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Presentation of one of the national holidays. Russian holidays and rituals. Presentation. September - Autumn

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Students of group 1p16
Khilko Karina
Lantsova Veronica


Christmas is
second in importance
holiday in
calendar Noted
January 7 not only on
church, but also on
level. One of the most
ancient holidays,
that have reached our

CHRISTMAS Nativity Scene

By the beginning of the 18th century, from
Western Europe to
Nativity scene came to us -
small theater in
played out
biblical scenes. IN
The very word "nativity scene"
has become synonymous
"amateur theater"


Christmas was coming
the same name as strict fasting,
lasted about a month. IN
this time was impossible
consume fast food.
It was believed that the birth
Jesus Christ was announced by the bright
star. Therefore the ending
fast was dedicated to
the appearance of the first star on
evening sky on eve
holiday. On the last day
post up to this point in general
It was not customary to eat.

Christmas also marked
graduation from agricultural
of the year. During the harvest the head
families chose the best sheaf
wheat and placed it under the icons,
like gratitude to God for a good
harvest. On Christmas Eve this sheaf
burned, thereby symbolizing
hope for the next harvest.
At this time it was customary to change
as much as possible in your life -
put on new clothes, shoes,
buy expensive things.

The nativity scenes came out in the evening
before Christmas and
performed in the squares or
went into houses. In their
the repertoire included scenes from
life of the family of Jesus Christ,
other biblical stories and
stories. It is characteristic that
images of heroes and plot
lines maximum
topical topics.


Christmas Eve was named "Christmas Eve" from the name of a dish that is traditionally
prepared on this day in peasant families -


Christmastide is Slavic
folk holiday,
which falls on
winter period.
Holiday week
Christians lasts from 7
January to January 19,
starting from Christmas
Christ before Epiphany
The Lord's.
it's a holiday
for the period from December 25
until January 6.


People celebrated Christmastide in their own way.
On the first day of the holiday it was customary to visit
loved ones and relatives.
give attention to the poor, deprived and
We also visited orphanages, shelters, and hospitals.
Even kings, disguised as commoners,
visited prisoners in prisons and gave
asking for alms on the street.


Epiphany bathing

Epiphany of the Lord is a Christian holiday,
created by Jesus' baptism in the river


People who believe in
God, plunge into
cut through or in others
open sources.
There is a belief that
water during the period
Baptism has
properties, as well as
can strengthen
spiritual and


It is necessary to dive with
head, and established
number of times – three. During
bathing, it is advisable to be baptized and
don't forget to say the prayer:
"In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy
Taking a dip in a swimsuit
prohibited, allowed
diving only at night
Prohibited on Epiphany days


Maslenitsa is one of them and is celebrated on a week
before the start of Lent. It starts at
Sunday, which is popularly called “meat plot”.


Palm Sunday -
holiday preceding Easter, celebrated
Christians in the sixth
Sunday of Lent
service, and the main
tradition in Russia -
illumination of willow branches.


On this day you cannot work, you cannot comb your hair and
drive livestock out to pasture. Also traditions prohibit
cook hot dishes, so it's better about it
take care in advance. As for food in general,
heavy, fatty foods are not consumed, but
It is allowed to eat fish and vegetables.
Some folk traditions are also associated with this holiday.
weather signs for this day:
If it rains, expect a bountiful harvest.
If the sun is shining, there will be a rich harvest again, and even
and warm summer.
If a strong wind blows, it means cool and
windy summer.


It is also called Holy Week, Great
week and marks the last six days
Great Lent before Easter.


The most important holiday in the Orthodox Church
calendar - this is Bright Sunday of Christ,
also called Easter.


Trinity, Trinity Day is a national holiday among the Slavs.
It was celebrated for a day or two from Sunday to Tuesday. But
celebrated and three. It was variously called Midsummer (Festival of Living Water), Ascension,
Semik, Green calendar, Rusal week.


Red slide
Sunday from
Easter, she
weeks and from
for a long time
It has
a bunch of
rituals and
Let's talk about
them in more detail.

Red means
In Slavic dialects
the word "red"
used in
meaning "beautiful"
blooming, cheerful,
gratifying." Red
slide means beautiful
by location and


Another belief said that
young people who are not
went out to everyone
festivities, doomed themselves to
unfortunate fate and
There was a special
fortune telling: on this day they rode
red eggs from Mt.
The further the egg rolls, the
a longer life awaits him
Since visiting cemeteries on Easter itself is not recommended by the church,
then this was done on Krasnaya Gorka;
An old proverb says: “Whoever marries on Krasnaya Gorka,
live in love and prosperity";
For a long time, on this day they organized booths, funny fights,
There were round dances. On this day it was customary to paint eggs and walk with
visit them;

On this day girls
stacked colored eggs
to the center of the round dance and sang
spring spells,
inviting her to come. One
from old proverbs
says: “Spring will turn red
Krasna Gorka Saint George
On this day, young people poured water on their chosen ones. Tradition
ordered to woo the drenched girl. If this should not have happened, then
the relatives of the would-be bride could beat the would-be groom;
An old proverb says: “On Red Hill from the grave, parents
they breathe warmth.” It was believed that on this day the deceased could visit
their relatives;


The Slavic holiday Ivan Kupala is an ancient
tradition of the Western and Eastern Slavs, which is not mentioned
forgotten to this day. The holiday is celebrated almost every
all countries of modern Europe. In some of them he
is not only religious, but also



Every year on August 2 (July 20 according to the old calendar) Orthodox
Christians celebrate the Feast of St. Elijah or Elijah's Day. It's not only
a significant day for believers, it also symbolizes the beginning
transition from summer to autumn season, with a decrease in
daylight hours, a gradual decrease in temperature, especially at night,
animals and insects are preparing for the onset of winter cold.

Christians considered the prophet Elijah to be the executor of God
will and His laws, as well as the manifestation of the wrath of God.


Before the holiday of Elijah, peasants must
were to finish mowing the hay and begin the harvest and
On August 2, all livestock were not taken outside,
so as not to suffer from the thunder and lightning of the Thunderer
Elijah piercing various demons with arrows.

Also, any work in the garden or field was
strictly prohibited, it was believed that the harvest
will not be.
Another main feature of this day was
ban on swimming in rivers and lakes.


Orthodox Church July 8
celebrates the day of remembrance of saints
blessed princes Peter and
Fevronia Muromsky -
patrons of family
well-being, mutual respect
and sincere love.
Their marriage has been for many centuries
a model of Christian marriage.


In the series of August Spas, Honey takes first place
place, opening the sequence of harvesting and welcoming autumn. This
the holiday falls on August 14 and coincides with the beginning of
two-week Dormition Fast, which lasts until
third Nut Savior.


Traditionally from this day on in Rus'
the pumping of honey began.
On this day traditional
the treat was pies with
honey and millet porridge.
It was also customary to bake
Traditionally on this day
girls and women collected
a herbal amulet that
consecrated in church together with
The bouquet must be tied in red
tape and was stored in the house until
next year. Often such bouquets
hung at the head of children's beds
to protect their sleep and scare away the evil ones
spirits and bad dreams.


Apple Spas is the central of the three Spas
Orthodox calendar. Under this name among the people
called the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, which
celebrated on August 19.


One of the main traditions is
prohibition on use until that day
fruits and sampling the new harvest. This
associated with Christian dogma
about strengthening faith and fighting against
On this day it is customary to wear
white clothes and carry them to church
collected fruits for consecration, and
further use them for
preparing holiday dishes


According to the church calendar, August 29 for Orthodox Christians
The holiday is coming, popularly called the Savior of Nuts.
The Third Savior has several names and they all take their toll
beginning at the origins of traditions.

Khlebny Spas. Earlier this day on the table
must have been fresh
loaf baked from the first grain
harvest, thanks to this tradition Third
Spas is called the Bread Spas.
Nut Spas. The third Savior has a name
Orekhovogo Spas, since August 29th was
It’s customary for everyone to get together and go into the forest
for collecting nuts, hence the name.
Spas on canvas. Another tradition associated with the history of this
holiday, the production of canvases began. Women, girls for this
for the holiday they wove a lot of canvases and cloths, after which they sold them - this
tradition gave rise to another name for the Third Spas - Canvas Spas.
Church name. In the church calendar, the Feast of the Third Savior
has a long and beautiful name - Transfer of Something Not Made by Hands
Image of the Lord Jesus Christ.


According to the modern calendar, the holiday falls on the 14th
October. This day has been important for believers since ancient times.
to this day, many people sing songs as a sign of their
reverence to your protector - the Most Holy Theotokos.


Pokrov Day - the beginning of the autumn wedding season
Intercession day - day of intercession
Festive dishes

Maslenitsa Maslenitsa for Russians is the same as carnival for Italians. The original meaning of the holidays is the same: translated from Italian, "carnival" (carne - vale) means "beef, goodbye!"

Maslenitsa The name of Maslenitsa is also given to a straw effigy, which is dressed in women's clothing with a butter pancake or frying pan in its hands. They had fun with this scarecrow throughout the Maslenitsa week: they rode around in troikas, and at the end of the holiday, they burned it on a cheerfully burning bonfire on some hill.

Maslenitsa week Monday -- Meeting This is a meeting of the Pure Maslenitsa of the broad noblewoman. We started the Maslenitsa celebration by visiting relatives. In the morning, the father-in-law and mother-in-law sent the daughter-in-law to her father and mother for the day, and in the evening they themselves came to visit the matchmakers. Here, behind a round glass, it was decided when and where to spend time, who to invite to visit, when to ride through the streets.

Maslenitsa week Tuesday - Flirting Tuesday - Flirting In the morning, the girls and young men went to visit, ride in the mountains, eat pancakes. Fun and daring games, rides, and fun began. Guests were received, greeted at the gate, and after refreshments they were allowed to go for a ride to the mountains, where the young men looked out for brides, and the girls secretly glanced at their betrothed.

Maslenitsa week Wednesday - Lakomka Wednesday - Lakomka On Lakomka, mothers-in-law received their sons-in-law for pancakes. And before there were not one or two sons-in-law, as in modern families, but five to ten! So the mother-in-law had to welcome and treat everyone, so that no one would be offended. So Maslenitsa was a ruinous holiday for those families with many daughters. And in the evenings they sang songs about a caring mother-in-law. It was believed that on Maslenitsa, and especially on Lakomka, you should eat as much as your heart desires.

Maslenitsa week Thursday - Revelry Thursday - Revelry On Thursday, a wide revelry began: riding through the streets, fist fights and various rituals. For example, they attached a pole to a huge sleigh, tied a wheel to it, and on the wheel they put a joker and entertainer with wine and rolls, and after this “train” people followed with songs. And they began to carry the stuffed Maslenitsa and sing carols: dressed up children walked from house to house and sang: “Tryntsy-Bryntsy, bake pancakes!”, thus begging for a treat for the festive evening

Maslenitsa week Friday - Mother-in-law's vespers Friday - Mother-in-law's vespers No sooner had the mother-in-laws fed pancakes to their sons-in-law on Wednesday than now the sons-in-law invite them to visit them! After all, on Friday, on mother-in-law's evening, sons-in-law treated their wives' mothers to pancakes and sweets. Previously, the son-in-law had to personally invite his mother-in-law in the evening, and in the morning send special, ceremonial “calls” for her. The more “invited” there were, the more honors the mother-in-law received. That’s why they said that “the mother-in-law has a favorite son.” The more “invited” guests there were, the more honors the mother-in-law received. That’s why they said that “the mother-in-law has a favorite son.”

Maslenitsa week Saturday -- Sister-in-law's gatherings (sister-in-law's husband's sister) On Saturday, the young daughter-in-law invited her husband's relatives to visit her. If the sisters-in-law were not yet married, then she invited her unmarried friends to visit. The newlywed daughter-in-law had to present her sisters-in-law with gifts. It is interesting that the word “sister-in-law” itself was believed to come from the word “evil,” since the husband’s sisters treated their daughter-in-law (“who came from God knows where”) with distrust and wariness.

Maslenitsa week Sunday. Forgiveness day. On the last day of Maslenitsa, everyone asked each other for forgiveness, the newlyweds visited their relatives, gave gifts to their father-in-law, matchmakers and boyfriends for wedding gifts. On Sunday they burned an effigy as a symbol of the winter that has ended. And the ashes were waved over the fields “for a rich harvest.” They threw everything that was no longer needed into the fire in order to free themselves from everything unnecessary.

Maslenitsa You came with good things, With intoxicating beer and wine. With pancakes, pies, and pancakes. We ride down the mountain From dawn to dusk, And today, Sunday, Our fun is over. Farewell, farewell, Our Maslenitsa! Goodbye, goodbye, our Maslenitsa. You didn’t come on Wednesday or on Friday, you came on Sunday, there’s fun all week long.

Maslenitsa week In the evening, Forgiveness took place between family and friends: children bowed at the feet of their parents and asked for forgiveness, after them all relatives and friends came. Thus, people were freed from old grievances accumulated over the year and celebrated the New Year with a pure heart and a light soul. Sunday. Forgiveness day.

Russian folk holidays

The life of Russian people in the distant past consisted of everyday work and holidays. On weekdays they plowed, sowed, reaped, worked in workshops, raised children, and kept house. But the time of holidays was also coming - it was a time of relaxation, fun, joy, when people felt that they were all one big family, everyone was gathering at the festive table, everyone was smartly dressed and wished each other love, happiness, health, a good harvest, good things in life. home, peace and joy in the heart and soul. There were many holidays in Russia: 140-150 a year. These holidays were aimed at promoting the health and well-being of people. Customs, rituals, and the very celebration of holidays were passed down from century to century, from elders to younger ones, like a great treasure, a common wealth, in them the Russian people revealed their character, their soul, beauty, and culture.

Maslenitsa is a holiday of seeing off winter and welcoming spring. The first mention of Maslenitsa is in the 16th century. They began to prepare for Maslenitsa from the middle of the previous week. The housewives cleaned the place, bought food, and baked pancakes. They built ice slides, snow fortresses, towns, and swings. Entertainment for Maslenitsa: pancakes; skiing from the mountains; buffoon booths; hanging swing; horseback riding; fist fights; taking snowy towns.

Maslenitsa Of particular importance was the ritual of the honorable importation of a specially made stuffed animal - a symbol of Maslenitsa. The guest was greeted with songs and lamentations. From that moment it was believed that the holiday began.

Maslenitsa week Monday – meeting Tuesday – “flirts” Wednesday – “gourmet” Thursday – “revelry” Friday – “mother-in-law’s evening” Saturday – “zalovka’s gatherings” Sunday – “forgiveness day”

Maslenitsa On the last day of Maslenitsa, cleansing rituals were performed: a large ritual fire was lit on an elevated place, and old unnecessary things were burned in it. The effigy symbolizing Maslenitsa was burned, the holiday was considered over, all the treats remaining after Maslenitsa were subject to destruction, as Lent began.

Annunciation The Annunciation is the good news of the birth of Jesus. It's time for the birds to arrive. It's time to dig the ground and plant. The holiday was not celebrated with fun; traditional things were going to church, observing prohibitions, and talking about sowing and plowing.

Annunciation Early in the morning the peasants went to church for matins. On this day, a relaxation of fasting was allowed. On this day, the girls danced in circles with the singing of stoneflies. It was customary to release birds into the wild. It was forbidden to braid hair, spin, or lend anything. They blessed the grain and told fortunes about the future harvest.

Palm Sunday The people greeted the arrival of Jesus Christ in Jerusalem with palm branches. Among the Russians, the willow took the place of palm branches.

Palm Sunday On this day, everyone hurried to church to bless the willow branches. They were brought home and then kept for a long time so that they would ward off illnesses from the house.

Palm Sunday The willow has magical powers (protects against diseases; gives vitality and health; protects the house from lightning, fire, evil spirits). The willow was kept on the shrine for a whole year. People noted that if the willow blooms well, the arable land will be successful.

Easter is the “feast of feasts,” the miraculous resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Jesus Christ was crucified for the atonement of human sins. He rose three days later on the seventh day of the week (Sunday), so every Sunday people do not work in memory of the resurrection of Christ.

Easter They prepared for Easter, starting from Maundy Thursday, painted and painted eggs, prepared Easter, baked Easter cakes.

Easter On the night from Saturday to Sunday, the Easter service takes place - midnight, after the end of the service the parishioners congratulated each other on the bright holiday, kissed three times and said the words: “Christ is risen!” - “Truly he is risen!”, they exchanged colored eggs.

Easter The most important element of the holiday is the morning Easter meal, after which the village children went to “Christ”, the owners presented them with pies, sweets, and colored eggs. On the streets, girls and boys danced, sang songs, and competed in various games with Easter eggs.

Easter On Easter morning we went out into the street to watch the sun “rejoice” and play, which meant a good and healthy life, a rich harvest and happy weddings.

Conclusion Basically, the customs and traditions of the Russian people are associated with the calendar, and with church sacraments, holidays and complex rituals. The formation of traditions is a continuous process. Some historical traditions of Russia are becoming a thing of the past or are changing under the pressure of modern realities. But new traditions in Russia, on the contrary, are winning a “place in the sun” and entering the life of the Russian people. In addition, some national traditions in Russia are gradually gaining popularity and becoming nationwide and ubiquitous. Perhaps only specialists can track all these processes, but everyone can see their result - the totality of modern Russian traditions.

Elena Martyanova
Presentation “Russian folk holidays”

What's happened holidays?The explanatory dictionary gives several explanations of this word. A day of celebration established in honor of some outstanding event. A day specially celebrated by custom or church. Just a day off, a non-working day (from the word « idleness» - doing nothing).

Life Russians people in the distant past consisted of everyday work and holidays. On weekdays they plowed, sowed, reaped, worked in workshops, raised children, and kept house. But the time was coming holidays- it was a time of relaxation, fun, joy, when people felt that they were all one big family, everyone was gathering for festive table, everyone is smartly dressed and wishes each other love, happiness, health, a good harvest, goodness in the home, peace and fun in the heart and soul. Holiday there were days in Russia a lot of:140-150 per year. These holidays were aimed at improving people's health and well-being. Customs, rituals, the conduct itself holidays passed down from century to century, from elders to younger ones, like a great treasure, common wealth, in them Russian a person revealed his character, his soul, beauty, culture.

Maslenitsa - holiday farewell to winter and welcome to spring

Publications on the topic:

Film "Russian folk carols" Video Greetings, dear colleagues! Today I want to present to your attention a film called “Russian Folk Carols,” but it’s not easy.

Master class “Russian folk holidays all year round” Goals and objectives: To introduce teachers to the holidays of Russian folk culture. Arouse teachers' interest in national holidays. Develop.

National holidays Introducing preschool children to Russian culture through folk holidays. Spiritual and moral education in our country.

FOLK HOLIDAYS IN Rus'. CHRISTMAS - CAROLS. Christmastide is the 12 days from January 7 to January 19. Christmas time begins with the Nativity of Christ. Those days.

PROJECT “RUSSIAN FOLK TALES” Educator: Elena Grigorievna Kropotova Duration of the project: from October 10 to October 14 First stage.

Project “Russian folk tales” Project: “Russian folk tales”. Cognitive, creative. Project participants: children 3-4 years old, teacher, parents of students. An object:.

Dear colleagues. I would like to bring to your attention Russian folk dolls that I made with my own hands. In our nursery.

Russian folk outdoor games Message. On the topic: “Russian folk outdoor games.” Physical activity is children’s natural need for movement and satisfaction.

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Holidays in the Russian village of the past were an important aspect of social and family life. The peasants even said: “We work all year for the holiday.” The holiday was perceived by the religious consciousness of people as something sacred, opposite to everyday life - everyday life. If weekdays were interpreted as a time during which a person must engage in worldly affairs, earning his daily bread, then the holiday was understood as a time of merging with the divine and becoming familiar with the sacred values ​​of the community, its sacred history.

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First of all, the holiday was considered obligatory for all members of the village community who had reached adulthood. Children, old people, cripples, old maids, and the sick were not allowed to attend the holiday, since some had not yet reached the age of understanding sacred values, while others were already on the verge between the world of the living and the world of the dead, others had not fulfilled their destiny on earth - they had not entered into marriage.

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The holiday also implied complete freedom from all work. On this day it was forbidden to plow, mow, reap, sew, clean the hut, chop wood, spin, weave, that is, perform all everyday peasant work. The holiday obliged people to dress smartly, to choose pleasant, joyful topics for conversation, and to behave differently: to be cheerful, friendly, hospitable.

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A characteristic feature of the holiday was a large crowd. The quiet village on weekdays was filled with invited and uninvited guests - beggars, wanderers, pilgrims, walkers, leaders with bears, showmen, raeshniks, puppeteers, fair traders, peddlers. The holiday was perceived as a day of transformation of a village, a house, a person. Strict measures were taken against persons who violated the rules of the holiday: from fines, lashings, to complete expulsion from the village community.

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In the Russian village, all holidays were included in a single multi-stage sequence. They coped from year to year, from century to century, in a certain order established by tradition. Among them was the main holiday, which, from the point of view of the peasants, had the greatest sacred power - Easter. The great holidays: Christmas, Trinity, Maslenitsa, Midsummer and Peter's days and small holidays, also called semi-holidays, were associated with the beginning of various types of peasant work: the first day of sowing grain, harvesting cabbage for the winter and others.

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Holidays not associated with church tradition included Christmastide, Maslenitsa, sacred holidays - in memory of some village event, often tragic, in the hope of appeasing nature, the deity, as well as various men's, women's and youth holidays.

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  • Christmas, Holidays:
    • Carols;
    • Mummers;
    • Christmas carols;
    • Spiritual Poems;
    • Yuletide fortune telling;
    • Underwater songs;
    • Rituals;
    • Games.
  • Baptism:
    • Gatherings;
    • Evenings;
  • Slide 9


    • Wide Maslenitsa;
    • Palm Sunday;
    • Easter;
    • Red Hill (invocation of spring; weddings);
    • Semik;
    • Trinity.
  • Slide 10

    Summer Red

    • Ivan Kupala;
    • Peter's Day;
    • Elijah Day;
    • Spas (honey, apple, nut);
    • Summer Rusalia
  • Slide 11

    Autumn is golden

    • Autumn;
    • Dozhinki - the holiday of the last sheaf;
    • Skit;
    • Harvest Festival;
    • Autumn Fair;
    • Halloween in Russian: ghouls, ghouls, goblin, merman, kikimores, witches.
  • Slide 12

    September 21 - Autumn

  • Slide 13

    September 21 Oseniny, Malaya Prechistaya, Ospozhinki, Nativity of the Virgin Mary

    • In the church calendar, this day marks a major holiday - the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It is believed that it was on September 21 that daughter Maria was born into the family of the righteous Joachim and Anna. In Orthodoxy, the holiday is one of the twelve - that is, the main ones of the year.
    • On the Most Pure Day, on the day of the autumn equinox, the second meeting of autumn was celebrated.
    • Old style date: September 8.
  • Slide 14

    Mother of God

    Very little is known about the birth of the Virgin Mary. According to legend, a pious couple from Jerusalem did not have children for a long time. When Joachim retired into the desert to pray for the birth of a child, an angel appeared to both him and his wife, announcing that their offspring “will be talked about all over the world.” Nine months later, Anna gave birth to a girl.

    Slide 15

    She was a Virgo not only in body, but also in soul: humble in heart, circumspect in words, prudent, taciturn, a lover of reading, hardworking, chaste in speech, considering not man, but God as the judge of her thoughts. Her rule was to wish well to everyone, to honor elders , do not envy equals, avoid boasting, be sensible, love virtue.

    Slide 16


    • The holiday is dedicated to the harvest, fertility and family well-being. By this time, field work is completed: harvesting, exporting grain to barns, harvesting flax. The foundation for the family's well-being for the coming year has been laid. On this day they honored and thanked the Mother of God for the harvest. It is believed that it gives prosperity, patronizes agriculture, family and especially mothers.
    • The harvest festival was sometimes celebrated for a whole week - with games, songs, dances, feasts. The autumn people were met by the water. Early in the morning, women went to the banks of rivers and lakes with bread. The older woman stood with a loaf of bread, and the young women sang songs to the glory of the Mother of God. After this, the bread was broken into pieces according to the number of those gathered: each woman took her piece home and fed it to the cattle.
    • The symbols of the holiday are oats, lubok with grain and homemade bread.
  • Slide 17

    This day is popularly called the Second Most Pure Day.

    • Relatives came to the newlyweds on the Most Pure One: they watched how they lived, taught them wisdom. The young housewife had to feed the guests a delicious dinner and give the parents round pies, and her husband had to show the farm: livestock in the barns, harness and tools in the sheds.
    • This is traditionally a women's holiday: a woman is revered as a continuator of the family.
    • On this day, women turn their prayers to the Mother of God so that the Holy Intercessor will send a child. After the service, it is imperative to give alms or invite the disadvantaged, orphans, and the sick to dinner.
  • Slide 18

    Name day on this day Georgy, Ivan

  • Slide 19

    Most Pure

    On the Most Pure Day, on the day of the autumn equinox, they celebrated the second meeting of autumn and observed signs. If the weather was good, then the whole autumn should have been like this.

    Slide 20

    Russian Military Glory Day

    This is a significant and memorable date for any Russian person. On September 8 (September 21, new style) 1380, a great battle took place on the Kulikovo Field. Russian regiments led by the Grand Duke of Moscow and Vladimir Dmitry Ivanovich (Dmitry Donskoy) gave a decisive battle in the history of Russia at that time to the Horde troops led by Khan Mamai. The battle was called Kulikovo and was a turning point in the struggle of the Russian people against the yoke of the Golden Horde. This is one of the days of military glory of Russia, celebrated annually on September 21

    Slide 21

    International Day of Peace

    For most people on planet Earth, peace is an everyday reality. Our streets are calm, our children go to school. Where the foundations of society are strong, the priceless gift of peace may not be particularly noticed by anyone. However, for too many people in the modern world, this gift is nothing more than a fairytale dream. They live in chains, in an atmosphere of instability and fear. It is mainly for them that this day exists. In 1982, in its resolution, the UN General Assembly proclaimed the International Day of Peace as a day of universal ceasefire and renunciation of violence. Since then, the holiday, celebrated annually on September 21, has attracted millions of people, spanning many countries and regions. It is designed to make people not only think about the world, but also do something for it.

    View all slides

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