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How to kiss on the lips first. How to learn to kiss without a partner for the first time - effective ways. French kiss - passionate kiss with tongue

It is impossible to imagine your life without kisses; with their help you can express a whole range of feelings: gratitude, tenderness, affection, respect and, of course, love. They are the essential companions of love, serve as the beginning of a serious relationship, and no couple in love can do without them. Therefore, sooner or later, every person wonders how to kiss correctly. This topic is especially of interest to those who have never had the opportunity to do this.

Before the first kiss

Usually, failures during the first kiss happen due to the fact that people constantly think about it, are afraid of leaving an unpleasant impression or appearing incompetent, or, on the contrary, they express themselves too actively, trying to show themselves as capable and experienced. Therefore, you should not get hung up on it.

While kissing, try to relax and enjoy yourself. Forget about memorized movements, rely only on your sensations and feelings.

However, it is worth remembering that your partner also wants to be kissed. At the same time, it is very important that your jaws move synchronously, try to get into the rhythm of your loved one’s movements, do not immediately seize the initiative, a little later you will be able to set the rhythm yourself.

When kissing, do not be afraid to touch your partner; you can stroke his hair, face, shoulders, etc.

All your actions should be gentle and relaxed.

Try not to rush and not to delay the first kiss too much; it is better if it is short-lived.

Not everyone manages to enjoy a kiss for the first time. This is due to the fact that most of the attention is paid to assessing the situation, as well as one’s own actions. But as soon as you manage to get rid of these thoughts, relax and completely surrender to the process, you will understand how pleasant it is to kiss.

There is nothing incomprehensible or difficult in the art of kissing; everyone can learn to do it correctly. First of all, you need to make sure that you are ready for the kiss. There should be no unpleasant odors coming from your mouth, as they can repel even the most passionate lover. You should also keep your teeth and tongue clean. To achieve this, in addition to toothpaste, use special fresheners and mouth rinses.

Now we can take a closer look at the kissing process itself:

After waiting for the right moment, you can start kissing. To do this, slowly begin to tilt your head towards your partner until your lips touch. At the same time, pull your lips forward slightly so that they remain relaxed. After contact, close your eyes and focus on the sensations.

Without haste, gently kiss one of your partner’s lips with your two lips, ideally it should be between your lips. At the same time, lightly compress your lips. To determine the grip strength and practice, you can squeeze your index finger with your lips. This kiss should last about 2-4 seconds.

After this, lean back about 4 centimeters, open your eyes and look at your loved one. This point needs to be given special attention, as it will help you determine whether it is worth continuing or whether it is better to stop. Monitor your partner's reaction, if it is positive, you can move on.

Start kissing one of your loved one's lips again, then move to the other and back again. At the same time, you can suck it lightly or move your tongue over it. You can also use your teeth and start lightly biting your lip, but you should be very careful here so as not to hurt your loved one. When kissing, be sure to watch your partner’s reaction and give him the opportunity to kiss you too.

French Kiss

This is a very intimate type of kiss in which one partner touches the lips, mouth and tongue of the other partner with his tongue. Usually it becomes a continuation of a kiss on the lips, but can also occur separately. If you and your lover have never kissed in this way, you don’t need to immediately put your tongue in his mouth, try to act gradually and tactfully, taking into account the situation and your partner’s reaction.

Where to begin:

So, first you need to know your partner's reaction. So start with a simple kiss, then open your mouth slightly and run the tip of your tongue over your loved one’s lips and wait until he responds. In this case, the guy can take active action himself. If he doesn’t dare, then open your lips a little wider and very slowly spread his lips with your tongue. Then move your tongue back slightly and wait for his reaction. Repeat this action until your tongues touch.

The video below will more clearly demonstrate to you how to kiss correctly. Please note that the video shows a kiss from partners who have long passed the stage of the first kiss and can afford much more. You can find a visual aid to the first kiss in the video at the end of this article.

Passionate French kiss with tongue

French kiss technique

  1. Try to behave naturally, relax, discard shyness and excitement.
  2. You can make any movements with your tongue: suck easily, move from side to side, touch slightly, etc., the main thing is that your loved one likes it. Explore, add new movements, and you can easily determine his tastes. Just remember that when kissing, all manipulations with the tongue must be performed smoothly and with moderate force, so as not to cause discomfort to your partner.
  3. To begin with, you can run your tongue along the inside of your lips; men really like this, since one of the erogenous zones is located there.
  4. Tongue sucking. While kissing, you can lightly suck your partner's tongue. It may be quite difficult for you to catch it right away, but soon you will learn to do it quickly. Suck the guy's tongue like a cocktail straw. At the same time, you may need to press closer to your partner so that he does not recoil in surprise. But as soon as the guy relaxes, you can start sucking his tongue with pulsating movements. Such caresses usually give the partner great pleasure.
  5. Tongue rotation. You can make rotational movements with your tongue when kissing, this gives great pleasure to many. To do this, touch your partner's tongue with yours and begin to make clockwise rotational movements around it.
  6. Simultaneous movements of the tongue. Usually one of the partners initiates the kiss, so at first he acts independently. But there are also situations when a couple begins to kiss using the tongue at the same time. At the same time, a kind of game occurs when the partners seem to catch up with each other with their tongues.
  7. Pressing on the tongue. You can press on the tongue with such force that it would be pleasant for you. In this case, the partner may, as it were, resist in response, pressing on your tongue.
  8. The force of pressure on the lips. The lips can be applied with different strengths. It is recommended to start with a soft, gentle touch, and after a little time you can add intensity. Change the pressure on your lips and the pace of the kiss: sometimes weakly, sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly. Constant change and variety are the basis of any kiss.
  9. Duration of the kiss. The duration of a kiss can be completely different; the optimal time is from 0.5 to 5 minutes. But this figure is very individual, for some one minute is enough, while for others half an hour is not enough. The fact that the kiss was successful is indicated by slight excitement and slight shortness of breath.

What is better not to do when French kissing:

  • When kissing, you should not bite your tongue, since even the most gentle and light biting can give your partner unpleasant sensations.
  • Also, do not stick your tongue too deeply, as this can also cause discomfort.
  • There is no need to focus on just one language, make the process varied, alternate different types of kisses.
  • Don't grab your partner's lips or tongue too hard or too often.
  • Don't drool. Watch your salivation, if it is too strong, alternate different types of kisses.
  • Don't lick your partner's entire face and mouth - why be like a dog.

Whatever your experience in kissing, never be afraid to experiment, because only through trial and error will you be able to perfect your technique. Kiss your loved one as your heart tells you, and then you will remember these wonderful moments for the rest of your life.

What not to do while kissing

1) Don't try to look at your partner. Just close your eyes and enjoy the kiss. If during a kiss your partner opens his eyes slightly and notices that you are looking at him carefully, this may confuse him.

2) Don't try to talk or interject while kissing. A kiss is an absorbing process, if your partner is drowning in the kiss, he simply may not hear what you say, or, on the contrary, will move away from your lips in order to better understand what you are saying.

3) Do not try to passionately pull your partner’s hair while kissing, as you may have seen in some erotic scenes in movies. If you just want to repeat what you saw in the movies, it can be executed simply ridiculously.

4) Don't open your mouth wide. A kiss is primarily the interaction of the lips and tongue of the partners; do not try to eat your gentleman.

5) Do not try to lick your partner’s face with your tongue; the kissing area is your partner’s lips and tongue. Everything that goes beyond this zone can already be considered preliminary caresses before the start of intimacy.

Video instruction: how to kiss correctly for the first time

It will be remembered for a lifetime, so you want it to be pleasant. There is a rule in society that a girl should not kiss a guy first, as she thereby shows her availability. But there is nothing wrong with the girl being the first to take the initiative to kiss. We will teach you how to kiss for the first time.

Who should take the first step?

If a female representative decided to take this step first, it is worth considering whether this is the right young man, how serious their relationship is, how he treats her, whether she is confident, etc. If so, then you can take a step forward.

How to kiss for the first time?

There are several rules for this:

  1. Before kissing, training is necessary. Some girls practice using tomatoes. But there are other options: just kiss your hand, there’s nothing wrong with that. You yourself will feel what needs to be corrected and what works correctly.
  2. When kissing, touch your boyfriend. Don't be afraid, this is your loved one. Wrap your arms around his neck, then place them on his chest. You don’t need to just stand there like a pillar, there won’t be any pleasure.
  3. Don't think about anything. If you want to learn how to kiss, just relax, surrender entirely to your feelings, and the guy will be pleased that you are so gentle.
  4. Kissing is good for you. It releases hormones of joy and happiness, gives energy and good mood. The main thing is that your partner is loved, then you will benefit from the kiss.
  5. Don't be upset if it doesn't work out the first time. You can't always learn in one go. Constant practice will bring improvement, do not doubt it and do not despair.

What is unacceptable in a first kiss:

  • The smell of alcohol, tobacco, onions, garlic;
  • The presence of other persons (it is better to do this in private);
  • Hickeys;
  • Herpes on the lips, runny nose.

All this will alienate your partner, and it would be unpleasant for you if your boyfriend smelled of beer, for example.

  1. It is necessary to choose the right time and place for such an important event. And, of course, control the process itself. You need to kiss gently, lightly, without passion.
  2. You can't kiss a guy while he's telling you something. You are showing your disrespect. First, listen to the end, and then act.
  3. To learn how to kiss correctly, you should pay attention to your appearance. You should look neat, romantic, not vulgar. A little makeup, a light scent of perfume, a cute dress, simple styling on loose hair - the perfect appearance for a first kiss.
  4. It’s better to allow yourself to be kissed at the end of a date, maybe in the middle, but not at the beginning.
  5. Don't forget to breathe. It must be fresh. So keep some mint gum or mouth spray in your purse.

A couple more tips on how to kiss correctly for the first time.

For everything to work out perfectly, when kissing it is better to kiss without tongue. To understand whether a guy is ready for a kiss, you should look into his eyes with tenderness and admiration, then take his hand and move closer to him. Perhaps he will guess and take the first step, which is always nice.

Sequence of actions if you want to learn how to kiss correctly

  1. Start the right kiss with your mouth closed, if the guy answers, you can become bolder and open your mouth, your hands should also be in action, move them over his body. But don’t overdo it, otherwise the guy may get excited and want to continue. What if you're not ready?
  2. You can try kissing with your tongue. To do this, touch the guy's lips with it. If he answers you, it means he agrees to such a kiss. Continue running your tongue over his lips gently and quietly.

Let's take a closer look at how to learn how to kiss with your tongue correctly.

  1. First you need to think about breathing. During the process, you need to breathe calmly, there is no need to try to breathe deeper and faster. It looks unnatural, the young man will understand it immediately, which is not very pleasant.
  2. Before kissing, look into his eyes. The look should be affectionate and gentle; you need to let the guy know that you trust him. It is better to close your eyes while kissing to make everything look more romantic. If you open your eyes, you see the guy's face up close, you will feel funny. And it will ruin everything.
  3. The process should not be drawn out or made very short. It's not the time that matters, but your feelings.
  4. Many girls want to learn how to kiss with tongue correctly, but are afraid to take the first step. If your boyfriend knows how to do this, trust him, he can teach you. The main thing is to take your time, do everything smoothly and gently.

The first proper kiss is a special moment, especially for girls. And you should pay attention to it. It's not difficult to learn. If you follow all the tips, then you are guaranteed the right first kiss!

If you like someone and you're pretty sure your feelings are reciprocated, you might be wondering: Is it time for your first kiss? The first kiss gives a storm of emotions, but it is completely normal to be nervous and doubt what and how to do. In fact, the person you want to kiss probably feels the same way. When you're ready for your first kiss, choose the right moment, such as during a date. Then touch the person and lean in for a kiss. When you're done, hold hands or hug each other for a while.


Prepare the ground

    Choose the right setting for your first kiss. Despite the passionate desire to kiss for the first time, it is better to choose a convenient time and place. Wait until you are alone with the person you want to kiss. Then talk to him to make sure he feels comfortable and in a good mood.

    • For example, you should not kiss a person when he is busy or upset.
    • A suitable setting for a first kiss might be a date or a school disco.
  1. Flirt with a person to create the mood for a kiss. Smile at him and keep your arms open at your sides so it doesn't seem like you're closing yourself off. Lightly touch his wrist, arm, or upper thigh if he doesn't mind. Also, give him compliments, ask questions about him, and listen to what he has to say.

    • Watch the person's behavior to see if they are flirting back. If he makes eye contact with you, smiles, has an open posture, and talks a lot, he's most likely flirting with you.
    • However, if you notice that he pulls away, crosses his arms, or looks down frequently, slow down and give him some space.
  2. Use chapstick to keep your lips soft, but avoid sticky lip gloss. No one wants to kiss dry, chapped lips. Be sure to apply lipstick to your lips to keep them soft and pleasant to the touch. Choose an unscented option (in case your partner can't stand any scents).

    • Sticky lip gloss can be unpleasant when kissing due to its strange texture. Just use regular chapstick.
    • If you usually wear colored lipstick, you can apply it when you're about to kiss. However, choose a durable option that is less likely to wear off. Also, don't apply it right before kissing.
  3. Use mints or chewing gum to freshen your breath. Bad breath is a big turn-off, so be courteous to your kissing partner. Suck on a peppermint candy or chew mint gum a few minutes before attempting to kiss.

    • Choose sugar-free mints or chewing gums because sugar can make bad breath worse.
    • Carry a pack of mints or gum with you so you can freshen your breath when needed.

    Advice: If you plan to kiss later in the day, avoid foods with strong odors, such as garlic, onions, and dairy products.

    Lean in for a kiss

    1. Touch the person gently to initiate physical contact. First, touch his arm or shoulder. Then move your hand to his hair or face and gently stroke it for a few seconds. If you feel ready, gently brush the hair away from your partner's face, and then put your hand on his shoulder or press your palm to his cheek.

      • You can also try putting your arm around his shoulders.
      • Start touching slowly. Start small by touching the person's arm, and continue only if he smiles and leans towards you.

      Advice: it's okay if you change your mind about the kiss, and you don't have to do it if you realize you don't want to. It's completely normal to be nervous and change your mind. If this happens, change the subject by asking the person to do something else. Say something like: “Will you show me that game you were talking about?” “I wonder what everyone else is doing? Let's go have a look!" -or: “I'm hungry! Let's go get something to eat."

      Make eye contact to show your interest. Make eye contact and look your partner in the eyes for one to three seconds. Then turn away for a few moments. Keep looking at him, but look away periodically.

      • If a person makes eye contact with you, they are likely interested in you and may be open to a kiss.
      • If he's avoiding eye contact with you, he probably doesn't want to kiss.
    2. Ask if he wants to kiss. Getting consent is the best way to make sure you both want to kiss. You may feel scared, but it can actually be very romantic. Here are some options:

      • "Can I kiss you?"
      • "Can I steal a kiss from you?"
      • “Would you like to kiss?”

      Advice: if you're too afraid to ask, that's completely normal! Many people are afraid to ask for a kiss. Consider writing the person a short note. For example: “Will you kiss me?” or: “Can we kiss?”

      Move closer to the person. Close the distance between you by moving closer to him or leaning in his direction. Then wait until your partner also approaches you, thereby showing his interest in the kiss.

      • If he moves away, he might not want to kiss. It's better to step back and give him his personal space.


      Licensed Clinical Psychologist

      Initiating a kiss allows you to show that a person is confident in himself, if, of course, the kiss is desired. Chloe Carmichael, a licensed clinical psychologist, says: “If you are confident enough to lean in and kiss someone, you will be perceived as a strong person who is willing to take the initiative. Everything is new and taboo at first, so your determination can help make the experience exciting. The main thing is that neither you nor your partner feel awkward about it.”

    3. Tilt your head in the opposite direction from his head. Pay attention to where the person tilts his head more: to the right or to the left. Then turn your head in the opposite direction. This way, your noses won't bump into each other while kissing.

      • You don't need to tilt your head too much. Just make sure your nose is not directly in front of his nose.
    4. Close your eyes before with a kiss . When you approach your partner's lips, close your eyes and do not open them until you finish kissing. This will help avoid awkwardness during the kiss.

      • If you stare at your partner while kissing, they may feel uncomfortable. Plus, keeping your eyes open can kill your mood.
    5. Part your lips slightly and press them against your partner's lips. Don't tense your lips. Remember to tilt your head slightly so your noses don't bump. Kiss your partner gently for a few seconds. Try not to get any saliva on his lips.

      • It's normal to keep your lips pressed tightly together while kissing.
      • Don't open your mouth or use your tongue during your first kiss.
    6. Put hands behind the head or on the lower back of the partner. Sometimes it's not easy to know what to do with your hands while kissing. Try placing them behind the person's head. You can play with his hair or stroke his neck while kissing. Alternatively, simply place your hands on his lower back.

      • These aren't the only places to put your hands, but they're a good start if you're new to kissing.

    Complete the kiss

    1. Move away to give both of you a chance to breathe. Don't kiss for more than a few seconds. Stop and create some space between the two of you. Take a moment to breathe and realize what happened.

      • You can kiss again, but it's better to take a short break first.

You can often hear a girl say that she doesn’t know how to kiss....

You can often hear a girl say that she doesn’t know how to kiss. However, it is difficult to agree with this, because everyone knows how to kiss, just not everyone has tried it. A kiss is not a special gift at all, but an innate human ability. You just need to develop this skill.

Kissing for the first time is better without:

  • Alcohol, onions and tobacco
  • Witnesses - parents, friends, passers-by
  • Hickeys and bruises
  • Runny nose, tickles and herpes

How to kiss for the first time: a few rules

During the first kiss, light biting is quite acceptable, as a kind of preliminary stage before the kiss.

It’s also good to use some cunning and treat the guy with something tasty through a kiss. But here you need to be careful.

For the first kiss, touching only the lips is great, that is, a kiss without tongue. Survey results show that men like such kisses no less than kisses with tongues.

Of course, you need to carefully prepare for your first kiss. Don't forget to keep your breath fresh. When brushing your teeth, also pay attention to your tongue. Avoid foods with strong odors before a date. Before a kiss, it is important to let the guy know that you like him, laugh, smile, touch his hands, put your head on his shoulder.

The most important thing in this matter is not to rush. The best thing you can do is give the guy a wordless signal. Let him understand what you want. Take the guy by the hand and pull him towards you. If he responds to your signals, then he is ready. But if he turns away and retreats, it means the time has not come yet.

How to kiss for the first time: sequence of actions

Also, while kissing, pay attention to the action of your hands. As the duration of the kiss increases, you can touch your partner by the shoulders, stroke his back, and head. Touching your face will also work. The most important thing is not to be afraid, because the first kiss is not scary at all, but even very pleasant!

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