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Blessing of the newlyweds by the bride's parents before the registry office. Patron images of a married couple. What to do with icons after the wedding

Everything about religion and faith - “prayer for blessing the young groom’s parents” with a detailed description and photographs.


A wedding is a divine service during which the sacrament, blessing and consecration of a Christian marriage is performed.

Before the godparents went to the crown, the mother blessed the bride with an icon

The orphan bride asked for blessings from her godparents or her aunt.

Before going to the crown, the parents bless the bride with an icon and kovriga (round bread): they put the bread on a white tablecloth, place the icon - the tablecloth is tied with a cross, not a knot; the bride kneels, facing the icons, on a fur coat turned upside down. The one who blesses stands behind her, circles the icon and bread first over her head, then onto her right and left shoulders, and says three times: “I bless you with bread and salt, by the grace of the Lord.” If there are no parents, the godmother blesses.

When they bless the crown, the bride does not cry.

After the blessing, the bride is gathered for the crown: she is covered with a shawl with tassels. A cross is sewn into the middle of the shawl - it needs to be on the head. This shawl is taken off in church.

Parental blessing: “May your home be blessed, live until the wedding of your children,” the people will say to the person creating a young family.

Dear children, as we bid you farewell to your new life, we wish you love, happiness, and family well-being. Live in the name of goodness and love. We bless you for a happy marriage and a strong family!

Dear children, ___________ (name of the groom) and _____________ (name of the bride)! We bless you for a strong marriage, for a friendly family. Live in peace and friendship, love and harmony, for your own happiness and for the joy of people! Let the children laugh in your family, let there be peace and prosperity in your home!

Two doves, our dear children! All the best to you, all earthly happiness, prosperity and tranquility to your home, strong prosperity, strong family.

We wish you happiness young

And health and good luck -

Be a good housewife

Happiness, joy in the house,

So that the family does not become poor,

So that the work is in full swing,

So that the wife gives birth to seven heroes on time -

And the girls don’t interfere -

They run the entire farm!

Take care and respect each other, happiness and love to you!

How they left our yard

Good fellow, Prince ___________ (name of the groom),

Yes, a beautiful maiden, Princess ____________ (name of the bride).

From our yard and to the right,

To the right side towards the holy church!

To the holy church for the holy wedding.

How the bells rang with crimson ringing,

Raspberry ringing, wedding bells,

The people were convened with the wedding announcement,

They invited me to a holy wedding.

Oh, you, our children, prince and princess,

Listen to the good word

A kind word is a parental blessing!

Parental blessing for a copyright-by-holiday strong family,

For a strong, friendly and consensual family,

Live, don’t shame your parents, and make money for your children,

Have children - give us more grandchildren,

Add more grandchildren, strengthen the family with strength,

Strengthen your family, thank each other

For love and affection!

If there is land, then more

If the garden is rich,

If the house is good,

If the cow is a good one,

If the daughter is a beauty,

If the son is strong,

If the grief is small,

If happiness is eternal!

We wish you from the bottom of our hearts,

So that you can live in harmony with love,

So that the soul forgets about adversity,

We want to wish that in the new family

Everything we planned together came true.

Today we wish you happiness,

May the Lord protect you from storms and bad weather,

Human language, from pain and illness,

From hard years, from a vicious circle.

And may the Lord give you a lot of passion,

Enthusiasm, ardor and love! And a lot of happiness!

We are ready to wish you everything,

What would you wish for yourself:

Health, joy, happy days

And a lot of smart children!

May the sun always shine pleasantly on you,

Let the blessed rain pour over your head,

We wish you with all our hearts, with all our soul:

Prosperity, harmony, love, peace!

Our dear birds, you have become a young husband and wife. Now a long and happy road of family life lies before you. I want to congratulate you on completing the first step in your new life. How many more such first steps will you take! The birth of your first child, his first word, his first step - you have to experience all this. In the meantime, you are the happiest couple on this planet. I want to wish you only happy days, so that you, like two swans, float through life side by side, warming each other with your warmth. Be happy!

To be honest, I lived a long and happy life with my wife. I would like to wish you the same happy life. But first of all, please accept my sincere congratulations on your wedding, which took place only a few hours ago. This is a very short period of time, but I see that during this period you have proudly managed to maintain a very high level of happiness in your young family. Keep it up!


I want to congratulate you on your marriage.

Keep the warmth that you have acquired,

And do your best,

So as not to waste everything you found.

Live peacefully, amicably, fairly,

So that trouble cannot sneak up on you.

May life be fun and beautiful.

Never part, children.

I want to wish you happiness

And congratulations on your responsible step.

So that you don’t see bad weather in your life,

So that you are close to each other.

My heartfelt congratulations

I can’t put it into words.

I will hug you, my hearts,

I will wrap my arms around you.

There is simply no strength to speak,

Yes, and what to express in words.

You are so beautiful today.

You are warmed by the rays of love.

I would like to briefly congratulate you,

Wish you many years without separation.

And direct you to the true path,

And fasten your hands between you.

Let happiness be endless,

I wish you without any doubts,

So that your love and cordiality

Preserved until the last days.

You are our golden children!

Please accept congratulations from us,

We don't need gratitude

Just always live in peace.

Combining in a worldly union,

You took the oath of allegiance.

And don't be a burden to each other,

As you promised today.


My dear children, you have tasted a piece of the loaf. I want your hearts to retain the warmth that this loaf has preserved for you. Let your house always be full of guests and let everyone get at least a small piece of food. Let the distribution of your first loaf be the copyright-by-holiday beginning of your hospitality.

Our dear ____________________________________ (the mother calls the children by name), I also want to congratulate you on your marriage. Be happy in your union that you have created today. Cherish the warmth of this day for the rest of your life. Save your happiness and increase it many, many times.

Oh, my lovelies. What happiness. They arrived beautiful, elegant, happy. Let me kiss you on both cheeks. Eat some bread and salt and refresh yourself. Oh, joy, well, now I'm happier than ever. Now my lovebirds will always be together.

Congratulations, congratulations. Yes, how beautiful, and how elegant. You can immediately see the bride and groom. Don’t be shy, break some bread and put it in your mouth. Let not only your ears enjoy it. After all, you won’t be satisfied with congratulations alone. Help yourself and treat others.


My son’s wedding is coming soon, and his ticket to the world has been given.

What kind of life will fate present to the child?

The soul is in confusion and fear for the young,

I pray to you, Almighty, give them happiness in their lives!

I will kneel down to atone for my sins.

Just give them happiness, harmony and love.

Let life flow calmly, like a measured river,

And let children be born, bringing peace into their lives.

Parental blessing for newlyweds

With Christian traditions the concept came to us: parental blessing. One of the commandments in the Bible says: “Honor your father and mother, so that the blessing may be upon you. And your life will be long on earth.”

What should a son's blessing before a wedding sound like?

By respecting their parents, children have the key to a happy and long life. The sacrament of weddings says that the prayers of parents confirm the foundations of houses. Therefore, the blessing of parents is very important for children entering into marriage.

Previously, children knew that a happy marriage could not be built without parental blessing. Few young people decided to break this tradition, fearing the consequences. Blessing is an important step, because the son is the future head of the family.

Times have changed, and so have traditions. Young people do not attach the same importance to such formalities. It became a tradition to live together before marriage, sometimes without informing the parents. After living and looking closely at each other, the young people decide to formalize their relationship.

Having entered into a civil marriage, the young spouses decide to have a beautiful wedding ceremony. Parental blessing is valid in any type of marriage. There comes an understanding that young people need it.

Everyone wants to build a family life with a guarantee of prosperity.

Blessing the newlyweds is a serious and responsible step. As the wedding approaches, parents should prepare parting words for family life for the celebration.

How to bless correctly in accordance with God's laws

There are no strict and clear rules for blessing. You can simply adhere to accepted normal standards.

First, the bride receives a blessing from her parents when she announces her decision to get married.

The bride is blessed with an icon of the Most Holy Theotokos. Then the newlyweds are blessed when the bride comes to meet his parents: taking an icon with the image of Jesus Christ, the parents baptize the children three times, saying the words of a blessing prayer, in their own words; wish them well-being, strong family ties, healthy and obedient children, etc.

Some people place these icons in front of the newlyweds during the feast, which is not necessary. Let the icons be in the red corner. Even if the son is not a believer, he still receives a blessing from God, at the request of his parents. Words spoken with love from the heart will reach the Lord. Blessing will protect and preserve this family.

Words of blessing from the son before the wedding on video:

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Words are given great strength and power

Having rich family experience behind them, parents understand what their son needs to strive for. They can give wise instructions to their son, knowing his character, strengths and weaknesses.

Believers know the power of blessing, they know that words spoken from the bottom of their hearts have great power. They can save or harm others.

The Lord is called the God of the Word. What he said came true. Therefore, always watch your speech. Always wish goodness, peace, love. The more you put your soul into your words, the more they will come true.

Your love will always protect and preserve your son, making his life happy.

Meet each other halfway for love

It happens that the parents did not like the bride. Or they think it’s too early for him to start a family; or there is another girl in mind whom you would like to see as your daughter-in-law.

They reject their son's choice and do not give approval for the marriage. There can be no talk of any blessing. Should I treat my son’s decision this way?

Everyone will suffer from such an attitude. It is difficult to find a young man who will abandon his beloved for the sake of obedience to his parents. The son will do his own thing, and the conflict with his parents will turn into painful resentment against each other.

Whoever is wiser will be the first to try to establish peace in the family. Having given up your ambitions, you need to meet each other halfway. It is good if the son listens to the opinion of his parents and does not rush into the wedding. After all, he is still young and does not see many of the nuances of marriage. Often parents foresee what the marriage will be like by withholding a blessing.

Postponing the wedding is not a disaster: parents will be able to get to know their future daughter-in-law better, see her positive qualities, change their attitude towards her and give their blessing for the marriage.

Parents' guidance plays a significant role

When a son goes to fetch a bride, it is advisable to bless him again, just before departure.

In Orthodoxy, it is customary to ask for blessings (permission, approval) before starting any serious undertaking.

You can cross a person close to you in the back. This is also a kind of blessing and protection from troubles. If the family is a believer, then bless your son, as before, with an icon depicting Jesus Christ. Or just say some parting words.

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The Lord will bless and protect the family from adversity

Prayer as a blessing for a son before the wedding. Parting words may vary. There are no strict regulations. Believing parents can select an Orthodox prayer from the prayer book.

You can express your wishes in your own words, there will be no mistakes. Sometimes parents cannot find the words on their own.

You can express your parting words like this: “Just as the Church of Christ is not destroyed, so let your union be persistent and strong. Just as the Lord and the church are one, so you should always be together and live in harmony. Just as the Queen of Heaven, the Mother of God, is pure, so you take care of each other and remain faithful. May the blessing of the Lord always be with you.”

A blessing from the heart for my beloved dear son

  1. Dear son, (name), on this solemn day, listen to our parting words. Please accept my wishes for a good and happy life.

Take care of your family from all troubles, from an evil tongue, quarrels and discord. Live in peace and harmony. May joy and luck accompany family well-being. May happiness never leave your home.

  • Dear son, we bless you for a strong and happy marriage. May your home be a full cup. Let the cheerful laughter of children be heard in it. Be a reliable support and protection of your happiness. Live in the name of love and goodness.
  • Beloved son, (name), live together and happily. Respect and forgive each other, keep peace and warmth in the family. Remember that all troubles recede from those in whom love reigns. Take care of her from her first days until old age. Live in prosperity, may God bless you.
  • Son, (name), may God protect you from storms and sadness; from illness and pain; from the wounds of an evil tongue and the slander of enemies. May wisdom help you overcome all adversity and obstacles along the way. Be happy and always live in harmony with your conscience.

    May your home be full of light, happiness and joy. Take care of your beloved and be her reliable protection. May good luck and prosperity accompany you in all your affairs.

  • My dear son, (name), you have already become an adult and are embarking on an independent path. But I always want to protect you from all troubles and adversity. I want to be a wall around you, so that there are no sorrows and bitter disappointments in your life.

    I would like to level the road you are walking on so that you never deviate from the straight and true path. Until this moment this was my life. Now I hand you over to your Guardian Angel.

    Let him become your protection from all evil and protect your family like the apple of your eye. Have a nice trip, son.

  • Blessings for the wedding

    Marriage is a crucial moment in the life of every person. Every couple should receive a blessing before their wedding or wedding, especially those who live according to Christian rules and principles.

    Blessing of parents for wedding

    Of course, every person wants to receive a blessing from their parents. This is a kind gesture that involves the children receiving warm words and permission to marry. Over time, this tradition is increasingly lost as children become more independent in terms of decision-making over time. Nowadays, almost no one asks for permission, and the blessing, in fact, is simply a good tradition for the happiness of future spouses.

    In the Orthodox world, it is customary for parents to give icons to their children. A blessing for a son’s wedding is expressed by the gift of an icon of the Savior Jesus Christ. You can give your daughter an icon of the Mother of God. Parents' blessings for their child's wedding are accompanied by the following parting words:

    Dear children, (name of the groom) and (name of the bride). We bless you for a long, friendly and bright life together.

    Let there be only peace and friendship, love and harmony between you - for your happiness and for the joy of us - your parents.

    We wish you children's laughter and parental joy, may there be only peace and prosperity in your home, and may troubles be avoided.

    Wedding blessings should reflect all aspects of life, which is what these words above do.

    Prayer before the wedding

    The parent's word plays a decisive role in many weddings. But in addition to the words of your parents, you should bless yourself before getting married. To do this, you can go to church, light a candle for good luck, and pray to Peter and Fevronia of Murom, who are the patrons of newlyweds and lovers. Their union has long been considered a model of Christian faithful marriage.

    Here is a great prayer to say before your wedding:

    Lord our God, in Thy saving sight, who was vouchsafed in Cana of Galilee to show an honest marriage by Thy coming, Thy servants (names) Himself, who now deigned to unite with each other, preserve them in peace and unanimity: show their honest marriage, keep their undefiled bed, keep their undefiled Bless the cohabitation and make me worthy to achieve greatness in old age, doing Your commandments with a pure heart. For You are our God, the God of mercy and salvation, and we send up glory to You, with Your beginningless Father, Your All-Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

    Parents should also open a prayer book on their wedding day and pray for the health and happiness of their child in order to bless him at the very beginning of his responsible journey.

    A wedding is exactly the step that you want to take only once, so the blessings of your parents for the wedding are extremely important. Read prayers, give icons and say every word only from a pure heart. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

    In Christian families, the blessing of parents for a happy family life for their children is a long-standing and carefully observed tradition. It is believed that it will help the young couple in the future and will protect them from the evil eye and adversity. Therefore, even today this ritual is strictly observed at most weddings. The portal will tell you how to greet newlyweds.

    Blessing the daughter before the wedding

    It is believed that parting words from a mother to her daughter before marriage have a special protective power. This ritual is an integral part of our culture. Despite this, it remains one of the most touching and exciting wedding traditions. A blessing from a mother to her daughter means that she fully accepts her choice, and on the wedding day she wishes only happiness to the newlyweds. But we should not forget that the words are addressed not only to the bride, but also to the groom, because on this day they become one.

    According to custom, on the wedding day the groom must come for the bride, undergo a series of tests and pay a ransom for her. Only after this is he allowed to see his betrothed, and it is here that the moment of blessing comes. If several days of celebration are planned, then this ritual is carried out only on the first day, because the features of the second wedding day imply more relaxedness, fun and entertainment.

    In our culture there are two ways of doing this blessing:

    In the first case, the ritual is carried out only with the participation of the newlyweds, parents and godparents in a separate room. The mother of the bride should hold the icon with a towel facing the newlyweds. At the same time, she should not worry about what to say at the moment when she begins to bless the newlyweds with the icon. There are no special formulations to pronounce; it all depends on the sincerity of the parents and their eloquence. But it will be obligatory for the mother to cross her daughter three times, then her future son-in-law, then both, recognizing them as a couple. The father in this case can do the same. After this, the young people should cross themselves and kiss the icon.

    The second blessing, according to Orthodox tradition, takes place after the registry office in the banquet hall. They are met by the groom's parents with icons and a loaf of bread and keep their word. In accordance with the wedding ceremony, the mother-in-law pronounces a blessing to her daughter-in-law as her own daughter. After such a speech, the young people kiss the icons and take bread and salt.

    Icons for blessing newlyweds

    The portal site notes that in order to comply with all the rules, you need to know which icon and how the newlyweds are blessed. For this ritual, two icons are selected:

    • Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.
    • Savior Almighty.

    Kazan Icon of the Mother of God - the most famous and canonical image of the Virgin Mary. She is considered the protector of the Russian people; it was this image that protected Russia during the war with the Polish army. It is her mother who blesses her daughter before the wedding, uttering beautiful words.

    Icon "Savior Almighty"- also a traditional image, but this time of Christ. On it, the Son of God holds the Gospel in one hand, pointing out the path of salvation, and with the other hand blesses the beholder. With this icon, on the wedding day, the future mother-in-law blesses the groom as her own son, so that she guides the head of the family and protects the family.

    Nowadays, icons are used both individually and in folding format - the so-called wedding couple. It represents both images connected together and which can be folded.

    In addition, some icons can be given as a wedding gift to newlyweds from guests. Wedding traditions and customs say that the icon of Peter and Fevronia of Murom, symbolizing family happiness and love, is best suited. It is considered miraculous and can be prayed to for well-being. The design of the image in this case does not matter and depends on the imagination and financial capabilities of the donor.

    Where does a wedding begin? Not from the painting in the registry office, but from the parental duty to bless the children. How to do this, what to say to the newlyweds and what icon to use? Read the answers to these questions on the portal.

    First blessing

    Young people receive their very first blessing during matchmaking, when they first declare their intention to get married. Parents give their approval and talk about how important it is to think everything over carefully and not make a mistake in choosing a companion. After some time, the wedding day arrives.

    The road to the registry office may be very short, but it is very important, because... leads to a new life, a family one, with new difficulties and joys. And like before any important road, you need parting words. But on this day the man also has a path to his bride, which is also very exciting.

    Blessing the son before the wedding

    The blessing of a daughter is an important wedding ceremony. Usually this is done before the newlyweds leave for the registry office, but on this day the mother really wants to be a little alone with her child and talk to her. When to do this if every minute is scheduled? Getting ready for the bride is one of the most touching and exciting moments of the wedding day. It is both difficult and joyful for the mother, because she is giving her beloved, beautiful, intelligent daughter in marriage: words of blessing must be said before the groom comes to buy the bride and the wedding begins. Help your daughter put on her dress, and in the process tell her how much you love her, what you wish for her and advise her - she will remember these moments for the rest of her life.

    Blessing the newlyweds before the wedding

    And finally, all the obstacles were passed and the young people met. They are standing on the threshold, ready to go to the registry office and legalize their relationship, all that remains is to give them parting words.

    What icon is needed to bless the newlyweds?

    What icon do parents use to bless newlyweds? To do this, take either one or both icons:

    • Kazan Icon of the Mother of God,
    • icon of Christ the Savior.

    The first is the image of the Mother of God, who has always been the patroness of the Slavic people. Women pray to her for the birth and health of children, for the protection of the family from evil forces and illnesses. Mom blesses her daughter with the face of the Mother of God on her wedding day, away from prying eyes. The wedding in the church also takes place with the help of the image of the Kazan Mother of God. And when you collect the dowry for the bride, put this icon - it will be a talisman for their family hearth.

    The “Savior” icon is an image of Christ holding a book with words from the Gospel. They pray to her both in trouble and in health, asking for the well-being of all family members. The image of Christ the Savior must first be brought into the house of the newly-made spouses - it will bring prosperity. With its help, the mother blesses her son before he leaves for his beloved.

    Do not forget that holy images cannot be held with bare hands, so have a towel ready. Use it to hold the icon during the blessing of children and pass it into the hands of the newlyweds before the wedding.

    How is the blessing ceremony carried out?

    Only the closest people should be in the room. Parents, holding images of saints in their hands, speak a speech that is not written in advance and memorized, and in no case downloaded on the Internet in poetic form. Let these be words coming from the heart, wishes for peace and harmony, happiness and prosperity. As well as instructions to love, respect and appreciate each other, take care of everyone’s feelings and take care of the well-being of the family. If there is holy water in the house, you need to sprinkle the newlyweds with it. Then the mother and father cross the children three times with icons and let them kiss the faces of the saints - after this the wedding can continue, and the newlyweds go to the painting.

    For a long time it was believed that without the blessing of the parents, a young family would not be happy. In modern times, when a huge number of couples live together for a long time and then decide to get married, they don’t always even tell their parents about it. And yet, with the return of wedding rites to modern life, many people want to know how to bless children for marriage correctly.

    A wedding celebration is a happy moment not only for the newlyweds, but also for their relatives. I would like the young family to live happily and long. The blessing of parents in such a situation is important. By blessing their children, parents agree with their child’s choice and wish them eternal goodness and great love. At the same time, it is considered important to observe the ancient ritual.

    Most often, parents bless their children for marriage when they express their desire for marriage. Such a statement is called an engagement. Then the parents take the icon and rebaptize their children three times, while wishing them a strong marriage. There is some kind of sacred sacrament present in this ritual. Even if children are not believers, it is still better to bless them. With a parental blessing, the father and mother seem to call upon God's mercy, God's protection and God's love. Even if you don’t know the prayer well, you can express it in your own words. Because God hears us, even when we have not spoken a word out loud.

    Traditionally, the groom and his parents visit the house of the bride's parents and ask them for their daughter's hand in marriage. If the parents agree to the marriage, then they, together with the groom’s parents, should know how to bless the children for the marriage. More on this later.

    Before the bride and groom go to the registry office, try to go with them to a room where there will be no guests. Don't forget the towel. With its help you should take the icon of the Kazan Mother of God. The image is necessarily directed towards the bride and groom.

    The icon with which the marriage was blessed should be located near the caravan on the festive table during the celebration. After the wedding celebration, the newlyweds will take it away and place it in a holy corner in their home. This icon will become the guardian of their family hearth and the abode of happiness and love.

    Both the parents of the groom and the parents of the bride should know how to bless their son for marriage. This is a very important ritual for creating a happy family. All parents who want the best for their child should observe these ancient rites.

    The blessing of the newlyweds from their parents for a happy family life is considered an important event during the wedding. Christians believe that such words have special power and can influence the future fate of the newlyweds. In ancient times, a marriage could be canceled only because the family did not give its blessing. How to bless newlywed parents correctly?

    Preparation for the ceremony according to church traditions

    The custom of giving blessings at weddings has deep roots. But, since not many people get married these days, the parting words have changed. Now there is an opportunity to carry it out in two ways - in traditional Orthodox traditions or according to a modern simplified version. Orthodox ritual is a serious matter. It must be carried out in accordance with all traditions and requires preparation from all participants in the action. For the modern simplified version of the blessing, no special preparations are required.

    If the newlyweds decide to carry out the ceremony in Orthodox traditions, then first of all they need to inform their parents or those who will bless about the decision (this could be a godfather, a godmother, a brother, a sister, a loved one, if there are no parents). It is important that everyone knows in advance and is not against carrying out the corresponding ceremony.

    An Orthodox blessing obliges each participant in the process to be baptized. If necessary, you need to perform the sacrament of baptism for those who have not done so before. Then they buy icons and a wedding towel, which is needed so as not to take the images with bare hands (this is prohibited). Some icon shops sell special sets for blessing the newlyweds. You will also need to find the text of the blessing. It wouldn’t hurt to consult a priest so you don’t miss anything.

    What icons are used to bless the young?

    For a ritual that will bring well-being to family life, you need to have images such as:

    The Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is one of the most revered icons in Rus'. She has a deep history, and in her type belongs to Hodegetria the Guide. For a long time, prayers for the protection of the native land from invaders were pronounced to Her. It is believed that She is able to protect the house from various troubles and indicate the right decision. The icon has a special meaning for women: they bless their daughter with it upon marriage, and ask for a child in front of her.

    The image of Christ the Savior is the most common icon (“Savior Almighty” or “Savior”). People pray before her in times of happiness and sadness, asking for well-being for all family members. She is blessed with a son while creating a new family.

    Instead of the image of the Savior, they sometimes take Nicholas the Pleasant (the Wonderworker). They believe that it can protect against want and poverty. If there is an icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker at home, then it is believed that he makes sure that not a single family member is in need and lives in abundance. Nikolai Ugodnik is the patron saint of ordinary people who travel, as well as sailors, drivers, and pilots.

    How to properly carry out the blessing of the newlyweds?

    Only by receiving approval for marriage from their parents can young people be sure that their life will be happy, filled with understanding and tenderness, and that love will be a faithful companion for many years of life. There is no single template for the ritual. But often it happens in several stages: first, the bride’s parents give parting words to the newlyweds before going to the registry office, and the groom’s parents - after their return. The ritual of blessing young people with icons is a sacrament, so many prefer to carry it out without prying eyes.

    Approval from the bride's parents

    Upon the groom's arrival at the bride's house, it is customary to organize a ransom. After the young man has passed all the tests, presented a bouquet to the bride and shown his chosen one to the guests, the bride’s parents and newlyweds leave the guests for a while to perform the blessing ceremony. This is how the parents confirm their consent and say parting words to the girl for a happy new life, releasing her to another family.

    Parents take the icon of the Kazan Mother of God (the image should be directed towards the bride and groom), say words of blessing for their daughter, cross them three times and let the girl kiss the icon. After this, they also bless their daughter's chosen one. At the end of the action, the young people tie their hands with a towel - there is a belief: how many knots can be tied, the number of children there will be in the family. After this, the newlyweds go to register their marriage at the registry office or for a wedding in church.

    Wishes of happiness from the groom's parents

    When the newlyweds are sealed in marriage, the young wife must be accepted into the new family. The groom’s parents take the icon of “Christ the Savior” or “Nicholas the Pleasant”, say parting words to the newlyweds and place the banner of the cross on the image. After the blessing, the newlyweds are served bread and salt. The blessing of the wife by the groom's parents is a symbol of the fact that they have accepted her into the family.

    Video: parental blessing of newlyweds for marriage

    An important point when creating a new family is the parental blessing from the relatives of the bride and groom. The future fate and family hearth of the young people depend on their words. For every parent, a child is the most important thing in life, but you need to be able to let them go into adulthood and accept your children’s chosen ones. Watch how the ritual takes place in this video:

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