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When a child begins to see the world around him after birth. When does a baby start crying with tears? What does their absence indicate?

Parents are always happy about the birth of a new person, but the problems that arise with his well-being significantly overshadow this joy. The period when a child’s first teeth appear is especially painful for both children and all family members.

Adults are often frightened by the fever and whims in the child’s behavior, since they consider these to be manifestations of some serious illness, but if you remember when the first teeth are cut, the symptoms in children do not seem too scary. Therefore, it is important to clarify the main points for yourself and meet teething without unnecessary worries and fully armed.

When a child's first tooth appears, it may well be accompanied by individual symptoms in each case, and even the growth of subsequent teeth in the same child may manifest itself differently. For most children, this is painful not only for them, but also for all family members, but sometimes the baby’s behavior and health do not change at all, and adults discover new teeth purely by accident.

The first signs of teething are increased salivation and swollen gums. This sometimes happens several months before even one tooth appears. The child begins to sleep restlessly, chews his fingers and any objects he comes across, which is caused by the fact that he feels inconvenience and sometimes pain.

When do babies' first teeth start to emerge?

When the first teeth erupt, a thin white stripe or small protrusion appears on the gum.

Doctors cannot give a conclusion that it is teething that causes diarrhea, vomiting, runny nose, cough and fever, since teeth usually grow for several years, and it is possible that their appearance will not coincide with the baby becoming infected with some kind of infection. These effects should not be blamed solely on the appearance of teeth, but they very often appear at this time too.

How to relieve pain

When the first teeth are cut, the symptoms can be very different, but if the mother pays a lot of attention to the child, she distracts him from discomfort and pain. When breastfeeding, it becomes the main way of salvation. At this time, it is recommended to give the baby breastfeeding at his first request: although he begins to ask for it much more often, this usually goes away after three to four days.

When do the first teeth begin to emerge?

Almost all children at this time are constantly gnawing on something or chewing intently, as this relieves them of unpleasant sensations. When children's first teeth come out, parents can give them rubber or silicone rings or other toys to chew on, and sometimes children find such a toy on their own. Parents need to make sure that this toy does not contain small parts that can come off easily and that there are no sharp corners. Some children enjoy gnawing on bread crusts or bagels.

At this time, babies' mood changes quite often: crying and laughing can alternate between them for no apparent reason. It is recommended to take walks more often and play more with the baby, constantly looking for something to keep him busy in order to switch to pleasant emotions. If the pain is too severe and the baby does not calm down, you can use special pain-relieving gels, which should be periodically (according to the instructions) rubbed into the inflamed gum, while massaging it.

When the first teeth begin to emerge, there is no need to treat the symptoms that appear, but if the temperature rises higher than 38.5 degrees, you should consult a doctor.

Children have a difficult time when their first teeth appear, as new teeth have to break through the lining of the gums and bone tissue. Usually the baby feels unwell for only a few days, but if the symptoms are pronounced for longer than four days, you should definitely contact your pediatrician.

At what age should the first tooth appear?

It is impossible to answer unequivocally at how many months a child’s first tooth will please his parents. This usually happens at 6-8 months, but this period may vary. Sometimes teeth grow in pairs or even 4 at once, and the child has to pay for this situation, since his gums hurt and swell in several places at once. Sometimes teeth may begin to grow several months earlier, and this may indicate a malfunction of his endocrine system. Some children develop teeth while still in the womb.

Symptoms of the appearance of the first teeth

It is important to understand that how many months the first teeth erupt will not affect subsequent health and strength. Some people believe that if a baby's breasts erupt later, they will last longer, but in fact this is not confirmed by anything.

In the vast majority of children, baby teeth grow only by 8.5 months. Doctors say that by the age of one year, everyone should have at least one tooth, and if they are missing, then you need to pay close attention to this, since this may indicate, for example, rickets.

Diagram of baby teething

In what order should teeth be cut?

Pediatricians are guided by a certain order in which children teeth erupt, but this order is so conventional that in many cases children easily violate it. According to the established norm, teeth erupt in the following order:

It is important to remember that when (at what time) the first teeth appear in babies can only be indicated very approximately, but nevertheless, in most babies, all baby teeth grow by two and a half years.

How parents can help their child

When children's first teeth appear, they can suffer greatly, and parents need to work hard to make this very difficult period easier for them. There are quite a few ways to do this, for example:

  1. Special teethers whose rounded shape makes them completely safe. A child can chew such a toy as much as he wants and massage his inflamed gums. Sometimes these devices are filled with water, so they can have a cooling effect. Depending on the manufacturer, approximately such toys can cost 120-2000 rubles.
  2. Homeopathic preparations:
  • Ÿ dentokind, which can be used regardless of how many months the first teeth appear in children. This drug not only relieves pain, but also prevents disorders of the digestive system and even relieves fever. 150 tablets of this remedy cost approximately 700 rubles, and they are one of the most effective means for alleviating the condition of children;
  • Ÿ Dantinorm baby, which can also be used regardless of how many months the first teeth are cut. This medicine also not only relieves pain, but also normalizes the overall state of the baby’s digestion. Its average cost is 300 rubles.
  1. Special dental gels.
  • Ÿ pansoral "First teeth", created entirely on a herbal basis without anesthetics. Its main components are saffron, chamomile and marshmallow root, which explains the effect it has, but this drug can only be used for children who are already 4 months old. 15 ml of this product costs 360 rubles;
  • Ÿ Cholisal, which not only relieves inflammation and pain, but is also an antimicrobial agent. This remedy can cause an allergic reaction, which manifests itself in the form of a short-term burning sensation that goes away on its own, but causes discomfort to the child. The cost of 10 grams of the product is 300 rubles.
  • Ÿ Baby Doctor "First Teeth", the basic component of which is water. In addition to 70% water, the product contains extracts from the same marshmallow root, as well as from calendula and plantain. This gel soothes gum inflammation and almost instantly relieves soreness. The product is allowed to be used after reaching 3 months of age and the price for 15 ml of gel is 240 rubles.
  1. Traditional methods:
  • The baby’s gums can be lubricated with honey, which soothes irritation;
  • Instead of a teether, you can use other pre-cooled items: for example, silver spoons, pacifiers, etc.;
  • the area near the child’s mouth can be wiped with baby cream or vegetable (coconut, sunflower, etc.) oil so that abundant flows of saliva do not irritate the delicate skin;
  • The baby can massage or scratch the inflamed gums by gnawing on a strawberry root, and if there is none, the mother can wrap her index finger with a bandage soaked in hydrogen peroxide. Such a massage will also significantly ease the child’s suffering;
  • You can also rinse your child’s mouth with a soothing and pain-relieving chamomile decoction.

Regardless of how many months the first teeth appear, the most painful time for the child does not take more than a few days, after which all symptoms disappear and the child can again eat painlessly and sleep well.

When does a baby's first teeth appear?

When to visit a pediatrician

Usually, regardless of the age at which the first teeth are cut, a doctor’s help is not required to relieve the symptoms of this process, but in some cases it is impossible to do without it. It is very important to take your child to the doctor immediately if:

  • the temperature rises too high (39 degrees or even higher) or does not disappear for a very long time;
  • The child suffers from a frequent and very debilitating cough, during which a lot of phlegm is coughed up;
  • mucus or even blood is found in the child’s stool;
  • the baby has very strong and frequent diarrhea;
  • purulent discharge comes from the child’s nose;
  • A child’s runny nose lasts longer than 4 days;
  • constipation does not disappear after 3-4 days;
  • ulcers appeared in the baby’s mouth;
  • - the child’s teeth appear with an incorrect color (yellow spots or a black border are noticed on the enamel);
  • At the age of one year, the baby has not yet grown a single tooth.

How many months do the first teeth erupt?

Sometimes the classic signs of teething can hide digestive disorders or an infection, for example, ARVI. When it comes to an infant, it is wiser to treat symptoms too cautiously than to spend the rest of your life correcting the consequences of your carelessness.

The eruption of the first tooth is a cause for delight for all family members, but do not forget that very soon the child will delight his family with other achievements, and his development does not stop there.

The appearance of the child's first teeth

There is a new addition to the family. A small ray of sunshine appeared in the house. He always smiles and laughs. This is a tiny happiness that learns a lot of new and interesting things every day. But not everything is as simple as it seems at first. From the first days of life, newborns experience colic. The baby cries, becomes irritable and capricious.

Parents watch their child every second. They are interested in the slightest new movements and manifestations of character. When you smiled, yawned or sneezed.

And it brings the biggest disappointment. No parent can calmly watch their child suffer. And then they wonder why their baby is screaming but there are no tears. Most parents do not even suspect that tears appear gradually, and not from birth. They begin to worry whether everything is okay with their child and then they begin dragging the child to all sorts of doctors. But this is a mere trifle, there is no reason to worry. All mothers and children go through this.

Each person is individual. When a baby is born, all its organs begin to function in enhanced mode. Only tears are in a dormant state. And this is the norm. This is not a disease and a non-special child. This is absolutely normal.

So when do the first tears appear?

This question puzzles every mother who is worried about the condition of her newborn. In the first weeks or even months, the child cries without tears. Since the channels have not yet opened, and the child needs to remind his parents about himself. At first it will be difficult until the mother begins to understand why the baby is crying.

Maybe his tummy hurts - . Perhaps he just wants more attention or is hungry. The child is wet or dirty; most children at that age do not yet understand what it means to be wet. They just wait patiently while they are changed. But some show their parents with all their essence - it’s time to change my clothes, these are isolated cases.

The first two weeks are a child, and it is very difficult to understand what he wants. Don’t despair and think that you are a bad mother and don’t know what the baby wants. Gradually, the mother will begin to understand the child’s crying; this is inherent in her from birth.

If the child is calm, it means nothing bothers him; at such moments it is best to let the child play independently.

The very first tears can be noticed already in the sixth week of life. The period of appearance can last up to three months. But in rare cases, a child cries from birth, in most cases it is a loud cry without tears.

Caring for your eyes before tears appear

Before tears appear, the mother must wash her eyes daily to avoid problems with the eyes, such as inflammation.

Rinse with chamomile decoctions or regular purified boiled water. Many experts recommend rinsing with calendula solution, but it is better not to do this yourself.

The solution must be at room temperature, this is very important. Do not rinse with cold water, otherwise the eyes will not clear, this may lead to suppuration. With suppuration, which provides a favorable environment for bacteria to multiply and worsen the situation.

Make sure that there are no specks in the water, this also entails unpredictable diseases. Under no circumstances wipe the eyes with your hand, only with a sterile cotton swab.

You need to rub from the outer corners to the inner ones. Again, if you carry out the procedure in the reverse order, specks may get into the eye and cause an infection.

You cannot use one tampon for both eyes; you should use a separate one for each.

If you notice that tears appear in only one eye, consult a doctor immediately, this means suppuration in or near the canal. The specialist will prescribe treatment: in most cases, children are prescribed eye drops for children and a special massage. Tears appear in both eyes at once.

The tear duct is blocked, how to identify it and how to treat it?

Many mothers notice that the baby is already more than three months old, but there are still no tears. It's worth starting to worry. The baby has a problem with the tear ducts.

Suppuration is very easy to recognize. Under normal conditions, tears should be transparent; when suppurated, they are white.

If your baby has white tears, immediately contact an ophthalmologist. You can’t delay things like this. After contacting an ophthalmologist, use all medications prescribed for the baby strictly as prescribed. A massage will also be prescribed, done at least 5 times a day.

Furacilin solution helps very well with suppuration. If the doctor detects it in the corners of the baby’s eyes, he may prescribe a procedure called bougienage. It is painless for a child. A thin probe is inserted into the tear duct, widening it.

Nervousness and irritability

Too much custody of a child is also bad. If the baby has been awake for a long time or many guests have come, he becomes irritable and capricious - this means fatigue and nervous tension. Put him in the crib and let him lie down for 10-15 minutes and cry; many babies calm down and fall asleep on their own. If you can’t calm him down, give him some warm milk and rock him to a quiet melody.

Children are little actors

Mom is busy, and the child is capricious. I checked the diapers, stroked the tummy, cleaned the nose, played peek-a-boo, fed - the baby is still crying. He just wants your attention, he is lonely and bored, and then loud crying begins with snot and tears. Mom can’t sit next to him around the clock, she has responsibilities around the house. Hang rattles for him, play a funny children's song. The child must get used to the fact that sometimes parents are busy and cannot pay proper attention.

So, there is a happy event in your family - a child was born. From now on, he has a long way to go from a tiny lump to an almost conscious one-year-old baby. No matter how fast he develops, he will learn a lot in the first 12 months and will never learn everything at that speed again. (the baby learns to observe others, smile, coo, roll over, sit on his butt, walk, play and much, much more...). It is not always clear to young mothers whether the baby has problems in development or, on the contrary, it is advancing ahead of schedule. Purpose of the article— tell what changes happen to your child in each of the 12 months of his first year, what the baby learns in the first year of his life and how he perceives the world around him.

Each baby, just like an adult, is individual and each child develops individually, but something common in the development of newborn children occurs in the same way.

Monthly development calendar

First month

A difficult month for young mothers. The first month of a newborn’s life is usually called the adaptation period. Almost 70% of the time he sleeps. Sleep is very important for a baby. In a dream he grows ( On average, in the first month a child grows 2-3 cm.), and the body gets used to the new environment. During wakefulness, he randomly waves his arms clenched into fists and legs bent at the knee. Towards the end of the first month, the child is already able to hold his head briefly, focus his gaze on bright toys, the faces of adults, make vowel sounds and listen to the conversation of others.

Pediatricians consider it important to attach the baby to the mother's breast in the first two hours of life. They believe that at this time “emotional contact” is created between the baby and mother. This is when the mother begins to feel the baby from a distance, his feelings, needs.

Nutrition is very important during this period of a child’s life. On average, in the first month a child gains about 600-700 grams of weight. Under no circumstances should you rush your child during feeding. After all, when he feeds on his mother’s milk, he also enjoys the warmth and care of his mother at that moment.

At birth, a child has innate reflexes, thanks to which he adapts to the environment. But during the first months of life, some of them disappear. These reflexes include the reflex:

  • Sucking (touching the tongue on an object);
  • Swimming (if you put his stomach on the water, he will make swimming movements);
  • Grasping (touching his hand, he squeezes it into a fist);
  • Search (search for mother's breast);
  • Walking reflex (if you hold a child, he begins to move his legs as if he were walking) and many others.

The following reflexes remain with the child throughout his life: blinking, sneezing, yawning, flinching, etc.

It is by reflexes that pediatricians and child psychologists determine the condition and development of the child’s nervous system. .

And mothers in the first month of a child’s life need to surround him not only with warmth, care, safety, but also to accustom him to the day-night regime by the end of the first month.

In the first two weeks, do not forget to treat your baby’s umbilical wound ().

  • Weight gain is approximately 600-700 grams, height gain is 2-3 cm.
  • Eats every 2 hours, at night on average 3-5 times.
  • Sleeps a lot, stays awake 2-4 hours a day.
  • Actions are still reflexive.
  • The movements are chaotic, the fists are clenched.
  • When a child lies on his stomach, he tries to raise his head.
  • The main way of communicating with the world is crying. This is how the child makes it clear that he is hungry, that he has a wet diaper, that something hurts, or that he just wants attention. The child may whine or grunt, which is how he also tells his mother about discomfort.
  • Able to fix his gaze on stationary objects for some time - his mother’s face or a hanging toy.
  • Reacts to loud and sharp sounds - bells, toys, bells. He may listen, shudder and even cry.
  • Recognizes mother's voice and smell and reacts to them.
  • If you communicate with the child all the time, then by the end of 1 month his own “speech” will begin to appear - humming, or cooing.

Second month

The second month of a child’s development can be called a period of “revival.” During this period, he not only looks at your face, but can also discern your emotional state. Are you smiling at him or, on the contrary, are you angry, calm or sad? And when you approach his crib, the baby begins to wave his arms and legs chaotically. In the second month of life, the child holds his head more confidently. Towards the end of the second month, the child should gain 800 grams in weight, and his height should increase by another 3 cm.

  • He grew by 3 cm, the weight gain ranged from 700 g to 1 kg.
  • Becomes more active - stays awake for an average of 15-20 minutes per hour. May confuse day with night and want to play and communicate when parents are sleeping.
  • Able to lift and hold the head for a short time.
  • He spreads his arms to the sides, turns over from his side to his back.
  • He actively hums, as if singing the sounds “a”, “o”, “u”, combinations of “aha”, “agu”, “bu”.
  • Demonstrates a “revitalization complex.” It manifests itself in a wide smile, stretching out arms and legs to mother and actively moving them, humming.
  • Soothes during sucking and in hands.
  • He can follow an object with his gaze, carefully monitor approaching or receding objects, and turn his head towards the source of sound.
  • Coordination of movements improves. The child can spread his limbs to the sides, he has already found his hands and explores them with pleasure - examining them, sucking his fingers.
  • The hands are clenched into fists, but you can straighten the baby’s palms and put a rattle there, he will try to hold it.
  • The first attempts to reach the object appear.
  • Vision improves, the child begins to distinguish colors, and the first understanding appears that the world is full of colors.
  • The newborn's reflexes fade.

Third month

By the third month, the baby holds his head more confidently. Can rest on his forearms if placed on his tummy. It is important to turn him over on his tummy more often during this period, this will help him get rid of the gases that have formed in the stomach and help strengthen the muscles of his neck and back. And also do not let him lie on his side for a long time, this can lead to curvature of the spine.

During this period, the child looks more intently at bright toys. Can talk to himself, make not only single vowel sounds, but also consonants. Becomes more curious about the things and events around him. He himself sticks the pacifier out of his mouth, and then tries to put it back.

By the end of the third month, the child should gain about 800 grams in weight and 3 cm in height. The period between sleep can be 1-1.5 hours. Be sure to surround him with care and warmth. Talk to him more often, hug him, kiss him, take him in your arms and walk around the room with him.

  • Height - increase 3-3.5 cm. Weight - increase 750 g.
  • Night sleep lengthens, daytime sleep shortens.
  • Lying on his stomach, the child holds his head for 20-25 seconds, in an upright position for up to 15 seconds, and easily turns it in different directions.
  • He turns to one side from his back and tries to lean on his elbows when lying on his stomach.
  • Smiles, recognizes loved ones, hums, “sings” during communication.
  • Becomes more emotional, knows how to laugh out loud, and parodies the facial expressions of his parents.
  • Knows how to scream and cry to express dissatisfaction and demand attention. Observant parents may even notice the first manifestations of their baby's character.
  • Easily recognizes light and sound sources.
  • If the mother holds the child above a hard surface, he pushes off from the support and, as it were, “bounces” and kicks his legs.
  • The palms are already straightened, the baby pulls his hands towards the offered toy and tries to grab it, tries to hit the rattle located above him. He will definitely put a toy in his hands and put it in his mouth.
  • The baby has already found his legs and is trying to explore his face with his hands.
  • Movements generally become voluntary.

Fourth month

By the fourth month, the baby can confidently hold his head up. Reacts and turns around to sound. Lying on his tummy, he can lean on his arms and straighten them. Can independently reach for a toy, grab it, examine it closely, and taste it. Identify your mother from other people.

  • Height + 2.5 cm, weight + 700 g.
  • Rolls over from back to stomach, holds his head well and turns it to the sides, confidently supports his body on his elbows when lying on his stomach.
  • Makes the first attempts to sit up, raises the upper body.
  • Crawling on his stomach in a crib or on a rug.
  • Voluntarily grabs and holds a toy with one or two hands, tastes it.
  • The child gets his favorite toys.
  • Makes the first conscious manipulations with objects: knocking, throwing.
  • Supports breast or bottle when feeding.
  • The babbling gradually begins to be replaced by babbling, the first syllables appear - “ma”, “ba”, “pa”.
  • Fixes gaze and closely follows moving objects.
  • He looks at his reflection in the mirror.
  • When communicating, the child gives preference to his mother and is capricious, even if she has left only for a short time.
  • Distinguishes between friends and strangers, actively smiles, laughs, and can even squeal with delight.
  • Reacts to music - calms down when he hears it and listens carefully.
  • Reacts when his name is spoken.

Fifth month

This is a new leap in the development of your child. During this period, he can already roll over on his own. Some people at this age try to sit on their butts. Crawling on the floor or crib tummy. They are trying to get to their feet. It is very important to hold the baby by the armpits and teach him to walk. In order to train the leg muscles and relieve him in the future from flat feet and “bouncing” while walking. The child can already clearly identify people close to him from strangers. He makes sounds more confidently, although not yet consciously. Teach him to pronounce the simplest words, such as dad, mom, grandpa, grandma. On average, in the fifth month your child will gain about 2.5 cm in height and about 700 grams in weight.

  • Height +2.5, weight + 700 g.
  • He knows how to roll over from his back to his stomach and back, rests on his palms, confidently holds his head in an upright position, and looks around.
  • Can sit with support for some time.
  • An important sign of normal development of the nervous system is the distinction between friends and strangers. A child may be wary when a stranger appears, will be reluctant to go into his arms, may get scared and cry loudly. He prefers to be in his parents' arms.
  • He himself encourages parents to communicate, reaches out to his mother, smiles, babbles, pronounces the first syllables. If there is not enough communication, the child becomes capricious.
  • Willingly plays with objects - pulls them towards him, throws them, knocks, licks them.
  • Plays while eating.
  • Some children suck their toes.
  • He looks at the faces in the pictures with interest.
  • Most children are starting to teethe.

Sixth month

At this age, the child can already distinguish his name from another name. He can sit on his butt without help, although he still cannot squat on his own. Confidently holds toys in his hands, transfers them from one hand to another. Lying on his tummy, he can pull up his legs and try to get on all fours. Learns to pronounce individual syllables: pa-pa, ma-ma.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

Many people at this age begin to feed their child a variety of foods. Just try not to give him salty and sweet foods, because... the kidneys and intestines are not yet developed enough for this. Consult your doctor about what foods you can give your baby at this age.

  • Height +2.5 cm, weight +700g.
  • Sits independently and sits for a while.
  • He crawls “on his bellies” and is able to crawl to a toy lying 10-20 cm from him.
  • Gets on all fours and rocks back and forth. This is an important indicator - this is how the child prepares for full crawling.
  • Tilts and turns in different directions.
  • Drinks from a mug if you hold it, plays with food.
  • Picks up fallen objects, moves a toy from hand to hand or from one box to another.
  • He studies with interest and can break surrounding objects.
  • Simple cause-and-effect relationships are formed: pushed an object - it fell, pressed a button - the music turned on.
  • He looks at the large object that his mother is talking about.
  • The child is very emotional, his mood constantly changes, he screams when he is dissatisfied and laughs loudly when they play with him.
  • Enjoys playing peek-a-boo and can clap his hands.
  • Listens attentively to human speech and reproduces sounds and syllables, actively babbles. The consonants “z”, “s”, “v”, “f” appear.

Seventh month

By the seventh month, the child already becomes restless. He can easily roll on his own from his back to his tummy or to his side. He distinguishes objects and if you ask him, for example, to say where the watch is, he will turn his head a little to the sides and show it. With the help of others, he can walk and crawl independently, mainly backwards. He hits toys against each other, throws them and watches with concentration as they fall to the floor or hit the wall, often smiling at the same time.

Children at this age love to swim, as they already sit confidently and can play with toys. Therefore, it is necessary to accustom him to bathing during this period. Tell what part of the body is called what and then ask him to show and name them. So that he remembers what they are called.

In terms of diet, it will be useful to give a child at this age some cottage cheese and meat to replenish the supply of calcium in the body, for its further growth and to speed up the process of teething. Potassium, for normal heart function and protein, for muscle growth.

At this age, try to keep the floor, toys, and objects that the child can grab clean. Because at this age he will taste them, i.e. Everything he comes across will be shoved into his mouth.

By the end of the seventh month, the child should gain an average of about 550-600 grams in weight and 2 cm in height.

  • Height +2 cm, weight + 600 g.
  • Sits confidently, holds his back straight, sometimes leans on his hand.
  • The skill of crawling appears or improves; some children crawl backwards.
  • Removes food from spoon, drinks from a mug with support.
  • He stands at the support himself and is able to stand for some time.
  • He loves to “walk” when his mother supports him under the arms or by the arms.
  • Grasping movements are improved and fine motor skills of the hands develop. The child is delighted with finger games - “Magpie-Crow”, “Ladushki”.
  • He enjoys studying the properties of surrounding objects: knocking them, shaking them, throwing them on the floor, disassembling them, breaking them, putting them in his mouth. Can hold a toy in each hand and bang them together.
  • Shows where his eyes, nose, mouth, ears are, examines himself with his hands and mouth.
  • Begins to copy the behavior of adults.
  • Actively babbles, sings the sounds “ta”, “da”, “ma”, “na”, “ba”, “pa”, onomatopoeia “av-av”, “kva-kva” and others appear.
  • He enjoys looking at pictures in books and flipping through the pages.
  • Determines by tone of voice what “no” means.

Eighth month

At this age, the main thing is not to leave one child alone at the top. Since he can already move independently and sit down. Looks at new toys with interest. Can identify mom and dad from strangers from photographs. Can understand the game “okay” or the well-known “peek-a-boo”. If you ask him to wave his hand, he will wave it at you with pleasure. A little begins to understand what is being asked of him. Tries to eat on his own.

  • Height +2 cm, weight +600 g.
  • He is very attached to his mother, even a short separation is very painful, and is wary of strangers.
  • He sits, stands up, walks with side steps at the support and forward, holding hands.
  • Moves freely in familiar spaces.
  • Can carry out simple tasks - bring, show.
  • Actions with objects become correlative: the child covers the jars with lids, strings the rings of the pyramid.
  • The range of emotions expands, you can notice dissatisfaction, surprise, joy, delight, perseverance.
  • The first conscious words appear - “mom”, “dad”, “give”.
  • The vocabulary is actively growing, new babbling sounds and words are constantly appearing.
  • He loves to listen to music, dance to it, clap his hands and stomp his feet.

Ninth month

By grabbing onto a nearby chair, sofa or playpen, the child can get up and move independently, holding on to them. He falls, cries and gets back up. During this period, the child learns to walk independently. Likes to repeat words after adults, or rather syllables. Can already drink from a cup held by an adult.

  • Height +2 cm, weight +600 g.
  • Gets up from a sitting position, sits down from a lying position, stands and walks with support. Tries to climb onto the sofa, chair, armchair, and open drawers.
  • Unfolds while crawling.
  • Knows where to put toys and where mom put this or that item away. He wants to get everything that surrounds him.
  • He actively shows emotions towards his parents - he is dissatisfied and breaks out when his mother cleans his ears or cuts his nails, he gets scared if he has lost sight of his mother.
  • Tries to manipulate adults by screaming and crying.
  • He tries to eat himself with a spoon and shows his first independence in dressing.
  • Fine motor skills are improved - the child can pick up small objects and put his fingers into holes. He can crush a piece of plasticine and tear paper.
  • Remembers the names of objects and can show them.
  • Repeats the actions of adults and can carry out some instructions. Likes to do everything in public, repeats the action if asked.
  • Knows the meaning of the words “lie down”, “give”, “go”, “sit”.
  • Speech is actively developing. The child’s own “language” is formed, understandable only to close people.

Tenth month

At this age, the child imitates adults and animals with his movements. Can play with toys independently and confidently holds them in his hands. He can leaf through books with his fingers. With the help of adults, he can play with other children. He understands when he is told “no”.

  • Height +1 cm, weight +350 g.
  • Sits from a standing position, quickly crawls, can stand without support and tries to walk.
  • Loves to dance, stomp, clap.
  • Small finger movements become more perfect, the child holds two or three small objects in one hand.
  • Performs complex actions: opens and closes, hides, takes away.
  • Repeats movements and reproduces facial expressions of adults.
  • Uses mostly one hand.
  • He understands what needs to be done with objects - he rolls a car, pushes a tumbler, assembles a pyramid, builds towers from two or three cubes.
  • Likes to put objects into each other, drag them from place to place.
  • More interested in small objects than large ones.
  • Finds logical connections - for example, he can move a car with a stick or a slipper.
  • He can show parts of his face, his mother’s, or a doll’s.
  • Can pronounce the names of surrounding objects and animals.

Eleventh month

This is practically an “adult child”. He moves independently with support, sits, crawls, and stands up. Understands simple requests. Can name most objects. He is learning to pronounce his first words, albeit with intonation for now.

  • Height +1 cm, weight +350 g.
  • Moves actively, sits, stands up, lies down, can walk a short distance without support.
  • Tries to show independence - eats with a spoon, drinks from a mug, puts on socks and shoes.
  • He reacts very vividly to a new toy, to an unfamiliar environment, to strangers.
  • Understands strict speech. He knows what “impossible” is, understands from his mother’s reaction whether he did good or bad.
  • Loves praise.
  • He babbles a lot and communicates in his own “language”, clearly says the words “mom”, “dad”, “baba”.
  • Uses different means of expressing his desires, except for crying - he points his finger, moves his gaze.
  • Waves goodbye.
  • Nods affirmatively or shakes his head negatively.
  • Loves musical toys and bright illustrations in books.
  • Grabs beads or beans with index finger and thumb.

Twelfth month

At almost one year of age, in most cases, the child already begins to walk independently without support and stand. They actively participate in the process of feeding, bathing and dressing. Shows feeling care for toys. Feeds them and puts them to bed. Repeats sounds he hears on the street, on TV or at home. Begins to pronounce the first words. True, these words are not always clear to everyone. But those who listen carefully to the child will understand them.

  • Height +1 cm, weight +350 g.
  • Stands, gets up from a squatting position, walks independently.
  • Steps over obstacles and crouches to pick up an object from the floor.
  • Actively participates in everything that concerns him - dressing, washing hands, brushing teeth.
  • Uses a spoon, drinks from a mug, and knows how to chew solid food.
  • Food addictions are clearly manifested - the baby does not eat if he does not like the food.
  • Needs parents and is attached to his toys. The absence of mom or dad is painful.
  • Assembles and disassembles toys; if you need to free your hand, you put the object under your arm or in your mouth.
  • Knows how to use objects - a telephone, a hammer, a broom.
  • Looks for an object, even if he did not see where it was placed.
  • He understands everything that is said to him.
  • He talks about his desires - “give”, “na”, calls mom, dad, grandma. A child’s vocabulary per year is 10-15 words.

All the above indicators are conditional. The development of a child depends on many factors - heredity, living conditions, and social environment. Get joy from communicating with your baby, praise him for his successes and don’t be upset if he hasn’t learned something yet. Everything has its time. Your child is the best, and it is in your power to help him become a harmonious, developed little person.


The development of a child in one year is very rapid. In just 365 days, a child turns from a tiny person who can’t do anything and doesn’t know anything into a reasonable one. At 1 year old, he can already walk, sit down, stand up, eat, drink, play, speak, feel and understand on his own. The main thing is to protect the child with care and love at this time. Never swear in front of your child. Even though he is small, he still feels and understands everything. Raise your children healthy, smart and strong!

Height and weight gain chart

Open table

and, finally, get rid of the terrible complexes of fat people. I hope you find the information useful!
Age Average increase in height Average weight gain
Month 1 3 - 3.5 cm. 750 g
Month 2 3 - 3.5 cm. 750 g
Month 3 3 - 3.5 cm. 750 g
Month 4 2.5 cm. 700 g
Month 5 2.5 cm. 700 g
Month 6 2.5 cm. 700 g
Month 7 1.5 - 2 cm 550 g
Month 8 1.5 - 2 cm 550 g
Month 9 1.5 - 2 cm 550 g
Month 10 1 cm. 350 g.
Month 11 1 cm. 350 g.
Month 12 1 cm. 350 g.

The crown of a newborn is best known to the mother as the fontanelle. It is easy to identify on the baby’s head; it is the softest place, which is protected from the outside world with only a thin membrane. After a certain period after the baby is born, it becomes completely hard. Thanks to its softness, the baby passes through the birth canal more easily. The crown also performs several other functions.

What are the features of the crown?

Visually, the fontanel on the baby’s head forms a diamond shape. With a light touch, you can detect a pulsation that corresponds to your heartbeat. In this case, the process of growth and development of the child proceeds correctly.

It is important for parents to know where the baby's crown is located. It should not exceed six square centimeters in area. For some babies it may even be several times smaller. In many ways, this indicator depends on the course of pregnancy and hereditary characteristics.

For example, if a woman ate too much calcium while pregnant, the fontanel will be small. This trace element should be consumed only in limited quantities, otherwise the crown may become overgrown in the womb. For this reason, the birth process can be complicated. The risk of trauma to the skull when passing through the birth canal also increases.

The skull itself consists of three plates. They begin to grow actively after the baby is born. It is at their junction that the fontanel is located. Only a pediatrician can judge its character and compliance with normal sizes. Immediately after birth, this place is large and soft to the touch. However, after a certain time, the area begins to tighten.

The mother must feel the baby's head herself

The main functions of the fontanel

Every single organ and part of the human body was created for a specific purpose. Thanks to the fontanel, a softer passage of the baby's head through the birth canal is ensured. It should be noted that for this reason the child’s skull has a slightly elongated and flattened shape.

The soft structure of the fontanel is also necessary to protect the baby from skull injuries in the first year of life. After all, during this period the risk of falling increases. Thanks to the crown, the necessary level of shock absorption is provided, so the head remains completely intact.

The fontanelle is also necessary to ensure the necessary rate of brain growth. This structure makes it possible to expand and provide all the necessary space.

Closure of the fontanel in a newborn

An element whose size does not exceed six square centimeters is considered normal. If in a newborn its area is only one centimeter square, then the crown is small. In the first few days after the baby is born, the size of the crown may increase. This is necessary so that the skull can take the correct shape. Over time, its size will decrease.

To date, it has not been possible to determine exactly when this bone heals. The process depends on the individual characteristics of the body and hereditary predisposition. In medical practice there are only approximate figures that are considered normal.

Crown - connection between bones

In almost all children, it will take no more than two years for the fontanelle to heal. For half of them, this process will end in the first year of life. There are also babies whose parietal bone will be clearly palpable after three months.

The gender of the baby also plays an important role in this process. According to statistics, the fontanel heals much faster in boys than in girls.

Late overgrowth and larger than normal size

During a medical examination, the pediatrician always pays attention to examining this area. If obvious deviations from the norm are noticed, a comprehensive examination will be ordered to identify the cause. Most often, it lies in the presence of a disease that is congenital in nature.

If the crown does not heal for a long time, then the situation indicates the presence of the following pathologies:

  • Rickets can be diagnosed in premature babies. The situation also arises if there is insufficient amount of vitamin D in the body. With rickets, a baby may also notice a flat nape. This is one of the obvious symptoms of the disease. If you have these abnormalities, you should not hesitate to visit your pediatrician.
  • Hypothyroidism is a disease that is diagnosed when the thyroid gland does not function properly. The patient is always in a lethargic state, constantly sleeps and eats poorly. A detailed examination may indicate the presence of disturbances in the functioning of the excretory system. If a mother notices the following symptoms in her child, then she must immediately take a test for hormones produced by the thyroid gland.
  • In rare cases, children are diagnosed with growth disturbances, abnormal limb lengths, and wide bones in the head. The disease is called achondrodysplasia. The pathology is congenital and cannot be treated.
  • With Down syndrome, the body has a large number of developmental disorders. The baby has a shortened neck. His facial expressions are also impaired. The disease is diagnosed after the baby is born. There are also mild forms that indicate minor deviations from the norm.
  • Various diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Fast overgrowing process and small size

Unfortunately, even the rapid process of tightening the crown indicates the presence of certain abnormalities in the child’s body. This process is rare in medical practice and indicates the presence of the following diseases:

  • Craniosynostosis is diagnosed when there is a small skull in which there is increased pressure. Additionally, the baby may have strabismus, poor hearing and abnormal development. Surgery will be required to eliminate the disease.
  • The small size of the crown indicates disturbances in the growth and development of the brain. The diagnosis is quite serious and is made on the basis of a large number of tests. Treatment directly depends on the specific pathology identified.

These standards have a number of features. Therefore, only a specialist in this field can analyze the situation.

Examination of a newborn by a pediatrician should be regular.

What does a sunken crown mean?

This situation is most often observed in children at the moment when their fontanel begins to overgrow. The symptom does not occur in all children, but does not indicate the presence of certain developmental abnormalities. Most often, the situation occurs against the background of dehydration.

The fontanelle sinks when the body is poisoned against a background of vomiting and nausea. It is necessary to urgently consult a doctor. He will be able to select treatment to eliminate this situation.

Why does the fontanel bulge out?

It is necessary to pay attention to the bulging of the crown, since this symptom is serious. The area rises upward when blood pressure increases. The situation may indicate the presence of a tumor, inflammation or bleeding.

Additionally, the baby may experience lethargy, severe irritability, nausea and vomiting. Some patients experience loss of consciousness. In this case, you must call an ambulance. Otherwise, the risk of death increases.

Visit to the doctor

The growth and development of the baby should be monitored from birth by a professional in his field. Only a highly professional pediatrician will be able to examine the disease at an early stage.

Attention must be paid to the condition of the skull every visit.

The inspection involves performing a number of simple manipulations:

  • determining the condition of the crown by careful palpation;
  • Size also plays an important role, namely its relationship with the current age of the baby;
  • soft edges indicate the presence of rickets, so it is necessary to examine the fontanel in detail;
  • The intensity of the pulsation, which the doctor determines by palpation, is also analyzed.

An additional examination is prescribed if deviations are detected in at least one of these points. Ultrasound will help clarify the diagnosis. The procedure does not have a negative effect on the baby’s body and helps to identify abnormalities.

Measuring the child’s skull is an important element of the general examination

The end of the overgrowing process

In the first few years of a baby’s life, his fontanel should completely close. In a normal situation, this will not require any external sources. Vitamin D can be used as the main measure to prevent rickets.

Inexperienced women are afraid to even touch the fontanel. However, such a measure is not based on significant grounds. This place is well protected by a membrane, so it won’t harm the baby. It is recommended to wash your hair gently. After completing the process, it will be enough to wipe the area with a damp towel.

A light massage also has a positive effect. In this case, the woman must control the intensity of the pressure.

The crown plays an important role in the process of growth and development of the child. If parents suspect any deviations from the norm, it is recommended to visit the pediatrician's office and get his advice. In this case, it will be possible to recognize congenital pathology at an early stage.

The birth of a child is not only joy, but also worries, worries and concerns about his health. Unfortunately, in early childhood (up to 1 year), children can develop a variety of diseases, some of which progress from the first days after the baby is born.

Omphalitis and

The umbilical wound is formed in a newborn by the 3-5th day of his life and is located at the site of the fallen umbilical cord remnant. Pediatricians warn parents that until the umbilical wound is completely healed, the baby should be bathed only in boiled water with the addition of potassium permanganate (“potassium permanganate”) until it turns pale pink. This period corresponds to two weeks. After the child has been bathed, it is necessary to carry out a number of manipulations, but only with clean, washed hands:

  • moisten a cotton swab in a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide and use it to remove the remaining secretions directly from the wound;
  • take a new stick and remove the remaining hydrogen peroxide;
  • lubricate the umbilical wound with a solution of brilliant green (2% brilliant green).

Important! Baby vests, rompers and diapers need to be ironed on both sides after each wash, infants' underwear is changed several times a day, and care must be taken to ensure that the umbilical wound is not covered with a diaper.

If the umbilical wound begins to get wet, blood and/or pus appear, the skin around the navel becomes red, then the visiting nurse or pediatrician should be notified. Most likely, we will talk about inflammation of the umbilical wound of bacterial origin, caused by or. With this pathological condition, the overall well-being of the baby will change:

  • the baby shows anxiety and constantly cries, or, conversely, becomes noticeably lethargic;
  • the baby sucks poorly;
  • weight loss occurs;
  • in some cases, body temperature rises.

Treatment of omphalitis consists of treating the umbilical wound four times, and in severe cases, the pediatrician may prescribe treatment.

Note:If hygienic care for the umbilical wound by parents is carried out in strict accordance with the rules, then there will be no omphalitis. This inflammatory process is always a consequence of insufficient care.

This is the name for the exit of internal organs through the large umbilical ring - this is the weakest point in the anterior abdominal wall of a newborn. This pathology is diagnosed in infancy quite often, parents can see it themselves: when the baby cries or strains, a hernial protrusion appears, which is a consequence of increased intra-abdominal pressure.

As soon as an umbilical hernia is detected, the child must be shown to a surgeon - the doctor will repair the hernia for the child and apply a special plaster for 10 days. Such treatment sessions can be used several times in a row; additionally, physical therapy and massage are prescribed - procedures that should only be performed by a specialist.

If the baby already knows how to hold his head, then he should be placed on his tummy on a hard surface. Such simple “measures” will help not only to move organs back into place, but also to normalize bowel movements and eliminate constipation.

In some cases, a child’s hernia does not disappear even by the age of one, and in this case the child will be indicated for surgery. As a rule, surgical interventions for umbilical hernia are carried out only from the age of three, but if the hernia occurs too often, then experts recommend such radical treatment earlier.

Most often, the icteric coloration of the skin and mucous membranes in newborns is a physiological manifestation of the adaptation period after birth. Jaundice appears, as a rule, 2-3 days after the birth of the baby and this occurs due to the lack of a sufficient amount of enzymes that neutralize it. Normally, bilirubin, neutralized in the liver cells, is released after a series of transformations from the body in feces or urine. But in a newborn, the liver does not have time to neutralize all the bilirubin; its level in the blood rapidly increases, which leads to a rapid discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes yellow.

Such jaundice in newborns is a physiological process and does not pose any danger to the life of the child. Jaundice develops in 60% of full-term infants and in 90%, disappears spontaneously in a maximum of three weeks.

There are cases when physiological jaundice persists for longer than three weeks in a row, which may be due to the transition of physiological jaundice to breastfeeding jaundice. The fact is that mother’s breast milk contains a substance that can inhibit or block the formation of liver enzymes - this phenomenon has not yet been fully studied, but it does exist.

As a rule, jaundice of natural feeding does not pose a threat to the health and life of the child, but a full examination of the baby should still be carried out. In some cases, the cause of such prolonged jaundice may be:

  • massive destruction of red blood cells - hemolytic jaundice;
  • dysfunction of liver cells – hepatic jaundice;
  • obstruction of the bile ducts – obstructive jaundice.

The named pathologies require constant monitoring. If this indicator does not exceed normal limits, or the increase is insignificant, then doctors simply monitor the newborn. But in the case of a sharp increase in the level of bilirubin in the blood, surgical treatment may be required, since such a development of pathology is fraught with serious consequences for the brain.

Skin problems

The baby's skin is very delicate and easily vulnerable, the blood vessels are located superficially, and even when the baby is slightly overheated, moisture begins to evaporate from the skin. These three factors cause skin problems in children under one year of age.

Diaper rash

This is the name for inflammation of individual areas of the skin when there has been prolonged exposure to moisture or friction. Most often, diaper rash occurs in the armpits, neck, inguinal, intergluteal folds or behind the ears.

Depending on how diaper rash occurs, doctors distinguish three degrees of its severity:

  • first degree– slight redness, the integrity of the skin is not compromised;
  • second degree– redness becomes bright, microcracks and erosions appear;
  • third degree– intense redness, cracks, erosions and pustules appear on the skin.

Diaper rash causes pain, burning and itching, which leads to restlessness and whims of the baby. The causes of the skin problems under consideration can be both increased skin moisture and excess weight of the baby. Provoking factors can also be identified:

  • inadequate drying of the skin after bathing or washing the baby;
  • violation of child care rules, skin irritation under the influence of urine and feces;
  • skin friction with synthetic clothing;
  • child overheating;
  • the baby's skin on the material from which the diapers are made.

Under no circumstances should diaper rash be ignored! Such pathological skin lesions can quickly spread and become associated with infection. Therefore, parents should in the room where the baby is - it should not be higher than 21 degrees; the baby should be given air baths regularly.

For the first degree of diaper rash no specific treatment is required, you just need to carefully follow the rules of skin care, change diapers on time (at least every 3 hours), carry out air baths and treat folds with a protective cream. If you cannot get rid of diaper rash within 24 hours, then you need to consult a pediatrician - a specialist, after assessing the condition of the baby’s skin, may prescribe the use of medications (for example, Drapolen or Bepanten ointments).

Second degree diaper rash involves the use of special “talkers” - a product that is prepared in pharmacies. The pediatrician may prescribe treatment using tannin or methyluracil ointment on the affected area. If pustules appear, the skin is treated with green paint or methylene blue.

With the second degree of diaper rash, you need to bathe a baby in a weak pink solution of potassium permanganate, and if the baby is not allergic to medicinal herbs, then he can have baths with a decoction of oak bark (the duration is a maximum of 7 minutes).

Third degree diaper rash It is quite difficult to treat, so parents must make every effort to prevent such a development of pathology. If the skin is already wet, then you cannot use any oil ointments for medicinal purposes - a film will form that will prevent the wounds from healing. The best option for solving the problem of third-degree diaper rash is to seek qualified medical help.

Prickly heat

This is the name of the disease, which is characterized by the appearance of a pink, pinpoint rash on the baby’s skin. Typically, such damage occurs in those places where the baby produces the most sweat - natural skin folds and folds, buttocks. Miliaria is usually not accompanied by any unpleasant symptoms, and the newborn’s behavior remains unchanged.

Most often, prickly heat disappears without any specific treatment - it is enough to follow the rules for caring for the baby’s skin, you can lubricate the affected area with Bepanten cream.

To prevent the occurrence of prickly heat, the following preventive measures are used:

  • all child’s underwear should be made from natural fabrics;
  • for walks you need to dress your baby strictly according to the weather;
  • in the room where the baby spends most of his time, the air temperature should be constant;
  • use decoctions or oak bark for bathing, but only if the baby does not have allergies;
  • Use only water-based cream for treating baby skin.

The disease is manifested by redness of the skin, swelling, peeling and the appearance of small blisters. Diaper dermatitis is accompanied by itching and burning, which makes the child restless and capricious, and disrupts his sleep.

If treatment for the disease in question is not carried out, then cracks, pustules and erosions appear on the affected areas of the skin. Next, the surface layer of skin is torn away, ulcers can form, and often an infection – fungal or bacterial – is associated with diaper dermatitis.

It is carried out only as prescribed by a pediatrician or dermatologist.

Pemphigus of newborns

This is a purulent contagious skin disease that is caused by Staphylococcus aureus. The disease occurs in the first weeks of life; an infant can become infected from caregivers with a pustular infection on their hands.

A sign of the disease will be the appearance on the baby’s skin of large blisters with a cloudy yellowish liquid. They often open on their own, leaving behind an eroded surface. The liquid that flows from the burst blisters contributes to infection of neighboring areas of the skin.

Complications in newborns may include abscesses and septic conditions. Treatment of the disease in question is carried out only as prescribed by a pediatrician. Antibacterial drugs must be used in therapy, regardless of the child’s age.

Hormonal crisis

Hormonal crisis develops in healthy, full-term infants and this condition is associated with the entry of mother’s hormones into the child’s body through the placenta or during breastfeeding. Symptoms of this condition will be:

Such changes appear on the 3-4th day of the baby’s life and gradually decrease in intensity over 30 days; no treatment is required. The only thing parents need to remember: it is strictly forbidden to squeeze out discharge from the mammary glands or massage them, as this can lead to the progression of mastitis, which requires surgical treatment.


A sign of thrush is that white spots appear on the baby’s tongue and cheek mucosa, which resemble pieces of curdled milk. Such deposits are not washed off between feedings, but are removed with a spatula if the disease is mild. With moderate severity of thrush, spots appear on the palate and lips and it is no longer possible to remove them completely.

Severe thrush is characterized by the rapid spread of dense plaque on the gums, the back wall of the pharynx, and the soft palate. The areas affected by the fungal infection are painful, the baby cries a lot, his sleep is disturbed, he either sucks poorly at the breast or refuses it altogether.

Factors that can trigger the appearance of thrush include:

At the initial manifestations of the disease, the oral cavity should be treated with a sterile cotton swab, which is moistened in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or a 2% soda solution. After wiping, the mucous membranes are lubricated with a methylene blue solution every three hours for 5 days.

Treatment of thrush in newborns is carried out using drugs that contain Nystatin or Levorin. During the entire treatment period, the mother should wipe her nipples with a baking soda solution and boil toys/pacifiers/bottles before each feeding. Severe forms of thrush can only be treated in a hospital.

Despite modern medical capabilities, rickets is still one of the most common diseases in infants. This disease develops due to a deficiency in the body, which is “responsible” for phosphorus-calcium metabolism. The child receives this vitamin through food, and it is also synthesized in the skin under the influence of sunlight. Therefore, according to statistics, the frequency of diagnosing rickets in children born in winter is much more common than in those born in warm weather.

With rickets, there is not only a lack of vitamin D and calcium, but also a lack of iron, copper,. Due to the lack of all these microelements, children with rickets become excessively whiny, capricious, their sleep is disturbed, and they often get colds.

The first symptoms of the disease in question may appear as early as one month of age in the baby, and if treatment is not carried out, the child’s condition will worsen. Symptoms of rickets in infancy include:

If there is no treatment for rickets or it is carried out incorrectly, then the pathology progresses, which is manifested by narrowing of the pelvis, curvature of the spine, flat feet and the formation of a hump.

The development of rickets is very easy to prevent - it is enough to give children vitamin D, and treatment of the disease in question, started on time and carried out correctly, gives positive results. Currently, advanced forms of rickets are diagnosed only in children who live in dysfunctional families.

Treatment of rickets is complex and involves the use of various procedures:

  • prolonged exposure to fresh air;
  • correction of the child’s diet, which will provide the growing body with all the necessary vitamins and microelements;
  • therapeutic exercises, massage and swimming lessons;
  • drug therapy - probiotics, vitamin D, vitamin-mineral complexes.

Digestive tract problems

Severe pain in the baby's intestines, which is accompanied by bloating, is a fairly common problem for infants. At the same time, the child actively twists his legs, draws them in, and cries loudly. The cause of intestinal colic may be improper (if the baby is breastfed) or the child swallowing air during feeding.

It is quite possible to prevent the occurrence of colic and accumulation of gases in the intestines; for this you need:

By the age of 3-4 months, intestinal colic in a child goes away due to the maturation of the digestive tract organs.

Many parents believe that if a child does not have bowel movements throughout the day, then this is constipation. But this is not entirely true! The fact is that mother’s milk, for example, can be completely absorbed by the body, so you need to judge whether a baby has constipation by how he feels and the consistency of his stool.

We can talk about constipation if the baby behaves restlessly, cries, constantly strains, but his intestines do not empty. When a child is constipated, their stools are dark in color and have a firm consistency, and may even be hard, like peas or cork.

The cause of constipation in infancy is most often the non-compliance or incorrect diet of a bottle-fed baby. The mother's passion for protein foods, coffee, and flour products can also contribute to the development of constipation in infancy. But not everything is so “rosy” - in some cases, constipation in infancy is associated with the development of pathologies:

  • Hirschsprung's disease - a disorder of intestinal innervation;
  • dolichosigma - congenital elongation of the large intestine;

Parents should not try to cope with constipation in a baby on their own; it would be wise to seek help from a pediatrician - a specialist will not only make a diagnosis, find out the cause of such intestinal dysfunction, but also give recommendations on how to solve the problem.

If parents are sure that the child does not have any pathology, then one of the following remedies will help cope with constipation:

  • glycerin suppositories;
  • irritation of the rectum with the tip of the gas tube;
  • lactulose preparations, which must be prescribed by a doctor.

Note:The old method of relieving constipation, which involves inserting a bar of soap into the anus, should never be used! The alkali contained in this product can cause a burn to the intestinal mucosa.

Diarrhea in infants

A child under one year of age can have a bowel movement after each feeding. But if with this regimen the baby’s general condition remains within normal limits, he is calm and eats well, then parents should not worry. Of primary importance with such frequent bowel movements are the color, consistency of the stool and the presence of blood or mucus in it. It is worth remembering that it is dangerous because too much fluid will be removed from the baby’s body.

Loose stools can be caused by:

  • improper nutrition of the nursing mother or the baby itself;
  • acute intestinal pathology - for example, or;
  • intolerance to certain foods;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • acute intestinal infection.

If your baby has diarrhea, you should immediately seek qualified medical help.. It is especially important to follow this rule if diarrhea begins for no apparent reason, and bowel movements occur too often. Before the specialist arrives, the baby needs to ensure sufficient fluid intake in the body.

This phenomenon occurs in almost every child, which can be physiological or pathological. Physiological regurgitation is associated with underdevelopment of the digestive system:

  • the esophagus is narrowed or relatively short;
  • the sphincter of the entrance to the stomach is underdeveloped;
  • the gastric mucosa is highly sensitive and reacts to any irritant, including breast milk;
  • The shape of the esophagus is funnel-shaped.

Physiological regurgitation is especially common in premature babies; it disappears only by the age of nine months. If the baby's condition is not affected, there is nothing to worry about. Physiological regurgitation can also occur if the baby is not fed correctly or the rules of caring for him are violated:

The following measures will help get rid of physiological regurgitation:

  • keep the baby in a semi-upright position during feeding;
  • when artificial feeding, use a special nipple that prevents the swallowing of air;
  • do not overfeed the baby;
  • After feeding, hold the baby in an upright position for some time until air burps.

Organic causes of the condition in question:

  • pyloric stenosis - narrowing of the inlet of the stomach, which refers to developmental anomalies;
  • damage to the nervous system during intrauterine development;
  • phenylketonuria, galactosemia – disorders of food absorption of a hereditary nature;
  • viral and bacterial infections;
  • pathological lesions of the kidneys and pancreas.

This is the name for inflammation of the mucous membrane of the front surface of the eye and the inner surface of the eyelid. The cause of the development of this disease is bacteria, viruses and fungi, and only in extremely rare cases can conjunctivitis be an allergic reaction.

The disease in question manifests itself as redness of the mucous membrane of the eye, itching and discharge of pus from the conjunctival sac. After sleep, the baby's eyelashes become stuck together with the released pus, which prevents him from opening his eyes.

Treatment of conjunctivitis in children should be carried out only under the supervision of an ophthalmologist, because it is a specialist who will be able to select effective medications. Parents can only ease the baby’s well-being by washing the eyes with decoctions of chamomile or calendula, but this can only be done after consulting a doctor.

Acute respiratory viral infections are a group of diseases caused by various viruses transmitted by airborne droplets. In general, ARVI is considered the most common disease in childhood, and infants are no exception.

Clinical manifestations of acute respiratory viral infections are cough, runny nose, difficulty breathing, frequent sneezing, and increased body temperature of the infant. The child may become lethargic and sleep a lot, and lose his appetite.

As soon as the first signs of ARVI appear in a baby, you need to call a pediatrician at home - this will allow you to begin effective treatment. The child needs to be provided with plenty of fluids: up to the age of six months, the baby can be given warm boiled water, and older children can be given a decoction of raisins, cranberry, chamomile infusion or. If a child has consumed too much liquid or has been force-fed, this will provoke an attack of vomiting - there is no need to worry, but the dosage of foods and liquids consumed needs to be adjusted.

Note:against the background of a high body temperature, the baby may begin to develop - the baby’s body stretches, the limbs tremble or twitch, the eyes roll back. In this case, parents should immediately undress the baby, give him an antipyretic and call an ambulance.

This diagnosis is made in the case of underdevelopment of the hip joint during intrauterine development - the femoral head has increased mobility inside the joint, the development of connective tissue is disrupted. Most often, hip dysplasia occurs in children with. It is very important to diagnose pathology early, therefore, as part of the examination of the baby, examinations by an orthopedist are carried out at 1-3-6-12 months. If the doctor suspects a deviation from the norm, he will prescribe an X-ray examination or ultrasound for the baby, but not earlier than the child reaches six months of age.

Symptoms of hip dysplasia include:

  • additional folds on one leg;
  • asymmetry of folds on the hips and buttocks;
  • baby crying or fussing when trying to separate his legs;
  • clicks when spreading the legs, bent at the knee joints;
  • unequal length of legs.

Depending on how severe the disease in question is, the infant may be prescribed:

  • physiotherapy;
  • Pavlik stirrups;
  • massage;
  • Freika tire.

With the help of special orthopedic devices, the child’s legs are constantly in an extended and bent position - this creates optimal conditions for the correct formation of joints. At first, the baby must wear such spacers around the clock, then the wearing mode becomes softer. Parents should under no circumstances remove devices before the due date, as this can nullify all previously achieved results.

Torticollis is an abnormal position of the head in which it is tilted to one side. The appearance of the defect depends on the development of the baby.

Signs of the pathology in question in the first year of a baby’s life:

  • in the first two months of life - when the baby is laid on his stomach, increased tone of the muscles of the back and neck is visible, asymmetry of folds will be noted on the legs;
  • at 3-5 months – the child’s growth slows down and the reaction to any sound stimulus decreases;
  • at 6-7 months – strabismus is noted, the child stands on his toes, teeth erupt late;
  • at 7-12 months – asymmetry of the folds on the hips and buttocks, asymmetry of the shoulders, curvature of the spine are clearly visible, the baby begins to walk late and lags quite far behind his peers in physical development.

The reasons for the development of torticollis include the following:

If torticollis is determined, you will need to consult an orthopedist and a neurologist - specialists will be able to determine the true cause of the disease and prescribe the correct treatment. Parents should not delay visiting doctors and starting treatment, as advanced torticollis can lead to deformation of the vertebrae and face.

To treat the disease in question, the following can be used:

  • physiotherapy – electrophoresis, magnetic therapy;
  • applying a special collar;
  • physical therapy and massage;
  • treatment by position;
  • specially selected exercises in the pool or in the bath.

There is also surgical treatment for torticollis, but if therapy was started in a timely manner, it will not be needed.

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