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What is mutual assistance and why is it needed? Mutual assistance is mutual assistance? Life experience on the topic of mutual assistance

What is reciprocity?

The first version of the essay (according to the text of N. Aine “The students looked at the beating quite calmly ...”)

Concept definition

Mutual assistance is the basis of the existence of human society. We live in a large team and without relationships, without mutual assistance to each other, we would not be able to withstand the vastness of life's problems. Mutual assistance is taught from childhood. Not everyone is able to prove themselves in this direction, since the very concept involves the movement of a person against other people or circumstances in the name of helping someone else. Such a person must be brave.

So, in the text of N. Aine, a situation of double mutual assistance is described. First, Agnia helped a boy with a heart condition avoid the ongoing beatings of high school students, and then Vitka defended the girl in front of a crowd of angry teenagers. It is striking that schoolchildren are accustomed to looking at beating each other quite calmly. For some reason, everyone believed that Agnia was fighting for nothing, while they always beat her severely, but she did not give up. Is it possible to think that in the case of the heart boy, she stood up for the fight for nothing?

Argument from personal experience

Indeed, today's children are cruel. They are largely indifferent to each other, accustomed to animal laws in communication with each other. Perhaps somewhere they lack the courage to support a comrade, to go against violence. This is one of the main problems of our modern society, and not only among the younger generation.


Mutual assistance is a synonym for the concepts of strength, courage, will, compassion, help. It contains so much that not every person can contain all these feelings in his heart. But such people still exist, and this cannot but rejoice.

The second version of the essay (according to the text by L.F. Voronkova “Grinka and Fedya gathered in the meadow for sorrel ...”)

Concept definition

Mutual assistance implies special qualities in a person who comes to the rescue. The main one is the ability to put oneself in the place of another, the inability to leave one in trouble. Mutual assistance is a kind of life principle of some people.

Argument from the read text

In the text of L.F. Voronkova describes a situation that clearly demonstrates that not everyone is ready to help those in trouble. Many are afraid for their lives, their health, they just try to avoid trouble. The worst thing is that this is the norm for modern society. Even Vanya, who saved the baby from a herd of bees, was called a sucker by the grandmother. But he did an act that not everyone has the courage and strength to do.

Argument from personal experience

In our modern society, not everyone is able to come to the rescue. Even an elderly woman or a blind man will not be taken across the road. Moreover, people stopped giving each other seats in buses, holding doors. The slightest inconvenience today does not suit a person, in the first place for everyone is their own comfort. And those who violate this order are often called fools or upstarts.


In fact, our society is built on mutual assistance. There are many situations in which one cannot survive alone. After all, people are social creatures, and as long as there are those who are capable of mutual assistance, society will continue to exist.

The third version of the essay (on the example of the text by Yu.V. Trifonov “This torment began in distant years, in the fifth grade ...”)

Concept definition

Mutual assistance is one of the main criteria for friendly relations. Very often it is opposed by envy - envy of someone else's success, fear of losing authority in front of a stronger spiritual person. Sometimes people make mistakes. Instead of uniting with someone, helping, they begin to intrigue. And then they themselves suffer from it.

Argument from the read text

This happened in the text by Yu.V. Trifonov, when the schoolboy Glebov was afraid to lose his authority because of the newcomer Levka Shulepa. Instead of making friends with the boy, the hero of the story incited his classmates to massacre him. This plan failed, and since then Levka has become the most popular in the class. But Glebov could have helped him, then the heaviness inside would not have squeezed his soul so much.

Argument from personal experience

Indeed, sometimes people choose completely wrong ways of interacting. Instead of trying to understand a person who for some reason is unpleasant to them, they begin to build strategies to destroy him. But all evil always turns against us. In life, it is more important to strive for mutual assistance.


Mutual assistance is the engine of good relationships between people. All our interaction is built on it, thanks to it we understand that we are not alone in this world. It gives us hope for miraculous salvation in a difficult situation. And those who do not follow the laws of mutual assistance punish themselves.

Do you have examples of mutual assistance by a stranger? and got the best answer

Answer from __[guru]
Returning by car from Gelendzhik to Moscow, I broke down on the bypass around Rostov-on-Don. I voted for an hour with a cable, all the zemas "stumbled" past. Then a local drove up, took it on a cable, pulled it up to the service. They couldn't fix my damage. Then the same man dragged me to the second service, made sure that they would fix me there, what for human prices, what exactly on that day - and left without taking the money.
In the same year, I forgot in a taxi in the same Rostov-on-Don one of two briefcases with personal belongings, documents, credit cards, a wallet, and official documentation. Chel himself tracked me down by the number of my mobile phone, written down on a business card enclosed in one of the pockets. And he didn't ask for a reward!
Rostov and Rostovites, please accept my sincere gratitude and respect.

Answer from elite elite[newbie]

Answer from feminine, noun[guru]
I also had an issue.
my child got sick in the morning crush of the subway, I won’t talk about the consequences, everyone guesses what it is ... we stood near the door and still managed to dirty things for a young girl ... and she also helped us get out, clean up, come to yourself.
save her! :)

Answer from Evgenia Dubrovina[guru]
the world is not without good people) but I noticed a pattern, negative as well as positive emotions are in the air clearly in turn) sometimes absolutely everyone seems vile and evil, and sometimes you love the whole world, and it seems that the whole world smiles at you in answer)

Answer from Umax[guru]
I do not remember such cases, but mutual assistance exists. Not everyone lives by the principle "Man is a wolf to man."

Answer from * [guru]
I don't remember for a long time. Not used to asking anyone.

Answer from User deleted[newbie]
there is, and I myself try to help people, even strangers, but to the best of my ability

Answer from Mari Marinovna[guru]
I'm lucky with good people.
For example, when I fainted on the subway, an unfamiliar girl first took me to the first-aid post at the station, then caught me a car with her own money to get home, and then called me back and asked how I felt. Thanks a lot to her!!

Answer from dragonella[guru]
Yes, it happens))) And when you don’t expect it at all))) Even if it’s a little thing, it was still unexpectedly pleasant.

Answer from Victoria Devoe[guru]
Well, why about yourself. Is it not mutual assistance to help relatives, acquaintances and friends and accept help from them?

Answer from 1 1 [guru]
every man for himself

Answer from User deleted[newbie]
there are, and very bright) in fact, the world is not without good people))

Answer from Alexey Nikolaev[guru]
When an unfamiliar girl of 14 years old from another city, who had a fight with her parents and dumped in Minsk to distant relatives, and in Minsk completely lost, rings your doorbell at half past two in the morning and you, cursing everything in the world, take the motor and drive her to these damn relatives through half of the city. And in the morning the exam in the traffic police ...
When the guy in the trolley bus got his leg blocked by the door and the people who were leaving pushed him so that he fell and broke it and someone needs to call an ambulance and take him to the hospital, and if you have Vip, the client spawns and you have to apologize to the client, and you curse everything on light...
When you're standing on a long road broken down in the rain and don't know what to do... Yes, sometimes they pass by, and sometimes they tow and don't even take money.
It's a different world...

  1. (43 words) Mutual assistance more than once saved Taras Bulba and his people in the struggle against the Poles (in Gogol's story "Taras Bulba"). Father and son, like the rest of the army, stood shoulder to shoulder. For example, Taras even came to his son's execution to hold him for the last time.
  2. (46 words) It is very bad when there is no mutual assistance in the work team. In Gogol's story "The Overcoat" the hero was humiliated in every possible way at work. From this, he closed himself in himself and lost his meaning in life. It is his colleagues who are to blame for the tragic outcome, because without mutual assistance and respect, the team turns into a wild herd.
  3. (44 words) Mutual assistance was demonstrated by Kolya Krasotkin in the part of Dostoevsky's novel "The Brothers Karamazov" called "Boys". He protected Ilyusha and showed him his patronage, so the baby became very attached to him. This is how real daredevils should act in relation to weak children, this is an indicator of strength.
  4. (44 words) Mutual assistance should also be the basis in love. In Pushkin's The Captain's Daughter, the hero was not afraid to stand up for the honor of the girl, and later to rescue her from captivity. So he proved to her that he was a reliable young man. Then she also helped him out by asking the Empress for his release.
  5. (41 words) In Andersen's fairy tale "The Snow Queen", Gerda rescued Kai from trouble. The guys grew up side by side, and, of course, always supported each other. From the very beginning, they were taught mutual care, which is why the girl was not afraid of dangers, just to save her dear person.
  6. (46 words) Without mutual assistance, it would not have been possible to do a single important collective work. In Yu. Olesha's fairy tale "Three Fat Men" the characters make a coup. However, one of the leaders is detained and they want to execute. Then Tibul and Suok risk their lives to save their friend, and only then do they succeed.
  7. (48 words) In Twain's "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer", the guys always support each other, otherwise they would not have coped with so many challenges. For example, if one of them got scared and panicked, the raft would capsize and all the boys would drown. But the guys kept themselves confident and helped each other out.
  8. (43 words) In Pushkin's novel Dubrovsky, faithful peasants supported their real master and shared his inheritance with him. Vladimir also helped them out, did not leave Troekurov, but led them and took them into the forest so that they themselves would build their lives away from corrupt officials and cruel landowners.
  9. (43 words) In the novel "Poor People", Devushkin's boss disinterestedly rescues him from trouble, because he rescued him more than once with his honest service. He gives Makar one hundred rubles, and this amount at that time allowed him to help Varya and not slide into extreme need himself.
  10. (45 words) In the poem "Vasily Terkin" by Tvardovsky (chapter "Two Soldiers"), the peasants fed the soldier from their last supplies, and so very meager. And in return, he fixed all the broken things for them and inspired the old people, instilling in them faith in victory. Without mutual assistance, our people would not have defeated Hitler.
  11. Real life examples

    1. (43 words) My friend, for example, always helps me out. Once he even saved me from a stray dog ​​by throwing a stone at it in time. I did not remain in debt and, on occasion, wrote a couple of essays for him when he left for competitions and did not have time to do it.
    2. (45 words) I always considered my brother ungrateful: I helped him, but he didn’t help me. But once, when I had problems with my classmates, he dealt with them in no time, although I did not even ask him about it. Thus, mutual assistance is the basis of the family.
    3. (52 words) Once I skipped school when the class was writing a math test. The teacher called home, but my grandmother, realizing what was the matter in time, covered me up so that there would be no trouble later. She, of course, poured me on the first number, but I'm still grateful to her that she came to the rescue. No wonder I dug her beds!
    4. (56 words) I always tried to help my sister, and she did not lag behind. Once I went for a walk and forgot to pick her up from kindergarten on time. We returned late, but my sister screamed right from the doorway: “Thank you for waiting for me, otherwise I would not have managed in my life.” She told her parents that she herself was late, and I was waiting for her. Here is such mutual assistance!
    5. (43 words) In our family, mutual assistance is the main rule. For example, I helped my grandmother master the computer from scratch so that she would not be kicked out of her job. And she allowed me to celebrate my birthday in her apartment and even prepared treats. Native people should always support each other.
    6. (48 words) Mutual assistance is a manifestation of friendship. In our class, I remember, a new one appeared, and he was not friends with mathematics. Everyone laughed, but I felt sorry for him: I'm not friends either. When he stood at the blackboard and could not solve the equation, I prompted him. Since then we have become friends.
    7. (37 words) Everyone in my social circle helps each other out. I help a friend with English, he helps me with algebra, my other friend will always explain why Onegin refused Tatyana? Mutual assistance is the basis of life in a team, without it there is no way.
    8. (45 words) Once a neighbor boy and I went into the forest, I, jokingly, moved away from him and got lost. But he was not afraid and quickly called for help to find me. In gratitude for the summer, I helped him learn English, and he easily passed the difficult exam.
    9. (48 words) Once a friend and I got into a fight. We had a third boy with us, whom we patronized, but he got scared and ran away. My comrade accepted this test with me, and we fought our enemies with honor. It is mutual assistance that gives people an understanding of how friendship and friendship differ.

In today's cruel world, some people are indifferent to others. Many are only interested in personal well-being, they began to forget what mutual assistance and mutual assistance are. In the explanatory dictionary, these words have almost the same meaning, and no one should forget about them.

What does reciprocity mean?

People should help each other, lend a helping hand in difficult times. This is what keeps the world going. Mutual assistance is the mutual assistance and support in any matter. It does not require the return of values ​​or material goods. Relationships should not be built on the concept of "You to me, I to you." Life is a boomerang, it is based on good and noble deeds.

Why is reciprocity necessary?

A person cannot survive alone without communication with other people. Its social position is laid down by nature and stretches from ancient times to the present day. Mutual assistance to each other has always been. It has changed over time, but its essence remains the same. Mutual assistance is manifested in difficult situations, when not only a well-known, but also a stranger can come to the rescue.

They may not know each other and may never meet again. A passer-by called an ambulance to a man who became ill on the street. Mutual assistance is not an expectation of gratitude or material reward from the victim. Having shown sympathy, the passerby understands that he did the right thing. Good returns and he is sure that he himself will not be left alone if a similar situation happens.

Ways to help each other

There is a wise expression: "If you want to know a friend, tell him your misfortune or share your joy." A person who is ready for mutual assistance will try to provide a feasible service or sincerely rejoice for the successes achieved. People brought up on trust and understanding find it easier to build relationships; for them, there is the concept of “mutual assistance”. They help each other at all times, thanks to which they survive and achieve results. Mutual assistance can be considered at several levels:

  • at the state level.
  • show charity;
  • family relationships.

Film about mutual assistance

Films are one of the art forms. They are presented to the audience, who, after viewing, share their impressions. Films about mutual help and devoted friends teach kindness to children and adults.

  1. "Pay Another". A film that does not let you forget about mutual assistance and kindness, which is not enough left in the modern world. A child with a pure soul took seriously the teacher's school task "Change the World".
  2. "1+1". The original title of the French film The Untouchables. Comedy drama genre based on real events. A wealthy aristocrat who has become disabled as a result of an accident is looking for an assistant.
  3. "Radio". The film is based on real events, full of kindness and mutual understanding, which is becoming less and less in the modern world. But helping a neighbor is always a hot topic.

Books about mutual assistance

Reading books broadens one's horizons, enriches the inner and spiritual world of a person. The described mutual assistance in literary works changes people for the better.

  1. "Wings for a Friend" Yulia Ivanova. The fairy tale teaches to appreciate the surrounding beauty and admit one's mistakes. Friendship and mutual assistance accompany the heroes on the way to achieving the goal.
  2. "Everything in the world is not accidental" Olga Dziuba. A story with a detective story. A meeting of a young girl with wonderful people who become friends and help to sort out many issues.
  3. "The World Through the Eyes of Bob the Cat" James Bonwen. The book is based on a true story. A good book about mutual help, patience and devotion. Ginger cat saved the life of a street musician. For the sake of a furry friend, he overcame drug cravings and returned to a normal life.

The concept of "mutual assistance"

Essay text:

(1) Grinka and Fedya gathered in the meadow for sorrel, and Vanya went with them.

- (2) Go, go, - said the grandmother. - (3) If you collect sorrel, we will cook green cabbage soup.

(4) It was fun in the meadow: the grass had not yet been mowed, flowers were full of flowers far, far away - both red, and blue, and white. (5) The whole meadow was in flowers.

(6) The children scattered across the meadow, which stretched wide to the very horizon, and began to tear the sorrel. (7) They went farther and farther along the tall, uncut grass, along cheerful flowers.

(8) Suddenly Fedya said:

- (9) There are a lot of bees here!

- (10) True, there are a lot of bees here, - Vanya also said. - (11) They are buzzing all the time.

- (12) Hey, guys, - Grinka shouted from a distance, - turn back! (13) We wandered into the beekeeper - there are hives!

(14) Lindens and acacias grew densely around the collective farm bee house, through the branches of which wooden bee houses were visible.

- (15) Guys, retreat! Grinka commanded. - (16) Only quietly, do not wave your hands, otherwise the bees will bite.

(17) The children carefully walked away from the beekeeper. (18) They walked quietly and did not wave their hands so as not to anger the bees, and they completely left the bees, but then Vanya heard someone crying. (19) He looked back at his comrades, but Fedya did not cry and Grinka did not cry, but little Vasyatka, the beekeeper's son, cried. (20) He wandered into the bee-keeper and stood among the beehives, and the bees flew at him.

- (21) Guys! Vanya shouted. - (22) Vasyatka was bitten by bees!

- (23) If we follow him to the bee-keeper, then the bees will bite us, - answered Grinka.

- (24) We must call his father, - said Fedya. - (25) When we go past their house, we will tell his father.

- (27) Come here! he shouted to Vasyatka.

(28) But Vasyatka did not hear, he waved away the bees and shouted at the top of his voice. (29) Vanya went up to Vasyatka, took him by the hand and led him from the bee house. (30) He brought me to the house.

(31) Vasyatka's mother ran out onto the porch, took Vasyatka in her arms:

- (32) Oh, you naughty, why did you go to the beekeeper? (33) Look how the bees bit!

(34) She looked at Vanya: “Ah, fathers, Vanyok, and you got it from the bees because of Vasyatka! (35) Don't be afraid: it will hurt - it will stop!

- (36) Nothing for me, - said Vanya.

(37) And went home. (38) While he was walking, his lip was swollen, and his eyelid was swollen, and his eye was closed.

- (39) Well, good! Grandma said. - (40) Who decorated you like that?

- (41) Bees, - Vanya answered.

- (42) Why didn’t the bees touch Grinka and Fedya?

- (43) They ran away, and I led Vasyatka, - said Vanya. - (44) And what is it? (45) If it hurts, it will stop.

(46) Father came from the field to dine, looked at Vanya and laughed.

- (47) Fedya and Grinka ran away from the bees, - said the grandmother, - and our dupe climbed to save Vasyatka. (48) If only my mother saw him now - what would she say?

(49) Vanya looked at his father with one eye and waited: what would mom say?

(50) And the father smiled and patted Vanya on the shoulder:

- (51) That's right, son: disappear yourself, and help a friend out. (52) And my mother would say: well done my son! (53) That would be what she said!(According to L.F. Voronkova)*

* Voronkova Lyubov Fedorovna (1906-1976) - Soviet writer, author of many children's books and a cycle of historical stories for children.

Finished essay 9.3 “What is mutual assistance”

What's happened mutual assistance? Mutual assistance is mutual, mutual assistance, support, revenue in any business. Often in life we ​​encounter problems that we ourselves are not able to solve. Then we just need help, help from other people. I will give examples from the text and life.

In the text of L.F. The funnel boy Vanya helped little Vasyatka get out of the bee house, while Fedya and Grinka were afraid of bee stings and ran away. Vanya did a good, kind deed: he did not leave his friend in trouble, he helped him out. For this he was praised by his father.

In life, mutual assistance is a common occurrence. My cousin Stepan (we are the same age) understands mathematics very well, but the Russian language is hard for him. I have the opposite. Therefore, I often ask him to explain to me the solution of a particular problem, and he asks for tips in writing essays or in spelling a word. This helps us a lot, thanks to mutual assistance we better understand these subjects.

Thus, mutual assistance is necessary for everyone, it helps us in life and makes people better.

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