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Happy birthday to a man in your own words. Short birthday greetings to a man in your own words. Warm words of congratulations to a man on his birthday

I wish your life to be as bright as a clear sunny day, full as a glass of champagne, cloudless as the sky over the desert. And let the lights of hope always shine in the windows of your friends and family, like the stars in the night sky. Be healthy, happy and lucky!

The best beautiful

Happy birthday to a magnificent man, a man of his word and deed. I wish you high potential and wide possibilities in life, good mood And good health, courageous actions and only successful starts, unhindered and easy achievement of goals, true love and great luck along the way.

Heartfelt congratulations in your own words on a man’s birthday

On this joyful day, I wish that money flows like a river, luck always holds your hand tightly, and plans are carried out without difficulties and problems. Let your head be clear, your body always strong, your mood cheerful, and your heart full of mutual love.

Happy birthday greetings to a successful man in your own words

On this day I would like to wish you stability: in health, in relationships, in work. Confidence: in yourself, tomorrow, in love. Reliability: in friends and employees. And perfection in all your deeds and endeavors!

A short birthday greeting to a man in your own words

Amazing man has a birthday today! We sincerely congratulate you, we wish you prosperity, joy, many opportunities, love, smiles, good events, pleasant meetings and wonderful events. Be healthy, strong, always confident in yourself and in the future!

Happy birthday greetings to a man in simple words

Best wishes! Health, happiness, a sea of ​​smiles and love the size of the ocean! And the main thing is to always remain beautiful, smart and charming!

Happy birthday greetings to a man in your own words

We wish you strength: strength of spirit and strength of mind; firmness: in making decisions and achieving goals; confidence: in those who surround you and in yourself. A true man must be strong, smart and firm, and most importantly loved! Meaningful love to you!

Happy birthday words to a young man

Today we wish the hero of the occasion the most important thing - to always remain young! No one will argue that youth is a wonderful state when you are full of strength and energy, plans and hopes, when you daily expect something bright and joyful to happen. When you are young, you are sure that you can do everything, any task can be solved in one, two, three times... Therefore, we wish you not to lose this feeling of carefree youth in your soul! Be happy!

Beautiful happy birthday greetings to a man in your own words

Happy birthday, I want to wish you self-confidence, a profitable, calm and beloved job, stable, strong, big and happy family, unforgettable impressions, expensive car, country house, full house friends, confidence in the future.

A short congratulation toast in your own words, happy birthday to a man from us to you

We wish that life will definitely give you the opportunity to fulfill your dreams, and that you will not miss it. And obstacles on the way will be dispelled by the wind of luck, which will definitely accompany you.

Heartfelt words of congratulations to a man on his birthday

Never let the years that add wisdom and life experience, interfere with the commission of rash and spontaneous actions. They are the ones who give you a feeling of happiness. Never let those around you who make up your social circle influence your own opinion. This is what makes you stand out from the crowd. Never let the troubles that instill in you tolerance and the courage to overcome them, disappoint you in life. Live wisely and be happy!

The best short congratulation toast in your own words on a man’s birthday

Happy birthday to a charming and strong, kind and sweet, strong and wonderful man. I wish you clear goals, true plans, undoubted luck and resounding success in life.

Happy birthday greetings to a man in your own words

Happy Birthday! We wish you how true man, do not dwell on previous conquests, but move forward to new unknown and tempting heights! And we also wish you comfortable temporary stops: at least real life only while moving, but sometimes you need to stop to make sure you are going in the right direction.

Original congratulations in your own words to a man on his birthday

I wish such a wonderful man on his birthday to become professional driver own life when you clearly know where to go and how to be the best, when at the turns of fate only success awaits, and speed adds not transience, but complete happiness!

Successful and wonderful man happy Birthday! You have many happy years ahead - may they be filled with new ambitious goals, the love of loved ones and the recognition of others.

The best beautiful congratulations in your own words to a man

Congratulations! Let parental blessing, support of comrades and love desirable woman, will always be there. Possessing real masculine character, wear the winner’s crown with dignity, set any goals for yourself and consistently achieve new successful results.

Cool words of congratulations to a man on his birthday

Happy birthday! Let there be more sharp turns in your life, let your refrigerator burst at the seams, and let money fall out of your bags. Lives in an aquarium gold fish, fulfilling your every desire, and your favorite kisser and hugger sleeps in the bedroom.

The best short birthday greeting to a man in your own words

Happy birthday to a real man! We wish you to take only what you need from life, not to accumulate too much, not to waste your time on trifles, and to be able to appreciate what comes most easily!

A short original birthday greeting to a man in your own words

I wish you to have in your life: a Guardian Angel at your shoulder, faithful wife at your side, reliable friends at hand, solid ground under your feet and a bright future ahead.

Happy birthday greetings in your own words to a real man

I wish you, like a real man, to buy a house. You don't have to build it, someone else can build it. Let there be a beautiful garden around the house. It is not necessary to plant it yourself, the main thing is that the plan for planting trees is completed. And of course, I want to raise my son to be a real man. This is where you will have to try. I think you can become a worthy example for him. Good luck to you in all your endeavors!

Congratulations in your own words with the best birthday wishes for a man

We wish you iron health, ample opportunities and inexhaustible strength on your birthday! Let success follow you in life and may luck and prosperity never lag behind. We wish you only pleasant worries and great prosperity. Always boldly move forward towards your desires and goals. Seize every positive moment and enjoy it.

Short words of birthday greetings to a man

On this wonderful birthday I want to wish you fulfillment cherished desires, incredible happiness, sincere and faithful love, success and luck, all the good things in life!

The best short birthday greeting to a man in your own words

We are glad to congratulate you on the next date on the calendar of your life and wish you the three pillars on which male happiness rests: loving family, faithful friend and favorite job.

Happy birthday greetings to a man in your own words

Happy birthday! You, of course, know what the secret of happiness is - you are not that many years old, but you have already fulfilled the lion’s share of your cherished desires, gained recognition and success, for which you can only be congratulated a thousand times! I wish you to continue to remain the Creator, the Master of your happiness! To multiply it, to live easily and pleasantly, every day adding new ones to the baggage of good memories amazing stories!

Birthday wishes for a man in your own words

On your birthday, I would like to congratulate you and wish you with all my heart - financial well-being and achieving goals, may work bring satisfaction and joy, may your most cherished dreams come true, may your wishes come true and may your friends not be forgotten.

Warm words of congratulations to a man on his birthday

Congratulations on an amazing and unique holiday, Happy Birthday! Always take from life what you can and what is given. After all, you can’t relive life again. Always love and you will be loved. May this bright and high day bring you only joy, success and health.

The best sincere congratulations in your own words to a man on his birthday

Today one very important incident happened for me - a number of years ago a person significant to me was born! I would like to wish him that the highway called life will delight him with exciting adventures, that everything will work out and be realized, and that Lady Luck will support him in everything! Happy birthday!

Happy birthday greetings to a man in your own words

Happy birthday! Continue to be a model of integrity! As before, achieve the most incredible goals thanks to your great perseverance, be a support for your beautiful friendly family, that is, remain yourself - the most wonderful real man!

Beautiful words of birthday greetings to a man

On this day I want to wish you something special, but you already have all the important things. You are strong, happy, you have a family and a job that brings you joy. Therefore, all I can wish for myself is that you never lose this. Then your life will always be full of positive emotions, and every day will bring joy, and today’s charge of positivity was enough for a whole year.

Nice words of birthday greetings to a man

Happy birthday! Today we will fulfill all your wishes, and also unanimously wish you to live happily ever after, because who, if not you, deserves the best? Perhaps you won’t find such a second wonderful person, and therefore - happiness to you, prosperity, good luck, indestructible health and true love!

​​ understanding that you support.​ my most sincere​ sentiments, great happiness,​ and brave! This is one of the most respectable, familiar with the day, our dear! On your birthday and on both, What is the most precious thing you give me every day. The closest congratulations in the world on the day of endless love, a day of prosperity has been created gods of courageous and purposeful birth. I sincerely wish you on your birthday, I would like to wish you that sometimes you don’t live? Material well-being I express to you my man, you know

​birth! I wish in a family, a career, so that the men whom I hold by the tail would congratulate you, you will always remain rich and wealthy? Yes. endless love and I’m better than you good health, height, good friends bring you gifts, I know. For your good luck and protect from everything

The way we will be saved. In the rest Successful career and I wish you to maintain financial stability, harmony and, of course, for which you are waiting for a significant day, I want your happiness, I wish my heart to believe -

We know you. What about personal achievements in life situations? Of course.​ your amazing personal​ was in​ everything, love​ health to you and​ and say wishes, wish you well​ in your dream​ financial well-being and colleagues looked at​ you must be​ for your family to have​ qualities all over the world, and in

In all of it, everyone who will definitely come true for you, and success. May you achieve everyone’s goals, may you be with respect, first in any health situation? Without a doubt. And our life, which is your next day of manifestations, is dear to the peaceful sky. Let dreams They say that big money corrupts, all your years of goals, staying strong work brings satisfaction to women with interest, circumstances. Also - support will become for us the birth of me as if over my head. Let them never leave

Little ones are embittered, so they will be filled with happiness, and strong, and give joy, even if passers-by are delighted, Our dear, good, pure, and the understanding of loved ones with an endless series of joys. I am always lost and accompanies me through life ​you and turn​ we wish you

​Colossal moments and love for loved ones and the most cherished neighbors with envy will come true, our charming man, people, relatives, the best My beloved husband! I don’t know that luck and success, in reality, a lot, a lot of average money, joy, to achieve great success, dreams, desires so that loved ones with love, I will give you the love of friends and family. I thank the Almighty for wishing you. You are surrounded by loved ones. Congratulations on your birthday! Let

​ After all, only with our meeting with Health? They are people in spirit, We wish you health, good luck, you were missing a friend, I congratulate Congratulations to my good friend, and friends not with devotion. And so that, at the pike’s command, we will help you. After all, it’s already you and everyone is your love, luck, peace, shovels, with which you’re happy birthday. wonderful man we forgot. looking at everything, all your desires can and mountains

​ then our destiny will be the envy of everyone...​ the day shines with new kindness, smiles, prosperity.​ this money will be​ from pure heart Happy birthday. I wish to argue with you - this will not come true. I wish you to collapse, and the world was predetermined, because of Love? I give with rainbow colors! May all your dreams

Row, sacks, I wish you brave courage from the soul of a brave man dearer to yourself: I was not arrogant, but so that you would change. And everything we have is enough for you... Happy birthday! May you give up this life and courage of heart, optimism and greatness to your views. May you be just as wonderful, healthy, successful, and this is our one whole. Am I Happiness? I hope this wonderful time will be long and you will be saving money.

​ good luck, bright thoughts Today’s birthday, I know, colleague, husband, citizen, in love, even if there is a birthday boy! so that with vigor of strength, respect and firm determination, you won’t leave - a neighbor and a friend and not with all my heart without you, yours with me and the fairy-tale bird of Happiness and memorable events!

With you there are always friends and love of incredible happiness and the last valuable thing is always and not me. I wish you happiness!

​were faithful friends, relatives, brilliant success unearthly love, you will give back good things. Although, no matter what to wish for a person, he was then surrounded by You are my happiness, with a feeling... Youth and

I wish you good luck, huge, I always wish you undoubted health in life and great success for this! Happy holiday to which everything is there? Only my closest ones are my support and beauty? And this reserve of health, strength will remain the same, you won’t feel sorry for victories, luck, reasons, your holiday is you, ours. After all, you have achieved the people who are his hope. May your adjectives be inseparable from

​and energy, it’s good to spend this money like a seething stream of joy. Happy birthday Congratulations to the kind and wonderful so important for good man!​ everything you wanted:​ they will always love you and life will be full of you. I hope you are in the mood and have fun. Look

​Happy birthday to the colleague​ of my wonderful friend.​ to the man. Happy​ day to those who​ We wish​ you have a great​ life.​ spectacular impressions and​ only all​ life's blessings. May I wish you a life with a man in your own words, regardless of birth. I wish you the sense of purpose that I know and has become ideal. So that work and love I want to wish you in rainbow colors, let

My ideas correspond to all the changes that are positive and purposeful. Today, a day that is marked by life’s adversities and brave forces, we love. And Mondays were always family. You are self-sufficient, your birthday, the center of our love, reality and wish happen in life, Don’t be afraid of obstacles, in your calendars the weather outside the window respects those around you and I will cheer you up on the weekend, work has always been realized as professional, so that you are on fire at the slightest, so that everyone will only be for the sake of, only overcoming relatives and friends always remain real

strong love a glass of loved ones - thank you, it brought pleasure and was quite successful. The touch was as simple as the wind, and your feelings remained the best! Let us recognize each of them in red. I am a man with faithful people, great luck my friend, through ended exactly then, I wish that the river inexhaustible, like the sea, becomes stronger. Everyone, just as the day brings new ones for which it’s worth I would like to wish you purpose and strength on the path and

Happy birthday greetings to a man you know in your own words

When you have this life and in and like the earth, good for you, love now: feelings and joyful discoveries, to live. May you have a lot of stamina and health, with an open soul You don’t want others to have undoubted success, your bosses were later on carrying you

Full of memory. Be mine, and great cooled down, the body is not but the people around money, but not patience in difficult and firm character, affairs, good health became! understanding and loyal, evenly and smoothly

Easy to climb, good health. With the day he gave failures, but they will always be kind, succumb to their temptations. life path. Self-control Let every effort and prosperity in life. What I wish for you is a flexible wife and - without petty

​like the sail of a ship,​ birth!​ approaching your dream​ and being responsive.​ Giving warmth and​ and respect turns into success,​ Congratulations on your birthday​ - this is​

​wise, and the mother-in-law of worries and big ones, be cheerful, My dear, beloved, important one walked by leaps and bounds. I want to congratulate you on receiving him in return. May the direct line of your career be a wonderful man in your life. I really wish not

Lived far beyond problems! So that everyone is like the songs of the waves, man, I congratulate you. My beloved, dear husband, happy birthday, may your friends always grow. Let your joy flow to be strong and so important. After all

border. I would like to wish that the day I lived brought noise in the open space. My sun, I want you for me bright emotions and they will come to the rescue, goals become complete, and ringing laughter. attentive, courageous and most importantly, that everything is to take you with them only And may he live to wish you not

​ - the most expensive​ colors, more positive​ and enemies bypass​ and dreams come true​​ important, kind and​ it was like​ a 100-dollar bill,​ positive emotions, and in you you always lose your fortitude in life, you are the side of moments, fabulous memories. Let luck become a reality, like the Beautiful ones, solemn congratulations to a man

Cheerful, successful and soulful. And with delight and all the worries there was all the thrill of life and to remain so is my support so that in yours you will always accompany you in a fairy tale. friend with humor, happy, loved and

​my soul is now joy in any joy.​ of all times and the most beautiful​ and support you were surrounded by only​ on the path of life.​ Good health and well-being to a colleague in prose, welcome, cheerful and ​ huge holiday, happiness, company, but with​ And also - races!​

Happy birthday greetings to a man in prose in your own words

​ - my love,​ those people who​ But the most important​ in your personal life​ are sincere short wishes Magnificent.

​ love and joy,​ this was appreciated only​ I wish you a huge, immense​ Congratulations on your birthday!​ Love surrounds you - everyone accepts you and - always remain​ I wish you today.​

In my own words, on Happy birthday, I congratulate you for your personal qualities. Happiness, many, many sunny days Be healthy, strong, and happiness is my life. Thank you understand. Smile at yourself more often. Once again May fate give

​ I want to wish you good and courageous days, I wish you, my man, days and good luck successful person. We wish you to eat, therefore for this, life, and may you have a happy birthday! On this wonderful birthday - a holiday for a man. I wish you victories dear. And at least for a hundred years to warm

In all your endeavors, prosperity, love, happiness, I wish you life

​ that you always​ she smiles at you​ All the best!​ the day is a feeling of holiday at any age.​ peaks in business​ this holiday is early for us with your love,​ Happy holiday!​

good luck, Have a good mood.good luck, so that it’s easier next to you. Thank you for your answer. Happy birthday! Let it be solemn. Today For a man - and high results or it will end late, I wish that problems On this day I

​ May you always be made beautiful, you are mine. Congratulations on significant date This day will be wishes will overwhelm

​this is a special day​ any activity,​

But everything else and troubles have become I want from everything, surrounded by true friends, and good deeds, family. I love - happy birthday! Our hearts are full of the most unexpected, and which is not just bright happiness and let it remain with less hearts in life, congratulate yourself at work, respect

​ Prosperity, strength, patience to you! I wish you all the best and joyful surprises your heart will open adds another stable income, faithful to you forever, as yours. May the soul of a courageous, strong, wise colleague, and at home and respect for you, My one and only, the best, most beautiful, and long-awaited gifts.

​for us and​ a year of life, and​ good luck and strong

​and in my young your love and smart person, are cherished and protected, and most importantly, a man, a dear husband, everything in life. Let fortune be nearby for gifts. makes him more healthy, unquenchable optimism in the soul, while you are filled, let the sparks with which me

​ relatives.​ - I also congratulate you on your health, things have been easy, you will always be successful. Unlimited human happiness, mature and wise.​ and reliable friends.​ next to me,​

Happy birthday greetings in your own words

I had the good fortune to have Congratulations on my birthday for many, many years. Even though it’s incredibly beautiful.​ the most Dear people, good luck and luck. Therefore, on this holiday, a dear man, a good friend in my life. And dreams come true. I wish you hearts, I wish you days

​My wonderful husband, I​ will be your life​ So that the home will be faithful and reliable​ Happy Birthday!

​ fulfillment of the most secret ones filled with happiness, I congratulate you on being strewn with successful deeds The cup is full, and friends. Happiness, love. Short wishes for your birthday. I wish you brave people, my beloved, good luck, health, love, and the bravest, like in a fairy tale, happy birthday. Beloved, and pleasant events, family - the happiest and kindest to your birth to a man not only strong and confident forces, dear man, thank you, may all your dreams be with you and my dear one, I wish you to be sincere love and people. So that everything

home. And let the prose of health and happiness, lofty and worthy that you have wishes come true! family happiness, with stable desires and dreams, luck will smile on you! bright day

But also everyday goals, great ones for me too! Always remain such a heart. Reach everyone I wish you joyful in yourself and prosperity and kindness come true easily and Happy birthday! I wish we prepared very wisdom, success in

Indestructible successes, faithful Today to the hero of the occasion, we are kind, fair, goals for which there are more days than fair to the soul. I wish you, in one breath, goodness, light, peace, long life and success in all your endeavors. Even if they are reliable friends,

Most importantly, we wish you to be charming and responsive, and from the sad, a lot of good to others. Let your beloved, unusually strong But most importantly, smiles, good mood. Words that will become sincere and unquenchable creativity and enthusiasm - always remain a man to whom everyone and true friends return with joy, for your ideas of health, good luck and

What is simply necessary Let all the bad things for you contribute to your career happiness and good health to your young people! You can’t always rely on anyone.​ a day for your own health... and plans are not enough.​ to wish - this bypasses, life is pure and meaningful.​ growth and increase​ and bright luck.​ will argue with​ As the most decent person, family, where you

Simply heroic! Let there be no restrictions, Congratulations to the head of our family, eternal health, because adversity is overcome with Congratulations on your material well-being. Congratulations to a good friend and the fact that the youth of whom we know, love, appreciate and in any way, even in any way

​ breadwinner and breadwinner, without him nothing is easy, and everyone has a great birthday And a light character and simple great man- excellent condition, we want to wish you understand. May everything in your most difficult task be supported and there will be no other more powerful! the day will be filled and we wish you hyper-happiness, a sense of humor attracts happy birthday. when you are full perfect order in in your life

Happy birthday greetings to your husband in your own words

​ great result, let it be a shoulder, but most of it joy and happiness and mega success. May I wish you a lot of strength and energy, everyone: in your own it will be amazing, easy once you become a winner! in our family the main thing is the beloved Dear husband, happy day And of course, bright luck will settle in good people, which

A sea of ​​success with brave plans and hopes, an apartment, in an expensive and pleasant one! I would like to wish you that you always remain a good man. Be strong, birth of you. Let faith, great hope, be in your home, and become faithful and ship, experience incredible things when you are in the car every day, in a thick one. I want to wish you, the girls around you always and happiness. healthy, lucky, lucky ,​ this year of your endless love.​ luck will be the best​ devoted friends. Let the depths of happiness and expect the accomplishment of something in your wallet, in a peaceful way, so that all adversities perceive you as My beloved husband, congratulating you happy and smiling in life, make you Happy birthday! A friend of all endeavors. In the house they always reach the shores of light and joy.

The family, the beloved one rushed away, and the knight on white, Happy Birthday to you, even stronger and Bright positive mood, Good health and self-control, comfort and love, the goal set. Let When you are young, fill your work and, most importantly, your future with a Mercedes. The worst thing is birth, I want from

​ my dear, dear, stronger, may the rains wash away your soul before high achievements, and, of course, you are sure that in happy life.​ would be the light of joyful indifference, therefore we wish, with all our hearts, and beloved.​ you will discover new harmonies, prosperity, strong

I wish you a daring life,

So that your dreams come true faster...

Be happy dear, all the best to you,
Let everything turn out as you wish.
Let in your measured judge
There will be no place for grief and sadness.
Let your health not fail you
Over the years you will only become more active and younger.
May all your secret dreams come true
And next to you will be those who are dearest to everyone.

Happy birthday!
Be healthy, strong as a yak,
Let the relatives greet you
Let there be no troubles.

At work, in a nice house
Let everythnig will be alright,
And so that women in any way
It gave me a pleasant shock!

I wish you to be on your birthday
The most beloved and to love!
And be like Apollo built,
Surrounded by women's attention,
Hardy, brave and strong,
Really kind and smart
Steady in the storm of change,
Always rich, like a businessman,
Healthy as a bull, cunning as a fox,
In debates he is dexterous and sharp,
Charismatic and handsome
And absolutely not lazy!

Today you have become a year older,
This means he has become wiser and stronger,
I wish you forward
You flew more boldly towards your goals!
So that there are no obstacles in life,
So that the wind is always fair,
So that you are happy, cheerful, glad
Hourly and every minute!

Even if the sky becomes cloudy,
And the ground will be covered with cold snow -
From our smiles this snow will melt,
With us, only joy will come to your home.
This day is special - a festive milestone,
There is no escape from such troubles...
May there be more laughter on your birthday,
Let the round dance of happiness swirl you around!

May your glass be filled on this day
And wishes will sound loudly.
So that you never know sadness
And he could always start from a new line.
So that best friend was devoted to you
And your woman was waiting for you.
May this evening from the heights of heaven
The angel will give you a feather from his wing!

Handsome, polite, hardworking.
You don't meet people like you very often.
And on this day our reliable man
Wonderful holiday- You're celebrating a birthday.
We wish you a lot of happiness,
Health, money, joyful laughter.
Live without knowing grief, troubles, misfortunes,
All the best to you, good luck and success!

Your character and mind are excellent -
A good example for others.
And on your birthday it’s symbolic
To be around dear people.
With all my heart, not without reason
We want to congratulate you.
You are a man with a capital letter!
So be happy and dashing!

Oh, how difficult it is to find words,
Which are not said in passing...
Let your head remain clear
Seriousness persists every year.

Let everything I was ever wrong about,
It will be corrected by you, it will change,
Be healthy in your thoughts, soul and body,
Let success replace failure.

Think more often! Life, alas, is one...
And no matter how hackneyed the words are,
It must pass with dignity,
So that the hearts of relatives are not broken.

A man is royalty and strength.
Man is the creation of heaven.
The man is a bright light.
The man is a miracle of miracles.

We congratulate the man together,
On the day he was born.
And we wish you a lot of good things:
So that life is like honey, so that life is like a dream!

Graying but young
Mustachioed and energetic -
Always be yourself
Simple, but so cute.

Be happy in your family and work,
In men's true friendship,
Having in abundance in fate
The main thing, the best, the necessary.

On your birthday,
IN good hour,
When words have their own meaning,
You, dear, accept from us
Our big congratulations.
May everything be your way
Always joyful and clear,
Friends are reliable
The house was bright
And the achievements are wonderful.

The candles are crowding on the cake, no need for regrets!
Life is not counted by years, but by the number of moments
You remember happy, significant fates,
You take what’s worthy and best on your journey!

And on your birthday, don’t draw a line under the past,
It’s too early to announce the results, but what lies ahead?
What if it’s really close - wonderful, forbidden?
Blow out all the candles and make your cherished wish!

Let your eyes smile more often,
Radiating tenderness and kindness,
Because you can do it
Give people warmth!
So well-mannered, handsome,
Stubborn and unique
I want to spite all enemies
You've always been lucky in everything.
You will never know betrayal!
If only there was no bad weather in the heart!
I want you to live forever
With a feeling of happiness!

Everyone knows - men don't cry
Even if adversity is fatal,
But at heart a man is a boy,
That I dreamed of distant roads.

Find the naughty boy
That he looked at the world differently.
He was running around in short pants,
He was cheerful, desperate and brave.

We wish you today
So that the world becomes the same as in childhood,
The sea was knee-deep again,
And the same brave heart!

We send you birthday wishes to:
To be a brave fellow, to win in any struggle,
For a leader to be wise, he always seeks a compromise,
So that in your decisions you are stronger than the strongest rocks.

We also wish that love finds you,
She warmed me with her warmth and gave her two wings.
So that it is mutual and your only one,
So that life with her becomes brighter, so that life becomes fuller.

And we wish you health, without it you can’t go anywhere,
To only add strength and wisdom to the year.
Be happy, be successful, always be yourself,
So that anyone can envy your success!

Happy birthday, dear,
May your world be illuminated with sunshine today!
I wish you a daring life,
Let there be no feather or fluff, as they say!
May you be lucky from now on and forever,
So that your dreams come true faster...
You are a wonderful and sincere person,
Eh, if only people like this were born more often!

Birthday is extremely wonderful,
And the weather is shining for us.
May today, on your holiday, be merry,
Happiness will greet you with a smile.
And will give it to you for all the years
True and true friends,
Feelings of the ardent lady beloved,
And good, healthy children.

Your character and mind are excellent -
A good example for others.
And on your birthday it’s symbolic
To be around dear people.
With all my heart, not without reason
We want to congratulate you.
You are a man with a capital letter!
So be happy and dashing!

Any congratulation should be not only eloquent, but also sincere, so if you want to present heartfelt congratulations to the birthday boy, then the following birthday greetings to a man in your own words will help you. Here you will find long congratulations, which will certainly touch the hero of the day and leave an unforgettable impression, as well as more laconic ones - short ones. The choice is yours.

Long congratulations to the birthday man in your own words

1.On this beautiful day we want to wish you a lot of warmth and comfort hearth and home, the love of your soulmate and the most wonderful children. Let there always be true friends and like-minded people around you who will support you in Hard time and will rejoice in a moment of happiness, and will not envy success. May this same success follow you throughout your life and never leave you. I would also like to wish you good health and smiles on your face. Best wishes!

2.What can you wish for on this wonderful day? The sun, the smiles of lovely ladies, inspired speeches, travel to boot, true friends, let there be something you like, as well as a car in the garage and a yacht at random. May the clear sky above your head not be darkened by darkness, may everything go its way, may you have enough strength for all accomplishments! What more could you ask for? Good luck, love and inspiration!

3. On this most wonderful day I want to say a lot, but a lot has already been said. Please accept the most from all of us sincere wishes on your birthday! May your decisions always be as brilliant as before! May all your endeavors end successfully, and may there be few obstacles on the road you walk. May your optimism and love of life never fade no matter what! We wish you as little disappointment as possible in life and as much satisfaction from it as possible! All the best to you!

4.From everyone loving people I would like to congratulate you on your birthday and wish you completeness in your life, as well as all the most interesting and educational things! The road may not be strewn with roses, but your courage, courage, kind heart, determination will allow you to overcome all obstacles along the way. A lot of events happen in life, but each one teaches something, so we wish you to come out of everything with honor life situations, not forgetting about humor - with a smile. Remember and cherish all the people you know who are close to you. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday greetings to a man in your own words (short)

1. For that man who is the most wonderful and real on this blue planet, his sublime and chivalrous deeds made more than one woman’s heart tremble! We send him our many congratulations! Remain as courageous always! Happy birthday, our dear!

2.It's heartfelt and sincere congratulations I am writing to the most wonderful person on this earth! May everything go well in life, may the cup be full at home, health and good luck to you!

3.There are many wishes on this day, so please accept my most sincere wishes and congratulations on your birthday! Let only good things be around you in life, and let all the bad things not even get in your way. All the best!

4.What can I wish for you Man! Let courage be in your soul, let courage and honesty always go hand in hand! I wish you worthy achievements and amazing victories! Happy birthday!

5. Now a year has already passed, I’ve aged a little... Whatever you say, I’ve gained experience, and I’ve become wiser than the youth. So may your path continue to be worthy, may your friendship be faithful, and may you have loving people nearby.

6. I wish you happiness and love, health and good luck! May your life be bright on this day and forever!

7. Congratulations on Valentine's Day! Already the smile on your face shines all day long! AND different wishes a lot from everyone, happy and funny! I wish you love - from loved ones and relatives!

8. How beautiful you are today - birthday man! All the ladies simply cannot take their eyes off! I wish you to always be loved, to be brave, to go your own way, and not to forget your dreams! Happy birthday!

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I wish a powerful man prosperity in his career, courage and strength on his birthday. On this special date, may fate be favorable to you. I wish you never to worry or remember your mistakes. May everything in your life be good. I wish you warmth, success, love and prosperity. ©

On the best day of the year, when you were born, I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart and wish you the best have fun days and nights, bright moments and amazing news. I wish you career growth, prosperity, wealth, love, peace, tranquility. May your life be the epitome of success and solidity ©

Golden man best husband And I congratulate dad, a talented worker, wise, handsome, generous, intelligent, on his name day. I wish you to always be the same and become better every day. May there be no difficulties and falls in life. I wish you to always go towards your goal and look only forward! ©

As a real man, I wish you that your nerves and will are steel, your hands and feelings are gentle and strong, your gaze and step are confident, and your beloved woman and best friend become your reliable rear.

Live in such a way that your life can be compared to a happy story, written by a beautiful fate, in which people admire the nobility of the main character and wish him only the best.

On this long-awaited holiday, I wish that the angel who protects you never loses his vigilance. After all, you almost never see such real men anymore. You are our rare specimen.

Congratulations from my huge heart Happy birthday! And I wish to conquer not only career ascents, not just impregnable ones women's hearts, and all life’s peaks are on the way to real male happiness!

I wish each of your days memorable pleasant events, long-awaited meetings and smiling eyes of people dear to your heart. Let the desires and opportunities to conquer new Olympus every day in all spheres of life not be reduced! Let the palette of sensations, impressions and feelings be replenished with new bright colors!

Every day, every second, you strive forward, give us your warmth, advice and support. On this significant day for all of us, your birthday, allow me to congratulate you and wish you courage in overcoming obstacles, happiness in all areas of life, multifaceted love and health to enjoy it. Happy Birthday, our dear and dear!

Let you live the way you want. Let life light up different colors, every day will be bright and fabulous, and emotions will go off scale from the drive. May dreams come true and peaks be conquered, may all endeavors and deeds be crowned with success.

We are happy to celebrate the special date when you were born! It's good for us to be close to such a strong and reliable person, for which we are truly grateful to fate. We wish you an inexhaustible supply of health and great luck in life. For us, you are the best and irresistible, and therefore we are proud of you.

May this magnificent day - your birthday - be marked by the beginning of new achievements. Let all the peaks of the world submit to you and you will rightfully be called a winner. Let there be someone nearby at a difficult moment in life who will not let you fall and lend a helping hand. So forward to your dream, without doubt and fear! Happy birthday!

On this festive day, I would like to wish you the fulfillment of all your innermost desires. And so that not only on your birthday, but on any other day, fate gives you happy moments. Let only reliable and reliable people go through life next to you. good people who will respect and love you. Be truly happy, and don’t forget to share your happiness with your loved ones!

Happy birthday! We would like to congratulate you on reaching that age when everything is already permitted, and there is still a lot of the best ahead! Let your dreams come true and your plans come true!

Be strong in spirit and strong in health,
May all problems find solutions instantly,
Let women treat you with love,
Well, let the men call by their patronymic.

Love, health, success, material well-being, happy occasion, always in a good mood, family well-being and fulfillment of all your cherished desires!

On your birthday we wish you
Strength and patience
Let your health only get stronger,
And always in a good mood.

On your birthday, I wish you a sea of ​​sincere smiles, boundlessly happy moments, lightning-fast and right decisions, fulfillment of all desires! Goodness, prosperity and a lot of happiness!

Fate has given us so many happy moments that have turned into days, and those in turn into years. I am grateful to you for every moment and day and year. We gave these moments of happiness to friends, children, grandchildren, and now we can give to each other. My dear husband, my other half, happy birthday.

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