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Who lives without a thyroid gland for many years. Features of life after removal of the thyroid gland in women

Now pressing question for you - how to live on, having lost an important organ. Of course, you should not consider yourself disabled. After all, the patient after such an operation is able to take measures that will help him adapt to a new life.

The thyroid gland, located in the neck, is quite an important organ, says the specialist. - It produces hormones that regulate metabolism throughout the body: the latter are responsible for energy and heat metabolism, affect the functioning of the cardiovascular and central nervous system, affect growth and immunity ...

If you have problems with the thyroid gland, then you will most likely be prescribed a course of drug therapy. But if you are allergic to these drugs or have knots in your neck large sizes(this is fraught with oncology), then you may be recommended and surgery, in which the ill-fated gland will be partially or completely removed.

Of course, without a thyroid gland, the quality of your life will be different, warns Tatyana Mazina. - First of all, you will have to take special drugs all your life to compensate for the lack of hormones that were previously produced by the removed gland. Partially, its function will also be taken over by other endocrine glands. But they still can not completely replace the thyroid gland. Therefore, in order to avoid problems, you will have to significantly change your lifestyle!

1. You should completely eliminate intensive physical exercise. For example, you can't carry weights. If you decide to play sports, you should not refuse it, but choose not long-distance running or shot put, but, say, tennis, ping-pong, badminton or volleyball. And don't get too carried away: physical exercise shown to you for recreational and recreational purposes only. Sports victories are not for you!

2. Avoid overheating. Do not stay in the sun for a long time. It is better to spend on the beach 2-3 times a day for half an hour, but only in the morning or after five in the evening, when Sun rays they don't heat up that much. If you are going to hot countries, consult with your doctor first: perhaps staying there is contraindicated for you. Yes, you will also have to forget about hot baths, a bath or a sauna!

3. Hypothermia is also your enemy. IN cold weather dress warmly: on your head should be warm hat, on the hands - fur gloves or mittens, on the legs - woolen socks, on the neck - a scarf ...

4. Get enough sleep. You need to sleep at least 8 hours. To avoid , take daily in the evenings warm shower. After that, you can massage your temples and feet using a mixture of essential oils in the following proportion: two drops each of geranium and orange, three each of lavender and rosemary.

In the morning, do not forget to take a cool shower, and, if possible, complete the procedure with a massage. This time, use a mixture of juniper, peppermint, eucalyptus (three drops) and orange (four drops) oils.

5. Avoid stress. Remember that any situations that make you nervous are contraindicated for you! If your job is connected with "nerves", try to change it or move to another, calmer position.

6. Try to get more positive emotions. Go for walks more often Beautiful places, meet people who are pleasant for you, attend entertainment events (but not those where there is too much noise and a lot of fuss!), make gifts for yourself ... And most importantly - smile and laugh!

Read as many humorous works as possible, watch entertainment programs, comedies and satirical performances, arrange gatherings with friends where funny songs, ditties and jokes will sound.

Surgery and removal of the thyroid gland are not uncommon for a long time. Faced with the need surgical intervention, a person inevitably thinks about life after surgery. Endocrinologist Marina Rudolfovna Lukina answers the most common questions

- Does the removal of the thyroid gland affect life expectancy?

With properly prescribed treatment, a person's life expectancy does not decrease. This is confirmed by observations of patients and a number of scientific research. And, on the contrary, unoperated thyroid nodules in many cases are a source increased danger because they can harbor cancer cells. Why live under the sword of Damocles?

- Do you really have to take hormones all your life after the operation, is it possible to do without it?

After surgery, there is a persistent hormone deficiency thyroid gland which are responsible for metabolism in the body. And substitution therapy is a vital necessity. Of course, you have to take pills. But modern endocrinologists have at their disposal drugs that are identical in composition and action to natural thyroxine, are well tolerated, and are perfectly absorbed. With their use, the symptoms of insufficient thyroid function disappear, and a person can: lead a normal life.

Can hormones provide side effects, for example, cause excess excess weight?

This opinion is fundamentally wrong. Thyroxine preparations, which are prescribed in this situation, do not increase weight. Appearing extra pounds may be due to the fact that the dosage of the drug is insufficient. IN this case you should contact an endocrinologist, he will prescribe the necessary tests and adjust the dose. In addition, weight gain may be associated with ordinary overeating.

If the hormone tests are normal, you just need to limit carbohydrate foods. Attention should also be paid to the following symptoms: irritability, diarrhea, interruptions in the work of the heart, convulsive syndrome. They must be reported to the attending physician, as they indicate an overdose of the drug.

- Do not provide hormonal preparations effects on the stomach and whether it is necessary to adhere to some certain diet after surgery?

The drugs do not have any negative effect on the stomach. Also, there are no special dietary restrictions, except for those associated with the age of the patient and general condition health. And, of course, it is important to adhere to the principles healthy eating: limit fatty, sweet and smoked foods. Be sure to tell your doctor about your diet if you follow the principles of a vegetarian diet. The fact is that soy products reduce the absorption of the hormone.

- Is it possible to practice therapeutic fasting after the operation?

In no case is it possible. Starvation is one of the factors that disrupt the normal functioning of the thyroid hormone. For the same reason, any low-calorie diets, especially those low in protein, should be treated with caution.

- Can taking other medicines affect the level of thyroid hormones?

Yes, the absorption of thyroxin can be reduced by certain medications. Therefore, other drugs should be taken no earlier than two hours after hormonal. The two-hour interval is universal, since during this time the medicine has time to enter the bloodstream. It is optimal to take hormonal drugs on an empty stomach 15-20 minutes before meals.

By the way, women should carefully consider the selection of contraceptives, especially hormonal ones, as they can reduce the effectiveness of hormone replacement therapy. Therefore, be sure to inform your gynecologist about your health status.

- Is it possible to get pregnant and give birth after thyroid surgery?

Yes, you can. But already in the first month of pregnancy, it is necessary to inform your doctor about your situation, as you will need to adjust the dose of the drug you are taking and take hormone tests every three months.

- Does working at the computer affect the level of hormones?

No, no effect. Only normal computer safety precautions should be followed.

- Is it harmful to do aerobics and other sports exercises after the operation?

If the level of hormones is normal, then you can perform any physical activity. But it is better to give up those exercises that give the heart a big load. Swimming, table tennis, Pilates are good.

- Is it possible to visit the bath or sauna?

You can go to the bathhouse and sauna, but the time spent in the steam room should be reduced to a minimum. not recommended and sharp drops temperatures, so don't jump into a pool of cold water.

- A rest in the south, what about him?

People with a removed thyroid gland can rest in the south. But lie on the beach before acquiring bronze tan a person who has undergone surgery, however, like any other, is dangerous. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, adverse fluctuations in hormones can occur. In general, I would like to wish all people who have undergone surgery, be attentive to your health, do not neglect preventive examinations and everything will be alright.

Interviewed by Elena Lavrova

The thyroid gland plays important role in metabolic processes, regulates the activities of the most important organs. Often unable to cope heavy loads that arise due to:

  • improper lifestyle and nutrition;
  • bad ecology;
  • hereditary factors.

If therapeutic measures do not give the desired effect in regulating the activity of the thyroid gland, it can be removed partially or completely.

We hasten to reassure: the quality of human life without this important organ can be preserved. It is enough to know and follow the basic recommendations for the correction of metabolic processes.

Life without a thyroid

A lifestyle without a thyroid gland is close to ideal - a sparing regimen is recommended for the patient:

  1. Reducing physical activity. Forget about professional sports achievements. But easy charging on fresh air, walking and swimming, table tennis will do you good.
  2. Choose a comfortable temperature. The sultry south and tropical countries are no longer for you. sunbathing shown in the morning and afternoon hours. Try not to overcool, dress for the weather. Hot baths, baths and saunas are contraindicated. If you cannot imagine your life without a steam room with a broom - a few minutes of being there is possible. But don't jump into the cold pool afterwards - no contrasting temperatures!
  3. The daily routine is like in a pioneer camp. Full sleep from 22 hours will have a positive impact on your well-being. Take a break in the middle of the day. Even at work, you can make time for afternoon walks and short breaks.
  4. Learn to enjoy life and avoid stress. Find a new hobby that will bring you joy and positive emotions. Grow flowers, cross stitch, travel and be happy.
  5. Change food addictions. If earlier you could not resist sweet, smoked, fatty, then life without a thyroid gland will help you cope with your weaknesses and extra pounds. Only healthy food, about which we will tell in more detail.

special strict diet for those who have undergone thyroidectomy does not exist. Eat general recommendations Things to consider when planning your menu:

  • food should be freshly prepared, enriched with vitamins and minerals;
  • strictly dose fats (no more than 60 - 80 grams), it is better to replace sugar with honey;
  • completely exclude smoked and canned foods from the diet;
  • increase the amount of protein food due to lean meat, fish, cottage cheese, eggs;
  • Always keep seasonal fruits and vegetables on the table.

Caution should be taken with fresh cabbage and soy products - they interfere with the absorption of hormones.

In no case do not starve, do not use low-calorie diets that stress the body. Eat small meals at certain times.

Hormone replacement therapy

Removal of the thyroid gland is directly dependent on the production of hormones. There is a persistent shortage of them. Therefore, throughout their lives, people who have undergone surgery should take hormonal preparations that correspond to natural thyroxin.

The specialist will select the correct dose for you, but you must remember what to take medications on an empty stomach, 20 minutes before meals.

If you are taking any other medications, tell your doctor about them - some medications can reduce the absorption of hormones. As a rule, the interval between taking drugs of different groups is at least two hours.

Life goes on!

Removal of the thyroid gland does not lead to disability, the person continues full life. In women, pregnancy and childbirth proceed normally. It is only necessary with the help of a doctor to choose the required dose of hormone replacement drugs.

Scientific studies, observation of patients without a thyroid gland show that their life expectancy does not decrease.

The thyroid gland is a key organ endocrine system, which produces iodine-containing hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine, which are responsible for metabolism, cell growth and the viability of all organs and systems of the human body. In medical practice, there are diseases that require it. complete removal. It is necessary to understand in detail how life will change without a thyroid gland, what needs to be done to alleviate this situation.

How to live without a thyroid gland

A man without a thyroid gland removed by medical indications, is able to lead a full life with some adjustments. In order not to get irreversible consequences associated with the absence of an organ, it is necessary to adhere to some rules, including:

  • lifelong hormone replacement therapy;
  • feasible physical activity;
  • healthy eating;
  • regular examinations by an endocrinologist.

If removed thyroid, then the production of hormones necessary for the normal functioning of the body stops. Taking the right dosage of the synthetic hormone thyroxine improves the patient's quality of life.

Daily physical activity is necessary, but it should be done lightly, without effort.

The absence of the thyroid obliges the patient to adhere to the correct good nutrition with a predominance in the diet of protein foods, seafood, milk, cottage cheese, vegetables and fruits.

For women, the removal of this organ is not a contraindication to pregnancy and childbirth. More careful observation of a specialist and adjustment of hormonal preparations will be required.

Life after thyroid resection right approach can be full and active.

How long do they live after thyroid removal?

According to medical statistics, the duration of the patient's stay after removal of the thyroid gland depends entirely on his compliance with all the recommendations of the attending endocrinologist. In the absence of timely and proportionate treatment of this organ, life expectancy is significantly reduced.


Complications after removal of the thyroid gland are rare, but should not be ignored.

At the end recovery period, a month after the operation, the patient, taking into account all the recommendations of the doctor, often returns to his usual life.

Complications received during surgical intervention, are explained by the anatomy of the thyroid gland, which is located in close proximity to the nerve trunks, large blood vessels. These complications include:

  • subcutaneous bleeding with the formation of a tumor and bruising;
  • damage to the parathyroid glands with the manifestation of convulsions, severe headache;
  • compression or incision of the recurrent laryngeal nerve with impaired breathing and swallowing, paresis of the vocal cords;
  • injury to nearby lymph nodes;
  • wound infection with high temperature body, pain and pus.

Absolute insufficiency of the removed thyroid gland is manifested by:

  • depressive state;
  • change of mood;
  • dry skin;
  • bradycardia, etc.

Correction of substitution therapy and recommendations of an endocrinologist will help to eliminate endocrine failure.

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