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External signs of a married man. If you don’t want to admit it yourself: working ways to find out whether a person is officially married or not

Many men, for reasons known to all, hide their marital status from strangers, especially girls. This behavior gives a man the opportunity to feel independent and free, and also allows him to have a short affair with a charming lady who captivated him with her beauty. If you intend to build a serious relationship and do not at all want to fall into the trap of a married man, you should have information about the signs that will certainly allow you to draw a conclusion about the true marital status of the young man.

1. Wedding ring.

Of course, a man whose intention is to start a non-binding romance will certainly remove this accessory from his finger before meeting the girl he likes. However, the trace of the ring, which adorned the man’s hand for a long time, will not go away. Take a close look at the young man's ring finger - perhaps this is how you will be able to figure out if he has a wife.

2. Weekends and holidays.

Pay attention to how you spend the holidays with your loved one - together or separately? Probably, on the eve of every red day of the calendar, if a man is married, he has unexpected matters that require immediate resolution, or unscheduled business trips? New Year, March 8, Christmas – these holidays are usually celebrated with family and close friends, so if your loved one always mysteriously disappears on the eve of such dates, rest assured that he spends time with his legal wife.

3. Passport. Many girls naively believe that they can find accurate information about a man’s marital status in his passport. Even if you somehow manage to get your hands on this important document, do not rush to rejoice when you see the absence of a marriage stamp - in our modern world, the concept of civil marriage is widespread.

4. A night together. If he is married, he can find a thousand different reasons why he cannot stay overnight with his beloved girl. This behavior most likely means only one thing - a loving wife is waiting for him at home with a hot dinner.

We continue to find out if our loved one is married

5. Invitation to visit. You have been dating for quite a long time, but the offer to spend a romantic evening in his apartment still does not come. There may be two reasons for this: the young man lives with his parents or with his wife. If a man intends to build a serious relationship with you, he will certainly introduce you to his relatives. If this does not happen, it means that his intentions towards you are slightly different.

6. Spending time together in a crowded place. A man doesn’t invite you to cafes, theaters, or exhibitions? Surely there is an explanation for this. Most likely, he values ​​his reputation as an exemplary family man and does not want to appear in public with his mistress.

7. Directory in your phone. Try to find out what your loved one calls you on his phone. If, after dialing the treasured digits of your loved one’s phone number, on the screen of his smartphone you saw an incoming call from someone “Tolik Auto Service,” rest assured that he is afraid of being exposed by his wife.

Nowadays, many married men, having an affair with a woman on the side, do not hide the fact that they have a family. It’s easier for them, because they only have to deceive their wife.
And the mistress is aware, so there is no need to dodge and come up with why he didn’t call or come. However, there are also married men who carefully hide their marriage, confident that the woman, having learned the truth, will simply point to the door. These types know many tricks that help them carefully hide the true state of affairs for a long time. I must say that we often fall for their bait and fall in love. And then, having discovered that our beloved has a wife and children, we bite our elbows and drown in tears. How to avoid this? How to determine whether a married man loves you, or whether he is definitely single?

How to spot a married man at first sight? Actually quite difficult. In general, a non-free representative of the stronger sex can easily be seen through a wedding ring. But these cunning people take it off before meeting a lady!

1 . We need look closely at the ring finger on your right hand new acquaintance. Traces from the ring should appear on it. But even if they are not observed, this does not mean anything. Some married men don't wear wedding rings at all. And to dissatisfied spouses this fact is explained by the fact that the ring interferes with his work, presses, clings and causes a lot of inconvenience.

2 . There is no guarantee that the man is free, and the absence of a stamp in the passport. He can live with a woman in a civil marriage. Someone may object that, they say, a civil marriage does not count. It's like just dating. It still counts! People live under the same roof, solve some problems together, furnish their home, have a common budget, and so on. So living in a civil marriage and just dating are not the same thing.

3 . Do not delude yourself even if a man offers to show your passport on the first date with confirmation that he is single. Why would he be in such a hurry? Maybe there is simply no time for long-term courtship, and the pseudo-bachelor is afraid that his wife’s call or her appearance will give him away? That’s why he forces events, wanting to go as far as possible in his relationship with a woman.

4. If during a date he turns off his phone or goes out somewhere, when they call him, you should be wary. He turns it off, most likely, because he is afraid of calls from his significant other. And it comes out for the same reason. I forgot to turn it off and she called! What remains to be done? Go out somewhere and lie with inspiration that there is a rush at work, an urgent order has been received, a wheel has fallen off the car and in general he is stuck in a traffic jam for many kilometers. And the liar will tell us that the boss called, an uncle from Rostov, a close friend, the one whose wife left. And he, they say, did not want to bother you with boring conversations.

5. If you are attentive and not naive, you can always identify a married liar. Then he after the call suddenly runs away, declaring that a distant relative arrived unexpectedly, then suddenly goes on business trips frequently, then gets sick and can’t come on a date, then doesn’t pick up the phone... No, even a bachelor can behave this way, of course. And relatives fall out of the blue, and there are frequent business trips, and the phone ends up in the back room. But if, trying to explain why all this always happens, a man begins to get confused, calling a relative either Uncle Fedya or Aunt Nina, and cannot remember where he was sent from work a month ago, this is suggestive.

6. In general, a mobile phone willingly betrays its owner. Enough call a man late at night or send him a message. If he doesn’t answer either the call or the SMS, it means he hasn’t passed the test of his veracity. It is unlikely that such a busy and business-like person would turn off his phone at night. However, maybe he is sleeping very soundly and does not hear anything. Then we do things differently. Let's try to be left alone with the traitor - the telephone, call it from our mobile phone and see how our number is displayed. Is this our name or an affectionate nickname? Everything is fine. The beloved is truly free. This is “Ivan Petrovich”, “Seryoga the car mechanic” or “Glafira Stepanovna. Job"? No options. He is a family man.

7 . If you met your hero through an online dating site, and it turned out that the man posted a photo that was not his own, then this is a reason to think about it. For what purpose did he do this? The conclusion is that this man is married. No matter what excuses he comes up with, the fact that he hides his appearance is very suspicious.

8 . If they makes plans for the future, then small- for the coming days.

9. For many married men In the family, the spouse closely monitors the budget. Therefore, even if he spends money on gifts and restaurants, he quickly stops doing this, limiting himself to meetings on his girlfriend’s territory.

10. Married ladies' men especially often go on business trips, but at the same time they don’t tell how they went, where and what they did there.

11 . At the beginning of a relationship, bachelors behave more modestly in bed so as not to frighten the woman with pressure. "Married" people are not shy immediately compensate for everything that is missing at home.

12. If he doesn't stay with you overnight... then this is not good. If he disappears from your bedroom every evening under various pretexts, then he definitely has another girlfriend - his legal or common-law wife.

However, it is worth understanding that there are exceptions to any rule. So, for example, there are busy male businessmen who have not lived with their family under the same roof for a long time, but at the same time have absolutely no intention of getting a divorce.

Business travelers feel at ease in a foreign city, just like wealthy adventure lovers. Some guys manage to live in two houses, for example, spending time with their family in a country house on weekends, and living in a separate apartment on weekdays.

13. He avoids meeting people and in places that he often visits.

If a young man prefers to limit himself exclusively to face-to-face communication at your home or in a hotel, and does not take you out to people - does not take you to restaurants, cafes, beaches, parties, social events, then he has someone to hide your relationship from.

14. He doesn't give you his phone number or forbids you to call him first.

Married men are usually tightly controlled by their wives, so unavailable gentlemen usually ask in advance, or rather, demand that you not call them at all, or not call them first, or call only on certain days or at certain times.

All this is done in order to avoid suspicion of infidelity on the part of the wife.

15. He turns off his cell phone when he spends the night with you.

So that my wife cannot disturb me again.

16. Married men prefer never to be photographed together with his lovers.

And here everything is clear: after all, a joint photo is already evidence. A married man will never take your photograph as a gift and place it in his wallet or on his desk at work.

17 . If he He himself admits that he is married.

To get this recognition, just ask him and see his reaction. Start a conversation about how you love him and want a wedding and children from him. If he starts to unwind his fishing rods, turn pale, sweat and stutter, do not detain this comrade - let him leave, you are not on the same path with him.

Of course, there are women who are satisfied with this ambiguous situation. What difference does it make whether the gentleman is married or not, when you get from him everything you need! However, normal ladies usually avoid relationships with unfree men. I really don’t want to make problems for myself. And the prospect of getting the status of a homewrecker is not encouraging. How can we make sure that we are not being fooled if we belong to the category of such ladies? To avoid being fooled, you can go to provocative actions.

Provocations that help you understand whether a man is married or not

How to determine whether a man is married or not?

1. The easiest way ask to visit him. If he hesitates, citing either a sick or strict mother, or repairs, or a mess, and never agrees to show his home, it’s rubbish. Most likely, his rather young and pretty wife and a couple of children live in the house. A free man will willingly invite a woman to his apartment. Even if there are renovations and chaos there. Well, unless the gentleman really has a stern mother who can ruin the mood of any girl for a long time.

It must be said that this method is also not perfect. A man can rent an apartment for a while, send his wife and children to the country, and so on. More reliable evidence that he is married is his reluctance to introduce the girl to his friends and spend time with her in large companies. There is a high probability that he is afraid of rumors that his friends will spread, and a sudden meeting with someone he knows. Anyone who intends to build a serious relationship with a woman and is not afraid of questions and gossip will not behave this way.

2. You can check whether a man is married or not with a gift of an intimate nature. A very good option is to give panties. For married men, as a rule, the wife buys underwear and clothes. And if the husband appears in something that she did not buy, the woman will have a natural question - why would her husband suddenly become interested in shopping independently and choosing panties? Therefore, the boyfriend will probably not take such a gift home. And he’s unlikely to ever wear it.

You can give not only underwear, but also a wallet or keychain with an inscription like “To my beloved from...” or “I will love you forever!” Will you always carry it openly with you? This means that the gentleman belongs only to us. If both the keychain and the wallet disappear without a trace, there is a high chance that he threw the gift away or hid it in a secluded place so that his wife would not see it.

3 . And if a man’s behavior raises suspicions, it’s hardly worth fooling yourself and looking for an explanation. There is no need to invent a bunch of versions justifying the silence of the phone, eternal absences, reluctance to invite people to your home and the absence of gifted panties. . You need to pluck up the courage and one day ask directly whether the fan is married or not. Yes, the answer can be very upsetting. But, in any case, we will not be deceived and will stop making plans that are not destined to come true.

The question of how to find out whether a person is married or not interests many. According to statistics, more than 30% of men tend to hide their true marital status when they first meet. The matter is further complicated by the fact that many archives have been lost for various reasons.

Therefore, obtaining information about when and to whom an acquaintance or relative was married is quite difficult. The easiest way is to directly ask the person to show their passport (the presence of a marriage is indicated by the corresponding stamp) or.

A document is also issued. If this is not possible, there are several ways to obtain the information you are interested in.

Is it possible to find out whether a person is married or not?

You can often hear advice to contact the registry office to obtain the necessary information. However, there will be no benefit from this. The reasons are:

  • registration of marriage in one of the many registry offices. It is unrealistic to contact each of the branches;
  • information about marriage can only be communicated to the spouse or his legal representative.

Does it turn out to be a dead end?

In fact, there are many ways to “figure out” a married man if for some reason he is “encrypted”:

The advice described cannot be called highly moral, but if you do not want to be blatantly deceived, you have to give up some principles.

Such information can be useful not only to a jealous and suspicious mistress. It is also relevant if you are buying an apartment. Realtors often miss this point, and the deal will be invalid.

It is a good idea for the buyer to have a certified document that the seller is not married. Otherwise, the absence will result in serious problems for the buyer.

How to find out if a man was officially married?

There are several ways to obtain this information.

Database Query

Online companies and databases that promise to find all the information you are interested in about a person are usually fraudulent. This information is confidential and is not disclosed at the first request of the first person we meet.

The promise to provide you with information about the divorce is a way to lure money, nothing more.

Was there a divorce in the registry office?

In accordance with the norms of the Family Code, legal divorce is possible only with the mutual consent of both spouses. If a divorce took place through the registry office, then it is almost impossible for one of the ex-spouses not to find out about it.

The law provides for the possibility of unilateral divorce if one of the spouses:

  • declared incompetent;
  • missing;
  • is serving a sentence of imprisonment for more than 3 years.

To obtain official information, submit a request to the registry office. It is sent by registered mail, always with notification, or delivered in person. If there has been a divorce, you will be told where to pick up the divorce certificate.

Was there a divorce in court?

One of the options for divorce is in court. If the defendant does not appear, notice of divorce is sent to the place of residence. If the answer is not received, then at the request of the plaintiff the marriage is dissolved. To find out information about this, they submit requests to the judicial authorities at the place of residence: their own and their spouse. A marriage is considered dissolved if the divorce is officially registered in the registry office.

Where can I check the authenticity of a marriage certificate?

The Internet is literally replete with offers for the provision of services for the production of various documents: from a health certificate to a doctorate diploma.

Why do men hide their marital status? It’s just that many married people want to frolic and try new relationships. How can you tell if a man is married if you've only been dating for a short time or just met?

Is a man married: hidden pitfalls

Few people want to connect their lives with a man who has a wife and small children. “Ballast” behind creates a huge number of barriers, where a woman from the outside, a mistress, is in an unenviable position. You should not believe the enthusiastic speeches of single girls that married men generously give gifts and show a lot of attention. Believe me, the wife is not left with nothing (with rare exceptions), the wife will always be the first. Any girl, sooner or later, will want more, namely, to get married and get not a lover, but a legal husband. Think about it - if you managed to break up your family and easily make a stranger’s man yours, then perhaps another stranger will easily take him away from you. Having built their happiness on someone else's ruins, many ladies cannot relax and feel justified anxiety - they have to always be on guard and jealously watch their chosen one, a lover of short skirts.

Why do men remove the ring from their finger, the main reasons:

  • Thirst for easy, one-day relationships;
  • A way to relax with the help of a new partner, relieving nervous tension;
  • Getting rid of boredom and everyday routine;
  • Increased self-esteem;
  • Sports interest;
  • A midlife crisis is an attempt to prove that you are not yet old and are capable of much.

How not to become a reserve “airfield” and not waste your time?

If you have been dating for a couple of weeks or a month and exchanged phone numbers, find a convenient moment and call your chosen one on his cell phone. If the display shows “Sanya – plumber” or “Mikha – work”, draw your conclusions. Some men have a lot of imagination, and you can see very offensive inscriptions - “Lenka is fat,” “Marinka is a vacuum cleaner,” and so on. The advantage of offensive nicknames is that a married person will not write down such definitions if he has a legal spouse. The downside is that for a new potential partner you are just a temporary episode with whom you can have fun. As a last resort, there are special applications on the Internet (Get Contact) that can be used to find out exactly how you are registered on your phone.

The agreement that you will wait for a call, and under no circumstances call yourself, leads to sad thoughts. Alternatively, ask the guy for his home phone number - a hasty refusal or unintelligible excuses are the first sign of insincerity.

Another alarm bell is if you gave your guy a gift, for example, a T-shirt, shirt or tie, but he doesn’t wear them. The main proof of whether a man is married is the presence of a stamp in the passport, and, of course, the imprint of the ring on his finger. However, there are people who do not wear wedding rings at all, or the person just recently got divorced and took off the ring, and looking at the page in the passport is not so easy. As one of the options, hint to the guy that you wouldn’t mind visiting his home and looking at the environment in which he lives. Prevarication, embarrassment, constant postponing until “later” speak for themselves. As a result, an offer is received to visit a rented apartment. If you are nevertheless invited home, perhaps your wife is on a business trip for work. The presence of another woman in the apartment is easy to recognize. She is also the reason why the chosen one does not invite him to visit - fear of a serious relationship or uncertainty that it is time to introduce him to his parents. Every time you meet on your territory or in hotels, think about why this is happening? Maybe the guy is comfortable with this state of affairs - he had fun, had a good rest, and went, satisfied, to his family. This behavior says only one thing - you are nothing more than a toy in the wrong hands.

Such important little things

Married men always look well-groomed, but do not confuse them with manicured macho men, whose whole purpose in life is to create a beautiful image. All holidays - New Year, March 8, February 23 will be held in the distance, and in conversations on the phone there will be no notes of tenderness - only dry, meaningless words. If at the time of the conversation you find your chosen one at home with his family, he will rush to end the call or simply not pick up the phone (put it on silent mode). Calls in the evening and on weekends, when the whole family is together, are usually ignored. During the day, he can “inundate” you with calls or intimate messages.

Pay attention to where exactly you are walking - if these are deserted squares or cafes on the outskirts of the city, it is likely that they are trying to “hide” you so as not to inadvertently run into relatives or friends. Try offering to take a walk in a crowded place, see the reaction. Be prepared to not be introduced to your friends. It’s unknown how such acquaintances can turn out; what if some friend spills the beans about an affair? Being in a crowded shopping center, a married man constantly twitches and fusses.

It’s easy to guess whether a man is married if you spend evenings and nights alone, which is quite natural - after all, there is a wife who will not understand the absence of a legal spouse. However, occasionally a mistress deserves the gift of sleeping with someone else’s husband in the same bed. But, as a rule, such events are rare.

A married man tries to hide his telephone conversations as soon as you are nearby. Dropping calls, nervousness, frequent trips to the toilet indicate that there is someone more important than you.

Ask to take a photo together; a categorical refusal without reason is a clear sign of deception. Experts in psychology openly look you straight in the eyes when they lie (a person who deceives avoids direct glances, so cunning people have learned to look at their chosen one with puppy-like sincerity).

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