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The largest number of children born by one woman at a time: history, interesting facts. The largest number of children born to one woman. From the book of records! Maximum number of children at a time

Guinness Book of Records


Most children

The largest number of children born to one mother, according to official data, is 69. According to reports made in 1782, between 1725 and 1765. The wife of a Russian peasant Fyodor Vasiliev gave birth 27 times, giving birth to twins 16 times, triplets 7 times and 4 twins 4 times. Of these, only 2 children died in infancy.

Of our contemporaries, Leontina Albina (or Alvina) from San Antonio, Chile, who in 1943-81 is considered the most prolific mother. gave birth to 55 children. As a result of the first 5 pregnancies, she gave birth to triplets, and exclusively male.

Giving birth the most times

A record 38 births are said to have been given to Elizabeth Greenhill of Abbots Langley, c. Hertfordshire, UK. She had 39 children - 32 daughters and 7 sons - and died in 1681.

The oldest woman in labor

At the age of 63, on July 18, 1994, Rosanna Dalla Corta from Viterbo, Italy, gave birth to a boy; before that, she had undergone treatment for infertility. Arceli Keh, 63, also gave birth in 1996, according to the University of Southern California.


128 days prematurely, Brenda Gill's son, James Gill, was born on May 20, 1987 in Ottawa, Ontario Ave., Canada. was 624

The longest intervals between birth actag in multiple pregnancies

Peggy Lynn from Huntington, pc. Pennsylvania! United States, gave birth to a girl, Hanna, on November 11, 1995, and the second of the twins, Erica, was only 84 days old (February 2, 1996).

The longest separation of two twins

Iris Jones and Aro Campbell (b. 1914) met after a 75-year separation.

Multiple births

Siamese twins

United twins began to be called “Siamese” after Chang and Eng Bunkers were born fused in the sternum on May 11, 1811 in the Meklong area in Siam (Thailand). They married Sarah and Adelaide Yates of pc. North Carolina, USA, and had 10 and 12 children, respectively. They died in 1874, and with a difference of 3 hours.

The most extreme form of this phenomenon is a human being with two heads, four arms and two legs. (dicephales tetrabrachius dipus). The only recorded case of this kind is Masha and Dasha Krivoshlyapov, who were born in January 1950. in USSR.

The first successful operation to separate Siamese twins was performed on December 14, 1952 at Mount Sinai Hospital, Cleveland, pc. Ohio, USA, Dr. Jacques S. Geller.

The largest number of multiple births in one family

Maddalena Pomegranate from Italy (b. 1839) had triplets born 15 times.

There is also information about the birth on May 29, 1971 in Philadelphia, pc. Pennsylvania, USA, and in May 1977 in Bagarhat, Bangladesh, 11 twins. In both cases, no child survived.


Oldest person (documented)

In Arles, France, in August 1997, 122-year-old Jeanne Louise Calmat, born February 21, 1875, died. To date, the oldest person is Marie Louise Febron-Meyler, Quebec Ave, Canada, who is 116 years old.

The oldest twin

February 14, 1803 in Effington, pc. Virginia, USA, Eli Shadrak Phipps and John Meshak Phipps were born. Eli was the first to die at the age of 108. It was February 23, 1911.

The oldest triplets

Faith, Hope and Charity Cardwell were born in Elm Mott, pc. Texas, USA, May 18, 1899. Faith was the first to die on October 2, 1994 at the age of 95.

The oldest quadruple

Adolf, Anna-Maria, Emma and Elisabeth Ottmann were born on May 5, 1912. in Munich, Germany. Adolf was the first to die on March 17, 1992, at the age of 79.

Most offspring

In countries where polygamy is legal, a person can have an uncountable number of children. It is said that the Sultan of Morocco Moulay Ismail (1672-1727) by 1703 had 525 sons and 342 daughters, and in 1721, when he was 49 years old, he became the father of the 700th son.

On the day he passed away at the age of 96 in October 1992, Samuel S. Maeth of Freiberg, NY. Pennsylvania, USA, had a total of 824 living descendants: 11 children, 97 grandchildren, 634 great-grandchildren and 82 great-great-grandchildren.

Descendants spanning the largest number of generations

Augusta Bunge from pcs. Wisconsin, USA Became a great-great-great-great-grandmother on January 21, 1989 at the age of 110 when her great-great-great-granddaughter had a son, Christopher John Bollig.

Most living ancestors

At the time of her birth in 1982, Megan Sue Austin, Bar Harbor, pc. Maine, USA, had 19 direct ascendants, which included a full set of grandparents, great-grandparents, and 5 great-great-grandparents relatives.

Most fertile pregnancies

Dr. Gennaro Montanino, Rome, Italy, claims to have removed, in July 1971, the embryos of 10 girls and 5 boys from the uterus of a 35-year-old woman who was 4 months pregnant. This unique case of 15-fertility was the result of infertility pills.

9 children - the largest number in one pregnancy - were born on June 13, 1971 by Geraldine Broadrick in Sydney, Australia. 5 boys and 4 girls were born: 2 boys were stillborn, and none of the rest survived more than 6 days.

The birth of 10 twins (2 boys and 8 girls) is known from reports from Spain (1924), China (1936) and Brazil (April 1946).

infectious diseases

"Ancient" diseases

Already in 1350 BC. in ancient Egypt, cases of leprosy were described.

Egyptian mummies dating back to the 20th Dynasty (1250-1000 BC) have been found to have traces of an infectious liver and kidney disease such as (Tuberculosis Schistosomiasis).

In the biblical Old Testament, and are mentioned.

The “newest” disease

Recently, an infectious disease has been discovered, which is a new type of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, leading to dementia. In all likelihood, the disease is caused by a tiny fragment of a protein called a prion. It is transmitted to humans from infected bovine spongiform encephalitis (BSE) in cattle.

Most widespread disease

The most widespread infectious disease is a disease of the upper respiratory tract. There are at least 40 different viruses (transmitted either through the air or through direct contact) that cause symptoms such as sneezing, sore throat, watery eyes, runny nose, headache, mild fever.

The rarest disease

The rarest disease now is smallpox. In May 1978, the World Health Organization (WHO) did not report a single case of smallpox in the past 6 months. The last fatal case of smallpox occurred in August 1978. A photographer working in a laboratory at the University of Birmingham, UK, became infected from a sample stored for research purposes.

The most dangerous diseases

A mortality rate of over 50% is seen in Lassa fever, an epidemic disease caused by a rare West African virus. Very high mortality was also noted in cercopithecine hemorrhagic fever (Marburg virus disease) and Ebola fever.

Since 1900, cholera has claimed an estimated 20 million lives in India. During outbreaks, if left untreated, the mortality rate can be as high as 50%.

Less common is yellow fever, a viral disease carried by mosquitoes. According to available reports, 10-90% of the sick people die from it.

The most dangerous malaria infection

The largest number of children born to one mother, according to official data, is 69. According to reports made in 1782, between 1725 and 1765. wife of a Russian peasant Fyodor Vasiliev gave birth 27 times, thus producing 16 times twins, 7 times triplets and 4 times 4 twins. Of these, only 2 children died in infancy.

Of our contemporaries, Leontina Albina (or Alvina) from San Antonio, Chile, who in 1943-81 is considered the most prolific mother. gave birth to 55 children. As a result of the first 5 pregnancies, she gave birth to triplets, and exclusively male.

Giving birth the most times

Record number of times - 38 - gave birth, is said to be Elizabeth Greenhill of Abbots Langley, c. Hertfordshire, UK. She had 39 children - 32 daughters and 7 sons - and died in 1681.

The largest number of multiple births in one family

Maddalena Pomegranate from Italy (b. 1839) had triplets born 15 times.

There is also information about the birth on May 29, 1971 in Philadelphia, pc. Pennsylvania, USA, and in May 1977 in Bagarhat, Bangladesh, 11 twins. In both cases, no child survived.

Most fertile pregnancies

Dr. Gennaro Montanino, Rome, Italy, claims to have removed, in July 1971, the embryos of 10 girls and 5 boys from the uterus of a 35-year-old woman who was 4 months pregnant. This unique case of 15-fertility was the result of infertility pills.

9 children - the largest number in one pregnancy - were born on June 13, 1971 by Geraldine Broadrick in Sydney, Australia. 5 boys and 4 girls were born: 2 boys were stillborn, and none of the rest survived more than 6 days.

The birth of 10 twins (2 boys and 8 girls) is known from reports from Spain (1924), China (1936) and Brazil (April 1946).

Most surviving twins

In January 2009, an American woman whose weight ranged from 800 gr. up to 1.4 kg. Six boys and two girls were born at 31 weeks pregnant. By this time, the mother already had six children and she had never been married.

All of the children survived, and the mother, who was dubbed "octomam" by the media, made her record a source of income by starring in various television programs and shows.

The largest father

The largest father in the history of our country is the peasant of the village of Vvedensky Yakov Kirillov, who in 1755 was presented to the court in connection with this (he was then 60 years old). First wife of a peasant gave birth to 57 children: 4 times four, 7 times three, 9 times two and 2 times one. The second wife gave birth to 15 children. Thus, Yakov Kirillov had 72 children from two wives.

The richest grandfather

The richest grandfather is called a resident of Novokuznetsk. And he has 13 children: eleven sons and two daughters.

˙·٠ ● ∀ THE WORLD OF VELES ∀ ● ٠·˙ Fire among the Slavs - mythology and semantics of the image Fire among the Slavs, like most peoples of antiquity, had dualistic attributes. That is, on the one hand, he gave light, warmth and life, and on the other hand, he could act as an unbridled force of elemental destruction. An example for the first case (fire in a positive context) is obvious - this is the fire of the hearth, in which the whole family is heated, on which food is cooked. The second example (fire in a conditionally negative context) is perceived somewhat more difficult, because it is also dualistic. After all, the same forest fire is an unconditional eidolon (the highest incarnation) of destruction and death, it destroys trees and animals. And at the same time, the ash formed as a result of a forest fire nourishes the earth better than any fertilizer, the forest that grows on it instead of the old dense thicket will be strong and beautiful. Thus, the fire among the Slavs simply could not have unambiguously negative characteristics, in fact - like any other non-anthropogenic factor. As for the turnover “spirits of fire among the Slavs”, in this regard, we can recall the firemen. These are the characters of Slavic folklore, who, as our ancestors believed, lived in fire - in any fire, from a barely noticeable candle flame to a raging wall of the already mentioned forest fire. The firemen, as the spirits of fire among the Slavs, did not have unambiguously defined features. It was believed that they change their appearance every minute, like fire itself, which is constantly changing. The spirits of fire among the Slavs could not be "bad" and "good", they were an organic part of the world around them, existing outside of contacts with human society. On the other hand, according to some legends, the priests could communicate with the firemen, they helped to see the future and sometimes shared secret knowledge. The firemen never lied, for "fire cannot lie." Slavic spirits of fire in this regard are fundamentally different from similar mythological creatures from other cultures. After all, the same Ababinili of the Mesoamerican Indians was a clear apotheosis of evil and destruction, and Ormuzd of the Zoroastrians, who was also the embodiment of fire, had only the brightest and most positive characteristics. The spirits of fire among the Slavs simply exist, and with certain knowledge, a person can communicate with them, having received some information. This plot, by the way, is quite vividly and clearly presented in The Blue Bird by M. Maeterlinck, who clearly drew inspiration from the myths of the Slavs. In addition to the spirits of fire, the Slavs had gods that were clearly correlated with this element. First of all, this is Semargl, he was the embodiment of solar, heavenly fire, depicted as a tall warrior with a fiery sword in his hand (although other incarnations of Semargl are known, for example, Finist and the winged dog). It is likely that the Christian Michael was "written off" from Semargl, because as Michael is the "first warrior of the Lord", so Semargl was the main defender of the heavenly throne. And the fiery sword appears in both images. In addition to Semargl, it is fair to recall the blacksmith god Svarog, who is directly associated with the element of fire. Svarog was always depicted with a blacksmith's hammer in his hands, according to legend - he forged ("bungled") the world at the beginning of time. Its most obvious analogue is the Old Norse Wayland. Regarding the god Agni, who is now attributed to the ancient Slavs, there are many questions in terms of the authenticity of the image. That is, for example, in Hinduism, Agni was traditionally the god of fire (in fact, from Sanskrit, his name is translated as “fire”), but we do not have any documentary or archaeological evidence that this image was present in the mythology of the Slavs. Thus, among the Slavs, the fire naturally belonged to one of the original elements, being its “reified” incarnation. Although it is obvious that at the same time there was an understanding of fire as an intangible structure (and this is true for many cultures). After all, we are all well aware of phrases such as “fire of love”, “flame of passion / rage”, “hot heart”, etc. The vastness of the semantics of these images suggests that the fire among the Slavs (the spirits of fire and not only) was an integral part of their life and was perceived as a kind of super-power that is present in a person’s life everywhere, at all levels of being.

The world could not repeat or beat this record. The advantage of the peasant woman was her genetics, which made it possible to produce children in 27 births. Vasilyeva gave birth to twins 16 times (another world record), triplets and four quadruplets were born seven times. Unfortunately, only 67 children survived to adulthood.

It is worth noting that this record is not the final point for Fedor Vasiliev himself. The peasant was married twice. In his first marriage, he had 20 more children. As a result, there were 87 children in a large family. This fact was appreciated even by Catherine the Great, and information about such a large offspring is included in the book "Additions to the Acts of Emperor Peter the Great."

Historians are still arguing about the birth order of the children of the peasant Vasiliev. However, the facts gleaned from house books and issues of the Vedomosti newspaper testify to the excessive fertility of the second wife.

The largest families of our time

If not a single woman has managed to beat the record of the peasant woman Vasilyeva to this day, Fedor Vasilyev himself, with a noticeable advantage, was ahead of the modern Hindu Zion Chan (Sion Khan). A polygamist will be born to 94 children.

An Indian man was able to conceive so many children thanks to his wives - Zion Chan has 39 of them. A huge family lives in a common multi-storey building. The wives of sons and grandchildren of the father-hero live in it. According to conservative estimates, about 180 people live in the house.

According to the father of the family, they begin to prepare for dinner in their house before breakfast. As a rule, wives take part in cooking. To feed so many people, more than a dozen chickens and several carts of vegetables are spent on one meal.

In those countries where polygamy is prohibited, the records are distinguished by "modesty". Leontina Albina, a resident of Chile, came closest to the Vasilyevsky record. She managed to give birth to 55 children and was also listed in the Book of Records.

In modern Russia, there are heroes of childbearing. Today they are Elena and Alexander Shishkin. A Pentecostal family (a branch of Christianity where abortion is strictly prohibited) gave birth to 20 children. Nineteen of them still live with their parents, and the eldest son already has his own family and three kids.

Americans Bob and Michelle Duggar, active supporters of Christianity, did not think about a large family. Initially, their plans included giving life to two or three children. However, after the birth of her first baby and subsequent contraception, the woman suffered a miscarriage that almost cost her her life. After that, the husband and wife decided not to interfere with "God's plans", and surrendered to the will of fate. As a result, they became one of the largest families in America, having given birth and raised 19 children. There could have been more babies, but Michelle's three births ended in the death of babies.

The happiness of becoming parents is not easy for everyone and at first desire. Long gone are the days when people could only pray for the appearance of their babies, hoping for good luck. Modern medicine offers childless couples many methods to fulfill their cherished dreams, which sometimes leads to such unexpected results as multiple pregnancies.

Interesting pages of history

It is known for certain that in 1946 a Brazilian woman gave birth to ten offspring from one mother. History is silent about whether the kids managed to adapt to the world around them. Approximately at the same time, cases of births of the same number were recorded in Spain and China. Little is known about their subsequent fate.

A little more detail can be found about the eight twins of an American citizen, each of whom survived. Another American woman also set an unspoken record for childbearing: in 1998, she had eight children at once, and seven were not only saved from death, but also subsequently raised.

The feat of becoming parents of many children

What is special about pregnancy with several fetuses at once? The reasons that 100% lead to multiple pregnancy are not always amenable to logical explanation, but there is also a completely scientific view. Recently, the appearance of several babies at once is a frequent consequence of the artificial insemination procedure, due to the specific features of its implementation. Previously, such cases occurred rather as a result of a random combination of circumstances or a hereditary predisposition.

In addition, ladies in adulthood should also expect such surprises during fertilization, since before the onset of menopause, the body produces eggs in the mode. They are not immune from the surprise of becoming mothers of many children who, before conception, stopped taking hormonal drugs or took antibiotics for a long time.

Childbirth in multiple pregnancies usually takes place the earlier, the more children a woman bears. This natural process has a number of features in this case, because the work of all body systems of the woman in labor works in an increased mode and consumes much more strength.

Despite the fact that during childbirth such pathologies as uterine bleeding and oxygen starvation of the second fetus are not excluded, the caesarean section is resorted to only under strict indications. If we are talking about pregnancy with four fetuses and above, there is a high probability of death of children after their birth. And therefore, it is necessary to select a medical institution leading an unusual pregnancy, and a doctor taking delivery, with particular scrupulousness.

There is an opinion among the people that a born baby weighing less than average is not a healthy newborn, even if it appeared without any complications and on time. Large children with large height and weight are considered healthy.

pathology or normal

The norm is considered to be a weight of three kilograms, plus or minus 500 grams. We can say - this is a classic weight. "Giants" are considered babies weighing more than five kilograms. The growth of such heroes is also above average and can reach up to 60 centimeters.

However, there are times when even these "heroic" norms exceed by several tens of percent.

Such large babies do not necessarily become giants,. With age, the difference with children with average parameters gradually decreases, and by maturity it disappears altogether. For example, Tom Jarrison, who was born in Texas in 1962, weighed 8.5 kilograms and was 58 centimeters tall. By the age of 10, his weight was already 33 kg, that is, he was within the average norm. At the age of 50, with a height of 175 cm, his body weight was 80 kg. It turns out that nature itself corrects the failures in the development of giant children.

True, not everything is so good. Doctors have been studying such anomalies for several decades. Often born children with excess weight subsequently suffer from diabetes mellitus, they are much more likely to have allergic diseases. This is due to altered muscle tone. Large children born quite often develop neurological diseases. Of course, when such a child is born, it is not necessary that he will manifest all such diseases, but the risk of their occurrence is much greater than that of "average" children.

Just the parents of the baby in the future will need to pay more attention to such factors.

Giant birth records

In the world, appearances with a weight exceeding the norm have long been recorded. The Guinness Book of Records describes many such cases. More recently, a baby was born in Indonesia, whose weight was more than nine kilograms (2009). He was 62 cm tall. The birth of such a child can hardly be called an ordinary birth, most likely it was an extraction from the mother.

Modern medicine is ready for such surprises of nature, so nothing threatened the health of the mother of such a hero. The difficulty was in raising a child after childbirth. Mom constantly had to feed the baby, as he had an increased appetite from his first days. This large baby differed from the rest of the babies in his voice, because he cried much louder than others.

Doctors explain such an increased development of the fetus by the disease of the woman in labor with diabetes mellitus. The largest in the countries of the former CIS is a boy weighing 6.7 kg (Samara) and a girl born in Altai, her weight was 7.7 kg. At the moment, the record holder is a child whose body weight at birth has reached 10.2 kg. This baby was born in 1955 in Italy.

Pregnancy for most women is an expected and happy event, but it happens that it turns out to be multiple. Most often, a woman with multiple pregnancies gives birth to twins or triplets, but is it possible to give birth to six children at a time?

All about multiple pregnancy

A multiple pregnancy is a condition in which two or more embryos develop simultaneously in the uterus. The body of a woman with a multiple pregnancy requires very close attention, so the future mother of many children should treat it with all responsibility. She must observe a special regimen of the day and nutrition, as well as undergo the prevention of possible complications. Children born as a result of multiple pregnancy are called identical or fraternal twins.

Simultaneous maturation from two or more eggs occurs both in one and in two female ovaries at once.

The causes of multiple pregnancy are most often several factors, which include maternal heredity and in vitro fertilization, in which all the eggs planted in the woman's uterus take root and develop. In addition, multiple pregnancy can develop as a result of stimulation of ovulation by hormones that cause increased functioning of the ovaries, as well as with abnormalities of the uterus, represented by its bicornuity or the presence of an intrauterine septum. And, finally, the development of two or more fetuses causes the abolition of hormonal contraceptives after their long-term use.

Six-fetal pregnancy

The most multiple pregnancy reliably known to doctors was nine children, several of whom were born alive, but died in childhood. Subsequently, it became known about the birth of seven and eight twins - in each case, only a few children survived from the pregnancy. Six Indian twins are the first children who managed to survive to one and all.

Now two sixes of twins born in 1983 and 1986 live in England, and two more “sixes” live in Italy and South Africa.

Today, the birth of six children is quite possible, since in recent years the quality of obstetric services and pediatric therapy, as well as the necessary medical equipment, has increased significantly. Today, doctors can successfully give birth to a woman with multiple pregnancies and save children born even fourteen weeks prematurely, whereas before they did not try to save such babies, considering the situation completely hopeless.

Considering the fact that about 131 million children are born in the world every year, it is not surprising that some of them end up with birth defects and anomalies. On average, the weight of newborns is 3.4 kilograms, but the range usually varies between 2.5 and 4.5 kilograms. Only 5% of all newborns typically fall outside this range, which is approximately 655,000 babies worldwide. The chances of survival of such children are usually minimal. Many doctors believe that one of the main causes of abnormal newborn weight is gestational diabetes. Other possible causes are various genetic diseases, but this primarily applies to large children. A large weight can be dangerous for mothers, although scientists were able to find that the average woman is able to tolerate pregnancy normally with a fetus weighing up to 7 kilograms.

Below you can see for yourself the seven largest and seven smallest babies in the world who managed to be born and survive. In most cases, these children are alive and well to this day, suffering from only a small number of complications compared to what could be.

For greater convenience, the list has been divided into two parts: in the first you will learn about the seven largest babies in the world, and in the second - the smallest.

7. George King - 7 kilograms

Jade gave birth to George King in 2013, at the time of his birth, George weighed only 200 grams less than the weight of the heaviest baby in the UK. Ryan and Jade did not expect the baby to be so large, the birth process dragged on for as much as 16 hours. Jade shares his impressions: "When his head appeared, we realized that he was going to be very big. And then his shoulders got stuck, and then all the most painful things began. There were 20-odd doctors in my room, the presence of so many people scared me the most ".

6. JaMichael - 7 kilograms 250 grams

In 2011, an adorable little boy named JaMichael Brown was born in Texas. His mother, Janet Johnson, 39, and her fiancé Michael were stunned when doctors told them their son weighed 7 kilograms and was 61 centimeters tall. Doctors suspect that the reason for such unusual dimensions of the baby was gestational diabetes, which Janet suffered from.

5. Sammisano Otuhiwa - 7 kilograms 300 grams

Sosefina Tagalu gave birth to a son in August 2013 in California. Doctors assumed that the whole boy would be 4.5-6.3 kilograms, but what was their surprise when Sammisano Otuhiwa was born! Sosefina was no less surprised than the doctors when she found out that the boy's weight was 7.3 kilograms. It was a real record in the state of California, the boy bypassed Andrew Jacob Cervantes, who was born a few weeks earlier, whose birth weight was 6.85 kilograms.

4. Stephen Little - 7 kilograms 400 grams

This tiny Australian boy is now an adult, 52-year-old man. When he was born at Kempsey Hospital, located in West Kempsey, Australia, in January 1963, he was the largest newborn in Australia. By the way, Stephen's older brother, Desmond, was born weighing 6.2 kilograms, so the boys' mother was already mentally prepared for the non-standard size of the next son. Fortunately, the other nine children of this woman were not as huge as these two.

3. Nadia - 7 kilograms 720 grams

Nadia was the twelfth child in the family of Tatyana Barabanova from Siberia. The girl was born in 2007, and among her brothers and sisters there are several more "heavyweights".

2. Muhammad Akbar Risuddin - 8 kilograms 670 grams

According to the DailyMail, this boy was the largest newborn in the history of Indonesia. Immediately after birth, he weighed 8.67 kilograms. His mother, Ani, decided to name the boy after the local mayor, Muhammad Akbar Risuddin. The baby was born by caesarean section, the operation was rather complicated due to the size of the fetus, and lasted almost 40 minutes. Muhammad was the third child in the family of Muhammad Hasanuddin and Ani.

1. The heaviest child who ended up in the Guinness Book of Records - 10 kilograms 200 grams

Canadian Anna Haining Bates gave birth to a boy at her home in Seville, Ohio in 1879. The child weighed more than 10 kilograms, and his height was 71 centimeters. Unfortunately, he lived only 11 hours and did not even have time to get an official name. We weren't able to get a photo of him, so use your imagination to imagine an infant the size of a two-year-old.

Now it's the turn of the smallest newborns:

7. Faith - 425 grams

Baby Faith was born at 23 weeks pregnant in March 2013 at the Langone Medical Center in Manhattan, New York. At birth, she weighed only 425 grams. Her mother, 42-year-old Mary Massey, gave birth to a girl 4 months before the expected date.

6. Alexis Clark - 312 grams

After six months of intensive care at the UCSD Medical Center in San Diego, Alexis Clarke was finally able to move into her new home. She was born at 25 weeks pregnant in April 2013 to a woman named Lori Clark. As Lori herself says: "She was smaller than a can of soda, but when I looked at her, I realized - this is my angel." Despite the fact that the chances of survival were about 25%, and Alexis herself experienced several dangerous situations for her health, she was eventually allowed to go home to her family.

5. Madeline Mann - 280 grams

Madeline Mann was born in 1989, at birth her weight was only 280 grams, which was a world record at that time. Despite all the difficulties, she managed to survive: she had two more triplets who died during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. At 27 weeks, her mother decided to have a cesarean because there were fears that she would lose her third child as well. The first few years of her life were incredibly difficult, but today everything is behind her: she plays the violin, studies perfectly and feels great.

4. Kenna Moore - 272 grams

Kenna Moore was an incredible baby when she was born in 2012, she had to spend another half a year in the hospital until the doctors agreed to let her go to her parents. Nicky and Sam Moore, her parents, later learned that she was one of the smallest newborns to have survived. The girl was born at 24 weeks, and her weight was 272 grams. Kenna stopped developing after the first 18 weeks, which caused concern among the doctors, and a decision was made for an early birth.

3. Melinda Star Guido - 269 grams

In 2013, at 24 weeks pregnant, Melinda was born by caesarean section in Los Angeles. Her mother, 22-year-old Heidi Ybarra, was forced to leave her in an incubator for several months before she was able to take her home. Young parents hope that over time their daughter will get better and catch up with her peers in physical development.

2. Tom Tamb - 269 grams

In 2009, another tiny boy was born in Germany. He weighed only 269 grams and was born at 25 weeks pregnant. To survive, he needed 24-hour care, a mass of medical equipment and other life-saving electronics. Fortunately, thanks to timely medical assistance, the boy survived and is now alive and well.

1. Rumaisa Rahman - 244 grams

The world's smallest surviving baby girl was born in September 2004 at Loyola University Medical Center in Maywood, Illinois. At the time of birth, her weight was only 244 grams, while her twin sister weighed 567 grams. The babies were born at 26 weeks into the family of Mahajabin Shaik and Mohammed Abdul Rahman, who moved here from India. After 10 weeks, the girls were able to feed from baby bottles, and laser correction corrected their poor vision (a common problem in all premature babies).

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