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Beautiful wedding wishes to the newlyweds for their wedding. Touching wedding congratulations in verse. Wedding congratulations from the groom's parents

Poem - congratulations on the wedding

Congratulations on your legal marriage,
We wish you great happiness.
We say happiness seriously:
Let millions of scarlet roses
They lie all along the big path,
What are you going to go through?
And let the fire of great love
It burns without going out!
Life is easier to get through with love -
Everyone knows about this.
Achieve harmony in life,
Live to be a hundred years old.
Always respect each other
Love and advice to you!

Warm congratulations on your wedding

May fate promise you good luck,
May your life be richer!
May you be successful!
May you give only laughter!
May your home be full!
Let all problems be solved!

Congratulations on your wedding from the bottom of my heart

Dear newlyweds. I wish you that your love will be eternal and that it cannot be broken in everyday life. May your life together be long and happy, I wish you to live forever waiting for a miracle, and then everything will work out for you.

Congratulations on the wedding poem

Dear newlyweds, congratulations on your legal marriage! We wish you great happiness, peace, goodness and joy! Respect and love each other! Let the fire of great love burn without dying out! Love to you before the advice!

Best congratulations on your wedding

Everything for you today, young people:
Music, champagne, flowers!
May you be the happiest in your life
And we were able to make our dreams come true!

To be necessary to each other
Preserve the strength of feelings over the years
And the high rank of the spouses
Cherish with all your soul and heart!

Interesting Wedding Congratulations

Dear newlyweds. We wish you that your chosen path in life will be successful, that your home will always be a full cup, and that guests will always happily come to your home. Let your home be filled with cheerful children's laughter over time. Happiness and love to you.

Congratulations on your wedding

Today you got married,
Connecting hearts and souls.
We wish you to love
Each other at sea and on land!
Let heart to heart beat side by side,
Forming families a stronghold.
Let the groom be in the house - the Duke,
Well, the bride is a duchess.
Give yourself to each other without reserve,
Without sparing feelings at all.
May your life always be sweet,
Well, on the wedding day - “Bitter!”

Congratulations for a friend on her wedding

For every woman, a wedding is the most important and long-awaited day in life! A family hearth, children, comfort and coziness - that’s all, well, almost everything that makes a woman happy! I wish you not to stop there, move forward and solve all life situations with a smile on your lips! Happy holiday!

Congratulations to a friend on his wedding

I want to wholeheartedly congratulate my friend and his wife on their legal marriage! Happiness to you and a cloudless future! Respect, appreciate and love each other, so that there is peace and harmony in your family! May God always be with you!

Beautiful congratulations on your wedding

Today is the most important day - your wedding day! The decision has been made, fate and a companion have been chosen for many kilometers of life’s journey! Respect each other! This feeling will never allow you to betray, offend, or abandon! Advice and love to you!

Congratulations on the wedding of friends

Newlyweds! On this festive day, I want to congratulate you on your wedding and wish you a calm and peaceful family! So that no adversity separates you! Happiness and love to you!

Congratulations on your wedding from relatives

Newlyweds! We cordially congratulate you on your marriage! Live in love and happiness, raise healthy and cheerful children so that they grow up to be a strong support! Good luck, for many years to come!

Congratulations on your wedding from friends

Dear newlyweds, we congratulate you on this significant day, the day of your marriage! Let all your plans come true, let only good life moments be remembered, and let your home be a full cup!

Original wedding congratulations

Like a snow queen, but our bride is a hundred times more beautiful, and next to her is an overseas prince - a handsome man with brown eyes and a bright white smile, our groom. The fires of love burn in their hearts, they can overcome and win everything! I wish you that your marriage will be as strong as a diamond, and its frame should be no less than gold! So we are waiting for an invitation to the golden wedding! Advice and love to you!

Congratulations to Marianna on her wedding

Congratulations on your wedding,
Marianna my dear,
I wish your home to be happy
And love lived in your heart!
To live together for a hundred years,
Without knowing separation and troubles!

Wedding Congratulations for a Good Friend

Dear friend, I am so happy about your happiness and hasten to congratulate you on such a significant date in your life, on your Wedding. May you remember this day forever and may all your days from now on be filled with Love, Joy and Hope.

Congratulations to the newlyweds on their wedding

Our dear () and (). It has happened, you have now become husband and wife. We wish you, our dear ones, that you will always be together and never be separated, and that you will do all household chores together lovingly and cheerfully, and that you will never quarrel

Congratulations to brother on his wedding

Dear newlyweds! We sincerely congratulate you on your legal marriage and the formation of a new family. Advice and love to you! The most beautiful thing in life is great human friendship and love. May your love be as long as your life!

Congratulations on your wedding

Dear young people. Today is a particularly happy day for you; this only happens once in a lifetime. Let no partings frighten you, because you are united by a strong and reliable word - Love. Walk honestly on your path. beautiful, careful and friendly.

Cool congratulations on your wedding

Dear newlyweds, congratulations. From this day on, your “black” life begins: now you will relax on the Black Sea, drive a black Mercedes and eat black caviar with spoons.

Sweet wedding congratulations

Dear newlyweds. Let Love for you enter your happy home with a happy song. Let her live in your house and you will need her like your daily bread. Let neither thunderstorms nor bad weather cool your feelings. I wish you health, happiness and prosperity.

Congratulations to Sabina on her wedding

We women need to be loved
Let's put it bluntly - it is necessary!
And in order to gain full power,
We need to get married at the registry office!
You did it, Sabina,
I’ll say it without saying: “Well done!”
I wish you a lot of happiness,
And congratulations on your wedding!

Congratulations on the Wedding

Dear newlyweds. We wish you to live in harmony for many years, and not to encounter any evil or troubles. Let your children grow up to be happy and worthy citizens of our great country. And so that at the weddings of your grandchildren you dance the waltz with each other.

Congratulations on your wedding from your parents

Our dear children!
We want to wish you
These feelings, views, thoughts
Carry it through the years!
Treat with respect
To the value of other people's ideas,
And agree with each other
In raising children!

Cool wedding congratulations

“Oh, this wedding-wedding sang and danced”... But this wedding is still better than anyone else’s, because our bride is more beautiful than the others and our groom is more enviable than others! We only have such a beautiful couple! Happy holiday, our dears!

Congratulations to Christina on her wedding

Christina, congratulations to you
Happy wedding
I wish you love and harmony,
Happiness and children!
Let the house be full of laughter
And ringing voices,
Prosperity and success,
Warm and gentle words!

Congratulations to Danila on his wedding

Wedding is a good thing
Dear friend, Danila!
With a significant event
I sincerely congratulate you,
May your family life be wonderful
There was, I wish you!
So that you love each other,
Defeated any obstacle
So that you invite us again
For your golden wedding!

The most original wedding congratulations. Congratulations on the wedding in poetry, prose, SMS.

Best congratulations on your wedding day Wedding congratulations- the most pompous, solemn and verbose wishes of all. This is understandable: a wedding speech is a parting word to the newlyweds for a new life. It should be bright, memorable, original and heartfelt. What a sin to hide, congratulations on the wedding– this is also a way to show off oneself, to show off one’s bright words in front of numerous relatives and guests. For what other holiday are words chosen so long and carefully? The Million Gifts portal will help you avoid losing face. Wedding wishes, depending on who pronounces them, can be expressed in the form:

  • blessings (from parents);
  • wishes (from friends);
  • parting words (from relatives);
  • and even advice (from all and sundry).

Remember that congratulations to the newlyweds sound all evening, so it’s better to prepare one that you can say at any time and that you won’t need to read from a sheet. You can surprise with a poetic, refined and ceremonial style in a card or guest book, and you can simply say “Bitter!” out loud, the main thing is to say loudly and with soul.

Always take care of each other
Appreciate, please, love.
Trust each other in everything,
Protect from all adversity.

You have woven destinies together,
Now you are one forever.
May life shower you with happiness,
All bad weather will disappear from the path.

We congratulate you with all our hearts,
We wish you lasting prosperity.
And, of course, naughty girls -
Healthy, strong kids.

Today is a special day for you.
Today you have become family.
I wish you to be a wonderful husband
And an amazing wife.

Each other, no matter what happens,
Love, appreciate and respect.
That feeling that arose in you,
Save at any cost.

After all, you are one from now on,
Let nothing separate you.
And be forever young
Let the light always burn in your hearts.

My dears, from the bottom of my heart I want to congratulate you on this significant event in your life. I would like to wish you a lot. The most important thing is to carefully preserve and appreciate the feelings that you have for each other now. Take care of each other, respect, pamper each other with care and affection. Let no difficulties darken your life. I wish you more romance and bright impressions in your life. Be a reliable support and support for each other in any situation. Love each other!

Wedding day is a beautiful, important date,
And her memory will remain forever.
May your life be easy and rich,
Love is endless, strong and pure.

Keep respect for each other in your hearts,
Know how to understand, remain silent and endure.
Strive to be together, miss being apart,
Don't let the fire in your heart burn out.

Of course, happiness, peace, prosperity to you,
A good son, a wonderful daughter.
Let everything in the house be smooth and glorious,
And together drive all sorrows away.

There are many wishes on your wedding day:
Love, health and goodness,
So that your path in life
The star of fidelity shone.

To take care of each other's hearts
In sadness and in joy - always.
And let no adversity
You will never be separated!

Today is your family's birthday,
And first of all I want to wish
Endless love, steel patience
And always adore each other as well.

Let your union only grow stronger over the years,
Advice and prosperity will fill your home.
And remember, you build your own happiness -
It doesn't matter what time it is outside the window.

Mutual support, beautiful children,
Romantics, despite dry everyday life.
There are only hot nights, and only clear days.
Let adversity be far from you.

I wish you family prosperity,
Great news and good days.
Let everything go smoothly in your life,
And there will be many friends nearby.

I wish you endless comfort
Have romantic evenings together.
Let the sun illuminate your morning
May pure love be eternal.

May this year be the beginning
Have a safe and long journey,
Health will give your couple the opportunity
The ability to even go through a hundred years.

Happy family birthday,
Congratulations on your wedding.
So that we go through life together,
I wish you with all my heart.

Help in this life
You are on each other's path.
And always, you know this,
Luckily it's easier to go this way.

Gently, sincerely love
You are always like the first time.
Walk hand in hand -
Troubles will not touch you.

I wish you to be friendly
You two walked through life together.
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
Happy family birthday!

We congratulate you on your wedding!
We wish you mutual love,
Live long, happily ever after,
So that trouble does not touch you!

Keep your feelings for a long time,
Rejoice together with delight,
Try to live in love and affection
In a family, heavenly, wonderful fairy tale.

Don't quarrel and don't be rude to each other,
You take care of your love.
Live together for many years
Without knowing tears and bitter troubles!

Lots of happiness, lots of money
And, of course, love.
So that they want until old age
And, of course, they could!

So that you don't argue often,
So that the tears don't flow.
So that there are no scandals,
Find a compromise.

May the road be smooth
Without thorns and barriers.
So that life is like sweet sugar,
So that the house is like the Garden of Eden!

Congratulating the young spouses,
I want to wish you one thing:
For a hundred years of happy married life
Give birth to daughters and sons.
Let the days and nights bring joy,
And let the sunrises be filled with love.
Let fidelity never want
Go around your warm and cozy shelter.
The wallet is large and full.
Rare quarrels, many happy days.
Respect from hundreds of grandchildren and dozens of two children.

My dear young people,
Congratulations on a wonderful wedding day.
And let only strangers
They don't envy your happiness.

I want to wish you patience
A clear conscience, a strong family,
Kindness, beauty, inspiration
And, of course, eternal love.

I wish you more smiles
Eternal happiness, lots of warmth.
And let there be smiles in this world
Kindness will remain in the soul.

May the Lord surprise you with miracles,
Illuminating your thorny path,
Well, happiness is always near you,
And don't let your fire go out.

I wish the morning begins
From the touch of lips and the words “I love”,
So that all the bad things are quickly forgotten,
So that you do not curse your life.

I wish that along the path of life
You walked calmly, holding hands,
So that the Gods, looking from heaven, would envy,
There was no need to be ashamed.

Let there be laughter and joy in the house,
Excitement, feelings and love,
Let there be passion, let there be sweetness
And there is one happiness for two.

This day is the happiest
Let it remain for you!
The long-awaited one has arrived
The wedding means good time!
Congratulations! Let, as in a fairy tale,
There will be a waterfall of money,
A sea of ​​tenderness and affection
At dawn and at sunset.
There will be grandchildren, there will be children,
Sadness and joy, all the same
Remember these rings
On the hood, on the car,
So that we know each other exactly
Across and even along,
Smiled, making sure -
The score is still zero-zero.

On this day you decided together
Travel through life together...
The bride and groom came here,
But the husband and wife are at the table.

Show attention to each other
Patience, agreement, love,
Every day you learn to understand,
Don't hurt your other half.

Let inspiration never leave you,
Let your dreams come true more often.
Appreciate every moment in life,
Worthy of love and beauty.

Let the depth of the soul not dry up,
Life will be very long and beautiful.
You are amazingly good today...
And it is in your power to make life happy!

Congratulations to the newlyweds today,
We wish you happy, long years!
Mutual love, true, pure,
Fate is like the sun, radiant.
In a family of understanding and respect,
Joint success and achievements!

Congratulations, young people!
You are so happy!
After all, you have found each other,
And you went through life

Together, hand in hand.
Even if the road is far -
Help each other
You console each other.

We congratulate you from the heart,
Fortunately, let the carved door
It will instantly open for you.
We wish you now

Blessings, joy, love.
You will be together forever.
May heaven bless
Your marital ceremony.

We congratulate you, dear ones,
With what you have connected our hearts with!
So that we go the same way
We decided together until the end!

And let the road lead you
To wonderful fairy-tale worlds!
May troubles pass you by!
We wish you eternal love!

From the newlyweds
Don't take your eyes off.
Wedding, wedding, wedding!
Happiness is only on the way!

We wish you to be together
With each other for many days
Children and prosperity.
And happiness, quickly!

Today is just your day,
I hasten to congratulate you at this hour.
And I want to wish you a lot,
So that in forty-five years,
You were together just like now,
Everyone is still happy with each other.
And they don’t come to visit in the dark hour
All sorrows, sorrows, tears and illnesses.

Today is a happy day, a new family was born,
Have fun dear guests, rejoice parents and friends.
We wish you peace, money, happiness, may your hopes and dreams come true,
May life be as bright as possible and always have enough warmth!

May love always surround you, protect you and give you beauty,
Sorrows and troubles recede, bringing only kindness into your life.
Let your health never fail you and we ask you not to delay with your children,
Adventures, travel and good luck, most importantly, don’t forget to relax.

From now on you are legal spouses,
And we wish each other to complement you.
Let your husband help wash the dishes
When your wife needs a manicure update.
Also, sometimes let him walk with the child,
Vacuums carpets and wipes away dust.
Let your wife quickly go get a beer,
When does the World Cup take place?
And the garbage will be picked up on Saturday morning,
When the husband is sleeping, and she has to go to work.
Learn to help in everything,
You cannot avoid a happy life!

Wonderful congratulations on your wedding day

Remember this most beautiful day!
I wish you peace, harmony, happiness!
It's like you were made to be together:
The groom is successful and the bride is beautiful.
You can turn your life into a fairy tale,
Giving each other care and affection.
You take care of tenderness in your hearts,
And keep your warm feelings safe!

Congratulations on starting a new family!
You live in affection, attention, love.
Respect each other, always take care,
And don't quarrel, please, never.
You found each other and you are so lucky.
Always be together, no matter what happens.
After all, it is so important not only to start living together,
But to preserve the old love through the years!

Wonderful short congratulations on your wedding

I wish the young people health and strength,
Make your dreams come true,
So that they give birth to children and value each other
And they were able to remain faithful!
May your family be the happiest,
So that the house is filled with joy,
In one single hope, guarded by the Almighty,
Under the angel's bright wing!

Beautiful long congratulations on the Wedding

To drink the cup of blessings to the bottom,
So that you are an exemplary couple,
I want to teach you the basics
Full family life.
Live together, without adversity,
Protect your love
And every day, from year to year,
Help each other in everything.
Not knowing the bitterness of loss,
Treasure your family sacredly,
Fate, now one,
Make your dreams come true.
Comfort, prosperity, peace and harmony
Let them reign in your house,
So that life blooms like a May garden,
So that you never get upset.
Keep your feelings warm,
Share your hearts with kindness,
May troubles and evil
They go around your house.
So that your leisure time is pleasant,
Meet with friends and loved ones
And arrange it as best we can,
Try to make your life comfortable.
Don't skimp on your vacation,
Don't deprive yourself of anything,
So that life is full of miracles,
Take a vacation in rich countries.
Multiplied without interference,
So that capital in the family treasury,
May success follow you.
The work is profitable and excellent.
So that life is the most beautiful of all,
Let the sun of joy shine
And in the house, soon, children's laughter
It warms your heart with happiness!

Original congratulations on your wedding day

Happy birthday to the family,
Health to you, patience,
Less upset!
Let the sun's ray heal you,
And the wind tempers
The energy of love never runs out.
And happiness, not for a moment, forever!
Let him settle in the house,
And let a person be born into the family,
Which you will be proud of!

Wedding congratulations from the groom's parents

Happy wedding day, dear ones, we congratulate you
And we wish only good things in life -
Great happiness, health, success,
Comfort, prosperity in the home, joy, laughter!
We wish you, son, to be an excellent husband,
With a good job, decent salary,
Walk through life as a strong master,
Cherish, love, respect your spouse!
We wish the bride to be a gentle wife,
A support for her husband, a diligent housewife,
Cheerful, caring, wise,
May your home be filled with happiness and joy!
Dear, good, sweet children,
There is no more beautiful couple on the whole planet,
May the Lord pave your path with hope,
And the Angel protects from troubles and adversity!
Parents don’t need much in life,
Only happiness and joy are always with you,
So that your wishes come true more often,
And goals and plans were easily achieved!
We wish you a wonderful journey into the world of happiness,
Where the smiles of friends and acquaintances await you,
Let the dawn of your love shine brighter,
So that just at a wedding, at least a thousand - Bitter!

Beautiful congratulations on your wedding day

From the bottom of my heart I wish you well,
Congratulations on your marriage, guys!
May your life be generous with joy,
Beautiful, cheerful, successful, rich!
Fill your days with love and happiness,
Carry the warmth of your hearts through the years,
Let your dreams come true
And the laughter of kids will take away all the troubles!

Original wedding greetings

For the first time husband and wife called you,
From now on there is only one road through life -
Today you have become one destiny -
Happy couple, wonderful family!
Live together - love and advice,
We wish you long and sunny years,
May the family hearth be warmed with happiness,
Have wonderful children and all the best!

Beautiful author's congratulations for a wedding in verse

I’ll add my own to all the congratulations -
Live in love, young people!
After all, in family life, there is no way without her,
All days, like one, are single!
I wish you money, without it it’s like without hands,
Papers are useful in life!
After all, with them - freedom, comfort and leisure
Pleasant, very interesting!
Serious success, health like steel
And your knowledge will always come in handy,
Then all the problems, worries, sadness,
They won’t even be able to dream about you!
In the family - understanding, peace, warmth
And sincere, devoted friendship,
Without them, life is worthless, anxious, empty,
Aimless... Do you need it?
I wish to resolve all issues with housing
Easy, no problem, energetic,
Let there be an apartment and a dacha and a house,
Comfort, with decent furnishings!
A garage is a must, and in a garage -
(Let it be only this way, not otherwise),
There is a silver, luxurious Porsche,
Life is more fun and richer with him!
Let your youthful enthusiasm never leave you,
Leads and inspires through life
And even at the wedding, already golden,
Impressive for family and friends!
Let the children decorate wonderful days,
The beautiful dawn does not go out
Big, selfless and true love,
So that only at the wedding you: Bitter!

We would like to wish the bride and groom,
May they always be together in everything.
Take care of love, save it,
Carry it through your life together.
Take care of love trustingly, vigilantly,
And only at the empty wedding you will feel “Bitter!”

This is how it happened beautifully for you.
She fell madly in love without even dreaming.
He saw her and realized: “I’m getting married.”
And I will win her heart one hundred percent.

Forgive all insults and quarrels.
Surprise yourself and your friends more often.
To live cheerfully and with great passion,
Not daring to lose attraction to each other.

We wish you happiness without sadness,

Be serious
Look, my friend, don't forget.
That you are a husband - the head of the family,
Be caring, love your wife.

So that you can spend your life with love,
We had some cute kids.

Today you are a happy couple,
You have linked two destinies into one.
You drank a decoction of Love,
They let spring into their souls.

Keep your house and yourself in order,
Believe me, he will appreciate you.
We wish dear, young
Now to friends and relatives,

We wish there were no mistakes in life,
So that the children bloom like daisies in a field.
We wish you great, great happiness
Bright, joyful and dear!

Congratulations on your legal marriage,
We wish you love and happiness,
Mutual understanding,
Wealth, prosperity.
You go through life together.
Raise and love children.
Take great care of each other.
And if you sometimes stumble,
Let someone else lend a shoulder.
And even in old age
Live without old age.

We want to wish you so much
What can't be counted,
Happiness, the greatest,
What is there in the world?

So that she doesn’t leave you
Joy never
And love accompanied
All future years!

I wish that in your marriage
There was a big “Quality Mark”!
So that you bring a torch to love
Before your wedding "Golden".

I wish you eternal burning,
One love, but for two,
Health, vigor, patience
And all sorts of earthly joys.

You are already a wife
You need a smart head.
Try, apply your hands,
Create a family hearth.

Let there be no reasons for quarrels,
In love and harmony, live to see the wrinkles.
And if a quarrel accidentally breaks out,
Let reconciliation end soon.

Let it always beat in unison
Your pair of loving hearts.
And it will merge into a great luminary
The reflection of two wedding rings.

Today you got married,
For you - the happiest day in the world!
Since you lit a beacon of love,
Then may it shine for you all your life!

Everything turned out the way you wanted
And now the desired hour has come -
You put on the chastity rings,
Flowers and music - for you!

Walk side by side, in step together,
A beautiful strong family.
Even if it’s not an easy road,
But be sure to be direct!

To be close in the heat and cold,
For the honor of the family to stand as a wall,
So that the groom is a good husband,
The bride is a glorious wife!

Dear _______ and _______!
Congratulations on your legal marriage!
Let me say from my heart,
I give you some friendly advice.

Become each other's support
Happiness and part of the same.
Grief, sadness and blizzards
Let them fly by.

Let it last for years
Tender strong feeling.
Together in love and adversity -
This is the art of family!

Remaining faithful to each other,
Just spend your whole life next to me,
Not knowing bitter, evil grievances
And a reproachful look.

May the sun always shine on you
And the days will be cloudless.
Never part,
May your hearts love you deeply!

Let's raise our glasses full
At our wedding table.
And, as expected, first
Let's make a toast in honor of the young ones.

We wish them with all our hearts,
As they did for a long time,
So that their love is strong,
Like this good wine;

So that life is their full cup,
From which happiness cannot be lost,
So that our bride and groom
Live together in love for a hundred years!

May your union, born today,
Warms the warmth of your souls,
May this flame never cool down
Among everyday storms and colds.

Be happy, dearly loved,
So that your home is full of friends,
May all wishes come true
Yours will be now and then.

We wish you sun and light,
Smiled so that life would come again and again.
Only lovers are given all this,
So long live love forever!

Let there be many congratulations,
Flowers, gifts and attention!
Now you have one road
Love, kindness and understanding!

A bright, light, new world awaits you,
Without grief and without troubles,
And a fabulous honeymoon,
And many years of sweet life!

All together, together, in half -
Holy law of family ties!
May only happiness give you
Blessed is your union!

We are happy to congratulate you on the occasion,
Happy most important and wonderful day in life!
In the whole world they were able to find each other,
And the dream has come true, because you are now married!

May every minute give you joy
And love will only become stronger over the years,
Okay, try to preserve harmony in the family
And confess your tender feelings more often!

May your dreams always come true
And your sacred union is preserved by fate,
May prosperity await you in everything,
We wish you both to live very happily!

Congratulations to the newlyweds,
We wish them love and happiness,
For a husband to obey his wife
And love her alone
And for the wife to give birth to children,
Dear, glorious little naughty girls!
We expect heroes from you
And beautiful daughters.
And we also wish you
To be young forever
Us for the golden wedding
Don't forget to invite.

We congratulate the newlyweds and wish them happiness,
May all sorts of misfortunes pass by in your life.
Let your life flow like a river of honey,
And like a new month, your son will be born!
Your daughter is like the color of poppies, a consolation to your mother.
Well, you decide for yourself how many there will be.

Glory, glory to the newlyweds,
Honor and glory to the young!
Have a bright and successful life
We wish them from the bottom of our hearts.

Live cheerfully and amicably,

Live in harmony.
Love each other
So that life is full of happiness.
Raise the children
Be faithful,
Let's drink to the bottom for all this!
For you, young people, the palaces are blue
In all cities they create
So that those golden days are memorable
When will they call you family!

We wish you happiness without sadness,
We wish our friends not to upset you,
So that pain and grief do not occur in life,
But the joy in life did not end!
Let there be springs among winters and summers,
Let there be a lot of light,
And let everything planned come true -
After all, this is why it was worth getting married!

We wish you great luck,
So that your life is richer,
So that you have success in everything,
May you live the happiest life!

Even though I don't go to the wedding,
But I congratulate you with all my heart.
Live cheerfully and amicably,
Have everything you need in life
Keeping the holy law of love
Golden until the wedding.

What is planned, let it come true,
All good things - let them be remembered.
Let the love in your heart glow,
Good people will meet in life,
May there be love until old age,
We wish you nothing but joy.

We wish the newlyweds
At this wedding table
Blossom all your life with happy May,
Walk the same path all your life.

Everything turned out the way you wanted
And now the desired hour has come -
You put on the chastity rings,
Flowers and music for you.
Live together, don’t be crooked,
Keep on the right path in life,
Save your holy love,
Don't let happiness slip away!

Congratulations on your wedding to the lovers!
With the triumph of your inspired souls.
Arrange your life without swearing,
Falling in love more every year!

Blessings, peace, health in abundance.
You two and, of course, the kids!
To be close, like earth and water.
How to always love on your wedding day!

Ancient legends, songs and toasts,
Wedding rings are the crown of your feelings.
The word "marriage", included in strict GOSTs,
It takes on a different meaning: union, a house that is not empty,

Prudence, fidelity, love, happiness, children.
Now “marriage” sounds different!
Accept congratulations on your wedding and believe,
That a family is not a ship, but a reliable pier!

According to the old canons,
We will tell the newlyweds:
Bread and honey
New life for your family!

We wish you in a separate nest,
Swim in transcendental happiness.
Remembering your wedding day
With joy and rejoicing!

Two young souls linked their lives.
And they crowned fate with a golden ring.
From earth to heaven and to distant stars,
Wedding ringing is heard, glorifying the lovers.

Congratulations to the young people! May you live happily ever after!
Peace to your home, happiness to your soul, fire of passion to your blood!
Celebrate this wedding, Golden Anniversary:
Young, in love! Husband and wife!

With a wide wedding, surprising the world,
You are entering family life today.
A luxurious and rich fate, like a feast,
May the grace of the Lord not leave you!

You will give birth to a beautiful son and daughter.
Then they have wonderful brothers and sisters!
To live in harmony, prosperity, prosperity,
Before the golden, crown, red wedding!

During the wedding march they heard “Bitter!”
There is a light of love in the eyes, a kiss on the lips.
Did the groom firmly court the bride?
Now take care of your wife and pamper her!

The bride is as pure as a heavenly angel!
Now you are “following your husband”, you go only with him.
We congratulate you on your wedding to the most famous:
“Advice and love”, wishing the young people!

Your hearts merged in a single sound,
You took the oath of allegiance, sealing it.
From now on the groom is destined to be the master,
The bride is destined to become a mistress.

All the lines and points converged for the destinies of the two.
We are happy to congratulate you on the birth of your family!
May your children be your joy: sons and daughters.
And you saved fiery feelings for centuries!

The mischievous Cupid chose the day, the moment and the hour,
Thus was born love - a precious diamond.
You kept it, a gift from Cupid's arrows,
And today Mendelssohn's march sounds loudly.

We will glorify the bride and groom from the bottom of our hearts!
And congratulations on a loving celebration - a magnificent wedding!
Live in wealth and happiness, under your own roof,
Let the hearth not cool down from the cold of winter!

There will be: a strong union, eternal passion, grace,
So that the husband hurries home to kiss his wife,
May everything run smoothly in your family.
"Bitterly!" Let us shout for you to make your life sweeter!

The young spouses have been together for many years.
Fortune for the groom, happiness in the home for the bride.
May Hymen's bonds be stronger.
Living in a family and in harmony, and getting drunk with love.

The sparkle of gold wedding rings
You have sealed the feelings of your two hearts.
Stay in harmony, value each other,
But something “Bitter!” now, spouses, sweeten it up!

The wedding will sing and party.
And the first month of life seems like honey,
But the first snowflakes will begin to flicker.
And the first thunderstorms thunder again.

You have a lot to learn
Forgive, start from scratch, remain silent in response
Advice with love, will not rush to the house.
You need to create it with respect and tenderness!

Blessed by the hand of fate,
Inspired by bright love
Your marriage has been completed.
And you are captive of family ties.

There is only one road in your life,
And you walk on it with God
From the wedding towel
A year later there is a hand in my hand.

Before you is the kingdom of Hymen,
His worries and plans
Now your days will be filled,
Let them be joyful!

I wish you a lot of happiness,
Live in peace and harmony,
So that the house is full of children,
And there was no need for anything.

We, young spouses,
We wish you happiness and goodness.
May the road be bright
Let there be a friendly family.
Be sensitive, tender, affectionate,
Don't forget the first meetings.
And the rings that you picked up,
Be able to save until the end.
We wish you a beautiful life,
Your marriage without marriage should be.

Happy wedding to you, newlyweds!
Love to you, tenderness, warmth.
I want you to be happy
And life brought you only joy.

I wish you healthy children,
Help each other in everything,
More new impressions,
Appreciate each other, respect.

We wish you, bride and groom:
Let life be interesting
Let there be many impressions
And the right decisions.

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