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How to make beautiful boxes for the New Year. New Year's packaging - a box of Santa Claus's hat with a bubo. #35 Box “Funny Frog”

Modern gift boxes can be made from a variety of materials, or you can use already convenient containers that can simply be decorated.

There are so many creative ideas that everyone can easily find the best option. You can use, download templates or use ready-made boxes and containers. It all depends on your desire and capabilities.

At the initial stage, you need to decide who you are going to give the gift to. If it’s for a child, then it should be bright colors, with a variety of decorations and decorative elements. An adult will be satisfied with models that are more original and restrained in style, without unnecessary details. Thus, everything depends on you and on the implementation of your idea. Next, it’s worth taking a closer look at several main types of homemade gift wrapping.

Gift boxes from templates

Currently, on the Internet, you can find a huge variety of stencils and templates of the most creative options. All you need to do is download and print the details. If the project is quite large, several sheets will be needed. Next, using the received stencils, we cut out finished parts from selected materials. In this case, gift cardboard is perfect. We apply all folds correctly and glue them along the marked lines. As a result, you will get a rather beautiful package that can be decorated with a ribbon.

The use of stencils and templates comes down to one technique, so if you use templates for DIY gift boxes, then follow the instructions. As a result, you will get an excellent and creative craft for storing New Year's gifts.

Making a box from beer cardboard

Beer cardboard is a porous material that has a dense structure and an interesting appearance. Using this material, you can create packaging for New Year gifts that your boyfriend or friends will like.

To complete the work you will need:

Porous packaging cardboard (beer cardboard)
Decorative materials (ribbons, paints)

That is, when you go to the park, you can pick up pine cones or twigs and stick them on the lid. The most important thing is not to overdo it, as the paper may not withstand the load.

Nowadays you can find any type of gift template online, the most important thing is to look for what you need and in accordance with the age and interests of the person to whom the gift is intended. Based on the presented methods, you can easily achieve the desired result and create an interesting gift wrapping model.

It’s true what they say, the real miracle of the holiday is its anticipation. When in the house you feel that same premonition of something magical, kind, bright. I would especially like to convey this feeling in a New Year’s gift. Therefore, an important stage in preparing for the holidays is not only the purchase itself, but also the packaging of sweets and long-awaited surprises under the Christmas tree. Santa Claus knows a lot about gift wrapping, doesn't he?

From the heart

Once upon a time, our mothers and grandmothers kept and passed from hand to hand for a long time plastic bags that were fashionable at that time with beautiful New Year's photos, flowers, fairy tale and cartoon characters.Nowadays there are a lot of packaging options.

Sometimes you receive a gift, and it’s a pity to unpack it, the cover is so beautiful and original.Of course, you can pack the gift immediately after purchase in specialized departments of supermarkets or put it in a ready-made paper bag. But it’s much more pleasant to arrange a surprise yourself, showing diligence and imagination.

A sea of ​​ideas
We offer you an overview of interesting ideas using various techniques and materials.

Most often, boxes wrapped in kraft paper or special wrapping paper in rolls with themed pictures are used for packaging.This inexpensive option still requires some work.

As a rule, the package is wrapped with ribbon, decorative tape, and decorated with a bow or decorative elements.

We can glue a snowflake made of white, multi-colored or shiny paper, or bright pompoms to the bag.

A beautiful composition will be made from natural materials: twigs, cones.

Decorative elements in the form of balls, Christmas trees, mittens and stars can not be glued, but put on wrapping tape or twine.
Let's draw a Christmas tree on paper, cut out half using a craft knife, bend it a little so that the bottom layer of a different color or box becomes visible. Let's glue cotton or foam balls or a small snowman, snowmen made from cotton pads - in any case, the packaging will become unique!

If we want, we’ll place Santa on the package from colored cardboard or make a cockerel out of the package by gluing a red comb, beard and yellow beak. Photo

Children will be happy to receive gifts decorated in the form of funny bears, hares, and deer.

For a small gift, we’ll make a funny box using a simple pattern, and wrap the chocolate in a snowman package.

What do you think of the idea of ​​decorating packages with Christmas balls?

We will replace traditional bags with handmade ones, sewn from knitwear and burlap, and decorate them with pine cones, lace napkins and Christmas trees. Let's put funny hats on craft bags or glue eyes on them - we'll get wonderful owls! Let's turn the envelopes into deer, the cylinder into a large candy. And for several gifts we will make a stylish holiday set.
And here is an excellent video for you, which will be an excellent master class for preparing the most beautiful gifts.

Miracles happen on New Year's Eve, and we created them ourselves, with our own hands - here they are, under the Christmas tree!

With the onset of the New Year holidays, the city immediately transforms. Shop windows decorated with garlands are inviting, reminding you that it’s time to prepare gifts for the New Year and Christmas for your friends, loved ones, and colleagues. Giving gifts, as well as receiving them, is very pleasant. And if this gift is packed in original packaging, it will be remembered even more. How nice it is to open a beautiful and unusual package, expecting what kind of surprise awaits inside. It’s worth using your imagination when decorating a gift, or following our tips to wrap it in an original holiday wrapper. Delight and joy from such a surprise will be guaranteed!

The holiday is approaching

Unforgettable winter days, shrouded in magic, await everyone ahead. Everyone prepares gifts for friends in advance and, of course, dreams of receiving a treasured package or box as a gift. In order for a gift to be “appropriate”, it is worth finding out in advance what this or that person would like to receive, but it is advisable to ask indirectly. It is much more pleasant to receive a present that was really needed, but it should be unexpected.

Choosing a gift is not an easy task, but once the gift has already been chosen, it should be beautifully packaged. Of course, you can buy a regular bag with New Year's paraphernalia, sign cards or wrap a gift in beautiful paper. But it’s unlikely that anyone will remember such packaging. If it is non-standard, it will immediately attract attention and make this gift stand out among other gifts.

Gifts for children

New Year is a holiday shrouded in mystery; at this time most wishes come true. Children especially enjoy this holiday. For a child, you can come up with an unusual decoration made by yourself. Nothing will please a baby more than a new toy, and if it is beautifully wrapped, it will be an additional surprise for the child. As soon as morning comes, parents will immediately hear children’s steps - it’s the baby looking for his gift near the Christmas tree.

If there are several children in the family, it is worth packing gifts in bright boxes or bags, and for each package write an explanation of who the gift is intended for. You can do something very unusual and original, for example, stick a photo of its future owner to the package. It is also advisable to attach explanatory tags to the box or other packaging.

The kids will also enjoy a small quest to find a gift. To do this, you can draw arrows on the leaves, indicating where to look for the gift and place them around the house. You can also write special tasks in the notes, for example, read a poem about the New Year or sing a New Year's song. After all the notes are discovered, the child finds the treasured gift. The first impression he gets is from how the gift was packed. Children's gifts should be wrapped in colorful paper and decorated with New Year's paraphernalia.

Making a New Year's gift is an exciting thing. You just need to spend a little time choosing a gift and wrapping it to create a festive atmosphere and make your friends' eyes shine with happiness.

When packing gifts, you can ask your children for help. They will be happy to help you design and package a surprise for dad, mom, grandma or grandpa. Children can draw pictures for the New Year, cut out snowflakes or make appliqués. This work will be interesting for both children and adults.

You can create snow patterns or draw falling snow using a regular pencil with an eraser at the tip. To do this, the lower part of a pencil with an eraser is dipped in white paint, and then a drawing is applied to the paper. A white snowflake, snowman, or falling snow drawn in this way will decorate even the simplest packaging made from ordinary craft paper.

You can make a decoration from colored paper and cut out three-dimensional shapes in the form of cones or snowflakes. You can complete the decor of the box by wrapping it with thick, bright thread, ribbon or lace. A beautiful bow is tied to the packaging; any materials are used as a bow; you can even take a scrap from an old shirt or dress. In addition, the packaging itself can be made not only of paper, but also of fabric. You can decorate such a gift with additional details. These can be small New Year's toys, dried flowers, acorns. Cinnamon sticks, as well as pine cones and spruce branches will look very organic.

You just need to use your imagination, and in a couple of minutes the festive packaging set is ready. Satin ribbon handles and bright red bows will be a great addition to the set.

Holiday gifts

Even a small gift, such as a box of chocolates or a chocolate bar, should be elegantly packaged. You can decorate a chocolate bar with New Year's tinsel, a mini card with wishes, or wrap it in serpentine. Such a sweet gift will be remembered, especially if you choose exquisite and expensive chocolate for the gift, rather than an ordinary bar.

Small gifts can be wrapped in plain postage paper. Using narrow tape, you can attach a spruce or pine branch, a rowan branch, or any other branch with an unusual decor to the packaging.

You can decorate a New Year's surprise using knitted mini boots with wishes. You can knit one or more boots and put funny or unusual notes of congratulations inside. The bright box in which the gift is packaged is wrapped with woolen thread, onto which mini boots are hung using paper clips or small clothespins.

A beautifully wrapped gift is usually liked even before it is unpacked.

A great idea would be to wrap gifts in canvas bags. A present for friends is placed in such a bag, tied with twine, decorated with New Year's tinsel and placed under the Christmas tree.

To wrap a New Year's gift, you can take either regular postage paper or a gift option. A surprise wrapped in paper with notes or geographic coordinates on it looks very original. This packaging would be appropriate for musicians or travelers.

Original ideas for packaging

It’s worth considering more ideas for wrapping gifts for the New Year. Just a few minutes spent cutting out the details and, as a result, the cheerful hedgehogs are ready for the holiday. This surprise will delight the little ones. But you can please your colleagues or clients with gifts that are decorated in a stylish and unusual way. Such attention to friends or clients will be appreciated. If you give a gift to a male director, you can pack it in a gold-colored box and hang tinsel, pine cones, and streamers on it. This gift will not go unnoticed and will be properly appreciated. Those with a sweet tooth will be pleased to receive a gift in a package that will contain their favorite sweets or other pleasant little things.

You can use improvised materials to create an interesting wrapper for a small gift. To do this, you just need to take white paper, wrap the gift, and paint it. You can draw a snowman on paper, and make a hat for him from an ordinary old sock in bright colors. You need to tie a small piece around the neck, and the cheerful snowman is ready. It's hard to imagine the New Year and Christmas holidays without champagne. A bottle of sparkling wine will be a good present. You can give the bottle in a gift bag specially designed for it, or you can make the packaging yourself. You can pack expensive wine or a bottle of champagne in soft paper, which will highlight the contours of the bottle.

A good option for packaging glass containers would be knitted items.

To make a bottle case:

  • you should take a knitted sweater that is no longer useful and cut off the sleeves;
  • Next, you need to measure the length of the bottle, transfer its dimensions to the sleeve, mark and add another 7-8 cm;
  • then the sleeve is cut off on both sides according to the mark;
  • the lower, wider part is sewn up, a bottle is placed inside;
  • The top is tied with decorative threads or cord.

After this, all that remains is to decorate the holiday packaging. For knitted items, embroidery is an ideal option. The decorative cord can be decorated with sequins. Soft pompoms of different colors are also great for decoration. Bottles packed in fabric covers in white and blue shades will look original. A beautiful ribbon and decoration with New Year's paraphernalia will complement the original present.

The New Year is not that close yet, but it’s not very far either, which means that you need to start preparing for it little by little. And, above all, you need to think about what you will give to your loved ones. But at the same time, you need to consider options for designing your gifts. I propose to abandon standard paper bags and wrapping paper, and instead, make a beautiful New Year's box with your own hands, which will symbolize the New Year tree.

To make an original box, you will need:
- corrugated cardboard (or any other thick green cardboard);
- pencil;
- scissors;
- ribbons, bows or any other cute decorations

To avoid accidentally ruining the cardboard for the box, it is recommended to first make a template on newspaper or other paper. To draw the template, use the diagram below, scaling it to the desired size:

When the diagram is ready, place it on the back of the cardboard and trace the outline with a pencil.

Then draw along the fold lines marked on the diagram, using a non-writing ballpoint hand with some force, using a ruler to ensure that the lines are straight. Thanks to this, you can carefully make the folds of the box in the necessary places.

When you are done with hand punching the lines, bend the template along them.

Place the gift you are going to wrap in the middle.

Next, you should begin to assemble the walls of the box one by one, in accordance with the photographs attached below. After this, you can glue the edges together with glue (they should be inside), but this is not at all necessary if you are going to tie it with a ribbon, since in this case it will also hold its shape well.

Bringing all the edges of the box together, tie it with ribbon and tie a bow. You can decorate the box with small bows, serpentine, etc.

Be sure that your friends will be very pleased to receive a New Year's gift in such a box.

Textile napkin

A couple of fresh, crispy baguettes and a jar of marmalade, wrapped in a festive napkin and complemented by a wooden juicer. This is one of thousands of edible gift options for cooking lovers and true aesthetes. Try to dream up a little on this topic: instead of marmalade, put a jar of pate in a napkin, and instead of baguettes, put homemade pancakes.

You can make cute tags for original gift packaging with your own hands by cutting out small squares from thick paper and trimming their edges with curly scissors.

Kraft paper and thread

Agree, this is the best packaging for soft New Year's gifts: mittens, scarves and woolen socks. Fold two sheets of craft paper together and draw the shape of a star, sock, heart or Christmas tree on them. Cut out the shape, put the gift between the layers and machine sew it with a contrasting thread (red or gold), stepping back about 1-2 cm from the edge.

Paper scraps

Wrap the gift in white wrapping paper and place a small strip of decorative paper down the center over it. Decorate the packaging with a cord and attach a small detail that will complement the gift. Place a congratulations sticker on top. Great idea for wrapping New Year's gifts!

Potatoes and paints

Take a piece of fabric so that you can easily fit the gift into it. Cut a large potato in half and carefully cut out the letter shape with a knife. Blot excess moisture with a paper towel, and apply acrylic paint to the cut out letter. Then press the “seal” onto the fabric.

Old maps

Pages from an old atlas and road maps look very stylish as homemade gift wrapping. And instead of tying a bow on top, add a quirky touch to the package: spray paint a leaf on a houseplant with gold spray, use a bright button and lanyard, or make a flower out of scraps of fabric.

Newspapers and twine

Edible white paper is a great background for silhouettes with Christmas symbols. Print and cut out the stencils, transfer them to newspaper pages or brown kraft paper, and then cut out the silhouettes. Glue them to the box in several places and tie the gift with simple twine.

Pins and buckles

Another original idea for wrapping New Year's gifts. Beautiful belt buckles and hairpin details are ideal for decorating a gift box. The buckle will not only add a glamorous look to the gift, but will also secure the ribbon. So the next time you want to throw away your old belt, think about how a cute buckle can enhance your gift.

Elegant homemade products

Make your own wrapping paper using stamps and metallic inks available at hobby stores. Combine colors and patterns.

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