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Unpromising relationship with a married man. Relationship between a married man and a married woman. Is it easy to be a lover?

Very often, a relationship with a married man at first seems like a sweet adventure. Gifts, invitations to restaurants and various events, beautiful words, passionate SMS, ease and ease in relationships. All this is so charming and pleasing.

Relationship with a married man

There is no need to mix love and affection in a relationship. You are not suffering because you need this man, - you need manifestations of his love and signs of attention, and sometimes just his willingness to go to great lengths for you.

Very often, a relationship with a married man at first seems like a sweet adventure. Gifts, invitations to restaurants and various events, beautiful words, passionate SMS, ease and ease in relationships. All this is so charming and pleasing. But imperceptibly the serene fairy tale begins to turn into a drama, with difficult scenes and bitter experiences. What happens to the heroes of this, until recently so attractive, novel?

I often receive letters from women - lovers, participants in love triangles. And in their sad stories again and again I see manifestations of the tragedy of dependent relationships. You know, those who do not suffer from this mental illness simply do not experience the internal torment and tossing that these women describe. But there are not many such harmonious people with hearts open to the world in this world.

Exhausting relationship with a married man

My affair with a married man has been going on for four years. At first, I treated our relationship lightly and did not take it seriously...

He became very interested in me and started courting me. I liked these signs of attention - flowers, gifts... constant calls. And I reciprocated... But I rather allowed myself to be loved and looked after without getting drawn into a relationship. I didn't care that he had a wife. I even felt sorry for her. I felt like a queen, loved and adored, and only accepted the rules of this game. And I was never jealous.

But gradually I began to get used to it. And then my troubles began.

I worried every time he returned to his family. She behaved like a hysteric. I really wanted his love, although I tried not to show it. I couldn't continue to hide my feelings while maintaining my dignity.

Another three months passed, and I gave him my ultimatum: either me or his wife. We both felt very bad and the joy left the relationship. In addition, it began to seem to me that he was simply using me, which depressed me even more.

As a result, our relationship completely drained my strength. And I decided that we should break up.

It was very difficult for me to decide on this - how to tear off a part of myself.

It was a very difficult few weeks. And then I met another man, and we started dating. Of course, it couldn’t be called love, but this relationship supported me.

I felt like I was starting a new life: I made plans, set new goals for myself. And suddenly He came back into my life again.

He insists that he is in love, that he cannot imagine life without me, and even wants to leave the family.

Of course, this flatters me. But I understand that I don’t want to renew the relationship again. His words do not make me happy at all, but before I was so looking forward to such a proposal and would have been happy with the decision he made.

Why is it so difficult for me to understand myself? And why do I feel needed and loved only in frivolous relationships?

The situation when women succumb to the charms of a persistently courting married man, and then suffer from the cooling of his feelings, is quite typical. As soon as the gentleman reduces his pressure, the lady already falls into despair because she is afraid of becoming uninteresting to him.

However, let's not confuse love and affection in relationships...

Signs of addiction

People often mistake a strong attraction to each other, a desire to be together, for love, although all this indicates exactly the opposite - not about true love, but about the manifestation of dependence. About a child’s desire to feel attention, care, and warmth.

Dependent relationships are characterized by a sense of ownership towards the object of attachment, a desire to merge with him and control his life. A dependent person cannot let anyone or anything into the space of relationships, be it friends, hobbies or work.

Realizing your own dependence is difficult, especially at the beginning of a relationship. Because during this period you are not yet faced with fears and pain in your soul. You glide across the surface of consciousness, and everything is perceived easily and naturally. The fact that a man is married and has a family is easily accepted at the beginning of a relationship. A married man is an easy and interesting adventure.

As long as you don't become seriously attached to your boyfriend, you feel free and comfortable. You close your soul from him. The man is trying to win you... and you succumb to his influence. You understand what I mean, right? Surely similar situations have happened in your life.

Most likely, you would not even notice this man in ordinary life, but his persistence and beautiful manner of courtship charmed you. It is precisely the services they provide attentions attracted you. By letting your partner into your life, you have heightened your vulnerability and sensitivity. And your little inner girl, demanding love and care, now strives to keep him close.

Your independence and ease in relationships are leaving you. You begin to perceive your boyfriend's wife as a rival. And inside you, the dramatic scenario of your childhood unfolds - the struggle for the tenderness of a loved one, mixed with the pain and suffering of the soul.

Your affection brings this inner “performance” to life. AND It becomes very important for you to win the fight for a man- so you can finally prove to yourself that you are loved and that you are needed.

And at the same time, inside the unconscious awakens pride, whispering to you that a man is simply comfortable with you, that you deserve the best and should be the only one. Your inner little girl's pride and resentment make your life miserable, full of suffering. And meetings with a man cease to bring joy.

And then you issue an ultimatum...

The abyss of uselessness

A woman invites a man to choose once and for all with whom he stays: with her or with his wife. What is behind this requirement?

This is a childish desire to understand whether they love you or not. It becomes the most important thing for a woman.

If the partner does not make a clear choice in her favor, she decides that he does not need him that someone else was preferred to her. And the offended and disappointed inner girl, supported by pride, begins to attack the one who betrayed her. And an adult woman breaks off her relationship with a man.

This is a gentle separation scenario - the attachment in this case is not yet so strong. And here if you have become dependent on a man not only emotionally, but also, for example, financially, personally, etc., then the breakup will be even more painful and longer. And then suffering due to separation can last for years, and sometimes for a lifetime.

If after some time the man returns to you, then you will most likely be surprised that you are not at all happy about what is happening. Why?

Because you did not suffer from the fact that you needed this person - you needed manifestations of his love and signs of attention, and sometimes just his willingness to do a lot for you. If you do not receive confirmation of interest in you, then your “love” quickly fades away and the person becomes uninteresting to you.

At the same time, many women continue to hope for years that a man will still satisfy their needs. This hope provokes an exacerbation of internal suffering and struggle. And if the partner does not appear at the moment when this was expected from him, then the woman feels only disappointment, not joy.

Real love

For a woman who truly loves a man, in general, it does not matter exactly when he will come to her and when he will be able to fulfill her desires. Of course, I mean a period of several months, not years.

A loving partner will not force a married man to choose between her and his family, forcing both him and his wife and children to suffer. Because if you truly love someone, you value time spent together, without strings attached.

So what is stopping you from truly loving? Why do you suffer and lose ease and joy in relationships?

Your flow of sincere tender feelings in your heart is blocked by manifestations of addiction. And there can only be one way out: healing from attachments. But it's not easy...

Getting rid of addiction

Excessive affection took root in your soul back in your childhood, when you were dependent on your parents and other close people. If during this period the child encounters problems in relationships, he never becomes truly internally independent. And then an adult continues the mental struggle for his needs, demanding their satisfaction from others - this is the only way he feels happy.

Of course, you can take control of your manifestations of addiction by constantly suppressing them through volitional efforts. But in this case, you will not have the opportunity to reveal your soul to the world, and therefore experience true love. Living in constant tension will not allow you to do this.

The ability to open up is the ability to dive into the depths of your psyche, see and accept yourself as you are. This is the ability to forgive yourself and others.

A true love is a spiritual manifestation. And it’s difficult to get there. This is long and painstaking work.

What does it consist of?

Getting rid of addiction begins not with rejection, but with acceptance of internal pain and suffering.. You just need to admit that they exist. And then - let go: allow them to manifest themselves and “flow” from your soul. You need to be able to immerse yourself in pain and live through it.

Stop blaming a man for your misfortunes and complaining about fate. Try to realize that your experiences are your repeated (reproducing) childhood feelings. And it is important not only to realize this, but to feel it.

Healing the emotional wounds of childhood is difficult, especially alone. It is better to go through this path under the guidance of a competent and experienced mentor (psychologist, trainer, consultant). Being left alone with acute pain can be too difficult.

And remember: Seeking support is not a weakness, but an adult decision. This is the beginning of the path of spiritual development.

And further. I have noticed more than once that women who complain that they are often betrayed are usually themselves prone to betrayal at other moments in life. And often after separating from their husbands, they themselves become the mistresses of married men.

You need to understand the essence of your soul lesson in order to be freed from such situations forever.. When you pass the exam of fate, addiction and betrayal will forever leave your path. Otherwise, you are doomed to constantly repeat suffering and meet people of a certain type.

How to behave in dependent relationships

If you have not yet decided on a deep spiritual transformation and working through your problems, I can only give you some recommendations on how to behave in dependent relationships so that the damage done to your psyche is not so great and painful.

But all your unconscious defenses will remain with you. And this means that the layer of suffering will not disappear from your soul. But the source of true love is hidden precisely under it.

1. Pay attention to your intuition. Remember: if you feel uncomfortable in something, if you don’t like something, don’t do it. Don't agree with your partner's wishes if something doesn't suit you.

If your actions are controlled by the fear of losing a man, you are thereby sending impulses to your offended and suffering inner child, awakening it. But this is what you should avoid. Constantly ask yourself the question: “Do I want this or not?”

2. Don't let a man control your life. Try not to become financially dependent on him - don’t quit your job or study. Otherwise, it will be very difficult for you to break off a painful relationship if necessary.

3. Find a job you enjoy. Find something that inspires you. You must have your own life goals and plans. Don't betray them for a man.

4. Continue to communicate with your friends and family. Don't limit your communication to just your partner.

5. Love your solitude. Remember that your mood should not depend on external objects. Look within yourself for the meaning of your life. And this is possible when you develop spiritually.

6. Remove, tear up all internal associations of joy and happiness associated exclusively with the presence of a man. You can enjoy life on your own.

7. Maintain an optimal distance in relationships, protect your personal boundaries. There is no need to completely merge with your partner. Try to keep track of the moments when all your thoughts revolve only around a man.

Learn your weaknesses and try to avoid them. So, perhaps you know that it is difficult for you to part with your gentleman after a week-long vacation together, or you are strongly attached to him by numerous phone calls. So, limit yourself in communicating with a man.

8. Break up with your man for a while more often.- this way you will not allow your tendency to addiction to manifest itself in full force. Find yourself a hobby, or even better, learn to feel comfortable alone.

9. Don’t leave the solution to all your problems on your partner.- it’s very binding.

10. Don’t isolate yourself, don’t get hung up on your problems. Find someone with whom you can discuss your experiences.

I repeat once again that all these steps are aimed at making it easier to be in an addictive relationship, but they will not heal your psyche. However, everyone decides for themselves how to live and whether it is worth diving into their depths and transforming them.

Of course, if you date men for a long time, break up with them and do not experience any problems or suffering, then you simply do not need these recommendations.

If you feel at ease with your partner only when you have not yet had time to reveal your soul, it means that you are afraid to love, and you are infected with a sense of possessiveness. And I can only advise you to decide to explore your unconscious depths. By engaging with your soul, you can finally open your heart and let love into it. And a full-fledged feeling of life with all its joys and sorrows, believe me, is worth a lot. Published

The simplest way to describe the karmic laws of the Universe is with one phrase known to all mankind, which says: “What goes around comes around.”

The same rule applies in life, especially when it comes to people interfering in family relationships between two people: for this reason, the karma of a married man’s mistress is always negative. Let's take a closer look at this piquant moment, because in the modern world, alas, such phenomena are no longer uncommon.

Lover's karma: how will this affect her future life?

You and I all know very well that you cannot build your happiness on someone else’s grief. And even if for some time everything goes quite smoothly and well, then eventually there will come a moment when it ends. Because a person’s karma has a cumulative effect: retribution for what he has done will not come immediately, but after a while.

Many women are not too concerned about spiritual issues when entering into a relationship with a married man; it seems too insignificant and far-fetched to them. However, when the past years have already left their mark, a belated realization comes that such things do not pass without a trace.

Usually there are two scenarios for such a karmic development of events: a woman remains forever in the form of a mistress, no one marries her and no one truly loves her. She is forced to be content with the role of a body for sexual pleasures all her life, and over time a replacement is inevitably found for her, because women, alas, do not become fresher and more beautiful over the years.

The second scenario: she is still taken as a wife (sometimes by a man who left his wife for his mistress), but very quickly the woman realizes that she is not the only life partner of her gentleman. It becomes clear that the man has someone else “on the side,” and yesterday’s mistress herself finds herself in the place of the deceived wife.

In fact, there is no way to tell in advance which of these two karmic scenarios will befall you if you are dating a married man. This will become clear only with time.

However, not only esotericists talk about the inevitability of such consequences. It’s interesting that even psychologists know about this nuance, calling it “mistress syndrome.” This is explained simply: a woman who secretly meets with a married man gives him an unspoken instruction that she is ready to play a second role and not be a primary character in his life.

A man initially perceives such a relationship as easy and unobtrusive, and the mistress herself as a temporary phenomenon. She is not assigned the role of a life partner, she is not considered by a man as a potential beloved woman.

Initially, such relationships are built on the fact that both are quite satisfied with this picture: the man has a wife with whom he lives, and his mistress serves as a “girlfriend for the night”, who can be contacted as needed. This is why most unfaithful married men initially do not consider their mistresses seriously and almost none of them leave their wife.

There can be many mistresses, but the wife is almost always the only one, and forever. And therefore you need to be prepared for the fact that the secret woman’s body, which is the main nuance in such relationships, will simply become boring.

But let's return directly to karma. A mistress in this understanding is like the third negative element that destroys the integrity of the union of spouses. Many women naively believe that any blame for an affair lies entirely on the shoulders of the unfaithful spouse, but this is not so.

A relationship with a married man greatly affects the karma of the mistress herself. Moreover, this also applies to those cases when the woman was not aware that the man was busy. For example, if he deliberately hid it. The laws of karma are such that ignorance of certain factors does not exempt us from responsibility - in this karmic postulates are somewhat similar to state laws.

Initially, as noted above, such a relationship may not have any effect on the life of the mistress. This can last a year, two, and sometimes even longer. But then suddenly the moment comes when karma appears on the stage of life - fate presents the score, and it doesn’t matter to it whether you believed in it or not.

Most mistresses, having once agreed to this role, remain so forever. In youth, this can even be convenient - you don’t have to wash your husband’s socks or cook borscht for him, and rare meetings are always filled with passion. But over time, a woman gets used to a man, develops feelings for him, and she already wants more. She is no longer satisfied with the fact that he shares a bed with his wife, that she is not the only one in his life.

It’s also annoying that you have to hide and hide when a man walks freely arm in arm with his legal wife down the street. Also, at a certain age, there is a need to become a mother, to take care of someone, to have a wedding, to have a permanent life partner who is always nearby, and not just in the evenings several times a week.

And here deferred karma often comes - the men around do not see a woman as a potential wife or companion, they easily go to bed with her, but do not intend to build a relationship with her.

So it turns out that there is nothing left for her - the role of an eternal lover becomes a way of life. It’s just that more and more attractive young and frivolous girls are appearing around, and any man would be more willing to have an affair with them than with a mature lady. Therefore, it is impossible to play such a role all your life. As a result, the woman is left completely alone.

As retribution, another unpleasant moment awaits her - she is deprived of the opportunity to be loved. A mistress is a person who is guided by the call of the flesh, just like a married man. Their relationship is built on a fleeting infatuation, on the desire to experience new feelings in bed, to diversify their sex life.

This is not a full-fledged union of two principles - male and female; there is no love and deep affection here. And therefore, for fleeting passion and lust, fate responds in the same way - a mistress makes men want to take possession of her body for a while, but not take care of her for the rest of her life, and certainly not become her life partner.

It was noted above that sometimes some of them are lucky, so to speak - a man decides to leave his legal wife and begins to live with his mistress. But this idyll does not last long, because the mistress cannot satisfy the deeper needs of a man - he simply did not initially consider her in this role, and therefore will never be able to.

Feeling a deep lack of something else, the husband is forced to go back in search of a woman - and then the mistress herself, who has become a wife, finds herself deceived. This is a real vicious circle that destroys the lives of both and deprives them of happiness.

What advice can you give to a woman who has decided to become the secret lover of a married man? First of all, think about whether you are comfortable with this prospect. And to be more precise: such relations do not and cannot have any prospects. Even if an unfaithful spouse leaves his wife and goes to you, nothing good will come of it, you will not have a full-fledged and strong family.

In addition, it is believed that if a mistress becomes pregnant by a married man, then there is a high probability that she will have a girl. And the child will be doomed to an equally enviable fate - usually such girls have sexual intercourse early, they are unhappy in their personal lives, they are persistently unlucky in marriage and spend most of their lives wandering from one man to another.

Karma of a man who has a mistress: deprivation of sexual power

We must not miss the other side of the coin - a man who has decided to cheat. Naturally, without his active desire and consent, an affair on the side is simply impossible. Therefore, it depends on the spouse whether he will have someone “on the side” or not.

There is still an opinion that the stronger sex is weaker in matters of fidelity and that it is much harder for a man not to cheat than for a woman. But this is a myth; in fact, there is no connection to gender here and everything depends only on character, on the degree of upbringing, on the spiritual level of development.

People who are not distinguished by high intelligence are most inclined to follow the lead of primitive instincts, because this gives a certain unsteady sense of the meaning of life, that it is not in vain.

A cheating man does not become such under the influence of certain external or external factors; he is always such. Therefore, you cannot say that “there was just a moment of weakness” or come up with another excuse for yourself.

One could even argue that it is a matter of time. Usually this time comes when the first wave of passion subsides, when the spouses have been living together for a sufficient number of years. But some husbands do not hesitate to run “on the side” immediately after the wedding, while others have affairs even before it.

Of course, we all come into this world with some higher purpose. And in order to achieve it, we are forced to overcome many difficulties, including constantly fighting with ourselves, our weaknesses and base motives.

If a person does not know how to do this, and even indulges in them, then ultimately he embarks on the path of self-destruction. First of all, a cheating man, naturally, loses his family. Then he begins to have career problems, life difficulties and inexplicable problems that fall one after another.

After this, health often deteriorates - but not even as a consequence of karma, but against the background of constant stress.

As long as a man has both a wife and a mistress, he can feel unsurpassed, strong and needed. But this won't last forever. Ultimately, there is always the possibility that the wife will leave and the mistress will find a new hobby.

Since an unfaithful man actively indulges his lust, the karmic lesson deprives him of the opportunity to experience sexual pleasure. Very often, a cheating husband begins to have problems with potency, which can develop against the background of an inflammatory process or tumor, or as a consequence of a sexually transmitted disease.

At the same time, mistresses are often plagued by hormonal imbalances and typical female problems - the cycle is irregular, often goes astray, chronic cystitis develops, cysts, adhesions are found on the ovaries, and so on. With age, genitourinary diseases intensify and progress.

In men who seek sensual pleasures “on the side”, the functioning of the sexual chakra is disrupted - its dysfunction leads to the fact that a person becomes obsessed with the desire to feel more sexual pleasure and his needs for sex increase sharply.

Against this background, intellectual development decreases and spiritual growth is inhibited; also, with a blocked sex chakra, a person is not capable of deep, sincere love, which forces him to look for a replacement for these feelings in bed. Neuroses and depression almost always develop from this.

Instead of aggravating this condition and worsening your karma, you should cleanse your energy body of negative energy and seek help from specialists. They will not only help you overcome the painful craving for betrayal and the search for new sensations, but will also convey to you the information that this does not allow you to develop either in your career or in your personal life, since all your energy is directed towards self-destruction.

A cheating man will not only have to work off his karma, but to some extent he is also responsible for the fact that he became involved in the corruption of others - after all, it is the man who initiates secret relationships without abandoning them, which worsens the karma of his mistress.

If the wife finds out about the betrayal and the existence of another woman and feels severe mental pain from this, then the man’s karma will worsen even more, since this is considered a negative action - you cannot make other people suffer.

In this case, the man will pay for everything - both for the fact that he entered into a bad relationship, and for the fact that this affected another woman and ruined her karma, and for the mental suffering caused.

Here we can almost certainly talk about early sexual impotence and loss of health, which will progress against the background of any negative experience. The man later turns out to be of no use to anyone, since he is deprived of even the primitive ability to perform sexual functions, which formed the basis of his life.

This is karmic retribution, which should make the unfaithful husband realize all his mistakes and what a useless and destructive lifestyle he led in the past.

Remember even Casanova - he broke women's hearts, destroyed marriages and started affairs with such ease, as if it were ordinary entertainment for him. Ultimately, he lost everything - his attractive appearance, his health, and the opportunity to indulge his base instincts.

You may notice that in those days there was no reliable contraception and now it is much easier to avoid dangerous sexually transmitted diseases. But this is not the case here - now, instead of syphilis, many are faced with prostatitis, testicular cancer and other oncological diseases that arise in an unknown way.

There are no barriers to karma; you cannot protect yourself from it or protect yourself. Today and tomorrow you can spend your days idly, but the day after tomorrow karmic lessons will begin to take effect.

It is not for nothing that we are given some time before we have to pay for our mistakes. It is reasonable to spend it on correcting what you have done and atone for your guilt before the wife whom you deceived, improve relationships and spend time not on your mistress, but on your family.

The negative karma of a married man’s mistress also arises through the fault of an unfaithful husband, and therefore he will have to pay the most bills. Think about this before you agree to deceive someone who trusts you. Karma never forgives such acts.

When starting a relationship with an initially busy partner, every woman asks herself about the future fate of the union and the consequences of sympathy. If you fall in love with a married man, karma will not necessarily change, but it all depends on your specific role in the development of that family and your feelings. Let's talk about what an illegal union leads to.

What to do if you find a karmic married husband

Sometimes it happens that a karmically destined man turns out to be unfree. As a rule, this happens because this partner turned out to be fateful for another woman. Such an epithet cannot be equated with a “man of destiny”, because in the first case it only means that the husband is a catalyst for some external changes for the lady. At the same time, he is not karmically connected with his wife, since fate initially intended that a spiritually given man would change precisely the woman who has to be content with the role of a mistress.

Karmic punishment from such a turn in life is unlikely to occur unless you deliberately destroy someone else’s family and actively interfere in your partner’s relationship with his wife (or, even worse, with his children). Usually fate corrects its own mistakes, so either the marriage of your loved one will end and he will go to you, or you will still receive from him the same wise experience and the life lesson you need, but in the position of a mistress. In the second case, the woman herself at some point realizes that the union has exhausted itself and decides to end the relationship.

The karmic connection with a married man in this situation will, rather, be healing, so the breakup will be natural and painless.

In such conditions, you can and should fight for your happiness if you can tell yourself with confidence that you trust your partner, believe him, that you love each other mutually. If you even for a minute admit the idea that he is indifferent to your feelings about this situation or may even leave you, you must definitely break off the relationship. Don't be afraid to take the initiative, talk to the person.

Karmic relationships with a married man as punishment

It also happens that a destructive relationship in which a woman finds herself in the status of a mistress turns out to be in itself a punishment for past karmic sins. A lady can repay a debt, for example, because in a previous reincarnation she acted badly towards her cheating husband or his passion.

In this situation, of course, there will be no additional punishment for such a connection. But a woman faces a lot of suffering, worries and emotional unrest, and this cross must be carried with dignity if you really love this person.

Of course, it is not worth giving birth to an illegitimate child, and it is unlikely to succeed, because the punishment may be accompanied by problems with reproductive function or may be related to the health of the baby. Don’t tie your partner to you with your children, because you already feel bad because of the current circumstances, and if your offspring suffer, it will only get worse. If you have such a relationship with a married person, karma can pass on to the next generation because you do not repay the debt.

Typically, this karmic situation resolves on its own when a person has worked off his debt properly and for the required amount of time, and has shown humility and submission to fate. You can break off this relationship, but it is possible that your life will begin to develop in a spiral, and you will again come to the same round of illegal relationships, but with a different partner.

If this happens, it means that you were unable to get out of your previous relationship correctly, and you now need to look for another solution to resolve the problem.

Relationships with a married man: karma as a test

Sometimes this connection acts as a life obstacle aimed at the spiritual growth of both partners. As a rule, a person’s task in such a situation is to muster courage and end mutual suffering, to be honest with oneself and draw the right conclusions. In such a situation, punishment from the law of karma will befall you if you want to cheat and still stay with this partner without changing yourself. There will clearly be no happiness in such conditions.

Radical measures in the form of breaking the union are necessary here, since endless negative emotions from the relationship will only build up new negative karma, which will carry over into your next life. And consciously overcoming a problem, on the contrary, strengthens good karma and protects your future children by strengthening the ancestral energy.

Sometimes it happens that a married partner is given by fate to fulfill a woman’s karmic task. That is, his status does not matter, this person is needed only for a short time so that the lady can change and grow as a person. In such a situation, for example, a woman may become pregnant and be left alone.

If you have a child from a married man, your karma will not get worse as long as you do not destroy someone else's family. This also does not mean that you are being punished in this way for the sins of past reincarnations. It was simply intended by fate that the girl would realize her destiny at the expense of this man, who would not matter later. Under these conditions, a woman, as a rule, does not worry that everything ended this way; she realizes that it is for the better, because she has become wiser.

Harmonious relationship with a married man and karma

Imagine a situation in which a woman is a mistress and is quite happy. The love triangle amuses her, she benefits from the union and does not suffer in any way. In such a situation, perhaps the partner herself is a karmic test or punishment for the legal wife or the husband himself.

In this case, the relationship will end when someone from that family makes a certain right choice. It is also possible for a situation in which neither party suffers at all. If everyone agrees with these conditions, then the karmic consequences of a relationship with a married man will not occur at all, because no one suffers. At the same time, it is very important that children born into the family or already on the outside do not suffer either.

Why you can’t date a married man: karma and consequences

In some cases, unfortunately, none of the situations described above are related to reality. And communication with someone else’s partner is a simple whim and whim of a woman who only makes things worse for herself, because she pollutes her karma and increases the chances of working off heavy debts in subsequent lives.

The mistress lives in the illusion that this is her karmic partner, but she is mistaken and only destroys strong family ties, leading the man of fate away from his destined wife. What does this situation lead to?

Strengthening the karma of a single person

Possessing a man who is not destined for her by fate, a woman loses sight of her potential life-changing partners and truly karmic life partners. As a result, she may remain lonely when the union with her unfree companion ends.

Depletion of stored healthy karma

If there is a meeting with a married man, the karma of the female essence loses some of its healthy energy, since all the potential is spent on the realization of the partner. Historically, nature has developed in such a way that the karmic goal of the weaker sex is to help a man improve himself, get settled in life, find himself and, through this, find himself as a woman.

Being a lover is easy only when you are a self-sufficient woman who enjoys extreme adventures and sex, and also tries not to fall in love with her partners. But it’s difficult for a woman’s nature not to fall in love with someone you sleep with and who treats you with tenderness and understanding. This is the rub.

Being the mistress of the man you love is the worst thing. This is a clear path to a nervous breakdown, because jealousy and hope for a happy outcome are depressing. Alas, men are often not ready to leave their family and cozy nest, preferring to keep their mistress close to them. As a result, we have to count on three scenarios:

1, He leaves his wife, and you start your own family (unlikely - 10%).

2. He leaves you, preferring family warmth and stability (65% probability).

3. He drags out the relationship, and you date until your wife finds out about the relationship (25% chance).

Your wife will most likely do everything she can to make your life hard for at least some time. It will be difficult to survive the betrayal of a loved one and the onslaught from his official other half. This is one of the reasons why psychologists recommend not communicating with your lover’s missus and keeping your relationship a secret.

Consequences of a relationship with a married man in the very near future

At first everything will be simply amazing. The guy is ready to kiss your hands and feet, constantly whisper about love, give gifts and cajole you with a story about how you will celebrate some important holiday together, in a common house. He does this to “glue” you to himself more tightly, and also to convince himself that he is doing everything right. There are two types of men who enter into a long-term relationship with their mistress:

Gentle romantics who want to find a new object of love and inspiration.

Lovelaces, thus proving their superiority. They need to be expected at any moment, desired with all body and soul. They love few people except themselves, so sometimes they even have several mistresses.

Relationships with the first type are pleasant, and if the wife does not find out about them, they will have only positive consequences. And an extramarital union with a second one will only bring tears and nerves, and in the near future. You shouldn’t rely on such people, although it’s especially easy to fall in love with them, because girls adore “bad boys.”

Try to realize as quickly as possible who you are dealing with. But you shouldn’t give all of yourself to the ladies’ man; only separation will be the best solution for both.

What consequences can there be from a relationship between a married woman and a married man?

The worst option is a relationship between a married woman and a married man.

The constant hassle, the need to hide and lie, especially if both have children, just drives you crazy. It can only be worth it if you are in love and are ready to endure all the problems for the sake of it. If it’s just sex between you, it’s better to think about it: does this adventure make sense?

The worst thing that can happen is that your other half will find out about it. And it often turns out that even if you both swore that you don’t need them and love each other, you still break up, returning to your spouses. Some even understand that forgiveness on the part of the rightful soul mate opened their eyes to the feelings hidden in the depths of their souls for her. Sometimes relationships need a release in the form of betrayal in order to begin to appreciate stability, peace and comfort.

It also happens that your significant other does not forgive, and you are left without families, just the two of you. Initially, this may seem like a good idea, but over time, hatred develops towards the one who deprived you of a normal life and forced you to go through a divorce, hysterics, and insults. It’s good when you support each other at such a moment. It’s terrible if everything is not so. This means that you didn’t really need each other, having lost your families for nothing.

Psychologists advise married people to choose only one of two options:

1. Sometimes make love without any obligations (this helps to take your mind off problems around the house and quarrels with spouses).

2. Get together and build your family, telling your spouses about it.

There cannot be intermediate options, since they are the most painful and will only bring disappointment to the lives of many people.

Is having an affair between unfree people a sin?

If you look from the point of view of biblical laws, then the connection between unfree people is a real sin. Everyone remembers the commandment “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife.”

In some religions you can find references to the fact that dating a married man is not a sin. In Islam, for example, polygamy is allowed. But little is said about relationships with a married woman and always negatively. A girl must maintain comfort in the house, remain a good wife and mother, and also be faithful to her husband in all situations. Cheating on your husband is punishable by death in some countries.

In a civilized society, this, of course, does not happen, but cheating on your wife is still more acceptable. It is believed that guys are polygamous by nature, and for girls, banal promiscuity plays a role. In the emancipated world, they are trying to equalize these rights, but on a subconscious level, the love affair of unfree people is still condemned.

Negative consequences of dating a married man according to your zodiac sign If you believe in astrology, you can turn to the stars for help. Find out the Zodiac sign of your beloved man, and you can see what consequences of your relationship are most likely.

ARIES; Stubborn Aries will be with you until the end, telling stories about a happy life together. Most likely, he also tells his wife about love. Be careful with him and keep your distance.

a lion;Lions, with the help of such connections, prove their uniqueness and stroke the ego. They love to play with people for their own pleasure. Don't allow yourself to fall in love with the owner of this sign, otherwise he will steal your heart and faith in love. It's better to step back and let them conquer you.

Sagittarius; Sagittarius understands exactly what he wants. He will never change out of the blue - the decision has been thought through hundreds of times. Most likely, he loves you and will not exchange passion for family comfort with his wife. However, such questions are purely individual.

Calf; A romantic Taurus will give you all of himself, give you gifts and charm you with incredible sex. Taurus rarely lie, but they do it skillfully. There is a high probability that the man will be devoted to you, but leaving the family is too difficult a decision for him. He understands that he is responsible to his family. Virgo;Virgo does not like to cheat and does it only as an urgent need, when everything is completely boring. This fact allows us to believe in stories about a terrible spouse and a quick divorce. But don't get your hopes up too much.

Capricorn; Capricorns, like Leos, are the ladies' men mentioned above. They may have several mistresses, but they will not experience true feelings for any of them. Of course, Capricorn sometimes falls in love - he is a human being. Therefore, first, find out what exactly the representative of this zodiac sign feels towards you.

Twins; Geminis often lead a double life. They like to hide and lie, seem like a different person and seem to love someone else. For them, relationships on the side are a game and a release from family life. You should not completely trust and impose yourself on the twins. They can always find a new object to play with another person.

Scales; Libra soberly weighs the pros and cons before changing. They don't necessarily have to have problems at home. Perhaps the new passion is simply more profitable than the wife, so she is preferred. A relationship with a representative of the Libra sign will be full of amazing moments, but it is unlikely to last longer than a year.

Aquarius; Aquarius is looking for a soul mate. He usually cheats when his wife has moved away and the connection between them has faded away. It is important for him to share news and feel loved. If you give it, he will carry you in his arms. True, he won’t leave the family, but he will definitely give you unforgettable moments.

Cancer; Cancer is very faithful, because relationships with his mistress have a touch of love - he will not cheat just for the sake of physical gain. A representative of this sign is more likely to leave his wife than any other, since he has real and deep feelings for you.

Scorpion; Scorpio cares about quality sex, for which he is willing to cheat. In a relationship with a lover, this moment plays a key role. If you give him what, due to some beliefs and principles, his wife does not give, the relationship will last a long time. But don't expect a happy ending.

Fish;Pisces are kind and do not like to hurt anyone. Usually they endure for the sake of others, trying to hide their emotions. Relationships on the side end quickly and easily, even if they later regret it for the rest of their lives. Give the representative of the sign everything he needs - this is the only way you will keep him near you for a long time.

The psychology of such connections and advice from a psychologist

Weak girls who with all their hearts want to be loved, or girls who are in search of a financial life partner, are capable of dating a married man. Self-sufficient and serious people are unlikely to undertake such a gloomy adventure that does not bode well. Are you still consumed by the abyss of passion?

Then listen to the advice of psychologists:

1. Don't criticize your spouse. Try not to ask about her and generally forget about her for a while when you are near a man.

2. Do not try to contact your loved one’s relatives, and especially your wife, if you value the man. This could be the end of the relationship.

3. Do not create scandals and do not ask to choose one of you, pressure will only lead to separation.

4. Don't change in response. Representatives of the stronger sex value devotion above all else, even if it sounds absurd.

5. Do not impose and fulfill requests. You should not call if your loved one asks you not to do this while he is with his family. Wait patiently for it to dial on its own. The only option when it is worth fighting for a relationship is when a man is already divorcing his wife.

During the divorce, become the best person in the world for him and create a “paradise” where he will come with joy. Then he will be sure that he made the right choice, and you are his real soulmate.

Appreciate such a man, because for your sake he gave up the most precious thing in life - family and stability. Help me find it again without regretting what was lost.

No matter what morality, foundations and norms of behavior dictate to us, relationships outside of marriage have always existed. In harsh Puritan England and at the cheerful court of Louis XIV, women and men alike fell in love recklessly, without bothering to first check whether the object of passion had a soul mate. And then they suffered, were jealous, were tormented by doubts... But in most cases the result was the same, and two people who met at the wrong time diverged forever. And this cup did not bypass you? Well, let's look for the least painful ways out of the deadlock.

Psychologists have written masses of scientific treatises about why men have affairs on the side and will write as many more. There is also a desire to unwind from the family routine. And a midlife crisis, when a mistress is a means for a husband to prove to himself that he is “still wow.” And the pursuit of sensations is a slight “spice”; the danger of being caught adds spice to the relationship, which has not been felt for a long time in the insipid family life. And no one denies the stronger sex sincere feelings. Indeed, it happens: the old love is gone, a new one is shining on the horizon... And yet, a man rarely regards an affair as something serious with far-reaching consequences..

It's the opposite with women. We leave aside young “sharks” who are aimed at hooking up with a wealthy sponsor and squeezing as much material wealth out of him as possible - from the first days of the relationship they understand perfectly well what they are getting into and do not need the help of a psychologist. We are talking about ordinary, “average” women who are ready to remain in the status of a mistress for years, be content with humiliating furtive dates and spend lonely evenings in front of the TV while the man returns home to his legal wife and children. Why are they doing this?

What is serious for a woman can be regarded as a casual affair by a man.
  • Love. It’s not for nothing that feelings are compared to strong wine: it hit your head, made you dizzy, completely turned off your logic, along with your ability to reason coldly and sensibly... And neither your wife nor your children seem like an obstacle anymore. Why, you have “the real thing”! Who better than women knows what intoxication with feelings is?
  • Fear of loneliness. When time passes, and the long-awaited prince is hopelessly lost somewhere on the way to you, it begins to seem like it’s better to have some man nearby than no one at all. Maybe it will work out...
  • “His family has long been a fiction.” And here the Don Juans themselves are trying, vividly describing to the naive listener the sad details of their lives. And they have long been like neighbors with their wife, and they are connected only by their children, and in general, a trip to the registry office for a divorce is not far off, but... Well, then follows a set of reasons, which is determined by the richness of the imagination of each individual man - from “wait until the kids grow up” to the unknown illness of the wife, who is not like a man to leave alone in such a situation.

Reasons to break up: pros and cons

Or maybe it’s not necessary to break off the relationship? It happens that a man leaves the family, and two loving hearts finally begin to beat next to each other. Even if rarely, even in 10 cases out of a hundred! What if you and your loved one are destined to get into the coveted top ten?..

Of course, you can take risks. If you're ready:

  • wait a certain number of years until a man gathers his courage;
  • diligently adjust your life to the schedule and desires of your chosen one, not being able to demand the same for yourself - after all, he has “circumstances!”;
  • For the rest of my life, bear the stigma of being a homewrecker,

– then the relationship can be continued indefinitely. True, you will have to come to terms with the fact that the long-awaited divorce may never happen, while your best years will be missed. And keep in mind the option in which a man, after living with you for a couple of years, will return to the family he left behind. (According to the same harsh statistics, 70% of husbands do exactly this - after all, everything there has long been known, familiar and established, but with you you need to start building a life together from scratch) /

Seven out of ten husbands return to their wives

Psychologist's view

Relationships with a married man are fraught with a number of problems.

First. They initially bear the stamp of something prohibited. Even if you profess the principle “all means are fair in love,” the realization that someone else’s family is collapsing because of you will poison your thoughts at least on a subconscious level. The proverb about happiness, which is not built on the tears of others, exists for a reason.

Second. An affair with a married man is doomed to failure in 90% of cases. And deep down, many young ladies are aware of this! Therefore, such passion, in addition to external pleasant moments, brings a lot of disappointments, bitter night thoughts and emotional wounds.

And finally, the status of a mistress significantly undermines a woman’s peace of mind. She does not go with her chosen one to corporate parties - the man shows up there with his wife. Can't introduce him to friends and parents. She has no clear plans for the future, limiting herself to the vague “when we are together...” At the same time, the lady is deprived of flirting, pleasant courtship from young people, dates - everything that so raises a woman’s self-esteem, because she feels “busy”. As a result, it turns out that the man exists and, as it were, does not. Relationships are present, but without real emotional return and warmth. There are big doubts about how it will all end... What kind of female happiness is there?

Remember, in such relationships the woman positions herself as busy, and the man as free!

‘When so much is behind everything, especially grief, don’t wait for anyone’s support, get on the train, land by the sea.’ Joseph Brodsky

Breaking a long-term relationship with a man you really love is never easy. I want to wait; give a little more time to yourself and him; believe that something is about to change and your loved one will be with you forever... Don’t deceive yourself. If a man is ready to leave his wife, he does it quickly; if he is not ready, he never does. Look around! Why did you decide that it was on this person that the white light converged like a wedge? The person who makes you smart, attractive and self-sufficient! – to play such a humiliating role? Maybe you should value yourself a little more and look for someone who won’t go on dates in secret from his wife, but will surround you with the care and love you deserve and give you a full-fledged family?

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