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Can cats affect pregnancy? Why pregnant women shouldn’t pet cats: “grandmother’s” signs and real threats. Methods of protection against toxoplasmosis

Pregnancy is definitely happy event, carries within itself whole line prohibitions. Some completely harmless things can be dangerous for a woman expecting a child. To maintain your health and the health of your baby, you sometimes need to go to extreme measures. Many people are interested in why cats are dangerous for pregnant women?

However, everything is not so scary, because such cases are very rare.

If expectant mother If she gets toxoplasmosis before pregnancy, there is no danger for her or the baby. Moreover, the cat has also developed immunity, so re-infection is not expected.

But in any case, it is impossible to categorically answer the question “are cats dangerous for pregnant women?” Therefore, you should undergo examinations, namely, have the pregnant woman tested for TORCH infections, and bring the cat to an appointment with a veterinarian. Then there are several options for the development of events:

  • You and your pet already have immunity to the disease, so there is no need to worry about your health.
  • You have a weakened immune system, and the cat carries toxoplasmosis. In this case, the cat needs to find new house, because she cannot live with you.
  • Neither you nor your pet have immunity. A cat can live at home with you, but to do this, you need to constantly ensure that your beloved animal does not come into contact with other cats or dogs, often take the cat to the veterinarian, and ask other family members to clean the pet’s litter box - infection is most likely through feces.

Naturally, it is necessary that the cat is not a street cat, otherwise communication with it is contraindicated for a pregnant woman. The pet must be a pet only. Answering the question asked in the article, we can say that only a doctor can give a complete answer as to whether a cat is dangerous for the fetus and newborn.

Other diseases

The opinion that cat diseases are not dangerous for a pregnant woman is a myth. The risk of infection must be assessed. After all, all cat diseases are dangerous for a pregnant woman. If household members notice a pet following symptoms, the cat and the pregnant owner should see a doctor immediately.

  • Blood in the feces, anemia, bloating and cramps - all this indicates the presence of worms in the cat’s body, which can be transmitted to a pregnant woman and be a great danger to the fetus.
  • Various discharge from the eyes, coughing and frequent sneezing can be signs of chlamydia, which is often found in cats and is dangerous for the child.
  • Hair loss in a cat can be a symptom of ringworm. Therefore, until they come obvious signs illness, at the first case it is worth taking your pet to a veterinary clinic.

Naturally, the cat good friend person. Therefore, as soon as you get a pet, you should give it all its vaccinations. If a pregnant woman wants to have a kitten while she is pregnant, she must purchase it only in a special store, with certificates confirming its health.

Also, a ban on having a cat for a pregnant woman may be an allergy to cat hair, albeit in a mild form.

It is necessary to treat your beloved pet with caution, because any unforeseen event can become dangerous for the mother and child.

The myth that a domestic cat must be isolated from a pregnant woman is based on the fact that our purring friends very often carry a microorganism dangerous to human health - toxoplasma. However, it does not take into account the possibility that our own body has already had close contact with a dangerous microbe during its life, and therefore did not fail to reliably protect itself from it. To understand this issue, you need to find out what kind of microbe it is that can deliver to a person and his furry pets so much trouble.

Is the fear of getting infected from “our little brothers” justified? Can pregnant women keep a cat in the house? Most often, concerns arise about the possibility that the animal is a potential source of the causative agent of toxoplasmosis. Indeed, infection of a woman with this disease during pregnancy is fraught with enormous danger. A miscarriage is not the worst thing that can happen. It's worse if it's born handicapped child, cripple. This really is a disaster for the whole family for life. Considering the unpleasant chance of getting a lot of problems from the proximity of a beloved cat, people are trying in every way to get rid of the animal in the house. But you really shouldn't rush into this. If it were true that infection of pregnant women with toxoplasmosis from pets was such an inevitable and widespread phenomenon, then half of humanity would now be moving in wheelchairs. Fortunately, for the emergence of really dangerous situation For a woman and her future offspring, a fatal confluence of many circumstances is necessary.

Firstly, if your cat has been living with you for a long time and managed to get sick with toxoplasmosis, then, most likely, you yourself suffered from this disease (and its symptoms are very minor, they can easily be attributed to a cold), which means that your body is immune, excluding re-infection with toxoplasma. It is believed that more than half the population globe infected with this microorganism. For example, in France - about 90%, in America - about 60%, in Russia - about 70%. By the way, toxoplasmosis can be contracted not only from cats. A dangerous microorganism can be introduced into the body when processing raw, infected meat or during gardening work, digging in soil contaminated with microbes. Expectant mothers need to take this into account. As already mentioned, a woman who has recovered from toxoplasmosis acquires immunity, that is, immunity to the disease. This means that the danger for future pregnancy and the offspring are already behind.

Secondly, cats that have suffered toxoplasmosis also acquire active immunity and become non-infectious to others. Thus, that fatal combination of circumstances that can ruin people’s joy of motherhood and fatherhood implies that while the family is waiting for a new addition to the family, their pet “catch” Toxoplasma somewhere, falls ill and infects its owner.

In light of the above facts, such a probability is small, but still exists, and cannot be discounted. To finally decide whether to get rid of a cat, have it examined in veterinary clinic. The appropriate tests must be done at the hospital and by the owner of the animal. If your (and the cat’s) shoulders will once be counted as past illness, then move on through life together without parting. If a cat does not have immunity, then it remains at risk of becoming infected (at the very inopportune moment) toxoplasmosis, and this, as you understand, complicates the matter. To prevent your pet from becoming infected, do not let him outside or feed him. raw meat, do not feed dairy products that have not been heat treatment. Pregnant women should refrain from cleaning cat litter boxes and entrust this to other family members. If this is not possible, then use rubber gloves (preferably disposable ones) when cleaning. Periodically disinfect your cat's litter box with boiling water. And only in as a last resort, if it’s really scary, you can ask your relatives to keep the pet in their house until your long-awaited baby is born.

Is it possible to get toxoplasmosis from pets and how dangerous is this disease during pregnancy?

Is a cat a friend or a danger for a pregnant woman? © Shutterstock

Often the doctor suggests that a pregnant woman get rid of the cat in order to prevent infection and the birth of a child with congenital pathologies. Is the risk of contracting toxoplasmosis really that great?

What is toxoplasmosis and how can you get it?

Toxoplasma is found in the feces of cats (as well as related wild animals). Through contaminated soil, toxoplasma feed enters the body of other animals, including cows, whose meat is then consumed. Mice and rats are also infected with toxoplasmosis.

A cat can become infected with toxoplasmosis in two ways - if it eats contaminated food: meat or rodent. The main source of toxoplasma in the city is street cats. Indoor cats can also become infected with toxoplasmosis through outdoor dust and dirt.

A sick cat coughs and sneezes, breathes rapidly, her eyes are red, with purulent discharge. Muscle tremors, emaciation, drooling are possible; the animal’s liver is affected - jaundice, vomiting, and severe diarrhea may develop.

They say that hidden form Toxoplasmosis in cats is dangerous for people. But this is not true; chronic cat toxoplasmosis is not contagious to its owners, since the cat does not excrete toxoplasma.

The main sources of infection for people are the same as for animals - soil contaminated with Toxoplasma, street dust, and meat. So poorly fried kebab is more dangerous than domestic cat.

Toxoplasmosis during pregnancy

Toxoplasmosis at first looks like a viral infection colds. Then toxoplasmosis enters the chronic stage. Chronic toxoplasmosis becomes an acute disease if the immune system is weakened.

© Shutterstock As a result of toxoplasmosis in humans, cells are destroyed internal organs, brain damage is especially dangerous.

Unfortunately, in humans, Toxoplasma most often affects the nervous system.

Toxoplasmosis is especially dangerous during pregnancy or before conception.

Toxoplasmosis is transmitted through the placenta to the baby, which can lead to severe congenital pathologies.

10% of children develop hearing diseases and mental retardation.

Toxoplasmosis is manifested by enlarged liver and spleen, jaundice, eye infections, pneumonia, etc. Some children die a few days after birth. Toxoplasmosis during pregnancy can also cause miscarriage or birth dead fetus.

Although toxoplasmosis is not that common. According to American statistics, about 0.1% of women become infected with toxoplasmosis during pregnancy.

How is toxoplasmosis diagnosed and treated during pregnancy?

© Shutterstock If a blood test before or during pregnancy does not show any antibodies to Toxoplasma, then the woman is susceptible to Toxoplasma infection.

If there are immunoglobulin G antibodies in the blood, it means the infection occurred in the past.

If a pregnant woman has an active toxoplasma infection, the doctor will order amniocentesis and ultrasound diagnostics to determine whether the fetus is infected.

If the fetus is infected, the pregnant woman will be prescribed treatment that will protect the baby from pathologies.

Precautions to avoid contracting toxoplasmosis

Don't clean the cat's litter box; let someone else do it.

Do not feed your cat raw or undercooked meat, as about 25% of the meat sold is contaminated with toxoplasmosis. It is better to feed frozen meat, toxoplasma die within 2-3 days at temperatures below -25 degrees.

© Shutterstock - Do not let your cat go outside so that he does not catch rodents, birds and insects.

Do not eat raw or undercooked meat, and do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth with dirty hands.

Cats took their place as pets in human homes back in ancient times. And very often, if in the house expectant mother, this cute animal lives, many friends and even doctors advise her to remove the animal from her home during pregnancy.

This is explained by the fact that there is a threat of contracting toxoplasmosis from a cat. And although this risk is present, we should not forget that a cat, especially a purring one, is a source of positive emotions. In addition, these are unusually sensitive creatures, they are sensitive to the mood of the mistress, feel that her condition has changed, and show affection towards her. special love and affection.

Pros and cons of having a cat near a pregnant woman

The threat of contracting toxoplasmosis from a cat is not a myth, it really exists. And if this disease does not pose any significant threat to any adult, then for a pregnant woman the consequences of infection with toxoplasmosis can be the most unpredictable, including severe pathologies of fetal development up to its death.

In the case when a cat lives in the house of the expectant mother, and the owner does not want to part with her even for a while, then she needs to study very carefully and then strictly follow preventive measures that will help you avoid contracting this serious infection.

First of all, you need to conduct an examination pet at the veterinary clinic, where he will be vaccinated against toxoplasmosis.

One should take into account the fact that if a domestic cat periodically goes outside, most likely she has contracted this disease, which is dangerous for the expectant mother.

Preventive measures

  • A pregnant woman should not, under any circumstances, clean a cat's litter box;
  • After contact with an animal, be sure to wash your hands with soap;
  • Do not allow the cat to rub against the pregnant woman, lick her, or come into contact with her in any other way, since the cat’s saliva, nasal secretions, etc. may contain infection;
  • Do not allow the cat to go outside;
  • If raw meat and fish are present in the animal’s diet, they should be excluded.

But don’t panic if you find out you’re pregnant and you have a cat at home. After all, if a cat has been living with you for a long time, then most likely both she and the owners have already suffered from toxoplasmosis. In general, according to statistics, 70% of the population in our country has been ill with this disease. The symptoms of this disease are not pronounced, and it is most often mistaken for slight cold. This means that all these people, as well as animals that have recovered from the disease, have acquired immunity that will prevent you from becoming infected again.

Pregnancy and a cat in the house are quite compatible

If you follow all the preventive measures listed above, then these cute furry animals can become a source of positive emotions for the expectant mother, which will undoubtedly improve the course of pregnancy. After all, many people know from their own experience how these charming animals distract us from everyday worries and worries, lift our spirits, and make us enjoy life.

Considering all of the above, pregnant women should be afraid if a cat lives in their house. If the cat is domestic, does not go outside, does not communicate with its other cats, and most importantly, if it has received proper vaccinations, then its presence in the house does not pose any threat; on the contrary, it will end up an inexhaustible source positive emotions for expectant mother, and for the unborn child.

A cat in the house, this little furry purring friend, gives its owners a lot of joy and pleasure. But sometimes an animal can bring trouble and problems. In some cases, the pet even has to be given to " good hands" Pregnant women often do this after listening to horror stories and advice from grandmothers or girlfriends. What harm can a cat cause to its pregnant owner? Here opinions differ. Doctors say that a cat and pregnancy are incompatible, since the animal can cause toxoplasmosis. But on forums where this topic is discussed, they most often refute the harm of cats for pregnant women. And many people probably hear from their girlfriends: “There’s a cat living in my house, and I got through both pregnancies without any problems.” So who should we believe? It turns out both sides are right. So you will have to make a decision about the fluffy yourself. To do right choice, we recommend that you arm yourself with the necessary knowledge on this issue.

Why is a cat dangerous for a pregnant woman?

The main reason why a cat has to move to another home during the owner’s pregnancy is toxoplasmosis. The disease poses a threat to the health of the baby in the mother’s belly. In most cases, the fluffy meowing creature is the carrier of this disease. Alas, it is impossible to notice the first symptoms of toxoplasmosis in time. Everything can easily be attributed to a lack of vitamins, poor food and fatigue of the pet. As a result, all family members are at risk. Pregnant women should be wary of this disease, since it negatively affects the fetus: cases of brain damage have been observed, nervous system, baby's vision.

Naturally, after reading this, you will immediately begin to look for where to place your Marquise. But don't rush to conclusions.

A person has this infection expressed through the following symptoms:

  • slight increase in temperature;
  • headache;
  • enlarged cervical lymph nodes;
  • fatigue.

In severe cases, there is fever, muscle and joint pain, and a macular rash. As you can see, toxoplasmosis can easily be confused with a cold. Therefore, a person can get toxoplasmosis without even knowing it.

There are also good news: if a woman had toxoplasmosis before pregnancy, then she is no longer afraid of it, because the body has managed to produce antibodies.

But it’s too early to relax and you shouldn’t count on the fact that you already have immunity. To be on the safe side, we recommend that you go through the examination together with your furry pet.

We take tests

What tests should you take to make sure both you and your cat are healthy? The first test is blood PCR. With its help, the doctor will determine whether you are infected with toxoplasmosis. If suddenly the disease is detected in the blood, you will be sent for an ELISA blood test to determine when the infection occurred.

You need to start worrying if there is a high concentration of LgM and a lack of LgG in the blood. This means that you were recently infected. If the tests show that there is only LgG in the blood, then you can calm down - nothing threatens you, because you have already had toxoplasmosis.

If there are no these components in the blood, then caution should be exercised, as you can become infected at any time. In this case, you should think about where to place your pet before the baby is born. It is also necessary to have your cat's feces tested to determine whether the animal is infected or not.

Symptoms of toxoplasmosis in an animal

What does a cat with toxoplasmosis look like? An infected pet has discharge from the eyes and nose, the whites of the eyes are red, the lymph nodes are enlarged, and all these symptoms are also accompanied by diarrhea. Often the animal has no appetite. If you notice at least one of the listed symptoms, visit the veterinarian with your furry furry.

How to avoid infection. Precautionary measures

As the saying goes: “Disease is easier to prevent than to cure.” This is why it is so important to know how to avoid toxoplasmosis during pregnancy. Here are a few important tips on this occasion:

  • meat must undergo heat treatment. Meat dishes need to be thoroughly fried, stewed, boiled, both for yourself and for your pet;
  • wash vegetables, fruits and hands thoroughly;
  • do not “kiss” the cat, wash your hands after petting the purr, do not let it on the table;
  • wash dishes that contain a cat only with gloves;
  • carefully monitor your pet’s health; as soon as you notice something unusual, be sure to contact a veterinarian;
  • Assign the toilet cleaning to a family member because pet feces are the main route of transmission of toxoplasmosis. If you suddenly have to clean it yourself, do it with rubber gloves;
  • Do not allow your cat to come into your bedroom or climb on your bed.

These simple steps will help avoid infection. Take care of your health and the health of your baby. Don't forget that we are responsible for those we have tamed.

Benefits of a cat

Whether to remove a cat from the house during pregnancy or not, everyone decides for themselves. I would also like to tell you about the benefits that these furry creatures. Possible risk infection with toxoplasmosis is balanced by the positivity that pets give.

Cat calms down

Cat treats

It is a true fact that cats are wonderful healers. If something hurts a person, the animal will definitely lie down on sore spot. After a few minutes, the pain begins to slowly go away.

Now you know the dangers of having a cat in a house where a baby is expected to be born. You also know about the benefits that these amazing animals bring. Once again, weigh all the pros and cons and only then decide whether to have a cat in the house or not. If you still have any doubts, be sure to consult your doctor and veterinarian.

Happy toxoplasmosis-free pregnancy!

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