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Experts told us where and how to find a rich husband. type of rich potential husbands. How to get attention and communicate

Many young girls, and not young women, dream of meeting a rich and wealthy man who would provide for them, make life a fairy tale without worries and hassle, but not every girl knows where to find a rich and wealthy man and where to meet such people.

Actually, we will tell you about dating rich and wealthy men in this topic. We recommend that you read


INTERNET SEARCH: Yes, don’t be surprised, you can really find a rich and wealthy man on the Internet, you just need to filter out at the communication stage and correspond with and make appointments with wealthier men. Don’t think that there is nothing serious there, this is not true, there is a lot. Of course, to say that you can find an oligarch on a dating site is an exaggeration, but there are quite successful men with an apartment, a car and their own business there. Now, how to find a wealthy and rich man on a dating site, everything is simple, you register on the site, put your most beautiful pictures and start communicating. Don’t pay attention to the fact that the man’s status is not indicated in the questionnaire, this does not mean anything, even an ordinary schoolboy who came out under other people’s photographs can give the status of wealth. Look at the vocabulary of the conversation; as a rule, men don’t do things with money gross mistakes

in words, their conversation is beautiful, and their sentences are sonorous. If a man did not invite you to an expensive restaurant at the first meeting, this also does not mean that he is not rich in money, perhaps he is simply hiding his status, in this case, look at his clothes, what he came in, if the clothes are branded, then he is a man with money. Let's summarize the search for rich men on dating sites and say that a dating site is the main place where you should look for wealthy men, except for oligarchs.

VIP CLUBS: VIP clubs are really a good place to find very rich men. There are expensive clubs where entry is open to everyone, but the prices are such that not everyone will go there, so in such clubs, as on a dating site, you can meet a wealthy and rich man. There are also closed VIP clubs; they are usually visited by oligarchs and the very rich and influential people

, but it will be very difficult for you to get into such a club, and the competition among girls there is very high. So, in order to meet a very rich man, you will have to get into a closed VIP club, but this will only be possible by invitation, and for this you need to develop acquaintances, which at a certain time will play their role, and you will have a man who can take you to such a closed club, where you will find a very rich man, if, of course, you don’t get confused there and can make an impression. We recommend that you read

CLUBS AND FORUMS FOR MOTORISTS: Of course, by spending time and communicating on online forums for lovers of expensive cars, there is a chance to meet and find a rich man, but this is quite difficult, and there is find a man with a really expensive car and a very large debt to the bank for this car. If earlier a car spoke about a man’s financial status, now an expensive car speaks not only about financial well-being men, but also indicates his debts to the bank.


Of course, a rich man can be found, for example, in certain expensive courses, such as MBA courses, financial courses, etc., but it is also worth understanding that they may also have an ordinary clerk sent by the employer to Good work. Therefore, you clearly need to be able to distinguish who is in front of you, a rich and status person or an ordinary hard worker.


Yes, this is one of the simple ways to get acquainted, for example, there are various forums, exhibitions, buffets organized by very large companies as a presentation of their products. For example, recently there was a presentation shopping centers, where very influential people gathered, yes, of course, you can’t go there from the outside, but you can simply ask your employer to send you there, even at your expense, you just need to formalize the legal entity apply for participation and pay the fee, and you are there. And there all the ways are open for you to get to know each other. For example, in Moscow there are often presentations and exhibitions of various companies, where directors and business owners gather, which opens up an uncultivated field for you to get acquainted with. To find out what, where, when, you need to search the Internet. In general, go for it and you will find a rich man, the main thing is to remember, if a wealthy man does not come to you, then you go to him. We recommend that you read


By visiting expensive restaurants, you can also get acquainted with wealthy man, but it’s still worth remembering that you’ll have to spend money, since at least you’ll have to order a cup of tea or coffee, but it’s not cheap there. It is best to go to such places after work on Friday, when people gather to have fun and relax.


Yes, you can meet a wealthy man this way and find yourself a rich guy. To do this, you need to stand in a very prestigious area of ​​the city, for Moscow it is Arbat, etc. rich areas where people drive mainly expensive cars; such places should also be taken near expensive restaurants, business centers, etc. and vote, i.e. catching a car to give you a ride, for example, to an expensive restaurant where you supposedly want to have a cup of tea. As soon as the car of a standing brand has stopped, you have assessed the situation and, most importantly, safety, you can safely ask the driver to give you a ride, and while driving, say that you were supposedly going to meet a friend in a restaurant, but she couldn’t come and now you will be bored alone, we think most men will want to keep you company. This method is not very good, since there is a risk of running into trouble and getting into trouble, but you can find a rich man this way. If a car stops that is not suitable for you, feel free to voice that you are not ready to go.


You can also find a rich and wealthy man in sports clubs, where they go after working day, and maybe during the working day. So, for example, a rich man can be found not only in an expensive gym, but also in other expensive sports, for example, shooting, since this is a fairly expensive sport and, as a rule, men are not poor, and so on. P. To meet a wealthy man in sports clubs, you will have to go there yourself and work out. We recommend that you take a look at


It’s very good if you have rich girlfriends and acquaintances, be friends with them and keep in touch, and one day they will introduce you to a wealthy guy, or take you with them to a social party, where you will show your charm and will definitely find a rich guy.


Most of us, at least once in our lives, have thought about where and how to find a rich husband. Moreover, the most cherished dreams have this property - to come true. And meet rich man, of course, not so simple, but with desire and some effort it is quite possible. The main thing is to take this matter seriously and carefully study the habits and usual habitats of the “hunted object”. Our beauty magazine will help you answer the question -.

What does a rich man look like?

There are two varieties. The first one got his fortune without any effort. For example, won the lottery or received an inheritance. Extreme case- stole, but that's another story. He brags about it in every possible way and never misses a chance to flaunt it. One of the most striking examples is a car. What man can resist a luxury car, such as a Ferrari or Jaguar? Expensive clothing famous designers Same hallmark. Moreover, this man will do everything to make sure you know who the designer is. But of course! Well, it can’t do without accessories. Moreover, it is not a fact that they will be well selected. Much does not mean beautiful. Let's call this type a major.

Second type rich men much more modest. They do not flaunt their wealth. Most likely, the money was earned by one’s own mind and efforts. This also happens. A car is purely a means of transportation, and not a reason to show everyone your condition. Such men most often choose Ford or Saab. The clothes are high quality, but the designer is not that important. And from accessories - only nice watch. After all, a watch can tell a lot about a person. But here's the brightest one distinguishing feature- almost never stops talking mobile phone. Let's give this guy code name intellectual.

How to find a rich husband - habitats

It’s easy to meet a major in a casino or good restaurant. Fashionable resorts – perfect place for hunting. Do you like sports? Great! Elite fitness clubs are exactly what you need.

It is unrealistic to meet an intellectual. Almost impossible. He spends all his time at work. And if he rests, then in closed clubs. There is a chance of meeting him at the resort. But you are unlikely to distinguish him from a crowd of ordinary tourists. He also happens in the restaurant. But more often surrounded by many business partners. And then you just can’t approach him.

Expensive supermarkets and car dealerships are also a good meeting place. It’s not so difficult to get acquainted with a branded auto store. Firstly, if a person is looking for something in the showroom, say some Ford or Ferrari, then most likely he has this very car. And it’s very easy to find an excuse to start a conversation. Men are flattered when a fragile and helpless lady asks to explain or talk about some creepy-looking thing. And cars are a topic in which men consider themselves gods and aces.

How to find a rich husband and not scare him off

You need to prepare very carefully to realize your dream. After all, it is important to know not only how to find a rich husband, but also how to hook him and not miss him. If you have chosen a major as your hunting object, then you need to use heavy artillery. Tons of cosmetics and sparkling jewelry combined with a miniskirt and stilettos are your best allies. After all, a major who loves to show off will choose a girl for himself. Also bright, so that you can show off to your friends later.

But when catching an intellectual, you need to look appropriate to him. That is, well-groomed and intelligent. He appreciates natural girls. From hair and nails to busts and furs. And intelligence must be real.

But in any case, you cannot show that you are interested in the man’s condition. This is the most proven way to scare him away. He is already accustomed to the fact that ladies perceive him only as a wallet. And if he suspects this of you, he will run away, losing his expensive shoes as he runs. Therefore, at first you have to spend money pretending to be an incorruptible lady. Well, if you win the trust of a man, then everything will work out. And you will no longer be afraid of the question.

Where to meet a rich man: 5 “fishy” places + TOP-5 restaurants in Moscow where wealthy bachelors dine + 8 tips on how to interest a rich man.

Life in a metropolis is like this: before you even blink, the turmoil and eternal traffic jams drag you into this Groundhog Day called “everyday life.” I surfaced - and you’re 30. That’s exactly what happened to me.

In line for cat food for my “so far first cat,” I froze in place with bulging eyes: where is my man? No, I'm serious. When did I manage to turn into a “strong independent”?

Then, having missed my turn and a glass of cappuccino at a nearby coffee shop, I firmly decided that I wanted to.

Arriving home, I immediately plunged into the Internet. While digging into the ice cream with a spoon, I persistently searched for answers to the questions: Who is this “rich man”? What are you interested in and why is it so in demand? And the most important thing: ?

You're interested too, I know. Find the answers below.

TOP 5 ideas where it’s easiest to meet a rich man

Of course, many of the girls are eager to meet a rich man...

Everyone's motive is different. For silicone dolls, this is to never work and to be something like a man’s personal adornment. Some want to get out of their oppressive financial situation.

My motive is the following: by the age of 30, I stand well on my feet, I butter my bread regularly, and with a less successful man I will be frankly bored.

Whatever your motive, it is your life, and no one has the right to judge you for your choice.

Idea No. 1.

Dating websites

“A rich man is, first of all, a successful man,” I wrote in my notebook. “He knows how to achieve his goals, conducts business correctly, values ​​his time, so he spends it efficiently. A rich man is often persistent and hardworking. Or just….a foreigner!” Yes, the first item on the list of my conclusions is dating websites With foreign suitors

! I typed into Google “sites where you can” - and there is somewhere for your soul to roam.

Frankly, several of my friends actually got married this way. All you need is to go to any site you like and register. I liked that registration on almost all sites is free for girls - men pay for communication.

To start meeting men with money, you just need to click the “Registration” button:

The method is really simple, but there are also pitfalls. For example, on the Internet and in person, the man you managed to meet may turn out to be two completely different people.

But if you are ready to practice your English and fly out of the nest of your motherland, then this way to get acquainted is definitely for you.

Idea No. 2. Sport - is life! .

The second place where you can meet the rich and handsome is deservedly occupied on my list sports clubs From wealthy representatives

strong half

Humanity has catastrophically little free time, which is why they spend it efficiently. I can’t imagine the head of the oil company, Arnold Aristarkhovich, in a disco bar drinking an unfiltered litrushka.

Prestigious sports centers, yacht and golf clubs, tennis, swimming pool... Raising their lives to a new quality level, these guys cannot imagine it without physical activity.

And, girls, you don’t need to pretend to be drowning in a pool in order to meet the bravest “rescuer” - moderation is the main thing in everything. Idea No. 3. The way to a man's heart is through... I also realized from my intercourse with Google that a rich and successful man is a living being. And he sometimes eats. As a rule, in good and expensive restaurants . Because successful men

want quality service, impeccable presentation of dishes and delicious taste. And not boutiques with sausage from a bag. Of course, come in your own. Judging by the lonely glass on the table and the gaze wandering around the hall, it is immediately clear that she is a “bait” who has come to meet someone. Hardly worthy man will fall for such a cheap trick.

By the way, especially for you I have prepared the TOP 5 restaurants where rich men dine (look for this information below).

Idea No. 4.

For those who love sports...from afar

Theatres, exhibitions and concerts are places where rich men are unlikely to go alone or with friends. Rather, the man can be dragged there by his wife. And this is not best condition

, where you can meet. And here car racing, horse racing, football matches, boxing

and everything that is saturated with testosterone and money is quite likely. Of particular interest to me was the fact that rich men fly to matches of their favorite teams in different countries

. I wonder how many suitors I missed while I thought football was boring?

Idea No. 5.

A rich man is a kind man

Charity events.

To be honest, I was surprised at how popular charity has become. The rich and successful increasingly want to share their wealth with people in need.

I respect this, and such men seem to me the most interesting, I really want to get to know them. Therefore, the upcoming charity event is mine!

Rich man - where else are they found? If you are now a free bird and just looking for a job, this option, where you can meet the rich and handsome, is just for you. Load up your gun of success and kill two birds with one stone at once! Expensive shoe and clothing stores, car dealerships, shops

sports equipment , luxury beauty salons, class A sports clubs, premium-segment restaurants... Such professions always require young and energetic people. If education and qualifications allow, set the bar higher. Oil companies, large construction companies, banking and legal spheres –

good chance

meet a rich and successful man....and you can also look for a man with money here:


- an integral part of the life of every person who wants to expand their horizons. A rich man certainly loves to learn about the world. AND ! I’m not hinting at anything, but dozens of travel agencies regularly look for tour operators or guides. Ski resorts, countries of Europe and Asia, America, the best beaches in the world - here you can meet thousands of rich and even

...True, there are also those who come on vacation with their other halves, families and mistresses or lovers. But this is no longer our field of action.

TOP 5 places where rich men dine to meet them

The next morning I made an appointment with the dentist. On the same day I arranged general cleaning in the apartment, threw out half a closet of “I’ll wear it someday” clothes, scrubbed myself with a scrub and filled the refrigerator with vegetables.

Does that surprise you? Explanation for my strange behavior you will find in the next section with recommendations,.

In the meantime, I’ll return to my previous promise: to tell you about 5 Moscow restaurants where you can meet the “prince of money”:

    Who doesn't know this incredible restaurant at the top of Moscow?

    Wealthy cities often come here for an amazing wine list and amazing views. Moscow is clearly visible here, and the dishes melt in your mouth.

    Average bill: from 300 thousand rubles.

    Restaurant La Maree.

    In this seafood restaurant you can try various exotic and not so reptiles, as well as royal lobsters.

    Of course, it's expensive.

    Restaurant "Mario".

    It's a secret - there is gossip in the air that the place is popular with the rich and...criminals! Allegedly, crime bosses and various mafiosi are Mario's regulars.

    Believe that here you can meet dangerous man, or not is everyone’s business.

    The only thing I can say for sure is that it is very expensive here.

    Restaurant Megu.

    Too expensive and very luxurious.

    The probability of meeting a rich man in such a place is almost 100%.

    Restaurant Soluxe Club.

    Asian restaurant. Very expensive.

    And if you love miniatures Chinese men, your soul will have a place to roam here. The regulars are mainly businessmen from China, Korea, and Japan.

Having decided where I could meet my future groom, I asked myself another question. Frightening in its importunity, it has been hanging over me since the 7th grade.

Then I fell in love with Igor Kladov and spent every day thinking about how to win his heart. “What if he never likes me?” - I was tormented.

Years have passed, but the question remains the same. In search of an answer, I convened a consultation of my unmarried friends.

Already at 21:00, armed with a notepad and pen, I was sipping a Margarita at the bar of Andryusik, the man of my friend Sonya.

Sonechka always acts as an expert at our meetings. Living to that confirmation is her wonderful and successful business husband.

“How to interest a wealthy man” was on the top line. Here are the 8 tips we came up with during our “meeting”:

    Nonsense - no.

    A rich man will never choose his partner stupid woman. This is the first thing that the girls and I unanimously agreed on.

    It is important that you have a hobby from which you enjoy and develop.

    Learn the difference between Baroque and Gothic, Monet from Van Gogh, Beethoven from Bach. And finally sign up for piano lessons, you’ve been wanting to for so long!

    You can be infinitely smart, but what's the point if your squeal makes a man's ears bleed?

    Endless research by scientists has shown that low, “velvety” voices are better perceived.

    And find a middle ground in the conversation - Sonya had to listen to more than one story about her future husband’s fishing before he proposed to her.

    The body is our temple.

    A rich man is unlikely to want to meet a woman who treats her body without love and shoves it in fried potatoes with mayonnaise. Remember that dimples only adorn the cheeks, not the thighs!

    Sports activities are a must!

    This has an additional advantage: you can go jogging with a man, and his desire to change his position in bed will not result in a pinched sciatic nerve for you.

    A rich man is not a “money bag”.

    It is important to understand that a rich man achieved his position through hard work. Respect his money, don't demand anything.

    Sonechka paid for herself on her first date with Andryusik.

    Of course, the choice is yours. But looking at them happy couple, I'll take my wallet to the first meeting.

    Show wisdom.

    Don’t engage in intellectual debates with a rich man, don’t try to suppress him, or show your superiority.

    At a minimum, any person does not like it if someone tries to humiliate his dignity. And secondly, a worthy man simply won’t allow you to do this. And you will be left with nothing again.

    At the same time, you shouldn’t pretend to be stupid. Be yourself, speak sincerely, speak boldly and broadly, listen more.

    Health and appearance.

    Don't forget to take care of yours appearance. If you have eyelash extensions, but “there are crumbs left on your mustache,” you definitely won’t be able to meet a rich man.

    Clean hair, neat manicure, glowing skin and healthy teeth are the base.

    Throw away the rhinestones, summer knitted boots and cap with an embroidered crown from your luxury closet. If for you the word style and “leopard” are on the same plane, we have problems.

    Equally take care of your health. Rashes on your skin can indicate a number of diseases, bad smell breath or flatulence - also reduce your chances of meeting a rich man to zero.


    Why are men crazy about Sonya? Yes, because when communicating with her “you want to live,” as our mutual friend Makar.

    Laugh more, learn to see beauty in little things. Don't complain or whine. Ask for help - yes. Whining and being offended by the whole world - never!

    Remember - every day is a holiday. For this we took a sip of Margarita together.

    No availability.

    We have this tradition: take a second cocktail and move on to intimate topics. They unanimously voted against sex on the first and even second date.

    Andryusik, who sat down with us, assured us that rich men are not interested in accessible girls. And Marina told how she deliberately did not wax before the date in order to protect herself from rash actions.

Who might know better" fishing spots"than a charming sexologist and psychologist?

Where to find a rich man in Moscow? — Secrets from Inna Paustovskaya:

After analyzing a bunch of articles, gathering a council of friends + Andryusik, I found several answers to the question that dawned on me on that fateful Thursday: where to meet a rich man?

Now, with cured teeth and an eye twitching from dieting, I’m ready to move towards my bright future. I hope that I will meet you in one of the “fishy” places for rich suitors...

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Hypocritical accusations towards ladies looking for wealthy gentlemen are just as absurd as indignation that men love beautiful women- the world has always been structured this way. But in order to find a rich and respectable boyfriend today, being beautiful and smart without complexes is not enough. It is necessary to possess strategically important data - where and how to hunt for rich suitors.

If you're ready for active search, then here are some practice-tested tips for you.

Conduct a survey of friends with successful romantic experiences: where, when, under what circumstances did they manage to meet their chosen one? Find out all the “appearances and passwords” for the location of worthy candidates - and go for it! Good men, as well as good women, have similar tastes and visit the same places.

Where do the heroes you need go in the evenings? There are not many options - restaurants, thematic exhibitions and performances by interesting speakers. A little hint: to find out the habitats of representatives of the Moscow elite, a quick glance at the gossip column is enough. Boris Yeltsin Jr., being a bachelor, attracted the attention of girls in Manon or Rolling Stone, Alexey Garber can be found at the Roof of the World, Alexey Kiselev in his Kisa Bar, and musician Emin Agalarov and his friends from among the stars of show business – over dinner in the conceptual settings of Rose Bar and Nobu.

Pickup trends change from year to year: the glamor of the 2000s with the Soho Rooms, “Paradise” and “Gallery” in this area has sunk into oblivion. Nobody cancels meeting people at club parties, but the chance of meeting the right hero in a good restaurant is much higher. In addition, at the end of the club industry, new trends have emerged - it is fashionable to look for gentlemen on dating sites, dating services and mobile applications, in extreme driving courses and quests, playing the mafia and private clubs for your own.

Think about your trusted male friends. If you don’t have them yet, skip this point, but with a caveat: having the right male friends is beneficial. You can ask them about the places they frequent. In addition, you can always “ask” with them in a friendly way for the opening of a new center, a private buffet or a current exhibition. For what? Your personal guide into this closed muscular world is more useful than your girl friends who occasionally penetrate there.

What is the most important thing for a successful businessman? Of course it's his job. You shouldn't even pretend to be a leader in priorities. By at least, at first. Eligible bachelors spend the lion's share of their time in class A business centers, with expensive rent and an immeasurable number of floors. Such as Gazoil Plaza, Tower 2000, Delta Plaza or Mercedes Plaza. It's time to storm these skyscrapers!

Smart men constantly learn and improve themselves. Personal growth courses and business training are what they (and therefore you) need. Representatives of the stronger sex need recognition no less than you, and places like this help you evaluate your own and others’ successes. Great way catch a large number of thinking men in one place is to look at one of these events held, for example, by the City Class company, whose trainings attract businessmen from all over Russia. Study the schedule - and run to meet the participants!

Check out health food stores. The right men and eat right, never saving on this expense item. The Globus Gourmet grocery stores or the Azbuka Vkusa supermarkets will come to your aid with their high-quality assortment that attracts only the right crowd.

It's only in fairy tales that princes marry modest girls, looking at her with my heart hidden advantages. In real life, if you want, then you need to purposefully and firmly achieve your goal.

But there are precedents when rich men marry ordinary women? This happens, but if you carefully consider the situation, you can understand that very rich men take as wives not very wealthy, but famous, or “not very” rich ladies.

If this option is not your case, then you will have to make significant efforts to fulfill your own “want”.

What does a wealthy man mean?

When deciding how to find a rich husband, you first need to determine what is meant by the concept “rich husband”. Money is different from money.

Men with money can be classified into the following categories:

  • Wealth came from wealthy parents or by chance: won, received an inheritance, etc. Most often, such male representatives lead a wasteful life, do not save money, dress fashionably, change cars. At the same time, snobbery blooms in full bloom in the soul: if I am rich, I am special;
  • Wealth is inherited, and the family is accustomed to it and perceives wealth as something natural. All things are worn with dignity, cars change not because they came out new model, and as you use it. He does not boast about his means, but tries to communicate with a certain circle of people;
  • A workaholic at an advanced age. He earned everything through his own labor. Didn't get married on time because there was no time for it, or got divorced because his wife " no longer corresponds to the status" If such a man is married, then it will no longer be possible to divorce him, and there is no point in trying;
  • He was lucky with his parents, but he knows how to make money himself, for example, he takes part in the family business. The fact that things are expensive can only be seen by those who know a lot about them. Modest, reserved, moderately hardworking.

The last option is the most suitable for husbands. But how to attract the attention of such a man?

Characteristics of the above options

  • The easiest way to attract the attention of a “player” is if you are young and attractive, and when you are nearby, you make those around you sigh enviously. Such men are usually not greedy, showing the breadth of their soul. There are a lot of hangers-on hanging around them. However, if the money runs out - and all good things have this property - then you will remain next to a nervous, twitchy individual, who, most likely, will have to be carried on yourself. He doesn’t know how to earn money;
  • You can get acquainted with such a specimen if someone gives recommendations and you manage to penetrate into a closed society. They may even become interested and court you until they find out. current status. Fairy-tale princes - in such cases - take their favorite “dirty girl” to their palace and give her the status of a princess. Real princes - in most situations - change their mobile phone number;
  • It is possible to interest such a man. The only negative: he chooses and “buys”. You can find yourself “a bird in a golden cage” or simply in a cage. It is unlikely that someone who has achieved his position himself will allow himself to spend his own money. He will consider that he has made the “dowryless woman” happy;
  • The most optimal male specimen. Can be an excellent candidate for creating a happy and strong family.

As you can already see, marrying a rich person does not mean getting rich. When starting your search for a wealthy husband, you should take into account all the scenarios. But if you have a dream, why not make it come true?

Take care of yourself

Rich people pay attention to women:

  • well-groomed;
  • well dressed;
  • interesting.

How to achieve this?

You need to take care of your appearance. To do this, you need to put your skin and hair in order - visit a cosmetologist and hair salon. Tidy up your figure; choose a wardrobe that matches your future status. You should buy clothes that are not provocative, but famous designers. All this costs significant material investments. You need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to save on a lot.

Rich people only spend time with sexy, passionate women. They prefer to marry worthy, smart women with whom they would not be ashamed to go out into the world. You need to learn to speak well and beautifully to the point, behave with dignity, know the rules of etiquette, and be able to use cutlery. This means that it is necessary to increase the amount of known information, to read literature that affects the sphere of interests of the man who is “hunted”.

You need to be able to start a conversation yourself and choose the topic accurately. If you meet someone at a car showroom, it is advisable to talk about cars; in an art gallery, you should be able to evaluate works of art. In a restaurant during a dance, with “intelligent conversation” you can interest the candidate for the role of husband so much that he will not only invite you again, but also go to see you off.

When starting a conversation, you should not convey information about a subject of interest to men, showing your superiority. Smart women asking for advice.

Meeting point

Where is it possible to find a rich husband? Worth considering various options « chance encounters».

The easiest way to meet a rich man is by visiting a restaurant or club where he often spends time. But if he suits there business meetings, then it will be difficult to divert attention to yourself, and in entertainment establishments a lonely girl may be mistaken for a “moth”.

It's best to try to be next to him at a corporate party, themed party, closed buffet. And to do this, you should take care of friends in advance who will help you get there.

There is an option to meet a rich man on the tennis court, in gym, an elite swimming pool or equestrian club. In such places, men are less wary and make contact easily. You just need to know a little how to ride a horse or play tennis - then common topic there will be something for conversation right away.

The simplest, most famous and banal method. Having stopped at the side of the road in your car, stop a gentleman in a luxury “car” and ask for help: change a tire, deliver an “accidentally” broken unit to a service center, etc. You shouldn't throw yourself under the wheels. Even if they run over you and take you to the hospital, they will prefer to pay you off.

If the meeting has taken place, you need to include intelligence, charm and charisma and ensure that they take your phone number or give you a phone number. The first is preferable.

Chance of success

If a woman wants to marry a wealthy man, she will definitely be able to meet her happiness.

After all, not every woman dreams of being a millionaire. If you are content with a stable and wealthy candidate, then there is always a chance of success.

There are several ways to grab fate by the “tail”:

  • Agree to all sorts of options and try. Clever and beautiful women can do it. Just don’t forget that a woman’s age is short-lived. Clever girls and younger beauties are hot on their heels;
  • Wait for your “prince”, considering the other candidates from afar. There is a chance to stay old maid, but there are men who like women who know how to value themselves.

When dating a rich man, you shouldn’t break yourself. If you like melodramas, you can watch an action movie a couple of times, but it’s very difficult to rape yourself all your life. Don't create a misleading impression. Sooner or later a man will see your real face, and then both will experience disappointment.

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Good appearance does not guarantee you success with women. However, a good first...
What kind of abdominal pain can the second trimester cause and how to distinguish between them Causes of obstetric pain
During pregnancy, abdominal pain always causes concern for the expectant mother. Even...
Coral color combination Gray coral
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