Sport. Health. Nutrition. Gym. For style

Conducting an open lesson in the senior group of kindergarten. “Lesson in kindergarten: forms and organization Summary of classes in kindergarten development

Testing children, topic: “Dinosaurs”

Testing children on the topic “Dinosaurs” should reveal the level of children’s knowledge and skills in mathematics: quantitative and ordinal counting, numbers, size, shape, geometric figures; on the development of coherent speech: vocabulary, coherent speech; fine motor skills: lines, coloring, modeling, cutting with scissors; cognitive processes: memory, thinking, attention.

Thematic lesson “Snow boom”

Lesson for young children to prepare for school.

Game "Getting ready for a hike"

A game to develop fine motor skills and train voluntary memory.

Game “Count the Watermelon Seeds”

A game for preschool children to develop ordinal counting skills “Count the watermelon seeds.”

Paper fortress tower

Game paper fortress tower

Game "Hare"

The game "Hare" for the development of fine motor skills, cutting and gluing skills for preschool children.

Let's play mail

Summary of an open lesson on preparing children for school (six-year-olds) on the topic “Mail”.

African journey

Testing children of the fifth year of life for the assimilation of knowledge acquired over the year.

Game "Easter cake and eggs"

Game for preschool children “Easter cake and eggs”

Easter Eggs Coloring Pages

Several Easter-themed coloring pages for preschool children.

Game “Funny Patches” on the theme “Transport”

A game to develop fine motor skills in preschool children.

Travel to Mexico

Materials for an open lesson on preparing children for school.

New Year's quest "In search of tangerines"

Scenario for a New Year's quest game for children of primary and secondary preschool age.

Game "Christmas trees and toys"

Game to consolidate mathematical knowledge “Christmas trees and toys”

Getting to know Antarctica

Goals: To introduce children to the nature of Antarctica. Teach children to read, achieving consistency and speed. Practice writing the outline of a sentence. Improve counting skills, solving examples, comparing sets, measuring length using a ruler. To develop children's curiosity, thinking, attention, fine and gross motor skills. Cultivate curiosity.

A selection of games and exercises on the topic “Furniture”

Expand children's knowledge about furniture.
Activate children's vocabulary on this topic.
Form stable ideas about color, size, quantity, shape.
Continue to teach children to count to three, navigate in space, and understand the meaning of the concepts “upper” and “lower.” Practice finger painting and stamping, sculpting, gluing.
Develop thinking, memory, fine motor skills, coordination of movements.
Coordination of words and movements.

Game “Find the shadow. Insects"

Goals of the game:

The game helps develop thinking, fine motor skills, and train children in the ability to see the shape of an object. In addition, it makes it possible to expand children's vocabulary with words-names of insects and expand knowledge about them.

A selection of materials on the theme “Maslenitsa”

Objectives: To give children an initial understanding of Maslenitsa. Improve counting skills. Consolidate knowledge of the shape and size of the object. Practice drawing, modeling, appliqué. Develop attention, thinking, fine and gross motor skills.

Game “Build a Snowman”, vowels

A game to reinforce the image of capital and lowercase vowels for preschool children.

Game "Funny Snowmen"

This game will help children strengthen their quantitative counting skills and the ability to correlate numbers and quantities of objects.

Riddles about the New Year

A selection of riddles for the holiday - riddles about Father Frost, Snow Maiden, Snowman, Christmas tree.

Game with clothespins “Christmas toys”

Clipart for the New Year

Father Frost, Snow Maiden, Snowman, Christmas tree, New Year's toys and other pictures with the symbols of the New Year.

Game-aid “Once a clothespin, two clothespins”

To consolidate the studied material, it is good to use non-standard techniques. Clothespins with numbers will become your helpers in consolidating children's mathematical knowledge: with them you can conveniently and quickly complete tasks on counting, equality and inequality of numbers, more and less, finding adjacent numbers, and solving examples on addition and subtraction.

Game-aid “Drawing by dots”

This manual is intended for the development of graphomotor functions of preschool children in kindergartens or early development groups.

Game-aid “Counting to ten”

Handout “Autumn Leaves”

Counting handouts on the theme of autumn.

Game "Autumn Leaves"

This material will help children master cutting with scissors at the initial stage, when the child already knows how to hold scissors correctly and cut paper with them.

Handout "Car"

Picture for lamination, cutting and use as counting material in kindergartens and other preschool institutions.

Handout “Carrots”

Counting handout for cutting and laminating on the theme “Carrots”.

Journey into the past of planet Earth

Expand children's knowledge about prehistoric animals.
Introduce the fern plant, the nature of such a phenomenon as a volcano, and the structure of the human skeleton.
Practice drawing, modeling, and collective appliqué.
Learn to make independent conclusions from the results of experiments (“flexibility of the spine”, “volcano”).
Develop attention, thinking, curiosity, fine and gross motor skills.

Game "Numbers-neighbors"

Purpose of the game: To consolidate children's knowledge of the sequence of numbers.
Strengthen the skills of forward and backward counting within 10.

Game "Funny Patches" on the theme of fruits and berries

Plasticine patches on the theme of fruits and berries (pear, orange, banana, lemon, plum, watermelon, cherry and grapes).

Game "Funny Patches" on the theme of vegetables

A game to develop fine motor skills in preschool children with original pictures on the theme of vegetables.

A selection of material on the topic “Travel to Greece”

Introduce children to Greece (geographical location, culture, history, mythology, Olympic Games).

Develop curiosity, fine and gross motor skills.

A selection of material on the topic “Germany”

Introduce children to the geographical location of the country, its flag, national costume, traditions and customs, interesting facts of the past and present.
Improve your drawing and sculpting skills.
Develop curiosity, gross and fine motor skills.

Riddles about school for children

Riddles and poems about school and its attributes - knowledge, books, desks, briefcase, ruler, September 1, Knowledge Day, etc.

A selection of material on the topic “Travel to Australia”

Lesson objectives:

Introduce children to the geographical location, nature and culture of Australia.
Exercise children in drawing and appliqué.
Develop gross and fine motor skills.
Improve visual skills.
Cultivate curiosity.

Master class for the early development club, topic: “Magic Cube”

Introduce parents to the forms and methods of preparing children for school.

Summary of educational activities for familiarization with the environment for the preparatory group, topic: “China”

Introduce children to the characteristic features of the history and culture of China.
Improve skills in appliqué, drawing, and manual labor.

GCD on getting to know your surroundings, topic: “Mexico”

Introduce children to the characteristic features of nature and Mexican culture.
Improve skills in appliqué, modeling, and manual labor.
Develop curiosity, memory, fine and gross motor skills.

Summary of the “Summer” lesson for the nursery group

Expand children's knowledge about summer.
Enrich children's vocabulary on the topic.
Form stable ideas about size, quantity, color, geometric shapes.
Continue to teach children to indicate the number of objects with a number, to determine the position of an object in space.
Practice sculptural and bas-relief modeling, gluing, finger painting, stamps and pencils.
Develop the ability to repeat movements after the teacher.
Develop thinking, motor skills, visual and auditory concentration, coordination of movements.

Game “Make and Read Syllables”

Learning to read - letters "A" and "M"

Introduce children to the letters and sounds “A” and “M”.
Learn to identify the first sound in a word.
Choose words starting with the syllable “MA”.
Practice composing and reading closed and open syllables.
Develop phonemic hearing, articulatory apparatus, fine motor skills. Improve your sculpting and painting skills.
Cultivate an interest in reading.

Summary of the integrated GCD in the senior group, topic: “The Wrong Fairy Tale of Andrei Usachev”

Introduce children to Andrei Usachev’s poem “Belly-Belly.”
Teach children to notice the similarities and differences between this work and the Russian folk tale “Teremok”.
Clarify knowledge about the author's fairy tale and storytellers.
Continue to teach how to clearly and comprehensively express your thoughts and retell the endings of fairy tales.
Exercise in the ability to see the shape of an object and correlate it with a geometric figure, in counting a given number of objects, in comparing objects by thickness.
Continue learning to form the plural of nouns in the genitive case.
Develop creative imagination, thinking, coherent speech, memory, fine motor skills.
Cultivate interest in modern children's literature.

Riddles about birch

Riddles, proverbs, sayings and poems about birch for preschool children.

Summary of an open lesson on experimental research activities in the preparatory group, topic: “Soon we will go to school - what will we study there?”

Teach preschoolers to develop research skills: identify a problem, collect information, observe, analyze, generalize, conduct experiments, draw conclusions.
Develop an interest in exploration and experimentation.
Determine the most effective ways to dissolve substances in water.
Establish a connection between the structure of a bird's feather and its function.
Bring children to the conclusion about the need for stereoscopic vision for humans, develop knowledge about proper eye care, and teach how to relieve eye fatigue (from accommodative stress).
Establish the relationship between distance from the Sun and the temperature of the planets.
Explain to children through experience that the earth has a gravitational force.
To consolidate knowledge about the properties of sand.
Enrich children's active vocabulary.
Develop the ability to draw conclusions from research results and clearly express your thoughts.
To promote the development of children's cognitive activity, curiosity, observation, desire for independent knowledge and reflection.
Motivate children to study at school, interest them in various school subjects.

Summary of a lesson on introducing nature to children in the senior group of kindergarten, topic: “Tit”

Expand children's knowledge about tits.
Reinforce knowledge about the growth stages of birds.
Introduce the proverb and sign associated with tits.
Develop thinking and curiosity.
Cultivate an interest in birds and a desire to help them.

Final lesson in the preparatory group on the topic “Forest”

To identify the level of development in children of knowledge about types of art, fine arts and abilities (modelling, drawing, appliqué).
Continue to teach how to emotionally perceive works of art, solve riddles, and give a detailed answer to a question.
Develop a sense of composition, creative imagination, fine motor skills.

Game with clothespins, theme “Wild Animals”

Game with clothespins, theme “Fruits and berries”

Game with clothespins, theme “Vegetables”

Game objectives:

Game with clothespins, theme "Transport"

Synopsis of the NNOD “Pont Aksinsky or Pont Euxinsky”

To clarify children’s ideas about Crimea and the Black Sea (geographical location, climatic and natural features, history).
Introduce children to the legend “Pont Aksinsky and Pont Euxinsky”.
To develop knowledge about legend as a special genre of literature.
Improve visual skills (drawing a sketch, drawing with watercolors, drawing with wet paint).
Develop imagination and fine motor skills.
Cultivate interest in the history and culture of your region, patriotic feelings.

Abstract of the NNOD “Black Sea”

Systematize children's knowledge about the Black Sea.
To consolidate knowledge about the inhabitants of the Black Sea, maritime transport, and the healing properties of the sea.
Continue teaching children to solve riddles.
Introduce the works of artists, composers, poets about the sea.
Develop children’s ability to select words denoting an object, its characteristics, actions; Express your thoughts clearly using common sentences.
Exercise children in counting, comparing sets and establishing equality.

To instill in children a love for the sea and a desire to preserve its beauty.

Abstract of NNOD “Mushrooms”

Clarify children's knowledge about mushrooms and the rules for collecting mushrooms.
Introduce children to proverbs about mushrooms, teach them to understand the meaning of proverbs. Teach children to understand the origin of the words-names of mushrooms.
Practice memorizing, clearly and quickly pronouncing tongue twisters.
Strengthen knowledge about numbers, the ability to count a given number of objects, solve addition and subtraction problems.
Improve visual skills.
Develop creative imagination, speech, thinking.

Let's fill the refrigerator with healthy products

Practice drawing from memory with colored pencils.
Develop the ability to translate your idea into a drawing.
Develop the ability to distinguish between healthy and unhealthy foods.
To instill in children the right attitude towards their health.

Summary of research activities in the preparatory group, topic: “Laboratory “Pochemuchek”: The Journey of Food”

Introduce children to the principle of food passing through the mouth and esophagus.
To help understand the importance of liquid food for digestion.
To create in children a desire to eat first courses and eat healthy, wholesome foods.

Riddles about October

Riddles with answers, poems, proverbs and sayings about the month of October for children.

A thematic selection of games and exercises for young children, theme: “Animals”

To consolidate children's knowledge about quantity, size, shape, color.
Encourage children to answer the teacher's questions.
Through experimental activities, to form in children concepts about the meaning of the concepts “little”, “half”, “full”.
Exercise children in gluing and modeling, the ability to sort objects, and coordinate their movements with the teacher’s model and the words of the song.
Develop fine and gross motor skills.

Scenario “Traffic officer visiting children and parents”

Create favorable conditions for a friendly, emotionally rich atmosphere of interaction between adults and children.
Help children and parents feel the joy of joint motor, play, and dance activities;
Continue to introduce children to the rules of safe behavior on the street.
Teach them practically, apply familiar traffic rules in various situations,
Develop thinking, visual attention, and the ability to navigate the world around us.
To instill in children a respectful attitude towards traffic rules and a desire to follow them.

Drawing "Road markings"

Layout drawing of road markings for kindergartens for use in classes to familiarize children with traffic rules.

Riddles about September

Riddles, proverbs, sayings and poems about the month of September for children of preschool and primary school age.

Planning in an early development group

Calendar and thematic planning in the early development group (children from one to two and from two to three years old) according to the classes of Svetlana Alekseevna Davydova.

Graduation in the early development group on the theme “Sea Adventures”

Outline of the graduation party for children of the early development group and their parents on the theme “Sea Adventures.”

Thematic selection of gaming material, theme: “Our Home”

To form in children stable ideas about shape, size, color, quantity.
Enrich children's vocabulary with words that are the names of rooms in the house.
Continue learning to count a given number of objects within three.
Strengthen drawing, sculpting, and appliqué skills.
Develop attention, visual and auditory concentration, fine motor skills.

Scenario for the graduation party “Dwarves”

Scenario for holding a graduation party for children of the early development group on the theme “Dwarves”.

A selection of gaming material on the topic “Poems”

Teach children to emotionally perceive poetry and understand the content of humorous poetic texts.
Form stable ideas about color, shape, quantity, size, geometric shapes.
Teach children to change the strength of their voice, to use a quiet and loud voice.
Strengthen the ability to count the number of objects specified by a number.
Improve skills in pencil drawing, gluing, sculpting.
Develop speech hearing and poetic hearing, fine motor skills, thinking, and coordination of movements.
Cultivate an interest in literature.

A selection of gaming material on the theme “Space”

Give children a basic understanding of space.
Activate the dictionary on this topic.
Continue to form stable ideas about shape, size, quantity, color, geometric shapes, and the position of objects in space.
Teach children to perform simple experiments with sand and water.
Improve your drawing, gluing, and sculpting skills.
Develop thinking, fine motor skills, coordination of movements.

Final lesson “Tree of Knowledge”

To determine the level of children's mastery of sound analysis (determining the sequence of sounds in words, the ordinal place of a sound in a word, the ability to distinguish by ear the sounds of vowels and consonants, hard and soft consonants, the ability to find a stressed syllable in a word).
Exercise children in syllabic analysis of words.
Reveal children's ability to compose sentences with a given word, group individual words into a sentence.
Exercise the ability to select words (from different parts of speech) on a given topic, words with opposite meanings.
Develop small muscles of the hands.
Continue to teach children to understand the learning task and complete it independently.
Cultivate a desire to learn and be literate.

A selection of games and exercises on the theme of the folk tale “Teremok”

Continue to teach children to listen carefully and watch a fairy tale, emotionally perceiving its content.
Form stable ideas about the color, shape, quantity and size of objects.
Continue to teach children to navigate in space, to understand the meaning of the concepts “up”, “down”, “next to”, “pa”, “under”, “above”.
Improve the ability to finger paint, stick, and sculpt.
Develop auditory and visual perception, thinking, sense of rhythm, fine and gross motor skills.

Lesson “What does a farmer do”

Systematize children's knowledge about agricultural professions.
To get acquainted with the peculiarities of agriculture in your native region.
Practice counting, denoting the result of a count with a number, comparing two numbers, solving addition and subtraction problems.
Improve the ability to form adjectives and nouns, select words on a given topic, and conduct sound analysis of a word.
Develop thinking, attention, fine motor skills, eye.
Foster respect for the work of farmers.

Integrated lesson “Art”

To introduce children to the concept of “art”, its types, creators and meaning in people’s lives
Recall familiar literary works with your children.
Improve drawing, manual labor, and collective design skills.
Develop auditory and visual perception, the ability to coherently express one’s thoughts.
Dictionary: encyclopedia, art.
Arouse in children interest, an emotional response to works of art, and a desire to continue getting acquainted with it.

A selection of games and exercises on the topic “Toys”

Enrich children's active vocabulary with words-names of toys.
Form stable ideas about size, shape, color, quantity. Continue to introduce children to geometric shapes.
Teach children to make a whole from parts.
Introduce children to an unconventional drawing technique - drawing with cotton swabs.
Improve the ability to draw straight lines with a pencil, paste image details in the right place.
Develop thinking, fine and gross motor skills.
Practice onomatopoeia, the ability to navigate in space, and coordinate movements with words.
Improve concentration and attention span.
Cultivate a caring attitude towards toys.

Laboratory "Pochemuchek" - we study plants

As a result of experiments and observations, show children how plants can absorb and retain moisture, be used as dyes, and used in the preparation of cosmetics.
Teach children to independently establish cause-and-effect relationships, coherently and clearly express the results of what they see and their own conclusions.
Vocabulary: porous, cosmetics.
Develop thinking, curiosity, fine motor skills.

Final lesson in the middle group “In the land of geometric shapes”

Identify the acquired knowledge, ideas, and skills that children acquired during the school year.
Improve the ability to correlate numbers with quantities, compare aggregates and establish equality between them;
Improve knowledge about geometric figures and the shape of objects;
Improve the ability to analyze objects and isolate the odd one from the presented series based on a characteristic feature.
Develop mental operations, attention, the ability to navigate in space, compare objects by size, understand the independence of numbers.
To develop children's curiosity, mutual assistance, self-esteem skills, gross and fine motor skills.

Life safety lesson in the middle group “Don’t joke with fire so you don’t regret it later”

Program content:

Foster responsibility for one’s actions and a conscious desire to comply with fire safety rules.
To consolidate knowledge about the causes of fire, fire safety rules, rules of conduct in case of fire and smoke.
Practice drawing, modeling, appliqué.
Develop attention, coherent speech, sense of rhyme, general and fine motor skills.
Foster respect for the work of firefighters.

Lesson summary for the nursery group “Masha and the Bear”

Continue to teach children to listen carefully to a fairy tale, watch a tabletop theater show, and emotionally perceive the content. Enrich children's vocabulary on the topic.
Form stable ideas about color, shape, geometric shapes, quantity, size.
Strengthen your knowledge of the numbers “1”, “2”, “3”.
Continue learning to count a given number of objects.
Improve the skills of gluing, bas-relief modeling, drawing (with pencils and cotton swabs).
Continue to learn how to coordinate movements with the text and navigate in space.
Develop attention, speech, visual and auditory concentration, thinking, fine and gross motor skills.
Cultivate interest in fairy tales.

Abstract of the educational activity “An incredible journey through the body” for the middle group

Program content:

Clarify children’s understanding of the human body, the purpose of its individual parts and organs;
Explain that there are vital organs inside the body: heart, lungs, stomach, etc.; that the body needs to be strengthened and developed (exercise, toughen up, follow a daily routine).
To educate children to understand the values ​​of health, the need to be healthy, and to lead a healthy lifestyle.
Support the desire to know yourself more deeply.
Develop observation, attention, and the desire to listen to yourself.

Outline of the integrated lesson “My Safety”

Reinforce the concept of safety in children and convince them of the need to follow safety rules.
To give children an idea of ​​the causes of a fire in a room and to familiarize them with fire safety rules.
Reinforce children's knowledge of their home address.
Learn to dial the number “01” on a telephone and talk to the fire department on duty.
Continue to develop children's interest in fiction and educational literature. Enrich attention to expressive means (expression, comparison, epithets).
Clarify and consolidate children’s knowledge that playing with fire is dangerous;
Explain to children the causes of fire.

About the “New Activities” section on the “Educator” website

Please note that some of the lesson notes in kindergarten are available from several sections of our website at once, since they combine several topics. For example, in many classes on native nature, children are asked to draw a plant or animal - links to such activities will be in the section “Introducing preschoolers to nature” and in the “Izzo” section. The same applies to other topics.

The development of sections of our site does not occur entirely evenly; as a rule, new notes are added in a day or two; we still cannot keep up with it faster. If you would like to help us in this matter, we will gladly accept any possible help. Also, if you have your own classes, then share them with others, write to us, send us the material and we will add to the number of notes. If you notice any inaccuracies or shortcomings on our website, please let us know.

At this moment, the priority sections for development are “Mathematics”, “Speech development”, “Familiarizing children with the world around them”, “Familiarizing preschoolers with nature” and “Integrated activities”. For some reasons, in the near future we will be adding classes related primarily to primary and secondary preschool age - but you can help us with older ones too.

About everything in the world:

In 1930, the film “The Rogue Song,” about the kidnapping of a girl in the Caucasus Mountains, was released in America. Actors Stan Laurel, Lawrence Tibbett and Oliver Hardy played local crooks in this film. Surprisingly, these actors are very similar to the characters...

Fetisova Natalya Anatolevna

There is such a profession - raising and teaching children. The one who chose it consciously set out on a difficult, sometimes almost impassable road. Everyone has a different fate in their profession. Some simply carry out their duties and do not try to discover anything new where, it would seem, everything is open. Others are in an endless search and do not want to repeat the same path over and over again with different groups of children.


Class- this is an organized form of teaching and a time period of the learning process that can reflect all its structural components (general pedagogical goal, didactic objectives, content, methods and means of teaching).

Occupation is:

The main form of organization of a child’s cognitive activity;

A dynamic, improving procedural system, reflecting all aspects of the educational process;

Elementary structure-forming unit educational process, with the implementation of a certain part of the curriculum;

A single link in the system of educational and cognitive activity.

It is necessary to highlight the main signs of occupation:

Lesson is the basic unit of the didactic cycle and a form of organization of training;

In terms of time period, it takes from 10-15 minutes (in early preschool age) to 30-35 minutes (in older preschool age);

The lesson can be integrated, that is, devoted to more than one type of cognitive activity (for example: speech development + visual activity);

The leading role in the lesson belongs to the teacher, who organizes the process of transferring and assimilating educational material, monitoring the level of development of each child;

A group is the main organizational form of bringing together children in a lesson, all children are approximately the same age and level of training, that is, the group is homogeneous (with the exception of heterogeneous or mixed groups), the main composition of the groups is maintained for the entire period of stay in the preschool institution;

The group works according to a single program, according to a grid of cognitive activities;

The class is held at predetermined hours of the day;

Vacations are held throughout the year; they correspond to the time period of school holidays (which is important even for the purposes of continuity between the preschool educational institution and the school);

The year ends with a summation of the cognitive development of each child’s personality (based on the results of the child’s activities in the classroom).

Lesson levels:

1. Higher: predicting ways to transfer activities to the result specified by the learning goals based on feedback and overcoming possible difficulties in working with children.

2. High: inclusion of children in solving the problem provided for by the purpose of the lesson.

3. Average: identifying children’s knowledge and skills and communicating information in accordance with the topic and objectives of the lesson.

4. Short: organizing interaction with children, explaining new material according to a pre-drawn plan, without activating cognitive activity aimed at obtaining a positive result.

Signs of high learning ability (during observation of preschool children):

Identification and awareness of a problem, goal, question, task;

Ability to predict your activities;

Ability to use knowledge in various (non-standard) situations;

Independence of activity and overcoming difficulties (independence in choosing solutions);

Logic of thinking;

Flexibility of thought;

The speed of transformation of the way of activity in accordance with changed situations;

Possibility of abandoning standard solutions (stereotype);

Search for an appropriate option (switching or changing an option).

Traditional activities and their classifications

It is logical to classify traditional activities on the basis of the selected tasks and the types of activities used to implement them. Taking into account the psychological characteristics of a preschooler, analyzing methodological recommendations for modern programs, it is inappropriate to distinguish as a separate type of classes for learning new material, developing and improving knowledge and skills, since each lesson involves repetition, consolidation and expansion of children’s ideas.

The classification of classes presented in “Pedagogy” by V. I. Loginova leads to a mixture of types of classes with teaching methods and techniques. The authors of modern programs present a classification of activities for each type of activity.

For example, in "Rainbow" educational activities are divided into the following types:




Educational stories;


- for musical activities:



- in the program “From childhood to adolescence”:



Theoretical, etc.

The variety of definitions does not change the tasks to be solved and the structure of classes; the methods, techniques and sequence of structural components remain variable.

Therefore, the classification presented below will help determine the types of classes conducted for any type of activity in any program, their compliance with the assigned tasks and selected structures.

Non-traditional activities and parameters for their assessment

Types of non-traditional activities.

Competition activities (based on competition between children): who can name, find, identify, notice, etc. faster.

KVN classes (involve the division of children into two subgroups and are conducted as a mathematical or literary quiz).

Theatrical activities (micro-scenes are acted out, bringing educational information to children).

Classes with plot-role-playing games (the teacher enters into the plot-role-playing game as an equal partner, suggesting the plot line of the game and thus solving learning problems).

Consultation classes (when a child learns “horizontally”, consulting with another child).

Mutual teaching classes (a child “consultant” teaches other children design, appliqué, and drawing).

Auction classes (conducted like the board game “Manager”).

Doubt activities (search for truth). (Research activities of children such as: melts - does not melt, flies - does not fly, swims - drowns, etc.)

Formula classes (proposed in the book by Sh. A. Amonashvili “Hello, children!”).

Travel activities.

Binary classes (author J. Rodari). (Composing creative stories based on the use of two objects, changing the position of which changes the plot and content of the story.)

Fantasy activities.

Lessons-concerts (individual concert numbers carrying educational information).

Dialogue classes (conducted as a conversation, but the topic is chosen to be relevant and interesting).

Classes such as “Investigations are conducted by experts” (working with a diagram, a map of a kindergarten group, orientation according to a diagram with a detective storyline).

Classes like “Field of Miracles” (conducted as a game “Field of Miracles” for reading children).

“Intellectual Casino” classes (conducted like “Intellectual Casino” or a quiz with answers to the questions: What? Where? When?).

Requirements for the lesson

1. Use of the latest achievements of science and practice.

2. Implementation of all didactic principles in an optimal ratio.

3. Providing conditions for the subject-spatial environment for the development of cognitive activity.

4. Compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards for organizing children’s activities.

5. Establishment of integrative connections (interrelation of various types of activities, content).

6. Connection with past activities and reliance on the level achieved by the child.

7. Motivation and activation of children’s cognitive activity (methods and techniques).

8. Logic of lesson construction, a single line of content.

9. Emotional component of the lesson (the beginning and end of the lesson are always carried out on a high emotional level).

10. Connection with the life and personal experience of each child.

11. Development of children’s skills to independently acquire knowledge and expand its volume.

12. Thorough diagnosis, forecasting, design and planning of each lesson by the teacher.

Methods for increasing cognitive activity

(Prof. N. N. Poddyakov, A. N. Klyueva)

Elementary analysis (establishing cause-and-effect relationships).


Modeling and design method.

Method of questions.

Repetition method.

Solving logical problems.

Experimentation and experiences.

Methods for increasing emotional activity(Prof. S. A. Smirnov)

Game and imaginary situations.

Coming up with fairy tales, stories, poems, riddles, etc.

Dramatization games.

Surprise moments.

Elements of creativity and novelty.

Humor and jokes (educational comics).

Methods of teaching and developing creativity(Prof. N. N. Poddyakov)

Emotional intensity of the environment.

Motivating children's activities.

Study of objects and phenomena of living and inanimate nature (survey).

Forecasting (the ability to consider objects and phenomena in motion - past, present and future).

Gaming techniques.

Humor and joke.


Problem situations and tasks.

Vague knowledge (guesswork).

Assumptions (hypotheses).

Comprehensive and integrated classes.

"Dictionary of foreign words":

complex -

integration - restoration, replenishment, unification of any parts into a whole.

“Dictionary of the Russian language” SM. Ozhegova:

complex - a set, a combination of something, any ideas;

integration - combining any parts into a whole.

"Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary":

complex - a set of objects or phenomena that make up one whole;

integration - a concept meaning a state of connectedness of individual differentiated parts and functions of a system, an organism into a whole, as well as the process leading to such a state. The process of convergence and connection of sciences, occurring along with the processes of their differentiation.

We invite preschool teachers of the Tyumen region, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra to publish their teaching material:
- Pedagogical experience, original programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including videos), forms of work with families and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?

Everyone knows that a child needs to be taught and developed from the cradle, that is, from a very young age. However, it is still most interesting to do this with children who are already at least 3-5 years old. That is why in this article I would like to talk about how classes can be structured in kindergarten and what topics can be chosen for this.

All in all

A child should always be taught everything - this thesis will not raise doubts in anyone. However, it is better to do all this in a complex, giving kids as much knowledge as possible using one topic. That is why I would like to say that the most popular today are complex and integrated classes in kindergarten, which are designed to immediately teach the child several important aspects of life or provide knowledge from different areas of life. The subject matter can be completely different, but always understandable and interesting to little ones.

About concepts

So, what is kindergarten? This is teaching children, which is aimed at revealing the holistic essence of a given topic through various types of activities. A complex lesson is similar in purpose, but its goal is to consistently study the nuances of one topic, which subsequently develops into one large new picture of knowledge. However, it is still worth paying attention to the fact that a positive result in these classes will be achieved only when their structure is clearly thought out and the material is understandable to a child of a certain age.


It is also worth mentioning that complex and integrated classes in kindergarten have no age limits or restrictions; they are available for work with both the nursery group and the oldest, pre-school group. If the teacher can competently structure the process of conducting a lesson, children of any age will be happy to absorb the material and gain new knowledge in a playful way. However, when planning such a lesson, it is important for the teacher to follow the following recommendations:

  1. First you need to thoroughly work with the topic: from each area of ​​the child’s life, “extract” nuances on a given topic.
  2. It is imperative to identify and provide children with connections between various subjects that relate to the same topic.
  3. You must also be able to vary the sequence of topics if necessary.
  4. It is also important to take into account specific nuances in a certain topic (it happens that some moments can be traumatic for some children).
  5. When planning classes, you must formulate a goal and set certain tasks for yourself (this is important for analyzing a lesson that has already been conducted).
  6. And, of course, the teacher must model such a load for the child so that it is not a burden and does not tire the child too much.

How to choose a topic?

The topics of classes in kindergarten can be completely different. And in order to decide on them, the teacher must simply think carefully about what is currently relevant or interests the children to the greatest extent. If it's autumn, you can study the leaves, if it's winter, choose a New Year's theme. However, the chosen topic may consist of either a single concept, i.e. the name of a specific animal or product, or a generalized one, for example, “forest” (which includes trees, animals, etc.) or “shop” (products, buyer-seller, money, price, etc.).

Topic 1. Diversity of leaves

So, what can you teach kids by studying this topic? The first is geometric shapes. The leaves come with corners, round, and oval shapes. You can also analyze the thickness, and definitely the color. At the same time, you can tell your child that there are bushes and plants (different types of flora). You can also tell children that there are healing plants that can be used directly during a walk (for example, plantain for a bleeding wound), as well as predator plants that can be harmful to health. Afterwards, you can make an applique from leaves collected on the street or draw a picture of a leaf you like.

Topic 2. Christmas tree

As mentioned above, educational activities for children can also be seasonal. For example, why not conduct an excellent integrated activity called “Christmas Tree” closer to the new year? So, here, first of all, you need to study the shape, color of a given plant, determine special characteristics (smell, prickly needles). At the same time, you can tell the children that there are different types of coniferous trees - all of these are relatives of the Christmas tree. From practical exercises: you can make a Christmas tree from three cones of green paper, you can draw it, sculpt it. An environmental aspect will be mandatory: “Why are Christmas trees sad after the New Year.”

Topic 3. Snail

What other topic can you choose for classes at a preschool educational institution? Why not pay attention to the common snail? First of all, again, there is consideration of its interesting shape and determination of color. Also here you can tell the children about the concept of speed: the snail is slow, the hare is fast. Practical lesson: draw a snail with chalk on the asphalt. For children in older kindergarten groups, you can play a game similar to the classics, when squares are drawn in a snail, along which you need to jump to the center without stepping on the drawn stripes.

Demonstration classes

It is also worth saying that open classes in preschool educational institutions are a great idea to show in practice how relevant and valuable integrated and comprehensive lessons are. To do this, you can think of an interesting topic that will be relevant at the moment. It is better if classes on a certain topic are conducted in an appropriate atmosphere: studying nature - on the street, physical exercises - in the gym, etc. At the same time, it is worth saying that it is mandatory during such classes (both simple and demonstrative) visual material should be used that will fully illustrate everything said by the teacher. After all, it is worth remembering that children perceive information from different sides: auditorily (listening), visually (seeing), tactilely (touching).


Physical development: maintain the desire to perform movements and active exercises correctly and accurately, teach to enjoy physical activity.

Social and moral development: form a positive, friendly attitude towards people around you; the desire to avoid conflicts when communicating with others; adhere to the basic norms of communication culture.

Emotional and value development: develop children’s emotional sensitivity; cultivate love for family, affection for friends, politeness and tolerance towards unfamiliar and unfamiliar people; teach kids to appreciate those who love and care for them.

Cognitive development: Clarify the concept of the category of people who surround the child; develop the ability to classify them according to various criteria and compare them with each other.

Speech development: develop narrative speech skills, expand your vocabulary with antonyms, teach kids to express their attitude towards other people.

Artistic and aesthetic development: continue to teach children to reproduce impressions of communicating with different people during games; differentiate between the beautiful and the ugly in a person; convey in simulation games the occupation of a particular person.

Creative development: develop the ability to adjust one’s behavior depending on the category, mood, and physical condition of the interlocutor; relate it to the reactions of various adults; notice problems in people’s communication that are not difficult to perceive.

Progress of classes in kindergarten:

At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher reminds the children that there are a lot of people living in the world and among them there are different ones - relatives, friends, acquaintances, as well as strangers and people unknown to us.

Didactic game “You live among people”

Children stand in a semicircle in front of the teacher, and he takes the ball in his hands. The teacher explains to the children the rules of the game.

The one who caught the ball answers the question.

The adult throws the ball to the child and asks questions, and the child must catch the ball, give an answer and return the ball to the adult. The rest of the kids watch their friend’s answer and, if necessary, correct him or help.

Question options for the game:

What kind of people live in your family? (Mom, dad, brother, grandmother, grandfather.)

Who lives in the apartment (house) nearby? (Neighbours.)

What kind of people are invited to visit? (Relatives, friends, buddies.)

Who should you greet when meeting? (With everyone I know.)

Who do we give gifts to? (To family and friends.)

Who is considered old? (grandparents.)

Adults work at work, and what do children do (Go to kindergarten or school.)

Are all the strangers family or strangers? (These are strangers.)

What kind of people take care of you at home and in kindergarten? (Mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather, teachers, nannies...)

Can strangers take care of you? Which for example? (They can, if this is a doctor, a bus driver.)

Who are you playing with? (With children, friends.)

Which people should you treat politely? (With all the people)

During the game, the teacher encourages the children not to name specific names, but to use words of a general nature.

Logic game “Say the opposite”

The teacher asks the children to name words opposite to those he says.

Strangers are relatives;

Strangers - familiar;

Children Adults;

Old - young;

Brothers - sisters;

Grandmother grandfather;

Enemies are friends;

Indifferent - caring;

Upset - joyful.

Conversation between a teacher and children “How to behave with people”

Do you think it’s worth starting a conversation with a dad who is very busy or in a hurry? Pestering a mother who is sick with requests? Wake up your grandfather so he can listen to you immediately? Why do you think so? (Listen to the answers and arguments of several willing children.)

How to communicate with complete strangers? Every day many people pass by on the street. Of course, most of them are good, and for some they are also family, close and dearest. But for you they are strangers. And they may turn out to be evil, bad people. Therefore, you should behave carefully with strangers. If you want to contact a stranger, you must first ask permission from your mom, dad, or other loved one. If they don't mind, then you can contact a stranger.

And there are times when a conversation with a stranger is simply necessary - for example, if you need to ask about something: address, time, or something else very important. Of course, during this conversation you should behave with restraint and politeness. After all, no one likes interlocutors who are rude and impolite.

Can you communicate with strangers? What should you remember when communicating with a stranger or someone you barely know? (The teacher helps the children give the correct answers.)

Discussing the situation with children

Children are asked to discuss the following situations.

Situation 1

Nadya went for a walk with her mother and saw that nearby an unfamiliar girl was pushing a very cute baby in a stroller. Nadya wondered if it was a boy or a girl, and what the baby’s name was. Tell me how Nadya should behave. (First, ask your mom for permission: you can contact the girl. If mom allows it, then you can come up, say hello and chat with the stranger.)

Situation 2

Little Sasha walked with his grandmother to​​ shop. Suddenly the boy saw that his grandmother felt very bad. What should a boy do? (As soon as possible, ask passers-by to call a doctor.) What words should you use to say this? (“Please forgive me, my grandmother is not feeling well, please call a doctor immediately!”).

Situation 3

Olya went out into the yard to sit on a bench. Suddenly an unfamiliar uncle came up and began asking the girl what her name was, what apartment she was from, who was at her house now. What advice would you give to Olya? (Do not talk to the stranger, but rather return home.)

Situation 4

Friends played in the sandbox. Suddenly an unfamiliar older boy approached them and offered to fight to measure their strength. What should kids do? (Move away from the guy and don't get into a fight with him.)

Didactic game “Which person do we like?”

The teacher names the words-signs, and the children listen to them carefully and, if they consider the person with such a sign pleasant, clap their hands.

Verbal material for the game:

Polite, kind, affectionate, dear, angry, sympathetic, loud, grumpy, handsome, impolite, caring, clean, cunning, sincere, boastful, sociable, greedy.

Outdoor game “What kind of people are these?”

The teacher shows the kids moving actions depicting people of various types of activities. For example: a mother rocking a baby; a janitor who sweeps the yard; an athlete who engages in physical education; a grandmother who walks, leaning on a stick.

The kids’ task is to guess who the adult is showing and repeat similar movements as accurately as possible.

If children find it difficult, you can help them with a hint: “This is a janitor. What does he do, what does he do?”

Logic game “Think and compare”

Children, at the request of the teacher, answer questions.

Dad is an adult. And mom? (Also an adult.)

My grandmother is my own, but what about my neighbor’s? (Familiar.)

The grandson is small, and the grandfather (Old.)

The girl has a brother, what about a brother? (Sister.)

This girl is our neighbor, and who are we to her? (Also neighbors.)

On the street, almost everyone is a stranger, but in kindergarten? (All acquaintances and friends.)

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