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How to remove fish oil stains. Remove greasy fish stain

It is not possible to get rid of the smell of fish on clothes and household items the first time. Regular washing does not solve the problem. Exist alternative ways cleaning things using improvised or professional products.

Fish, thanks to its taste and nutritional properties, takes its rightful place on the everyday, holiday or dietary table. The product has the disadvantage of a difficult-to-remove odor that can penetrate and eat into any surfaces or textiles.

Professional dry cleaning Easily removes rotten fishy smell from textiles, carpet, car cover, clothing. The method is not cheap, it takes time, and not everyone has the opportunity to wait several days for an item. The easy way, gives 100% result without special effort, and perfect for some. The rest can, with the participation of available food products and household products remove the unpleasant smell of fish and its grease stains yourself. Of the minuses: the process will take several hours (less dry cleaning), but requires some effort on the part of the housewife - manual soaking, rinsing.

In emergency situations help will come dishwashing liquid, citric acid, laundry soap, ascorbic acid, lemon, bleach, washing powder, stain remover pencil, ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, table vinegar.

Features of removal from different types of fabric

An unpleasant fishy smell can be emitted by things that have not even been in close contact with fish. The aromas of frying will smell on clothes and kitchen utensils, which should be washed as soon as possible. If, when cutting smoked fish, fat gets on the tablecloth or napkins, it will remain greasy mark, if you delay in washing, the stain will eat into the fabric and become rotten. If the smell has permeated your outerwear, special care will be required when cleaning it.

Fabrics can be divided into groups:

  • household (napkins, tablecloths, towels, car covers);
  • colored items that require delicate washing;
  • things in neutral tones;
  • washable outerwear;
  • outerwear that cannot be washed.

The easiest way to remove fishy smells is from the first group of fabrics. Such textiles can be washed, wrung out, bleached, without worrying that things will lose color and shape. You cannot use bleaches or powders with a bleaching effect on colored fabrics, but you can use a stain remover pencil. It will easily remove fish oil stains from clothes while maintaining their color. Things in neutral tones and outerwear that can be washed are soaked and washed when removing odors. It is worth choosing the method of influence carefully. Outerwear that cannot be washed should be subjected to stain removal procedures locally in those places where it came into contact with the fish. If there is no contact, you can try to ventilate things, wrap them in paper, sprinkle them with salt, leaving it on the fabric for several days.

The smell of fish, if it is not deeply ingrained into the fabric, is masked by some with perfume. This is not recommended; the aroma of perfume will disappear over time and will remain tangible only to the owner, and those around you will feel a deep fishy trail.

Review of popular tools

Of the mentioned products that can remove the smell of fish from clothes, most can be found in every kitchen and refrigerator.

Means Mode of application
Lemon Rub the juice of the fruit onto greasy stains, add the juice to the conditioner compartment in the automatic machine, and mix with the powder.
Lemon acid In solution citric acid spoiled items are rinsed by hand and poured into the rinse aid compartment in the washing machine.
Vinegar Clothes are rinsed and soaked in vinegar. Solution concentration: 2 tbsp. spoons of substance per 4 liters. water. Vinegar neutralizes any smell, even rotten fishy smell.
Lemon scented dishwashing liquid It is recommended to use a product with lemon flavor. Dilute the liquid in hot water, lubricate the stain and soak for 2-3 hours. Items cannot be washed in a washing machine! Only by hand!
Laundry soap The darker the soap, the more alkali it contains, the more effectively it removes fish odor from clothes. Lather the stain, prepare a thick soap solution by mixing soap shavings into water, and soak the clothes for 2 hours. Washing and rinsing are allowed in a washing machine, with the addition of citric acid as a flavoring agent.
Ascorbic acid The acid is ideal for conditioning clothes. Add the solution to the rinse aid compartment in the washing machine.
Bleach Bleach, whitening, and chlorine-containing products are not suitable for delicate and colored fabrics, but they do an excellent job of removing odors. The fabric will smell of chlorine; ascorbic or citric acid is used as a conditioner.
Washing powder Powder with a lemon scent in combination with a deodorizing rinse, citric or ascorbic acid instead will help deal with fish odor.
Ammonia Alcohol, water and vinegar in equal parts are effective means against any stench. Soak clothes in the solution for 2 hours, then wash and rinse thoroughly.
Hydrogen peroxide Peroxide does an excellent job of disinfecting woven materials. It can be used by applying it to a scented stain in concentrated form or in an aqueous solution for soaking. Not recommended for use on colored fabrics.

Washing rules

In order to get rid of unpleasant odor fish, clothes must be washed, after removing greasy stains with a special pencil (such as “Udalix”). Perhaps this will be enough.

Grease stains are sprinkled generously before washing. potato starch or salt to degrease the fabric, remove excess fat, and treat it with stain removers. It is necessary to wash at the maximum temperature allowed for a particular fabric, using lemon-scented powder. Before washing, please read the product care instructions! Double rinsing is an additional plus to machine washing in the fight to keep clothes fresh. If the goal was not achieved the first time, it is worth repeating the procedure.

What you shouldn't do

To remove an unpleasant fishy smell from clothes the first time, you need to wash or soak the item as soon as possible after contamination, before the aroma has penetrated into the deep layers of the fabric. When washing, it is not recommended to add other items that do not have a fishy smell to the machine to prevent the smell from spreading to them.

Outerwear cannot always be washed; stains and odors are more difficult to deal with. The skin is wiped with lemon solution, ascorbic acid, hydrogen peroxide. Clothes made from thick fabrics should be dry cleaned to avoid getting damaged. Small spots will eliminate vinegar, lemon, if possible, rinse the treated area in running water. But the best way to get rid of fish smell is not washing, but the precautions taken when purchasing, cutting and preparing the fish.

Since it is quite easy to remove the fishy smell from kitchen utensils, dishes, and the skin of your hands, nothing except washing your clothes will save you.

To be sure, we follow the following algorithm:

  • Soak clothes made from resistant fabrics for 30-40 minutes in a solution consisting of 150 ml of 9% acetic acid 5 liters of hot water, rinse;
  • Hand wash with laundry soap. Dark color its better - it contains more alkali. You can hold it in for a while soapy solution;
  • Then put things in washing machine. Set the temperature program to 40 degrees. We use washing powder. Rinse with conditioner. If the stains are fresh, then this method should help immediately.

Warning! This method is not suitable for very delicate fabrics.

Removing fishy odor from different types of clothing

All tips for neutralizing fish spirits include pre-soaking clothes, especially if the stains are old. Soaking is carried out in various compositions:

  • Citric acid industrial production or lemon juice. Effectively removes absorbed fish odors;
  • Baking soda. After the soaking process, you can load the laundry into the machine, add powder and wash. Rinse with conditioner;
  • Saturated solution easily removes fish smell from clothes table salt. It is better suited for eliminating “aroma” from silk and woolen items. Prepare a saline solution from 1 tbsp. spoons of salt per 200 ml of water. Rub the stain and soak it. Rinse after 1–1.5 hours. Machine wash as usual using fabric softener;
  • Resistant fabrics can be soaked in water for 40 minutes high temperature with vinegar added, rinse. Then wash as usual.

When you need to remove scent from cotton items white, you need to boil them in a concentrated solution laundry soap, grated on a coarse grater. Boil for 30 minutes. Rinse several times, adding 1 tbsp to the last rinse. a spoonful of vinegar.
Oxygen bleach will help remove fish spirits from white clothes made from thin fabrics. Chlorine bleach can damage fabric. Along with removing stains, it will also remove the smell of fish. Modern bleaches are universal, you just need to choose the appropriate preparation.

How to get rid of fish smell on clothes using unconventional methods

In addition to the already familiar, time-tested methods, new, experimental ones are appearing.
This is due to the fact that modern means household chemicals allow us to find more effective methods.

You can find the following recipes on the forums:

The success of eliminating unpleasant fishy odor depends on the speed of your reaction. The more fresh pollution, those more hope deal with them.

  • Before washing, you can immediately wrap the soiled clothes in paper or newspapers, so the smell will not spread and will be partially absorbed by the paper sheets;
  • After washing Better conditions for drying - a well-ventilated place: on the street or on the balcony. Dry and ventilate until the smell disappears completely.

If clothes treated with all known methods continue to smell, there is one more innovation. Neutralizers that appeared on the market different smells completely solve the problem of eliminating them. The active formulas of these products contain natural enzymes that act on the source of odor.

Finding ways to remove the smell of fish is relevant if the soiled items are not of particular value, and you are willing to take risks in trying to cope on your own. Otherwise, it is better to immediately contact a household service. Dry cleaning professionals will save your clothes.

How to remove greasy stains from fish

1. To remove greasy fish stains from clothes, tablecloths, or any other fabric, you don’t need to wait, you need to wash them immediately.
2.An effective remedy is to sprinkle on grease stain potato starch. Starch absorbs all the fat contained on your fabric. After half an hour, remove the starch from the fabric using a brush. Another equally effective way is to pour two tablespoons of water onto one tablespoon of 8% vinegar, then wet the stain, put the product in the washing machine, choosing a washing program suitable for this fabric.
3.If you don’t want to bother with Starch or Vinegar, then use simple stain removers made specifically to combat greasy stains on various fabrics. Vanish type stain remover is applied to the stain during washing. This method will help get rid of odor and greasy stains without much effort.
4.Dried fish stains can be easily removed with glycerin and ammonia. This mixture is made like this: mix 1 teaspoon of glycerin with 2 teaspoons of water, then add six drops of ammonia and thoroughly lubricate the stain and leave it to dry for 20 minutes, then rinse the fabric in a soapy solution and wash in the usual way. A mixture of glycerin and ammonia removes stains from any type of fabric, these include artificial and natural silk, velvet, acetate, velor, guipure.
5.If it happens that you have stained a cotton fabric, then pour warm water into a container, add a cap of bleach that contains chlorine, and soak the fabric for 15 minutes, then wring it out, rinse, and put it in the washing machine, selecting the mode for cotton products.
6.Well, and lastly, another effective way to remove grease stains from any type of fabric is a simple detergent that everyone has in their kitchen. Lubricate your stain generously and leave it to soak for a day, then simply rinse in water and put it in the washing machine. This method is safe for any type of fabric and removes fish stains and odors well.

7. A good remedy Potato flour is used to remove old greasy stains on any surface. Flour should be diluted with water to a thick porridge and grease the contaminated surface with this mixture. After a few hours, you need to remove the remaining slurry with a rag soaked in gasoline. Finally, wipe off any remaining stains with stale black bread.

8. Fill the stain with hydrogen peroxide overnight. Then wash as usual.

9. Pure alcohol will also help remove greasy stains. For this method, add a teaspoon of ammonia and half a teaspoon of gasoline to half a glass of alcohol. Mix well and saturate the stains with this mixture. Then you need to let the fabric dry.

Old - soak the contaminated area in turpentine and then treat it with an appropriate preparation;

b) if the stain is fresh - greasy and oil stains can be removed from light fabrics by immediately sprinkling the contaminated area with chalk powder: leave the chalk for 2-4 hours, then shake off. If necessary, the operation is repeated.

If on the collar outerwear If greasy areas appear, wipe them with a cotton swab moistened with a solution of table salt in 10% ammonia (5 g of salt per 25 g of ammonia).

Sprinkle with salt and rub gently with bread or blotting paper. The salt should be changed several times until the stain disappears.

Grease stains can be removed by rubbing in a paste of potato flour, previously dried over a fire, cooled and mixed with gasoline. Plywood should be placed under the fabric. If the stain is large, you can sprinkle potato flour on the plywood, which will absorb excess gasoline.

You can sprinkle the stain with talcum powder, cover with blotting paper and iron with a not very hot iron. The talc can be left until the next day.

Fresh grease and oil-resin stains can be easily removed with solvents such as gasoline. However, with this method of cleaning, a “halo” often forms around the stain, which disappears only after dry cleaning. Old grease stains are wiped with white soap diluted in gasoline (1:10) and washed off with gasoline after an hour. Fresh grease stains on woolen fabrics can be removed with gasoline or ammonia mixed with hot water.

You can do this: take half a glass of pure alcohol, add a teaspoon of ammonia and half a teaspoon of gasoline to it. Then saturate the stains with this mixture and let the fabric dry.

Fat stains on cotton fabric moistened with turpentine and ironed with a warm iron through blotting paper. A composition containing gasoline cannot be used to clean jersey items on foam rubber.

Stains from vegetable oil, sprat and other canned food in oil easily removed with kerosene. The stain is wiped with a swab, then the item is washed in warm water and soap.

This method is also common. Sprinkle the stain with crushed chalk, press it firmly onto the fabric and leave it overnight. Then they carefully shake off the chalk and finally clean it, lightly touching it with a brush, and the stain disappears.

Fish oil stains can be removed with water mixed with vinegar.

Egg stains It is necessary to remove them in a timely manner, since the proteins that make up the egg eventually turn into insoluble compounds and cannot be removed. Fresh spots eggs can be removed with water with the addition of ammonia; old eggs can be removed with glycerin or a mixture of glycerin and ammonia. Glycerin is heated to 35-40 degrees, rub the stain with a brush, leave for 15-20 minutes, then wash the fabric.

Grease stains on thick clothing synthetic materials sprinkle with potato starch and rub with a damp towel. After drying, brush off the starch. If the stain is not completely gone, repeat the operation.

Grease stains on velvet delete like this. Fill a linen bag with clean, dry, fine, warm sand. Use the bag to tap the stain until it disappears. If this is not enough, moisten the stain with gasoline and treat it with a bag of sand.

People all over the world love fish and fish dishes. However, an unpleasant and even specific smell can appear on things, which will cause a lot of difficulties. It's not so easy to get rid of it, but it is possible. We have prepared for you best methods, as well as tips and tricks on how to remove fish smell from clothes. Follow them to achieve amazing results.


Of course, the first thing you think about when stains or an unpleasant smell has formed on your favorite dress is how to remove the smell of fish from clothes. This really works, but only if the dirt and smell are not strong and have appeared recently.

To make washing more efficient, add a certain amount lemon juice into powder, and also use, which has a pleasant aroma.

Important! Baking soda is a great way to absorb odors. Alternatively, you can simply use it instead of washing powder.


If you are afraid that the machine will not be able to clean the product and eliminate odors, and you don’t want to waste time, then try soaking the item before removing the smell of fish oil from clothes. Here you can use the following options:

  • A similar option is to soak the item in a solution of warm water And small quantity vinegar. Thus, it will be much easier for the machine to cope with the task, and you are guaranteed to receive best result after the first wash.
  • White items are soaked in bleach. The most important thing is that the product does not contain chlorine, which can harm the material. Soak the item in it and leave it for an hour, then put it in the washing machine.

Important! Depending on the circumstances under which you have a problem with the smell of river and sea ​​creatures You may also find our other tips useful:

Dishwashing liquid

If you have an expensive and branded dishwashing detergent at home, then you can also use it to combat fishy smell. These lemon-scented products are especially good:

  1. Pour a little onto the stained area.
  2. Leave for half an hour and then wash by hand.

Important! Please note that in in this case machine washable won't do. This product produces a lot of foam, which deceives the sensors. Thus, not only will things not be washed, but your equipment is at risk of being broken.

Boiling water

It should be noted right away that this method is only suitable for white items made from dense natural fabrics:

  1. Fill half a pan with water and add one piece of laundry soap into it.
  2. Place the container over medium heat, place the clothes inside and bring to a boil.
  3. After this, keep the item in the solution on the fire for another thirty-five minutes.

You will be able to see how well this treatment works - not a trace of the fish smell will remain.

How to remove fish oil smell from clothes?

Even if you are not for a long time In a room with fish, oily traces that you may accidentally develop during a meal can cause stench. To get rid of them:

  1. Heat the glycerin by mixing it with a couple of teaspoons of ammonia.
  2. Apply the resulting liquid to the fabric for an hour.
  3. Afterwards, you need to wash your things.

Dry cleaning

If none of the methods help, which is unlikely to happen, then in this case you really need to turn to dry cleaning specialists for help. They have many more tools and methods in their arsenal to cope with this problem.

  • If your job involves constant contact with fish, and odor control is a regular procedure for you, then try cleaning several things at once - this way you will save cleaning agent.
  • If you have time, wrap the fishy-smelling clothes in sheets before you start washing. plain paper or newspaper - it will be able to absorb most of the “aromas”.
  • After washing, clothes should be dried in a well-ventilated area, or best of all, outside. By the way, also easier in winter, since frost is also a neutralizer of unpleasant odors.

How to protect clothes from the smell of smoked fish?

Of course, this is very difficult to do if you work in a field where you “see” fish every day. The only thing you can do is remember to wear an apron, which will absorb most of the odors.

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