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How to practice abstinence. Is abstaining from sex bad for your health?

Experts are convinced that there are more myths than truth surrounding this topic.

The floor goes to our expert, sex pathologist Yuri Romanov.

Myth 1. Lack of sex life is stressful for a man

In fact. Sexual withdrawal caused by external circumstances has two phases. The first lasts a month or two and is expressed in the fact that the man’s desire for sex increases, all thoughts are fixated on this topic.

In the second phase, a protective mechanism is triggered and the body self-regulates: since sex is not available, then why bother in vain? And the libido, in order not to work idle, freezes until better times.

Many men in conditions of severe isolation (soldiers, polar explorers, prisoners) practice masturbation, which is completely normal. For them, this is the best way out of the situation.

If we are talking about an ordinary business trip, then a man with a very strong sexual constitution will not restrain himself with a marital oath of fidelity. He will try to find an available woman. If you're unlucky, you'll calm down by masturbating. This category of men tolerates abstinence very poorly. They experience insomnia and aggression. But after two or three months, even they get used to the lack of sex. A man with an average sexual constitution will tolerate separation from his beloved normally, without betrayal.

Myth 2. Long-term sexual abstinence leads to impotence

In fact. In youth, before the onset of sexual activity, abstinence is not dangerous, it is even useful so that the guy does not make mistakes. After all, the psychosexual development of a teenage boy continues until the age of 18. And crazy sexual leapfrog from the age of 14-16 can give him the wrong idea about his sex life.

In the years of maturity, abstinence is also not fraught with dangerous consequences for health. But long-term sexual abstinence after 45-50 years is undesirable, since at this age a fading inhibition of the sexual sphere occurs. And if a man does not have the opportunity to have sex, then his reproductive system sometimes sags quickly, literally in two or three months, and irreversibly. Therefore, men after 45 years of age are recommended to have at least relatively regular sex life or engage in masturbation in order to maintain potency.

Myth 3. Special vegetarian diets and exercise help weaken libido.

In fact. Sports and physical activity within reasonable limits, on the contrary, improve the health of the body and, accordingly, sexual function. If you replace meat with seafood and diversify your diet with fresh salads and fruits, this can even increase desire and potency.

Myth 4. The lack of intimate life stimulates new achievements - sexual energy can be sublimated into creative energy

In fact. In order for abstinence to awaken creativity in a man, you need to be a creative person by nature. To create a Boldino cycle of poems, you need to be Pushkin. And if you are not Pushkin, then you will not write anything brilliant. However, one cannot claim that Boldino’s experience is a regularity. If a scientist or poet is isolated from women, this does not mean that he will immediately begin to burst forth with outstanding ideas. This doesn't happen.

Myth 5. A man’s sexuality can be controlled through special training.

In fact. It is easy to control the sexuality of a constitutionally weak man. And it is very difficult to control the sexuality of a constitutionally strong person. So all these trainings are good for those who can calmly come to an agreement with themselves without them. And they are not at all suitable for those who are unsuccessfully trying to curb a raging passion that cannot find a way out. It's a waste of time for them.

Sex is an integral part of all people at puberty, it is so inherent in nature that the instinct of procreation takes over in every man exactly as much as in a woman. But due to a number of reasons, such as the absence of a sexual partner, circumstances and personal prejudices, long-term abstinence from sexual intercourse may occur. Today there are many conflicting opinions about whether long-term abstinence is beneficial or harmful to a man’s body.

Due to total sexual propaganda, life without sex seems impossible for many men. In fact, you can understand the advisability of abstinence or an active sexual life if you know for sure how the lack of discharge and sexual intercourse affects a man’s body. And such issues need to be considered only from the point of view of medicine, and not stereotypes and unofficial ideologies imposed by society.

What is abstinence?

The concept of sexual abstinence should be understood as a voluntary refusal for a certain period of time or generally for the entire life of a man from sexual acts with representatives of the opposite sex.
It is impossible to accurately determine the period of sexual abstinence, since this is a purely subjective time frame. In fact, a man’s need for sexual intimacy with a woman is a consequence of his worldview and individual temperament type.

For reference! It will be almost impossible to accurately determine the acceptable limits of sexual abstinence for a particular man, since one man will not be able to hold out for more than a week, while another can abstain for more than one month.

According to medical theory, it has been established that on average, men with low sexual activity can abstain from sex for no longer than 1-2 months, which will be a fairly easy test for them. For men with high levels of testosterone and physical activity, the frequency of sexual intercourse will be much shorter, counting as weeks. Therefore, doctors divide men into two groups:

  • the first group - those who are sexually active;
  • the second group is less active men due to the individual characteristics of the body, be it temperament, upbringing, environmental living conditions, climate zone, health and emotional background, etc.

For representatives of the first group, sexual abstinence is a great threat to health; for them, the lack of release will be accompanied by adverse manifestations. The second group, on the contrary, can live calmly and without consequences, without intimate life for a long time.

Is abstinence harmful for men and what does a long absence of sex lead to?

For many years, the benefits and harms of sexual abstinence have been actively studied by medical specialists, as well as scientists and scientific institutes. In addition to the term “sexual abstinence,” doctors in parallel consider such a concept as abstinence or a state of “withdrawal” against the background of lack of sex and discharge of the body. AND the first harm from this lies precisely in the mental negative impact on a person.

A sexually mature and active man, due to the lack of sexual activity, will suffer from discomfort and obsessive thoughts about sexual intercourse, which develops over time into a depressed depressive state. This will sooner or later affect other organs and systems, including potency. If a man belongs to the second group with low sexual activity, abstinence will be a surmountable task for him.

Urologists note the fact that the lack of release after sex threatens men with the development of prostatitis. Especially if, in addition to this, a man has problems with blood circulation, stressful conditions, infections and an unfavorable lifestyle. In addition, complete and successful treatment of prostatitis is impossible without sexual activity, as this helps to destroy stagnant processes.

For reference! Bacterial forms of prostatitis, on the contrary, prevent men from having sexual intercourse for some time in order to successfully treat them.

Congestive prostatitis and inadequate functioning of the prostate gland against the background of abstinence threaten a man with:

  • dilated veins in the scrotum area (varicose veins);
  • enlargement of hemorrhoids;
  • pathological changes in the spermatic cord;
  • venous congestion in the rectal area.

Besides long-term abstinence in men threatens him with irreversible processes in the hormonal system. Studies have also confirmed that lack of sex leads to a deterioration in the quality of semen and a man's reproductive function.

Abstinence for no longer than 7 days is considered beneficial for conceiving a child.. Doctors also suggest that the body will simply get used to passive sexual life, against the background of which erectile function will begin to disappear. Also, sex from a medical point of view is physical activity as a prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Numerous studies have established that only in a state of erection does the penis receive the required amount of oxygen. Lack of sexual activity will lead to clogging of blood vessels with cholesterol, which will negatively affect the entire vascular system and potency. Therefore, before choosing the path of sublimation and refusal of sex, you should consult with your doctor about the possible consequences.

The benefits of abstinence

While studying the consequences of a man’s refusal to have sex, doctors and scientists also found positive aspects and benefits for the body of this condition. There is an opinion that with an overly active sexual life and frequent ejaculations, a man loses a large amount of useful substances in the body - protein, phosphorus, cholesterol and lecithin, etc. In addition, due to the preservation of sex hormones, a man can cause the process of reabsorption, that is, their processing.

Also, the benefits of sexual abstinence are as follows:

  • orgasm is a kind of test for the whole body, especially for the muscles and blood vessels in the brain;
  • orgasm causes the body to lose a large amount of useful substances, as well as the body’s strength and energy, reducing the body’s energy potential and defenses;
  • frequent orgasms can lead to exhaustion of the nervous system and neurasthenia;
  • Frequent sexual intercourse can increase blood pressure and disrupt the functioning of internal organs.

For reference! Prominent representatives of sexual abstinence are Spinoza, Da Vinci, Aristotle, Nietzsche and Newton. These great men did not suffer any serious consequences from sexual abstinence. The same can be said about the great athletes of Ancient Greece, who, in the absence of sexual intercourse, maintained their health, strength and endurance.

Numerous studies by specialists have repeatedly proven that sexual abstinence is not only not dangerous, but is even beneficial for a man’s body. The only exceptions are those men who have a fragile, unstable psyche and dependence on sex life. Ideologists even say that semen is the best and most expensive thing a man’s body can give.

Male energy and an alternative opinion on the issue of abstinence

There are many alternative ideologies and opinions about the benefits of sexual abstinence today. All of them today have many adherents from men, as well as specialists and doctors. Also, their teachings, practices and theories have strong arguments and facts about the benefits of not having sex. For example:

  1. Ancient teachings of Taoists. In the teachings of the ancient Taoists, there are treatises that abstaining from sexual intercourse promises great benefits for a man. It consists in preserving vital and necessary useful resources by the body, as well as sex hormones. A man needs all this to maintain physical strength and endurance. Taoists said that with his seed a man loses vital energy and strength. This energy not only heals the body, but is also responsible for creative potential.

At the same time, Taoists had sex many times more than other people, but under the condition of a clear distinction between orgasm and ejaculation. They practiced skills that allowed them to have an orgasm, but not eject the seed. At the same time, an orgasm without the release of sperm was an additional recharge for the body. Multiple orgasms also allowed a man to control the duration of intercourse and orgasm.

  1. Modern Taoist Practices. Thanks to the experience of the ancient Taoists, today world-famous and aspiring athletes have become their adherents. Based on the beliefs of the ancient Taoists, today men prefer to abstain from sexual intercourse long before upcoming sports competitions in order to conserve energy and strength. Also, great creative people also use Taoist practices to improve creativity.

You need to understand that a man’s semen contains a large amount of useful substances, hormones and body resources. Frequent orgasms lead to exhaustion of the body; many men are advised by doctors to abstain from orgasms before conceiving a child. If a man experiences pain during abstinence, it is important to consult a doctor and not prolong a passive lifestyle.

And yet, is it beneficial or harmful?

From the above opinions and teachings, a literate man should take away general information for himself. First of all, these could be the following rules:

  • Frequent and indiscriminate sexual intercourse leads to health problems and exhaustion of the body. And if relationships are not accompanied by the use of contraceptives, this can cause serious illnesses.
  • The frequency of sexual activity must fully correspond to the temperament and sexual constitution of a man in a particular case. Reducing or, on the contrary, increasing the frequency of sexual intercourse can have a detrimental effect on health. Conventionally, the rhythm of sexual life involves 2-3 acts per week.
  • In order to improve creativity and physical abilities, you can abstain from sexual energy for a while.

In addition, abstinence can be useful for planning and conceiving a child, which will allow a man to increase the concentration of sperm and its volume. Sexual abstinence cannot be harmful, or even become beneficial for a man, only if it is adequate in terms of timing and does not cause psychological and physiological discomfort.

Every man has situations in his life when he has to abstain from sex for a while. How can abstinence be dangerous? Doctors have a rather negative attitude towards such restriction of needs, but it is necessary to understand and take into account that each person has his own sexual activity.

Both the benefits and harms of sexual abstinence are very often exaggerated, since some men easily tolerate abstinence, and it is quite difficult for them to maintain an overly intense sex life, while others have a very active sex life and it is very difficult for them to give up sex. That is why the benefits and harms of sex will have different meanings for each person.

So, if a man’s sexual desire is not pronounced, then abstinence will be much easier to bear; otherwise, the opposite will happen.

If a man has a tendency towards neurotic reactions, then both “frequent” sex and abstinence will cause him to develop a neurotic state: irritability will increase, a bad mood will appear, uncontrollable short temper will occur, and even aggressiveness may appear.

In cases where a man has any inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, prolonged abstinence will lead to exacerbations of these diseases. Of course, too active sex life will also lead to aggravation, so here you need to know when to stop.

Many psychologists and sexologists say that very long abstinence causes great harm to health. It is worth noting that this applies to people in the prime of life. Long-term abstinence can cause physical and mental disorders.

Thus, male abstinence can lead to deep depression. Sex can be called a physiological process that can effectively deal with stress. During sex, the hormone of happiness (endorphin) is released into the blood, which a person needs to maintain a good mood. Of course, if you abstain, sex can be replaced with sports or chocolate, which will also contribute to the production of endorphins, but such “unnatural” surrogates will not be able to replace real sex for a long time.

In addition, it has been repeatedly proven that if you can refuse sexual intercourse, then your emotional state is much more difficult to control. During sexual arousal, the blood flow is directed to the pelvic organs, and without sexual intercourse and orgasm, the blood stagnates there. This is where many unpleasant ailments arise. Long-term abstinence can be perceived by the body as a signal that this function is no longer needed. Because of this, men with long-term abstinence can completely lose potency, since their body will simply forget how to do it.

If a man’s sexual desire is weak, he may abstain from sexual relations for a very long time. If sexual desire is very strong, then during abstinence the man’s dissatisfaction will certainly manifest itself: nervous conditions will appear that depress the psyche, sexual and emotional disorders.

Long-term refusal of sexual relations is dangerous due to accelerated ejaculation and the development of prostatitis.

The degree of harm from abstinence also depends on the man’s age: the older the man, the more dangerous unreasonable and prolonged sexual restriction will be for him. With constant abstinence, men after 40 may develop congestion, prostatitis, adenoma, and the risk of malignant tumors of the pelvic organs increases significantly. Thus, regular sexual relations between men can become the key to a healthy old age.

There is no great benefit from abstinence. The only reason a man can resort to abstinence is separation from his wife or girlfriend. Although many men do not care at all with whom they satisfy their sexual needs. Of course, abstaining from promiscuous and fleeting sexual intercourse will protect a man from other, more serious diseases.

After abstinence, a man may experience a reduction in the duration of sexual intercourse several times. It will be quite simple to restore this: the function is gradually restored on its own if you start having sex systematically again. It is worth noting that each man has an individual time to return to normal sexual activity: for some it can be two days, and for others a whole month. That is why you should not be alarmed if after abstinence not everything turns out “smoothly”.

Abstinence is a process of transformation of sexuality. During this process, the following dynamics are usually noted: at the very beginning, when sexual contacts have been stopped, a man may experience relief and peace, then an increase in sexual desire begins, because of this discomfort arises, since it cannot be satisfied. If abstinence continues, then the “suffering” gradually begins to decrease and a phenomenon occurs that is caused by the redirection of the energy of sexual desire to achieve completely different, higher goals. Thus, abstinence in men can become an impetus in work and business, since all the energy will go there.

To avoid the negative consequences of sexual abstinence, you need to be able to switch your desires and thoughts in a different direction. You can also express your sexual desires through some creative activity. Time without sex should be spent with benefit for your physical health and spiritual world.

A long-term absence of sexual relations in men can cause a loss of self-confidence and a psychological barrier that will “repel” him from new sexual acts. There is no doubt here: a man who lives a full life will more easily accept new sexual relationships.

In general, the problem of abstinence is purely individual, so a man should first of all pay attention to his well-being. If there is no discomfort during abstinence, then a man can live for a long time without sex.

It is so arranged by nature that both men and women should lead a regular sex life. This is not a whim or a whim. The male body is designated as a continuator of the family, but in life it happens that periods of abstinence (abstinence or deprivation) occur. Before you find out how long-term abstinence affects men and what consequences await them, you need to decide on the definition itself.

What is abstinence

There are two types of abstinence

Refusal of sex

  1. Lack of sex after sexual intercourse. In ordinary cases, this period is regarded as a respite after an emotional action, but asthenics experience it differently. They experience physical and emotional decline, lethargy and depression.
  2. Voluntary or forced abstinence. It can be dictated by several reasons: the inability to have sexual intercourse with a partner due to his absence, or a conscious reluctance to have sex may come to the fore. There are two types of such abstinence - total, which does not involve any sexual experiences, and partial, interrupted by masturbation.

Is abstinence harmful?

It is believed that for young men, a pause in sexual relations does not have a negative effect, and that even after a long break, sexual intercourse restores all functions. However, every person is different, and the impact of a break and its consequences on intimate relationships varies. An active man, one who cannot imagine his life without constant sex, has great difficulty enduring its absence. And forced pauses negatively affect his overall health.

A man who belongs to another group, calm about having sex, will endure the period of deprivation with ease and without harm. So there is no clear answer to the question – is abstinence harmful or beneficial?

A lot depends on a person’s mood. Take monasticism, for example. Monks give up sex, directing all their love to God, and do not do it under compulsion. Of course, there are also defrocked monks, but this only confirms that the psychological component in this matter is decisive.

There is also teenage abstinence. It stands a little apart. During the period of rapid puberty, hypersexuality occurs in young men. Young people have to abstain because regular sex life has not yet been established, and periods of long periods without sex are the norm. This will change over time when the guy gets married and sex becomes an integral part of the relationship.

Harmful effects of abstinence

Why abstinence is dangerous - physical and psychological consequences. A long absence of sex in active men suggests the onset of many negative manifestations. First, their mental health suffers. Without sex, a period of discomfort begins, and the longer this continues, the greater the threat of transition to obsessive thoughts and a depressive state. A man who constantly thinks about a prolonged pause slips into a neurotic state, he is frightened by possible impotence, and insomnia appears.

All this entails a deterioration in the physical condition. Secondly, men who abstain for a long time get it, which can result in prostatitis, adenoma or prostate cancer. Congestive prostatitis is always accompanied by varicose veins and the appearance of hemorrhoids.

Against the backdrop of a long absence of sex, hormonal levels undergo changes, which directly worsens the quality of semen, and this threatens infertility. In the absence of an erection, the penis ceases to be saturated with oxygen, which affects the condition of the entire body due to a decrease in tone.

Both the cardiovascular and endocrine systems are affected. In addition, lack of sex at an older age is much more harmful than at a young age. Due to the natural decline of testosterone production, sexual function decreases, and if a man has a long period of abstinence, then this process accelerates. And long breaks in intimate life are absolutely contraindicated for men suffering from prostatitis or prostate adenoma. In these diseases, ejaculation is a kind of medicine. The outflow of secretions reduces the inflammatory process.

Benefits of abstinence

What is the benefit of abstinence

Are there any benefits to abstinence? Yes, doctors agree that a week-long pause in sex will be very effective before conceiving a child. Experts do not recommend longer abstinence, since the body, being able to adapt, will get used to infrequent sex, which will lead to passivity, and then the extinction of erectile function.

It is also believed that during sexual intercourse a man consumes a lot of useful substances, and excessive exercise will deplete the body. In addition, too frequent sex can increase blood pressure and deplete the nervous system. There is a rational grain in reasonable abstinence, but this does not apply to those men for whom the lack of sex is akin to tragedy.

Differing opinions on abstinence

Consequences of abstinence

Adherents of Taoism, an ancient Chinese philosophical doctrine, believe that having sex too often weakens your health because it depletes your kidneys. They believe that abstinence in men is the path to immortality. They have developed a special formula for calculating the frequency of sex. They themselves abstained not so much from sex, but from ejaculation.

This practice was brought to perfection by them, but this is a whole teaching. In modern life, professional athletes use their rule. Abstinence is practiced by male athletes before important competitions to preserve energy and strength.

By analyzing all of the above, every man can benefit and decide on the need or harm of abstinence. Medical advice about the period before conception should not be ignored. It is better to abstain for a week to increase the amount of sperm and to increase its concentration. It is also useful to do this to preserve your own energy, since frequent loss of sperm has a bad effect on the entire body.

Experts have proven that an excessive number of orgasms exhausts the nervous system.

Should you give up sex?

During abstinence, lecithin, which is involved in the structure of brain cells, is consumed less. Sperm stored in the body can be absorbed into the seminal vesicles, making the period of abstinence easier. It has been noticed that after the onset of orgasm, immunity decreases. Very frequent sexual intercourse causes asthenia.

When considering the problem of abstinence, a man, first of all, must proceed from his psychotype. The frequency of sexual contacts will depend on this. There are cases, especially in relationships with a large age difference (the man is much older than the chosen one), when the partner becomes overexerted and overtired during sexual intercourse. Such an intimate life, naturally, will be harmful.

The partner, in order not to lose his dignity, will most likely use medicinal stimulants, and this will further complicate his health, as the load on the cardiovascular system will increase. In any case, the man himself makes the decision and answers the question: “Can I and should I abstain.”

Many people know the holiday of the Catholic Saint Valentine, who still married lovers under the threat of death. But few people know that the ancient priest united Roman legionnaires in marriage, who were strictly forbidden to start a family until a certain age. And this ban was in effect only because married warriors lost their strength and stamina when having sex with their wives. A married legionnaire was a man incapable of long campaigns, lacking the required level of aggression and masculinity.

Abstinence from sex and male passionarity

Any martial arts trainer will confirm that if his student has not given up sex at least a couple of weeks before the fight, then his failure in the ring is guaranteed. In this case, abstinence is an active guarantee of victory. The harmful aspect of sex, as well as the loss of semen during masturbation, is that a man begins to lose his gender qualities under the influence of a decrease in testosterone levels in the blood. Abstinence is useful because true masculine qualities begin to develop from a high amount of testosterone in the body. A man becomes more responsible, stronger physically and spiritually, more aggressive in achieving what he wants, and determination becomes the norm of life. Abstinence is beneficial for absolutely everyone. Studying the people around you, you can note that men who lead a modest lifestyle in sexual terms are more successful, smart and rich. Those who spend themselves in numerous sexual relationships are rarely rich and successful, and most often are downright stupid and primitive.

In the practice of fighting associations, there have been cases when agents of one of the fighters, a couple of months before the fight, sent bribed women to seduce the enemy shortly before the fight. As a result, he lost in the first rounds.

The influence of sexual abstinence on the properties of the mind

Most of the seminal fluid consists of lecithin, which is the main building material of the brain. With frequent sex or masturbation, the body needs to urgently restore sperm levels, and the brain suffers from this. Memory, attention and reaction deteriorate. As a result, the man simply begins to become dumb. We must not forget that during ejaculation there is also a loss of vital energy, which in yoga is known as prana. To put it simply, with every ejaculation a man loses a part of his soul.

Don Juan advised Castaneda to be as careful as possible with sex, as this leads to a complete loss of magical abilities. And in the 21st century, people also know that to unlock the gift one must practice complete abstinence.

The very refusal of sex should not be an effort of will, even with the full understanding that it is practically harmful. The natural path to abstinence is the sublimation of sexual energy, when refusal of sex will not be perceived painfully, and your talents and achievements will only accumulate from the correct distribution of energy.

The influence of abstinence on the feminine essence

The best examples of love lyrics, when through printed lines you can look into a woman’s soul and see there an extraordinary bright, wise and creative beginning, were written precisely during moments of abstinence. Undoubtedly, the original feminine qualities are more fully revealed than ever during periods of sublimation of sexual energy. In order to be convinced of this, it is enough to simply read the letters of the wives of the Decembrists, or the messages of officers' wives to their loved ones on the fronts of all wars. Abstinence in conjunction with the competent use of freed energy will help a woman reveal herself as an individual. But a woman can easily use abstinence to achieve goals in the modern world. Thus, many women choose temporary loneliness for the strategic goal of self-realization, and practice shows that this technique is an inevitable success.

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