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A magical (literally) exercise, sunshine. Exercise "sun"

MAGICAL (in literally words) exercise "Sun" by T. Morozova!

With regular implementation, the amount (so to speak) of Love in life simply grows exponentially!

Moreover, the most amazing thing is that you create this very Love yourself, oceans of it are stored in you, the main thing is to discover it in yourself! This exercise gives you a boost!

Stop being lazy, do the exercise regularly and you won’t even notice how you change.

Exercise "Sun"

You sit comfortably in a chair, or lie down on the bed, that is, take a relaxed position. You can leave your eyes open, but you can also close them.

The first thing you need to do is remember such episodes in your life when you felt very good, when you were completely happy. Remember the feeling of happiness that filled you.

It could be a first date or a first kiss, it could be your feelings from being in nature, your delight that an important task has finally been successfully completed. If you start to remember, you can remember a lot of situations when you felt good.

So, we lifted our mood with pleasant and joyful memories and created a background for further work.

Next stage.

You begin to imagine that in the area of ​​your heart, in the area solar plexus(pay attention to the name!) there is a small golden sun - this is your Love.

The sun is hidden in a chest, where it is located behind a door that must be opened and the sun released.

It begins to illuminate everything inside you, you begin to glow all over, to be filled with light, all the cells of your body are in the rays of the Sun, you become continuous light, shining like a big electric light bulb. You are the light and the light is bright and loving.

Then you imagine your loved one or someone who you think really needs your Love (general contours, without specific facial features and figures) and send the light of your sun to him. Such a directed beam of light is a ray. You build a bridge between your heart and his.

It’s very good to imagine how the sadness in his eyes goes away, and joy and happiness comes in its place. The person is, as it were, inside the beam you sent. He is all in the light, bathes in the light, breathes this light.

With this light you can fill not only

Your loved one, but also your home, your work, in general any place, any person at whom you direct your beam.

The more clearly you can imagine all this, the greater the effect this exercise will have.

The entire exercise takes about 20 minutes. It all depends on your initial level of happiness and imagination.

But even if at the beginning you cannot imagine everything vividly, then do not despair, everything can be trained with a certain persistence. And after just a few days, if you do the exercise regularly every day, you will notice that it becomes easier and easier for you to imagine imaginary pictures.

Completing this exercise will lead to the fact that people will begin to love you, they will begin to reach out to you as a source life-giving force, you will become a very attractive, magnetic person for everyone.

You can hold back everything... Tears... Anger... Pain... Love... But it’s impossible to hold back laughter!

Friends, why do children often smile? Yes, because they don’t have any special worries yet, people might say. Partly yes, but only partly. My friends, the matter is completely different. At their level life experience Children have much more worries and difficulties, or rather creative tasks, than their parents. Adapt your naughty body to life, adapt to external environment and learning everything that an adult knows is much more difficult. The adult who lost his ability to work and learned to walk again, etc., knows what I’m talking about. The secret of children is that they think differently, they are happy the world, they are explorers of this vast space. Some of the adult population loses this ability as they grow up.

This part of people thinks that adulthood is a serious uncle or aunt who is not respectable to smile, both inside and outside the soul. Now answer your question: with whom would you be more willing to communicate, with beeches of serious solidity and frowning eyebrows, or an optimist who joyfully infects everyone with his smile, laughter and good mood? I'll answer for you, please. Statistics confirm that the latter are much more preferred first. And who wants to have “Inner goodness in the soul”, to be an optimist and a lover of life? I think that everyone who is mentally normal healthy person, this is also an axiom! Maybe then let's move on and learn this useful skill, what do you think, friends? If this is relevant to anyone, then I congratulate you, you pulled it out lottery ticket. From this day on, everything will go differently for you, according to a good scenario.

In the meantime, a few words about where does the internal charge of vivacity and optimism come from, which gives motivation for all occasions? There are many factors here: hormones and human nutrition and even heredity, or maybe a person was taught a good habit from childhood - everyone around was cheerful, lively, smiling people. Or maybe all of this together. What should a person do if previously the above things passed him by, then this matter can always be corrected. How?

Yes, very simple:

  1. Train yourself to smile. Introduce it into yourself new habit to be "Sunshine".
  2. Lead healthy way life, at least 3 times a week do light gymnastics or run around the stadium or climb the stairs to the 5-10th floor or do what you like. Physical activity is needed to produce the hormone serotonin and other important hormones, which are responsible for mood.
  3. Sit on the same as with physical activity. A sufficient amount of it in the body gives good mood for life.
  4. Take advantage of difficult situations life,
  5. Raise the mood of others, this is generally a great breakthrough for self-education monsters.

And most importantly, begin to distinguish blind optimism - from a Positive attitude towards life - this useful form positive thinking. That is change your thinking - this is the main thing! What's happened positive thinking- This positive attitude, which does not use lies, a person is adequate to reality. Optimism includes misconceptions about results, such as:

  • You continue to smoke because you don't believe you will get lung cancer.
  • You continue to believe that a relationship that is experiencing serious difficulties will miraculously improve on its own.
  • You don't save for your old age because you think you'll win the lottery.

A positive attitude does not accept such statements. A positive attitude towards life is:

  1. It's better to try and fail than not to try." negative result– also a result.”
  2. We learn through failure, not success. Every failure gives us new knowledge. Every mistake brings us closer to success.
  3. Purpose motivates action. We need to set goals.

How to cultivate a positive attitude without deceiving yourself?

This is a search for new perspectives and solutions different tasks. The more perspectives you have at your disposal, the more ways you have to deal with the situation.

Why is the exercise called “Sun”?

The sun is positive thinking - a state when a person glows with joy and charges others with joy. The sun is internal, when it charges and supports the state of the person himself, external - a kind of lighter for others. Sun - required element leadership charisma. How it looks like, watch the cartoon “Little Raccoon”. And the fact that “A smile brightens a gloomy day!” - this is the true truth!

Why it's useful:

  • This exercise teaches a person to be friendly towards life, people, and himself;
  • improve the mood of yourself and others by creating positive energy around you;
  • have a healthy optimism towards life;
  • enjoy every day.

Let's take the "Sunshine" exercise? If yes, then learn new behavior.

  • So, whatever you undertake, take a minute to positive attitude, smile in the mirror, put on a mask of joy and internal state will pull itself up in the outer shell - this is an axiom! Approach everything positively, you say to yourself: “Now I’ll do the laundry, the laundry will be clean, cozy and fragrant, this will bring joy to my loved ones, I want to deliver it to them.” If you can’t artificially put on a smile, then just remember the happiest moments of your life, the very best:
  • success;
  • good luck;
  • praise from competent people, funny incidents from life:
  • Even a joke will do.

Think of your options, you are talented!

In just a few days you will feel the first results, which will inspire you to take further action. You want more and more until you realize that this source of Love, so ardently sought by everyone, is located within you and it is truly limitless.

It's so simple - just start doing it every day...

You sit comfortably in a chair, or lie down on the bed, that is, take a relaxed position. You can leave your eyes open, but you can also close them.

The first thing you need to do is remember such episodes in your life when you felt very good, when you were completely happy. Remember the feeling of happiness that filled you.

It could be a first date and a first kiss, it could be your feelings from being in nature, your delight that an important task has finally been successfully completed, some very nice gift. If you start to remember, you can remember a lot of situations when you felt good.

So, we lifted our mood with pleasant and joyful memories and created a background for further work.

Next stage

You begin to imagine that in the area of ​​your heart there is a small golden sun - this is your Love.

The sun is hidden in a chest, where it is located behind a door that must be opened and the sun released. It begins to illuminate everything inside you, you begin to glow completely, fill with light, all the cells of your body are in the rays of the Sun, you become continuous light, shining like a big electric light bulb.

You are the light and the light is bright and loving.

Then you imagine your loved one or someone who you think really needs your Love and send the light of your sun to him. Such a directed beam of light is a ray. You build a bridge between your heart and his.

It’s very good to imagine how the sadness in his eyes goes away, and joy and happiness comes in its place. The person is, as it were, inside the beam you sent. He is all in the light, bathes in the light, breathes this light.

With this light you can fill not only your loved one, but also your home, your work, in general any place, any person to whom you direct your beam.

The more clearly you can imagine all this, the greater the effect this exercise will have.

The entire exercise takes about 20 minutes. It all depends on your initial level of happiness and imagination. But even if at the beginning you can’t imagine everything clearly, then don’t despair, everything can be learned with a certain amount of persistence. And after just a few days, if you do the exercise regularly every day, you will notice that it becomes easier and easier for you to imagine imaginary pictures.

Completing this exercise will lead to people starting to love you, they will be drawn to you as a source of life-giving force, you will become a very attractive, magnetic person for everyone.

This exercise can be considered both diagnostic and corrective: it works to increase the child’s self-esteem and clearly shows how entrenched certain ideas about himself are in the child’s mind.
To complete it you will need album sheet, felt-tip pens or pencils.
Ask your child to draw a sun with rays. There are no requirements for the drawing; the child draws the sun anywhere within the sheet and whatever he likes.
Let the child talk a little about the sun.
- Sunshine - what is it like?
- Bright, yellow, red, kind, warm, joyful...
- Now imagine that the sun is you. The sun has your name.
Let the child sign his name on the sun, if he can. If he doesn’t know how to write yet, then sign the name yourself. The sun must have rays. If there are few of them, then paint up to 7-9 rays.
- You listed how wonderful the sun is: warm, bright, kind... Let's label each ray of the sun, naming some of your wonderful qualities. What are you like?
The child may not answer immediately. Help him by saying, for example: “I think you are kind. And what else?”
Each quality named by you or your child is signed along the ray. Task: try to name each ray. And let the child fantasize and brag a little. Don’t object, even if you think that this quality or habit is not developed or completely absent. This way you can hear what the child considers his achievements. “I wash the dishes... I put away the toys...” Write down everything you hear, even if this is sometimes done with tears or even scandal. There is no need for remarks: “Yes, this is done when I tell you ten times...”, etc. In the “Sunshine” exercise we work only on the positive.
The reaction of parents who see in class how their child’s mood changes is interesting. At one of the last classes, the mother of 5-year-old Andryusha asked if she could draw this sun on a large sheet of paper at home and attach it to the wall.
Of course you can! You can, and even need to, ask everyone who knows the child to sign the rays of this sun. You can add rays every time you notice something in your child for which he needs to be praised. The child himself can add rays.
One very important condition. No matter how angry you are with your son or daughter, no matter what they have done wrong, when punishing them, never mention your man-made sun at this moment.
Believe me, one seemingly innocent phrase like “You are the sun, but this is how you act…” can destroy the entire effect of the exercise. The offense, without a doubt, requires a reasonable punishment, but in no way erases the fact that your child is your sunshine
And one more option for performing the “Sunshine” exercise. It is performed when the child’s sun is drawn. Invite him to draw a similar sun for his grandmother or father, for his sister or teacher in kindergarten. Let it be a birthday gift or just a pleasant surprise.
We all want to hear good words, but this needs to be taught. Let this simple “Sunshine” exercise help you create a warm and sincere atmosphere.

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