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Baby's daily routine: second month. Child's eating behavior from month to month

It seems that quite recently, in his first month of life, the baby only slept and ate, and in order for the baby to start seeing colorful dreams, you just had to put him in his crib. The first month is over and now mommy needs a little more patience, because in addition to milk and kind eyes, the baby begins to demand a little more, starting to show the makings of character and habits. For example, many babies like to fall asleep directly during feeding, and now their sleep begins under their mother’s heart.

A child's daily routine at 2 months is a combination of the habits and desires of the baby and mother. She must study her child’s daily routine and adjust it to her own so that both are comfortable and the parents have time for their little joys without infringing on the baby’s wishes.

Baby mode at 2 months

The baby still spends a lot of time in sweet sleep, when the young mother can calmly go about her business. The baby's sleep is now too sensitive, so the slightest sound or careless sound can wake the child. The fact is that at the 6th week of life, the child’s sense organs begin to actively develop, so hearing becomes acute. That is why those sounds that the baby simply did not notice before can now greatly frighten him.

During this period, parents are required to ensure complete silence when the child is sleeping. A good rest up to 1 year of age is the basis for the well-being and development of the baby and the normal life of the entire young family.

The daily routine of a 2-month-old breastfed baby and a baby fed artificial formula is practically no different. During this period, it is important for the child timely feeding, sound sleep and active wakefulness. This schedule allocates time for bathing, walking and hygiene procedures. If the mother followed the schedule in the first month of the baby’s life, then in the second month little will change and no difficulties will arise. If a young family lived as they pleased, without following the routine at all, then now is the time to pull themselves together and start living according to the routine, as this is a solid foundation for raising a child.

What you need to consider when planning a daily routine for your baby:

  • The baby should spend most of the day sleeping, since it is at this time that he gains strength, especially since his body is not yet adapted to a full day;
  • sufficient time for educational games, so the baby is in contact with the environment, namely, at 2 months the senses are actively developing;
  • frequent water procedures to accustom the baby to hygiene;
  • A feeding schedule is an important detail that needs to be instilled from the very cradle, this is how addiction to the diet and proper nutrition is formed.

In the second month of the baby's life it continues adaptation to the external environment and living conditions in it. The baby has already adapted a little to his new home, he felt attention and care from the already recognizable faces of his parents. The daily routine of a 2-month-old baby is based on healthy, sound sleep and good nutrition.

If in the first month of his life the baby did not want to follow the regime, then parents need to do their best to ensure compliance with it in the second month. Today, the baby officially loses its status as a newborn and becomes a child who has partially adapted to the conditions of life outside the womb.

Nutrition for a 2 month old baby

For kids on natural feeding It’s better to stay on it, since mother’s milk contains all the most necessary vitamins and minerals, which are quite enough for him. If the mother has enough of such a complex for proper nutrition, the need for water disappears. On hot summer days, you can offer your baby clean water at room temperature to quench his thirst.

As before, breastfeeding takes first place and remains the main course of the baby. For such a little one for now 400-600 grams of food is enough, since its own weight is not yet more than 4 kg. There is no need to overfeed your baby, as this can develop a negative habit and cause obesity in the future. During this period, you can begin to introduce your child to new foods, giving him no more than half a teaspoon of an unfamiliar dish per day. Doctors recommend doing this before the main feeding with breast milk.

For babies who are fed artificial formulas, additional fluids are necessary between feedings. Their frequency depends on the individual needs of the child and is often carried out at the request of the baby. The quantity and duration of food intake should not be limited.

Sleep duration

A 2 month old baby's sleep is very important. In the first year of a baby’s life, it is necessary to accustom him not only to proper nutrition and active games, but also to healthy, sound sleep. At first, of course, the child forces mom and dad to live according to their biological clock, but that is the essence of education, to accustom the baby to rules and routines. Over time, the child will get used to this rhythm and begin to fall asleep on his own at the same time.

A 2-month-old baby sleeps restlessly, often waking up his parents at night because sleep phases are now short and periodic. Since a two-month-old baby is accustomed to constant contact with his mother’s body, he cannot sleep on his own. It’s another matter if the mother is nearby, then the dream is sweet and the parents’ nerves are in order. If you just stay with the baby until he falls asleep and sneak away about your business, then in half an hour or an hour you will hear the ringing cry of the awakened child.

In the second month of life, babies can combine breastfeeding and sleep. If the baby lies relaxed with his eyes closed during feeding, it means he has dozed off. Under no circumstances should you wean your baby off the breast while he is sleeping. It is advisable for the mother to drop all planned activities and lie down with the baby to rest. Firstly, this will allow you to take a break from everyday activities, and secondly, this will not disturb the pleasant state for the child.

At night the baby goes growth and development phase. In order for his sleep to be as long as possible, it is necessary to give the baby a bath in the evening. Bathing is very relaxing, relieves stress and calms everyone, regardless of age. For a 2-month-old baby, a 5-7 minute bath is more than enough. In order for the baby to feel comfortable, parents should take care of the temperature of the water and a soft towel. After water procedures, you can smear the baby’s body with a special baby oil with the aroma of herbs, which will calm the child and allow him to sleep sweetly.

If your child is unable to sleep, you need to pay attention to factors that may disturb your baby:

  • discomfort - feeling of hunger, wet diapers, uncomfortable bed, excessive satiety;
  • the temperature regime in the room is disturbed - the air is too humid or dry, the child is cold or hot;
  • noise - the TV on, a sharp ringing of a mobile phone, loud conversations or any sharp sounds;
  • bright light or complete darkness;
  • pain in the tummy, throat, etc.

2 month old baby's stool

Normally, feces in babies of this age are liquid, homogeneous, and yellow in color. The child has a bowel movement 3−5 times a day. Parents are often mistaken, mistaking this consistency of their child’s stool for dysbacteriosis or a disorder. Having noticed a “disease”, parents try to cure the child and change his diet. During breastfeeding, no food will make the baby's stool hard, like that of adults.

For a two-month-old child, dysbiosis is not so much a disease as a normal state of the body. The fact is that the functioning of the intestines and its microflora stabilize closer to the age of one year.

Water procedures and gymnastics

Now is the time to start accustoming your baby to a gentle relaxing massage. It should be taken into account that infants have very delicate and sensitive skin, so of all types of massage, only soft stroking. In this case, you can use baby oil with lavender or cream.

The child's routine should include mandatory water procedures. You should try to bathe him at the same time, and then immediately put him to bed. The water in the bath should be at least 37 degrees. Once a week, you can add herbal infusions to the water that are intended for this age. It is recommended to rinse the baby without using soap, shampoos and under no circumstances washcloths. The optimal time a child should spend in water is 7-10 minutes.

In the future, the baby needs to carefully select shampoos, soaps and bath foams. Many of the products offered for children contain irritating ingredients that can affect the skin and mucous membranes of the baby's eyes. If after bathing the baby has an allergic reaction, then this is a reason to immediately consult a doctor, since at the age of 2 months any rash on the baby’s body is very dangerous.

Games with children 2 months old

The baby mode must partly consist of gaming activities. At this age, the baby can already observe the movement of objects, hold your gaze on the toy you like or tell your mother something.

Babies are good at concentrating their gaze on colorful balls, rattles, large and small toys. If you let your baby touch them with his legs and arms, he will gradually develop certain emotions, impressions and sensations.

Often during this period, parents notice a certain meaningfulness in the baby’s gaze, as he is already beginning to show attention to everything that happens. You can, for example, take a rattle and tap it on the child’s palm from different sides. When the baby follows the ringing toy with his eyes, his perception, vision and hearing will be formed. To develop fine motor skills of his fingers, you can give him a toy with small parts for newborn babies.

The frequency of feeding and the baby’s biorhythms affect his daily routine. The rules that parents instill in them are always different and depend on the capabilities of the married couple. Many parents make the mistake of adapting to their child and indulging him in everything. This is the wrong tactic, because from birth the baby must prepare for life, which always dictates its own regime and rules.

Approximate daily routine for a 2 month old baby

  • 7.00 - wake up, breakfast;
  • until 8.00 - water procedures, light gymnastics;
  • 9.30 - second breakfast, games;
  • until 11.00 - walk, games;
  • until 13.00 - daytime nap outside in the fresh air;
  • until 14.00 - return home, lunch, games;
  • 14.30−17.00 - rest, sleep;
  • until 18.00 - communication with family, educational games;
  • until 20.00 - evening sleep;
  • until 21.30 - awakening, games with parents;
  • 21.30 - water treatments, evening exercises, massage;
  • 22.00 - sleep, end of the day.

Differences between the daily routine when breastfeeding

The 2 month old baby still sleeps a lot. At this time, parents have time for household chores and for each other. As is the case with breastfed children, the baby becomes very sensitive and any rustle can disturb his sleep. During this period, the senses are actively developing and the child’s hearing is very well developed. Since healthy sleep is the key to the normal emotional and mental state of the child.

Throughout life, parents must create the most comfortable conditions for their child. If the daily routine is followed correctly and the child sleeps, plays and eats enough, this will be noticeable in his well-being and behavior.

We can say that the daily routine of bottle-fed babies is no different from babies who eat their mother’s milk. The main components remain food, rest, bathing and games. If in the first month the child has adapted to the regime and rules, then he will notice practically no changes.

The rules for creating a daily routine for two-month-old babies are very simple. The most important thing that parents should understand is that they are the only family people for their baby, and it is them that he wants to see 24 hours a day, waking up in the morning and closing his eyes in the evening. When accustoming a child to a daily routine at 2 months, parents lay the foundation for proper education and the ability to adapt to future conditions.

Some two months ago you were in agonizing anticipation of the birth of your baby. Now the little man has become a constant cause for happiness and anxiety at the same time. Parents are unlikely to be able to understand whether a newborn baby is developing normally if there are no obvious deviations. After 2 months, mothers and fathers can objectively assess the pace of progress and proudly tell their friends about the baby’s success.

In two months the little man acquires many new skills

Physical parameters

The height and weight of a two-month-old baby can vary greatly. This must be clearly known and remembered constantly to avoid unnecessary worries. Much depends on size and weight at birth, as well as heredity.

Parameters of height, weight and head volume of a 2 month old baby:

Some babies already have a weight at birth, which others gain at 3 or even 5 months. You shouldn’t pay too much attention to absolute indicators; it’s better to analyze the dynamics of growth and weight gain. According to WHO recommendations, weight gain in the second month averages about 800 grams, height increases by 3 cm, and head circumference by 1.5 cm. From birth to two months, the child grows by 6 cm and gains almost 1.5 cm kg.

The weight and height gain chart is used as a guide. It is necessary to take into account the fact that children develop differently

There are tables and graphs available that indicate the upper and lower limits of normal weight. They are designed separately for girls and boys. If the child is in this field, then no additional supplementary feeding is needed, even if the baby has not gained a single gram in a month. Daily weighings and the use of drugs “for appetite” are simply strictly prohibited. As Dr. Komarovsky says in numerous videos about the first months of life, it is better to buy a sedative for the mother (grandmother) with this money so that she lags behind the child.

Motor development

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The physical development of the baby in the first months of life proceeds gradually. Alternately, the child must learn to control his head, arms, body, and legs. The appearance of characteristic movements for a particular age is quite arbitrary, since motor development is largely determined by heredity. Let's consider what movements pediatricians consider characteristic of 2 months of age.

Head movements

By 2 months, the baby can hold his head while in his mother’s arms. While lying on his stomach, the baby can raise his head and hold it in this position for up to 1 minute. In this case, the emphasis is on the forearms, the chest is raised above the surface, the legs are extended. In a vertical position (in a column), a child without support can hold his head for about 30 seconds.

The baby can lift his head for just a few seconds, and this is a good result of the baby’s development.

Hand movements

After two months, the baby begins to actively take an interest in his hands. There is an intensive increase in the number of conscious movements:

  1. Feeling. Tactile sensations dominate over all others. The child strokes the bed and surrounding objects with his palms, feels himself, fiddles with his clothes.
  2. Grabbing. The grasping reflex fades away and is replaced by conscious movement. It’s still awkward, but the child tries to grab the toys hanging above him, grabs the offered rattles and holds them for up to 10 seconds, and tries to bring the caught objects to his mouth.
  3. Coordination. From the age of 2 months, the baby begins to understand that he can control his hands and develops this skill in every possible way. He should look at his palms with interest, bring them to his mouth, and grab the other with one hand, amusing himself and those around him. If by the end of the 3rd month your child is still not interested in using his own hands, tell your pediatrician about it.

Psycho-emotional development

The psycho-emotional development of a child strongly depends on the environment: on the relationships between family members, the amount of attention given to the baby. If they talk to a child and smile at him, the cub does the same in response: he gurgles, focuses on the adult, and reacts with facial expressions to changes in intonation.

When the baby looks at his mother, smiles at her and tries to speak only vowel sounds, this cannot but please the parents

Visual reactions

A two-month-old baby is able to concentrate his gaze on people and objects. To capture the attention of a little person, objects should be no more than 60 cm from the eyes. Optimally - 30 cm. Then, in addition to focusing on things, the child also shows interested observation. If the toy moves slowly in an arc, the child will turn his head after it.

When adults address him, the baby turns and looks into the face of the speaker for 10 seconds. A toddler can look at his hands for the longest time: looking at hands can last up to 5 minutes.

Formation of binocular vision, i.e. vision, carried out two eyes, leads to the receipt of a single stereotypical image and marks a new stage in the development of visual indicative reactions A child looking at his fist indicates the emergence of interest in objects of the outside world, which is an important step in the development of the toddler’s intelligence. Smiling and looking at the hand is the initial stage of learning.

Hearing development

At 2 months the child has acute hearing. During this period, he begins to react negatively to sharp and too loud sounds: he freezes for a few seconds, opens his eyes wide, wrinkles his face and after 10-15 seconds begins to cry.

The baby reacts to typical surrounding sounds by turning its eyes, and later - its head. If the child becomes interested in the sound while eating, he will activate or slow down the sucking movements, or he may stop eating and turn towards the noise.

Don’t be surprised if the baby starts crying after a loud noise, since at two months the baby has good hearing and can easily get scared by extraneous sounds


The speech of a small child is inextricably linked with hearing. The little one very often listens to the sounds made and hums amusingly. It may hum quietly or squeak loudly. Screams acquire distinct intonations, by which parents can determine whether the child is irritated or calm. Speech consists of vowels in different variations: a-a, a-u, u-e, etc.

Emotional manifestations

By 2 months, the baby acquires an extensive arsenal of verbal and non-verbal emotional manifestations. The voice displays not only demanding, but also pleading intonations (a “begging” way of communication appears); screams are replaced by exclamations with pauses in which the baby awaits a reaction to his exclamations.

The child shows high spirits with facial expressions and a smile. Some smile barely noticeably - with just the tips of their lips; others - more pronounced, wrinkling their nose in an amusing manner and sparkling eyes; individual “instances” giggle cheerfully in a good mood. In a state of calm, the baby is serious and alert. The toddler expresses feelings of discomfort by whining and with a wrinkled face.

At two months old, a baby’s emotions become more and more diverse. Some children are quiet and calm that they hardly even smile, while others may even begin to laugh


At 2 months, the baby clearly understands the simplest cause-and-effect relationships. As soon as his mother appears in sight, he stops crying and freezes, waiting for the feeding to begin. A bottle-fed baby begins to open his mouth and make sucking movements when he sees a bottle.

By two months, the baby has grown and strengthened enough to make the first conscious movements. With each subsequent month, physical activity increases rapidly. Before you know it, your doll will begin to crawl, and there she will take on a vertical position, finally becoming like an adult human. Not only physical skills develop, but also emotions and intelligence.

The emotional changes at this tender age are called the “revitalization complex.” With its appearance, the child exhibits a clear emotional reaction to people. When loved ones approach, there is a sequential alternation of freezing, motor revival, smiling and humming, accompanied by an inquisitive look into the eyes. At 2 months, a little person firmly embarks on the path of developing communication and the task of parents is the desire to satisfy and support.

As the baby's ability to perceive and assimilate new information develops, parents begin to treat him as an individual. Take a closer look at your child: he already has individual character traits that distinguish him from his peers, his manner of communication, primarily with his parents.

Communication for a baby at this age is comparable in its entertainment to solving a puzzle: the baby tries to understand you, seriously peering into your face. The child is not even two months old, and he is already looking for a source of emotional nutrition, needs to replenish his emotional reservoir - he needs the presence of his mother, her songs, warm hands, gentle words. Next to her, looking into her eyes, he smiles, inviting his mother to interact.

Learning to understand each other

Only by the end of the first month do parents begin to truly understand their baby. Now they can tell a lot about their child, including the whole range of his behavior: what he is like when he is calm or excited, in a good mood or naughty, resting or moving, whether he calms down easily or not, whether his actions are predictable, fast or slow he reacts to what is happening around him.

At this age, the child is not yet ready for contacts with others, however, he strives for communication. Most of all, the baby loves to listen to the human voice. Therefore, take every opportunity to talk with your beloved child.

Try to make your speech accompanied by rich facial expressions: raise your eyebrows, open or squint your eyes wide, and round your mouth or purse your lips. Through such grimaces and movements, which at first glance seem unnatural, parents introduce the child to sign language, which is an integral element of spoken language.

Changing the timbre of the voice from low to high and vice versa also contributes to maintaining the baby’s interest in the conversation for a long time. If your communication is regular, by the end of the second month the baby begins to “walk”. And although his sound repertoire is not rich and is limited to 1-2 front vowels, he learns to speak in the fullest sense of the word

Motor skills of a child at 2 months

At 2 months of life, the child begins to control his body. His chaotic twitching disappears, and the movements of his arms and legs gradually become more even and orderly. The nervous tremor characteristic of newborns also disappears. The most noticeable change that can be noted in a child's behavior is the ability to move his head.

If the baby is placed on his stomach, he will be able to turn his head from side to side without much effort. And some children already at 4-5 weeks pick it up and look around. Your baby's ability to move his head is especially evident when you hold him against your body. However, no matter how strong your child is, he will not be able to fully control his movements. When taking your baby out of the crib or carrying him around the room, be sure to support his head with your hands.

As a rule, at this age children are not able to move independently, however, even the most passive children are capable of making unexpected movements. Therefore, never leave your child unattended on a table or other high place. Having reached this age, the baby begins to control the muscles of the arms and legs much better.

The child begins to demonstrate the ability to speed up or slow down the pace of movement. When you speak to your baby in a calm and even tone, his movements are calm and even. Try to speak quickly, excitedly, and you will see how the baby begins to vigorously move his arms and legs.

I see, I hear, I feel...

While awake, the baby is actively exploring the world around him - you can notice how he concentrates and looks with interest at some object or drawing in front of him. The greatest interest is caused by toys and objects that move in space - hang a rotating carousel over the crib, move a rattle in front of the child's face.

Tracking an approaching and receding object forms the ability to concentrate your gaze and develops eye coordination. And if during these games you hear that the baby “speaks,” know that with these sounds he expresses his approval.

For a 2-month-old baby, new sounds are as interesting as new visual images. It can distinguish speech from other sounds and has a clear preference for the human voice. At an unfamiliar sound, the child becomes alert, freezes, and it seems that he is listening carefully. If the sound is repeated several times, the baby stops paying attention to it.

To re-interest your baby, you can change the sound, for example, instead of ringing a bell, give him a rattle or a toy that can squeak. During this period, the connection between what is seen and heard is strengthened in the child’s mind. After a little training, he will look at the bell hanging above the crib every time it rings.

The little man reacts joyfully to affectionate touches. While awake, stroke the baby's arms and legs with mittens made from different materials - silk, corduroy, satin, wool, flannel or terry cloth. These simple exercises will help develop your sense of touch.

For the same purpose, you can use the grasping reflex, which is still very strong in the baby. Invite your baby to grab not only your fingers, but also objects of various textures - ribbed, pimpled, soft, wooden. To help your son or daughter “open” their fists, gently massage their tiny fingers daily.

Activities with a 2 month old baby

Since both mom and dad bring something of their own into communication with the baby, it is important that they both participate in his upbringing. We hope that the games offered below will not only help your child learn new skills and abilities, but will also help you and your child become closer.

Make a baby doll by drawing a face on a paper plate and attaching a hand to the side. Move the plate in different directions at a distance of 25 cm from the baby's face. After a while, the baby will begin to follow the toy, and a smile will appear on his face.

To help your child learn to follow an object, encourage him to watch a rattle or a brightly colored toy. Move the object from left to right at a distance of 25-30 cm from the baby's face. When your son or daughter learns to follow him, moving his eyes horizontally, start moving vertically. Finally, try rotating the object in a circle. Remember to monitor your baby's mood and be prepared to stop playing if you feel he is tired or bored.

Sew a rubber ribbon to a small soft toy and secure it to the ceiling. Position your child with the toy directly above him and make the toy animal jump up and down. As he gets older, the baby will be able to reach and grab it. To stimulate hearing development, tie bells to baby booties. Every time the baby moves his leg, he will hear a ringing sound.

Introduce your child to poetic rhythm and meter. Let these be children's poems or folk nursery rhymes that are well known to you. Children especially like folklore because it has the most important feature - songs, jokes, pesters, and melodies are characterized by musicality; they perfectly play out the “humming” that a child learns at this age.

Physical development of a child at 2 months

Place your baby on his back, gently lift his arms above his head and lower them down, then cross them in front of his chest and spread them apart. Place your baby on his back and gently move his legs, imitating the movements of a cyclist. During the exercise, sing a song, for example: “We are going, going, going to distant lands...”.

Place the baby on the changing table on his stomach. Sit next to him and, calling your child by name, show him a bright toy. The baby will try to raise his head, thereby developing the muscles of the neck, back and arms. Do the same exercise, only now you should lie on your back and place the baby on your stomach. When calling your baby by name, try to get him to raise his head and look at you.

The daily routine of a baby at two months still continues to be based on the sequence of sleep, feeding and short periods of wakefulness.

The daily routine of a baby in the second month is slightly shifted compared to the first. Conventionally, the time of night sleep increases, the baby now “gets to sleep” longer in the morning, and so mothers also have an excellent opportunity to rest. Breastfeeding infants successfully suck at the breast, and lactation volumes increase. Children on IV also begin to consume more formula compared to the first month. Because of this, the duration of a child’s sleep increases, and for most babies one meal and one episode of sleep are removed from their daily routine.

Approximate daily routine for a 2 month old baby

6:00 feeding, washing, diaper changing
7:30 - 9:30 rest
9:30 - 10:30 feeding
10:30 - 13:00 sleep in the fresh air
13:00 - 14:00 feeding
14:30 - 16:30 dream
16:30 - 17:30 feeding
17:30 - 19:30 dream
19:30 - 20:30 bathing, feeding
20:30 - 6:00 sleep with breaks for feedings


The diet of children in the second month of life varies depending on the method of feeding. It is easier for non-breastfeeding mothers to control the amount of formula their babies eat and, as a rule, such children do not have problems with either weight gain or malnutrition.


Breast milk is not only an ideal nutrition for the baby, it also “supplies” the lacto- and bifidobacteria necessary for the digestion of food into the baby’s intestines, and provides the immune system with antibodies present in the mother’s blood to past diseases. Therefore, it is important to try to maintain lactation and continue to feed the baby milk for as long as possible.

In the second month of life, it is advisable to continue feeding the baby on demand; for most children, such a seemingly free regimen automatically develops into a strict schedule. If the baby has enough milk, he will ask to eat every 3 hours.

Breastfeeding babies should drink about 900 ml of mother's milk per day, that is, about 130 ml at a time with seven feedings. But, of course, when breastfeeding it is impossible to visually assess the amount of nutrition sucked by the baby. If you have scales at home, you can weigh your child before and after meals, finding out how much milk he has eaten. But there are other ways to assess whether a baby has enough nutrition.

  1. Control weigh-ins with a pediatrician will allow you and your doctor to assess your baby’s weight gain.
  2. The length of the break between feedings is one of the main factors by which you can judge whether your baby is full. If he sleeps for about 2.5 - 3 hours, then everything is fine; if he falls asleep for a short time, and then wakes up screaming, greedily falling to his chest, it will immediately become clear to you that the child is not getting enough.
  3. The duration of feeding will also allow you to assess whether the baby has enough nutrition for breastfeeding. On average, a normal full feeding takes about 20 minutes. During this time, the baby drinks the sweet, thin “front” milk and gets to the nutritious, thick “hind” milk. If the baby drops the breast five minutes after the start and falls asleep, it means he only sucked the first portion, which is of no benefit to the baby’s body and is quickly digested. In order for the baby to be satisfied, in this case, you should temporarily express the “foremilk” before feeding, so the baby will receive only nutritious fluid, which will saturate him and enrich his growing body.
  4. The sufficiency of the mother's milk consumed by the baby can be judged by the frequency and volume of urination. If there is enough nutritional fluid, the baby will wet the diapers 12-15 times a day.

Artificial mixture

Artificial dieters are initially required to follow a strict diet by the hour. This is due to the fact that the mixture is very nutritious, and its age-recommended volumes are quite enough to saturate the baby. Its digestion and assimilation takes quite a long time, so, as a rule, babies on IV do not have problems maintaining their daily routine. In the second month of life, the intervals between feedings in artificial babies are 4 hours.

Children in the second month of life should be given the mixture 5-6 times a day; its volume, depending on the baby’s appetite, ranges from 120 to 140 ml. Exceeding the recommended number of feedings and volume should only occur on the recommendation of a pediatrician.

What to do if you deviate from the schedule?

Since the lactation process should already be established, in case of minor disruptions it would be better to try to adhere to a strict schedule. A constant regimen is very beneficial for the body, so there is no need to feel sorry for the baby.

  1. If your baby wakes up a little early and starts crying, try to distract him with toys, carry him around the apartment in your arms, and do gymnastics with him.
  2. if the baby is fast asleep, although feeding time has already arrived, wait 10 minutes, and then gently wake him up, wash his eyes so that the remnants of sleep are removed from them, and feed him.


Sleep is very important for babies. If a baby gets enough sleep, he has enough strength to learn new motor skills. Quality sleep promotes active development, good appetite and good mood in the baby.

In the second month of life, the baby should sleep at least 16 hours, waking up for feedings and staying awake for about an hour. Since sleep is a physiological necessity, a well-fed and healthy baby should fall asleep on its own, without the participation of a pacifier, rocking or stroking.

In the second month, a child on breastfeeding should sleep from 2.5 to 3 hours, an artificial one will rest longer from 3 to 3.5 hours.

Sleep disturbances in the second month of life in a baby occur due to:

  • insufficient active wakefulness;
  • excessively dry, humid, hot or cold air at home;
  • noisy environment in the apartment;
  • bright light;
  • intestinal colic;
  • discomfort caused by wet diapers, hunger, gas.

Sometimes trouble sleeping in two-month-old babies can be explained by birth injuries or excessive excitability when the child reacts to the slightest noise.

Before you worry that your child is not sleeping well due to possible pathologies of the development of the nervous system, try to exclude other irritants:

  1. After eating, hold the baby upright until the air swallowed during sucking comes out of his stomach.
  2. The waking period should be as active as possible; before meals, do gymnastics with your baby, give him a massage, and after that, play with him or carry him around the apartment.
  3. Ventilate the room before going to bed and try to take your baby for walks in the fresh air more often.
  4. Regularly inspect your baby's crib and remake it so that the oilcloth and sheets do not form folds that could cause discomfort to the child.
  5. Curtain the window during the day and turn on a dim nightlight in the evening.
  6. Ask loved ones to be quiet while the baby is resting.
  7. During the day you can sleep next to the baby, so the baby will sleep more soundly, and you yourself will rest.


In the second month of the baby’s life, the duration of walks should increase.

  1. Summer walks should last at least 1.5 hours at a time. It is better to go out into the fresh air 2-3 times a day and walk in the shade, in a quiet place before 11 and after 16 hours.
  2. In winter, the number and duration of walks will vary depending on weather conditions. It’s better not to take risks and not go outside with your baby if it’s less than -10 degrees outside. If you need to get somewhere, don't be afraid. Some experts believe that cold air promotes hardening, strengthens the body's protective functions, and recommend going outside with the baby in any weather for at least 10 minutes.

If the baby does not sleep during a walk, take him out of the stroller and show him the surroundings. But try not to pick him up when he cries, otherwise later your walks will turn into a nightmare, and you will be forced to carry the baby and push the stroller. When a child wakes up from sleep and begins to be capricious, try to calm him down, if all else fails, go home.


In the second month of life, the duration of bathing increases to 15 minutes. Now you can already draw water into a regular bath and purchase a special circle for your neck for the procedures. This accessory will not only free up the mother’s hands, but will also help tone and strengthen absolutely all the muscles of the baby.

Having acquired conditional freedom of action, the baby will begin to receive great pleasure from bathing. After such active exercises in water, the baby will fall asleep faster and sleep more soundly. In addition, water aerobics perfectly increases the appetite of infants.

  1. You need to wash your baby with shampoos and foams once a week.
  2. If your baby has any skin irritation or diaper rash, you can add infusions of soothing herbs and oak bark to the water.
  3. In case of excessive excitability or after a busy day, neurologists recommend bathing the baby in water with the addition of pine extracts, which will calm the baby and make his sleep sounder.

Caring for a two-month-old baby may include removing seborrheic crusts from the baby’s head. Once a week, before bathing with shampoo, you will need to soften the formations on the skin using salicylic ointment or vegetable oil, and then, gently rubbing them with a sponge, remove them from the baby’s head.

Gymnastics and massage

In the second month of life, you should continue to strengthen your baby's neck muscles by placing him on his tummy before feeding. Such exercises also help the baby pass gas. Stroking the tummy will help reduce pain from colic.

Now you should continue to do gymnastics with your baby, which is designed to reduce muscle tone:

  1. Place the baby on his back and alternately raise and lower his arms.
  2. Next, lift the handles at the same time.
  3. Spread your baby's arms to the sides and then cross them over his chest.
  4. While holding your baby’s heels, do the “bicycle” exercise.
  5. Bend the baby's legs at the knees and pull them towards the baby's tummy.
  6. Placing your palm under the feet of the lying baby, lightly press on the lower limbs, provoking the baby to push off from the support.

Continue to give your baby a gentle stroking massage in the second month of life.

Communication and games

Since in the second month the baby’s hearing and vision organs begin to function better, you should train them with the help of games.

  • Move bright objects at a distance of 30-40 cm from the baby’s eyes, provoking him to follow their movement;
  • hang large toys of simple colors on the arc, looking at which the child will learn to focus on objects;
  • when playing with your baby, use rattles that make different and pleasant sounds;
  • talk to the baby, approaching the crib or stroller from different sides and watch whether he turns his head in the direction of the sound;
  • place toys made of different materials into your baby’s hand, this will develop his tactile sensations and grasping skills;
  • placing the baby on his tummy, you can place a bright toy in the child’s field of vision so that, while holding his head, he can focus on it;
  • The baby may already like simple finger games; play “magpie-white-sided” with your little one.

The duration of such activities should not exceed 15-20 minutes, otherwise the baby will become overexcited, have difficulty falling asleep and sleep lightly.

The daily routine of a two-month-old baby should consist of the correct sequence of sleep, feeding and periods of wakefulness, alternating with the implementation of mandatory hygiene procedures.

Approximate (!) daily routine for a breastfed baby

  • 6:00 First feeding, morning hygiene procedures (changing a diaper, washing, cleaning the nasal passages, trimming nails.);
  • 7:30-9:30 Morning dream;
  • 9:30-11:00 Waking up, placing the baby on his tummy (). Second feeding (the newly fed baby must be held in a “column” to prevent regurgitation). We are going for a walk;
  • 11:00-13:00 Daytime sleep. Better while walking;
  • 13:00-14:30 Third feeding;
  • 14:30-16:30 Dream;
  • 16:30-17:30 Fourth feeding. Developmental activities: manipulations with a rattle, fixation of the gaze on the toy, accompanied by songs, rhymes, nursery rhymes;
  • 17:30-19:30 Dream;
  • 19:30-21:00 Fifth feeding. Hygiene procedures: bathing the child (if the room temperature is not lower than 22 degrees, you can take your time dressing the newly bathed baby, giving him the opportunity to be naked for five minutes);
  • 21:00-23:30 Dream;
  • 23:30-00:00 Sixth feeding;
  • 00:00-6:00 Night sleep. It is this time interval that is considered ideal for a two-month-old baby to rest at night, but, as a rule, the baby wakes up at night, sometimes even more than once - you should not refuse to feed him.

You can download and print a sample daily routine from our Yandex.Disk -

More daily routine options for children from 1 to 3 months:

This routine can be adjusted to take into account the individuality of the baby.. Frail babies often need more sleep. You can accommodate a child who is hungry ahead of schedule (15-20 minutes doesn’t solve anything). Sleep time also undergoes exactly the same adjustment: a capricious and overtired baby can be put to bed earlier, and a sound sleeper can be given a little more sleep.

However, all this concerns only minor deviations from the schedule we have presented. Some young mothers, who do not know how to correctly interpret their baby’s behavior, begin to adapt to his every dissatisfied squeak. As a result, the schedule of feeding, sleep and wakefulness gets confused, giving way to unsystematicity and chaos.

Even if there are some deviations in the child’s behavior(for example, he may confuse the time of day, staying awake at night and sleeping during the day), they can and should be arranged. If this is not done on time, excessive maternal compassion will lead to the child’s incorrect behavior becoming the norm, making the organization of the family structure inconvenient for the rest of the family.

About the daily routine of an artificial baby

The daily routine of a 2-month-old baby fed with artificial formula will be slightly different than for a baby receiving breast milk. This is explained by the longer (compared to breast milk) absorption of the artificial product. In this regard, the breaks between feedings should be at least four hours, so the artificial feeding schedule will be as follows: 6:00 | 10:00 | 14:00 | 18:00 | 22:00 | 2:00

As for the periods of wakefulness and sleep, they remain the same as for infants feeding on mother's milk. Depending on the individual characteristics of each child’s body, some minor adjustments may be made to this regimen.

About the importance of sleep

The quality of sleep determines the physical and emotional state of the baby. If he slept well, it means he will have enough strength to actively perceive the world, play and communicate with loved ones, as well as an excellent appetite. A child who does not get enough sleep will be apathetic and capricious.

A two-month-old baby should sleep at least 16 hours a day, and a falling asleep baby does not need any rocking or stroking. If he is healthy, fed and put to bed on time, there should be no problems with falling asleep, because he needs sleep physiologically.

If sleep disturbances do exist in a 2-month-old baby, you need to figure out what is the cause of this unnatural phenomenon. Your baby may have trouble sleeping due to:

  • insufficient activity during waking hours;
  • increased excitability of the nervous system, which reacts sensitively even to weak stimuli (for example, light in the next room falling into the child’s field of vision);
  • consequences of birth trauma (this kind of anxiety is noted until about three months of age);
  • feelings of discomfort (uncomfortable bed, wet diapers, feelings of hunger or overeating);
  • too bright light;
  • noisy environment;
  • increased humidity or dry air;
  • violations of the temperature regime in the children's room (the optimal temperature is considered to be from 20 to 24 degrees);
  • abdominal pain.

We also read about how much time a newborn baby sleeps during the day.

Babies accustomed to being rocked to sleep may have greater difficulty falling asleep. Having found out the cause of the sleep disorder, it is necessary to take measures to eliminate it (allow the baby to move while he is awake, create a calm environment before bed: mute the TV volume, do not allow other family members to talk loudly in the room where the baby is sleeping). The main factor contributing to the normalization of sleep is putting the baby to bed at the same time. Once he gets used to the routine, he will begin to fall asleep on his own.

Sleep organization

To sleep, the child should have a comfortable crib with a firm, elastic mattress () and a flat pillow. In order for your baby to get a good night's sleep, it is necessary to create optimal conditions:

  • ventilate the children's room well;
  • remake the crib, making sure that the sheet does not form folds that could cause discomfort;
  • if the room is on the sunny side, it is necessary to shade the window;
  • change a diaper or nappy before going to bed;
  • feed the baby.

Since a two-month-old baby still needs close contact with his mother, he feels her absence even in his sleep. The sleep of a baby placed in a crib is characterized by short duration and intermittency. Many mothers notice this when they briefly leave the room where their baby is sleeping.

A completely different situation is observed if the mother is nearby: the baby sleeps soundly and for a long time. That is why pediatricians advise nursing mothers not to take their baby off the breast during feeding during the day, but to lie down next to him for about forty minutes. The benefit turns out to be two-sided: the mother gets the opportunity to relax and take a break from household chores, and the baby gains strength for the next wakefulness.

A bathing procedure before feeding your baby can make your night's sleep longer and more complete.

Many mothers are interested in the question of the advisability of swaddling a two-month-old baby before bed. In previous years, this manipulation was considered mandatory. Modern pediatricians are of the opinion that it is not at all necessary. The exception is when the baby sleeps restlessly, flapping its arms. Sometimes loose swaddling helps solve this problem.

Features of feeding

The ideal option for the proper development of a baby is breastfeeding, since mother's milk is perfectly absorbed by the child's body and contains all the necessary nutrients and antibodies that protect the child from the effects of pathogenic microorganisms.

The nuances of breastfeeding

The most physiological is considered to be a free breastfeeding regime, when the baby gets access to mother's milk “on demand.” Demanding crying or restlessness shown by your baby are indicators that he is hungry.

Despite the seeming spontaneity of this approach, it turned out that the baby needs to eat every three hours during the day and four at night, so this completely coincides with the daily routine recommended by modern pediatricians.

This is exactly the feeding regimen that most experienced mothers practice, arguing that it not only satisfies the psychological and physiological needs of the baby, but also minimizes the risk of milk stagnation (). Babies who receive breastfeeding on demand practically do not cry, because they feel not only fullness, but also a state of serenity and comfort, close to what they experienced during intrauterine development.

The daily requirement of breast milk for a two-month-old baby is approximately 900 ml (single dose - 130 ml). How to monitor whether the baby is receiving the required amount? The length of time it stays at the breast can serve as a guide. The average duration of one feeding is twenty minutes(the most active and strong babies are able to get enough in a quarter of an hour). We read in detail about how much breast milk or formula a child should eat -

There are children who turn away from the breast after just five minutes. This moment is clearly not enough to saturate the child. This is usually done by weakened infants who feed exclusively on “light” milk, which enters their mouths without the slightest effort on their part. When this “feed” stops, they stop sucking. To get the little sloth to eat properly, experts recommend that mothers express the first portion of milk. Then the baby will suck exactly as much as he is supposed to.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

However, with this feeding option, the baby may experience a lack of fluid, since the “front” milk contains more liquid, and the “hind” milk contains more fat. To eliminate the possibility of such an imbalance, the mother should consult a pediatrician - he will help her choose the necessary feeding tactics.

It is also undesirable to hold the baby at the breast for too long. For some babies, feeding takes about an hour. After eating for the first twenty minutes, they simply hold the nipple in their mouth, occasionally sucking on it. Mothers of such babies should be aware that this can affect the condition of the nipples.

Due to the constant mechanical impact on them, they can form, which can cause extremely painful sensations during each feeding. To prevent this, you should carefully remove the nipple from the mouth of an already saturated baby.

Another indicator of the sufficiency of breastfeeding is the number of wet diapers and diapers soiled by the baby. A two-month-old baby, receiving a sufficient amount of mother's milk, urinates 12 to 15 times a day. The stool pattern may vary. Some babies poop after every feeding, others have stools from two to four times a day: this is also considered the norm (brother-fed babies do this less often - no more than once or twice a day).

About feeding artificial animals

Formula-fed babies are fed only at certain hours. This is a necessary measure, due to the fact that in order to digest an artificial mixture, although it is analogue of mother's milk, but slightly different from it in composition and beneficial properties, it requires more time.

Two-month-old infants are fed with adapted milk formula number 1. The number of feedings (5-6 times) and the volume of one serving (120-140 ml) is indicated on each package. It is not recommended to exceed the indicated dosage and number of feedings. Premature babies and very low birth weight infants are on a special feeding regimen, which is monitored and prescribed by a pediatrician.

If during breastfeeding the baby is given drinking water only on especially hot days - to quench his thirst (mother's milk is both drink and food for him), then for artificial babies it is absolutely necessary. Drinking water must be given to artificially-fed babies in the pauses between feedings.

Despite the fact that artificial babies are fed from a bottle, mothers should feed them not in the crib, but by holding them in their arms: this is how much-needed physical contact is achieved with the person they love most.

After feeding babies (both infants and artificial babies), it is necessary to hold them in an upright position for three minutes, allowing the portion of air that has entered the stomach to leave it. The presence of profuse (“fountain”) belching is a reason to contact a pediatrician, since this may indicate certain pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

Features of wakefulness

2 months is the time when the baby begins to pay attention to the world around him. If earlier his awakenings were associated only with the need to refresh himself, now he is able to stay awake for an hour and a half.

As the baby develops psycho-emotionally and mentally, his activity also increases. Having felt the ability to control muscles (due to the weakening of the flexor muscle tone), he begins to perform many targeted movements. Vision and hearing, improving day by day (the baby is able to see objects seven meters away from him), allow him to recognize close people and gradually navigate in space. This is largely facilitated by strengthening the neck muscles, which allow the baby to turn his head in the direction he needs.


Walking in the fresh air is extremely beneficial for every child. Their duration in the warm season can be at least one and a half hours. The best times for this are morning (before 11) and evening (after 16). It is best to walk in the lacy shade of trees, protecting your baby from the bright rays of the sun.

In winter, walks with a 2-month-old child are possible only at temperatures exceeding -10 degrees. The best clothing for a sedentary baby is a bib overalls with a natural fur lining and a lower part made in the form of an envelope.

The awake baby must be taken out of the stroller, showing him the world around him. You should take your baby for a walk in a place far from polluted highways: a quiet park or a calm courtyard..

Activities and educational games

Two months of age is a great time to train your senses.. In order for the baby to learn to follow moving objects, focusing his gaze on them, it is necessary to purchase several very light and bright rattles, painted in red, yellow and orange, since now he perceives only these warm colors. The sound of the rattle should not be scary, but pleasant.

  • Taking a rattle, you can approach the baby from the side and shake it thirty centimeters from him, forcing the baby to turn his head in the direction of the sound. By transferring the toy to the other hand, they try to turn its head in the opposite direction in the same way. The mother can simply call the baby in a gentle voice, approaching the crib from different sides, so that, in response to the sound, he turns his head in the right direction;
  • It is useful to place a rattle in a child's hand. Weak fingers are able to hold it for only thirty seconds. This is an excellent exercise that prepares the muscles of the hand for the act of grasping;
  • You can hang a garland of bright rattles over your baby's crib so that he can reach it with his arms or legs. The sound made by the garland in response to the baby’s touch leads him to surprise and delight, forcing him to wave his arms and move his legs even more actively;
  • A bright rattle can be placed in front of the baby, laid out on his tummy (it is better to do this in a crib without a mattress or in a playpen). A healthy baby should raise his head, lean on his forearms and, raising his chest, look forward. A bright object will certainly attract his attention and force him to stay in this position for some time, looking at the objects lying in front of him;
  • To develop fine motor skills, you can play “magpie-white-sided” with your child. While fingering and massaging each finger, you need to recite the text of the poem.

The duration of developmental activities with the baby should not exceed twenty minutes. You need to talk to him affectionately, emotionally, often changing intonation, read children's poems, sing simple songs. Having heard the baby “booming”, calling on his mother to communicate, it is necessary to respond to his call. Otherwise, the “humbling” will soon stop, which will inevitably lead to a delay in speech and impaired emotional development.

Gymnastics and massage


When bathing a two-month-old baby, you must follow a number of simple rules:

  • The use of special detergents is allowed no more than once a week;
  • For daily bathing, babies use ordinary clean water;
  • If your baby has heat rash or diaper rash, you can add chamomile and chamomile infusions to the bath;
  • The optimal water temperature for bathing a baby is thirty-seven degrees;
  • It is not at all necessary to bathe the baby before going to bed for the night. If the baby protests and is capricious, you can do this during the daytime or morning hours, when he is awake.

Caring for a two-month-old baby is not an easy and very responsible task. If a caring and loving mother steadily adheres to the same daily routine, in the future she will be able to protect the family from the problems faced by parents of children raised without any structure. The sooner the baby gets used to order, the easier it is to adapt to the conditions of the surrounding world.

READ ALSO: and read about

Video: what is a regime for a child?

Note to moms!

Hello girls! Today I will tell you how I managed to get in shape, lose 20 kilograms, and finally get rid of the terrible complexes of fat people. I hope you find the information useful!

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