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I realized that he really loves me. But this is my, female view of the problem. And I would like to know what men think about this. How to understand that a guy is in love

And again an article for girls. I love writing for them because I’m a guy myself and I completely understand how guys feel about girls.

The question that arises in the minds of girls “Does my boyfriend love me?”, usually appears when the guy stops talking about it. It completely stops or simply begins to remind you less often that you are his only one and that he loves you more than anyone in the world.

How to understand that a guy loves you? How do I know that he cares about me? Does he really love me? How much does he love me? What are the signs of his love for you? Here .

No problem, we'll figure it out now :)

There are several sure signs that he loves you:

Sign 1. He constantly blows dust off you.

The guy is very attentive to you, notices the slightest changes in your clothes or appearance. If you have a hair, a speck of dust, a thread or some kind of leaf on your shoulder, he will definitely notice it and remove it.

Sign 2. He is attentive to your mood.

He notices the slightest changes in your mood. He constantly tries if it has fallen, and tries never to spoil it. If it is bad, he will always ask why it is like that, try to find out if it was his actions that influenced him.

Sign 3. He is interested in your life.

You can definitely say that a guy loves you if he cares about what is happening in your life. He is constantly interested, asking how your day was, what new things happened, what you did, what you were doing, and what your plans are for the future.

Sign 4. The guy misses you.

If you haven't seen your guy for a while and he misses you. Even if you haven't gotten bored yet. :) He wants to see you, meet you, hear your laughter, walk together, feel your touch, look into your bottomless eyes and dissolve in your gentle smile.

Sign 5. He calls you himself.

You understood correctly, HE is calling you. The fact that you call doesn't count. So, if a guy often calls you on his own to find out what you’re doing, what your mood is now, this is a sure sign that he’s not really into you. Moreover, he calls with or without reason. But it’s better, of course, when there’s no reason. :)

Sign 6. He almost always looks into your eyes.

This . If he considers her beautiful, he looks into her eyes almost all the time when he talks to her. And at the same time, his pupils are a little wider than usual, because the body is a little excited. And when excited, the pupils dilate greatly.

Sign 7. He touches you often.

This is also psychology. A person will never touch a person he doesn't like. Or if you are indifferent. If your boyfriend touches you often, it means he loves you.

Sign 8. He gives you gifts.

By gifts I mean any things he gives you. Flowers, postcards, all sorts of trinkets... Moreover, he gives gifts both with and without reason.

Sign 9. You are together everywhere.

The guy introduces you to all his friends and he doesn’t care what the latter think about you. He, one might say, is indifferent to any other person's opinion regarding you. He just knows what he loves and doesn't care.

Sign 10. He constantly wants you.

Sexually, he always wants to take over your body, always wants to have sex with you.

Sign 11. He tells you that he loves you.

This is the most important sign, by which you can absolutely determine whether a guy loves you. If he constantly tells you that he loves you, that you are the only one and that he doesn’t need anyone else, then don’t even go to the doctor, and everything is clear. But provided that it shows several previous signs. :) If a guy stops telling you that he loves you, this is a serious reason to think about it. Or pass here is the test:

TEST: What are you like in the eyes of guys?

A short summary: The guy won’t necessarily do everything as written in these 11 points. Every guy is different, so if your boyfriend only shows 7 out of 11 signs, it doesn't mean he doesn't love you. :)

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Many of us are hampered by uncertainty in our lives. Even in a long-term relationship, it can constantly make you doubt whether a person loves you, what he is ready for for your future and, most importantly, how to test his feelings. Everyone's idea of ​​love is different. Despite this, there are moments that almost certainly distinguish between strong feelings and fleeting love.


Don't know how to understand that you are loved? Pay attention to what your significant other likes to talk about in private. For a person who is serious about a long-term relationship together, thoughts about a future together will not be alien. He will fearlessly talk about it, make plans, choose a place to build a house and even come up with names for children. True love gives rise to the desire to live together until death.

What about compliments? How long have you heard something like: “With you I feel real” or “You mean the whole world to me”? Of course, there is a big difference between the compliments themselves. They should come from the heart, talk about respect, how much a person appreciates and is devoted to you. And, of course, the point here is not in their quantity, but in quality.

Do you feel sincerity in the words “I love you”? You can understand whether a person loves you or not by listening to their voice and following their gaze. It's better if you just listen to your own feelings. There should be no favor, demand or reason for recognition.

Signs that he loves you are also seen in openness. A loving person is not afraid to open up, show his fears, doubts, thoughts. This is all because he is comfortable with you. Stories about your childhood, difficult periods, dreams and goals are always present in conversations between two loving people. This indicates a new level of trust.

You can often hear that love is blind. This is fundamentally wrong. Only love can be blind when you are overly idealized, your shortcomings are not noticed, and you try not to criticize or swear. Everything is different in love. Your soulmate knows you inside and out, can point out mistakes, give constructive advice, and point out inappropriate behavior. And all this without reproaches with the goal of helping, not humiliating. All your positive and negative sides are not news for a long time, and this does not prevent a person from accepting you for who you are.

Regarding how to understand whether your chosen one loves you, there is no single methodology in psychology. However, I have my own feelings. A loving person listens to you, asks for your opinion, asks for advice. Naturally, not on every trifling occasion, but on the most important things - definitely.


How can you understand that you are truly loved if not by your actions? Words are words, but behavior plays a much larger role.

  • He listens to you, but does he hear? A loving person is not only open with you, he also pays attention to your own experiences and problems. Each of us sometimes just needs to speak out. And who, if not your soulmate?
  • You can tell that a person is serious about a relationship by how quickly he comes to the rescue. See if he responds to the most common everyday requests. Of course, he is always in favor of going to the cinema, sitting in a restaurant or spending a romantic evening at home. But will he help if necessary, when there is no one in the house to water the flowers or walk the dog. You need to be able to share not only joyful moments, but also sad ones. It’s easy to check this and, better, at the beginning of a relationship, since finding out whether they love you means protecting you in time from frivolous and non-binding relationships.
  • How about some nice things? How long has it been since you received a nice little thing from your significant other? And we are not talking about gifts, but about actions. Is he willing to make soup while you're sick? Or maybe refuel your car while you're busy? There can be many examples here, the main thing is attitude. Small favors should not be perceived as a burden or obligation. The desire to help a loved one is quite natural.
  • How to understand whether your chosen one loves you is also indicated by the desire to be close. Of course, not every minute of life - this is more like obsession, but if possible. A person who barely finds a minute to meet once or twice a month does not take you seriously. This kind of love story clearly doesn't have a happy ending.
  • Having free space in a relationship is also an important thing. Everyone needs time to be alone with themselves and their thoughts. If lovers do not allow each other to do this, then it is more about possessiveness than about love. Uncontrolled jealousy is a sign of terrible self-doubt (not even in your partner, but in yourself!).

Instead of racking your brains over how to tell if another person loves you, take a closer look at your relationship. Does he/she provide you with real support, or is the relationship painful and problematic? True love develops healthy relationships based on mutual support and mutual assistance. Do you understand each other's aspirations or do you neglect them? This is a question that must be answered in order to determine the vector of relations.


When wondering how to know if my significant other loves me, look first into his/her eyes. It’s not for nothing that they are called the mirror of the soul. Every person likes a look full of tenderness and love. And how can it be confused with anything?

Charm shines in the eyes of a person who truly loves. And not blindly, but quite consciously. Have you ever noticed how some grown men admire their wives? Perhaps they no longer have an ideal figure, and makeup is not always applied, but in love this does not matter. You look at your soulmate and notice only the sweet fussiness of a good housewife, tenderness towards children and wisdom in conversation. This is exactly what we are talking about.

Love does not allow irritation to creep into your gaze, even with completely absurd behavior. A loved one sees only tenderness and devotion in the eyes in any situation. This cannot be confused with anything else.

It is impossible to find out the exact scheme of how to understand whether another person loves you or not. Still, we are all different. It is difficult for someone to express their feelings in words, and they will prove or show their love exclusively through actions. And someone will be faced with a situation where, in words, a person cannot live even a day without you, but in fact appears only when it is convenient for him. The signs of true love are individual. Certain situations may make you think about the truthfulness of your significant other’s feelings, but only time will help you find out for sure.

How do you know if you love each other? You just need to feel it. Love doesn't appear suddenly. Real feelings require time and many joys and hardships experienced together. Some people cannot accurately answer this question even after 20 years of marriage. Or maybe they can live well together even without this knowledge?

How to find out if a man loves you: 10 phrases of a loving person + 20 signs of sincere love + 7 true signs (a man’s view of the problem).

We all want to love and be loved.

There are happy women who absolutely know that their significant other has sincere, deep feelings for them. But there are those who have to figure out what is hidden behind the beautiful words of their young man: love, lust, lies, emptiness.

How do you know if a man loves you or if a relationship with you is just a game for him? Ask directly? But it’s so easy to lie.

It is better to look not at words, but at actions. And also look for the right signs that will definitely indicate the strength and genuineness of feelings.

How do you know if a man loves you by his behavior, look and other signs?

To find out exactly what your man feels, you just need to take a closer look at him. Move aside for a while your own feelings that blur your view and analyze his actions, words, gestures, etc.

You will easily understand whether he loves you or not if you do not deceive yourself.

1) 10 phrases that men say when they love

  1. "I love you".
  2. “Let me introduce you to my friends/colleagues/family...”
  3. “You are the smartest, I am so lucky to meet you.”
  4. “How many children would you like to have?”
  5. “In the future, I plan...” (you are also in these plans).
  6. “I want you to know more about me.”
  7. "I'm afraid to disappoint you."
  8. “I miss you so much, even though we haven’t seen each other for only two days.”
  9. “I'm worried/worried about you.”
  10. “Dress warmly, it’s cold outside. Please have lunch, don't go hungry all day. I bought fruit and medicine at the pharmacy and am already on my way to you.”

Of course, phrases can be formed in other ways. But I think you understand the general meaning.

A man who loves will not:

  • hide your feelings;
  • hide you from friends and family;
  • be indifferent to your health, well-being, mood;
  • withdraw yourself in difficult moments of your life;
  • don't care what you think about him;
  • hide your past and plans for the future;
  • look for excuses why you can't meet.

2) Actions of a man that will indicate that he loves you

If you come across a silent or stern man who says little but does a lot, do not rush to blame him for not loving you. Just analyze the young man’s actions, not his words.

Actions of a man who truly loves his woman:

    This manifests itself both in small things (packing lunch in your purse after a hard day, feeding you dinner, throwing on your jacket when you are freezing in a light dress under the gusts of a cold wind), and in larger-scale actions: caring for you when you are sick, comfort when you lose a loved one, etc.

    Involving you in your life.

    A man who loves and wants a woman to become a part of his life, quickly:

    • introduce her to his friends and relatives;
    • will show where he lives and works;
    • will try to introduce him to his hobby, etc.

    This will allow him to spend more time with his beloved, and this is what every man in love strives for.

    A man who loves doesn't even need to ask you to help. He listens to you carefully and reacts sensitively to phrases that:

    • your light bulb has burned out;
    • the shelf fell off;
    • the electric kettle broke down;
    • you don’t know how to get to your parents because on Friday evening all the buses are packed;
    • you can’t solve problems with the housing office, etc.

    The desire to help and make a woman’s life easier betrays a man in love.

    The desire to please you.

    He knows what yours are and regularly pleases you with bouquets. The same goes for sweets, favorite restaurants, movies, etc. He is not ashamed to arrange a romantic surprise for his beloved, prepare a delicious dinner, or pleasantly surprise her. He revels in your joy and is happy when you are happy.

    You are an important part of his life.

    A beloved woman occupies one of the main places in a man’s life, while a lady who is not loved is simply one of the components.

    If you constantly feel on the sidelines, if he regularly sacrifices a date with you in order to go to a bar with friends, go fishing, take work for the weekend - there is no talk of any love.

3) 10 more additional signs that will indicate that a man loves you

  1. Looks full of love and a desire to admire you when he thinks that you don’t see it.
  2. The desire to share both sorrows and joys with you.
  3. An adequate response to your mood: the desire to console when you feel bad, maintaining cheerfulness when you feel good.
  4. Constant presence and desire to help when you are stressed, in a bad mood, depressed, during PMS, etc.
  5. The pride a man feels for your victories and achievements.
  6. Lack of selfishness in terms of sex and the desire to please the woman you love, and not just take care of your own satisfaction.
  7. Knowledge and understanding of your tastes, hobbies, likes, dislikes, allergies, etc.
  8. The value of your opinion for him is undeniable.
  9. A loving man will not take out his bad mood on you and pour out his problems on his head in order to throw out his anger, and not to get help or practical advice.
  10. The desire to please your friends and parents, to gain a foothold in your life and become an important part of it.

How to find out that a man does not love you, so as not to waste time on him?

We, women, are creatures of a different make-up than men, so we cannot always understand them.

In my female opinion, the easiest way to understand whether a man loves you or not is to simply feel it. If something confuses you in a relationship, if you don’t fully believe him, and even if you often ask yourself the question: “Does he love you or not?”, most likely there is no true love.

There is sympathy, affection, passion, perhaps love, but this is not enough to enter into a relationship with a man. Where is the guarantee that when you are already married, he will not meet someone he will love with all his soul?

But this is my, female view of the problem. And I would like to know what men think about this.

A male friend of mine, a psychologist by profession, told me several signs that will definitely indicate that a man does not love you:

    He didn't change his habits, his traditional way of life, or his schedule because you showed up.

    All you have been awarded is to take a free place between work, friends, family and hobbies.

    He does not want to spend more time with you, see you more often, or talk a lot on the phone.

    Excessive busyness does not excuse a man - if he loves, then he will have time for his beloved.

    He is not afraid to offend you.

    He simply doesn’t care that some careless words or actions can hurt you.

    He doesn’t want to plan with you not only the distant future (family, children), but even a joint summer vacation.

    He simply answers: “We’ll see, let’s live, then we’ll see, etc.”

    You've caught the guy lying more than once.

    There are two options here - either he is a pathological liar, or he simply doesn’t care about how you deal with lies. Neither the first nor the second option is an option for you.

    He doesn't try to make your life easier or help you in difficult situations.

    No, if you ask for help, you get it, but a man in love knows when to lend his shoulder.

    He doesn't accept you for who you are.

    A man who loves will not notice any female shortcomings at first; he will forgive even what previously irritated him.

    Grinding in and smoothing of sharp corners occurs later. For example, I am an ardent opponent of smoking, I once dated a girl who smoked because I fell in love like a boy.

    If he finds fault with you, tries to change you, adjust it to suit himself, he definitely doesn’t like you.

Loves – doesn’t love: find out, even if it hurts

Most women, at least once in their lives, have found themselves captive in a debilitating relationship...

I’m not talking now about any kind of violence or connection with the disadvantaged marginalized. I'm talking about relationships that seem to develop logically and bring pleasure, but there is no belief that they will end in something good.

This usually happens when we doubt that we are loved. I was in such a relationship once.

Dima and I met for six months while still at the university. A nice guy, well-mannered, with many positive character traits, purposeful (even in his second year he started working part-time to have his own money), etc.

He treated me wonderfully: he arranged dates, gave me flowers and nice presents, and paid compliments. In general, a good candidate for the role of a soul mate. But something was missing in our relationship. It was only later that I realized that there was not enough love.

No, I loved Dima (well, or at the time I thought I did), but I wasn’t sure of his feelings, although I received several routine “I love you”s. I always wanted to know how he felt about me. This is what exhausted me mentally and did not allow me to relax

How did I manage to find out that Dima still doesn’t love me? I took off my rose-colored glasses and really looked at the attitude towards me. Here's what confused me:

  1. He didn't show genuine concern when I was sick or dealing with some problems.
  2. The man was never upset when our date was postponed for some reason.
  3. Even in the most intimate moments, Dima remained distant - it seemed like he didn’t care whether I was next to him or someone else.
  4. The guy paid too much attention to other girls - and it wasn’t the quick, meaningless glance that all men give at attractive girls, it was an assessment: whether she would be a good replacement for me or not.
  5. I felt like he was lying to me when he talked about his feelings.

We broke up on Valentine's Day. During a romantic dinner, we started talking about feelings. I jokingly asked why Dima was spending this day with me and not with another girl and heard the answer: “Well, I love you.”

And these innermost words sounded like: “Well, I bought a jacket without thinking, now I have to wear it, even though I’m not delighted with it.” And I decided to get the truth from my young man.

We talked for a long time and for the first time sincerely. Over the course of the evening, I still managed to find out that Dima, although he considers me wonderful, does not truly love me.

He felt guilty and tried to persuade me to wait, saying that feelings would come, but I didn’t want to.

Yes, it was painful, yes, leaving him was a difficult decision, but I did not regret that I had achieved such important recognition for myself.

How to find out whether a man loves you or not?

First you need to watch this video:

My advice to you: if you think how to know if a man loves you, think about what you will do if he says: “I don’t love you.” If you are ready for the truth (even bitter), then seek sincere confession. If not, leave everything as it is. It is quite possible that sooner or later he will still love you.

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Hello dear readers of the Samprosvetbyulleten blog!

“How do you know that a man truly loves you? We have been in a relationship for 3 years and doubts began to gnaw at me. My man got a new employee at work and he changed. He had never paid any attention to clothes before. He dressed simply - jeans, a shirt, simple perfume. Now he suddenly began to show off, expensive perfume appeared, silk shirts to match the color of his eyes. Even when we first started dating, he didn't dress up like that. I think it's because of her"- writes Natalya.

« The man said that he loved me, but he himself slept with many women in our city. He was so attentive, always in touch, I couldn’t even imagine that you could deceive like that... Even when everything came out, he continued to swear his love to me. He said that he would stop all these connections. How to understand that a man really loves or is deceiving? I don’t want to step on the same rake in the future!” — Olga writes.

Does he really love me? Such questions often arise for women at the very beginning of dating, when she does not know the man well enough.

Also, sometimes in our lives, somewhere in the middle of a relationship, situations arise when we don’t know what to do, break up or. Such problems always arise from our insecurities and negative past experiences, which often leads to the destruction of trust and we find it difficult to determine the truthfulness of our partner's love.

Development of love

The development of love has its own laws. It all starts with sympathy, which is usually based on external attractiveness, on characteristics of behavior and communication. In sympathy, the main role is played by the feeling of psychological comfort when you are next to this person. At the stage of sympathy, we do not yet know the qualities of a person, his character and characteristics, but we are drawn to him.

Sympathy may precede falling in love or may remain only sympathy.

Falling in love is already a complex, brightly colored emotional experience full of contradictions. As we get to know each other's bad and good qualities, crushes can develop into love or lead to disappointment and .

Women who, during the first months of communication, wonder whether a man loves them, are most likely dealing with sympathy or falling in love.

Love arises from falling in love - this is a long-term state, calm and stable. A person's capacity for love depends on his level of personal maturity. For information on what two important abilities love is made up of, see →.

Love does not love

There are two main signs by which one can judge the depth of a man’s feelings.

1. If a man loves you, his feelings will be reflected in his behavior.

We cannot read minds, but with experience we gain the ability to guess people's thoughts by their behavior. Strictly speaking, to find out whether a man loves you, look at his behavior and actions, and pay less attention to just his words. He can say a hundred times that he loves you, but inside himself he believes that you are, after all, an unsuitable woman for him.

Ask yourself questions:

  1. What does he do for me?
  2. How does he behave with me?

2. If a man loves you, he will share his resources with you.

A man's most important resources are:

  • Its time
  • Friends and social connections
  • Humor and creativity
  • Life experience and practical skills
  • Achievements and material resources

Ask yourself questions:

When a man loves:

Love manifests itself in caring, responsibility, respect and is associated with a person’s personal maturity. When a woman meets a psychologically mature man, capable of loving and taking responsibility, when she feels his respect, care and tenderness, she will no longer have questions about whether he really loves her.

This article will discuss a very delicate and difficult topic: how to understand whether a person you really like loves you? This issue worries a huge number of people, both women and men. Let's figure out together what signs you can use to determine true love.

Why is he always nearby

Let's say you work together with the person you are interested in in the same organization, or study together, or are housemates... There can be a lot of options for such “ifs”. How can you tell if a person loves you - your work colleague, college classmate, etc.? Have you ever noticed that he is always somewhere nearby?

If you always come across him or her nose to nose, wherever you go, this is a reason to think about whether the person is deliberately setting up these spontaneous (at first glance) episodes. Yes, people in love strive to be as close as possible to the object of their desire and try to always be close. If you yourself are forced to constantly provoke nose-to-nose clashes, then this may mean a high degree of your interest, but not a person you like.

Tokens of attention and cute little things

How do you know if a person really loves you? Take a closer look at how attentive he is to you. When you love someone, you try to be aware of his interests, some significant dates. If you were not even congratulated on your birthday, then this is a disappointing sign, and you need to muster up the courage to admit this fact.

People in love do not miss the opportunity to give a gift to someone for whom they have tender feelings, and even if it is just a cute, insignificant trinket - the fact itself is important. The object of love is always greeted with a smile, compliments are given, questions are asked, etc. etc. And even constant banter and teasing are also signs of attention - keep this in mind.

Eyes can say a lot

How can you tell if a person loves you by looking into his eyes? They are said to be the mirror of the soul. Try to do this, and perhaps the question will disappear by itself. It is very useful to sometimes turn to classical literature. Here, for example, is the novel “Anna Karenina” - how did Kitty understand at the ball that Vronsky was absolutely indifferent to her and passionately in love with Anna? In his eyes! The girl looked lovingly into Alexey’s face, and his response glance struck the unfortunate woman with absolute indifference and coldness. And at the same time, when the young man looked at Karenina, his eyes flashed with fire and obvious love.

Sign language

How to find out if you are loved by deciphering body language?

If a man is interested in a woman, then he can behave as follows (according to psychologists):

  • straightens your posture, tightens your stomach;
  • tries to catch your gaze, while his eyes are wide open and express interest, eyebrows are raised;
  • trying to attract your attention, a man can straighten his hair or tie and even shake off non-existent specks of dust from his shoulders;
  • when talking, he tries to touch you with his hand; when walking next to you, he puts his hand on your back or shoulder;
  • if, when a guy looks at you, his pupils dilate and his mouth opens slightly, this indicates obvious sexual interest, etc.

In general, body language is a very individual subject. After all, men can be very shy, and then when the woman they love appears, contrary to what was stated above, they will shyly look away, blush and behave very unnaturally.

Well, as for ladies, here is a small list of characteristic gestures that can betray their love:

  • Constantly unknowingly straighten their hair.
  • They demonstrate sexuality by tinting their lips.
  • They laugh and talk loudly, trying to attract attention.
  • They try not to sit or stand half-turned towards the object of love, but to turn around to face him, etc.

Is your phone silent or not silent?

Well, how can you tell if a person loves you if you exchanged phone numbers, but for some reason he doesn’t call, citing being very busy and other reasons. Oh, rest assured, a lover will always find time to chat on the phone with the one he loves, and to send a sweet, humorous SMS. Even with a very heavy workload, even during illness or a natural disaster, he will try to be in touch. If the initiative constantly comes only from your side, then you can stop dialing your favorite number and see what happens next... It is possible that your target will understand how much he misses you and will come to his senses.

What if you just take it and ask

If you have read a bunch of articles on the topic of how to find out if they love you; received a lot of advice from friends on this issue, but were still unable to understand the feelings of the one with whom they themselves are head over heels in love, then perhaps the time has come to act more decisively. Indeed, how much you can suffer from the unknown! What if you ask the object of your love and passion about his true feelings?

Of course, you will have to choose some appropriate moment. It could be a friendly party or a corporate event. Everyone is in a good mood, everyone is relaxed, and so are you. In addition, at such events there are usually dances... Once you find yourself in a couple, moving slowly to sensual music, you can hint to the person about your feelings and try to find out about his sympathies.

If he loves, he will be happy to open his heart, but if not, he will most likely start laughing it off. Well, then you will have no choice but to pretend that they were joking, and let it be worse for him, he missed such a chance!

Do you love yourself?

People often ask the question: “How can you tell whether you love someone or not?” And at the same time they cannot understand their own passions. Sometimes love is mistaken for a serious feeling, which arose out of nowhere and which after a while will dissipate without a trace if you do not focus attention on it.

In order not to suffer in vain and not to swim in false illusions, you need to engage in introspection in time. How do you know if you love? First you need to ask yourself, what exactly is your interest based on: some qualities of the object or simply external data? Or maybe your interest is fueled by his wild popularity among others? But there's an old saying about this that says that not all that glitters is gold.

Observe the person from the outside. Surely he has some shortcomings... But if, in spite of everything, your attention is focused on his merits alone, then this serves as a definite sign. Oh those rose-colored glasses of love!


In parting, let's say that it is important not just to read the advice that answers the question of how to understand whether a person loves you, but to take the information into service. But it often happens that, despite all the signs of complete indifference on the part of a person, the interested person continues to manically look for the slightest glimpses of interest in herself. Perhaps it's time to pay attention to another object who is really in love with you? We wish you a meeting with true mutual love. Be happy!

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