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Wedding banquet and ransom. Funny bride ransom scenario. What is a possible list of snacks

(Organization of an interesting bride ransom from 10,000 rubles!)

Organization of bride price at a wedding, price!

The cost of our services for buying a bride at a wedding is from 10,000 rubles.

We guarantee an interesting scenario and fun! We are waiting for your calls and are ready to come to the meeting!
One of the most fun stages of a wedding is the bride price. Everyone is used to seeing a funny bride price and this is a kind of tradition.
The problem of “ransom” is usually solved by the groom and the witness, but it is better if the groom’s friends and bridesmaids join in.
The invited guests are divided into two camps - the Groom and the Bride, and perform this fun ritual that is so beloved by everyone in Rus'.
Everyone understands that the ransom will take place and, nevertheless, the groom’s team will have to work hard in order to see his chosen one, because only after the ransom will the groom be able to see his beloved and present her with a wedding bouquet.
The most offensive thing is that the bride herself must be at home during the “redemption” ceremony and does not see everything that is happening.
And there is usually something to see. In this section we will try to collect for you typical ransom scenarios and ideas on how to make the “Redemption” an original and interesting event!
Our advice here is simple. A professional video operator will save the situation and the memory will last a lifetime. Many couples prefer to film their wedding reception with toasts, but in practice they rarely review these recordings later. In our opinion, the bride price, the wedding ceremony in the palace and the highlights of a walk around your favorite city with beautiful ceremonies are much more interesting.
And so, about “Redemption”! The bride is usually “ransomed” with money, sweets, flowers, as well as champagne and vodka.
It all depends on the imagination of the bridesmaids. The groom should also be prepared for surprises: usually the bride’s neighbors and acquaintances are included in the “ransom” ritual, so the groom’s team needs to take more money, sweets, and alcohol than previously planned.
The witness should be reminded that there is no need to torment the groom and his friends too much and squeeze the last money out of them. The money will be useful to them today, and we will advise the groom and witness to exchange large bills in advance and pay with banknotes of smaller denominations when passing various kinds of obstacles.

Bride ransom is a Russian tradition. Although there are some ceremonies among other peoples, for example, bride price. But it is the Russian ransom, unlike the kalym, that involves not payment, but rather the observance of the ceremony.

The history of this ceremony goes back a long way. In hospitable Rus', which adores various festivals, the bride price was a real performance, for which they prepared for a long time and carefully. The ransom took place as follows:

At the entrance to the village (if the groom was from another) and on the way to the bride’s house, the villagers blocked the road for the wedding train and demanded a ransom. It was always the friend who paid (in our time, the witness). It was widely used to block the street in the groom's path with a log laid on special trestles. At the log there is a heroic outpost: the bride’s younger brother with his friends and relatives of the bride. The Bogatyrskaya outpost did not allow the wedding procession to pass through, forcing the groom and groomsmen to show their brave prowess, for example, sawing through a log in ten minutes. Jokes rained down, laughter was heard: “Look, it seems like the groom has taken an ax in his hands for the first time, holding the edge, chopping with an axe.” When the log was sawn, they did not skimp on praise, bringing water to wash and a towel to dry off. The road was cleared, and the groom's train rushed further to the bride's house, where new obstacles awaited him.

When the groom arrived at his destination, the gates and doors to the house were already closed by the bride's relatives and neighbors. The groom and his groomsmen had to knock for a long time. When the groom and groomsmen found themselves in the yard, it was always full of children, and they all had to be given a ransom - sweets. And then the bride’s older brother or one of the relatives of a “respectable” age stood in the way. He asked the groom riddles. If earlier the strength and generosity of the groom were tested, now - mental abilities. Usually no more than three riddles were asked. The groom's friend helped him guess. If both experienced difficulties, kind people were always there and suggested the answer. The groom triumphantly climbed onto the porch and entered the house. Now it was necessary to present gifts to all the bridesmaids. He usually dealt with this easily. But the bride still had to be found. In front of the groom, girls sat on a bench, covered with large identical scarves. Which one is the bride? I had to guess and not be embarrassed. There were cases when the groom lifted his scarf, thinking that underneath it was his betrothed, but it turned out to be a wrinkled old woman. Therefore, the groom walked along the row, taking a closer look at everything - height, shape of shoulders, shoes on his feet...

When all the obstacles were behind, it was supposed to seat the groom at the table under the icon in the princely place. The groom had to buy it from the man or boy who was sitting next to the bride. The latter, having received a few coins, gave up his place, and the groom sat next to the bride on the same pillow as her. The hosts invited guests to the table.

About twenty years ago, bride price came into fashion again. It is carried out at the moment when the groom and his witness arrive to pick up the bride. Our compatriots slowly learned to enjoy the holidays and realized that although the “ransom” of the bride requires preparation and expense, the result and fun will exceed expectations. If the Witness approaches the preparations with humor, knowing all the characteristics of the couple and the talents of the groom’s friends, then the performance will turn out to be exciting.

Of course, over the years the ceremony has undergone many changes, now it is more modernized and simplified. A ransom carried out in verse is also a complex procedure. It is, of course, beautiful. Only the groom and the witness, with whom they speak in verse, do not feel comfortable and do not know how to behave. And if they prepared in advance by learning poetic responses, the ceremony somehow loses its meaning.

In general, in this ceremony, as, indeed, in any other, it is important not to overuse one thing (for example, questions and tasks for the groom, poems, etc.). The more diverse the ceremony will be, the more fun and beautiful it will be. The golden mean is the main condition for an interesting buyout.
Another simple way to do everything right is to invite a professional host or toastmaster to this ceremony. You must understand that these people have extensive experience not only in organizing events, but are also excellent psychologists. They will understand exactly when, where and what to say, and most importantly, they will not go too far. They will definitely make a funny bride price.
You can be sure that the ceremony will end on a good note, and you will be in a great mood to see the meeting of two loving hearts.
What should you look for when choosing a buyout scenario? Of course, on the general concept of the celebration. Style. The age and profession of the newlyweds, and if you don’t have time to do this, then you can contact our professional specialists!
We will not take money for advice, as is the case if our agency is involved in organizing wedding events. The concept, script and many other pleasant little things will be included in the price of our services.
Have a successful wedding!

How often do guests remember the food, decor, or words of the toastmaster after a wedding? This is forgotten within a few days after the celebration. But the fun competitions in which they were able to participate will remain with them for a long time, as something non-standard. So why not arrange a similar surprise for the groom? What needs to be done to make a bright wedding, how to spend time with the groom and what the role of the bride is in the pranks - find out from our article.

The demand for wedding pranks has grown so much that special prank and surprise agencies have begun to open. They prepare individual scripts, find artists, props and everything necessary for the prank. Prepare a surprise for the groom yourself or order from an agency - the choice is yours. We offer a selection of ideas and scenarios that can be implemented on your own by calling artistic friends and acquaintances for help.

Prank No. 1. Fake bride

You won’t surprise anyone at a ransom with your neighbor’s grandmother in a veil and dress. Now the groom is caught by other people's brides right on the street. The prank scenario is like this. Before the ransom, around the corner of the house, a fake bride is waiting for the groom. She stops the car and asks him to marry her. You can organize several “brides” at once, who, according to the scenario, have run away from their grooms and meet the groom near the bride’s house. The groom will have to pay them off in order to go to his beloved.

Prank No. 2. Damaged dress

Modern newlyweds do not welcome ransom. The groom can be present when the bride is getting ready, for example, waiting for her in the beauty salon while she gets her makeup or hair done. After getting ready, the newlyweds go to the away ceremony together. You can take advantage of the moment and make fun of the groom. Arrange with the hairdresser to prepare some kind of colored solution. The bride needs to buy two dresses: an expensive one for the ceremony, and a simple one for the drawing. During styling, the hairdresser accidentally spills the solution on the bride. The girl needs to play her best, scold the stylist, cry a little. And when the groom realizes that the situation is critical, the bride takes off her dress, and underneath is a T-shirt with the inscription “Darling, this is a joke.”

Prank No. 3. Former fiance and second wife

The bride’s “ex”, who has just returned from the army, may come to the banquet completely unexpectedly. “Like, well, did you wait for me, Yulka?” Demobilization sings songs, collects money from guests in a cap. The scene ends with the soldier showing a tattoo with the bride’s name and surname. But it does not coincide with the real name of the bride. Everyone laughs and realizes that the guest has the wrong address. And when the “former” starts dancing, it will become clear that this is not a demobilization, but a good actor.

A similar prank can be arranged by dressing a guy as a girl to make it even funnier. He must play the role of a common-law wife with a child who showed up to the groom for the wedding. It is important not to overact, do everything with humor and not delay the outcome when the groom is congratulated on the prank.

Prank No. 4. Flash mob with doctors

The waitress serves dishes to the newlyweds' table and falls to the floor near the groom. Friends run to her, as if calling an ambulance. Doctors in suits immediately run in with a stretcher, lift the waitress up and suddenly start dancing.

Such a prank will require good acting by people whom the groom has not yet seen. Therefore, it is better to invite dancers or actors from the theater.

Prank No. 5. “Raid” on a wedding

It has become very popular to invite operatives with machine guns, police, tax officials and even masked bandits to weddings. We can take part in the trend and play a prank on the groom with the help of familiar airsoft players.

  • The first option is bride price. People in balaclavas with guns burst into the restaurant in the middle of a banquet and take the bride away. A video is deliberately shot about the required ransom, for example, the groom needs to perform a dance or song for his beloved.
  • The second option is robbers. This prank is gentle and more fun. The same guys, but with stockings on their heads and toy pistols, run into the restaurant. They begin to jokingly rob the guests, but do not find the money and take the forks from the table into a bag. They come up to the groom and say: “You are the most important one here. So you have a lot of money." They begin to examine the groom for a wallet, but find a note from his mistress. They apologize to the groom for setting him up. They give him money to pay him off. They take off their stockings and congratulate them on their wedding.

Raffle No. 6. Gift from mother-in-law

The toastmaster talks about an expensive gift from his mother-in-law and father-in-law, for example, a brand new foreign car. We spent a lot of money, everything was gone, even what we had saved for the wedding. Now the groom needs to cover the costs of the wedding. “Bank employees” immediately come and talk about the lending program. And if the groom does not pay, say, 500 thousand rubles for a year, the wedding and marriage will be considered invalid. After this incident, bank employees begin to sing and dance, congratulating the groom on the prank and marriage. The mother-in-law and father-in-law can give the groom a jar with the inscription “for the car” and make the first symbolic contribution.

To ensure that your surprise does not lead to undesirable consequences, it is important to follow several rules.

  1. Before writing a script, it is worth studying the character and physical condition of a person. Will the “victim” be able to withstand the unexpected turn of events, and how might he react to them? You should not joke about hot-tempered, jealous and aggressive men.
  2. The prank cannot pose a threat to human health or life.
  3. You can't touch on intimate issues.
  4. The prank should not cause fear or shame.

The most important thing in the prank is a maximum of simple humor, a quick outcome of events that does not require much effort from the groom. Create the feeling that the groom is just an observer of events, and something incredible is happening around him.

I don’t know why, but most often funny things happen during the bride price. The groom was late for the ransom - only a minor tragedy, although the girls see this as a bad sign.

A wedding in Moscow is doomed to be late: the groom is late for the ransom, the guests are late at the registry office, the cake is late for the banquet. So, dear drivers, if you suddenly see a wedding procession in a traffic jam, perhaps let the groom inside, who is already very late. Even if the groom arrived on time, it is not a fact that everything will go well.

To ransom the bride is a worse quest than in Fort Bayard. What the grooms don’t do: jump, walk on their hands, dance, sing and demonstrate miracles of ingenuity. Dear bridesmaids are so unwilling to let their friend marry that they invent more and more new ways to mock the groom. It happens that the groom is so exhausted that he no longer has any strength left for the wedding itself, what a wedding night it is. Girls, remember, guys don’t have nerves of steel, besides, you still married him, you’ll have to put up with the hassle at least until the registry office.

At one of the ransoms, as soon as the groom did not try to buy back his sweetheart, he did not spare money, but for her friends and guests everything was LITTLE and LITTLE. And so, after 30-40 minutes of endless LITTLE, the groom’s godmother can’t stand it, “Not enough, not enough - we don’t need such a bride,” and commands everyone to get into the cars. As soon as the first car started up, the bride appeared behind the mountain of ransomers, lifting up her white dress, pushing aside her bridesmaids, rushing towards the groom’s procession shouting “WAIT FOR ME.” That day, the happy couple drove off to the registry office and are still happily married, although now they keep their girlfriends away.

If you have already reached the registry office and everything is fine, do not flatter yourself, because there is a BANQUET ahead. How many insidious traps await young people at this joyful holiday. Distant relatives, tipsy friends, crazy witnesses - everyone wants to make the wedding unforgettable. The most desperate even actually commit a crime - bride kidnapping. Once, the ransom of a stolen bride was entrusted to a witness who established himself as an excellent sales manager, but he clearly had big problems with the purchase. Guys, don’t trust sales people with wedding finances, and especially with bride price. Long negotiations were crowned with personal success for the witness and a huge failure for the groom. The bride was bought for 500 rubles, everyone is happy, they go to pick up the bride, but she locked herself in the room and cannot forgive that they rated her so low. If you haven’t saved the bride, be prepared to pay a hefty ransom for her; I don’t recommend skimping here, it will cost more.

But why is it only the bride who is stolen at weddings? Mothers of brides, who sometimes also want to be kidnapped, are ready to correct the injustice of the universe. At one wedding, the bride's mother decided to arrange her own kidnapping, for this she persuaded her tipsy brother to lock her in the changing room. The unlucky relative, putting the key to the lock in his pocket for safety, went to the guests, where he continued the fun party.

Of course, they missed my mother after a while, but they assumed that the tired woman simply went home; no one expects a kidnapping in the middle of a wedding. The groom was most happy about the disappearance of his mother-in-law - isn’t this what every man dreams of? In general, the holiday ended with a gorgeous fireworks display and the guests, like the newlyweds, went home.

Not finding my mother at home, everyone was no longer in the mood for jokes. The mother-in-law disappeared for one evening, this is good, but she will still be useful for raising her grandchildren! By the way, my mother disappeared along with her purse, which contained the money collected for the wedding and the keys to the apartment where the newlyweds were supposed to have their first wedding night, and this is almost a plot for Agatha Christie. All the relatives were alerted, including that unfortunate mother’s brother, who immediately remembered! What, oh my God, mom stayed in the restaurant. The newlyweds rush headlong back to the restaurant, raising the manager, administrator and security guards to their feet. I think the newlyweds drew completely different pictures of their wedding night, if you know what I mean. While the young people are rushing between the restaurant and the house, the mother, kidnapped and accidentally dozing off, woke up and realized that she was alone in an empty restaurant. Mom, by the way, didn’t dream of such a night either. The family was reunited only in the morning, and it was still the second day of walking. So now, after finishing any wedding, I take a roll call of relatives, otherwise you never know?

In general, during the wedding, not a single character was harmed, not even the unlucky relative, who, although not immediately, was forgiven for his forgetfulness. So everything that happens at weddings ends well. This is a wedding, it couldn’t be any other way.

Such funny stories sometimes happen at weddings, so you understand why I love my job!

P.S. All coincidences with real events and facts are not accidental, and if someone found out their story here, guys, know that I remember every wedding of yours, because you are not just a job for me!

about the author

The eve of the wedding ceremony is traditionally considered to be a bride price, where the groom and his friends undergo ingenious tests in order to have the right to lead the bride down the aisle.

At the end of the journey, not only a happy girl awaits them, but also a buffet with light snacks: all participants in the event must refresh themselves before the next stages of the holiday. In addition to the practical side, such a treat symbolizes seeing off the newlyweds to married life, wishes from parents or friends for a happy long marriage.

The buffet table for the bride price should not offer heavy or bulky dishes.

You need to abandon the first or second and prefer the light ones. These can be canapés with caviar, cheese, meat or fish slices, pieces of fruit or vegetables connected with skewers.

When choosing cakes or sweets, you should focus on airy structures that do not burden the stomach and attract with originality and beauty.

The main function of the treat is to restore the energy spent during competitions, so the portions are prepared in small quantities, because guests should not be lethargic at the wedding and refuse the main dishes of the banquet

2-5 bottles of alcoholic beverages are placed on the festive table, depending on the number of guests participating in the bride price.

When the time comes for a choice at the buffet table, traditions come into conflict with rationality: alcoholic drinks are required, and among the guests there will always be a person who does not know how to determine his norm and is capable of ruining the holiday by drinking alcohol.

Therefore, those who create choose light and low alcohol content. Dry or semi-sweet drinks are well suited, as well as champagne for making toasts and wishes.

To quench your thirst, carafes of still mineral water and juice with a sour taste are placed on the table - orange, cherry, multi-fruit, sometimes tomato is added to this list.

How to decorate the bride’s wedding table - design and serving features

Although the buffet table in the bustle of the holiday is not as memorable as the banquet table, its decoration should be approached responsibly. You will need a white or ivory tablecloth, formal tableware and tall glasses.

It is important to remember that wine glasses for newlyweds should differ in design from the general number. All plates are made in the same style or plain; plastic plates are not allowed, otherwise the food will look poor.

The main emphasis is on the beautiful design of snacks and drinks. They serve it in such a way that it is easiest to grab the treat quickly.

The table can be decorated with several balloons, origami or fresh flowers, matching the color of the bride's dress.

All ransom competitions and the meeting of the newlyweds are always photographed and are always present, from which the bride and groom drink for the successful completion of the tests.

Therefore, glasses are often decorated with satin ribbons with bows; it is also possible to decorate wine glasses with figurines of flowers or doves made of polymer clay.

They are installed in the most visible place on the table as a symbol of what everyone has gathered for.

A special one is often allocated for the bride and groom, decorated in accordance with the style of the celebration. If there are a lot of guests, and the number is even, then they are decorated in pairs, using paper or fabric.

Buffet for the bride's ransom: recipes with photos

The three simplest recipes for a buffet table are egg tartlets and chicken canapés. And for dessert, fruits are served, pierced with skewers.

To create 4 egg tartlets you will need:

  • 2 boiled eggs;
  • 130 g pate;
  • 4 baskets;
  • 4 olives;
  • Greens to taste.

Peeled, cooled eggs are cut into two parts, using a curly method. The yolk is taken out, ground and mixed with the pate.

The tartlets are filled with the mixture, the white is placed on top, greens are poured into it and chopped olives are placed.

The amount of pate can be increased, then the olives are left whole and placed on top as a decoration. This way of serving looks more elegant.

For 100 g of bread for chicken canapé you will need:

  • 140 g boiled chicken meat;
  • 40 g boiled tongue;
  • 30 g butter;
  • 6–7 g ground mustard;
  • 10 g grated cheese;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • seasonings to taste.

A round or complex-shaped base is created from thin slices of bread, and then fried until golden brown on both sides. A mixture of 2 g of butter, mustard and spices is applied to the finished canapés.

Chicken meat is ground to a mushy state, cheese and butter are added and placed on a bread base using a pastry bag.

The pate is limited to pieces of chopped tongue. Lettuce leaves are placed on a plate and the finished canapés are placed on top. Fruits and cheese are cut into equal squares, alternately pierced on plastic skewers.

Alternation of colors or shapes looks beautiful if round berries are used.

How to decorate a beautiful buffet table:

It is not recommended to serve very fatty, salty or spicy snacks. You should also avoid large pieces or dishes that require sitting down and using cutlery. The buffet is only an aperitif for banquet treats and should only dull hunger, and not completely satisfy it.

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