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Day of workers of the pharmaceutical and microbiological industry in Belarus. Congratulations on Pharmacist and Pharmacist Day: large selection

Pharmacist's Day for workers in this industry is always quite an exciting and at the same time very pleasant event, which they look forward to with particular impatience. This is due to the fact that on this day, more than ever, pharmacists and pharmacists feel the full importance of own work, accept words of gratitude from the top officials of the country.

It is very pleasant to feel pride in your profession at these moments. And it is not in vain that these people deserve great respect from society, since it is the hard daily work of each pharmacy employee in particular, his dedication, talent, knowledge and experience that is the key to the health of each of us.

Pharmacist's Day is celebrated by all those who have at least some connection to the pharmaceutical industry, which today represents own production and a significant part of domestic products on the market medicines. And in Lately Pharmaceutical enterprises in our country are bringing the conditions for the production of medicines to the level of world requirements.

This situation in this industry cannot but rejoice. Moreover, this evokes respect and pride for the work, perseverance and responsibility that come to the fore for our pharmacists. After all, their calling is to take care of the lives of thousands and thousands of people. And their work is so necessary, since everyone takes medicine from time to time: children, adults, pensioners, ordinary workers, ministers, and the president.

Any modern surgical operation or the most minor one medical procedure today requires high-quality and reliable pharmaceutical support. Therefore, on Pharmacist Day, we should pay tribute to those people who provide this support to everyone.

Pharmacy, like medicine in general, is an ancient specialty. The experience of treatment and knowledge of medicines accumulated over thousands of years remains an important component of civilization’s struggle for existence in various social conditions. At present, the main task of domestic pharmacy is to provide patients with safe and affordable medicines. And this is one of the most important, mandatory and difficult tasks in the health care system.

Pharmacist's Day in Russia does not have a specific date of celebration established by law, but it is customary to celebrate it in September, namely on the third Saturday of this year. autumn month. It is not customary to celebrate this day too magnificently and widely. But without ceremonial awards, congratulations, nice words and gratitude is still in order.

In addition, workers in the pharmaceutical industry on this day hear many warm words, sincere wishes for health, prosperity and creative success. And a sea of ​​flowers and smiles always creates a high mood. Also a mandatory attribute are awards and concert program.

Pharmacist's Day is a holiday when it is worth rewarding for the everyday hard work, high professionalism and perseverance of those people who set their goal to improve the health of each person and the population as a whole. The most important thing we have - our health - depends on their work.

Thanks to their work, many diseases do not pose a serious danger to humanity. And everyone, coming to the pharmacy, expects a hint from the pharmacist.

When Pharmacist Day first received the status of a holiday, the pharmaceutical industry itself was not so developed in our country. Today, we produce almost all dosage forms (liquid, solid and powder).

In addition, a very promising direction of current production is the production of generics. In other words, these are more affordable medicinal analogues of imported drugs, in no way inferior to them in quality and effect.

Pharmaceutical Industry Worker's Day is professional holiday in some countries of the world.

On this day, all pharmacy workers become the center of attention.

This holiday is official for pharmacists, manufacturers, technologists, in short, for everyone associated with this industry.

Why is the profession of a pharmacist so important?

All people more than once in their lives seek help from a doctor or go straight to the nearest pharmacy.

There comes to the rescue knowledgeable person, who can always advise which pills are best to take, for example, for the flu.

Any worker in this field is an intelligent and qualified specialist.

Due to his job, he knows everything about the manufacture, research and sale of drugs.

A pharmacist is responsible for the lives of his clients; by turning to him, a person expects help and further recovery.

This is very important profession for all citizens.

History of the holiday in Russia and other countries

In Russia, this holiday became official quite recently.

In 2013, President Russian Federation signed a Decree in which May 19 is marked as Pharmaceutical Industry Worker's Day.

At the congress in 2014, this idea was supported by people who are directly affected by this holiday.

Why did this particular date become a day of celebration?

It was on May 19, 1581 that the first pharmacy was opened in Russia, which specialized not only in the sale of medicines, but also in their manufacture.

It appeared thanks to Tsar Ivan the Terrible (IV).

When is this day celebrated in other countries?

So in Ukraine “Day” pharmaceutical worker"appeared back in 1999, it is celebrated on the third Saturday of September.

In Belarus, the holiday is called “Day of Workers of the Pharmaceutical and Microbiological Industry”; it is invariably celebrated on October 15.

A little about how this day goes.

Even though the holiday is a celebration, the point is still to demonstrate to the people the importance of all professions in this industry and the industry as a whole.

Every year, congresses and conferences dedicated to pharmaceuticals are held in countries. Distinguished employees are awarded titles and medals.

How to congratulate an employee

It is important to pay attention to the “birthday boy” on this day; congratulations from relatives will pleasantly surprise and touch you on this professional day.

It’s worth writing poems yourself or finding suitable ones on the Internet. Sign a postcard, dedicate nice words to a loved one.

These are the lines that will touch anyone:

You are our family miracle pharmacist!
We will trust you simply without looking back.
And you will write the right recipe.
Fear and illness are playing hide and seek with you!
We say thank you on behalf of everyone,
Who do you give advice to for free?
And if we didn’t have such pharmacies,
How would we be treated? We don't understand this.
I've probably saved a hundred people already.
For runny nose, hives, colds!
And everyone will be forever grateful
For the miraculous effect of the medicinal mixture!
And today you just accept gifts,
Smiles, congratulations to clients!
Dispense happiness pills as prescribed.
Do good, because you have so many tools!

Which gift to choose

When choosing a gift, you need to take into account that the vast majority of workers are women and girls. After all, it’s rare to see a man behind a pharmacy counter.

Therefore, when talking about a present, you can immediately make a bias towards women's gifts.

— Flowers will be an excellent present for any woman. Almost all of them love delicious-smelling bouquets and are delighted with them.

- Any woman will not refuse delicious branded chocolates and other sweets. And even if in large quantities it can harm your figure, it won’t be critical to try another candy on your special day.

It's worth choosing famous brands, thereby emphasizing the solemnity of the occasion.

— Fruit baskets will also please any lady. In addition, it is also useful. And the design of a gift can give an even greater charge positive mood hero of the occasion.

This classic look gifts, familiar and proven. There is another way to bring a smile to the birthday girl’s face. More and more often, people are trying to surprise with their present, to do something unusual.

It is worth considering choosing highly specialized products that are designed specifically for pharmacists. You can find hundreds of such gifts on the Internet.

Here are the most interesting of them:

— Case for the mug. This thing will only become a decoration, but will also keep the drink warm.

And the robe on the cup will always bring a smile and memories of the holiday.

— Handles in the form of a syringe.

— Sweets in the form of tablets and characteristic attributes.

— A pillow on which a doctor’s prescription, instructions for use of the drug or its composition are depicted. You can apply whatever you want!

— Teapots and dishes with appropriate symbols.

— Key holders in the form of medical gowns.

Notebooks in the form of medical records.

— “Aspirin” pillow and many other gifts.

It is important to remember that not only the present itself is important, but also how you give it, what words you say, and how broadly you smile.

Give your loved ones pharmacists real joy. Let them remember this day, if not forever, then at least for a couple of decades!

It just so happens that a person sometimes gets sick. People have different the immune system and she often needs the help of not only a doctor, but also appropriate medications. The production of chemical medicines and substances is carried out by a special production and technological complex of industry - pharmaceuticals. Pharmaceutical products - drugs various directions. These are antibiotics and vitamins, heart medications and drugs for gastrointestinal tract, painkillers, various immunomodulators, excipients and much more. For many of us, this is quite difficult to understand, but not for pharmacists.

Pharmacists are well versed in any group of drugs, are able to determine their quality, because our lives literally depend on it, if necessary, they can select similar cheaper but no less effective substitutes, suggest a safe dosage and do everything to ensure that the treatment prescribed by the doctor is effective. The work of pharmacy pharmacists and all pharmaceutical workers is very important for our health, and today’s holiday clearly emphasizes this.

Pharmaceutical Worker's Day was established by Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 1128/99 of September 7, 1999. On the third Saturday of September in Ukraine, over 350 thousand representatives of this industry celebrate their professional holiday. It is possible that one day World Pharmacists Day will be established.

In the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine, for example, in 2012, more than 5 thousand business entities operated, including 9,456 pharmacies, 5,470 pharmacy points, 6,310 pharmacy kiosks, 927 pharmacy warehouses and almost 7,000 medical institutions. In Russia in 2017, 62.5 thousand pharmacy outlets were registered. The number of pharmacies in the USA is about 67 thousand. As of 2015, about 145 thousand worked in pharmacies in Germany. of people.

The population of Ukraine is provided wide range medicines of Ukrainian and foreign production. Ukrainian medicines are exported to 25 countries. Ceremonial events on Pharmacist Day in Ukraine include all kinds of presentations and presentation of new, more effective and safe drugs for health, promotions and discounts in pharmacies and pharmacy points, especially for preferential categories, as well as free diagnostic procedures, for example, measurement blood pressure etc.

Traditionally, on this day, words of greetings and congratulations will be addressed from the bottom of our hearts to all pharmaceutical organizations and workers. We also cordially join them and on our own behalf wish you health and success!

The professional holiday was established in 1999 by decree of President Leonid Kuchma in support of the initiative of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, as well as taking into account the significant contribution of pharmaceutical industry workers to public health.

Pharmaceutical Worker's Day is a professional holiday not only for manufacturers, but also for all pharmacists (pharmacists), distributors of pharmaceutical products, employees of organizations and institutions exercising control over the quality of medicines. In particular, we're talking about about the State Inspectorate for Quality Control of Medicines (Goslekinspektsiya) and its territorial bodies- Central Laboratory for Analysis of the Quality of Medicines (Kyiv), Dnepropetrovsk Control and Analytical Laboratory, Kharkov State scientific center medicines, etc.

Happy Pharmacist Day

Pharmacists of Ukraine

Happy holiday,

On the recipe for congratulations

I'll leave it for you.

To wish pharmacists

I want success

Invent pills

Joy and laughter.

I wish that in peace

Everyone has become healthy

So that you are the medicine of happiness

Created for people.

Pharmacists in Ukraine

Everyone is smart and cute

Because it's their day

They are not bad at all!

We congratulate you guys

We wish you well,

So that work doesn't interfere

Build amorous affairs!

Congratulations on a wonderful day,

The best pharmacist.

Let life write out happy,

A bright, joyful recipe.

I wish you health

It's a glorious thing to love,

Guru of powders, tablets

Undoubtedly, to be in life.

Let your favorite job

Never get bored

Let only pleasant worries

The bright years fly by.

A pharmacist is sometimes like a doctor to us,

He will listen and help the grief,

And he will prescribe the right treatment,

He knows the theory of medicine.

And all the sick people rush to the pharmacy,

And they are waiting for the pharmacist's advice,

And he will give you the basic pills, -

We all appreciate their excellent work.

2 SMS - 110 characters:

You are the medicine

You make up

All drugs

You know,

Will come in handy

Your advice

On your day

Hello to you!

4 SMS - 234 characters:

Today is pharmacist day

Let happiness be given to them without a prescription,

Let it be only good for them,

And let them be welcome everywhere,

More health and longevity,

Good relationship with loved ones

Good luck in your work and good luck,

And there is enough inspiration for everything!

4 SMS - 204 characters:

Happy holiday!

May you enjoy your work!

May your days pass joyfully!

Let peace reign in the family!

May everyone be healthy

But people are always in a hurry to come to you,

For new vitamins

For adults and children!

Please accept my congratulations on Pharmacist Day! On this day, I want to wish you to be well-versed in your work, to be able to give competent recommendations and to always be held in high esteem! I wish you to enjoy life and appreciate your work, because you really help people become healthy!

Pharmacist - very important person, helping to find the right medicine. On your professional holiday, on Pharmacist’s Day, I want to wish you a great future in which you will invent a pill for all the diseases that exist on the planet! Thank you for important discoveries and findings. Let your happiness and prosperity in life break out of the test tube and begin to please you more and more every day!

On your professional holiday, Pharmacist's Day, accept my congratulations! You work to preserve our health and save lives. Thank you for the effective and safe medicines, because you can buy any drugs in pharmacies. I sincerely wish that you yourself have to use them less often! Be healthy, strong in body and spirit, young in soul and heart.

The date of celebration of Pharmacist Day was set in 1999.

Today pharmacists, pharmacists, and pharmacists celebrate their professional holiday. According to official data, there are about 10 thousand pharmacies, more than 5 thousand pharmacy points and more than 6 thousand pharmacy kiosks in Ukraine. Therefore, Pharmacist Day in Ukraine is celebrated by employees of 5,000 pharmaceutical organizations.

Ceremonial events for Pharmacist Day in Ukraine include various presentations and presentations of new, more effective and safe drugs for health, promotions and discounts in pharmacies and pharmacy points, especially for preferential categories, as well as free diagnostic procedures, for example, measuring blood pressure, etc. .

Traditionally, on this day, words of greetings and congratulations will be addressed to all pharmaceutical organizations and workers from the bottom of their hearts.

Congratulations on Pharmacist Day

Happy Pharmacist's Day, I wish that patients bring legible prescriptions, family and friends never get sick, and you only need vitamins from the pharmacy.

Happy Pharmacist Day,

We wish our colleagues and friends

Prosperity and happiness,

Stability even in days of bad weather.

Health to you and your loved ones,

Love and bright colors life!

A pharmacist is a very important person who helps you find the right medicine. I want to wish you a great future in which you will invent a pill for all the diseases that exist on the planet!

Doctors have terrible handwriting

Who wants to figure it out?!

Ukrainian pharmacist

Will understand any recipe

Make sure every word

And he will prepare the medicine.

Our poem for today

Our cheerful congratulations,

Dedicated to pharmacists,

We congratulate them on the holiday.

We are all ready to celebrate...

Be alive and healthy!

A pharmacist is sometimes like a doctor to us,

He will listen and help the grief,

And he will prescribe the right treatment,

He knows the theory of medicine.

And all the sick people rush to the pharmacy,

And they are waiting for the pharmacist's advice,

And he will give you the basic pills, -

We all appreciate their excellent work.

You are the medicine

You make up

All drugs

You know,

Will come in handy

Your advice

On your day

Hello to you!

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