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Happy birthday to my husband's mother. Happy birthday greetings to your wife and mother Happy birthday greetings to your husband’s beloved mother

There are never many mothers in the world,
But fate brings gifts.
You are the mother-in-law, we are happy children.
And today all words are for you.
Happy birthday to you!
From my heart I want to wish:
Be healthy, happy, beautiful,
Don't get sick, don't be sad, don't suffer.
Let life be easy and calm,
Let your soul be full of happiness.
I will thank you for my son,
I am a happy daughter and wife.
There can never be many mothers in the world...
And without flattery I will say, friends:
I'm a daughter-in-law and a daughter, it's no secret,
I have two mothers now!

Dear mother-in-law,
Mommy second,
Happy birthday to you
Congratulations today.
Don't worry about your son
I'll look after him
He's the best in the world
And I love him.
I wish you well
And the house is full of happiness,
And so that you don't get bored,
We will bring our grandchildren.

It is with pleasure that I congratulate you, my second mother, and wish you to remain as wise and cheerful, look into the future with enthusiasm, and have fun spending time with the people you love. May your health never fail you, may good luck accompany you, and may joy visit you every day. Happy birthday!

I don't have a mother-in-law in my life.
This term is not suitable for mothers!
You know, your cute silhouette
Gives all the most stylish ladies a head start!
You are beautiful, sensual, gentle
And luxurious... Know this, mom!
You are not afraid of obstacles at all,
You are our divine lady!
I wish you happiness for many years to come,
Let it keep pace with you.
Stay young always
With both soul and bright eyes!

You are my second mother,
I love and appreciate you
Lots of happiness on your birthday
I want to wish you.
May your health be strong
Life is without sorrows and troubles,
And the Lord sends you
Live in good health for many years!

Happy birthday, dear mother-in-law!
I wish you good luck in everything.
Loving you with all my heart, congratulations.
Let your home be illuminated with happiness.
Let your every day be happy,
Let the soul radiate joy,
The world around will be clean, beautiful,
May life always be good.
Please, smile more often,
After all, a smile suits you very well.
Always try to be cheerful
Let the bad things pass by.

It rarely happens
And I was lucky, so to speak,
What you want is not ordered,
And it’s fair to call you mom.
I wish you a long and bright life,
The warmth of lulled years.
Let luck not tarry along the way,
The gem shines with health.
Success in any endeavors,
Fewer anxious moments.
And always know: in our house
You are loved, welcomed and waited for!

I wish you success and a lot of goodness,
May your birthday be bright!
I wish you good health and see the doctors
You haven't gone to treatment in forever!
May all your dreams come true,
And every moment will be joyful,
And everything that is very important to you will be
So that life takes on only rainbow colors!

Your mother-in-law, who became a friend,
Now I’ll congratulate you as a friend.
As a woman and just a mother.
And now I want to wish you something.
Much love and respect,
Let all the worries go away,
More health and success
And joyful laughter from grandchildren.

I will say without pretense,
You have become like family to me.
Thank you for your kindness
And know that I love you.
Live long, don't get sick,
Don't become hard-hearted over the years.
May every day be filled with happiness,
And let all your wishes come true.

I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday.
May everyone's dreams come true.
More joyful moments
Less fuss in life!
I wish you this holiday, mommy,
So that you smell and bloom,
So that all your sorrows pass away,
May you go through life with a smile!



I have a second mother,
For this I thank fate.
My assistant, my mentor,
I respect and love you very much.

Happy Birthday today.
And I really want to wish you:
Goodness, health, strength and patience,
To live long and help us all.

Birthday today
My mother, my husband's mother.
Contrary to popular belief
My mother-in-law and I are friends.

I want to congratulate you now
And wish you good health,
God will reward you for your patience
Filial love.

May life be long
They make you happy and entertained,
Let them be like apple trees in the orchards
They smell like spring flowers.

Smiles of grandchildren, heart to you
They will warm you with kindness.
We mean no offense to all the gods
We consider you a saint.

Happy Birthday, dear mom!
It just so happens that you are my mother-in-law,
But we are relatives because we know:
Your blood flows in my children.

Let your health not let you down,
The shadow of sadness will not darken the face,
A ray of sunshine greets you in the morning,
Let your heart beat like a chronometer.

Be happy in both your children and grandchildren,
Go to bed with quiet joy in your soul.
Congratulations and kiss your hands,
We wish you not to lose optimism!

I wish you energy
For new achievements,
More holidays in life
And happy birthdays!

Let them be more often
Reasons to smile.
I wish you forever young,
Stay cheerful.

And if you can't cope
With problem and concern,
Reward your daughter-in-law
Some kind of work.

The girls say, mother-in-law -
Worse than a swarm of mosquitoes
Like, she drank so much blood from us,
I broke so much wood...

Everything is out of tune with me,
Everyone looks enviously:
Peace and quiet with my mother-in-law,
The house (honestly) is quiet and peaceful.

Because I'm her
(I'm telling you straight)
I don’t call you mother-in-law -
I call you mom.

Because listen
And accepting advice is not a sin.
Wives know husbands better
Only his mother. Everyone,

Let's call whoever is dear to you
We are on your holiday.
Happiness and love to our home,
And the Porsche into the garage!

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart today,
Mother-in-law, dear, I want to tell you,
I am grateful to you for giving me a husband
You were able to raise and educate!

Everyone lies that mother-in-law and daughter-in-law don’t get along,
We live amicably and cheerfully with you,
We cook together, we iron clothes together,
And we even scold our husbands together!

So be healthy and be rich,
You have a lot to teach me!
Let peace and prosperity reign in the house,
I wish you to live another three hundred years!

Dear mother-in-law, happy birthday,
I am so happy to honor you,
Please accept my congratulations,
At this bright and festive hour.

I sincerely wish you many years,
And let the years only give joy,
Also feelings glow with a spark,
And they never go out in everyday life.

It’s unimaginable for both of us to be so dear,
Your son is my beloved husband,
And my gratitude is truly
Respect for the eternal is the essence.

Greetings to you, my mother-in-law;
Be healthy and happy birthday!
Let the earthly journey continue,
Giving pleasure in everything.

Always peace of mind
And I wish you happiness;
Let sadness not touch you at all,
And there will only be great love.

Be cheerful and make us happy,
Shining with all the breadth of my soul;
I appreciate every hour with you:
You have been dear to me for a long time.

The years gallop like horses, stubbornly -
It's a wild herd, you can't keep it in check.
It’s your next birthday, mom,
Let the door open into the endless steppe,

Where, growing, it makes noise incessantly
Happiness is a feather grass on the luck of the wind,
Sun-love dispels the fogs
Various worries and problems in the morning,

There, like a gypsy, spreading out a deck,
With a sly smile let him prophesy
Under the blue firmament of your destiny
Long, long and joyful journey!

A new day is coming
Important for someone.
This is chaos in my thoughts,
Looking forward is courageous.

It's just a day of surprises
What excites me again?
After all, today is my birthday
Mother-in-law celebrates!

I wish you all the miracles
What else is possible
Happiness, peace, kindness,
And health too!

Congratulations to Happy birthday to my husband's mother
How to congratulate your husband's mother on her birthday?
text of congratulations to Happy birthday to my husband's mother

Happy birthday greetings to my husband's mother

I call you mom because I love you,
You are an example for me in everything,
Thank you for raising such a son,
And I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday.
Be happy, never get sick,
I wish you joy, good luck and goodness in everything,
I promise to be a good daughter-in-law for you,
And your advice is always appreciated.

Husband's mother, you are the only one like this in the world,
Good, kind, wise, glorious,
Happy birthday to you,
I wish you good health, and this is the most important thing in life.
Thank you for your wisdom, for your kindness,
May God grant you good luck in everything,
Let life flow like a full river,
May fate be friendly.

For my husband's mother, congratulations, flowers,
The hero of the occasion today is you,

Live long in joy and happiness.
May your health never fail you,
May fate generously reward you in full,
May luck not let you go
Let reliable friends surround you.

You raised a husband for me,
Tender, sweet, nice,
I affectionately call you mom,
With all my heart I wish you all the best.
Good luck, inspiration,
Joy, good luck, good mood,
Happy birthday, please accept congratulations,
Let all doubts disappear from life

You are the main person in my life,
Mom of my husband, I wish you happiness forever,
Let the grains of goodness that you sow germinate,
Let good news pleasantly surprise you.
May your birthday bring you good luck,
And a wonderful mood to boot,
I wish you all the best, vigor, strength,
May these gifts last up to a hundred years.

Husband's mother, praise and honor to you,
I’ll be honest, your merits cannot be counted,
I always go to you for advice,
I thank fate for our meeting.
Please accept congratulations on your birthday,
Live long in happiness and joy,
Let your health be strong,
Let sadness forget you forever.

I’m glad to congratulate you on your birthday,
My husband's mother, you are my joy,
On your birthday, please accept my words of gratitude,
You are an example for me in everything, always.
Let life flow like a full river,
May you always be lucky in everything,
Let all your plans come true,
Let fate be filled with bright moments.

Dear mother of my husband, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
Happy wonderful birthday,
I wish you well, I wish you joy,
And the Lord's blessing.
Let happiness enter the house without knocking,
Let prosperity and love settle in it,
May fortune smile on you
May life continue for a long, long time.

If you were invited to your mother-in-law's birthday party, then a lot of responsibility definitely fell on your shoulders. Responsibility for the gift, for congratulations, for the mood of your mother-in-law and for the relationship between you. In any case, it’s not worth buying just anything. Try to approach this issue with all seriousness in order to please the birthday girl and show how much she is dear to you and how much you respect her.

But what can you give to an adult woman? It all depends on how your mother-in-law prefers to spend her free time and what she is interested in. If she is passive, then you can give her something for home and leisure, even some kind of rocking chair. If you like active recreation, then memberships to a spa salon, gym or something like that are perfect. A fairly good option, albeit expensive, would be a tourist package, even to the neighboring countries. Show originality, try to think outside the box, and you will be able to present the kind of happy birthday greetings to your husband’s mother that you wanted.

And Vlio will help you. Look through the verses that we have collected for you in this section and you will understand everything. Use it with pleasure and bring joy to your mother-in-law!

From the bottom of my heart, happy birthday to you!
Here is a gift as a sign of respect,
Happy holiday, dear mother-in-law
May happiness and love accompany you.

Don't let wrinkles bother you
And children pay more attention
Bright hope and goodness
And at home there is only cozy warmth.

I wish you health for many years to come,
Never get sick
More optimism, inspiration
Always in a good mood.

Thank you, dear mother-in-law,
For always helping me,
Don't you notice my flaws?
For your warm and wise words.

You are the best in the world, it's no secret,
Sometimes I need your advice,
Happy birthday, I sincerely congratulate you,
I wish you good health and happiness.

There are mothers-in-law who drink blood,
And for me you are my best friend.
You give us warmth and love,
Caring mother and wife.

Today I want to congratulate you
Happy Day that only happens once a year,
May joy visit you many times,
And happiness never leaves!

Happy birthday, beloved mother-in-law!
You are an irreplaceable mother for my son
I wish you a serene life
And always be kind and gentle.

I wish you less swearing and quarrels,
So that the house is full of happiness,
Let good things lie ahead
Joy and love to you.

I wish you only happy tears
And there are bright stars in the sky,
I wish you success in everything
Let your grandchildren enjoy laughter.

It's so good that I have you,
Dear mother-in-law, you are worthy of praise,
You are the best on earth
I am very, very lucky to have you.

Happy birthday to you,
I wish you health for many years to come,
Let adversity pass you by,
Let life flow like a full river.

Friends say - mother-in-law
Drinks blood drop by drop.
But I will sincerely say -
I value my mother-in-law.

And on your birthday wish
I don't want you to have any problems,
I will always help my mother-in-law,
I'll save you from all your worries!

Happy birthday, mother-in-law!
My husband has your blood in him
You have a great son
My daughter and I are proud of him.

You are very beautiful today
With such beauty we are invincible,
Don't let your health worry you
There will be no pain and nothing aches.

Much happiness and joy
Until the deepest old age,
Your beloved grandfather is with you
He will hide you from sorrows and troubles.

Happy Birthday, my second mother!
You are a stylish, beautiful and wise lady among us!
Happy Birthday to you today,
I wish all the best to the best mother-in-law in the world!

To be loved by everyone, to always be our light,
May the years pass by calmly and easily!
A mother-in-law like you is a rare piece of luck,
I wish you good health, joy, and nothing else!

My beautiful mother-in-law,
Let me congratulate you.
Oh God - how lucky I am!
I won’t lie now:

You taught me a lot
And she helped me in a lot of ways,
For your son separately - bravo!
You gave birth to a hero!

You became my second mother,
Just as sweet and dear.
Mother in law you are the best in the world
I am responsible for my words.

Happy birthday to you!
I wish you good health.
Don't cry, mom, never
And be happy always.

May happiness bloom over the years,
Life surprises with miracles.
I thank you for everything
And honestly, sincerely, I love you!

Happy Birthday,
And I wish, from my heart,
Good luck and good luck to you,
A sea of ​​happiness and love!

Fulfillment of dreams,
Surroundings of friends
And huge attention
From your grandchildren and children!

Dear mother-in-law, happy birthday to you! Let your life be joyful, active, healthy, interesting and eventful. Let your family and friends be nearby, ready to provide support and care at any time. I wish you to remain as wise and beautiful for many more years!

There are never many mothers in the world,
But fate brings gifts.
You are the mother-in-law, we are happy children.
And today all words are for you.

Happy birthday to you!
From my heart I want to wish:
Be healthy, happy, beautiful,
Don't get sick, don't be sad, don't suffer.

Let life be easy and calm,
Let your soul be full of happiness.
I will thank you for my son,
I am a happy daughter and wife.

There can never be many mothers in the world...
And without flattery I will say, friends:
I'm a daughter-in-law and a daughter, it's no secret,
I have two mothers now!

Happy Birthday!
Be happy always
Let success set in motion
Tenderness flows like water.

And thank you for your son -
May fate reward you
A joyful and long life,
Without doubts and insults.

Let your eyes shine like stars
Love glows in the heart,
Days of success will multiply,
Rising to the clouds!

Today I want to thank you
For a husband who is more beautiful than anyone in the world.
I wish you to live your life with a smile,
May your children always make you happy.

I wish you health and love,
May all, all, all of your dreams come true!
May the sky protect you from bad weather,
May only miracles happen to you!

I wish you to be a leader in everything,
Go to success without hassle and sadness!
Once again, congratulations on your day!
May joy never leave you!

I wish you with sincere love
To a wonderful woman - mother-in-law
Health, tenderness, attention,
Harmony and prosperity.

I wish you bright moments,
Flowers, gifts, compliments,
Smiles, laughter, admiration
On a wonderful holiday - birthday!

As the ancient scripture says,
The mother-in-law unites the clan,
Has general recognition
And it leads to prosperity.

We sincerely congratulate you
Today is your birthday.
We love, honor and respect,
You have a long family history.

We wish you to succeed
Realize yourself.
Luck smiled in everything,
Fate was so good.

So that the days are full of events,
Pleasant and simple efforts,
There was a beach and waves,
And also a white ship.

So that everything is always in balance.
Both work and rest are a joy to you.
Of course, visit Provence.
Go to Milan, to Amsterdam.

Bloom like a spring May garden,
May a successful turn await.
Covered with an avalanche of moods,
A whirlpool of love swirled.

Happy birthday at this hour
I hasten to congratulate you!
I wish you a lot of happiness,
Moods are only colored,
Also of eternal beauty,
Peace, light, kindness,
Strength, health and prosperity,
May you always have a sweet life!

You are my husband's mother,
He is the most valuable to me.
I want to congratulate you,
And on this day to glorify.

May you have prosperity
Health and love.
Everything is in order
And joy again and again.

Live, prosper,
Despite all the troubles,
The second such mother-in-law
Can't be found in the world.

My mom's second one,
My mother-in-law's gold
I want to be young
With everlasting health.

Let the mood bloom
Like roses in the alley
And you are lucky in everything,
The days are more fun.

May adversity and sadness
They fly away with the wind,
Never be discouraged
Live forever without knowing any offense!

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