it gives positive result, it will become permanent. But if such an idea does not bear fruit, everything will be returned as it was.

Is this bad?

Moreover, the price of 1 ruble is unlikely to scare anyone. In addition, in our opinion, gifts will soon return to the site, immediately after the loss from their absence outweighs the greed of OK. So we just have to wait a little.

What's next?

We have no choice but to either wait for the official free surprises, or use workaround options. For example, the OK Tools extension for different browsers is capable of sending any souvenir completely without money, but in order for everything to work, you need to install the same plugin to your recipient.

When sending gifts through OK Tools, you will not receive full effect from them. Unlike official ones, souvenirs transmitted using the extension are not attached to the user’s avatar.

Instructions for sending via OK Tools

Below you will find detailed step by step instructions for sending gifts on Odnoklassniki.

Download OK Tools
  1. Open Google Chrome settings and select [k]More tools, then [k]Extensions. We marked them with numbers [k]1, [k]2 and [k]3.
  1. Click on the item indicated in the screenshot.
  1. Enter the name of our extension in the search field and press Enter.
  1. Install the plugin.
  1. And we confirm the action by pressing the button marked in the picture below.
  1. As soon as the plugin is added to the browser, an icon (number [k]1) will appear on its panel. Now we only need to reload the page.
  1. Next, go to the user we want to please and under his photo click [k]Make a gift.
  1. We choose any lot, even the most expensive one, and click on it.

The administration of the Odnoklassniki social network is doing everything possible to ensure the convenience of users. However, there is one feature that not everyone likes. The social network is a commercial project.

To put it simply, many services in Odnoklassniki are paid. But not every user can afford to pay for additional functions. How to be in this case? Let's try to figure it out.

Gifts in Odnoklassniki

Today, “Gifts” are one of the most popular services on the Odnoklassniki social network. The point of this operation is to please friends and acquaintances. Animations and pictures can be placed in a special section of the user’s profile or attached to the main photo of the recipient user. You can attach an audio file or a small message to the picture.

You can also customize the visibility of your presentation: it can be public, private or secret gift(this option is available only for paid congratulations). If you do not check the box next to the “Private” line, then all unfamiliar and familiar users will be able to see who the sender of the gift is. Such an offering promises the recipient popularity among other network users.

Many of us probably want to become famous at least narrow circle of people. Users today use gifts for this purpose. In addition, recently the Odnoklassniki social network has made it possible to send secret congratulations. In this case, even the recipient will not be able to find out who the sender was.

What types of “Gifts” are there?

First, it’s worth considering what types of congratulations exist on the Odnoklassniki social network.
— Static pictures that can be supplemented with a melody or message. Such a gift will cost you approximately 5-30 Ok.
- “Live Gifts” - interactive animated greetings that can play a melody or a musical excerpt. If the picture sent to you has a green button with the inscription “Play”, then you have received a “living gift”. For this pleasure the user will have to pay from 80 Ok.
— “Gift Designer” is a special application created so that the user can independently create a greeting. The cost of such a surprise starts from 20 approx.

Before you start sending congratulations, carefully study the requirements for the gifts you like. Using the application " Desired gifts» you can buy gifts from real world. The price of such a gift will depend on the cost of the item you choose.

Section "Gifts"

Now let’s pay a little attention to the location of the “Gifts” section, and also consider how to use it correctly. First, you will need to go to the “Gifts” section. There are three ways to do this. First, you can try to find the "Gifts" link in the main menu, right under your name. Also to send congratulatory picture, you can click on the inscription that is located under your photo. This phrase describes the theme of congratulations that the site administration can offer you today.

Top with right side you can see a menu that will display the most popular gift. To send it to your friend, go to visit his page and find the inscription “Make a gift” there. Typically, such a link is located directly under the user's photo. To view congratulations that other users have sent to you, go to the “Gifts” section and click on the “My Gifts” tab. If you want to admire another user's gifts, open their page and go to the "Gifts" section.

It is located in the top menu of your friend's page. Now you know how you can send a gift on the Odnoklassniki social network. You can try this option in action. To do this, you will need to go to the “Gifts” section and click on any picture you like. As a result, a new window will open in which you can select the recipient. After you click on your friend's photo, a new window will appear in which you will need to write a congratulatory text.

You can also attach a piece of music to the picture. But what if you don't want the user to know who the gift came from? Then don’t forget to check the box next to the “Private” line. That's all! The greeting is ready to be sent. One thing worth paying attention to is important point: Attaching music to a greeting costs approximately 10 Ok. The cost of the Eye depends on the country in which you live. The type of payment also affects the value of the currency. The Oka exchange rate ranges from 90 kopecks to 1.75 rubles.

Now you know how to send paid congratulations on Odnoklassniki. All that remains is to find out how you can send a gift for free.

How to send a free gift in Odnoklassniki?

First of all, it is worth noting that the Odnoklassniki social network has both paid and free gifts. Many users will probably want to use the free option. There are two ways to implement it: firstly, you can use the capabilities of a social network, and secondly, you can use specialized applications. Let's consider each of the above methods in more detail.

For implementation this method You just need to look through the “Gifts” section. Free gifts appear here every day. In addition, you can insert all kinds of pictures and images into correspondence completely free of charge. To send an image to another user, simply go to the “Messages” section and click on the camera icon. Select a picture, write a congratulation text and send your surprise to a friend.
In Odnoklassniki you can independently earn “Gifts” and other paid services.

All you need to do to do this is install the special application “Odnoklassniki Moderator” on your computer. Here you can rate videos and photos that other users have posted. You will be awarded points for active work. You can then spend these points on various services. To activate the required service, you must use the “Auctions” section. Now you know how you can send gifts using social networking tools. But there are other ways to send free gifts.

We use specialized applications

Today, on many resources on the Internet you can find a link to a rather interesting program designed to send free gifts. Of course, you can install such an application, but you may be required to pay a certain amount for its activation. You should not trust such offers. It is quite possible that after activating the application, your Odnoklassniki page will be hacked.

It's nice to please others with gifts and to see a smile on the face of a friend or loved one. If you do not have the opportunity to give a present in person, make symbolic gift You can use Odnoklassniki. In this article we will cover:

  • Where to get free gifts and cards on the resource
  • How to install stickers and decals for yourself
  • Is there an unlimited gift limit on Odnoklassniki?

As you know, gifts in OA can be given not only to friends, but also to complete strangers. In the first case, you will cheer up and make your friend laugh; in the second, the gift will help you get to know each other and improve relationships.

As a rule, the resource periodically holds promotions and displays banners with the message that you can give someone a free gift. Information about this is located under the orange header of the site. Sometimes they write the name of the gift and its value. If you don't want to depend on stocks, this application will help you: exhibited here musical cards with congratulations on any topic. When you go to the site, you can select the gift you are interested in in the section on the left. This could be a congratulation on your anniversary, a happy wedding day, a gift with wishes Have a good day or health. Have you chosen what you need?

How to install free stickers and gifts on Odnoklassniki

By default, Odnoklassniki already has free stickers. To view all sets, open any message from your conversation. In the right corner of the input form, select the smiley icon. Here you will see the “Stickers” section. They are arranged in random order - thieves along with free ones. To select and install only free ones. Tap More Stickers.

In the window that appears, you will see a catalog with stickers. Scroll down. Gradually, “free” signs will appear. If you like the set, install it for yourself: click on the corresponding item in the set. Once installed, you can send the sticker to anyone. There are not so many free stickers, as you can see; most of the cool sets Odnoklassniki offers are by subscription. Subscription is an option that allows you to use the set for three days for free and only then pay for the service. To use the service, you need to top up your account on the resource with 80 OKs.

We wrote how to do this . If you don’t want to spend money, you can make money on Odnoklassniki, if you want to know how, read our article . After registering and paying for a subscription, you can send stickers from the set to any number of friends. If you don't have time to earn OKs, install the extension This program allows you to send stickers and gifts completely free in unlimited quantities. However, it is not installed on all gadgets and PCs. Since the main part of the resource’s earnings is advertising and the sale of gifts, the official OA website does not allow the appearance of such programs.

How to give free gifts on Odnoklassniki

You can give a gift in two ways: from the catalog page with gifts or on the recipient’s personal profile. Let's look at each of them. To submit from the catalog page:

  1. Tap "Gifts." It is located in the horizontal menu next to the “Notes” section.
  2. A free gift, if there is a promotion in OD, will be visible in the front row. Choose it or any other paid one.
  3. A field will appear in front of you with the names of your friends. If you have a lot of friends, use the search.
  4. The resource will offer to add a melody or write a wish. Once everything is ready, click on the “Give” button.

To send a gift from the user’s personal page, go to his profile. Click on the appropriate item under the icon.

Today, the social network Odnoklassniki is one of the most popular in our country. Moreover, a considerable part of the users here are not young people (as in most other social networks), but people of the older generation. Ease of use combined with functionality and a huge number of regular visitors allows you to comfortably spend time finding old friends whom you may not have seen for decades, chat with them, send postcards and even virtual gifts. Alas, not everyone has the opportunity to spend decent money to send surprises to friends. However, you can do without spending. Of course, many regulars of social networks would like to know how to give gifts for free on Odnoklassniki.

Most of them on the Odnoklassniki social network cost about 20 OK. But still, in some cases, you can please your friends completely free of charge. And this is much easier to do than it might seem at first glance. It’s enough just to collect bonus points, and to do this you need to participate in moderating photos of network users. You need to moderate user photos in order to accumulate points in your account, which you can use to pay during a special auction. They happen daily and continuously. With them you can purchase emoticons for several days, invisible status, the ability to give a rating of 5+, and also receive a bonus such as giving free gifts.

If you want to receive bonus points, you need to go to the “Games” section, where you enter the phrase “Classmate moderator” into the search bar. After this, you just need to follow the instructions that are detailed in the application.

When you already have enough points in your account, you will need to visit the “More” section. It is located directly below your first and last name. In the section that appears, click on the “Auctions” tab. Please wait until the free gift drawing begins. Now you can place bets and get the opportunity to give gifts to your friends without spending money. The auction system is completely standard - the winner is the participant who is ready to offer maximum amount points for a “saleable” gift.

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