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What do toy terriers eat at 4 months. Important points in feeding the toy terrier. Switching from natural food to dry food

01/16/2017 03/02/2019 by Eugene

Toy Terrier, like the vast majority of other miniature decorative dogs, are famous for their capriciousness. Therefore, from the very first days, it is necessary to show a certain rigor and adherence to principles in everything. This is especially important in the matter of feeding.

A well-designed diet will allow you to grow a healthy and strong dog from a puppy. This statement is also true for the host yorkshire terrier. In general, both of these breeds require similar handling. If you have no real experience in raising such a dog, you should definitely seek the advice of specialists.

At present, it has become extremely fashionable for the representatives of the weaker sex to acquire miniature dogs. However, the problem is that few of them realize that such babies are often more troublesome than, for example, with the Dogue de Bordeaux.

The Toy Terrier has deservedly been called a pocket breed. On average, one individual rarely gains a mass of more than 3 kilograms. At the same time, growth at the withers practically does not exceed 28 centimeters.

At the same time, we should not forget: all terriers, including that (or Jack Russell, Amstaff, etc.), regardless of size, are distinguished by excellent fighting ability. They are always ready to rush to protect the owner.

We should not forget that, unlike its large relatives (for example, the Russian black terrier), it has extremely fragile bones. For this reason, it is important to be very careful with them and not allow them to flirt.

How to feed

First of all, you need to make it clear to yourself once and for all - food from the master's table should not fall into the dog's bowl.

Also, under no circumstances should a toy terrier be given any minced meat:

  • meat;
  • fish;
  • chicken.

Lean veal or beef cut only small pieces, as they say, one tooth.

Also, a 2- or 3-month-old puppy, as well as an adult dog, cannot eat:

  • sweets (both store-bought and homemade);
  • sausages (and any salty foods)
  • pork;
  • river fish.

Only the puppy who is fed according to the schedule will later become healthy, strong and non-capricious.

How many times do puppies need to eat? It all depends on their age:

  • up to two months required frequent feeding- up to 6 times a day;
  • A 3-month-old baby is transferred to five meals a day;
  • from 4 to 10 - food is given four times;
  • then switch to double mode.

In the latter case, they feed in the morning and in the evening.


Puppy diet should be primarily balanced. It must contain:

  • carbohydrates;
  • proteins;
  • fats.

However, only the most fresh food may fall into his bowl. If the puppy left some food, it must be taken away. This will avoid stomach problems and, importantly, will be an important educational moment.

It is important not to forget - unlike humans, the dog does not need any flavors, so there is no need for food:

  • salt;
  • season with various spices, etc.

In a separate bowl, the puppy should always have the most fresh water. She needs to at least change twice a day. Waiting for him to drink it all is unacceptable - very often dogs refuse contaminated or stale water.

Puppies need vitamins and minerals to grow. They are not contained in sufficient quantities in the products, for this reason, various complexes produced specifically for dogs should be used. They are easy to buy in a veterinary pharmacy. It is important here to strictly follow the dosages indicated in the instructions - an excess of vitamins is no better than a deficiency.

What is the right way to feed a toy terrier puppy? Perhaps this will surprise many, but this breed comes from a wolf, which means that by nature its representatives have a great appetite.

To saturate the ward, the emphasis should be on meat in nutrition. It should make up at least 45 percent of the total diet. There will be no trouble if its share is increased even more, to the detriment of carbohydrates. Dogs have a unique ability - their body can produce many of the missing useful material on one's own.

As practice shows, toy terriers are very fond of offal. Their favourites:

  • heart;
  • liver.

However, the latter should not be given often - it contains a lot of vitamin A and its excess in a negative way affects the state of the musculoskeletal system.

How to process meat? boil until fully prepared no need. It is finely chopped and steamed with boiling water.

Sometimes you can give plant foods:

  • carrot;
  • apples;
  • zucchini.

Fish for food is suitable exclusively for sea and only in the form of fillets. It can be served fresh or boiled.

You can also cook porridge for puppies from the following cereals:

  • hercules;
  • wheat.

With rice, you need to be extremely careful and it is better to refuse it altogether.

Lactic products:

  • kefir;
  • cottage cheese;
  • yogurt.

A puppy is sometimes allowed to feed fresh milk, but it will not bring any benefit to an adult dog.

Feed or natural products

In reality, the opinions of experts differ on this issue. There are advantages and disadvantages to both options. For this reason, you should decide for yourself which method would be preferable.

If food is chosen, then it is better to buy it in reliable stores. You should not buy cheap options - they are more likely to harm the health of the dog. You should always check the expiration date.

It is also harmful to the puppy and unbalanced nutrition. Excess carbohydrates in the diet is extremely dangerous.

However, it is worth remembering that toy terriers eat a little, and therefore there is no need for them to save much on food. Thus, it is worth buying only premium food - their manufacturers care about their reputation and do not allow themselves to use poor quality products.

Economy class products are not very good - they noticeably lack proteins, and the cheapest fats and carbohydrates are used.

You can not buy feed by weight - so you will not be able to control the date of manufacture. In addition, an open bag is often stored incorrectly, and its contents quickly become unusable.

If the dog has an increased formation of tartar, it is better for her to buy dry food. Animals prone to kidney disease should purchase canned food or soak dehydrated granules before feeding.

Both of the above should never be given at the same time. prepared food. If they are fed separately, then it is necessary to select the products of one company. Such simple rules help avoid digestive problems.

Dog health depends on four factors: feeding, regular walks, hygiene, communication with the owner. Feeding is not in vain in the first place. Toy Terriers do not need large food supplies, but their diet should be harmonious and regular. Before you figure out what to feed your toy terrier, check out general rules nutrition and canine eating habits.

General nutrition rules

The dog must receive trace elements from food and nutrients in the optimal amount. The menu of a toy terrier depends on the age of the dog, its level of activity and size.

Feed your dog on a regular schedule. Don't give tidbits off the table between feedings and don't leave bowls with leftover food on the floor. An adult toy should be fed at least twice a day. Place water near the bowl and “refresh” it twice a day.

If you notice that your pet regularly leaves food in the bowl, reduce the serving. If he greedily pounces on the food and licks the bowl clean, increase the portion.

Remember - toy terrier nutrition is different from human. If you feed your dog with natural products, prepare separate meals for him, keeping the balance of minerals and vitamins. Prepare food with natural, fresh ingredients and store it properly. Do not feed your toy with expired canned food or offal. Rinse the bowl after every meal.

Track the correctness of the diet according to the condition of the dog. Have a shiny coat, clean eyes and mucous membranes, a good appetite and stable chair. Noticing negative changes in the appearance or behavior of the dog, contact your veterinarian for the appointment of tests and a special diet.

Feeding schedule for puppy and adult toy

The answer to the question of how many times to feed a toy terrier depends on the age of the pet. Ideal Schema feeding from puppyhood:

  • up to 2 months - 6 times a day;
  • up to 3 months - 5 times;
  • up to 4 months - 4 times;
  • up to 10 months - 3 times;
  • up to 18 months - 2 times;
  • over 18 months - one feeding per day is acceptable.

Observe the measure in the amount of toy terrier food. Feed him less if you notice protruding sides and a sagging tummy, and with protruding ribs, increase the nutritional standards.

List of allowed products

The diet of the toy terrier requires meat, vegetable, dairy ingredients, as well as cereals and fruits. The daily share of meat or fish should be 30% (but not more than 60 grams), acceptable meat and fish products for toy:

  • mutton;
  • beef and offal (tripe, heart, kidney, liver)
  • chicken (white meat);
  • sea ​​fish and seafood.

, after scalding it with boiling water. Chicken can cause an allergic reaction.

Vegetables are key healthy eating containing vitamins for the toy terrier. The optimal proportion of vegetables in a dog's diet is 25%. You can include in the menu:

  • cabbage;
  • carrot;
  • tomatoes;
  • beets;
  • zucchini.

Remember - beets have a laxative effect on the body of small dogs, and tomatoes can cause allergies.

The share of cereals in the diet is 30%. It is permissible to feed toy terriers with rice and buckwheat on the water. Dairy products are better absorbed by the puppy's body. But you can also give an adult toychik:

  • kefir;
  • cottage cheese;
  • ryazhenka.

Buy sour-milk products with a reduced percentage of fat (up to 3%). Be prepared for your pet's possible allergic reaction to these foods.

Do not get carried away with berries and fruits. Beware of citrus fruits and think about what to give - a toy terrier will not notice the difference between pieces of a pear and an orange, and the consequences can be sad. Allowed fruits for a dog:

  • bananas;
  • pears;
  • apricots;
  • apples;
  • peaches.

The diet should be in an amount of less than 10%.

Periodically add to ready meals then two drops of olive or unrefined sunflower oil.

What to feed a toy terrier

Read and learn the list of what should not be given to a toychik under any circumstances:

  • pork meat in any form;
  • sausage products;
  • sausages, sausages;
  • raw fish;
  • smoked products;
  • fatty broths, mayonnaise and ketchup;
  • seasonings and spices;
  • cream and sour cream;
  • legumes;
  • sweets and buns;
  • fried foods;
  • raw eggs;
  • boiled potatoes.

Examples of menus and daily rations

When you decide how much to feed your toy terrier, develop an individual menu for your pet. Diet examples are shown below.

older than two months:

  • breakfast - sour-milk products, 1 tbsp;
  • second breakfast - rice or buckwheat with meat, 1 tbsp each;
  • lunch - a tablespoon of cottage cheese;
  • afternoon snack - repeat second breakfast + vegetables;
  • dinner - 1/3 cup of kefir.

From the age of three months, feed the toy terrier according to the same diet, increasing portions by one and a half times. Gradually reduce and nullify the afternoon snack. Menu for a four month old puppy:

  • breakfast - kefir, 2 tablespoons;
  • second breakfast - meat 1 tbsp. and porridge;
  • lunch - 2 tbsp. l. meat pieces and 1 tsp. vegetables;
  • dinner - cottage cheese, 2 tbsp.

Increase the amount of food and remove the fourth feeding. By the age of six months, feed your baby three times a day:

  • breakfast: dairy products, 2 tablespoons;
  • lunch: meat and porridge + vegetables + 1 tablespoon;
  • dinner: 2 tablespoons cereals + vegetables + 2 tbsp. meat.

Eliminate lunch from your diet by eight months. Feed your puppy twice a day:

  • lunch - 3 tbsp. cottage cheese;
  • dinner - 2 tbsp. meat and 3 tbsp. rice or buckwheat.

The best food for a toy terrier older than eight months is sour-milk products and boiled rice with raw meat and stewed vegetables.

Ready feed

To and avoid the time spent on cooking, buy ready-made food for the toy terrier - canned food or dry granules. The advantage of the finished feed is that it meets veterinary standards for balanced nutrition. Ready-made feeds provide disease prevention, are well absorbed by the body, are hypoallergenic and low in calories. Verified small breed dog food manufacturers:

  • Acana;
  • Orijen;
  • Arden Grange;
  • Royal Canin.

Make sure that the feed contains ingredients: three to five sources of carbohydrates (rice, oatmeal, flax seeds), two to three sources of protein (chicken, meat), vegetables and fruits, vitamins and mineral supplements, probiotics.

Hazardous components of finished feed, indicating a low quality of nutrition: yeast, flavors, soy, flavor enhancers, maize, corn, wheat, cellulose.

How to transfer from natural food

Avoid drastic changes in dog food. Having taken a puppy from a breeder, find out what he fed the dog. Ask how much to feed the toy terrier and at what time. Babies aged under one year old food is not changed.

Introduce new food to adult toys gradually and add lacto-bifid preparations to food. The scheme of changing dry food to natural and vice versa:

  • Divide the serving into 10 portions. Give 9 parts of the usual food and one of the new one.
  • Every day, change the proportion in the direction of increasing the dose of the new food - 2/10, 3/10, etc.

Keep an eye on your dog's stool - if it's loose, change to a different food or stop the transfer process. Lacto-bifid drugs are needed to facilitate addiction to new foods. They inhibit stress, normalize stools and maintain normal microflora. Types of funds:

  • lactoferon;
  • bifidum;
  • lactobifide;
  • zoonorm;
  • elvestin.

Vitamin supplements for dogs

toy terrier on natural nutrition needs vitamin supplements. Buy vitamins at pet stores. Types of supplements:

  • Vitry;
  • beophar;
  • AED - injection or oral administration.

Inexpensive analogues:

  • Gimpet;
  • Canina.

Essential vitamins and minerals in the complex: carotene for vision and immunity; vitamins B1, B6 and B 12 to normalize the function of enzymes, improve the functioning of the circulatory system; calcium, iodine, iron - for normal operation thyroid gland, red blood cells; zinc for coat health and prevention of skin diseases; copper for skin pigmentation.

Classification of vitamins and minerals by purpose:

  • for growing puppies and juniors;
  • for pregnancy and lactation bitches;
  • for the elderly;
  • for wool;
  • to strengthen bones and joints.

For vitamins for your pet, contact your veterinary pharmacy or pet store. If the drug does not fit, change it. Providing a dog proper nutrition in accordance with the regime, you will find a healthy and strong family pet.

Toy Terriers - decorative dogs, unpretentious and easy to keep, very mobile and friendly. Dogs of this breed are kept only in the house, do not require daily and long walks.

Predisposition to disease

Despite the grace and miniature size, toy terriers are naturally endowed with strong immunity and vitality. However, the disease can turn a baby into an emaciated dog in two days.

Toy Terriers are predisposed to some typical diseases, due to the peculiarities of their physiology and immune system:

  • problems with the musculoskeletal system, which is facilitated by the active and inquisitive nature of the Toychiks and the genetics of the breed;
  • tartar, periodontal disease, early loss of teeth;
  • tendency to allergic reactions on food, insect bites, pollen;
  • digestive problems - gastritis, pancreatitis;
  • hydrocephalus, eye diseases.
Most of these diseases can be avoided if the dog's diet is properly formulated.

Rules for compiling a diet

Health miniature pet largely depends on a balanced diet. The menu should contain all the useful substances in sufficient quantities: proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins.

The components of the diet for toy terriers:

  • 30-35% - proteins of animal origin (meat or fish);
  • 30% - cereal products;
  • 20-25% - vegetables and fruits;
  • 10-15% - dairy products.

For dogs of this breed, raw or scalded with boiling water beef, veal, sea white fish. Offal (heart, liver, tripe), chicken and eggs are also included in the menu.

The daily portion of meat and fish products is calculated based on 50-80 grams per 1 kg of pet weight.

It is useful to feed a toy terrier with buckwheat, rice, oatmeal at the rate of 30 grams per 1 kg of weight.

They add fresh or boiled zucchini, cucumbers, bell pepper, carrots - 50 grams per 1 kg of body weight. Tomatoes can cause allergies, beets are known as a laxative, cabbage causes flatulence, so these foods are given to dogs in small quantities.

To strengthen the bones and joints of toy terriers are useful low-fat kefir, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk (50 grams per 1 kg of weight). Whole milk is fed only to puppies, adult toy terriers manage with fermented milk products.

In the dog's access area, there should always be a sufficient amount of fresh, unboiled water. The food bowl is set aside for twenty minutes. If after the time the food is left uneaten, it is removed, and the next time the dose is reduced. If the dog licks the bowl to the bottom, looks into the face of the owner, asks for an additive, the amount of food in the serving is increased.

Approximate daily diet of an adult toy terrier:

Prohibited Products

The toy terrier diet does not include fatty, fried, smoked and canned foods. Prohibited pork (especially lard), minced meat, river fish, bones. Adult dogs should not be given milk and raw egg white. Do not feed toy terriers butter, fat sour cream, cream. The toy's body hardly digests starch, so potatoes are also excluded from the diet.

Legumes, barley and barley porridge are poorly absorbed by the digestive system of this breed. Do not feed the Russian toy terrier with pastries (especially fresh baking), pasta, sweets. Food with spices, preservatives, dyes, flavors can cause poisoning. Due to the propensity for allergies, the dog is not given probable allergens - citrus fruits, soy, as well as grapes and nuts.

For puppies

Newborn toy terrier puppies one month old They feed on mother's milk, receiving with it all the nutrients necessary for growth and development. From 3-4 weeks, breeders begin to gradually feed babies with milk porridge or special dry food for this age. Meals are fractional, six times a day.

At 2 months

At 2 months old, puppies no longer need breast milk. They receive food five times a day, drink from a bowl on their own. At the age of two months, babies can be transferred to a new owner.

At this time, in addition to cereals, puppies are fed with cottage cheese, lean meat, they begin to feed them with vegetables.

Sample menu for a two-month-old puppy:

  • morning: rice porridge with finely chopped boiled carrots;
  • second breakfast: cottage cheese with milk or kefir;
  • lunch: porridge from chopped milk;
  • afternoon snack: milk rice porridge;
  • dinner: raw meat scalded with boiling water with oatmeal.

At 3 months

Three-month-old puppies eat four times a day. IN daytime maintain equal intervals between feedings. In the evening, the baby is fed more densely so that he calmly endures the mandatory 8-hour night break.

As before, the main place in the diet is occupied by proteins - the “building” basis for growth, building up muscle mass and weight gain.

Fish is gradually introduced into the menu - a source of phosphorus, and offal: heart and liver. The range of vegetables is expanding.

At 4-5 months

Puppies are gradually transferred to three meals a day, while increasing the portion size. During this period, babies grow intensively and get better. Sample menu for this age:

  • breakfast: dairy products - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • lunch: meat with porridge and vegetables - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • dinner: 2 tbsp. spoons of porridge with vegetables and 2 tbsp. spoons of meat.

After six months

The diet of six-month-old puppies remains the same. At this age, babies are gradually transferred to two meals a day. Milk is removed from the menu, replacing it fermented milk products. Porridges are still milky with the addition of a teaspoon vegetable oil. Portion sizes are increasing.

complementary foods solid foods as the puppies change their teeth. Raw vegetables and fruits, as well as chicken necks, help strengthen teeth and proper formation jaws.

If a puppy begs for food from the table, which is typical of this breed, this does not mean that he does not have enough food. It is important not to follow the lead of a cute creature begging for delicious pieces from the owner. Accustoming to such handouts will lead to the fact that a spoiled pet in the future may refuse a full-fledged and healthy diet. As a reward, special bones or cookies for dogs are used.

For older toy terriers

Dog diet old age It is compiled taking into account all the changes that occur in the body after 8-10 years of life. If the pet has excess weight, shortness of breath, age-related changes in the joints, activity has decreased - it's time to take care of adjusting the menu.

With age, the dog spends less energy on walks, metabolism slows down. Therefore, first of all, the proportion of fats, especially of animal origin, is reduced. Now the dog's diet should be low-calorie.

In older dogs, the need for protein decreases. A large number of meat now adversely affects the kidneys. Therefore, part of the meat is replaced by fish and dairy products.

If the pet is overweight, reduce the proportion of cereals in favor of vegetables. To fill the need for vitamins, carrots, broccoli, zucchini are given raw.

Constipation - common problem in older dogs. To avoid it, some wheat bran is added to the feed.

Due to dental diseases characteristic of the breed, food for older toy terriers is crushed. The size of the pieces is made so that the pet can easily swallow them without chewing.

Industrial feed

If the owner of the toy terrier is a busy person, or he wants to be sure that his pet receives all the substances necessary for health with food, then the choice of ready-made food will be right decision. All proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, microelements, enzymes, probiotics necessary for an animal are contained in premium and super premium class feeds. Food and canned food brands Acana, Orijen, Arden, Pro Plan, Royal Canin, Hill's have proven themselves well. The daily norm of food, depending on the weight of the animal, is indicated on the package. When buying dry or wet food choose special rulers for miniature breeds.

Industrial food is introduced into the puppy's menu in the same way as natural products. Dry granules for babies soak warm water during the first two months.

Switching from natural food to dry food

The daily portion is divided into 10 parts. On the first day, the dog receives 9 parts of the usual menu and one part of dry food. The next day, the ratio changes in the direction of increasing the dose of the new product: 8 parts of the usual food and two parts of the industrial one.

Thus, the transition to new diet will be completed within 10 days. During this period, the dog's stool is monitored. In the event of diarrhea, the replacement process is stopped or another feed is selected. To facilitate adaptation to a new food, the animal is given probiotics to prevent indigestion.

Combined nutrition

Industrial feeds are balanced in composition. If natural products are added to such a diet, then the amount of proteins or carbohydrates may exceed the required rate. The dog's body will react with indigestion or allergies.

To avoid such problems, choosing mixed type nutrition, it is important not to give your pet natural products and industrial feed in one feeding. Break between appointments different types food should be 5-6 hours.

Vitamin and mineral supplements

When eating homemade products, the dog additionally requires complex vitamin and mineral supplements.

The composition of the complex for this breed should contain:

  • carotene - to maintain eye health;
  • B vitamins - to strengthen the nervous and cardiovascular systems;
  • calcium, phosphorus, iodine, iron, zinc - to strengthen bones and joints, proper metabolism, for a thick and smooth coat.

The proportions of the ingredients in vitamin complexes vary depending on the destination:

  • for growing puppies and juniors;
  • for pregnancy and lactation bitches;
  • for older dogs of small breeds;
  • to improve the condition of the coat;
  • to strengthen bones and joints.
Vitamin-mineral complexes are chosen for a pet on the advice of a veterinarian, taking into account the developmental characteristics and state of health.

A toy terrier puppy is a small creature that can cause tenderness in absolutely any person. Having got a pet, it is worth remembering that this is not a toy, but a baby that requires education,

Age of that terrier, in months Number of feedings per day Foods that should be included in the diet
1-2 6 times Milk, low-fat dairy products, cereals, lean meats.
2-3 5 times + egg yolk.
3-4 4 times + fruits, vegetables, sea fish.
4-10 3 times Low-fat dairy products, cereals, vegetables, lean meat, egg yolk, fruits, sea fish.
More than 10 2 times Identical to the age of 4-10 months.

How to feed a puppy of that terrier, 2 months old, whose age is - sample menu:

  1. Cottage cheese;
  2. Buckwheat with meat;
  3. Canned stewed meat;
  4. Rice boiled in milk;
  5. Meat with yolk.

What to feed a toy terrier puppy at 3-4 months

Along with the puppy growing up, the menu changes, at the age of three months, that terrier can have vegetables (zucchini, carrots, cucumbers, cabbage), non-exotic fruits, boneless sea fish. The number of meals can be reduced up to 4 times.

How to feed a puppy of that terrier, 3 months old - approximate diet:

  • Hercules with meat;
  • Cottage cheese with milk;
  • Vegetables stewed with fish;
  • Apple, meat.

If the owner is interested in what to feed a puppy of that terrier, whose age is 4 months, you need to know - the menu of the animal is exactly the same as for a three-month-old puppy.

What to feed a toy terrier puppy at 5-10 months

The diet of a toy terrier puppy, approaching the menu adult dog- the need for milk is eliminated. But fermented milk products are needed by an animal of any age. During this period, the dog receives food 3 times, and after 10 months 2.

How to feed a toy terrier puppy dry food

From the age of two months, a puppy can be transferred to feeding with dry industrial food.

However, not everyone knows how to properly feed a toy terrier puppy. prepared food. He must be highest quality, you can not mix natural food and prepared feed. When calculating the serving size, you should follow the manufacturer's recommendations.

Despite the abundance of food of various brands, it is forbidden to change them frequently and abruptly without a serious reason, this can cause stomach diseases.

What not to feed a toy terrier puppy

Dogs should not be offered food from their own table. A product that is important for the human diet can cause irreparable harm to the health of a pet.

You can’t pet food that is inappropriate for age - you should not feed month old baby fish.

Pickles, smoked meats, spices, fatty foods, including pork, sour cream, rich bread, and pasta are contraindicated for toy terriers of any age.

When purchasing a puppy, the future owner needs to think about whether he can devote time to the hygiene of the pet - you need to regularly clean the eyes, ears, cut the claws. As for nutrition, it should be correct, with a lack of time, dry food should be included in the diet, and not feed the animal with anything. The health of a pet is almost entirely dependent on the person.

- dogs of small stature, so their diet at any age should be approached with caution. Well, and the question of puppy nutrition is completely relevant.

Moreover, paint the menu small pet need literally for months. What we will do now. And we’ll make a reservation right away - we won’t talk about it, there are recommendations for each age on the package. Read also the article of an adult toy terrier.

What to feed a small toy terrier puppy?

What do they eat at 1 month

Let's begin with up to 1.5 months any age puppy must be fed mother's milk. But it happens that this milk is not enough or it is not at all. Then your pet needs to be fed.


First of all, pay attention attention that in veterinary pharmacies today there are substitutes for mother's dog milk. There are a lot of them, as a rule, these are dry mixes, which are diluted with liquid according to the specified recipe.

However It happens, What get such mixture By different reasons impossible. Well-known breeders and here recommend not to lose heart: substitute maternal milk can be made For little toy terrier on one's own.

Here are 3 recipes to help you get out of your predicament:

Blend #1:

  • 1 tbsp dry milk without sugar;
  • 200 ml of boiled cow's non-fat milk.

Blend #2:

  • 1 beaten fresh chicken yolk;
  • 0.5 l of boiled cow's milk.

Blend #3:

  • 2 tbsp concentrated milk
  • yolk.


It should also be noted that even if the bitch has milk, by 20 days puppies even small breeds already need to be fed. It should include the following products:

  • liquid milk porridge (try to start with oatmeal);
  • children's cottage cheese diluted;
  • finely chopped lean beef;
  • kefir with cottage cheese.

IMPORTANT! Many breeders believe that toy terriers can not be fed with any minced meat, especially in young age when the digestive system is formed.

If the puppy was not fed with homemade mixtures, which we talked about above, treat him with eggs at 1 month Not recommended.

Feeding at 2 months

It is at 2 months, as a rule, that new owners take the growing pets to themselves. Here you need be sure to take into account what fed the puppy after birth.

It is believed that the toy terrier is a capricious dog, and from unfamiliar food she at all may refuse.

Now they are slowly introducing into his diet chicken eggs. You can offer a puppy meat with yolk, toy terriers love this combination very much.

Recommended give ground rice cooked in milk, buckwheat with meat, cottage cheese.
It is believed that dogs of this breed prefer offal, you can introduce them into the diet, just do not give the liver.

IMPORTANT! The liver of any animals in the menu of dogs of small breeds should not be present.

Another immutable rule puppy food should not be salty or sweet. And even more so, do not give him what you eat yourself - your diet should be different, the dog is not a person.

It is believed that at 2 months of age digestive system dogs is finally formed in connection with the transition to adult food, and here malnutrition can harm almost your entire pet.

Nutrition at 3 months

At this age, your dog is not yet an adult, but not quite a baby anymore.

How to feed? Now into puppy feeding you can add vegetables - carrots, zucchini, even cucumber. You can (and best of all) treat them to a new family member in a stew with small pieces of meat. Try occasionally pampering him with fruits, but not exotic ones.

Give sea fish, however, in the form of fillets without bones. For some reason, puppies do not really like river fish, and it is not recommended to feed it because of the increased fat content.

Do not forget! about fermented milk products - dogs need it in any.

You can make puppy omelettes, but more than 2-3 eggs per week in any form giving is not recommended..

Little toy terriers like boiled chicken very much, but, of course, without bones, - tubular bones in general, dogs should not be given in any case, they can injure the esophagus or stomach.

Dietit should be well balanced and varied.

On the dog menu must be present:

  • fats; just do not overdo it - pork, for example, is better not to feed that terrier at all;
  • proteins; remember that they are not only in meat, but even in cereals; the lack of proteins in the diet will make the dog inactive and lethargic;
  • carbohydrates; they are especially necessary for a puppy to maintain immunity;

Useful video

Natural feeding of a toy terrier puppy. How right?

And always remember that the health of your dog largely depends on its nutrition. This is one of the postulates of canine science.

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How to return a Gemini man after a breakup How to understand that a Gemini husband wants to return
Being with him is very interesting, but there are times when you don't know how to behave with him....
How to solve puzzles with letters and pictures: rules, tips, recommendations Rebus mask
As you know, a person is not born, they become one, and the foundations for this are laid back in ...