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Knitting patterns for the legendary pineapple pattern. Crochet pineapple: diagram and description of the pattern in photographs and video materials Crochet pineapple pattern with description

“Pineapple” is considered one of the most common openwork patterns in crocheted needlework. It's all about not only the relative simplicity of knitting it, but also the final result of the process - a “pineapple” pattern made using any of the many patterns turns out to be truly magnificent!

What is the pineapple pattern? The specified openwork crochet element is used both in the classic wedge-shaped form and in a modified form - improved in shape, degree of density and size. At the same time, any “pineapple” scheme will contain three main components:

  • leg - a fan-shaped solid base, all columns of which have a common beginning (can be a double crochet stitch, a double crochet stitch or a double crochet stitch). It can be short (knitted from 1-2 rows) or modified (elongated), including up to 15 rows and giving the pineapple an elongated shape;
  • the central triangle is the decorative part of the “pineapple” with the main pattern (can be solid or openwork). Knitted from fillet mesh, arches from air loops, lush columns, “bushes” and many other patterns;
  • the frame is a kind of “pineapple” frame, which is often knitted from “bushes” and is the common boundary for combining adjacent pineapple motifs.

The size of the future “pineapple” depends on how many double crochets are tied at the base; more double crochets mean a larger pineapple. There are plenty of options for knitting a pineapple - this pattern is knitted in the usual way, in a checkerboard pattern, in a spiral, with or without expanding the fabric.

Scope of application of the “pineapple” pattern

"Pineapple" is ideal for knitting flat or expanding fabrics. That is why it is often used in knitting models of women's and children's clothing (blouses, skirts, dresses, tunics, capes, shawls, boleros), as well as to create original interior decoration items (napkins, tablecloths, pillows, bedspreads, curtains and drapes).

You can learn how to knit a pineapple pattern quite quickly. We recommend starting with knitting the simplest items - kitchen napkins, after mastering which you can move on to more complex projects. We offer several detailed master classes on knitting “pineapple” patterns using the following examples: a butterfly napkin, an original Christmas tree garland, an exclusive collar, as well as two stylish models of a women’s wardrobe - a bright vest and an elegant blouse.

Abbreviations in the text:

  • VP – air. a loop;
  • Runway - air. lifting loop;
  • Art. s/n – double crochet;
  • Art. b/n – single crochet;
  • pet. - a loop;
  • flail - chain;
  • PR – previous row;
  • СС – connecting column.

A simple pineapple pattern using a butterfly napkin as an example

Knitting pattern:

Knitting steps:

We collect the flail. on 10 VP, in the SS ring.
Row No. 1: 3 runways, 2 illegal. Art. s/n, united by one vertex with the last one. Runway, into the first runway - we knit 2 more runways. Then there are 11 rapports: “3 is illegal. Art. s/n, united by one vertex, knitted into a ring from a base chain + 2 VP.” SS. We knit in the forward and backward direction.
Row No. 2: 3 runways, 2 tbsp. s/n in the arch from 2 VP PR, 2 VP, 10 rapports: “3 tbsp. s/n in next arch from 2 VP PR, 2 VP.
Row No. 3: 3 runways, 2 tbsp. s/n in the arch from 2 VP PR, 2 VP, 3 tbsp. s/n in the same arch, 10 rapports: “3 tbsp. s/n in next arch of 2 VP PR, 2 VP, 3 tbsp. s/n in the same arch.”
Rows No. 4-5: knit according to the pattern. We cut off the thread.
Let's start knitting the wings, knitting each one separately, attaching the thread to the right place. Knitting direction: forward and backward.
We knit two large wings according to the pattern, rows No. 1-11, two small wings we knit according to the small wing pattern, rows No. 1-10. We finish SS. We cut off the thread and carefully hide it.
We knit the antennae according to the pattern: we collect a flail. from VP, we tie them st. b/n.
The openwork butterfly napkin is ready. All that remains is to starch it thoroughly and iron it with a hot iron to give it the correct shape.

Openwork Christmas garland made of pineapple motifs

Knitting pattern:

In a ring of closed SS of 6 typed VPs, we tie:
Row No. 1: 3 runways, 1 st. s/n, 3 rapports: 2 VP + 2 tbsp. s/n in the ring. We knit straight and back.
Row No. 2: 5 runways, 2 tbsp. s/n in next arch from 2 VP PR, 2 VP, 2 tbsp. s/n in the same arch, 3 VP, 7 tbsp. s/n in next arch of 2 VP PR, 3 VP, 2 tbsp. s/n in next arch from 2 VP PR, 2 VP, 2 tbsp. s/n in the same arch from 2 VP PR.
We continue to knit according to the pattern until the garland reaches the desired length. The finished decoration should be properly starched, stretched and ironed with a hot iron.

Ornate pineapple collar

Knitting pattern:


We collect the flail. of 5 VPs (2 VPs + 3 VPs).
Row No. 1: 2 tbsp. s/n in the 4th VP chain, 3 VP, 3 tbsp. s/n in the same VP chain, 3 tbsp. s/n in next VP chain basics, 3 VP, 3 tbsp. s/n in the same VP chain.
Row No. 2: 4 runways, 3 tbsp. s/n in the arch from 3 VP PR, 3 VP, 3 tbsp. s/n in the same arch, 5 VP, 3 tbsp. s/n in next arch of 3 VP PR, 3 VP, 3 tbsp. s/n in the same arch.
Row No. 3: 4 runways, 3 tbsp. s/n in the arch from 3 VP PR, 3 VP, 3 VP., 3 tbsp. s/n in the same arch, 5 VP, 1 tbsp. s/n in next arch of 5 VP PR, 5 VP, 3 tbsp. s/n in next arch of 3 VP PR, 3 VP, 3 tbsp. s/n in the same arch.
Rows No. 4-94: knit according to the collar pattern. We do not cut the thread, leave it for tying.
We tie the collar in a circular manner, in three openwork rows (the diagram is also attached). Sprinkle the finished collar with starch solution, stretch it to size, iron it and leave it to dry.

Bright women's vest with a pineapple pattern

A stylish vest with a yoke, knitted using a pineapple pattern and decorated with a lush knitted flower, will definitely appeal to the fair sex. The knitting process is not so complicated, especially since we provide everything necessary for this: a pattern, a knitting pattern for the vest fabric, as well as a flower.

Knitting pattern:

Knitting order:

We knit a yoke: we close the SS into a chain ring. out of 160 VPs.
Row No. 1: 3 runways, 159 st. s/n in next 159 VP chain basics. SS. We knit in the forward and backward direction.
Rows No. 2-3: 3 runways, 159 st. s/n in next 159 art. s/n PR.
We divide the loops by quantity, marking them with markers for convenience:

  • 65 Art. s/n – to the front;
  • 15th century s/n – to the right armhole;
  • 65 Art. s/n - on the back;
  • 15th century s/n - to the left armhole.

We continue from the back.
Row No. 4: 3 runways, 64 st. s/n in next 64 Art. s/n PR. SS.
Rows No. 5-9: knit as the 4th row.
Rows No. 10-14: knit st. s/n, make decreases on both sides of the back - remove 1 st. s/n, by the end of the 14th row we get 55 stitches in total. Don't forget to end each row with a SS.
From the 15th row: we knit the back and the front part with the armholes at the same time.
Row No. 15: 3 runways, 54 st. s/n in next 54 Art. s/n PR, 40 VP, skipping 15 loops in the area of ​​the right armhole, 65 st. s/n in next 65 Art. s/n of the third row of the front. Again 40 ch, skipping 15 loops in the area of ​​the left armhole. SS. It is advisable to mark the start and end points of the armholes with a knitting marker or colored thread.
Rows No. 16, 18, 20: knit st. s/n, knit over the marked points in 4 unfinished. Art. s/n, united by one vertex. We end each row with a SS.
Rows No. 17, 19, 21: knit in s/n stitches. We process the free edges of the yoke (neck and armholes) using the circular method using the “crawfish step”.
Let’s start knitting the main part of the vest with a “pineapple” pattern.
We attach a thread to the yoke, evenly distribute the loops in a circle with markers into ten repetitions of the main “pineapple” pattern, taking into account one repeat of 16 columns of s/n.
We continue knitting according to the above pattern, in a circular manner, along the 35th row. We knit each scallop separately.

Knitted flower for decorating a vest:

From closed to circle connection. Art. We knit chains for 12 VP:
Row No. 1: 1 runway, 29 stretched sts. in a circle SS.
Row No. 2: 3 VP, 1 tbsp. s/n in the first runway, 2 VP, 2 tbsp. s/n in the same VP, 3 VP, 7 tbsp. s/n in the fifth is extended. pet. PR, 3 VP, 2 tbsp. s/n in the 5th will be extended. pet. PR, 2 VP, 2 tbsp. s/n in the same pet., 3 VP, 2 tbsp. s/n in the 5th will be extended. pet. PR, 2 VP, 2 tbsp. s/n in the same pet., 3 VP, 7 tbsp. s/n in the 5th will be extended. pet. PR, 3 VP, 2 tbsp. s/n in the 5th will be extended. pet. PR, 2 VP, 2 tbsp. s/n in the same loop, 3 VP.
Row No. 3: 3 runways, 1 st. s/n in the first runway, 2 VP, 2 tbsp. s/n in the arch from 2 VP PR, 1 VP, according to the 1st art. s/n in next 7 tbsp. s/n PR, between Art. s/n - we knit along the 1st VP, then - an arch from 1 VP, 2 tbsp. s/n in next arch from 2 VP PR, 2 VP, 2 tbsp. s/n in the same arch, 1 VP, 2 tbsp. s/n in next arch from 2 VP PR, 2 VP, 2 tbsp. s/n in the same arch, 1 VP, according to the 1st art. s/n in next 7 tbsp. s/n PR, between Art. s/n - along the 1st VP, again an arch from the 1st VP, 2 tbsp. s/n in next arch from 2 VP PR, 2 VP, 2 tbsp. s/n in the same arch, 1 VP.
Decorating the vest: sew the finished flower to the product, optionally decorate with a decorative bead or rhinestone.

Fancy summer blouse with a yoke and pineapple scallops

Knitting progress:

Knitting a blouse moves from top to bottom.
First, the front, back and sleeves are knitted in one piece.
We collect the flail. on 160 VP, close it into a ring using SS.
Row No. 1: 3 runways, 1 st. s/n in the first runway, 3 VP, 2 tbsp. s/n in the same VP, 5 VP, continue to knit with rapports (we repeat the following combination 20 times): “2 tbsp. s/n in the 8th VP of the base chain, 3 VP, 2 tbsp. s/n in the same VP, 5 VP.” SS.
Rows No. 2-4: 3 runways, 1 tbsp. s/n in the arch from 3 VP PR, 3 VP, 2 tbsp. s/n in the same arch, 5 VP, 20 rapports: “2 tbsp. s/n in next arch of 3 VP PR, 3 VP, 2 tbsp. s/n in the same arch, 5 VP", SS. Row No. 5: 3 runways, 1 st. s/n in the arch from 3 VP PR, 3 VP, 2 tbsp. s/n in the same arch, 3 VP, 10 tbsp. s/n in next arch of 3 VP PR, 3 VP, 10 rapports: “2 tbsp. s/n in next arch of 3 VP PR, 3 VP, 2 tbsp. s/n in the same arch, 3 VP, 10 tbsp. s/n in next arch from 3 VP PR, 3 VP.” SS.

We continue to work according to pattern No. 1 of the pineapple pattern, thus knitting rows No. 6-23.
Then we divide the blouse fabric into 4 parts:

  • 2 repeats - on the right and left sleeves;
  • 3 rapports each - on the back and front. We do not cut the thread.

We knit the back and front parts in one piece.
Row No. 24: back and front repeats. We close the parts into a ring and continue knitting according to patterns No. 1-2 of the “pineapple” pattern. We knit inclusively along row No. 49. We finish each of them with SS.
We knit each of the six “pineapples” separately, in the forward and backward direction (according to pattern No. 2, 11 rows).
We tie the bottom of the blouse in a circular fashion with a fancy pattern (pattern attached). SS.
Sleeves: attach a thread to the lower part of the armhole, knit in a circular manner using a fancy pattern (rows 1-12).

Knitting patterns for the pineapple pattern

Using the “pineapple” pattern, magnificent openwork products are created, such as dresses, tunics, Panama hats, napkins, bedspreads, pillowcases and much more. There are many varieties of pineapple crochet patterns. Such a motif can be created in various ways, the only requirement is that, regardless of the chosen knitting, the result should be a pattern shaped like a pineapple.

We bring to your attention a large selection of various knitting patterns for this pattern:

1. Openwork napkin:

2. Pineapple collar:

3. Original New Year's napkin:

4. Snow-white top with a pineapple yoke:

5. Summer Cardigan Cape:

6. Turquoise blouse with pineapples

7. Luxurious shawl with large “pineapples”

Crochet pineapple pattern- one of the most beautiful and interesting knitted motifs that can be used to create original napkins and tablecloths, shawls, tunics and skirts. If you master knitting this motif, you will be able to create original knitted items and decorative elements with your own hands. By the way, there are several options for how to knit a “pineapple”, because each pattern has its own knitting density and additional elements that will become a real decoration of the knitted item.

As a rule, if you decide to master crochet pineapple pattern for beginners, then you need to choose the right yarn and hook. It will be most convenient to learn on “Iris” cotton threads from the Kirov plant and take hook No. 1-No. 2, here everyone chooses which one is convenient for him to use, because some will get a high density of knitting, while others knit more freely, therefore, the device can be taken in a smaller size.

At first glance it may seem that crochet pineapple pattern very complex, but once you start understanding its intricacies, you will quickly master it, and you will be able not only to perform simple patterns, but also complex products, adding and subtracting loops.

Crochet pineapple pattern gives a huge scope for imagination, there is even a square element that is knitted from the center in a circle, like a napkin; such square motifs can make an elegant bed cover.

Crochet blouses with pineapple pattern

When you have already mastered crochet pineapple pattern, diagram You don’t need it for each product; now all you need is a description of where to increase and where to decrease so that the product fits your figure. Approximately for size S you will need 300 grams of yarn, and be sure to be patient, it is possible that you will have to re-knit to make your product truly perfect.

If you decide to try knitting for the first time crochet pineapple pattern, description you need to take something very simple in order to master the subtleties, if you saw this pattern for the first time, you don’t need to immediately take on a complex product; when you knit, your hand must be practiced so as not to tighten the loops too much, and the product turns out smooth.

Crochet blouses with pineapple pattern knitted in the round. Knitting always starts from the neckline: you need to cast on 199 stitches, then knit this section with three rows of chains, each of which has 7 loops, as a result you will get 50 small chains. Next you need to knit according to a pattern of about 19 cm, the result will be 15 repeats and five complete rows. This will be the back element, after which the motif begins in a circle. Knit 1-2 rows, then begin to narrow, reducing the distance between the columns (reduce loops), another 3-4 row.

Then you need to separate those loops that will go on the sleeves and knit the sleeves. Therefore, at the level of the notch, you need to make 22 loops and connect the edges of the sleeve, then continue knitting in a circle, doing crochet pattern pineapple.

The same principle applies tunic with pineapple crochet pattern, only after the waist you need to start expanding the motif so that the tunic fits your beautiful figure.

Crochet pattern pineapple: diagram

Of course, the main thing is to master crochet pattern pineapple - diagram, which must be read correctly. How neat your pineapple motif will turn out depends on how well you understand all the symbols on the diagram.

From the notation, you need to know about air loops, which in all diagrams are designated as a hollow circle or oval. Usually, if you need to knit a chain that consists of four or more air loops, this is designated as an arc, and under it there is a number that indicates the number of air loops that need to be knitted in the chain.

Considering crochet pineapple pattern, diagram and description for beginners, it should contain other knitting elements, for example, a double crochet, which in the diagram is always indicated as a shelf and one line diagonally. To knit such a column, you need to make one yarn over on the hook, and then start knitting: pull the thread through the loop of the base, then grab the thread again and pull it through the two loops that are on the hook, and then pull it through two loops again. It turns out one column; according to the same scenario, columns with two or more crochets are knitted.

If two columns come out of one loop of the base, this indicates that the pattern in this place will expand, but if it needs to be reduced, then one at the base must be skipped. Has its own characteristics crochet pineapple pattern, diagram and description adding and subtracting indicates that you do not touch the pineapple motif itself, the loops become smaller/more only in the arches between the rapports.

If you are knitting, then the round pineapple motif can be used to knit the top circle. As always, to better master crochet pineapple pattern, video You can watch a master class; experienced needlewomen will share their secrets with you.

In the video lessons you can find out which yarn is better to use if you knit pineapple crochet dress, because the choice of cotton threads is huge, they can be with lurex, then the dress will shine, and if you take it with the addition of silk thread, then it will be very light and fit perfectly on the figure.

But for crochet shawls with pineapple pattern you can take thin mohair, which makes very beautiful airy products, and besides, mohair is very warm. Such a shawl can be thrown over your shoulders even under a beautiful evening dress if you are sitting in the open area of ​​a restaurant or are going for an evening walk and think that the wind might pick up.

Crochet pineapple pattern skirt can become part of the dress we talked about. The top of the dress can be anything, it is advisable not to burden the pineapple dress with a complex pattern at the top; it can be a simple single crochet knitted fabric.

The pineapple crochet pattern is popular among knitters. There are countless knitting patterns and pineapples can be used to knit both sweaters, dresses or cardigans, that is, parts without widening the fabric, as well as skirts that flare downwards.

The pineapple pattern allows you to increase the number of loops in a row without breaking the pattern. But now we will be interested in crocheting the pineapple buz extension pattern. The pattern includes straight sections of knitting. And decreases in increases are made only in accordance with the patterns.

For an experienced knitter this is not difficult. And beginners need to carefully monitor the accuracy of each row and decrease, for example, at the waist and neckline) and decrease loops only where they definitely will not distort or break the pattern in the most visible place.

Another crochet pineapple pattern. Suitable for tops and jumpers made of cotton or linen with cotton. And also for inserting and decorating details of large crocheted items.

And the third crocheted pineapple pattern. It is interesting in the shape of the border, which makes it possible to use the hem pattern as a border. We remember that this pattern does not expand the canvas.

Crochet pineapples drawing grateful. And let someone say that pineapples are boring and boring - nevertheless, in terms of effectiveness, this is one of the main crochet patterns that will always be loved by craftswomen. There are many opportunities for creativity, we wish you a flight of imagination and easy implementation.

Size: 38

To make a knitted top you will need:

300 g of white yarn MONDIAL CABLE"5 (100% cotton, 200 m/50 g);

Hook No. 2.5.

Fantasy pattern (number of stitches is a multiple of 5+2):

1st day: 2 tbsp. s/n in the underlying item (replace 1 st. s/n row 3 air. item), 1 air. p., 2 tbsp. s/n in next p., *2 air. p., skip 3 p., 2 tbsp. s/n in next n., 1 air. p., 2 tbsp. s/n in next p.*, repeat. from * to * all over the river, turn the knitting;

2nd and all even rows: 1 tbsp. s/n in the lower paragraph, in the next. arch made of 1 air. p. knit: 1 tbsp. s/n, 1 air. p. and 2 tbsp. s/n, *2 air. p., skip 1 arch from 2 air. p., next knit arch: *2 tbsp. s/n, 1 air. p. and 2 tbsp. s/n (= 1 fan)*, repeat. from * to * all over the river, turn the knitting.

“Pine cone” pattern (knitted on the initial number of fans, a multiple of 2+1):

1st day:*. in the 1st paragraph next. fans knit 2 tbsp. s/n, 1 air. p., next p. knit 2 tbsp. s/n, 1 air. p., next knit arch: 2 tbsp. s/n, 1 air. p. and 2 tbsp. s/n; 1 air p., next Art. s/n knit 2 tbsp. s/n, 1 air. p., next Art. s/n knit 2 tbsp. s/n., 2 air. p., 1 fan in the arch from 1 air. p. next fans, 2 air. n.*, repeat from * to * 1 more time, repeat from. before. 1 time, turn knitting;

2nd and 3rd rows:*1 fan in air. p. next fans, 2 air. p.*, repeat from* to* throughout the entire r. and finish with 1 fan in the air. p. of the last fan, turn the knitting;

4th row:*.1 fan in air. p. next fans, 2 air. n., in air. p. next knit fans: 2 tbsp. s/n, 3 air. p. and 2 tbsp. s/n., (2 air p., 1 fan in air p. next fan) x 2 times, 2 air. P.*. repeat from * to * throughout the r., repeat from. before. 1 time, 2 air. n., 1 fan in air. p. next fans, knitting turn;

5th day:*.1 fan in air. p. next fans, 2 air. n., in an arch of 3 air. p. next fans knit 11 tbsp. s/2n., (2 air p., 1 fan in air p. next fan) x 2 times, 2 air. p.*, repeat from * to * throughout the p., repeat from. before. 1 time, 2 air. n., 1 fan in air. p. next fans, knitting turn;

6th day:*. 1 fan in air p. next fans, 2 air. n., (1 tbsp. b/n in the next st. s/2n, 3 air. p.) x 10 times, 1 tbsp. b/n in the next Art. s/2n., (2 air p., 1 fan in air p. next fan) x 2 times, 2 air. p.*, repeat from * to * throughout the p., repeat from. before. 1 time, 2 air. n., 1 fan in air. p. next fans, knitting turn;

7th day:*. 1 fan in air p. next fans, 2 air. p., skip 1 arch from 2 air. p., (1 tbsp. b/n in the central air st. next arch of 3 air sts., 3 air sts.) x 9 times, 1 tbsp. b/n to central air. p. next arches., (2 air p., 1 fan in air p. next fan) x 2 times, 2 air. p.*, repeat from * to* throughout the p., repeat from. before. 1 time, 2 air. n., 1 fan in air. p. next fans, knitting turn;

8th day:*. 1 fan in air p. next fans, 2 air. p., skip 1 arch from 2 air. p., (1 tbsp. b/n in the next arch of 3 air p., 3 air p.) x 8 times, 1 tbsp. b/n in the next arch, (2 air p., 1 fan in air p. next fan) x 2 times, 2 air. p.*, repeat from * to * throughout the p., repeat from. before. 1 time, 2 air. n., 1 fan in air. p. next fans, knitting turn;

9th day:*. 1 fan in air p. next fans, 2 air. p., skip 1 arch from 2 air. p., (1 tbsp. b/n in the next arch of 3 air p., 3 air p.) x 7 times, 1 tbsp. b/n in the next arch., (2 air p., 1 fan in air p. next fan) x 2 times, 2 air. p.*, repeat from * to * throughout the p., repeat from. before. 1 time, 2 air. n., 1 fan in air. p. next fans, knitting turn;

10th day:*. 1 fan in air p. next fans, 2 air. p., skip 1 arch from 2 air. p., (1 tbsp. b/n in the next arch of 3 air p., 3 air p.) x 6 times, 1 tbsp. b/n in the next arch., (2 air p., 1 fan in air p. next fan) x 2 times, 2 air. p.*, repeat from * to* throughout the p., repeat from. before. 1 time, 2 air. n., 1 fan in air. p. next fans, knitting turn;

11th day:*. 1 fan in air p. next fans, 2 air. p., skip 1 arch from 2 air. p., (1 tbsp. b/n in the next arch of 3 air p., 3 air p.) x 5 times, 1 tbsp. b/n in the next arch., (2 air p., 1 fan in air p. next fan) x 2 times, 2 air. p.*, repeat from * to * throughout the p., repeat from. before. 1 time, 2 air. n., 1 fan in air. p. next fans, knitting turn;

12th day:*. 1 fan in air p. next fans, 2 air. p., skip 1 arch from 2 air. p., (1 tbsp. b/n in the next arch from 3 air. p., 3 air. p.) x 4 times, 1 tbsp. b/n in the next arch., (2 air p., 1 fan in air p. next fan) x 2 times, 2 air. p.*, repeat from * to * throughout the p., repeat from. before. 1 time, 2 air. n., 1 fan in air. p. next fans, knitting turn;

13th day:*. 1 fan in air p. next fans, 2 air. p., skip 1 arch from 2 air. p., (1 tbsp. b/n in the next arch from 3 air. p., 3 air. p.) x 3 times, 1 tbsp. b/n in the next arch., (2 air p., 1 fan in air p. next fan) x 2 times, 2 air. p.*, repeat from * to * throughout the p., repeat from. before. 1 time, 2 air. n., 1 fan in air. p. next fans, knitting turn;

14th day:*. 1 fan in air p. next fans, 2 air. p., skip 1 arch from 2 air. p., (1 tbsp. b/n in the next arch of 3 air. p., 3 air. p.) x 2 times, 1 tbsp. b/n in the next arch., (2 air p., 1 fan in air p. next fan) x 2 times, 2 air. p.*, repeat from * to* throughout the p., repeat from. before. 1 time, 2 air. n., 1 fan in air. p. next fans, knitting turn;

15th day:*.1 fan in air. p. next fans, 3 air. p., skip 1 arch from 2 air. p., 1 tbsp. b/n in the next arch of 3 air. p., 3 air. p., 1 tbsp. b/n in the next arch., 3 air. n., 1 fan in air. p. next fans, 2 air. n., in air. p. next knit fans: 2 tbsp. s/n, 3 air. p. and 2 tbsp. s/n, 2 air. p.*, repeat from * to * throughout the p., repeat from. before. 1 time, 2 air. n., 1 fan in air. p. next fans, knitting turn;

16th day:*. 1 fan in air p. next fans, 5 air. p., skip 1 arch out of 3 air. p., 1 tbsp. b/n to central air. n. arches of 3 air. n., 5 air. item 1 fan in air. p. next fans, 2 air. p., skip next. arch of 2 air. p., next arch of 3 air. p. knit 11 tbsp. s/2 n, 2 air. p.*, repeat from * to* throughout the entire r., turn knitting;

17th day:*. 1 fan in air p. next fans, 3 air. p., skip 2 arches out of 5 air. n., 1 fan in air. p. next fans, 2 air. p., (1 st. b/n in the next st. s/2n,
3 air p.) x 10 times, 1 tbsp. b/n in the next Art. s/2n, 2 air. p.*, repeat from * to * throughout the p., repeat from. before. 1 time, turn knitting;

18th day:*. 1 fan in air p. next fans, 2 air. p., 1 tbsp. s/n to central air. p. next arches, 2 air. n., 1 fan in air. p. next fans, 2 air. p., skip 1 arch from 2 air. p. (1 tbsp. b/n in the central air st. next arch from 3 air sts., 3 air sts.) x 9 times, 1 tbsp. b/n to central air. p. next arches of 3 air. p., 2 air. p.*, repeat from * to * throughout the p., repeat from. before. 1 time, turn knitting;

19th day:*. 1 fan in air p. next fans, 2 air. p., skip next. arch of 2 air. p., next Art. s/n knit 1 fan, 2 air. n., 1 fan in air. p. next fans, 2 air. p., skip 1 arch from 2 air. p. (1 tbsp. b/n in the next arch of 3 air. p., 3 air. p.) x 8 times, 1 tbsp. b/n in the next arch of 3 air. p., 2 air. p.*, repeat from * to * throughout the p., repeat from. before. 1 time, turn knitting;

20th day:*(1 fan in air. next fan, 2 air.) x 3 times, skip 1 arch from 2 air. p., (1 tbsp. b/n in the next arch of 3 air p., 3 air p.) x 7 times, 1 tbsp. b/n in the next arch of 3 air. p., 2 air. p.*, repeat from * to * throughout the entire r. and finish (1 fan in air p. next fan, 2 air p.) x 2 times, 1 fan in air. p. next fans, knitting turn;

21st day:*(1 fan in air. next fan, 2 air.) x 3 times, skip 1 arch from 2 air. p., (1 tbsp. b/n in the next arch of 3 air p., 3 air p.) x 6 times, 1 tbsp. b/n in the next arch of 3 air. p., 2 air. p.*, repeat from * to * throughout the entire r. and finish (1 fan in air p. next fan, 2 air p.) x 2 times, 1 fan in air. p. next fans, knitting turn;

22nd day:*(1 fan in air. next fan, 2 air.) x 3 times, skip 1 arch from 2 air. p., (1 tbsp. b/n in the next arch of 3 air. p.. 3 air. p.) x 5 times, 1 tbsp. b/n in the next arch of 3 air. p., 2 air. p.*, repeat, from * to * throughout the river. and finish (1 fan in air p. next fan, 2 air p.) x 2 times, 1 fan in air. p. next fans, knitting turn;

23rd day:*(1 fan in air. next fan, 2 air.) x 3 times, skip 1 arch from 2 air. p., (1 tbsp. b/n in the next arch from 3 air. p., 3 air. p.) x 4 times, 1 tbsp. b/n in the next arch of 3 air. p., 2 air. p.*, repeat from * to * throughout the entire r. and finish (1 fan in air p. next fan, 2 air p.) x 2 times, 1 fan in air. p. next fans, knitting turn;

24th day:*(1 fan in air. next fan, 2 air.) x 3 times, skip 1 arch from 2 air. p., (1 tbsp. b/n in the next arch from 3 air. p., 3 air. p.) x 3 times, 1 tbsp. b/n in the next arch of 3 air. p., 2 v.p.*, repeat from * to * throughout the r. and finish (1 fan in air p. next fan, 2 air p.) x 2 times, 1 fan in air. p. next fans, knitting turn;

25th day:*(1 fan in air. next fan, 2 air.) x 3 times, skip 1 arch from 2 air. p. (1 tbsp. b/n in the next arch of 3 chain stitches, 3 chain stitches) x 2 times, 1 tbsp. b/n in the next arch of 3 air. p., 2 air. p.*, repeat from * to * throughout the entire r. and finish (1 fan in air p. next fan, 2 air p.) x 2 times, 1 fan in air. p. next fans, knitting turn;

26th p.:*. 1 fan in air p. next fans, 2 air. n., in air. p. next knit fans: 2 tbsp. s/n, 3 air. p. and 2 tbsp. s/n; 2 air n., 1 fan in air. p. next fans, 3 air. p., skip 1 arch from 2 air. p., 1 tbsp. b/n in the next arch of 3 air. p., 3 air. p., 1 tbsp. b/n in the next arch, 3 air. p.*, repeat from * to * throughout the p., repeat from. before. 1 time, turn knitting;

27th day:*. 1 fan in air p. next fans, 2 air. n., in an arch of 3 air. p. next knit fans: 11 tbsp. s/2n, 2 air. n., 1 fan in air. p. next fan., 5 air. p., skip 1 arch out of 3 air. p., 1 tbsp. b/n in the next arch of 3 air. n., 5 air. p.*, repeat from * to * throughout the p., repeat from. before. 1 time, turn knitting;

28th day:*. 1 fan in air p. next fans, 2 air. n., (1 tbsp. b/n in the next st. s/2n, 3 air. p.) x 10 times, 1 tbsp. b/n in the next Art. s/2n, 2 air. n., 1 fan in air. p. next fans, 3 air. p., skip 2 arches out of 5 air. p.*, repeat from * to * throughout the p., repeat from. before. 1 time, turn knitting;

29th day:*. 1 fan in air p., next fans, 2 air. p., skip 1 arch from 2 air. p., (1 tbsp. b/n in the central air p. next arch from 3 air p., 3 air p.) x 9 times, 1 tbsp. b/n to central air. p. next arches, 2 air. n., 1 fan in air. p. next fans, 2 air. n., to the central air. p. next arches knit 1 tbsp. s/n, 2 air. p.*, repeat from * to * throughout the p., repeat from. before. 1 time, turn knitting;

30th day:*. 1 fan in air p. next fans, 2 air. p., skip 1 arch from 2 air. p., (1 tbsp. b/n in the next arch of 3 air p., 3 air p.) x 8 times, 1 tbsp. b/n in the next arch., 2 air. n., 1 fan in air. p. next fans, 2 air. p., skip 2 air. p., 1 fan in the next. Art. s/n, 2 air. p.*, repeat from * to * throughout the entire p.. repeat from. before. 1 time, 2 air. n., 1 fan in air. p. next fans, knitting turn;

31st day: repeat knitting from 9th r.

Knitting density fantasy pattern, hook No. 2.5: 27 p. x 14 r. = 10 x 10 cm.

Knitted top

Back of knitted top: knit starting from the neckline. Knit a chain of 97 air. p. and knit with a fancy pattern.

After 10 cm from the beginning of knitting, for the armholes, cast on again 5 sts on both sides.

After 38.5 cm from the armholes, cut and fasten the thread. Resume knitting on the opposite side of the cast-on chain and knit 1 r. Art. b/n on the back. side of the work trace. way: 1 tbsp. b/n in the 1st lower paragraph, *1 tbsp. b/n in the interval between 2 groups next. 2 tbsp. s/n, 3 tbsp. b/n in the next arch of 3 air. p.*, repeat. from * to * throughout the river. and finish 1 tbsp. b/n in the interval between the last 2 groups of art. s/n row; 1 tbsp. b/n in the last st. s/n, turn the work and for the right shoulder continue knitting only on the first 21 sts and knit st. b/n, decreasing from the left, starting from the 2nd row. shoulder in each r. 3 x 1 p.

After 4 cm from the beginning of the shoulder, cut and fasten the thread.

Before knitted top: knit starting from the neckline. Knit a chain of 62 air. p. and knit next. way:

1st day: 2 tbsp. s/n in the underlying 2 p., * 2 air. p., skip 3 p., 2 tbsp. s/n in next n., 1 air. p., 2 tbsp. s/n in next n.*, repeat from * to * 10 more times, 2 air. p., skip 3 p., 2 tbsp. s/n in next 2 p., knitting turn;

2nd, 3rd and 4th row: 2 tbsp. s/n in the underlying 2 p., * 2 air. n., 1 fan in air. p. next fan*, repeat from * to * throughout the river. and finish 2 air. p., 2 tbsp. s/n in the last 2 st. s/n of the underlying river, turn knitting;

5th day: 2 tbsp. s/n in the underlying 2 p., (2 air p., 1 fan in the air p. next fan) x 2 times, 2 air. n., *in air. p. next knit fans: 2 tbsp. s/n, 3 air. p. and 2 tbsp. s/n; 2 air n., 1 fan in air. p. next fans, 2 air. p.*, repeat from * to* 3 more times, 1 fan in the air. p. next fans, 2 air. p., 2 tbsp. s/n in the last 2 st. s/n of the underlying river, turn knitting; from the 6th to the 12th row: 2 tbsp. s/n in the underlying 2 p., (2 air p., 1 fan in the air p. next fan) x 2 times, 2 air. p., knit with a “cone” pattern on the next. 9 fans, (2 air p., 1 fan in air p. next fan) x 2 times, 2 air. p., 2 tbsp. s/n in the last 2 st. s/n of the underlying river, turn knitting;

Next R. perform decreases to bevel the shoulder next. way:

13th day: 2 half tbsp. in the underlying 2 tbsp. s/n, 3 half-st. next 3 air p., 2 half st. next 2 tbsp. s/n, 1 fan in the next. air p., 2 air. n., 1 fan in air. p. next fans, 2 air. p., knit with a “cone” pattern in the sequence indicated in the previous p. and finish (2 chain stitches, 1 fan in chain stitch next fan) x 2 times, turn knitting;

from 14th p.m. and further: 1 tbsp. s/n in the underlying paragraph, in air. p. next knit fans: 1 tbsp. s/n, 1 air. p. and 2 tbsp. s/n; 2 air n., 1 fan in air. p. next fans, 2 air. p., knit with a “cone” pattern in the sequence indicated in the previous p. and finish (2 chain stitches, 1 fan in chain stitch next fan) x 2 times, turn the knitting.

After 36.5 cm from the decrease of the shoulder for the lower cloves, knit a trace. way:

52nd r.: 1 tbsp. s/n in the underlying paragraph, in air. p. next knit fans: 1 tbsp. s/n, 1 air. p. and 2 tbsp. s/n; 2 air n., in air. p. next knit fans: 2 tbsp. s/n, 3 air. p. and 2 tbsp. s/n; 2 air n., *1 fan in air. p. next fans, 3 air. p., skip 1 arch from 2 air. p., 1 tbsp. b/n in the next arch of 3 air. p., 3 air. p., 1 tbsp. b/n in the next arch, 3 air. item 1 fan in air. p. next fans, 2 air. n., in air. p. next knit fans: 2 tbsp. s/n, 3 air. p. and 2 tbsp. s/n; 2 air p.*, repeat from * to * 3 more times, 1 fan in the air. p. next fans, knitting turn;

53rd r.: 1 tbsp. s/n in the underlying paragraph, in air. p. next knit fans: 1 tbsp. s/n, 1 air. p. and 2 tbsp. s/n; *2 air p., skip next. arch of 2 air. p., next arch of 3 air. p. knit: 11 tbsp. s/2n, 2 air. n., 1 fan in air. p. next fans, 5 air. p., skip 1 arch out of 3 air. p., 1 tbsp. b/n to central air. p. next arches of 3 air. n., 5 air. n., 1 fan in air. p. next fans*, repeat from * to * 3 more times, 2 air. p., skip next. arch of 2 air. p., next arch of 3 air. p., knit: 11 tbsp. s/2n, 2 air. n., 1 fan in air. p. next fans, knitting turn;

54th r.: 1 tbsp. s/n in the underlying paragraph, in air. p. next knit fans: 1 tbsp. s/n, 1 air. p. and 2 tbsp. s/n; 2 air n., (1 tbsp. b/n in the next st. s/2n, 3 air. p.) x 10 times, 1 tbsp. b/n in the next Art. s/2n, 2 air. n., *1 fan in air. p. next fans, 3 air. p., skip 2 arches out of 5 air. n., 1 fan in air. p. next fans, 2 air. n., (1 tbsp. b/n in the next st. s/2n, 3 air. p.) x 10 times, 1 tbsp. b/n in the next Art. s/2n, 2 air. P.*. repeat from * to * 3 more times, 1 fan in the air. p. next fans, knitting turn;

55th rub.: 1 tbsp. s/n in the underlying paragraph, in air. p. next knit fans: 1 tbsp. s/n, 1 air. p. and 2 tbsp. s/n; 2 air p., skip 1 arch from 2 air. p., (1 tbsp. b/n in the central air p. next arch from 3 air p., 3 air p.) x 9 times, 1 tbsp. b/n to central air. p. next arches of 3 air. p., 2 air. n., *1 fan in air. p. next fans, skip an arch of 3 air. n., 1 fan in air. p. next fans, 2 air. p., skip 1 arch from 2 air. p., (1 tbsp. b/n in the central air p. next arch from 3 air p., 3 air p.) x 9 times, 1 tbsp. b/n to central air. p. next arches of 3 air. p., 2 air. p.*, repeat from * to * 3 more times, 1 fan in the air. p. next fans, knitting turn;

56th r.: 1 tbsp. s/n in the underlying paragraph, in air. p. next knit fans: 1 tbsp. s/n, 1 air. p. and 2 tbsp. s/n; 2 air p., skip 1 arch from 2 air. p., (1 tbsp. b/n in the next arch of 3 air p., 3 air p.) x 8 times, 1 tbsp. b/n in the next arch of 3 air. p., 2 air. p., *(1 fan in air p. next fan) x 2 times, 2 air. p., skip 1 arch from 2 air. p., (1 tbsp. b/n in the next arch of 3 air p., 3 air p.) x 8 times, 1 tbsp. b/n in the next arch of 3 air. p., 2 air. p.*, repeat from * to * 3 more times, 1 fan in the air. p. next fans. Break and fasten the thread.

Resume knitting on both sides of the first 12 rows. for armholes and on the opposite side of cast-on stitches and knit 1 r. track. way: 2 tbsp. b/n in each part of the side st. s/n first 12 rubles left armhole, 1 tbsp. non-cash in the 1st set of air. p., *1 tbsp. b/n in the interval between the next. 2 groups 2 tbsp. s/n, 3 tbsp. b/n in the next arch of 3 air. p.*, repeat from * to * throughout the entire r. and finish 1 tbsp. b/n in the interval between the last 2 groups of art. s/n row, 1 tbsp. b/n in the last st. s/n, knit 2 tbsp. s/n in each part of the side st. s/n first 12 rubles right armhole. Break and fasten the thread.

For the left shoulder, resume knitting from the side of the first 12 rows. left armhole and knit:

13th day: 2 tbsp. b/n in 2 tbsp. b/n at the level of the 12th row, turn the knitting;

14th day: 2 tbsp. b/n in the underlying 2 tbsp. b/n, knitting turn, 2 tbsp. b/n in the underlying 2 tbsp. b/n, 2 tbsp. b/n in the side 2 tbsp. b/n 11th row, knitting turn;

15th day: 4 tbsp. b/n in the underlying 4 sts, turn the knitting, 4 tbsp. b/n in the underlying 4th century. b/n, 2 tbsp. b/n in the side 2 tbsp. b/n 10th row, knitting turn;

16th day: 6 tbsp. b/n in the underlying 6 sts, turn, 6 tbsp. b/n in the underlying 6 p., 1 tbsp. b/n in the side st. b/n 9th row, knitting turn;

17th day: 7 tbsp. b/n in the underlying 7 sts, turn the knitting, 7 tbsp. b/n in the underlying 7 p., 1 tbsp. b/n in the side st. b/n 8th row, knitting turn;

18th day: 8 tbsp. b/n in the underlying 8 sts, turn the knitting, 8 tbsp. b/n in the underlying 8 p., 2 tbsp. b/n in the side 2 tbsp. b/n 7th row, knitting turn;

19th day: 10 tbsp. b/n in the underlying 10 sts, turn the knitting, 10 tbsp. b/n in the underlying 10 p., 2 tbsp. b/n in the side 2 tbsp. b/n 6th row, knitting turn;

20th day: 12 tbsp. b/n in the underlying 12 sts, turn knitting, 12 tbsp. b/n in the underlying 12 p., 2 tbsp. b/n in the side 2 tbsp. b/n 5th row, knitting turn;

21st day: 14th century b/n in the underlying 14 sts, turn the knitting, 14 tbsp. b/n in the underlying 14 p., 1 tbsp. b/n in the side st. b/n 4th row, knitting turn;

22nd day: 15th century b/n in the underlying 15 sts, turn the knitting, 15 tbsp. b/n in the underlying 15 p., 1 tbsp. b/n in the side st. b/n 3rd row, knitting turn;

23rd day: 16th century b/n in the underlying 16 sts, turn the knitting, 16 tbsp. b/n in the underlying 16 p., 2 tbsp. b/n in the side 2 tbsp. b/n 2nd row, knitting turn;

24th day: 18th century b/n in the underlying 18 sts, turn the knitting, 18 tbsp. b/n in the underlying 18 p., 1 tbsp. b/n in the side st. b/n 1st row, knitting turn.

Continue knitting st. b/n on the received 19 p. and subtract 1 p. to the center in the 1st row.

After 6 cm from the last decrease, break and fasten the thread.

Assembling a knitted top: sew shoulder seams. Close the side seams to a height of 40 cm from the bottom edge. Tie 1 r. around neckline and armholes. Art. b/n and 1 r. “crawfish step”, closing each r. 1 half tbsp. to the initial paragraph. At the end of the 2nd p. break and fasten the thread.

The pineapple pattern is one of the most common and beautiful patterns in the crochet technique. With its help, beautiful openwork products are created, such as dresses, tunics, Panama hats, napkins, bedspreads, pillowcases, etc. There is more than one crocheted pineapple pattern. This motif is created in various ways. There is only one requirement left - regardless of the method of execution, the result should be a pattern similar in shape to a pineapple.

Crochet pineapple pattern for beginners

The best way to learn how to crochet a pineapple is with crochet hook No. 1-2 and “Iris” cotton thread. For a looser knit fabric, you can use a hook with a lower number.

The following diagram shows the design options

At first glance it may seem that tying a pineapple is very difficult, but this is not so. If you patiently understand the diagram and its symbols, then even a beginner will be able to cope with this task the first time.

You should start with square motifs. Here knitting will occur in a circle from the center to the edges. The result will be a wonderful napkin or bed cover

Crochet blouse

Once you have mastered the technique of knitting the pineapple motif, you can begin more complex tasks - for example, knitting a blouse. To do this, it is enough to know where to add and decrease loops. For clothing size S you will need about 300 grams of yarn. In order for the product to fit perfectly, you may have to redo the work.

You should start with simple patterns, and as you acquire the skills of knitting a given pattern, move on to more complex ones. For example, to knit a summer blouse, your hand must be trained so as not to tighten the loops too much. Then the canvas will be smooth.

Pineapple pattern scheme

These blouses are crocheted in the round. Knitting always starts from the neckline. We cast on a chain of 199 chain stitches, and then perform three rows of chains of 7 loops in this section. You should get 50 small chains. Then we knit as the diagram shows until the fabric reaches a length of 19 cm. The result is 15 repeats and 5 complete rows. We made the back element. Next, we continue to knit the motif in the round - we make 2 rows, decrease and knit 3-4 rows.

Now we separate the loops that go to the sleeves and knit the sleeves themselves. To do this, at the level where the notch is located, we cast on 22 loops and connect the edges. Then we continue knitting in the round, as the diagram shows.

The tunic is knitted in the same way, only after the waist it is necessary to increase the number of loops so that it fits well to the figure.

Crochet top made from motifs with pineapples: video master class

Elegant crocheted dress with pineapple pattern

Let's try to knit a beautiful turquoise dress that will attract many admiring glances. It fits perfectly on the figure and emphasizes its advantages.

Finished product size 46.

For work we need:

  • approximately 700 g of turquoise cotton yarn;
  • hook with number 3;
  • 3 beads.

We will knit in the direction from top to bottom. Let's start with the yoke. We cast on a chain of 180 chain stitches and knit, as shown in diagram 19

We determine the length of the dress skirt ourselves. The longer it is, the more magnificent the dress will be. We design the bottom edge of the product according to scheme 19b

We make the sleeves according to pattern 19, and finish their bottom in the same way as the dress.

Two crocheted shawls with pineapple pattern

Knitted capes will always be in fashion. They perfectly complement the image, emphasizing the femininity of their owner. Despite the fact that both shawls are made in the same color and with a similar pattern, they look completely different. You can take absolutely any color. Capes in white and pastel colors will look more elegant.

We knit the first shawl. The size of the finished product is 180*90 cm.

For work we need:

  • 800 g cotton yarn;
  • hook No. 4.5.

We cast on a chain of 3 air loops, close it into a ring and continue knitting to the desired size as the diagram shows. Decorate the sides of the shawl with tassels.

We knit a second shawl. Its size will be 240*102 cm.

Now we need to prepare:

  • 600 g of wool blend yarn (50% wool, 50% acrylic) in three plies;
  • hook No. 2.5.

We collect 6 air loops and close the chain into a ring. This will be the center of the top. Next, we continue knitting as the diagram shows until the desired width is reached (240 cm).

When we reach the row marked with an asterisk in the diagram, we finish each pineapple separately. The edges of the cape must be tied with a single crochet.

Boots – crochet. Scheme of an openwork pineapple pattern: video mk for beginners

Summer openwork top with pineapple pattern, crocheted

A delicate top made in loose knitting will not leave any woman indifferent. This pattern is more suitable for experienced knitters.

Finished product size – S-M

For work we need:

  • 250 g white cotton yarn;
  • hook No. 2.

Before you start knitting, you need to make a full-size pattern.

We will knit with a single fabric from top to bottom as shown in diagram 1. At a height of 25 cm, it is necessary to divide the work into two parts and knit the back and front separately according to scheme 2. At a height of 72 cm, finish the work and proceed to assembling the product, making side seams.

Charming summer hat, crocheted

Now we will knit a summer hat and use the pineapple pattern. It looks gentle and airy, but at the same time protects your head from the sun's rays

The diameter of the finished product is 55 cm.

For work we need:

  • white yarn of the “Lily” type;
  • hook No. 1.5 -2.0;
  • decor.

The hat consists of 34 rows, which we will knit in 2 stages. First the top and then the fields

The finished product should be bleached, starched, steamed, and then decorated as your imagination dictates.

Using the pineapple pattern, you can create different masterpieces, be it a wardrobe item or an interior item. It is important to learn how to knit it correctly, and then your imagination will tell you where it is best to use it. Good luck and inspiration to you, dear needlewomen!

How to crochet a shawl “Pineapples”: video instructions

Selection of schemes

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