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Sincere birthday wishes. Chairman of the Supreme Court of Russia V. Lebedev. Warm, sincere congratulations and birthday wishes to grandfather

Everyone knows that I am a Princess
So my dad is the King.
You are my engine of progress
My idol and my hero!
The strongest, the most honest,
The smartest and dearest.
And if the daughter is lovely -
Only you are to blame for this!

We wish you simple happiness
And quiet earthly joy.
May life's bad weather
Always bypassed.
As always, store it with care.
There are beautiful features in my soul.
As before, give generously to everyone.

And money, well, just a little bit -
To a jeep, and to an apartment in the center,
So that the breasts only become larger,
A sip of love, and happiness

On this brightest day, accept the words - wishes of happiness and warmth.
Let only joy cross the threshold of your home, and let worries always remain outside the door!

Expensive (…)!
Be happy, always unique, we wish you to be loved and love!
May the most beautiful flowers always bloom on your road beautiful flowers, and wherever you go, there will always be a holiday!

May God grant you to live to so many years that it would be impossible to count them! God bless you excellent health! May God give you always plenty to eat and drink! Love your wife seven days a week and a thousand percent per annum!

With a special feeling on your birthday, I want to wish you happy years, joy, health, victories and career advancement! I wish you that everything comes true, that wings of glory find you, and your name turned out to be among the great figures of the whole Earth!

Dear (name)!
I wish you a lot of joy and light, I wish that your life is full of smiles, that birds always sing in your soul, and that you yourself are like a young spring!

Beauty (name)!
Happy Birthday! We love you very much. You give us your warmth, you are the source of all good things for us. Be always young, beautiful, healthy and cheerful!

On this beautiful, joyful day - your birthday - we wish you a sea of ​​gifts, beautiful flowers, a sea of ​​confessions and smiles, a sea of ​​pleasant meetings and wonderful minutes, and on vacation days - a warm sandy beach of the Black or Mediterranean Sea.

May every day bring you joy,
Success in work, comfort in the family,
Let old age come later than everyone else,
Live long on earth!
We wish you sincerely, heartily,
Do not know worries and interference,
To accompany you forever
Health, happiness and success!

I want to wish you
Let every day be happy!
Let them surround you
Only sincere people!
I wish you to live and not be sad,
And the happiness to be drawn endlessly!
Live your life with dignity,
Love and be loved forever!
May the days be bright and clear,
Like the morning sun,
Warmed by sincerity, affection,
Any moment will be happy!
And life will give you luck,
It's easy to fulfill hopes
So that every new birthday
Greet you with a joyful smile!

I wish that fate cherishes you, loves you,
Never be on the edge
We wish you many blessings
I wish you success and joy.

I wish you happiness, songs, laughter!
So that love will always be there.
I wish you a lot of happiness
I wish you much success and happiness.

Let your dreams come true
Never be discouraged or sad,
Lots of money and good luck
Good health, good luck and warmth.

I wish you a bright holiday,
So that the soul glows with love,
Health so as not to occupy
More joyful things to you.

I wish you to be the happiest of all!
Never be sad in vain.
A lot of kind words we want to say
We wish you good luck and inspiration.

I wish you a life without problems,
Never grow old in your soul!
Lots of happiness, tenderness, warmth
Mighty health, peace, beauty.

I wish you an easy journey.
To be drawn to mom and dad
We wish you more money
Health and good luck in your destiny.

I wish you to live and not be sad,
Never, never be sad!
Have a lot of dollars in the bank
We wish you success and happiness.

May your happiness be endless,
There was never any trouble, there was never loneliness.
I wish you health and prosperity,
More happiness and beauty.

Today is the promised pleasant day.
We hasten to congratulate you on your birthday
A nice, kind woman!
We want to wish her from the bottom of our hearts,

So that the eyes shine, radiate,
So that spring will forever be in your heart.
Colorful dreams to dream about,
There was no trouble along the way.

Let your beauty bloom
Shocking envious people!
We wish for many more things
It is impossible to fit everything into a poem.

With a slightly mysterious smile
You meet new day.
And you can be dreamy
Forgetting about hundreds of things.

Birthday today:
And there is joy and sadness,
And someone's admiration -
A cocktail of pleasant feelings.

May all good things come...
And tender, beautiful.
Be yourself in everything,
And most importantly, happy!

A woman-fairy tale, a woman-joy,
A woman of timidity and a woman of sweetness.
I congratulate you on your birthday,
I wish you happiness and passion with fire.
To be and love forever,
To be the healthiest person in the world.
Warm your heart with a ray of sunshine,
And never regret anything.
Let roses and tulips bloom everywhere,
And the compliments that are so long-awaited,
They pour in again and again from everyone.
Let laughter sound more often in your home.
A lot of luck, great friends
And the most best moments and days.

A strong woman, a powerful woman,
To the most beautiful woman in the world
To be the most beautiful on your birthday,
Kind, smiling and patient.

Sunny days and warmth in the soul,
Bright victories and successes everywhere.
Let your home be warm and cozy,
Let him live happily in abundance.

I only wish you positive things,
Always be close to good friends.
May inspiration come to you more often,
Like a flower of beauty and bloom.

Happy birthday to you
And with all my heart I wish:
Always be so happy
Both healthy and beautiful!

Always be in the center of attention,
And from loved ones understanding.
Fulfillment of all desires
And conceived dreams.

In general, joy and goodness
And have fun until the morning!
Let everything be fulfilled on time,
So let's finish our poem.

Gorgeous woman, Goddess
I want to send congratulations!
I wish you from now on
Experience Luck and Luck.

Walk hand in hand with Health,
And welcome Wealth as a guest,
And set your own conditions for everyone,
Without feeling schadenfreude.

I wish your eyes to shine
It didn't go out without hope,
Love and Happiness at once
They have become my favorite clothes!

All blush and whiter
Our birthday girl.
So that it shines like a ray,
There's nothing to worry about.

So that every moment
The soul warmed and blossomed
Every day, like an orchid.
You are beautiful and sweet.

To illuminate with light
Peace around and kindness
Filled our souls.
How lucky we are to have you!

Congratulations today!
We wish you with all our hearts,
So that all dreams come true
And keep the doors open.

Flowers, gifts, decorations
And the sweetest treats.
Have fun today
On such a wonderful evening!

On this bright birthday,
We want to wish you
Don't get sick and be lucky
Rejoice, prosper!

Fulfillment of all desires,
Easy life paths.
So that no one would ever
Couldn't cause any harm.

The house was so cozy.
Let children's laughter sound there.
In your home, let adversity
They give everyone a wide berth!

To be more desirable than anyone in the world,
Blinding with beauty.
Surround your family and friends
Wisdom and kindness.

On this day I congratulate
The best of all around.
I wish you happiness, joy,
Wonderful friends.

Let everything be like this for you,
How do you imagine
Family, car, Cadillac...
And you know all this without me.

And let it flutter in your heart,
Always a moth in love.
And you leave the door for him,
And remember, feelings are not a vice.

May the wonderful puzzle be yours have a wonderful life consists only of pieces of happiness and makes up an overall picture of joy and success, and may all its happy pieces be glued to each other with good health, and with each new birthday may their number grow, making the picture of life long-lasting and beautiful.

Happy birthday!!! I congratulate you with all my heart and soul! I believe that a person is obliged to fulfill only one main mission in life - to become happy! After all, together with this great feeling the world around you becomes more beautiful and there are people nearby who truly love you! I wish you success in completing this mission!

Happy Birthday! I wish you a life no less beautiful than this bright day, may you have success, luck and love in it! I wish you to always stand firmly on your feet and hold on to the shoulders of true friends! Let no sorrows come into your home, but the sun shines through the window every morning, promising a better day!

Congratulations on your jam day! May your faithful friends always warm you with their smiles, like summer rays of sunshine! So that the warm breeze always protects you from all adversities! Always be healthy and may everything be OK for you. I also wish you strong, strong love!

Let your heart will always be filled with inspiration and happiness, and those around you will be delighted with you. I wish that there will always be comfort and understanding at home, and that loved ones will always be nearby. Please the world with your smile and never despair. Happy birthday!

Among all the holidays created by God and people, the most important in all centuries remains the birthday. The day when a person comes into the world to announce his birth to the world. Today is your big day! And we hasten to rejoice with you at your birth. Rejoice and wish you well, bright sunny warmth. Wish love and tenderness from people close to you. The most incredible happiness and longevity. May your most cherished dream come true, and may you find everything you have been dreaming about for a long time. long days and nights. Happy birthday!

Heartfelt birthday greetings in prose

On this significant, festive and promising day, my wishes will be laconic, because their sincerity does not depend on the number of words. Let the most significant decisions in your destiny be made only at the behest of your heart and according to the voice of a clear mind. And may this harmony bring you satisfaction and inspiration for new achievements! Happy birthday to you!

We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! Best wishes! Let your dreams come true, your wishes come true and your dreams come true!

Happy Birthday!!! Please accept my sincere congratulations on your birthday! The most warm regards sending you. I wish you close and devoted friends nearby, good mood for another year of life!

Happy birthday! We all appreciate and love you very much, and therefore to our congratulations and wishes we add the sincere desire that they be heard also in heaven, from where good angels, having heard our words, they could bring for you more love and good luck, good health And sunny mood! And - may there be only happiness in your life!

On your birthday I am happy. After all, I can tell you once again how much I love you and wish you to always remain yourself. Let your attractiveness, strength, beauty, intelligence, reliability, practicality, chastity always adorn you. I wish you good luck in all your endeavors, I wish you only exciting recognitions. May everything be just fine for you, no matter what.

Let only the most wonderful events and moments happen in your life, let only the most good people, your most cherished dreams and desires come true. Let your home be a cozy, warm nest in which faith, hope and love will settle, and let all adversities, sorrows and problems forget the way to it forever!

Congratulations on your birthday! May every day of your life be filled with positivity and optimism, interesting ideas and pleasant meetings. May your health never fail you and give you a cheerful mood. May luck and success be yours constant companions, and any minor difficulties are easily overcome.
Happiness and good luck on your birthday!

Original happy birthday greetings in prose

I wish you happiness, health, smiles, inspiration, fidelity, delight, a vibrant life, patience, steep climbs, prosperity, warmth, fire, dreams and their fulfillment, energy, love, intoxication with happiness, kindness, hope, good luck, success and all the best the best!

Happy Birthday! We wish you peace and goodness, warmth and sun, joy and fun, money and all kinds of benefits, good luck and success in all your endeavors, true love And strong friendship, dream and fulfill your dreams, good health And for long years life! Let life present only pleasant surprises and your eyes sparkle with happiness!

On such a bright and colorful day of your birthday, I wish you to pour sparkling joy with gentle bubbles of sincere smiles into your glasses instead of champagne! I wish you passionate intoxication with happiness and positive, colorful emotions! And for dessert I wish you only sweet, long-awaited success and incredibly delicious luck!

Happy Birthday!!! From now on I wish you to become the most happy man this planet! I sincerely believe that your dream is achievable and will definitely come true! Be healthy, rich and influential, but don’t forget about your kindness, which distinguishes you from the modern generation!

Happy Birthday! It’s a pity that I can’t hug you now, but know that in my thoughts I’m with you on this day. wonderful holiday! So accept my congratulations and my wish to be a very happy person! May your life and the life of your family, without whom you cannot imagine your happiness, be magnificent! May your wishes come true, and may you be in only a good mood every day!

Happy Birth Day! Strive forward towards perfection, towards higher goals, and always achieve them! May you always come across kind, sincere and interesting people. The desire to live and travel charges you with the necessary energy and health! Happy birthday!

Happy birthday! Know that today you are captivated by your family and friends, and we will not let you go until we say enough congratulations and wishes to make your whole life truly happy and even magical! Therefore, take my friendly advice - always combine seriousness and dreaminess, carelessness and inspiration in your character, and spend every day as if Fate is especially favorable to you today!

Dear nephew, with all my broad, Russian heart I want to congratulate you on your birthday and wish you new ideas, dreams, hopes! After all, as long as a person lives and hopes, he is alive, he is always young! I want to wish you the main thing - youth of soul! Congratulations!

Happy birthday! I wish you sun, warmth, peace, fun, money, success in all your endeavors, love, prosperity, fulfillment of the most cherished desires, health and inspiration! May life give you a lot pleasant surprises, friends always surround you, and your eyes sparkle with happiness!

New happy birthday greetings in prose

Congratulating you on your birthday, I don’t want to repeat everything that I wish for you from year to year. After all, my sympathy for you is known to everyone. May fate please you with new feelings and impressions. I wish you new turns and only pleasant, necessary meetings on your path. Constant growth and prosperity in all its senses!

You have become one year older, this is not a reason to be upset! Come to think of it, you've become one year smarter and more attractive! Don't stop on this amazing path! Congratulations!

Happy birthday!!! Let small miracles happen to you as often as necessary. The set goal is always realized on time. The awareness of happiness does not leave you even in difficult days. Travel and enjoy every day you live!

Travel, grow, achieve, surprise, hello, rejoice, smile, recharge, in general, enjoy life! Good man deserves loyal friends and good luck! Let all this go with you throughout life! Happy birthday!

Today we are celebrating your birthday, today is not the time to skimp on congratulations, and if we add that you are simply a miracle, then I think it would be appropriate to wish you a life that pleases all five senses and gives your heart the desire to sing with happiness! Let long years yours true friends there will be luck and inspiration, may laziness and despondency never visit you, and may love, once coming into your world, never leave it!

Happy birthday! May you remember this holiday as a cozy meeting of your closest people, whose congratulations and wishes really helped you become happier! Let everything go smoothly in your life, but there will be no place for boredom, let there be time for surprises, small adventures and daring plans that end in dizzying success

Congratulations on have a wonderful holiday- on your birthday! Let every new day begin with a smile, walk through life with your head held high. Let all your cherished dreams come true, let even your most ambitious plans come true. Love, dream, live to the fullest!

Happy birthday!! I wish you to swim in the ocean of positivity, live on the island of Joy, not know grief and evil! I wish you a lot of money! So that three pillars are always present in your life: happiness, health and good luck! Let them carry you along the flow of your life and never let them go!

Happy birthday! I would like to wish life to be full of pleasant events, brilliant ideas and real victories! Let your soul glow with positivity and Have a good mood! And in difficult moments of your life, friends and people close to you will always be nearby! Of course, health and long life. Joy and laughter, respect from friends and love from family! Happy holiday, happy birthday!

I wish you happiness, love, health, joy, success, satisfaction in life, faith in yourself and in your future, great desire create and love! A sea of ​​cornflowers and marigolds, many true friends and one love!

Congratulations on your birthday! I wish you fulfillment of even the most unrealistic desires, good luck and success in all your endeavors, bright and positive emotions! May every day of your life be filled with joy, smiles and happiness!

Happy birthday! I wish you that everything that your thoughts and efforts are aimed at will certainly come true! Love and let them love you! Let the energy flow through you, and let every moment and every meeting be filled with indelible impressions and unprecedented colors! I want to wish you triumph, courage, good fortune, true friends and incredible events!

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Sincere birthday greetings to a man

It happened. Worried. I'm almost in awe.
I select words and look for rhymes -
I can’t stop feeling excited from joyful thoughts,
You ask: “What happened?”
I'll say - birthday!

I'm going to tell you so much
And there are so many things I want to wish,
It turns out awkward, and there is no forgiveness for me,
I repeat with a refrain: it’s your birthday!

All the money, all the blessings, dreams come true,
Cruises, surprises, enthusiastic meetings,
I wish, I wish, I repeat again -
That's how I congratulate you on your birthday!

Fun is for friends, and for friends is love,
I wish you health again and again,
So that only luck and only luck,
I repeat again. Well, happy birthday!

Sincere Happy Birthday greetings in verse

Grow, laugh and bloom,
There is so much kindness, warmth and happiness,
So that you don’t carry it away for a hundred years!
Good luck in your studies and work,

And rest is easy and to your heart’s content!
Let there be villas, money, dachas
And let there be power over fate!

Sincere birthday greetings in verse

On your long-awaited birthday
I hasten to congratulate you,
Happiness, joy, fun
We want to wish you
So that worries and sorrows
You never knew
May health and good luck
We were always nearby!

Sincere original birthday greetings

What is a birthday?
Cake, candles, congratulations!
The guests are drunk at the end
Everyone with lipstick on their face!

Oh, what a pity, today I
I can't be with you
But I’ll congratulate you via SMS,
Be beautiful and lovely!

Sincere birthday poem congratulations

I wish you on your birthday,
To be surrounded by joyful faces,
So that there is both fun and peace,
So that the husband is a king, the lover is a prince!

And money, well, just a little bit -
To a jeep, and to an apartment in the center,
So that the breasts only become larger,
A sip of love, but a hundredweight of happiness!
Happy Birthday!

Sincere birthday greetings to the birthday boy

Happy birthday to you.
Peace, kindness and warmth to you.
I wish you health and vigor,
Always be young.

May success never leave you,
Money flows into the house like a river!
Let everything be as you wish,
And the mood is like spring.

The most faithful friends to you
And understanding in the family.
Roads, paths - so that there are no holes.
Comfort and warmth in your home!

Sincere poem-congratulations on your birthday

Golden autumn is shining,
Giving the soul a magical light,
Happy birthday to you,
I wish you good, long years
Health, joy, good luck,
Have a nice meeting, cheerful eyes,
Best wishes. And that means
I wish to see you happy!

Sincere birthday greetings in prose

How important it is to have time for everything in life:
Plant children and give birth to a house,
And don’t forget to build a tree,
And I would like to have a model wife...

You will have all this, I know for sure,
In a different order, maybe, but that’s not the point.
Happy birthday to you today
And I'll try to stop by this evening!

Sincere congratulations on your birthday

An old legend says:
When was a person born?
The star in the sky will light up,
To shine for him forever.
So let it shine for you
By at least up to a hundred years old
And happiness guards your home
And joy will always be in him.
Let everything be wonderful in life,
Without grief and adversity,
Let everything be light and clear
For many, many years to come!

Cool birthday greetings from a friend

I wish you peace and quiet,
Friends, loved ones and relatives,
Your own corner, your own home by the sea,
And happy, lively days!

Smiles, joy, good luck,
Pocket ringing with dollars
More weekends at the dacha,
Love, the same, real one!

Bright moments, millions,
Applause and bows,
Cars, yachts, telephones,
Full of health!

Sincere birthday greetings to a woman

Happy birthday,
We wish you a lot of joy.
Be cheerful on this day
Wear your best dress.
May you be lucky in everything
Let happiness fill the house,
The sun is shining brighter.

The heart beats more cheerfully
So that the soul is filled
The desired song
To make everything come true -
The expected and unexpected.

Sincere birthday greetings to a friend

In all seriousness, without any laughter
I just want to wish you success
Success in work, success in salary
Success with your beloved man in bed
On the beach resort success in a tan
Good evening at the dance and bar
Success away and home success
Once again, good luck in your love life
Wherever you have to swim or go
Everywhere and always I wish you success!

A short, sincere birthday greeting

May you always have cash
What you spend it on is a personal matter.
Maybe you’ll buy a house, a car, a dacha,
And then you can treat your friends for change!
Happy Birthday!

Thank you for adding to:

Congratulations with all my heart
Your birthday is bright!
Let them bring gifts
To make your leisure time more enjoyable.
In return you set the tables -
Throw us a feast!

May all your dreams come true
They give wings to your plans.
And all the best comes true instantly,
So that your enemies choke on your saliva!

* * *

May you never recognize your enemies,
And friends will never betray you.
Let your eyes shine brighter than the sun
And dreams lead to success!

Plans come true like in a fairy tale,
Money and fame will come ahead.
Color life beautifully
And don’t let your own destiny down!!!

The most sincere congratulations on your birthday

I want to wish you good luck
Great on the road to success.
You won’t know how they cry out of frustration,
Enjoy your own destiny!

And I also wish with all my heart,
To live and increase capital.
Let friends help all the time,
So that none of them betray...

I only know how to sincerely congratulate
And speak from the heart wishes...
So that you don't get bored on this day
I will do my best!

I wish to increase my income every day
And getting out of trouble is a plus.
May you be incredibly lucky
And even the smallest trifle gives joy!

I wish you an easy life
And you will receive plenty of benefits.
Leave all problems far away
And keep yourself in perfect order.

And add to this income,
Which will increase over the years.
Let every friend come to the house today
To celebrate my birthday with you!

I want to scatter compliments
In a birthday poem for you:
You are perfect in every gesture
Like God's best creation!

Beautiful sincere birthday greetings

Birthday is the best occasion
To sincerely say:
Satisfy your love hunger
Let yourself be chained with happiness!

Don't look at the gossip -
Let them envy you.
Part your lips in a smile,
Give it to fate!

Happy birthday! Feel it
A flurry of attention and love!
Let success not leave you,
Directs you to the right goal!

* * *

Let them keep company
On your birthday, friends.
Let pride overflow
Up to the top for yourself!

Promise you won't get tired
Have fun and party!
Delight the whole world with your eyes
And with your desire to live!

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