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How to joke if a girl doesn't answer. Why doesn't the girl answer calls and messages on social networks?

In this article we will talk to you about why a girl does not answer, what is the reason and what to do about it.

In fact, none of us are immune from this. The main and, perhaps, the most important reason is that you just... Although there may be other reasons, even for example, such that at the moment when she started communicating with you, she had a fight with her boyfriend, and then he showed up with flowers and begged for forgiveness, and she, accordingly, stopped answering you. There are actually many reasons, but the main one is that she most likely is not interested in you.

I have several excellent training videos on this topic on my YouTube channel, which you can watch right now by clicking right here. In these videos I cover this topic in more detail. I don’t really like to write on a blog, I’m still a lazy person, it’s easier for me to talk on camera ;). So, it’s better not to read me.

And, believe me, in order to interest a girl in you, you don’t have to do something clever or give her a million flowers, in fact, everything is much simpler.

The girl does not answer on VK

Now I will give you one example. Recently, a guy consulted me on Skype; he met a girl on a dating site, then the conversation flowed into VK. He showed me his correspondence with her and asked why she stopped writing back to him. After I looked through all their messages to each other, it became clear what was going on. But throughout the entire correspondence with her from a pronounced position “from below”. That is, he behaved the way ninety-nine percent of men behave.

Imagine, a beautiful girl, she started a page on a dating site not because no one meets her on the street (several guys meet her every day), so she definitely doesn’t have a shortage of men. She started it this way, rather out of boredom, so that when she was in a bad mood, she could open an account and see a hundred compliments.

The problem of all men who did not come to this is that they live the way society taught them. They all grovel before women, they try to please them, they tell them only good things, they offer to take them out, give them a gift, help them, give them a ride, …. This guy talked to the girl the same way. But the problem is that in this way you don’t stand out from others. The girl is undoubtedly pleased that everyone wants to please her (sorry for the tautology), but she does not see you as a male man, but sees only another admirer - a hanger-on.

Here are examples of phrases from his correspondence - “Thank you for continuing to communicate with me,” that is, he shows her that he is such a terrible piece of shit, but she is the Queen of England and she condescended to communicate with him. Men themselves, without meaning to, elevate girls to the skies, and then they themselves do not understand why they show off so much. Here’s another example: “So I come here and see such a beautiful girl, I’m just stunned by your beauty.”

And then he asks me - the girl doesn’t answer, I don’t know why. Yes, because he communicated with her from the position of a beggar, he is the same as everyone else. She needs a main man, a master man, a man who will not grovel before her. Believe me - well, girls don’t need guys like that, they need real men who are not ready to sell a kidney just so she can sleep with them. And then he asks me why she lost interest in him. Yes, she hasn’t purchased it yet. There was no interest.

I’m willing to bet that this is exactly how you communicate with women, and your biggest problem is that you sincerely believe that this is how it should be (because you were raised this way since childhood) and you think that I’m talking all sorts of nonsense here now.

Look at my videos of how I communicate with girls and you will be very surprised that there is not even a drop of the behavior that you use. This is how I will teach you how to communicate in my trainings.

But look how quickly and easily you can meet a girl on the street.

I was also amazed by his answer to my question - “How long were you going to correspond with her?” He said, “Well, I don’t know, it’s still about two weeks,” despite the fact that he had already been communicating with her online for a week. So he delays because he is afraid, because he does not know how and what to do. But why be afraid, you have to take it and do it. The girl expects initiative from the man, but he does not show it. She also wants sex, attention, hugs, kisses, hand-in-hand walks, but you don’t invite her.

Understand, any virtual communication must be translated into live communication as soon as possible, this is why the Internet was created, to get acquainted and meet, this is why SMS was created to arrange a meeting. Life happens for real, not online. And it turns out that another reason that the girl does not respond to messages now is the lack of initiative on your part. She was just tired of waiting.

You must also understand this - in life there is one simple, but very working principle - Never click your beak. That is, while you are just getting ready to write to her and invite her to meet, some smart guy will come up to her on the street and take her phone number, then the next day he will take her out on a date and...... That's it.

And if we consider the topic when you have already seen a girl, and she suddenly stopped answering her calls, then most likely the reason is that you have been delaying sex for a long time. When a guy still doesn’t open his hands and doesn’t try to move communication to a horizontal position, the girl either signs him up as a friend (which happens often), or simply stops calling him.

In any case, if a girl does not respond to SMS and calls, only you are to blame. Get used to the fact that all responsibility in relationships with women will always be on you! If she stopped responding to you and fell for someone else, it doesn’t mean that She was... ha, it means that you are not good enough for her. So you need to develop and become better.

Personally, during my coaching practice and 8 years of practice in pickup, I had a lot of cases when a girl suddenly stopped communicating with me. Sometimes it seemed like everything was fine, then suddenly she just didn’t pick up the phone or stopped writing. What can I tell you, naturally I was upset, I was worried, especially when I really liked the girl. But there's nothing you can do about it.

I learned to explain it to myself this way: it means this is just not my girlfriend, it means the Universe will definitely send me another, the Universe cares about me and made sure that I don’t meet her, which means it’s better for me. It's easier to worry about it this way. But in order to reduce your worries to a minimum, you need to have access to other women. One didn’t work out - now I’ll go and find five others. All your worries about the fact that a girl is a rarity for you, so that she ceases to be a rarity - sign up with us at , and we will teach you effective communication and seduction.

In this article you learned the reasons why a girl does not answer, I hope you will not make similar mistakes in the future and everything will be fine with girls.

One of the most common problems in correspondence is that the girl does not respond to VKontakte messages or does not respond to SMS that you send her. The problems are similar, as are the methods for solving them, so I want to cover this issue in one article.

So, first you need to understand why the girl is not responding to your messages. There must be some important reason why you have not yet received a response to your message. There are only two such reasons:

  • She doesn’t answer you because she didn’t see, didn’t have time, or simply doesn’t have time to answer.
  • She doesn't answer you because she doesn't want to answer your question or, worse, continue to communicate with you at all.

The first reasons are much more common than we might imagine. For example, you write a message to a girl, and at that moment she is at training, at the cinema, or even on a date with another guy. Even if she hears that she has received a new message, it is quite possible that she will simply forget about it for a certain time. And in the evening, when he remembers, he will think that answering is no longer so important. Especially considering that, according to statistics, 95% of the guys who are now reading this article don't know how to text girls, which would provoke a response.

It also makes sense to make sure that such a number exists and SMS messages are delivered. On VKontakte you can see when the girl was last online and whether she read your message.

As a solution, you should wait and not write anything to the girl again. The fact is that if you persistently continue to fill up this girl’s inbox list with all sorts of SMS questions, then this will show you on the negative side and your dreams, at least, will be unlikely to be fulfilled. It will seem like you have nothing better to do and that you are very obsessed with this girl. Even if she answers you, she will then twist ropes out of you, because initially you positioned yourself incorrectly. I described the correct communication patterns in my course “From Text to Sex.”

I consider the message “ Why don't you answer messages? Never ask this at the girl's! Firstly, it seems that you are desperate because you couldn’t figure out what to write to her. Secondly, not a single girl will tell you the real reason for her silence.

If after a day the girl has not responded, then you should try to write her a message from the ones I recommended. If she doesn’t respond to that message either, then wait three days and write again. If he doesn’t answer again, then wait a week and write again. If there is no answer, add this girl to the list of so-called “cold numbers”. After a few months, you can try to revive this number and write, but I was busy. For example, if a girl breaks up with her current boyfriend, she will be happy to meet you.

She doesn't care about you...

Let's move on to the second option - the girl does not respond to messages due to the fact that she simply does not want to continue communicating with you. In this case, she seems to tell you that she is busy, and it turns out to be such a soft refusal. This can often be observed when you met a girl in a nightclub, and the next day she doesn’t answer you, because the next morning she realized that she was tipsy, she gave her number to too many guys, and she doesn’t remember you at all. Reanimate a girl from such a state can cheeky SMS, which I teach you to write in my courses.

For example, you can text a girl the following message:

"Oh my God! Were you kidnapped, forced into slavery or something? »

As you can see, this is an example of a message that strongly provokes a girl to respond. Several techniques are combined here. For example, friendly banter works well as an element of an evaluative frame. The girl wants to justify herself, and, voila, she is already writing you an answer.

Another funny option:

“Mmm, I just watched a movie and something reminded me of you! So funny!;))))"

The girl will become curious about what we are talking about, and she will answer. Then you continue:

“Yes, the main character had such a small puppy;) he whined so cutely, he immediately remembered you;) how is life?”

Does a girl you know not respond to text messages or respond reluctantly or with monosyllabic phrases? In this article we will talk about the possible reasons, as well as give some useful tips to help you get out of this situation.

Why doesn't a girl want to answer messages?

So, let's imagine the situation. You met a girl on VKontakte or Facebook and corresponded with her for some time. Then you noticed that she responds to your messages for a very long time, coldly and monosyllabically: “yes”, “no”, “maybe”, “maybe”, etc. An extreme case is that she does not respond to messages at all or has even stopped reading them.

The only possible reason for this behavior is that she is simply not interested in communicating with you. If she were interested in communicating with you, then she would find the time to write something interesting, unless she was in intensive care or ended up on a desert island.

Why did she lose interest in communication? Most likely, they themselves are to blame. Here are the most common mistakes guys make when texting girls:

  • Obsessiveness. If you constantly try to maintain communication, even when the girl does not want to continue it, sooner or later it will lead to sad consequences. This shows how much you need to communicate with her and greatly reduces your “value” in her eyes.
  • Lack of tact. For example, you left an ambiguous comment on her photo or wrote something not very decent on her wall. This is a direct path to getting blacklisted.
  • Unoriginality. You were able to interest her at the beginning of the conversation, but then quickly slipped into banalities like: “hi, how are you?”, “what are you doing?” etc. If you want to attract attention, learn to be original! Don't know what to write? Read on, we'll tell you.

What to do in such a situation

Firstly, you need to radically reconsider your approach to communicating with girls on the Internet. Here are some useful articles that will definitely help you:

Secondly, the easiest thing is to find a new girl to correspond with, since it’s unlikely that anything will work out with this one. However, this does not mean that all is lost. There are several tricks that will help you resume communication. Want to know which ones? Then read on.

What to write to a girl who ignores you

In order for a girl who is ignoring you to respond to a message, you need to somehow intrigue her, cheer her up, hook her, or piss her off. Here are some examples of fun and provocative messages that will help with this:

  • “You’re not so beautiful that it’s so easy to ignore my messages.”
  • “You don’t look very good in this photo. What has happened with you?"
  • “When I started corresponding with you, it seemed to me that you were an interesting and original girl. And you seem like everyone else..."
  • “I see that you are not interested. I won't write any more. But it would be more honest on your part to tell me directly about this, rather than remain silent..."
  • “I won’t write anything for the next two years - I’m leaving for Namibia to feed the elephants.”

Of course, it is important here not to cross the line of what is permitted, otherwise it will all end in an ordinary quarrel.

Dear readers, today we will talk about how to behave if a girl does not respond to messages. Perhaps you personally have had to deal with a similar situation more than once and already have experience. It’s good if you are self-confident, having not received a response to your message, you think that your beloved is simply busy. But what about those who literally begin to tear out the hair on their heads, going over the reasons why she can remain silent. In this article you will read the most common options for this behavior of girls.

How to increase your chances of getting a reply message

Let's look at what actions can increase the chances of receiving a response after sending an SMS.

  1. Compose a text that will indicate that you did not remember about it. For example, such a message can be written a week after meeting, the text will be informal, as if to a simple acquaintance.
  2. Show that you are not obsessed with her. The message may contain a phrase such as that you were glad to meet such an acquaintance.
  3. You can pretend that you don’t remember who she is at all, for example, write a clarifying SMS asking that you don’t remember where you met. Intrigue her.
  4. The girl loves with her ears. A message written with a couple of compliments may interest her.
  5. If a girl ignores all the above methods, then you can stop any attempts for a month or two, and then repeat them again.

Possible reasons for silence

The girl stopped responding to messages, but previously she did this if she was very busy at the moment or had lost all interest in you. It is possible that this happened because of the way you behaved, so it is important to analyze your actions. Let's look at what reasons can also explain the young lady's silence.

  1. There is no mood, her thoughts are busy with other problems.
  2. A girl is silent when she is offended by something in personal communication. And this will happen until you understand what exactly happened. And here phrases like “are you offended by something?” would not be appropriate.
  3. The text of your SMS seemed offensive to the girl. Remember that females are very sensitive and get offended for any reason. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully consider and re-read the text of the message before sending it.
  4. She may be silent, thinking about how best to respond to your message.
  5. A girl doesn’t answer when she’s pushing her limits, she wants to intrigue the man more. Here either a repeated SMS will help, or she herself will get tired of waiting and still answer.
  6. He is silent because he doesn’t want to communicate with an annoying guy, especially if you write too many messages and do it often.
  7. The girl may find your type of speech unpleasant or may be annoyed by the large number of grammatical errors in the text.
  8. He simply doesn’t hear that an SMS has arrived.
  9. She has another man. It is possible that she added you to the black list; messages do not reach her at all.
  10. Silence is a way to quietly break off any relationship.
  11. Her phone is broken or her internet is out, and she simply has no way to answer.
  12. If you see that a girl reads messages but does not respond to them immediately, this is not a reason to think that she is ignoring you. Most likely, she is very busy right now and will answer a little later. Although it is possible that he will forget to do this. And this is the case when a repeated message will be a good reason to remind yourself.

What should be the actions

Let's figure out what to do and how to behave correctly if there is no response to a message.

  1. Be completely calm and maintain composure.
  2. There is no need to send messages repeatedly if they are not followed by any response. This way you will only humiliate yourself.
  3. If nothing follows the first SMS, then there is no need to write reproaches or angry statements.
  4. If the silence of a beautiful person is due to a lack of desire to continue communication, then it is better to calm down and not be an eyesore for her.
  5. Think about it, maybe you just don’t know how to communicate, you need to work on your speech and literacy.
  6. Perhaps you are not original and simply did not interest the girl.
  7. If nothing bad happened, and she is just busy, then after some time she will answer herself. So just wait.
  8. If a girl does not respond to VK messages, it is possible that she is not interested in virtual communication and wants a personal meeting. In such a situation, it’s a good idea to get her phone number. But this does not apply to the situation when an unfamiliar man writes to an unfamiliar woman. Most likely, she is simply afraid of communicating with a stranger.
  9. Do not rush to get angry with a girl if she cannot answer for technical reasons, she is worried no less than you, because she realizes that you are worried too. If you have previously communicated and maintained personal contact, then it is better to try calling. But you also shouldn’t call her every five minutes.
  10. If there is no response to the first SMS, there is no need to rush to send the next message. It will be better if the second message is sent 12 hours after the first. It is possible that this time will be enough for the girl to answer herself.
  11. If this is a way to end the relationship with you, then you need to come to terms with it. Just in case, you can try to write to her after three days, and something informal. Just don’t write an angry message, accusing her of what a “vile” she is, etc. You will be especially ashamed if it turns out that there was a logical explanation for the silence, and after such angry messages she will definitely not want to maintain the relationship and will blacklist your number.

There can be many reasons why your messages are not answered, sometimes they turn out to be completely implausible, but still have a right to exist. The main thing is not to despair and not become hysterical. You also need to understand that the girl doesn’t owe you anything, she just doesn’t want to maintain the relationship. Although, of course, it would be better for her to write about it. Remember to maintain your dignity, do not humiliate yourself by pestering a beautiful person with numerous SMS messages.

I’ve been training guys with Roman for many years, I attended a live training, and I think that the training “Date: from meeting to sex” is the only most informative information product in RuNet on this topic. Roman is an experienced trainer and has been involved in the topic of seduction for many years; he himself has learned a lot from him. I came to Novosibirsk to see Roman for personal coaching. I was very pleased, because Roman changed my life for the better and taught me how to get the most out of everything I did. I also found myself and my path, now I have a business, I have a beloved girl nearby. Everything is fine!

Eduard, Ulan-Ude, 39 years old

From Roman’s video courses, I learned that seducing girls can be easy and simple and you don’t have to have a lot of money or be a delusional pitt! I improved, although before the training I was a complete zero, so to speak. Roman changed me, he is truly a practical trainer, he publishes excellent courses...

Ivan, Saratov, 33 years old

Good video courses that contain neither fluff nor empty words - only specifics and valuable information on all aspects of the course topics. The dates are discussed in great detail. The relationships are shown in detail and clearly. After studying both courses, I can safely say that there are no more questions. There is only a desire to develop and achieve success. Thank you, Roman, for your invaluable work on the courses!

Peter, Omsk, 22 years old

I received individual training from Roman Vinilov on the topic of dating and getting to know girls. All classes were very productive. There were many exercises that gave results instantly. Roman showed his skills, gave advice, motivated. I learned a lot, understood a lot and am very glad that I studied with Roman. For this reason, I even came to Novosibirsk from distant Tyumen)

Sergey, Tyumen, 26 years old

Roman, I want to express my gratitude for the fact that your course changed my life dramatically and for the better! I couldn’t believe that after a few weeks of studying your course I would already have the first significant results!

Ilya, Riga, 23 years old

I received the book by email and started studying... so much useful information and no water! Thank you, Roman, for such hard work...

Ivan, Serpukhov, 21 years old

Rum, well, I seduced that girl I told you about... I spent 2 whole years pursuing her, but to no avail. Your course upgraded me and now I’m just happy!!! and only ONE WEEK!!!

Mikhail, Omsk, 25 years old

Your course on relationships, Roman, opened my eyes to reality. Previously, I imagined everything completely differently and was very mistaken. Now everything has changed and I am building a full-fledged quality relationship with the girl of my dreams!

Vladimir, Khabarovsk, 23 years old

I spent the first date according to your course and according to your advice - damn, the girl herself began to seduce me!!! This works amazingly, I did not expect such an effect. Now I go on dates all the time, several times a day - out of 10, 8 end in sex, and 5 of them on the first date!!!

Evgeniy, Novosibirsk, 22 years old

Thank you for your newsletter lessons and books. Although they are free, the information they contain is very valuable! I spent a whole year scouring the Internet for information on how to seduce girls on a date, there was nothing worthwhile... just a pickup truck, RMS, some Western things... and then I got acquainted with your work. That's what our Russian guys are missing! Everything is our way, for real, without falsehood. I really liked your approach to seduction. Not stupid sex, but something more... although for those who only want sex, that’s the same thing))) I wanted a relationship with a beautiful girl and got it thanks to your lessons. Thank you, Rom!

Alexander, Moscow, 26 years old

Your advice helped me a lot. Only 4 Skype conferences and I learned how to have dates and get sex on them without spending a lot of extra time, nerves, money and everything else) Success is not difficult! The main thing is to learn from a good coach. It's such a novel :)

Vsevolod, Minsk, 22 years old

How could I seduce beautiful girls before? No way. No car, no apartment. But after undergoing training with Roman Vinilov, I did the impossible. I’ve changed myself so much that girls are now just staring at me!!! It’s very cool to study with Roman, the motivation is effective, the kicks are magical, the experience is limitless. I am very glad that I once became acquainted with such a person as Roman.

Artyom, Samara, 24 years old

Thank you, Roman, for your courses and advice! They always help, I’m very glad that I know you and your materials.

Ilya, Novosibirsk, 22 years old

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