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After the first kiss, what to say to a guy. After the first kiss you can determine the future fate of the relationship What she said after the first kiss

The first kiss is an event in life that you will always remember until you grow old. You need to know some “rules” that will help make this important event unforgettable. Some young boys and girls do not know how to kiss for the first time, what needs to be done to make the kiss memorable for a lifetime and to impress their partner in order to repeat romantic encounters and prolong the relationship.

Is the first kiss a problem?

It often happens that neither the girl nor the guy knows how to kiss. And that’s why they deliberately delay this moment. It would seem that it is easier for a girl: she follows and repeats the movements of the young man. No special initiative is required. You shouldn’t be ashamed of your inability to kiss: if a guy is smart, he will appreciate it and treat the girl with more tenderness and attention.

According to etiquette, a young man must show initiative and perseverance without shyness and brute force. And the first sign that a girl is ready for a kiss is a long look into the guy’s eyes. If a young man looks away or starts talking about something unimportant, it means he is not ready for this important moment.

In any case, always be natural, and if you feel the urge to kiss your partner and there is an appropriate romantic atmosphere, then do it and have fun. And you don’t need to worry too much if you don’t know how to kiss for the first time.

How to learn to kiss?

Many young boys and girls put off their first kiss because they don’t know how to kiss for the first time. What do we have to do? How to behave? What movements can be done and which cannot? The decision to kiss may come suddenly, but more often young people prepare for this both mentally and physically.

It should be noted that there is no real and clear advice on how and where to do this. You yourself will feel that the time has come for this exciting moment. The first kiss should be in a romantic setting, and it is important that you like your partner. It is necessary that no one disturbs you, and it is advisable that there are no witnesses. After all, not only the girl, but also the guy is worried, and unexpected questions or comments from others can ruin the first kiss, and then it will not be easy to decide to do it a second time.

Tips on how to learn to kiss for the first time include not only the kissing technique, but also preparation for this event.

You can create a romantic atmosphere yourself. For example, invite your partner to the cinema in the last row. And it doesn’t matter who does it first: a guy or a girl. It is the dark hall, the film about love, that is conducive to the first kiss. Only in the cinema can you often see a young guy and a girl kissing. Or you can kiss your lover or sweetheart goodbye after a well-spent evening together. At the same time, your partner’s behavior on a date will show you whether he is ready for the first kiss.

A guy shouldn’t ask a girl if he can kiss her: this will put her in a difficult position, make her embarrassed, and you won’t get a kiss that will be remembered for the rest of your life.

Preparing for a kiss

It is necessary to remember that a pleasant smell from your breath, as well as the aroma of your body, sets your partner up for a romantic wave. Therefore, it is important to take a shower or bath before a date and use deodorant, perfume or cologne with a mild odor. You should not take foods such as onions, garlic, spicy and fatty foods, or alcoholic drinks the day before. Smoking is contraindicated. You can use mints or chewing gum. But at the same time, you should not chew it during a date - this may discourage any desire, and advice on how to kiss for the first time may not be needed.

You can grease your lips with sugar to make them brighter and softer, and moisturize them with lipstick (this is a tip for girls).

If you are already ready for the first kiss, then you should also prepare your partner: you can talk to him gently, smile naturally, take his hand or hug him. At the same time, after looking into the eyes, you should not quickly look away. A sincere look can tell you that you are ready, and this can encourage your partner to take the first step.

The first kiss should not be too short or long. According to psychologists, the optimal time is 20-30 seconds. At the same time, you will feel a big explosion of emotions and get great pleasure. And there is no need to experience complexes about the fact that, supposedly, I don’t know how to kiss. Your feelings and mutual desire will help you.

What should you do when you have your first kiss?

If the initiator is a guy, then he needs to attract the girl to him, tilt his head to the side and gently touch her lips with his lips. Then, opening your mouth slightly, run the tip of your tongue across the girl’s lips. Then you can kiss the girl with just your lips without aggression or pressure.

A girl can also take the initiative into her own hands. This is best done when saying goodbye. You need to come close to the guy, thank him for a wonderful evening, look tenderly into his eyes and touch his lips for a while. The best thing in this case would be for the girl to leave quickly without delay in order to awaken the desire of a hunter in the guy: he will look forward to the next date.

You should not drag out the kiss: the first time a guy and a girl kiss no more than a minute. This is the time that is most optimal for an emotional explosion. Don't be alarmed if you salivate a lot: many people like it. During a kiss, the eyes close on their own: this is an indicator that a person is detached from the surrounding reality and immersed in the world of feelings. This also means that people like each other, and the first kiss is the beginning of a new, more vibrant relationship, which subsequently develops into love.

How to get rid of an inferiority complex?

Many people are afraid to kiss due to lack of experience communicating with the opposite sex and the fear that your kiss will not make the right impression on their partner. Don't be afraid of this. Even if you get embarrassed and make some awkward movement, this is not a reason to laugh at you. If your partner likes you and has sincere feelings for you, then he will be the one who will help you forget about your fears.

Books on relationship psychology will tell you how to kiss. A lesson can be taught to you by a good friend or a video. Now there are also many interesting articles about this important event.

What do you need to do to be kissed?

There are some more tips on how to kiss for the first time and what you need to do to make you desirable to your partner. Firstly, you need:

  • visit the dentist regularly to eliminate all problems (sometimes you cannot hear the smell from your mouth, but it is unpleasant for others);
  • brush your teeth not only in the mornings and evenings, but also before a date;
  • be sure to clean the surface of the tongue, as a large number of bacteria accumulate on it, which can cause bad breath;
  • the guy should be clean-shaven, and the girl should have her hair neatly combed and without provocative makeup;
  • A girl should not wear bright lipstick: naturalness is more attractive;
  • Friendliness and a smile should be your constant companions.

The first kiss is the magic of love

To make your first kiss memorable for a lifetime, you must:

  • kiss only the person you really like and whom you feel with your soul;
  • do not drink alcohol for courage;
  • do not succumb to provocations and kiss without desire just to gain experience;
  • A girl should not be the first to kiss a guy: it is important to set him up and show him with your appearance that you are ready for the first kiss (although exceptions are possible).

And you should remember that the first kiss should be with the one or only one for whom you have feelings. And it doesn’t matter whether the kiss works out or not. Still, it will be remembered for a lifetime, and you can repeat it with your loved one even a few years later.

First kiss. We all remember him. Some had it at an early age, others a little later, but nevertheless we remembered it for the rest of our lives. There are a lot of feelings and memories associated with this kiss: first love, first date, first boyfriend, first “serious” relationship, and first kissing experience in general.

A common situation: you really like each other, start dating, and sooner or later, as was bound to happen, one fine evening he took you home and, standing at the entrance, your lips closed together under the phrase “kiss.” And here it is - your first, such a desired innocent kiss, after which your head goes spinning and emotions overflow. And everything would be fine, but there is only one problem - childhood shame, which everyone has gone through. Are you starting to hide your eyes, are the thoughts in your head starting to slow? but you are confidently confused and the question arises by itself: “How to behave at the moment?” Let's try to decide together how to behave correctly with a guy after the first kiss?

Many girls, because they start to get nervous, can’t even really understand “whether it was a kiss.” Very often, this is due to fear of the process itself and its consequences. The very fear of the first kiss can be explained by comparing it with the fear of changing something, of learning something new, unknown before. But the state after a kiss is comparable to the subconscious feeling that you did something wrong, something unusual for you, to some extent even shameful, wrong. Fear that your partner will judge you. This, of course, is a normal fear; almost everyone is afraid of it. And it is because of this that different thoughts begin to swirl chaotically in your head, causing obvious shame and fear on your face.

First of all, stop being nervous, after all, you didn’t do anything criminal, this is all a natural process that had to happen, because it’s what our mother nature wants (let’s say thank you to her for this unforgettable moment). As soon as you pull yourself together and put your nerves far away, you will immediately begin to think more rationally and clearly. You will immediately perceive the situation much calmer and more adequately. Look at it from the other side - now you have something to brag about to your friends, and you also finally kissed for the first time, even if he (your boyfriend), as it seemed to you, doesn’t know how to do it (by the way, you’re talking about this you’ll remember it more than once later with laughter), but it happened. Therefore, “get your nerves out!” will be our first principle to avoid “post-kissing syndrome.”

Shame - well, as I said above, this is a natural process, by the way, the kiss itself is already over, which they will already be ashamed of, everything is done and everyone is alive. The worst thing you and your boyfriend have already experienced, why panic? Therefore, stop constantly hiding your eyes, lowering them to the ground, your boyfriend is not there - he is in front of you. After all, who are you ashamed of? Is it him? Stop it, believe me, he is ashamed too, support him with your gaze.

We sorted ourselves out, and now as for the guy. Immediately after the kiss, try to hold back your laughter. Wait for the moment when you find yourself at home and you will give free rein to your emotions; by the way, you will have the whole night for this (believe me, you will hardly be able to fall asleep). So, put aside the laughter, imagine what it will be like for your boy when you start laughing hysterically, I don’t think you will envy him. Put yourself in his shoes. It’s better to joke something, lighten the situation and smile, so you can relax your tense atmosphere together. And also, it would be nice to say some beautiful romantic words like: “this is our first kiss - I will remember it” or something else of that kind, you’re a girl, and as you know, we shine with imagination in any situation. I forgot to say, but finally stop rushing home, he will think that you are running away from him, and not at all from a kiss. Guys, despite their first or second kiss, are much calmer about this and because of your eagerness to hide from him behind the walls of your home, he may think something completely different (that you are running away from him, for example, because that he is, well, just a very bad kisser).

By the way, if, if your boyfriend already has experience in how to kiss properly and immediately after your kiss he made a remark to you on the topic that you are doing it badly. Don’t be shy, guys always like to show that they are better than us girls in everything. Therefore, confidently and boldly answer him something like: “nothing, with a teacher like you, I still have time to learn... so, everything is ahead.” The guy will take this as a positive compliment and at the same time here's a joke. If the guy remained silent, don’t even think about telling him that he’s a bad kisser (unless, of course, you didn’t like the way he does it). I hope you at least understand a little how to behave correctly with a guy after your first kiss. Remember, the first kiss is the best kiss. It happens only once in life and don’t spoil this moment with all sorts of prejudices and racking your brains about whether you did it right, and if he didn’t like it, I probably don’t know how to kiss. As they say, Moscow was not built in one day. If you don’t know how now, you’ll learn later.

In a word, after the kiss, behave calmly and measuredly. Never be nervous. First of all, I think it wouldn’t hurt to remind you that there is nothing wrong with this. Forget about shame, continue to do everything that you did five minutes ago, until the moment you kissed. Smile at your partner, try to talk about some other topic, thereby relaxing both of you and relieving tension. Completely distance yourself from what happened, don’t “hang” on it at the moment. Stop thinking about your boyfriend from the point of view that he didn’t like something or he judges you for something, or even worse, he changed his opinion about you. After what happened, he became even more interested in you, due to the fact that you became even closer to each other, and your relationship took on a completely different color, moving into a serious phase. Therefore, do not fill your head with stupid thoughts, but better, before going home, kiss him again to make sure that everything is fine and nothing has changed radically in your life. Relax, let everything take its course.

Every girl remembers her first kiss with a guy forever. His warm and tender lips, the touch of his hands, his intermittent breathing... And butterflies are fluttering inside and something is tickling in the lower abdomen. Time seems to stop, everything around freezes, and the couple becomes one.

But how can those girls who have no idea how to kiss properly achieve unearthly bliss? You can’t learn from tomatoes, like our mothers and grandmothers did. Of course, there are no clear instructions on how to prepare for such a delicate situation. But it’s better to be aware of all the subtleties and nuances in advance, so as not to get into trouble later.

How to mentally prepare for your first kiss

Firstly, you should not hope for a miracle, or raise your expectations too high. Many young beauties, imagining how the guy they like kisses them, paint rainbow pictures. It’s great if the young man is experienced in this matter. He will help the girl relax and show mercy when she does something wrong. But what a disappointment awaits young representatives of the fair sex if, instead of a gentle and flirtatious touch of lips, something reminiscent of a kiss with a camel occurs.

Secondly, we fight complexes and fears. If you know that your date will end with a kiss, there is no need to be afraid of it. If you tremble, move away, look to the side, it will not end well. Your boyfriend will think that you are indifferent to him or, even worse, disgusted. Smile, look into the eyes. And don’t think about the fact that you have a pimple on your nose, too cold hands or chapped lips. It is unlikely that the guy will think about such things at this moment.

What to do before a kiss

  • Get rid of unpleasant odor

Before you go on a date, be sure to brush your teeth. Fresh breath is the key to success. When you are together, try not to smoke or eat food with the specific smell of onion and garlic. Believe me, even chewing gum will not help get rid of such an aggressive aroma. And kissing a girl who smells bad, to put it mildly, is not very pleasant.

If you do go to a cafe to have a snack, use chewing gum or a special spray after salads or coffee. But you shouldn’t pick your teeth with a toothpick. It doesn't look nice. As a result, the guy simply won’t want to kiss such an uncultured girl.

  • Use chapstick

If you have rough or chapped lips, apply a small amount of lipstick to them before leaving the house. The main thing is not to overdo it with the amount so that your face does not become oily. By the way, today there are similar decorative cosmetics with different exotic tastes and smells.

As for glosses and regular lipsticks, caution should be exercised here. You don't want to come home with smeared makeup. Plus, guys don't really like kissing a girl with makeup because they're afraid of getting dirty. At such a young age, future men take this too seriously.

If you have chewing gum, candy, etc. in your mouth, try to get rid of it quietly. It’s not very pleasant when things like this get into your mouth during a kiss. At best, this will confuse the guy, at worst, it will cause disgust. Therefore, you should not test his endurance.

What not to do for the first time

You should only kiss the person you really like. You shouldn't do this to the first person you meet. This action must be deliberate and not impulsive. Since at such a young age it is difficult to understand whether this is really love, your decision may be wrong. On the first evening, it’s better to walk hand in hand, smile sweetly and say goodbye with a kiss on the cheek. And next time you can do it in French.

The first step is to choose a secluded place for a kiss. Couples who do this in front of everyone don’t look very aesthetically pleasing. Little children and elderly people do not need to look at such things. It will even be unpleasant for some. Of course, you don’t have to go into the entrance or hide in the bushes. But you can find a yard where there is no one.

Secondly, you should not attack the guy, trying to swallow him. Everything should happen slowly, like in a movie. First, the touch of lips. Then, if the young man answers, you can lightly run your tongue over his teeth. If you immediately move on to French kissing, all the charm will be lost.

And, most importantly: there is no need to move on to more serious actions. Jumping from the first kiss to sex is wrong. And even if your head is spinning and your knees are shaking, your heart is jumping out of your chest, but this is not a reason to decide to take such a desperate step. Everything has its time. Plus, you may really regret it later.

Also, you should not bring the guy to such a degree of excitement that it will be difficult for him to restrain himself. Unfortunately, young people in such situations can show aggression without controlling their actions. Therefore, you need to stop in time. Thirty seconds is enough for the first kiss. On average, this should take no more than a minute. And make sure that your other half doesn’t let go. The more you allow, the more brazenly men will behave.

How to kiss correctly for the first time

Today, there are many kissing techniques, ranging from a gentle and affectionate touch to a passionate and exciting manner. But remember that there is a time and place for everything. There is no need to try to be overly enthusiastic on the first date and play the embarrassed girl on the tenth.

You come close to your partner, gently hug his neck, look into his eyes. As you approach the guy, slowly lower your eyelids, tilt your head slightly and touch his lips with your lips. Touch once, then move away a little, as if playing with him. You can lightly touch his tongue with yours. We do everything without pressure or aggression.

This type of kiss symbolizes passion and ardor of feelings. It is better to switch to them the second or third time. So, hugging your partner tightly, press your chest against him. While kissing, make circular movements with your tongue, lightly sucking your partner's lips. The manifestation of imagination is welcome. Just don't make a tornado or a windmill. Guys don't like excessive pressure and fussiness.

Learn to combine the two previous kisses. First, play lightly with his lips, then go on a counterattack. Surrender to the will of your feelings, act boldly and decisively. The only thing is, you shouldn’t dig into your boyfriend like a vampire. Otherwise, there will be a bruise or bruise on the skin.

At first, the girl gently sucks the guy’s sweet lips, then quickly runs the tip of her tongue over his, as if a bee is throwing out its sting. Then he goes back to the tender kiss. Please note: you should not stick your entire tongue in to reach your tonsils.

A soft kiss differs from others in that during the process itself, the partners’ teeth are also felt. But be careful not to hit your significant other and knock out his jaw. So, when kissing, lightly stroke his teeth with your tongue, occasionally touching yours.

Lightly touch the guy's palate with the tip of your tongue, gently moving left and right, up and down. But do not press too hard as this may cause discomfort.

Fears at the first kiss

Both boys and girls are afraid of the first kiss like fire. A lot of extraneous thoughts are spinning in their head, they are afraid to take the first step. And, if one of the partners does not show persistence, even the tenth date may end with the usual “Bye” goodbye.

The most common fear is that a girl simply doesn’t know how to kiss. But no one taught our grandmothers and mothers this. And the older girls, who have been dating guys for a long time, were also once young and inexperienced in this matter. And, as they say, it’s never too early and never too late to learn. It's like riding a bike for the first time. Yes, it’s scary, but you don’t know how to control the steering wheel or turn the pedals. But with just a little practice, you will become a master of this craft.

The second fear is directly proportional to the first. The girl is afraid that the guy will understand everything and start laughing at the fact that she doesn’t know how to kiss. But let's look at this situation too. An adequate young man will react normally, give you advice or direct you in the right direction with movements. Plus, he will even be proud to be your teacher. After all, no one has canceled the feeling of ownership.

If a guy reacts violently, uses irony and makes jokes, then why do you need him? The other half should be a support, a person you can rely on in any situation. By the way, having become more mature, such a person will understand her mistake. But it will be too late, since you will be with a more worthy partner.

Girls are also afraid of being rejected. What could be worse if you kiss a guy and he doesn't reciprocate? Everything is simple here. See how he behaves around you. If he holds your hand, looks into your eyes, and does not allow you to communicate with other males, it means he likes you. Perhaps he is afraid to take the first step, does not want to rush things, or does not know how to kiss.

Still in doubt? What do you have to lose if you decide to do this? Come close to him, look into his eyes and kiss him. Gently, without tongue or biting. Then pull back slightly and smile at him. Wait twenty to thirty seconds. The guy will need this time so that he can come to his senses.

Young representatives of the fair sex are worried that they may not like the kiss. If you really don’t like this procedure, no one forces you to continue. Of course, you shouldn’t tell your significant other that the reason for this is bad breath or your disgust. Just try to switch his attention to another topic.

By the way, there is a category of people who simply find kissing unpleasant. Perhaps you are one of them. Therefore, you shouldn’t worry too much or think that something is wrong with you. You may prefer to hug your partner, hold his hand, and similar types of caresses.

How to choose the moment to kiss

Now the date is coming to an end, he sweetly says goodbye to you and is about to leave. And you want the guy to hug you tightly and kiss you. This won’t work, it’s time to act! The main thing is not to miss the moment. So, make sure no one is nearby. A nosy neighbor or mother can scare off your admirer. And, if you feel mutual sympathy, feel free to take the first step.

You can say sweet compliments: “Your lips are so tender, I want to touch them...” This is the very moment that you have been waiting for. Another rather interesting technique is removing an invisible speck of dust from your partner’s shoulders, while at the same time straightening his T-shirt or sweater.

Now you know everything about how to kiss the guy you like for the first time. The main thing is not to be afraid, because you are not the first, and you will not be the last. And a couple of minutes after that, you will even remember your fears and experiences with humor.

How to kiss for the first time

A kiss is an expression of sympathy and love. It's no secret that the further development of a relationship depends on the first kiss. You need to be prepared and not think for a long time about “kissing or not kissing.” The highlight of the first kiss is its spontaneity. Kiss your loved one at the behest of your heart. If you think for a long time and decide to take this step, then tension may arise between you and your partner, which is not a good way to start a relationship.

In this article we will learn the main rules and techniques of the first kiss, let's get acquainted with them.

How to kiss for the first time - 11 rules

  • It is important to remember the freshness of your breath. Be sure to brush your teeth before a date, and a mint can also help.
  • If you are a girl, then it is better not to use lipstick, it only causes inconvenience.
  • The first kiss should never be aggressive. A gentle and warm hug, and then a short, but very sensitive touch of the lips.
  • Before kissing, you should freeze for a moment. Close your eyes to remember and feel all the magic of the moment.
  • The first kiss should not be wet.
  • You may be overwhelmed with feelings and therefore may experience shortness of breath. Breathe through your nose, otherwise you will get very dizzy.
  • If you are a girl, then submit your lips to the guy and try not to slip from his lips. The first kiss should be a little shy and timid.
  • If you are a guy, make your lover feel wrapped in your tenderness and warmth. Hug her tenderly while kissing, let her know that you are the hero of her novel.
  • Be relaxed, if you are nervous or tense, your partner will immediately feel it.
  • If by chance your teeth collide during a kiss, it’s okay, just move your head back a little, so the kiss will become less persistent.
  • If the kiss turns out wet, do not wipe your lips immediately, it looks disrespectful. Your lover may think that you didn’t like the kiss itself.

There are many articles and descriptions on the Internet on the topic “How to learn to kiss?”, but this action cannot be described exactly. Watch your partner's reaction and do as your feelings tell you.

The beginning of the kiss should proceed slowly, with some embarrassment. Touch your lips one at a time, first the top, then the bottom, and then the top again. Such touches will let you understand how your partner feels, and if he reciprocates your feelings, then you need to add passion, increase the pressure a little and add language, after which feelings will definitely flare up. The main thing is not to be afraid. If your partner avoids the kiss, then you need to stop.

How to kiss for the first time - types of kisses

There are a huge number of types of kisses, certainly more than 50. But this does not mean that you should know and remember them. Every person has a favorite type of kiss. So you just need to decide.

  • Inato is a very gentle and romantic type of kiss. In this case, the entire surface of the lips is involved, in no case touching the tongue and teeth.
  • The fight of mouths is a very interesting and slightly strange type of kiss. In this case, each of the partners will win the game “who kisses whom?” There is light biting and lip sucking.
  • Samayan - in this type of kiss the man must lead. He takes the girl's tongue into his mouth and bites it, sucking a little. In turn, the girl seeks to take his tongue, which confirms the desire for a more violent intimate relationship.
  • Tenderness is a light kiss in which effort is not important. The couple touches lightly with their lips and the tip of their tongue.
  • Shy - a type of kiss during which the girl moves her lower lip, pretending that she is against the kiss, as if she is trying to escape from the guy.

Remember, a romantic kiss, especially the first, lasts no more than 2 minutes, and this time is enough to understand whether you want more. It is not necessary to set records, the main thing is that you and your partner feel comfortable. In conclusion, we invite you to watch a video clip that will tell you about important details during the first kiss.

How to kiss a guy correctly

A kiss is an integral part of any relationship. They show how much you love and care for your partner. With such a manifestation of feelings, you can feel the warmth in your heart, experience the sweetness of your lips, the closeness of minds and bodies. However, no matter how passionate and romantic the words sound, in reality everything may turn out to be a little different. Let's look at the basic rules of kissing.

Prepare in advance

Before you kiss your boyfriend, you need to do a little preparation first. Look in the mirror and ask yourself: do you want to kiss your lips? Dry and cracked? If so, it's time to prepare them for the big moment. Use a good lip balm for this, but nothing shiny or sticky. Wearing bright lipstick will undoubtedly make your lips more attractive, but think about the marks on your partner's face... Is that attractive?

Let your intentions be known

Not every guy is able to appreciate straightforwardness when asked to kiss. Why embarrass him? A much better way is to subtly hint to your fan what you want. During the conversation, pay more attention to his lips and lean slightly against your man. Women often play with straws or seductively bite into a chocolate bar to draw attention to their lips. It doesn't really matter what you do. He will notice your desire and understand what is happening. If the guy makes gestures back, he might also want to kiss you.

Create an intimate atmosphere

Make the guy feel that the world will stop moving without you, that you are meant for him. Try to bring him closer to you by lightly touching him during a conversation. You don't need to do anything supernatural, just put your hand on your leg. Gently stroke his hand, fingers, or face, but don't linger. This way, he will feel your desire and take a step himself, thinking that the initiative comes from him.

Cold will help

If none of your tricks work, just show the guy that you're cold. Wrap your arms around yourself and hint about your condition. An understanding gentleman will hug you and give you his jacket. This way, he will be very close to you and simply cannot resist kissing you.

Last resort

There are people who simply don't know how to kiss. If you have tried all the methods and did not achieve a kiss, there is only one thing left - to take the initiative and kiss your companion herself. Most men love women who know what they want and go after them, so show your guy that you're one of them.

Start the kiss softly and slowly

When the guy leans in for a kiss, gently touch your lips, gently and gently massaging them. Start the kiss on his bottom lip and then move to his top lip.

Show passion

After a gentle touch of the lips, you can change the tactics a little. Start massaging them harder, squeezing. Show your guy all your passion.

Use your teeth

If you ask anyone what they use when kissing, many will answer - their lips. Gentle biting gives much greater sensations from touching. The use of teeth when kissing should be careful. Think about this as you gently bite his lips. You can hold your upper or lower lip between your teeth and lightly touch their edges with your teeth, giving an unforgettable sensation.

Let him kiss you

Once women learn how to kiss a guy, they often fall into the trap of thinking they have to do it all themselves. The guy should dominate the relationship, so he is the one who leads the kiss.

Kiss him in other places

Knowing how to kiss a man, girls focus only on the lips. Remember, your chosen one has many other sensitive erogenous zones on his body. Kiss him on the cheek or neck, gently massaging and nipping. Many guys like soft touches on their earlobes.

As you can see, there are many different tips, tricks, tactics and ideas that you can use to induce a kiss. To master one of the techniques, you need to spend time and try it in practice. If something doesn’t work out right away, don’t despair. Experience comes with practice.

How to kiss for the first time? The magic of a kiss:

The first kiss is an event in life that you will always remember until you grow old. You need to know some “rules” that will help make this important event unforgettable. Some young boys and girls do not know how to kiss for the first time, what needs to be done to make the kiss memorable for a lifetime and to impress their partner in order to repeat romantic encounters and prolong the relationship.

Is the first kiss a problem?

It often happens that neither the girl nor the guy knows how to kiss. And that’s why they deliberately delay this moment. It would seem that it is easier for a girl: she follows and repeats the movements of the young man. No special initiative is required. You shouldn’t be ashamed of your inability to kiss: if a guy is smart, he will appreciate it and treat the girl with more tenderness and attention.

According to etiquette, a young man must show initiative and perseverance without shyness and brute force. And the first sign that a girl is ready for a kiss is a long look into the guy’s eyes. If a young man looks away or starts talking about something unimportant, it means he is not ready for this important moment.

In any case, always be natural, and if you feel the urge to kiss your partner and there is an appropriate romantic atmosphere, then do it and have fun. And you don’t need to worry too much if you don’t know how to kiss for the first time.

How to learn to kiss?

Many young boys and girls put off their first kiss because they don’t know how to kiss for the first time. What do we have to do? How to behave? What movements can be done and which cannot? The decision to kiss may come suddenly, but more often young people prepare for this both mentally and physically.

It should be noted that there is no real and clear advice on how and where to do this. You yourself will feel that the time has come for this exciting moment. The first kiss should be in a romantic setting, and it is important that you like your partner. It is necessary that no one disturbs you, and it is advisable that there are no witnesses. After all, not only the girl, but also the guy is worried, and unexpected questions or comments from others can ruin the first kiss, and then it will not be easy to decide to do it a second time.

Tips on how to learn to kiss for the first time include not only the kissing technique, but also preparation for this event.

You can create a romantic atmosphere yourself. For example, invite your partner to the cinema in the last row. And it doesn’t matter who does it first: a guy or a girl. It is the dark hall, the film about love, that is conducive to the first kiss. Only in the cinema can you often see a young guy and a girl kissing. Or you can kiss your lover or sweetheart goodbye after a well-spent evening together. At the same time, your partner’s behavior on a date will show you whether he is ready for the first kiss.

A guy shouldn’t ask a girl if he can kiss her: this will put her in a difficult position, make her embarrassed, and you won’t get a kiss that will be remembered for the rest of your life.

Preparing for a kiss

It is necessary to remember that a pleasant smell from your breath, as well as the aroma of your body, sets your partner up for a romantic wave. Therefore, it is important to take a shower or bath before a date and use deodorant, perfume or cologne with a mild odor. You should not take foods such as onions, garlic, spicy and fatty foods, or alcoholic drinks the day before. Smoking is contraindicated. You can use mints or chewing gum. But at the same time, you should not chew it during a date - this may discourage any desire, and advice on how to kiss for the first time may not be needed.

You can grease your lips with sugar to make them brighter and softer, and moisturize them with lipstick (this is a tip for girls).

If you are already ready for the first kiss, then you should also prepare your partner: you can talk to him gently, smile naturally, take his hand or hug him. At the same time, after looking into the eyes, you should not quickly look away. A sincere look can tell you that you are ready, and this can encourage your partner to take the first step.

The first kiss should not be too short or long. According to psychologists, the optimal time is 20-30 seconds. At the same time, you will feel a big explosion of emotions and get great pleasure. And there is no need to experience complexes about the fact that, supposedly, I don’t know how to kiss. Your feelings and mutual desire will help you.

What should you do when you have your first kiss?

If the initiator is a guy, then he needs to attract the girl to him, tilt his head to the side and gently touch her lips with his lips. Then, opening your mouth slightly, run the tip of your tongue across the girl’s lips. Then you can kiss the girl with just your lips without aggression or pressure.

A girl can also take the initiative into her own hands. This is best done when saying goodbye. You need to come close to the guy, thank him for a wonderful evening, look tenderly into his eyes and touch his lips for a while. The best thing in this case would be for the girl to leave quickly without delay in order to awaken the desire of a hunter in the guy: he will look forward to the next date.

You should not drag out the kiss: the first time a guy and a girl kiss no more than a minute. This is the time that is most optimal for an emotional explosion. Don't be alarmed if you salivate a lot: many people like it. During a kiss, the eyes close on their own: this is an indicator that a person is detached from the surrounding reality and immersed in the world of feelings. This also means that people like each other, and the first kiss is the beginning of a new, more vibrant relationship, which subsequently develops into love.

How to get rid of an inferiority complex?

Many people are afraid to kiss due to lack of experience communicating with the opposite sex and the fear that your kiss will not make the right impression on their partner. Don't be afraid of this. Even if you get embarrassed and make some awkward movement, this is not a reason to laugh at you. If your partner likes you and has sincere feelings for you, then he will be the one who will help you forget about your fears.

Books on relationship psychology will tell you how to kiss. A lesson can be taught to you by a good friend or a video. Now there are also many interesting articles about this important event.

What do you need to do to be kissed?

There are some more tips on how to kiss for the first time and what you need to do to make you desirable to your partner. Firstly, you need:

  • visit the dentist regularly to eliminate all problems (sometimes you cannot hear the smell from your mouth, but it is unpleasant for others);
  • brush your teeth not only in the mornings and evenings, but also before a date;
  • be sure to clean the surface of the tongue, as a large number of bacteria accumulate on it, which can cause bad breath;
  • the guy should be clean-shaven, and the girl should have her hair neatly combed and without provocative makeup;
  • A girl should not wear bright lipstick: naturalness is more attractive;
  • Friendliness and a smile should be your constant companions.

The first kiss is the magic of love

To make your first kiss memorable for a lifetime, you must:

  • kiss only the person you really like and whom you feel with your soul;
  • do not drink alcohol for courage;
  • do not succumb to provocations and kiss without desire just to gain experience;
  • A girl should not be the first to kiss a guy: it is important to set him up and show him with your appearance that you are ready for the first kiss (although exceptions are possible).

And you should remember that the first kiss should be with the one or only one for whom you have feelings. And it doesn’t matter whether the kiss works out or not. Still, it will be remembered for a lifetime, and you can repeat it with your loved one even a few years later.

First kiss - what could be better than this truly wonderful moment? Indeed, this is the most beautiful thing a person can experience. After all, the first kiss is something every teenager remembers. Many remember in great detail, for some this first kiss means nothing at all.

One way or another, if you haven’t kissed yet, then you should prepare well and understand a few very important rules for yourself.
Many argue that the main feeling that every partner should respect is calm and confidence that everything will go well. This is true. After all, if you worry at this touching moment, then you may make a bunch of mistakes. For example, pressing tightly against your partner’s lips, or worse, slightly biting your tongue. Usually partners are not happy with this, so it is strictly not recommended to do this.

It is worth saying that if you are incredibly worried before contacting your partner, then do not worry, before the first kiss this is absolutely normal. Remember - the main thing is calm and confidence.
This article will be dedicated to both boys and girls. Therefore, if you don’t know how to kiss yet, then feel free to read everything that will be presented below.
How to tell if your partner wants you to kiss him
The guy and the girl behave approximately the same in such cases. Therefore, it will be written here in general terms – for both males and females.
The first thing you should pay attention to is how often your partner focuses his gaze on you. If he looks at you rarely and reluctantly, then it is unlikely that he dreams of you becoming the object of his first kiss. However, if he can’t take his eyes off you, looks often and without stopping, you can safely take action.
Next is the distance. How close he is to you or tries to get closer depends a lot. If your partner is looking for a reason to get as close to you as possible, then be sure that he cares about you. And most likely he wants to kiss you. Yes Yes exactly! It seems like an insignificant thing, but how it affects the kiss.
An equally significant thing is touch. If your partner touches you like that, by chance, completely by accident, then that’s it - you can be sure that he feels something for you. And if this happens periodically, then there is no doubt that a kiss cannot be avoided. Where should you put your nose when kissing?
Many teenagers make the following mistake during their first kiss: their lips merge in a hot kiss, but for some reason their heads remain parallel to each other. Young people, remember, you should never do this! No, you shouldn’t turn your head perpendicularly in relation to your partner, you should just turn it a little to the side. Just a little bit, about 5-10 centimeters. In this case, the nose will not interfere with your kiss, and you will not find yourself in an awkward situation.
Where to put your hands when kissing?
So, we've sorted out the nose, but where should we put our hands? There are many options here.
Guys in most cases put their hands on a girl's waist, this shows that you really like the girl. You can also lightly pat her on the back, or gently hug her shoulders. You can just take her hands, or you can lightly touch her chin and turn her face towards yours. However, it is worth saying that many girls do not like it when, during the first kiss, guys put their hands on a place just below their back. This immediately alerts you to the fact that the guy is not at all interested in you as a person, and he just wants to have a great time with you.
There are also some tips for girls. When kissing, it is best to put your hands on the guy's neck. But don’t think that this is the only option for you; you can play with his hair a little, or hold him tightly to you. In general, if you are reading this, then you should not remember all the ways to place your hand when kissing, because if you are together, you will still be a little confused, and everything will go as it should. Exactly as your heart tells you.
How to kiss for the first time?
Guys should read this paragraph rather than girls. After all, they are the ones who will have to take such an important step - like the first kiss. So, let's begin.
Well, here comes the very moment that you were so afraid of, but wanted to feel even more. Yes, this first and most touching kiss.
So, first you should take the girl either by the waist or by the shoulders. In general, you should have figured out where to put your hands from the point that is located just above. Many girls are simply delighted with the compliments they receive. So why not? Approach the girl, or gently pull her towards you and say something nice. Believe me, this will help to win over the girl even more.
There is no need to immediately show what a professional you are in this matter. For the first one, it’s enough just to touch the girl’s lips, but if you feel that you are ready for a kiss with your tongue, don’t stop, just go for it! The main thing is that the girl is also ready, and does not think that you are some kind of maniac.
If you don’t want to rush things right away, then it’s better to stop. It’s better to try kissing her on the neck or ear after a regular kiss. Of course, the main goal is to make the girl feel that you feel something more than just friendship for her.
French Kiss
French kissing is a kiss that is practiced by almost all young couples. Probably, after reading everything that will be written about him below, you are unlikely to understand and feel him, because as the Russian proverb says: it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times. However, in our case, it is better to feel a kiss yourself once than to hear how it is done a hundred times from friends.
In a French kiss, as in a simple one, the only rule is calmness and confidence in yourself and in your partner.
What exactly needs to be done for this?
Let's start with the fact that French kissing is the contact of tongues. In fact, there are no special rules for it, the main thing is not to do anything in your partner’s mouth that you wouldn’t do in yours. That is, all you need to do is move your tongue, you can touch your partner’s teeth, you can touch your tongue, in general, everything that seems acceptable to you.
Where to begin?
It's better to start French kissing with simple ones. You can start kissing her on the cheek first, then smoothly move to the lips, then open your mouth and use your tongue. If you feel that your partner is in no hurry to open her mouth, then try to somehow relax her, for example, lightly bite her lower lip. In most cases, this helps the girls relax quite well, and it is after this that both of your mouths are already open.
What to do with the tongue?
Once your lips touch, it's time for tongues. The main thing is don't panic. Next, you just have to touch your partner’s tongue and, as it were, smoothly begin to move it along it. First, lightly touching it with just the tip, and then going deeper into the girl’s mouth and accelerating the pace accordingly.
Don't be alarmed if your blood pressure is off the charts, your palms are sweaty, and your knees are shaking - this is absolutely normal for the first kiss. Only after really kissing will thoughts come to you: “Why didn’t I do this before?” or “God, how wonderful this is!” You're not the first, you won't be the last to go through this, so don't worry.
Kiss on the neck
Kissing on the neck drives both guys and girls crazy. Therefore, if you are embarrassed to immediately kiss your partner on the lips, then the neck is what will suit you.
So how does this happen? You shouldn’t immediately throw hickeys on your partner’s neck. Everything should happen tenderly and romantically. To begin with, you can quietly kiss your partner on the cheek; if he likes it, then feel free to move to the place that is lower - that is, the neck.
Gently touch your neck with your lips, then begin the same movements that you would use for a simple kiss on the lips. You shouldn't bite your partner's neck too hard; most young people don't approve of this. The kiss should be touching so that your partner understands that you really care about him.
Kiss on the ear
Kissing on the ear is also a very common method among young people. I don’t want to repeat myself, but if you are embarrassed to immediately kiss a girl on the lips, then this method is perfect for relaxing both you and her.
First, kiss the outer part of the ear, then the lobe. You can gently bite or suck on the ear. Just remember that you don’t need to make any unromantic sounds; the best thing is to whisper some romantic words in the girl’s ear.
Qualities of a partner
Be sure to pay attention to the inner qualities of your partner. Because what happens after the first kiss will depend on them. Either he will immediately drag you into bed, or he will turn out to be decent and the first kiss will be enough for him. First of all, it should be noted that you should not kiss on the first date. Firstly, it may seem that you are flighty and incapable of a serious relationship. Also, the guy may think that the girl is easily accessible. And as you probably know, our guys are creatures who love to woo their girls. Believe me, it’s better to torture him a little than to immediately rush to his neck.
As for guys, what girls probably appreciate about them is that he is a real man. But who is a real man? This is probably someone who won’t run from one girl to another. The one who is able to protect his girlfriend, and most importantly, he is probably the one who will never deceive his beloved. This is exactly the kind of worthy and serious young man that most girls are looking for.
Therefore, dear girls, if you know that he is still a womanizer and that a kiss with you is just a good time spent, that he does not lose his breath from the fact that you are next to him, that he has a breakneck speed your heart isn’t pounding - why do you need him like that? A girl must first of all respect herself and not allow such guys to be around. Friend, acquaintance - please, but not a guy. Leave them for other, less worthy girls than you.
This article is dedicated to people who have not kissed yet. However, you shouldn't be upset about this. Are you 16 and haven't kissed yet? Under no circumstances should you chase after your peers. Remember for the rest of your life: everyone has their own morals, some give birth to children at the age of 16, and others kiss for the first time. And they say that the later the first kiss occurs, the sweeter it is. So don't even worry about it. If you haven’t kissed yet, it means you haven’t yet found that person to whom you would be madly drawn. But he will definitely be found, the main thing is to believe and not despair.
Agree that love is something without which we simply could not live. Love is the most beautiful thing on earth. By caring for a person, we show how much we care about him.
What is love? Love is when you understand that the person who is now looking straight into your eyes is your meaning in life. He is your piece of soul, which is with you forever. And you understand that this is no longer love, this is something more, maybe affection, you don’t understand. Love is when your mood depends on one person. It can instantly deteriorate if suddenly he didn’t call, and at the same moment rise to heaven when you receive a message from him. Many people who have not yet loved will not understand the meaning of these sentences. But you will definitely understand when you meet someone who will melt your heart.
Well, what kind of love can there be without kisses? Therefore, it’s impossible to kiss without love. Therefore, if you really want to kiss. But you don’t have a date, it’s better not to rush at the first person you meet, but to wait for your person. All I want to wish for you is to love and be loved, because without this there is simply no point in living.

A common situation: you really like each other, start dating, and sooner or later, as was bound to happen, one fine evening he took you home and, standing at the entrance, your lips closed together under the phrase “kiss.” And here it is - your first, such a desired innocent kiss, after which your head goes spinning and emotions overflow. And everything would be fine, but there is only one problem - childhood shame, which everyone has gone through. Are you starting to hide your eyes, are the thoughts in your head starting to slow? but you are confidently confused and the question arises by itself: “How to behave at the moment?” Let's try to decide together how to behave correctly with a guy after the first kiss?

Many girls, because they start to get nervous, can’t even really understand “whether it was a kiss.” Very often, this is due to fear of the process itself and its consequences. The very fear of the first kiss can be explained by comparing it with the fear of changing something, of learning something new, unknown before. But the state after a kiss is comparable to the subconscious feeling that you did something wrong, something unusual for you, to some extent even shameful, wrong. Fear that your partner will judge you. This, of course, is a normal fear; almost everyone is afraid of it. And it is because of this that different thoughts begin to swirl chaotically in your head, causing obvious shame and fear on your face.

First of all, stop being nervous, after all, you didn’t do anything criminal, this is all a natural process that had to happen, because it’s what our mother nature wants (let’s say thank you to her for this unforgettable moment). As soon as you pull yourself together and put your nerves far away, you will immediately begin to think more rationally and clearly. You will immediately perceive the situation much calmer and more adequately. Look at it from the other side - now you have something to brag about to your friends, and you also finally kissed for the first time, even if he (your boyfriend), as it seemed to you, doesn’t know how to do it (by the way, you’re talking about this you’ll remember it more than once later with laughter), but it happened. Therefore, “get your nerves out!” will be our first principle to avoid “post-kissing syndrome.”

Shame - well, as I said above, this is a natural process, by the way, the kiss itself is already over, which they will already be ashamed of, everything is done and everyone is alive. The worst thing you and your boyfriend have already experienced, why panic? So stop constantly hiding your eyes, lowering them to the ground, your boyfriend is not there - he is in front of you. After all, who are you ashamed of? Is it him? Stop it, believe me, he is ashamed too, support him with your gaze.

We sorted ourselves out, and now as for the guy. Immediately after the kiss, try to hold back your laughter. Wait for the moment when you find yourself at home and you will give free rein to your emotions; by the way, you will have the whole night for this (believe me, you will hardly be able to fall asleep). So, put aside the laughter, imagine what it will be like for your boy when you start laughing hysterically, I don’t think you will envy him. Put yourself in his shoes. It’s better to joke something, lighten the situation and smile, so you can relax your tense atmosphere together. And also, it would be nice to say some beautiful romantic words like: “this is our first kiss - I will remember it” or something else of that kind, you’re a girl, and as you know, we shine with imagination in any situation. I forgot to say, but finally stop rushing home, he will think that you are running away from him, and not at all from a kiss. Guys, despite their first or second kiss, are much calmer about this and because of your eagerness to hide from him behind the walls of your home, he may think something completely different (that you are running away from him, for example, because that he is, well, just a very bad kisser).

By the way, if, if your boyfriend already has experience and immediately after your kiss he made a remark to you on the topic that you are doing it badly. Don’t be shy, guys always like to show that they are better than us girls in everything. Therefore, confidently and boldly answer him something like: “nothing, with a teacher like you, I still have time to learn... so, everything is ahead.” The guy will take this as a positive compliment and at the same time here's a joke. If the guy remained silent, don’t even think about telling him that he’s a bad kisser (unless, of course, you didn’t like the way he does it). I hope you at least understand a little how to behave correctly with a guy after your first kiss. Remember, the first kiss is the best kiss. It happens only once in life and don’t spoil this moment with all sorts of prejudices and racking your brains about whether you did it right, and if he didn’t like it, I probably don’t know how to kiss. As they say, Moscow was not built in one day. If you don’t know how now, you’ll learn later.

In a word, after the kiss, behave calmly and measuredly. Never be nervous. First of all, I think it wouldn’t hurt to remind you that there is nothing wrong with this. Forget about shame, continue to do everything that you did five minutes ago, until the moment you kissed. Smile at your partner, try to talk about some other topic, thereby relaxing both of you and relieving tension. Completely distance yourself from what happened, don’t “hang” on it at the moment. Stop thinking about your boyfriend from the point of view that he didn’t like something or he judges you for something, or even worse, he changed his opinion about you. After what happened, he became even more interested in you, due to the fact that you became even closer to each other, and your relationship took on a completely different color, moving into a serious phase. Therefore, do not fill your head with stupid thoughts, but better, before going home, kiss him again to make sure that everything is fine and nothing has changed radically in your life. Relax, let everything take its course.

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