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How to find a best friend. Show off your passions. In the company of mutual friends

Years pass, cities and countries, phone numbers, jobs and companies change, and along with all these changes, very important people- Good friends.

Sometimes we are to blame for the fact that we offended long ago good friend or deliberately moved away from her when entering into a relationship with a man. Sometimes time takes away girlfriends - they themselves get married, concentrate on the family and less and less pay attention to “woman gatherings”. And sometimes the views diverge - one friend freezes in her youth, wants to try everything and be in time everywhere, while the other sits indoor flower at home, regularly goes to work and dreams of a betrothed.

Yes, losing loved ones is very hard, no matter what the reason is. And with age, this is even more difficult, because there are no longer schools, universities, courtyard companies and camps, where we used to make new acquaintances so easily. Losing friends in adulthood threatens that you can remain lonely even if you have a family - there is no one to invite to visit with a child, so that the children are distracted, and you drink tea. No one to share the joy with leather wedding, there is no one to remember the past with, and light up in your 30s in a nightclub.

Unfortunately, the departure of friends happens everywhere and cannot be avoided, but we can make another attempt to find real girlfriend on its way, and we will talk about this in this article.

Psychological moments

1. Why do you need a girlfriend? I should notice the fact that many girls need a girlfriend only because it is right and accepted in society, and if you have no friends, you are a closed and boring person. So for the time being I thought, and then I realized that I just had a moral jump and I had enough for full-fledged communication, gossip and the happiness of my husband (this is how I am an introvert). Therefore, do not complex and do not try to keep up with the stereotypes of society - if you feel comfortable being alone, you should not force things and try to find artificial friendship on your head.

If your craving for a girlfriend is provoked by boredom, longing, a desire to share purely feminine wisdom, to frame men together, to go to the store for clothes - there is already a guy or personal diary some are not limited, in which case you really should surround yourself with interesting people for emotional nourishment.

2. Why don't I have a girlfriend? Before you build new friendships, you must eliminate the old reasons that your circle has dwindled. This will help you work on yourself and learn how to quickly make friends and maintain new connections. My sister could not find friends, for example, due to excessive suspicion, secretiveness and shyness. Few people like absolute quiet people with whom they talk on sexual themes- a taboo, and in order to take them out for a walk, you need to present a good reason, for example, your birthday. My ex-best friend also had a specific character, because of which she eventually lost all her friends - she was vindictive, unfriendly, gloomy, quarrelsome, and occasionally also lied. If you also have such traits, you will have to eradicate them and start being courteous, helpful people, showing concern and interest in someone else's life.

3. How to choose? There is another reason for the absence of a best friend - just a lot of people around, and you have not found your friendly "half". If this is due to the thirst for popularity and attention, then it is unlikely that you will be able to give preference to several people. In general, such a moment is harmful, because people tend to be close to "star" persons, as well as with the rich and influential, solely because of connections, rays of fame and attention. A maid of honor a priori will not be able to become your good friend, as she will never speak contrary to your word, will not stimulate development and guard against mistakes. A real friend must have her own opinion, personal space and brains on her shoulders.

Let's move on to practice

It will be hard for us in battle, because to say “Go and find best friend” is easy, but in reality it is given with great difficulty and personal concessions. So where to find a girlfriend? There are several points that will help create the opportunity to meet your friendly "half", and there everything will already depend on you - whether to develop and feed relationships, or to abandon another girlfriend and eventually disperse in different directions.

1. We learn to be friends with ourselves, to be an inquisitive and interesting person, not afraid to share ideas and offer help.

2. We remove all possible fears that block attempts to make friends. In my case, it was the fear of making friends with people of a different age, the fear of trust. You may have a fear of betrayal (for example, against the background of betrayal ex girlfriend with your boyfriend) or misunderstanding (a friend did not forgive the way you spoke about her new hairstyle). First of all, do not be afraid of new relationships, communication.

3. We are working on non-verbal methods of communication. Active, smiling, restless and helpful girls are much faster noticed in new group than closed and boring, who do not participate in discussions and work.

4. We learn not only to receive attention, but also to give. When you happen to meet a good person, you should not wait for her to take the initiative to invite you somewhere. Yes, perhaps your future best friend even forgot about your existence, spinning in her own affairs, you need to be ready for this in adulthood. Do not hesitate to call yourself, invite the girl to visit or go shopping together, answer her every awkward step with your confidence. Think about it, she may also be afraid to make new acquaintances.

5. Whoever seeks - he will find, which means we don’t expect a friend to fall on our heads while we sit in front of our computer. Need to live active life, go to libraries, cafes, gyms, swimming pools, dance schools, sign up for yoga and theme nights. At the same time, willingly go to visit friends and colleagues, do not miss corporate parties, team building, and other events. In friendship, as in love, you cannot know in advance where and when you will meet “your” person. If you are already a completely closed person and you are not used to meeting “on the street”, try to find a girlfriend on the Internet. Now this method has become even more popular, especially for people who have arrived in new unfamiliar cities, as well as for mothers and careerists who have lost all their friends. Find eligible groups and websites, chat and get used to each other, and then, under good circumstances, you can go to a personal meeting.

6. The new is the well-forgotten old, so you should pay attention to old childhood friends with whom time and forgotten conflicts divorced you. Thanks to the Internet, you can start with unobtrusive communication, and common memories may do their job, and you will remember with pleasure why you appreciated each other so much in your time.

Here is a small selection for you simple tips how to find a best friend who can help you take the first steps towards a new one strong friendship on long years. Good luck in your search and long-lasting friendly ties to you!

In this article, we will talk about how to find a girlfriend for communication.

It would seem that in our information age, this should not cause any problems for a woman whose communication skills are sufficiently developed. But judging by the letters that I receive from readers, finding new friends means finding understanding and support in their person.

Agree that not everyone you meet will open your soul, and not everyone will be able to listen to you and understand. Only a mother can do this. But parents are not eternal, so not only women, but also male half puzzled by how to find a real girlfriend for life.

Many of us experience the so-called lack of understanding, so the question arises, where to find a best friend?
Able-bodied citizens believe that their social circle is closed at work, so they try to group with those who are close in spirit and financial situation, believing that "the well-fed does not understand the hungry." But the thing is that the working atmosphere often does not allow you to “whisper” on personal matters, so you have to be content with talking with friends at lunchtime or during a smoke break.

Some people have to communicate with those who live in the neighborhood. This creates increased comfort due to the fact that the distance between them is easily overcome. Judge for yourself: you went up to the floor above, sat down at a table, chatted with a neighbor - and you don’t have to torture yourself with the question of how to find a best friend. But this situation is called “for lack of a better”.

According to informal statistics, it can be concluded that people with difficulty communication skills, search for girlfriends on the Internet. This method does not require skill associated with the ability to find new acquaintances in real life. Everything is quite simple. You register in any social network that you like best and fill out the questionnaire in detail, indicating your hobbies and hobbies. After the questionnaire is filled out, you can start searching for a potential girlfriend according to the selection criteria. If you love poetry, then try using a special filter that allows you to find friends with similar interests. When you make the initial selection, you can try to send the first message with an offer to communicate culturally.

Do not rush to immediately offer friendship after reading a few messages and looking at the photos in the profile, because the first impression can be deceiving. Try to learn not only to speak, but also to listen, then your dialogue will not be in the nature of a monologue, and after a certain period of time you will be able to find a pen pal.

Many of us wonder how to find a childhood friend. This is a good option, because you already have an idea about specific person whose fate is unknown to you. In this case, the notorious come to the rescue again social media, where you can search, only not by interests, but by last name, first name, patronymic, age and place of residence. Just keep in mind that people change over the years, so be prepared for the fact that a childhood friend turns out to be a completely different person who is not able to claim this important role.

I will give one more piece of advice related to how to find a girlfriend on the Internet and not be deceived. The thing is that in social networks there is a chance to meet an inadequate person who pretends not to be who he really is. Therefore, at the first stage of communication, sacrifice your desire to speak out and try to check how well the prospective girlfriend understands what she writes about. First, give her the floor, and then draw the appropriate conclusions. Many women complain that they spend their precious time on camouflaged lesbian girlfriends who, in search of new partners, are ready to become “unrecognized geniuses” in any field of human knowledge.

Imagine, a “hairy woman” will come to meet you)

I have already received several such indignant letters from my readers.

Vse-taki, how and where to find the best girlfriend?

Dear women, yes, anywhere, online, at work, in a store, or simply by answering an erroneously received call. Friendship, like love, has no time, no deadline, no prescription. First, become the best friend yourself, and then wait until Hard time there will be a reliable person next to you.

Many representatives fair half of humanity are wondering if there are any stereotypes in the world regarding its absence - this is true. In fact, it all depends on what is meant by this concept.

As a child, each girl had several friends, but unfortunately, during adult life Not every woman can boast of their presence. Yes, there are acquaintances, there are colleagues, but there is no close friend ...

So, let's figure out who is a girlfriend? Can she be considered an employee or neighbor? How to find a girlfriend?

Who is a girlfriend

Many people believe that a friend is a girl / woman who is always ready to meet halfway, to listen, the one who will answer phone call or come to visit. In fact, these criteria describe only 10%, no more.

A friend is not just a person to spend time together. This is the one that:

  • always supports, even if you decide to change your life by 100%;
  • never boasts and does not envy;
  • develops and improves together with you;
  • has similar interests and values;
  • polite and respectful in communication.

Why was it so easy for us to get a girlfriend as a child, but in adult life we ​​have to face difficulties? It's simple - at a young age we did not have a personality, we just wanted to sit in the sand, play hide and seek, dress up dolls. In adulthood, a person who has become a bright personality has the need to communicate with another person - not in a game, but in a good and productive dialogue that brings peace or positive emotions.

In childhood, there is no cultural and informational gap between girls, but over time, when each one's values, priorities and ideals change, girlfriends become different. Therefore, smart representatives of the fair sex have to look not for a person to spend time together, but for a like-minded person who will always support, want to help and just listen.

Why look for a girlfriend

It would seem that finding a girlfriend is not so difficult, but it was not there .... Many questions arise in my head: where to go, and should I go, how to behave, what to talk about? We will consider the answers to them below.

In many ways, the search criteria depend on your goals. Someone is looking for a girlfriend for spending time together, going to the movies, the gym, friendly communication. Someone needs a friend of interest or a business partner, and someone just wants to be around good man. The most important thing is to answer the question “why” for yourself, so that the desire to find a girlfriend is caused not by selfishness, but by the desire to be useful.

Where to look for a girlfriend

Nowadays, there are many places to go to find a girlfriend. Of course, all sorts of bureaus and agencies are useless here, since we are talking O warm relations and not about renting an apartment or a car. Consider different variants looking for a friend.

  • If you are looking for a cultured girlfriend without bad habits to visit interesting places and even social events together, then the best place is a gallery, theater, museum.
  • If you have not yet decided to leave your “comfort zone” in order to look for girlfriends among strangers, it is quite possible to take a closer look at the circle of acquaintances. Who knows, perhaps it was among them that your soul mate. If any of the girls sympathizes with you, you can approach her yourself and offer to spend time with a cup of tea.
  • If you have no female acquaintances at all, you can ask your friends or relatives for support. Many have the opportunity to recommend communication with their sisters/girlfriends/girlfriends and help you make contact. casual dating often end in a reliable friendship.

There are ways to find girlfriends, which you need to take a closer look at, be more careful. For example, visit noisy companies for the purpose of choosing friends is not always a good idea, especially if you are looking for a calm person to do business together.

The Internet is a place that is used not only for communication and searching for information, but also for dating. Many people on the network were able not only, but also to find a good one for spending time together. But at the same time, it should be remembered that online dating should not only mean virtual communication. Tapping the keys cannot replace live dialogue and direct contact with a person.

The question of how to find a real girlfriend always remains relevant, since many girls do not know where to start and how to act. Actually, you don't need to put specific purpose and blindly follow it. The easiest way is to expand the circle of acquaintances, then gradually you will find yourself.

How not to lose friendship

Finding your best friend is only half the battle. The rest is to not lose it. To do this, you must follow certain recommendations of psychologists.

  • Don't be selfish. Often girls behave narcissistically. To avoid this, in the process of communication it is very important to pay attention to the values ​​and ideals of a friend, take into account her desires and listen. Often there are situations when friendship resembles a rope between two warring parties: each girl tries to pull it over herself, without understanding the other.
  • Discuss goals. Why do you think a few years ago - during school, student days - you had many girlfriends, but then everyone left, there seems to be friendship, but there is no one to talk to? In fact, everything is quite simple. Everyone has their own lives, their customs and problems. If you want to have not just a friend for communication, but for life, it is important to discuss common goals.
  • Interests - the most important factor friendship. It is not necessary for both friends to be great athletes or to go into the ranks of writers overnight. But anyway, common interests should be. And this is not a discussion. latest news show business, but more seriously hobbies, the desire for self-development, hobbies.

It is quite difficult to find for communication, but there is a solution. It requires certain actions and time investment. Develop and always communicate with people, this will lead you not only to seek friendship, but also to discover new opportunities for yourself.

Hello Yana!

You recently wrote a post about finding friends, about a scared girl. I read and was amazed .. here it is necessary .. such interesting person, he invites to visit and to exhibitions, and more than once .. literally persuades her to meet, but she does not. It happens so!

And all my life I can not find a girlfriend. Relationships with women do not stick, I don’t know why! I'm already tired of tinkering with myself. I can’t say that I’m wildly sociable, but I’m certainly not shy either.

It all started with the fact that when I was 21, I moved to live in another city alone. Didn't know anyone there. And I had to start life from scratch. Before that, of course, there were friends left from childhood, school, university, and I didn’t have to think about how to make new friends. And when she was alone in big city, I felt very lonely. I had to overcome myself. Often she herself took the first step in getting to know each other. I tried to get to know each other whenever possible. I went to exhibitions, to clubs, to all events that were interesting to me. With someone and got acquainted, with someone and exchanged contacts. And what? And nothing! Barely scraped together a few friends in a couple of years and that's it. For the most part I talked with girls from work. Still, when people spend a lot of time together, willy-nilly, they become closer. But so that somewhere at an exhibition or some event to go and find a girlfriend - this has never happened. It seems that I am not terrible outwardly, and I have many interests, and quite easy-going, but that’s not the case. You just can't find a girlfriend and that's it. After about 2.5 years of living in a new city, I found myself a boyfriend. He became my friend and everyone, we are still together (3.5 years), but I still don’t have a girlfriend. There are girls with whom I can sometimes chat somewhere in social networks but they are more like acquaintances than friends. I don’t know, maybe the point is that a lot of women are alien to me. I do not like to discuss cosmetics and dresses, and grind the bones around. This does not mean that I do not look after myself, just that everyday discussion of the color of lipsticks and new handbags does not seem interesting to me. Probably, I cannot find a person with similar interests, most likely so. Recently, I had a new bout of looking for a girlfriend and I even posted my profile on a dating site, where I quite clearly indicated that I was looking for a girl for communication and friendship, but of course, a flood of letters with sexual overtones fell on me, and not from girls. The profile was deleted after a few days.

I still harbor the hope of finding a girlfriend. But where? How? Under what circumstances could this happen? So far, I can't even imagine. It seems that I have already tried all the ways I know to find friends.

If you publish my letter, then do not indicate the name.


When I read such things - that I am looking for and cannot find a girlfriend - I immediately want to ask: Do you really need her?
And yet - maybe you have a girlfriend, but you didn’t notice it?
You just wrote that you don’t want and don’t know how to endlessly discuss the color of lipstick with girls. As if all women in the world do just that with their friends. I have two best friends, and we don’t discuss lipsticks and skirts with either one. Well, maybe for 5 minutes every 10 years. Accordingly, I thought that maybe you just have some kind of bizarre idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow it should look exactly female friendship? Especially considering that, judging by the letter, you didn’t have so many of them. And maybe those girls with whom you have been communicating periodically for a long time have been real friends for a long time? Do you just think that this is "not it", because you expect some cliches from the series from them? :-)

You write that you would like to go somewhere with your friends. Really, there has never been a single woman who is ready to somehow spend a couple of hours with you? Hard to believe. But even if that's the case, I think it's not that hard to find someone like that. Just chatting with everyone who somehow, somewhere, seems likeable. Show interest, invite, call. Rather, I would suggest that maybe someone is with you and was ready to do something. But maybe it seemed to you that this is not something, not like that, not a friend? :-)

And it also happens that something is not found pathologically, because a person does not really need it. Those. I want a girlfriend, because "everyone is supposed to have a girlfriend." But if you think about it, it is quite enough for happiness. what is: male buddies, a husband, and herself?

P.S. Something tells me that among my readers there are still those who lack a girlfriend. Maybe make friends with each other?

How to find a girlfriend is not an idle question at all. Many girls and women who have girlfriends or girlfriends will say that there is no problem finding a girlfriend. And yet, it often happens that you are left without a girlfriend. The reasons for this can be very different. We moved to another city, and a friend remained in the same. Married and plunged into new life, forgot about girlfriends and lost them. Or maybe it never was. Therefore, the question arises - how to find a girlfriend.

A friend is not a friend with whom you can chat about this and that, discuss the latest fashion grimaces, talk about the weather and men. A real girlfriend, that's close and native person who will share with you both grief and joy, will always come to the rescue, will not condemn, console, give valuable advice. A girlfriend is an outlet for revelations, a vest in which you can cry, having such a girlfriend, no psychoanalysts are needed.

How to find a real girlfriend

Finding a girlfriend with modern communication opportunities is not so difficult, if at least roughly imagine where and how to look. Here are a few options where and how to meet other girls, and as a result find a girlfriend:

You can find a girlfriend or renew an old friendship on the Internet

How to find a girlfriend - you ask? You can meet in social networks not only with men. The mass of people, most different ages, find friends on the Internet, some of them remain virtual friends, some continue to communicate "live". Go to the forums, register in communities on topics that interest you. There are even communities that are called “Looking for a girlfriend”.

It is convenient to get acquainted and communicate in networks because as a result of such communication you will certainly find out, before meeting a person, whether his interests, beliefs, and cultural level suit you. Even by the manner of communication, by the answers, by individual words, you can understand whether this girl can become your friend. Look for interlocutors on the Internet in your city, if you like to communicate with some girl virtually, then you can meet, and who knows, maybe she will become your soulmate.

By the way, through social networks you can resume and old friendship. Sometimes it happens that different reasons(married and separated different cities, quarreled, etc.), friends lose contact with each other. The possibility of finding a lost girlfriend (the friendship you miss) through social networks is quite likely.

How to find a professional girlfriend

You don't like the idea of ​​virtual dating. To understand whether your interlocutor has a common “wave”, you definitely need to communicate with him “live”, see the expression of his eyes, facial expressions, and manner of communication. If you study or work somewhere, you can get to know each other better in this social circle.

Start chatting first common topics work or study, after some short time it is already possible to understand whether a new acquaintance wants to communicate with you and whether you are interested in her. Perhaps the discussion of professional topics will gradually develop into more confidential communication, and you will understand that you didn’t have to go far to look for and find a girlfriend, she was always there, you just needed to get to know each other better.

How to find a girlfriend through passion, hobby

Do you have any hobbies: sewing, knitting, cooking, drawing, dancing, art modeling, whatever, you like it, but you haven’t seriously done it anywhere. Sign up for some circle, section, courses where they teach your hobby.

There you will meet women who are equally passionate about this occupation, and it is likely that you will find a girlfriend among them.

General hobby - good foundation for friendship. Or start going to the gym Gym(if you have a craving for sports activities), sign up for one of women's clubs, where not only trainings are held, but there is also an opportunity to chat, in these places you can also find a girlfriend.

Here are the 7 most popular female hobbies, among which, you can definitely find a person who will be interesting to you!

How to find a girlfriend where you often go

What places do you often visit? A beauty salon, a library, you like to go to various exhibitions and vernissages, you often have a rest in a dispensary, rest houses, sanatoriums - all these places favor the birth, at first friendly relations between women, and then, and friendship.

Even such seemingly unsuitable places for acquaintance as a polyclinic, hospital, maternity hospital, can bring women very close together with a commonality of problems, worries, joy after recovery, discussions of joyful troubles after the birth of a baby.

No matter where you look for a girlfriend, how to meet and communicate with her also matters.

At any beginning acquaintance, be proactive, open, friendly, but without obtrusiveness. Responsiveness, the desire to help, also contributes to the emergence friendly relations.

Having met someone, do not force things, friendship is not love, it cannot arise at first sight. For communication, first choose albeit interesting for both of you, but neutral topics, for example, you can discuss general classes, latest fashion, some important events in city and country, your accomplishments are in what you do.

Do not immediately indulge in revelations about your personal life and problems, do not ask her about the same. At first, dating, it will look incorrect, and simply indecent. When the acquaintance becomes closer, and you have mutual trust, both of you will want to discuss these topics.

And yet, friendship cannot be selfish, if you expect understanding, help, advice from a friend, then be ready for all this for her, for your part. And do not forget that friendship is a concept around the clock. And before you look for and find a girlfriend, think about whether you are ready for such a relationship, so that you not only get joy and pleasure from communicating with such a close person as a girlfriend, but give the same joy to her.

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