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Wedding program script without toastmaster. Congratulations to the rest of the guests. Entertainment ideas for intimate weddings

If you decide to hold it without a host or toastmaster, then this scenario is perfect for you. But remember that you cannot completely replace the host and one of the guests must take on his role, otherwise your holiday will turn into an ordinary feast without a twist, but you really want this day to be remembered by everyone without exception! IN this wedding without a toastmaster, the main role in organizing the celebration belongs to the witness and witness.

Wedding scenario without a toastmaster in verse

The young are returning. They are met by mothers with a huge loaf in their hands, fathers with glasses of champagne, as well as witnesses. All the guests are already sitting at the tables waiting for the holiday.

Today is a special day for everyone. Young people, please come to your parents, they give you this with wishes for a long and stable life. married life, with wishes of success in your work, prosperity and well-being in your home. Break off a piece of this loaf. It is believed that whoever breaks off the largest piece will be the head of the house. Well, let's check it out!
The young people come closer, kiss the loaf one by one, and take it in their hands. Break off one piece at a time.

Accept also these glasses of champagne from the hands of your fathers. Like a sign of blessing. As a symbol of your couple's unity. As a wish that you never part. Well, when you drink, according to tradition, it is recommended to break the glasses on the floor, as they say, for good luck.
The newlyweds drink champagne to the bottom and break the glasses. Afterwards, everyone sits down at the tables.

Today is a special day for you.
How few such days are there in life!
You have chosen both for yourself
Your common path is of all paths!
And, if already assembled,
And everyone is in their place here,
Bride in festive dress,
And the husband is faithful next to the bride,
Let us start soon
Our common holiday, gentlemen!
A celebration of love that is ever stronger
It will keep you warm after a year.
Your hearts will be from now on
Always together - like two rings.
Try in the abyss of life
Don't break up until the end.

We wish this sincerely,
We wish that it is always spring,
Well, let love be endless,
So that she gets stronger every day.
Let new day that together, nearby,
Will be filled with kindness
And there is no need for unnecessary quarrels and tears,
After all, you are a mountain for each other.
To bring you prosperity and happiness,
So that there is only fun in the house,
So that from a thunderstorm or bad weather
You covered your family with an umbrella.
These words would go straight to God.
And now the first one is ready -
Husband and wife on their way
Only advice and love!!!
Everyone drinks to the newlyweds.

Now let's say
A couple of lines for guests.
Here's a lady in a white dress
And the man next to her.
So, is there a wedding here today?
Why are we all so silent?
After all, there is such a custom,
As if “Bitter!” Are we all screaming?
Or is there an error here again?
Let the people answer only!
Why are we shouting for the word,
When is the wedding?.. BITTER! BITTERLY!

Well, now, of course, I would like to give the floor to the parents, the people who guided the bride and groom from the very first days to this very place and will continue to accompany them further, despite the conditional separation. So, first the word (name and patronymic) - the mother of the groom.

The groom's mother reads the congratulations in verse:
I raised a son
He has now brought me a daughter.
I'll be there for you, darling,
Like a family, like a second mother.
I'm not an evil mother-in-law,
I won't drink your blood!
It’s wonderful for us to share a son,
After all, you and I are one.
You are diligent, beautiful,
Not angry and not lazy.
About your daughter-in-law
I know, everyone dreams of aunts!
In our family, dear,
Don't be a stranger to you!
Son, I want to tell you
My father and I will miss you!
You are the reward of our love,
Our pride and joy.
You always come first.
We'll give you to the bride.
Protect your wife
And love her alone
So that I never again
I can't blush for you!
So that I don’t see adversity
Beside you. Vice versa.
So that you are always in everything -
By the hand, one way.
And never a divorce!
Let's have a drink! Bitter, gentlemen!
Everyone shouts together “Bitter!” repeatedly.

Thank you for your wonderful speech. I think everyone present here agrees that the words are the same and (name and patronymic) herself as a person deserves a medal. So let’s solemnly present her with a medal with the inscription “Caring Mother-in-Law”, so that she has something left as a memory of the wedding, and so that she doesn’t forget her role.
The groom's mother is awarded the "Caring Mother-in-Law" medal.

It is an undeniable fact that for a father a daughter is a pearl, a unique miracle to whom he gives his love throughout his life. Without a doubt, it’s a pity to let your treasure leave home, but if love looked through your daughter’s window, loving father will never mind. So let's listen to the congratulations of the father of the bride. (Name and patronymic), please!

The bride's father reads the congratulations in verse:
The hour has already come
When it’s simple, bold – period.
You're leaving us here,
Dear, dear daughter.
Well, the son-in-law takes it,
There’s no arguing about that, right.
Good for everyone, no matter what,
Both support and fun.
I want to say, son-in-law,
So that I can take care of my daughter as I should.
And let it be soon - grandson
Or a granddaughter is a joy.
I want to wish you
So that you are always and together,
So as not to change later,
For the bride or groom.
So that the house is full of happiness,
For tenderness and care,
So as not to want later
Run from home to work.
In general, these are from me
Please accept congratulations,
And don't regret the day
Come once a week!
Again everyone shouts “Bitter!”

According to the rules of our today's celebration, the father of the bride is also awarded a medal. The inscription on it reads “Wonderful father-in-law.” Keep it and don’t forget such an important day for you and your daughter.
The bride's father is awarded the "Wonderful Father-in-Law" medal.

Now the word is given to the father of the groom, let (name and patronymic) say his firm word, give his son a real men's council and shake his hand, seeing him off to a long married life.

The groom's father reads the congratulations in verse:
My son... Are you leaving us already?
I'm glad I finally found it
Beloved that you hug,
The beloved one that he brought into the house.
We wish you only happiness,
Love and tenderness, children,
May all bad weather pass you by,
And the bitterness of bad days.
Look, she's already a bride
My dearest wife.
She needs a lot of space in the house,
And in the heart - completely alone.
Love her and try
Don't offend. And respect.
And feel free, don’t be shy,
Express your actions more often.
I wish you, dear ones,
So that you have everything - for two.
Have mountains of gold
And just spend them together.
So that general health was,
And the same blood.
But just so that you have enough
Let love strengthen him.
Share your wealth equally
And whatever you find - everything goes to the house,
To be thrifty, tenacious, gripping.
Then adversity is nothing.
And most importantly, always appreciate
Each other for many years.
It’s not a sin to drink for this,
Well, it's bitter again, gentlemen!
Again everyone shouts “Bitter!”

The “Caring Father-in-Law” medal is received by the father of the groom as a sign of love and gratitude to the newlyweds: his son and daughter.
The groom's father is awarded the "Caring Father-in-Law" medal.

Now, of course, I would like to hear congratulations from. It's no secret that this person, perhaps most sadly, is letting his daughter go to another home, to another family. After all, for every mother, a daughter is like a part of herself. As someone great said: “My son will marry and belong to his wife, but my daughter will always remain my daughter.” So, the word (name and patronymic).

The mother of the bride reads the congratulations in verse:
What can I wish?.. Dear son-in-law,
Now you are my son.
We accept you into the family,
Since we trust you with our daughter.
Just don't hurt her
Love, appreciate and respect.
Be faithful to her - only to her,
Give us children!
I would rather be known as a grandmother.
I want to live to see my great-grandchildren,
So that rattles and diapers,
Strollers, pacifiers, baby vests.
After all, my daughter has grown up a long time ago,
But I still want to babysit.
I will always help you,
Both daughter and son-in-law loved it.
I won’t be an evil mother-in-law, honestly
This role is not interesting.
I will try to be a support
And a helping hand from the ambulance.
This is why you love me
And come visit more often!
Again everyone shouts “Bitter!”

Thank you, (name and patronymic), for such touching speech. You, of course, will also be rewarded with a medal in gratitude for such beautiful bride and your love for your new son. For you today we have the “Caring Mother-in-Law” medal.

They are sad today - that's clear.
Although the eyes shine with joy,
Even though the wedding is all fun and wonderful.
No, no, yes, a tear will appear.
After all, how many years have you been with the young people,
We taught them everything, everything, everything...
The connection with family, with children is invisible,
And no one can interrupt it.
Let's not let them be sad
And together we wish them happiness.
Let us deign to shout together
They feel “Bitter!”, as if they were young again.
Everyone shouts “Bitter!” parents.

Well, as they say, it’s not a sin to drink on such an occasion! So let's drink to health and well-being, to harmony in the family. For the agreement not only of the newlyweds among themselves, but also with their parents. Be happy, gentlemen! Well, what can we say to our dear heroes of the occasion?! Of course…
Everyone shouts “Bitter!” and drinks to the health of the young people.

Let's relieve this sad moment with some fun. Let's check who is more self-possessed and experienced, who better life taught: newlyweds or their parents. The competition consists of wives standing at one end of the hall, and husbands at the other. Women must bring a full glass of vodka to their loved ones, with a cucumber on top, without spilling. The husbands drink it in one gulp, have a snack, and then take the women in their arms and carry them to the other end of the hall. Whoever comes first wins. It will be a little more difficult for the newlyweds, since they will have to compete twice: both with the parents of the bride and the groom.
A competition is being held. By the way, you can also award medals for it. By the end of the evening, therefore, everyone will already have many awards around their necks. There will be something to leave as a memory.

Well, again this sweet word - BITTER!!!
The guests shout “Bitter!” for competition participants. Everyone drinks.

Well, now I will speak on behalf of our entire community of bachelors - friends (name of the groom). It is with sadness and sorrow that I must inform everyone present that today our friend and comrade, (name of the groom), is suddenly leaving our community. We have certainly suffered a great loss. Since during his single life, this representative of our native community demonstrated very enviable results and, without a doubt, was always in the forefront. But then, with great indignation, the leaders of the group of bachelors discovered that (name of the groom) very often visits the house of a certain (full name, patronymic of the bride) - that is, at ONE address every evening. It was at that very moment that we foresaw the end of it successful career in the bachelor community. Therefore, I, as a representative of our entire clan, with pain and sadness am obliged to present (full name of the groom) the Resolution of the Bachelors Community, which reads:
1. (Full name of the groom) is excluded from the Sacred Community of Bachelors due to joining legal marriage with a certain (full name of the bride).
2. We wish happiness and joy in family life to the traitor and his bride.
3. We order you to never forget your former comrades in a difficult battle bachelor life and during the breaks of how you (name of the groom) will carry your wonderful wife, come out with us for a beer. Thank you for your attention!
The groom is given the Decree.

Well, now, after all, dear (name of the groom), show that you have not disgraced our community, now we will play a little game, which, in fact, will show us whether you are worthy of this woman who is sitting next to you or not. Now the bride will go to the center of the hall and sit on a chair. Did you see how many different pins and barrettes the hairdressers spent on her hair? They say that girls only do beautiful hair if they want someone to mess it up later. Let your beloved's hair down, but there is only one rule: give a compliment for every hairpin. Come on, go ahead.
The game is being played.

Well, no complaints, the groom clearly showed himself at the proper level. All agree? And after such a sweet and have a fun moment You just can't help but drink. And what about our young people?!
Everyone shouts “Bitter!” The husband can be awarded the corresponding medal.

No less sad news is that dear (full name of the bride) is leaving the Federation unmarried women. I, on behalf of all members of the federation, am obliged ( of course, with tears in my voice!) read out our resolution. So we punish:
1. There must be a complete division of labor. At the same time, do not burden your husband too much: he earns money, and you must take on the difficult mission of spending it.
2. Protect your loved one from stress: it’s better for him not to know that your new the dress costs more than his laptop.
3. Always give in to him: learn to cross the street only where he likes, while leading him in the direction you need.
4. Promise to give him a child, provided that he himself will change his diapers.
The resolution is presented to the bride.

Well, now let's do another one funny game, which demonstrates all the joys of family life. Wives usually ask a lot of questions, right? In this hat ( the witness shows her hat to the guests) many questions that a wife can ask her beloved. And in this ( shows the second hat to the guests) are the husband’s standard answers, because a man’s answer can usually be predicted, right, dear ladies? So, I’ll ask the young people to come to the center of the hall, let’s begin!
The young people take turns taking out pieces of paper from their hats and reading them out. Sometimes you get some pretty funny combinations.
List of questions for the bride:
1. Darling, will you always carry me in your arms?
2. Sunny, are you going to give me your entire salary?
3. Dear, there will be coffee in bed in the morning, right?
4. Honey, you want five girls and no boys, right?
5. Bunny, will you wash the dishes for me every evening?
List of groom's answers:
1. Well, you say the same, my swallow.
2. If my salary allows it.
3. Only if you don't have a headache.
4. After beer and football with friends.
5. Dream, dream, my joy.
If desired, the list of questions and answers, of course, can be supplemented with your own. At the end of the game, the newlyweds can be awarded medals, something like “Marriage. Medal FOR Courage."

Now is the time to give gifts. Guests are your entrance to the stage.
The witness and the witness go around all the guests, each in turn says a toast, presents a gift, everyone drinks, the newlyweds kiss. You can also dilute this process with fun competitions and games.

Now we will also hold several games for the guests of our holiday! No one should be bored at a wedding, right? The first of them is “Know your wife by her knee.” We can hold it several times for everyone. To do this, we will need a couple and a few more girls among the guests. They all sit down on chairs, and then the name of the game speaks for itself. So please!
The game is being played. If main character He guessed right - he was awarded a medal.

Now there is a similar competition “Recognize your husband by his hands.” You will also need a couple and a few more men. I ask those who are interested.
The game is being played. If the girl guessed right, she is awarded a medal.

It seems like we haven't said one thing for a long time important word. Come on, guests, it’s bitter!
Everyone shouts “Bitter!” and drinks.

And now the time has come for our last rite. Everyone knows that there is one good tradition upon marriage as oath of the bride and groom. And if it’s one thing - official version vows in the registry office, then the vows at our evening will be a little more vital and memorable. Well, the first word is (name of the groom), as the head of the family.

I swear that we will live with you,
Golden until the wedding.
I chose my wife myself,
And I won’t give it to anyone.
I swear to be an exemplary husband,
And an excellent father for children.
I swear that I will be faithful to you,
But I won’t forget my friends either.
I swear that I will help
Wash and put away dishes.
I will wash and even darn,
I will teach children to stomp.
I will avoid everyone's quarrels,
You should give in more often.
I swear I'll take the entire salary
Give it to you if you suddenly need it.
I swear that I will be a miracle husband,
I ask everyone here - believe me.
And you, my dear, believe me,
Once you open the door to your heart.

Now we are waiting for response words from the bride to her beloved. The floor is given to the beautiful (bride's name).

My love for you will still be eternal,
Even after going through many years.
I swear that I will wait for you with my soul and heart,
Never betraying even in thoughts.
You know that there is nowhere in the whole wide world
So sincere, so pure words,
Like the ones I say. God is a witness
I want sweet wedding shackles.
I swear to always be faithful to you in everything,
Without betraying. And until the very end.
I swear that in old age I am already blessed
I will love you as before, as a young man.
I swear that I will wash the dishes for you,
And clean up your socks around the apartment.
I will cook your favorite food.
And I will never put you in a vice.
Look into my eyes and know from now on,
That I am yours not only because of.
And know that never, for any reason
I won't leave you. Together until the end!

Well, now dancing and fun await us all. And attention to all guests of the holiday - stealing the bride at this evening is strictly prohibited! What are the rules for?.. And again – bitter!!!
The young people kiss, everyone drinks.

A wedding scenario without a toastmaster was provided by Sabrina Privalova specifically for the site. Copying to other resources is prohibited.


Before you come up with a script, toastmaster you need to talk to the bride and groom or their parents if they are organizing the holiday. It is important to understand what the heroes of the occasion expect from the feast. Perhaps they want it in the traditional Old Russian style, with all rituals observed. Or, on the contrary, they are waiting for modern competitions such as male striptease. Also toastmaster It doesn’t hurt to find out how many guests and what age are expected at the celebration. This will help adjust the program to the requests of the main part of the invitees.

It’s better to write down the main points in the script right away traditional wedding. There are several of them. Firstly, before entering the hall or apartment where the feast will take place, the newlyweds must taste bread and salt on the threshold. The mother holds the loaf with a salt shaker on a tray with a towel, and the toastmaster offers to break off pieces of bread. Whoever has the largest piece will be the main one in the family. Then you need to salt the pieces and feed them to each other. So in last time The newlyweds have annoyed each other, now there will be only peace in their lives.

When the guests sit down at the table, the toastmaster should give the first word to congratulate the bride and groom. You need to prepare in advance two new long candles and one small tablet candle, preferably in a heart-shaped mold. The newly-made mother-in-law must light their long candles (the toastmaster helps light them) and at the same time bring the fire to the small candle held by the newlyweds. This is a symbol of two families joining into one, a very touching moment. After him, the toastmaster made the first toast: to new family, and when everyone has drunk, he shouts “Bitter”. In this case, it is better to search in advance or compose small funny quatrains in which the word “Bitter” will be written. For example: Finally, all the guests are assembled,
There is not enough space at the tables
But the piece doesn’t fit into my throat,
Because it became BITTER!

When the guests go to dance, the toastmaster, with the help of witnesses, can organize the abduction of the bride. She will be led away from the dance floor by a bridesmaid. When the song ends and the disappearance becomes obvious, the toastmaster shouts: “Help, the bride has been stolen!” Then the “mafia” appears in the hall (the role of the mafia is played by guests wearing dark glasses) and puts forward their conditions. The groom must either pay off or undergo trials in order to return his beloved. The tests are conducted by the toastmaster: he asks questions about the bride’s habits, for example, her favorite books, films, and so on. The bride's parents check the correctness of the answers.

During the wedding, the toastmaster can alternate congratulations from the guests (relatives come first, then friends, then colleagues) with games and competitions. The most popular entertainment at weddings involves dressing up. You need to find bright, cheerful costumes in advance and come up with general theme. For example, pop stars came to congratulate the newlyweds. Some of the guests can be dressed up as Alla Pugacheva (red wig, glasses, hat), someone as Verka Serduchka, someone as Boris Moiseev. One by one, they will appear in the center of the hall and “sing” to the soundtrack. And the toastmaster introduces each guest.

It’s better to start competitions with table competitions. They help guests relax and get to know each other. The toastmaster offers this option: the right and left halves of the table, accompanied by music, begin to pass kisses on the cheek from neighbor to neighbor. Whose side passed it faster drinks, the rest skip the toast. Among the competitions that are held on the dance floor, the “Zanachka” competition is very popular. Two are called married couples, the wives turn away, and the husbands hide five hundred-ruble bills in their clothes and on their bodies. Then, to the music, they must find all the stashes, whoever is faster. The toastmaster, of course, comments on all the actions with jokes and applause, engages the guests and does not forget about new toast after every game.

Video on the topic


A wedding celebration should be remembered for a lifetime not only by the bride and groom, but also by all the guests. Therefore, it is important to draw up a wedding script in advance so that the guests not only drink and eat, but also have fun.

A wedding is an expensive event, especially if the bride and groom have big needs. Increasingly, a host-toastmaster, as well as a DJ, began to be invited to such celebrations. The cost of the services provided is quite high. But there’s one less problem for the newlyweds; there’s no need to worry about how the guests won’t get bored during the buffet.

Save family budget

In order to economize family budget, you can get by completely. You should take the reins into your own hands and organize your own wedding “party.” To do this, it is important to remember the experience of previous weddings; most likely, either the bride or groom has previously attended a similar event. The toastmaster plays the role of a “regulator”; it is he who decides when guests should speak with words of congratulations, when they should start eating delicious salads, when to dance and participate in competitions.

Among your relatives you can probably find a sociable person who is not shy about speaking in public and will agree to slightly manage the course of the celebration. He must give the floor to the guests so that they congratulate the newlyweds and give wedding gifts. Between this you can insert jokes and jokes about family life, anecdotes about mother-in-law and mother-in-law. You can use table competitions: collect money for the unborn child in sliders, organize a ransom, hold an auction and put up a wedding cake as an item.

The evening needs to be organized so that during this time the relatives from the bride and groom’s side have time to get to know each other. After all, many of them are seeing each other for the first time.

Creative gift from friends and relatives

Friends of the bride and groom can be asked to prepare a creative number in advance. This could be a video about newlyweds, a remade song according to a given theme, a skit or about the getting married. All guests will appreciate such a gift from friends. By the way, they can also be involved in participating in funny scenes.

If one of your relatives sings or plays the piano very well musical instrument, then this could be one of the numbers on the evening program. The dance of young people to the sounds of live music is very touching and romantic.

Well received by guests funny competitions with changing clothes. Both the bride and groom and guests can participate in them.

Dancing until you drop

It must be remembered that guests should not sit at the table much. Because laziness awakens in a person when he overeats. From time to time, all guests should be invited to the dance floor so that they can have fun to the rhythms of fiery music. You can replace fast dances with slow compositions so that guests don’t get tired right away.

Modern ones can be very interesting, you can choose the most various scenarios, supplemented with exciting performances and competitions. But if the toastmaster did not come, then do not be upset; friends or relatives of the couple in love can always take the place of the host.

What makes a wedding interesting is not only food and dancing, but also exciting shows. You can invite creative teams that will make the holiday unforgettable. Some people choose gypsy ensembles, others like them live music, look great Eastern dance or vocal performers. But if such groups are not planned, you can create them from invited guests. This requires costumes and precise descriptions of actions for each character. Come up with several heroes who will come to congratulate the participants of the event. Create costumes for them, and at the height of the holiday, dress one of the guests in them.

Think ahead various competitions for guests. You must have at least 20 in stock various events. Some of them should be calm, some should be moving, and some should be demonstrative. At the beginning of the event, guests still do not want to get up from the table, so verbal charades will come in handy. Then it’s worth inviting the first participants so that others will be interested in watching; this part is often started by witnesses, and when the guests have already drunk a little, you can organize mass and dance competitions.

Choosing a wedding program can sometimes drag on for a long time, but besides this, lovers have a lot of problems. That's why the best option- pick up ready-made option script for a wedding without involving a toastmaster, entrusting the organization of competitions and entertainment program witnesses or one of the guests. Future newlyweds will have time for themselves, which will be very useful, because they will get all the attention at the wedding. Today we offer you a scenario for a wedding evening without a toastmaster for a small company.

Carrying out a wedding without a toastmaster

A well-planned home wedding can be no worse than a restaurant wedding with the services of a host. Carrying out a wedding without a toastmaster narrow circle can be very fun and now you will see it! Fun option We describe the small wedding scenario below.

From the meeting of the newlyweds to the feast

Guests gather early to greet the newlyweds. The path they have to go through can be paved at will. carpet. The meeting begins with a tasting of loaf - long tradition. Parents greet the newlyweds with bread and salt and invite their children to try a piece, dipping it in salt. At the end of the journey they will have to drink a common cup, thereby symbolically entering into new life, saying goodbye to the bachelorette. A cup of wine is given to newlyweds. First the groom drinks, then the bride, but not completely as a sign of respect for her husband. After this, the cup is returned to the groom, who drinks the glass to the bottom. The empty bowl breaks and the young people step on the fragments. Thus, they say goodbye to their old life.

What kind of barricade is this?
This is gearly, but not easy:
Step inbefore- family life,
And back- single.
Do you have a ticket?, Friends,
To the house
with the name "withfamily»?

The newlyweds show a document confirming their status - a marriage certificate.

Let me announce briefly - the document is in order!

Come in, hurry up
The wedding banquet is calling!
We invite you to a feast,
For festive hospitality.

Guests are invited to banquet table. The witnesses continue:

Positionyes,respectede guests, convenient, because the wedding iscelebrationlong!Take a closer look athave fun with your neighbor, with whom you cantalk, Yesyou are takinga prettier neighbor, behind whomwant tocourte. Men - for a snackpointcloser, and women - toalcohol. Todayeveryone's responsibilities- pour,beforepour, neighborsneverdo not deprive andOsebedo not forget. And nowopen the champagne!

The first toast for the newlyweds sounds from the witnesses:

We ask everyone to raise their glasses,
So that
honorthe beginning of the wedding,
Happylife for two!
So thatthis day is likebrightholiday,
Poured injoy to your home
And your life
inthe century will be decorated
joyand love!
so thatlove at dawn
Didn't go out
lafor many years,
So that barelyat the weddingwas"bitterly",
And in
your life - never!

The feast begins. In order to wedding celebration did not end with banal gatherings at the table, witnesses or other guests need to prepare banquet entertainment. The wedding scenario for the toastmaster is often oversaturated with toasts and congratulations. We focus on fun. These could be games and fun for a wedding at home, which can be done without the participation of a toastmaster. The portal offers you several interesting options. While the guests are eating, the witnesses can read out the comic rules of the wedding:

  1. Boredom is not allowed, jokes are allowed.
  2. You can't be sad, it's advisable to dance and sing.
  3. Look at other people's husbands and wives, but don't forget about your own.
  4. It is forbidden to swear
    Fight, argue under the table.
    If you've already had too much,
    So, go to bed and run.
  5. Not Creechat, don't swear,
    Don't climb
    cokiss everyone
    Neverdon't get angry
    souls have fun.
  6. If someone suddenly made a mistake -
    Behindtook the melancholy with me,
    Hand over quicklyin the refrigerator,
    For the cutlets to the cook.
  7. If before leaving
    On myself
    not yoursthings
    PRavYes, Thisno problem.
    We're seriouswe prohibit
    Yougo home then
    next to youwill
    Someone else's husband or wife!

After congratulations from guests or several wedding toasts according to the scenario of a wedding without a toastmaster, witnesses can read out the code of the newly-made family:

The husband must appreciate his wifeb,
Not to the left
Without tact
difficultmake do,
good laugh don't be angry.
After allnot in court, not a prosecutor,
On the charges
Don't be otherwise
after alla shame
And that's alleats a family dispute.
wife alwayson high
I must fulfill my duty as a woman
And husbandcaressfilledAndt.
Ambition, hints andatpreki
Any marriage
decreasingthere are deadlines.
Don't humiliate, don't
call me namesspouse,
and often it will betight.
Don't show superiority

But youyou don't expect any resemblance to a peacock.
Kohlpatience is running out
should be in use.
Don't make decisions
instead of a husband,
onlytogether, not for each other.
Ordersfor soldiersVat war,
Don't give it away
teamsyou're in the family.

If you prefer precise timing, pay attention to the European wedding script.

Competitions and comic challenges for weddings at home

It's time to dance a little. And so that the wedding does not turn into a disco, the wedding scenario without a toastmaster has several mobile competitions. A wave of fun is guaranteed! offers fun challenges for guests and newlyweds.

Stocking facial expressions

  • Participants: couples.
  • Props: stockings.

Women must put nylon stockings over men's faces while listening to slow music. Then, playing with the rhythm, slowly remove them. Men should act out the music with their facial expressions. Whoever turns out to be the funniest wins.

Money striptease

  • Participants: witnesses.
  • Props: money.

The witness hides money on his clothes in different places. The witness dances a seductive dance around the witness while looking for money. The found banknotes are given to the newlyweds.

Do not be angry

  • Participants: bride and groom.

The groom pretends to be angry with the bride. With her words or touches, she should make him smile. Tickling cannot be used. Guests comment on what is happening, which makes this competition even funnier.

Accordion toast

  • Participants: guests.
  • Props: a piece of paper and a pen.

Guests are given the task of coming up with one line of congratulations for the newlyweds and writing it down on paper. Each participant writes a toast and folds the sheet, passes it to the next one. At the end general congratulations reads like one poem.

Welcoming guests, the host thanks them for accepted invitation, introduces himself and informs everyone about the procedure for the wedding. Then he asks the guests to line up in a living corridor, holding bouquets of flowers above their heads; at certain intervals, he hands out multi-colored ribbons one and a half meters long to guests. Guests must pull these ribbons.
Immediately after entrance doors In the hall, the presenter lays out three decorative paper runners on the floor. One says “Matriarchy”, the other says “Patriarchy”, and the third says “Advice and Love”. The paths are laid with the inscriptions down.

Young people arrive. The presenter meets them.

Good afternoon, dear bride and groom, dear parents and witnesses! On behalf of all the guests, I congratulate the newlyweds on the happiest and happy holiday in their lives - a holiday of love! May it last forever!
Expensive …. (calls the young people by name)! Now you will walk along the corridor of honor, and the guests will surround you multi-colored ribbons. Let your family life sparkle with all the colors of the rainbow, let it always be warm, cozy and happy! Welcome! The young people pass through a living corridor, enter the hall and stop in front of the paper paths.

Dear young people, at the beginning of your family life there are three paths before you. If you go one way, the husband will be under his wife’s thumb; if you go another way, the husband will become the head of the family; if you choose the third, peace and harmony will rule in the family. Choose your own path, your own path in life.

To the music, the young people walk along one of the paths, the host raises it and shows the inscription to all the guests. The young people sit on chairs covered with towels. There are witnesses nearby.

And now, dear guests of the holiday of love, I ask you to prepare for the ceremony of congratulating the bride and groom.
Dear young people, they will bring it to you - know how to pronounce it.
Dear guests, the young people ask you for a glass of wine and a glass of beer. Accept the invitation, and give the young ones something to wear: on an awl, on a piece of soap, on a crooked spindle, on a spoon, on a bowl, on a stick, on a crusher, on pot tires...

To the music, the guests take turns congratulating the newlyweds.
The host introduces each couple or group of guests. Witnesses help place gifts and flowers. After everyone has congratulated the newlyweds, the musicians play a lyrical melody.

Leading (against the background of music):
I ask our young people to come to the bowl of water and commit wedding ritual"Washing". This custom came to us from hoary antiquity. It means that husband and wife must now divide everything in half. We ask the young people, standing on the same mat, to wash their hands in one bowl and dry them with one towel.

The “Washing” ritual is performed.

From now on, you have everything in common. You will have to walk along the same road all your life, supporting each other... And now I invite the heroes of our occasion, respected witnesses and parents to take their places at the central wedding table.

(after the young people, their parents and witnesses took their places:
Dear guests! Our young people ask you for festive table: eat bread and salt, destroy a loaf, salt on bread and a kind word, because the hut is red with its corners, and the wedding is with pies! The guests are seated at the tables.


I ask guests to prepare for the first wedding toast!
Men, please grab some champagne and get ready to fire the first wedding salvo in honor of the newlyweds.
I give a countdown: five, four, three, two, one…. hall! …. (The men open champagne and pour it into glasses.)
I ask everyone to rise and support me at the end of the toast.
Salute of cork rockets,
Crystal ringing
Sending congratulations and hello
Dear newlyweds.
May it always shine brightly for you
Happy life dawn,
May it always be sweet for you,
Well, today... BITTER!

Coming wedding feast. (At each feast, the host makes three obligatory toasts).

(against the background of music):
Good light parents' house... Wherever we are, wherever fate takes us, in days of joy and in days of adversity we are always warmed by warmth parents' heartsDear Parents, please stand up and look at your children! This is the happiest and most solemn day in their life, and this is your day, because the joy of your children is your joy, the happiness of your children is your happiness, their health is your health.
For you, dear parents!

The wedding feast is underway.

Friends, please fill your glasses. I propose a toast to the most honorable, most respected guests of our wedding.
Dear grandparents of the newlyweds, please rise so that the entire wedding feast can see you.
Your hands have labored for ten lives,
Your grandchildren were born under this sky.
You are getting old, your years are passing away,
But your grandchildren grow up over the years.
And now the day has come when your grandchildren create a new family, just as you once did. And in this family, like in a mirror, your youth and your happiness will be reflected. Years will pass, your grandchildren's grandchildren will wish their children peace,
health, prosperity, as you wish today...
Here's to you, grandparents! Many summers!

There's a feast going on.


And now I invite the bride and groom to their first a wedding dance. May the melody to which they dance always sound in their hearts, reminiscent of this wonderful holiday love and happiness. The dance program opens with the dance of the young people, to which all guests are then invited. This program can include a dance between matchmakers, a dance between a son-in-law and his mother-in-law...
Towards the end of the dance program, the leader gathers the young parents around him, hands the mothers bread and salt on a tray with a towel, and the fathers a towel.

(at the end of the dance program):
Dear guests, the hosts invite you to the table. Eat, eat, don’t get sad. Our bread is clean, our kvass is sour, our knife is sharp, we cut it smooth, we eat it sweet. The guests are seated at the tables.

Dear bride and groom! On your wedding day, your loved ones congratulate you - your parents, congratulate you with bread and salt.

Mothers slowly approach the young and hand them bread and salt.


Bread - salt is a symbol of fertility, love it, appreciate and respect the work of people, and let there always be bread on your table, and let it be in your heart, and let your heart be in the bread. Accept your parents’ gift and tell them a sincere “Thank you!” for the fact that they spared no effort and raised you, raised you to create a new family.

The fathers slowly approach the young people and tie embroidered towels around them (or simply throw them over their shoulders).

Well, dear guests, the bread and salt has been handed over. Now we need to find out which of the young people should be the head of the family.

The young bite or break the bread. Witnesses look and determine: whoever has the larger share will be the head of the family.

Allow me to read out the wedding instructions to our newlyweds...

The musicians are playing a march, the guests are seated at the tables. The presenter brings out the bunch balloons, which contain “tickets”.

Now our young people, together with the witnesses, will play comic lottery: who has to do what in family life.

The bride and groom will take turns piercing the balloons, and the witnesses will unwrap the tickets and read what is written on them.

A “youth lottery” is being drawn. To speed up the drawing, you can put two “tickets” in one ball.
Inscriptions on tickets:

1 Repairing, planing, sawing wood - I will do all this.
2 And if my friends call, then I’ll go to the restaurant.
3 I will be the master of the house.
4 I will go shopping.
5 I will read the newspapers.
6 Sewing and knitting is my destiny.
7 I will drive the car, but we will have to wash it.
8 I will wash the dishes.
9 You will do the renovations in the apartment.
10 I will iron the trousers.
11 I will sit by the TV.
12 I will chat with the neighbor.
13 I will wash the diapers.
14 I will cook lunch.

Leading (at the end of the lottery):
May God grant our young people good luck and luck! Let them draw only lucky tickets in their lives!
And again I propose a toast in honor of the bride and groom!
Dear young people!
How many hummocks are there in the field,
So many for you and your daughters!
How many stumps are there in the forest,
So many sons for you!
There's a feast going on.


And now I want to propose a toast that no one present will refuse. This toast is in your honor, dear guests!
Not only with soulful songs and fiery dances, but our land is also rich in sun and warmth. And today’s wedding became even warmer and sunnier because of your smiles. The bride and groom, their parents thank you, dear guests, for accepting the invitation and propose a toast in your honor - a toast to the friendship that our people are strong in, for wealth is not wealth, strength is not wealth, brotherhood is wealth!

The host invites everyone to a dance program, at the end of which the sweet table should be ready.
The wedding celebration is coming to an end. A variant of its completion is proposed. After the dance program, guests are seated at tables. The host invites the newlyweds and their parents to his place, hands them a tray on which six candles are mounted: four for the parents and two for the bride and groom. The musicians play a lyrical melody.

Leading (against the background of music):
Dear ……… (calls the young people by name)! Now your parents will light their candles, and you will light yours from their candles. We want the sparks of the family fire that burns in the hearth of your parents, who have lived in peace and harmony for many years, to glow with fire Great love in the hearth of your young family!

The lights go out. Candles are lit. The newlyweds and their parents, having gone around the guests, place candles on the central table, invite everyone to the sweet table, then say goodbye.

Wedding at home – great option! You are in a comfortable and cozy environment, the people closest to you are around you, and you are holding the hand of a person who is dearer to you than all the riches of the Earth.
For a wedding at home you will need funny scenario with competitions, taking into account the characteristics of the festive premises. If the apartment is quite large and has spacious rooms, then all the action will be concentrated in the main hall. If there are several small rooms, it doesn’t matter, choose a celebration format - a buffet. Place tables along the walls and prepare seating areas - sofas, armchairs for everyone. Use the rest of the area for dancing and entertainment.

When choosing a scenario, pay attention to the ratio of dance and table competitions: for a wedding at home, fun with the involvement of all guests, but preferably without leaving their seats, is better suited.
Connect the hands of the young people with a garland of flowers (Flowers can be made of paper)

As leaders in this scenario Witnesses for the newlyweds are chosen for the wedding at home. The apartment can be decorated with white bows, compositions of white flowers and sheaves of wheat.

Guests are waiting for the newlyweds at the entrance of the house with balloons and flowers. When the couple gets out of the car, someone shoots a confetti cracker over their head, and other guests can throw rice and coins. The groom carries his beloved in his arms across the threshold of the house. Parents meet a couple with a wheat loaf. The young people treat each other. Afterwards, according to tradition, for the strength of the marriage, the newlyweds are tied with a towel and escorted to the table with the words:

We knit tightly,
Fate will not untie you.
Step on the family path together, but smoothly,
To walk along it happily and well!

Everyone sits down at the tables.

The fanfares sound loudly,
In honor of best couple on the ground,
Beautiful round dance of smiles,
We are not afraid to get drunk with love!
Good gentlemen, handsome guests,
Drink from the glass to the bottom,
So that our young people are good
We were side by side from now on and always!

Guests raise glasses of champagne. The newlyweds drink from glasses tied with white ribbon. The feast begins.

Praise and admire you
We would like it endlessly!
We wish you a life full of miracles!
In the pockets of a ringing chervonets!
The ceremonial moment has arrived!
For our entire modest and cozy hall
Announce the words that bind

Convince your guests of your firm intentions!

Oath of the bride and groom

IN family life entering,
In front of parents, friends
In the presence of family and everyone
It is with seriousness that we declare:

I chose my wife myself,
I will treasure it like the apple of my eye.
Loyalty, tenderness and attention,
Understanding all the whims,
I want to promise
And I swear to fulfill my oath.
Taking the post of head of the family,
I will take care of food.
I will become a support and friend,
Your worthy husband!

I am getting married willingly and with joy
And I will address my husband with gentleness.
I will look after and please,
And the dinner is delicious to serve.
I will suggest smart thoughts,
I will not express my grievances
I promise to praise him
I accept the post of hostess!

Together: We swear! We swear! We swear!

To be inseparable
A friend without a friend is not complete.
So that the family lives in harmony,
So that naughty people are born.
Full wallet
Will brighten your every day!
About worries and worries
Let it be unknown to you!
Let's not be embarrassed at all,
Let's shout "Bitter!" to our couple.

Table break


Let everyone be surprised
Your love will last!
Parental blessing
It will seal the union for time to come!
From all our guests we give a simple wish
And at the same time, both affectionate and lively:
Let time pass and you grow younger,
And warm the young family with warmth,
We send you all the best and health,
For you festive toast let's lift!

Congratulations from parents

Witness: Dear newlyweds, you probably also want to congratulate your parents!
Response from the bride and groom.

Lighting the hearth

Witness: (to a light lyrical melody) I ask all guests to form a large circle!

In the center there are parents with newlywed children, and there the witness places a small table on which there is a single candle decorated with ribbons. The parents of the newlyweds light their candles and approach the couple.

Mother-in-law: A custom traces its history back to the beginning of time,
Newlyweds are given the gift of carrying fire.
To ignite the immortal, symbolic
Hearth of family - open your heart of love!

Receive the hot flame from our hands,
And hide it carefully in your heart.
Let the fire of love burn tirelessly,
Like the light in the eyes, let it glow unquenchably.
Now forever and henceforth in your power
Light the family fire on a small flame.

Both come up and transfer the light from their candle to the small candles in the hands of the newlyweds. Parents extinguish their candles.

Witness: Our ancestors adhered to simple wisdom:
Protect the sacred hearth of the family,
Don't meet with trouble.

The bride and groom connect the flames of their candles over the wick of a single candle. After the wedding, it is recommended to store the candle for the time being, and then pass it on to your children.

Witness: The sun visited you and gave you a piece of its light, promising you its protection. Keep this valuable gift throughout life, as a symbol of your birth, the birth of a family. Let's raise our glasses to the hot warmth and constant light family hearth(surname of the newlyweds).

Table break.

A wedding dance

Gentle sounds are heard in the distance,
The rustle of a dress, joyful laughter.
I predict the moment is coming
A charming dance of love!
I invite you wonderful couple to the center of the hall!

The newlyweds come out to the music and begin the first wedding dance. At the end of the waltz, witnesses shower the newlyweds with white rose petals.

As the wise people say: “He who has grandparents does not know troubles!” I give the floor dear grandfathers and grandmothers!

Congratulations from the older generation. Aunts, uncles of respectable age, or other relatives can go with them or instead of them.

Witness: I propose a toast to wisdom!
After all, for a grandson, grandmother is the soul, and grandfather is the mind!
Another 100 years and cheerfulness to hearts
We sincerely wish you!
What's going on, look!
Everyone sits silently next to each other,
And they drink bitter wine!

You just need to shout it loud
What is actually “Bitter!”

The guests raise their glasses.

Table and dance break

Round dance around the young

The couple stands in the center of the hall; the guests form a ring around them. If there are many guests, form a double or triple ring, then the outer ring will move in a different direction from the inner one. The host begins, and the guests pick up the last phrase.

U (the newlyweds' surname) at the gate
The round dance winds and winds,
The round dance winds and winds,
People are gathering.

Spring is red with flowers,
And the young with golden crowns!
The round dance circles and circles,
Blessings for the young!

The sun is rising in the sky,
Happiness comes to you as a gift!
The round dance circles and circles,
Blessings for the young!

Love has transformed you,
Don't talk back to your husband!
The round dance circles and circles,
Blessings for the young!

Dances, songs, wishes
Let there be no ending!
The round dance circles and circles,
Blessings for the young!

Issuing comic documents to newlyweds

Worthy of all the highest blessings of the Earth
A union sealed by the Sun and Moon,
And they witnessed it
One hundred thousand good angels
Friends, girlfriends confirmed
The parents installed the seal.
I invite the newlyweds to accept a certificate of commendation and honor!

The presenter unrolls a scroll-letter (can be stylized and made of birch bark), tied with a ribbon.

This birch bark certificate is awarded to young people,
Good fellow, and beautiful maiden.
For devoted, heartfelt love
What will happen to you for all eternity,
Yes, for mutual and personal wisdom,
Your choice is perfect!
You can live well, but don’t grow old,
And let the work and affairs proceed smoothly,
Let the darling children bloom and grow
To the great joy of grandparents,
Let your hearts shine with goodness,
You will meet the bird of happiness along the way!
And every year life will certainly be more beautiful,
And let your union be called a full cup!

The great French writer once said: “For lasting family happiness we need to look for and find outstanding qualities in each other, because love will not tolerate family squabbles.” Gold words! Friends, let’s raise our glasses so that our young people notice only the best sides in each other!

Table and musical break. Those who wish take to the dance floor.

Dance game "Dancing Hearts"

Witness: I invite the most beautiful and the smartest to the dance floor! The names of famous couples are written on these hearts, among them you will find Orpheus and Eurydice, Tristan and Isolde, Gray and Assol and many others. Your task is to find your soul mate, and then everyone dances! Whoever performs all the dances becomes an honorary winner! (After everyone finds each other, a medley of famous melodies is played: sirtaki, chardash, seven-forty, gypsy girl, rock and roll, dance of the little ducklings).

The Order of “Dancing Hearts” is solemnly awarded to the couple (names).

Parents' thanksgiving


Newlyweds, I invite you to say words of gratitude to the most important, most worthy people in your destiny - to your parents!

Show video greetings to parents. Afterwards, the newlyweds give lush bouquets to their mother-in-law and mother-in-law and gifts.

Fortune telling with guests

Witness: I invite the groom to the center of the room! We need the lucky hand of the chosen one of Fate, who managed to make happiness for himself!

The groom is served a ritual plant " Money Tree", the branches of which are decorated with small colored ribbons, and notes with predictions are tied to the ribbons.

Groom: Who is brave, come to us
I'll give you a sign for the future!
Only for seven guests
There is news in store here!

Seven volunteers come out.

Fortune cards:

  • This is the fate that awaits you - You will now read a ditty in honor of the newlyweds!
  • For you, the answer is: Write a couple of poems!
  • It’s not in vain that you were prophesied to play a joke. Everyone knows you are a wonderful actor!
  • The answer comes to you from the branches, You will sing like a nightingale!
  • This is a prediction, listen. You must eat three slices of lemon!
  • Providence sends you advice - Today this guest will give us a toast!
  • Now you will find out your fate: You will tell us a riddle!

During the prank, the bride is kidnapped: she is quietly taken to another room.

Bride kidnapping

Now you will need the help of three guests. They are dressed up as the Serpent Gorynych: all three are dressed in a huge shirt, a cardboard tail is attached, a hat is put on one head, a smoking pipe is given to another, and sunglasses are given to the third.

Once the groom realizes that the bride is missing, the witness calls the kidnapper to come out and announce his terms.

Witness: Eh, Zmey Gorynych, what kind of mess have you created? It's such a holiday and fun! And you kidnapped the bride!

Dragon(the heads start talking and interrupt each other): I mean, I didn’t think of anything like that! I’m dying of boredom, you know, I’m bored! In my fairy tales, all the princesses are the same! Mortal boredom! Everyone will get tired of it! So I found myself a new beauty

Witness: Zmey Gorynych, and if we amuse you and amuse you well, then maybe you will give us the beautiful maiden?

Dragon: Uh, you won’t succeed!

Witness: Well, we'll see about that now! Tell me what do you like? What will lift your spirits?

Head in a hat:
— I am a ballet connoisseur!
Head with glasses:
- What a ballet! Cool rap is what will dispel any boredom!
Head with tube: What kind of tastes do you have? There is nothing better than love poetry! This will make me happy!

Witness: What a mix of genres! How, the groom, is he ready to save his beloved? Let your friends support you!
For ballet, prepare in advance simple skirts made of white rigid mesh. The song “Dance of the Little Swans” is stylized as a rap song. For the groom - a cap with wide nose and a text prepared in advance, or the groom composes a rap on the go. Friends dance, the groom raps expressively.

Dragon(dreamy): What a sight for sore eyes! Clear rap! Top class dance! I give in and capitulate! I'm giving away your bride!

For the daring groom,
Don't miss it for your friends
Three times “Hurray!”
Yes, a dashing glass for anyone!

The guests raise their glasses.

Guests, guests, gentlemen!
Well, it's time to stretch your sides!
Get out on the dance floor
Dance rock and roll!

Dance break

Throwing a bouquet

If desired, you can carry out classic version with bouquet toss unmarried girlfriends. This scenario offers an idea of ​​a different nature.

Witness: The beautiful bride is invited to the dance floor! And also all the girlfriends who dream about the prince-groom! Organize a girl's round dance!

The bride is given a crown and blindfolded. Friends dance in circles to the music. Suddenly the melody stops, the bride puts the crown on the head of her friend who is in front of her.

Cutting the wedding cake

Witness: Dear friends, in a few seconds a real culinary miracle will appear in front of you! Dear newlyweds, cut the first piece for yourself!

The newlyweds cut a piece together and serve it to each other from a spoon.

Witness: And now the sweet auction begins! Guests can exchange a gift for a treasured piece, and poetry, dances and songs are also included in the settlement currency! I ask the youngest guests of the evening to take part first!

A fun cake sale begins.

End of the celebration

Dear (names of the newlyweds)!
We call you husband and wife!
So on the latest tradition it's time!
We will quietly remove the veil from the bride,
And despite silent protests
We will cover our heads with a home scarf.
We give the veil to mom for safekeeping.

The bride's mother accepts the veil, and the mother-in-law ties a scarf on her head.

The candles on the table are quietly going out,
The evening ends with its run-up.
You will freely step on your path.
You have to walk on it foot to foot.

And we are both support and help for you,
We wish you never to lose heart!
To come down from heaven on you
Radiant grace!

Witness: Always be close to each other
And in joy, and in happiness, and in trouble.

And to cement the union
Easily blow out the candles on the table!

Props for a wedding

  • Balloons, flowers, firecrackers;
  • Wedding loaf, towel;
  • 4 small candles and 1 large single candle;
  • A certificate of honor issued in the form of a scroll;
  • Competitions: paper hearts with couples' names, comic order"Dancing Hearts" decorated with "Money Tree" notes;
  • Video greetings and gifts to parents;
  • Snake Gorynych costume, ballet tutus, love rap text, crown.

Home wedding video

Of course, a wedding is a solemn moment for the newlyweds, and it would be unforgivable not to film the entire event.

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