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Cold in an infant treatment. Treatment of a cold in a newborn baby. Use of medicines for newborns during colds

You will need

  • - medicinal herbs (chamomile, calendula, string)
  • - Eucalyptus oil
  • - children's inhaler
  • - children's cough syrups ("Doctor Theiss", "Doctor Mom", "Bronhikum", "Tussamag")
  • - plentiful drink (fruit drinks, compotes, herbal decoctions)


No child is immune from colds. A cold can cause a lot of discomfort to an infant, but curing a child is not so difficult. It is enough to consult a doctor in time, carefully follow his recommendations, and soon there will be no trace of a child's cold.

The first step to recovery is calling a doctor. For any signs of malaise in a baby up to a year old, you should contact a pediatrician who will help make a diagnosis and make the most effective scheme treatment. Even common cold with illiterate treatment can cause serious complications in the child.

The baby's torso can be gently rubbed with eucalyptus oil. This will help alleviate the condition of the child, however, the oil should not be concentrated, so as not to cause allergic reaction. Also, a child who has caught a cold should be bathed in a bath with decoctions of medicinal herbs: chamomile, calendula, eucalyptus, succession. These herbs have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, and hot tub soothe the baby and help him fall asleep. During illness, the water temperature should be higher than usual: 37-38 ° C. After the bath, the child must be wrapped up and put to bed.

If the baby is already more than 6 months old, the doctor may prescribe special cough medicines based on herbal ingredients. With a dry cough, syrups "Doctor Theiss", "Doctor Mom", "Bronhikum", "Tussamag" are prescribed to separate sputum.

An effective remedy for the treatment of colds, ordinary inhalation is used. Next to the child should be placed a container with hot water and a special solution for inhalation or decoction medicinal herbs. The child should breathe healing steam for at least an hour. Parents should be nearby and make sure that the baby does not get burned.

During illness, the baby may refuse to eat or suck out less milk than usual. You don't have to force feed your baby. The most important thing is to stay hydrated and drink plenty of fluids. Children who are already receiving complementary foods can be given fruit drinks, unsweetened compotes, weak tea, rosehip broth.

A runny nose during a cold causes serious inconvenience to the baby. In order to facilitate breathing, it is necessary to regularly clean the nasal passages of the child with a cotton swab dipped in a weak soda solution. An effective remedy for a cold is the usual breast milk, which is in the baby's nostrils. In combination with regular massage wings of the nose and forehead, this will help alleviate the condition of the child.

The common cold is a disease that causes inflammation of the mucous membranes of the throat and nose. The main symptoms are: fever, runny nose, cough and lethargy. Young children are especially vulnerable to various infections, but some parents treat respiratory diseases negligently, considering them to be something ordinary. How to treat a cold in babies?

You will need

  • - decoction (oats, milk, honey);
  • - nasal aspirator and aerosols from the common cold;
  • - antipyretic drugs;
  • - eucalyptus or myrtle oil.


In the event that you notice that your first diseases have begun to appear, prepare a decoction. To do this, take a handful of oats, rinse under waste water, place in a clay pot and pour one glass of hot. Simmer the resulting mixture in the oven for two to three hours at 180-200°C. If you are not allergic to honey, you can add a teaspoon of this natural product. Strain the broth, then give the crumbs.

If your baby has difficulty breathing, clear the nose of the accumulation of mucus as often as possible. Use a nasal or small

The common cold is a disease that occurs with hypothermia and a decrease in immunity. Doctors note that the treatment of colds in infants has its own special subtleties. Because very many are contraindicated for babies medicines, the baby did not learn how to blow his nose, and swallow a pill, and also gargle.

Symptoms of the development of a cold in infants

One of the common diseases among children that causes a lot of questions from parents is a cold. And mothers should always be ready. Therefore, they must clearly understand what needs to be done in different situations. You should not console yourself with the fact that “cutting teeth” can be the cause of the ailment. Take the baby's malaise seriously, since in 99% of the situation it is an infection, since cutting teeth always lower the child's immunity. Therefore, a child with a cold should be treated immediately, and not wait for complications.

Early signs of a cold in babies

Colds in children, especially at this age, most often begin abruptly and unexpectedly. The child may wake up in the morning with a slight runny nose, tired, sneezing, and sometimes even a fever is observed. In addition, babies may have a cough or sore throat. The common cold virus often affects the baby's throat and sinuses, ears and bronchioles. In addition, the baby sometimes symptoms of a cold are expressed in the form of vomiting and diarrhea.

On initial stages colds the baby may have complaints about headache and be quite irritable and have a runny nose. As a cold develops, the mucus in the sinuses usually becomes darker in color and thicker in texture. In addition to all of the above, the baby may develop a cough, which sometimes lasts for several days.

The main rule in the treatment of colds in infants is the early detection of the first signs of the disease. They may be:

Lethargy of the baby or unusual excitability;

The baby is naughty more than usual;

A baby with a cold may have problems falling asleep, or he begins to sleep more often and longer;

A runny nose appears, the baby begins to sneeze and cough;

The temperature rises;

When he eats, he suddenly starts crying. If the nose is stuffed up, the baby may refuse to suck on the mother's breast.

If you suspect an infection, you need to call a doctor at home so that he can establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the right treatment, and before his visit, you can try to fight a cold and runny nose on your own. It is very important that any treatment is coordinated with the pediatrician.

How should a cold be treated in babies?

Here's what you need to do if your baby has a cold:

You must immediately call a doctor. Since consultation is simply necessary, no matter how serious the infant's illness is. It must be clearly understood that for a baby, even a simple runny nose is dangerous disease.

It is necessary to immediately put the baby on a pillow higher, since with a very low position of the head there is a risk of suffocation. The air in the room must be necessarily warm and moderately humid.

If the body temperature of the baby is 38 ° C or even higher, then in this case it is necessary to rub the baby with a light vinegar solution(in proportion to a liter of water 1 tablespoon of vinegar), as well as put an enema.

If the baby has a runny nose and cough during a cold, rubbing the neck, back, chest, feet, legs with eucalyptus oil balms will help well.

You can do the same therapeutic baths using herbal preparations for 15 minutes. The water temperature should be 38 ° C. After that, the child must be properly wrapped and put to sleep.

It is also useful to make compresses with heated oil. They need to soak the fabric and put polyethylene on top, then wrap it with a woolen scarf, this must be done 3 times a day.

Make sure your baby gets as much rest as possible.

Also, the child needs to drink as much as possible. more liquid. Breast milk - for a baby, older children - tea with rose hips or lemon, compotes.

In addition, it is necessary to use a humidifier in the baby's room at night. Since humidified air in the room often makes it easier to breathe.

In addition to all of the above, inhalation helps with colds. To do this, in a closed room, put a pot of water (hot, of course) next to the baby's crib, add a solution intended for inhalation to it. It is necessary that the baby breathe in pairs from one to one and a half hours.

Principles drug treatment colds in babies

First, it is necessary to increase by all means immune system The child has. The drugs Grippferon and Interferon are able to increase immunity. They should be dripped into the baby's nose (it is possible in the mouth, but better in the nose) one drop twice a day up to 6 months, two drops three times a day for children from six months to a year.

If the child older than a year, he can be given children's Anaferon intended for the treatment and prevention of colds and flu. Anaferon tablet must be dissolved in a spoon with warm water and give the child a drink. Usually, for the treatment of colds, the doctor prescribes Anaferon three times a day.

In order to reduce body temperature and reduce pain, you can use Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen. These drugs are approved for children.

Aspirin should not be given to children and adolescents at high temperatures. The use of aspirin increases the risk of children developing Reye's syndrome, this disease is quite rare and occurs in children under 15 years of age. summer age. Its consequence can be serious damage to the brain and liver.

Use a nasal bulb to flush out clogged mucus in infants. You can apply a nasal spray, instilling a couple of drops into each nostril.

In addition, children starting from 6 months with a cold are prescribed syrups (but only on the recommendation of the attending physician). Mom needs to know that there are 2 types of cough, namely dry and wet. Therefore, it is necessary to give drugs strictly according to the disease.

Cough medicines for colds in babies

"Doctor Theiss", a kind of syrup with plantain extract, is used for colds and coughs, in which sputum is difficult to separate.

"Bronhikum" - contains an extract of wild rose, honey, thyme and other herbs.

"Doctor Mom" ​​is often used if, with a cold, the baby has a sore throat, there is a convulsive or irritable cough; it contains licorice, basil, saffron.

"Tussamag" contains thyme extract. Used for dry cough.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that the sooner the treatment of this disease is started, the better the treatment and drugs applied to the baby will work. They will beneficial effect on the child's body during seasonal influenza epidemics, and protect the child from infection if someone in the same apartment with the baby has an infectious disease.

The body of children under 1 year old ( breast period) is more susceptible various diseases than older children, and very often parents are faced with the problem of a runny nose in a child. The mucous membrane of the nose of infants is very sensitive, so respiratory diseases are almost inevitable. The main causes of a runny nose in newborn babies are viruses, allergies, inflammatory processes.But, and at the same time, in children under 2.5 months of age, the presence of mucus does not indicate a child’s illness at all. Immediately after birth, in the internal cavity of the nose, at first it is very “dry”, then it becomes too “wet” - this normal process body's adaptation to external conditions, it is physiological runny nose. In infants full time job mucosa begins after 10 weeks of life, so the sputum in the nose is physiological and natural process. It does not need to be treated. It is important to recognize it and you just need to provide comfortable air in the newborn's room. Let's take a closer look at the types of runny nose and how to help your child breathe normally.

Types and causes of a runny nose

Runny nose for baby it is very tiring, because the baby still does not know how to breathe through the mouth, the nasal passages are narrow, and the swollen nasal mucosa greatly complicates full breathing. When a child's nose is clogged, he eats badly, sleeps badly, and is naughty. In the first days, a runny nose is accompanied by copious watery discharge from the nose, fever (mainly with a cold or hypothermia) and lasts up to 2 weeks. With severe runny nose around the nose and upper lip swelling and irritation may occur.


The main symptoms are snot

  • Profuse watery discharge from the nose.
  • Deterioration general condition child, the appearance of a temperature of 37ºС is possible.
  • When nasal congestion or a runny nose appears, the baby refuses the breast (from the bottle), begins to take frequent breaks when sucking.
  • Shortness of breath appears and normal breathing is disturbed.
  • If the runny nose is allergic in nature, in addition to watery discharge, there are bouts of sneezing, itching in the nose, redness of the eyes.
  • Infants involuntarily pull their hands to their nose, rubbing it.
  • The rhythm of life (sleep, wakefulness and nutrition) is disturbed in the child.

Runny nose can be:

  • Physiological. At the beginning of the article they said that this is a natural process of the body.
  • infectious or viral. The causes of the disease are bacterial or viral infections. Snot is a protective reaction of the body to a viral infection.
  • Allergic. It is caused by various allergen substances (dust, products (if the child is on HB, then everything that the mother eats, the child also receives with milk), flowering plants, household chemicals, etc.). In this case, there is not only a runny nose, but also tearing of the eyes.
  • Vasomotor. It occurs due to the presence of problems with the vessels of the mucous membranes of the nose ( rare in infants).

How and how to treat a runny nose in infants

Use medications for infants only on the recommendation of a doctor!

We treat physiological and infectious (viral) rhinitis

  1. As already mentioned at the beginning of the article, the physiological runny nose in an infant does not require special treatment. A viral runny nose is a natural reaction of the body that helps the nasopharynx cope with a virus or bacteria. The main treatment is to keep the mucus from drying out. To do this, it is required to maintain no more than 22 degrees in the room (you can maintain humidity using ordinary cups of water, spray from a spray bottle, use special humidifiers, put an aquarium).
  2. Moisten the nasal mucosa with ordinary saline (or normal saline): at the rate of 1 teaspoon of salt (preferably sea. If there is no sea, use ordinary table salt) per 1 liter of warm boiled water. Place 1 drop in each nostril. ( READ THE ARTICLE: ). IMPORTANT! Use saline solution (purchased or homemade) only as drops, you can’t use it as a rinse!
  3. Herbs of calendula or yarrow: steam in a water bath 1 teaspoon per glass of water. Cool and bury the baby in half a pipette in each nostril.
  4. If the runny nose is severe, then clean the child’s nose from crusts and thick mucus with a special small enema to remove snot (sold at any pharmacy.) You can use the usual “pear”. There are special ones. Or very gently remove the mucus with baby cotton buds. (See article in different ways)
  5. Drop in breast milk. In the composition of breast milk there are substances that will help protect the baby's mucous membrane from "harmful" microbes.
  6. You can drip drops of Aquamaris (based on sea water).
  7. A decoction of chamomile helps (if the child is not allergic to it).
  8. Bathe your newborn medicinal herbs. Bath with calendula, sage and yarrow. We take 25 g of herbs, brew and leave in a thermos for 2 hours. The resulting broth is poured into a bath with a water temperature of not more than 37 degrees.
  9. The most common folk remedy treatment of a runny nose in infants is to drip freshly squeezed beetroot or carrot juice, half diluted with water or olive or vegetable sunflower oil.
  10. Another folk remedy is to drip sea buckthorn oil into the nose.
  11. You can drip the juice of aloe or Kalanchoe. Juice must be diluted with boiled water, 1 part juice 10 parts water. Bury 5 times a day.
  12. Breathe in eucalyptus oil. Pour water into the aroma lamp and drip 5-10 drops of eucalyptus oil, heat and leave in the room for 15-20 minutes, the child will breathe in pairs.
  13. Lubricate the area of ​​irritation with baby cream.

Decoctions of herbs must be used carefully, as they can cause allergies in the baby.

NO! With physiological or viral rhinitis, infants do not need to drip vasoconstrictor drops into the nose. These drops can only be used after a doctor's prescription in extreme cases(if the child cannot sleep or eat due to a clogged nose). Drops can cause swelling of the mucosa.

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

NO! We suck out the mucus with an enema or a pear, but in no case do you need to rinse the nose! Pressurized fluid can enter the baby's Eustachian tube (which connects the ear and nose) and cause otitis media (inflammation of the middle ear).

allergic rhinitis

With an allergic rhinitis, swelling of the nasal mucosa occurs and only a doctor can prescribe treatment!

Prevention of a runny nose caused by allergies - exclude contact of an infant with an allergen: do wet cleaning more often, you need to stop using household chemicals such as carpet cleaners, polishes, scouring powders and gels, air fresheners, laundry only with phosphate-free baby powders or simple soap(). To ensure clean and humid air in the room, use a humidifier, a vacuum cleaner with a water filter, a salt lamp, an ionizer.

Remedies for the common cold for the little ones

We give the names of drops and ointments for general information. Before use, it is better to consult a pediatrician!

  • Nasal drops for babies from the first days of life: Aquamaris, Aqualor, Nazivin, Vibrocil, Dr. MOM, Salin and Pinasol.
  • Warming ointments and tinctures: ointment of calendula, St. John's wort, Vitaon, Pulmex-baby (we lubricate the feet), Dr. MOM (we lubricate the feet).
  • Aromatherapy: thuja oil (2 drops per glass of boiling water, put to evaporate in the room with the baby); Tea delev oil (from 6 months, 1 drop per pillow before bedtime).

What not to do to a baby when treating a runny nose

  • Do not rinse the nose with enemas, pears and other pumping devices;
  • Do not instill antibiotics;
  • You can not suck snot from the inner areas of the nose;
  • Vasoconstrictor drugs only as prescribed by a doctor.

In some cases it may be necessary health care, If:

  • The child's breathing became wheezing;
  • With a runny nose, redness of the throat is observed;
  • The child refuses food and begins to lose weight;
  • Do you suspect your child has headaches?
  • Bloody discharge from the nose;
  • Runny nose lasts longer than a week;
  • If the baby is 3-6 months old. temperature is below normal;
  • If a baby has a temperature of 40 ° C does not decrease, but continues to grow.

Video consultation: how to treat a runny nose in infants

School of Dr. Komarovsky: Runny nose and medicines for the common cold

Actress Anastasia Basha turned to Dr. Komarovsky with questions about a runny nose - where does it come from, what and how is it treated, how dangerous is it in general ... Obviously, it is impossible to avoid runny noses, but it is quite possible to make childhood, constantly snotty, become childhood, snotty occasionally, and these episodes will be short, light, rare. We listen to the doctor's recommendations!

Moms take note!

Hello girls! Today I will tell you how I managed to get in shape, lose 20 kilograms, and finally get rid of terrible complexes. fat people. I hope the information is useful to you!

The first illnesses of a newborn child are always accompanied by stress for young parents, even a common cold can be a cause for panic. To a baby most drugs are contraindicated, he is not able to blow his nose, cough up sputum, and cannot gargle. Today we will talk about how to protect the baby from a cold and what to do if he is still infected.

Causes of colds in newborns

Under the colloquial option "cold" is hidden medical term"Acute Respiratory Disease" Many people think that the culprits of a sore throat and a runny nose in children are the autumn wind and wet feet, but this is not entirely true. Colds are caused by viruses that, in conditions that are favorable for themselves, but undesirable for us (hypothermia, weakened immunity), begin to multiply rapidly, provoking a disease.

It is believed that a cold in newborns is a rather rare phenomenon. This is true if the parents comply necessary rules child care. From many diseases, the smallest inhabitants of our planet are protected by maternal antibodies - powerful anti-infective factors that are transmitted to the baby on recent weeks gestation, and after birth enter his body with breast milk. But if the mother refuses breastfeeding, allows the newborn to communicate with patients with acute respiratory infections and does not dress the baby warmly enough for walks, he can easily catch a cold.

Signs of a cold in newborns

Most often, the first signs of a cold in newborns are nasal congestion, runny nose and fever. Since babies cannot breathe through their mouths, difficulty in nasal breathing often leads to sleep disturbance and makes it difficult to feed. Quite often, symptoms of intoxication appear: the baby becomes capricious and lethargic. With the development of inflammation of the larynx (laryngitis), hoarseness of the voice is noted. Cough is rarely observed, since the cough reflex in the newborn is not yet formed. While a decrease in immunity in adults is sometimes accompanied by the appearance of herpetic eruptions on the face, in infants, the herpes virus often affects the oral mucosa.

In children of the first year of life, a cold is often mistaken for the beginning of teething. Since the child is not able to talk about his feelings, parents should be aware that ARI is not typical:

  • excessive salivation;
  • The desire to pull everything into the mouth;
  • Swelling and soreness of the gums;
  • Night sleep anxiety, which is explained more active growth teeth in dark time days (except when the baby wakes up from nasal congestion or sore throat).

At the slightest suspicion that the newborn has a cold, call the doctor at home. Due to the imperfection of the body's defense reactions and anatomical features young children are more likely than adults to experience complications of acute respiratory infections. The immune system of the baby is not able to resist the disease. Moreover, a bacterial infection often joins a viral infection, as a result of which the inflammation can go to the lower Airways or spread to neighboring organs. The most serious complication of a cold in infants is inflammation of the membranes or brain substance - meningitis, encephalitis or meningoencephalitis.

Treatment of colds in newborns

If a newborn has a cold, it is necessary to create a therapeutic and protective regimen, carry out wet cleaning in the children's room every day, and ventilate the room at least twice a day. It is better to wait with walks until the main symptoms subside, and water procedures minimize (wash the child in the shower as needed). Infants, as well as adults, with a cold, are shown to drink plenty of warm water. So, for children under 6 months of age, this is breast milk and warm boiled water in a volume of at least 100 ml per day.

With an increase in body temperature to 38.5 ° C and more, it is necessary to give the baby an antipyretic, but with physical methods cooling should be done with care. Wiping with vodka, a solution of alcohol or vinegar is unacceptable, the vapors of these substances will only harm the baby. You can wipe the child's body with napkins soaked in water heated to 36-37 ° C; cooler liquids can cause shivering, which will only make matters worse.

It is recommended to rinse the nasal passages with saline at least twice a day. To do this, two or three drops of the product are instilled into each nostril, and after a few minutes the liquid is sucked off using a nasal aspirator. After such a procedure, you can drip the baby's nose with antiseptic and / or vasoconstrictor drops, depending on the nature of the disease and the recommendations of the pediatrician.

Specific treatment for a cold in a newborn is not required if the disease is mild and accompanied by a slight runny nose and sore throat. In the case of a severe course of acute respiratory infections and the development of complications, expectorant and sputum-thinning drugs are prescribed in inhalation form, and if you suspect bacterial infection the infant may be prescribed a course of antibiotic therapy.

Prevention of colds in newborns

The main method of preventing colds in newborns and children of the first year of life is to limit contacts, since adults are the carriers of microorganisms that pose a potential threat to the health of the child. It is equally important to follow the rules of hygiene: wet cleaning in the apartment where the baby lives should be carried out daily, and before communicating with the baby, you should wash your hands with soap and water.

If the mother has a cold, it is necessary to wear a mask during care and feeding. However, it is not necessary to refuse breastfeeding during this period, on the contrary, now more than ever it is necessary for the baby, because together with mother's milk he receives important antibodies.

Text: Inga Stativka

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The room in which the sick child is located must be ventilated several times a day. In summer, you can generally keep the windows open all day: the sun and air kill a significant part of the germs. In winter, it is better to take out a sick child during airing to another room. If this is not possible, then the baby must be wrapped in a warm blanket, cover his head with a hat, and put the bed so that it does not fall into the cold air stream. Neither a runny nose, nor a cough, nor a high temperature should prevent regular ventilation. Optimum temperature in the room for babies - 21-22 ° C.

At least once a day, wet cleaning should be done in the room where the sick baby is located. The clothes of a sick child should be light, comfortable and spacious, so as not to cause him unnecessary anxiety, not to disturb blood circulation. Preferred clothes from cotton fabric which is well breathable and absorbs moisture. You can warm the baby only when, despite the high temperature, his skin is too pale or has a marbled tint. This is due to the spasm blood vessels, and in this case, warming will help eliminate this spasm, dilate blood vessels and release heat. If the baby sweats, then each time it must be wiped dry and changed into dry clothes. If your baby is in diapers, remember to check and change them often. The underwear of a sick baby should be changed daily, and bed dress- according to pollution.

Colds in infants: the correct daily routine

The regimen for a sick child depends on his age, severity and stage of the disease, treatment methods, character traits and individual features. Some children get tired faster, others slower, some are calm and even lethargic, others are excited and irritable. But in general, during an illness, all children quickly get tired due to still weak adaptive capabilities and rapid exhaustion. nervous system Therefore, during this period, the child needs a calm environment. A sick baby, to a greater extent than a healthy one, needs a good rest. It is desirable that he sleeps as much as possible. This will have a positive effect on the child's recovery process.

For the recovery of the child great importance have positive emotions so try not to show your excitement. Do not forget that even the smallest children very subtly capture psycho-emotional state parents.

Colds in babies: why bathing is necessary

The fear of parents to bathe sick children is completely unfounded. The fact is that in young children the respiratory function of the skin is strongly expressed. The usefulness of baths is that they significantly alleviate the condition of the child: clean skin better performs its respiratory function and thereby helps to provide its body necessary quantity oxygen. It is also important that at a high temperature, a bath with a water temperature of 2 ° C below body temperature contributes to a decrease in temperature and can be regarded as therapeutic effect. Therefore, bathing children, if there is no doctor's ban, is necessary daily.

If the body temperature is low, the bath is done normal temperature or slightly warmer (36–37 °С). Children need to be washed as usual. Baby soap, foam or baby bath gel should be used 1-2 times a week. It is very important to remember the main thing - not to overcool the child, therefore, after bathing, the baby is wiped with a warm thin sheet or towel (wetting movements, without rubbing, since the skin of children infancy very tender) and put in a bed warmed by a heating pad.

If the doctor does not recommend bathing a sick child, then the entire body of the baby is wiped daily. Rubbing is carried out moistened in warm water (37-38 ° C) soft towel. First, they wipe one part of the body and wipe it dry, then the other, and so on. For wiping, you can use disposable wet wipes, after warming them near a heat source, so that the child does not experience discomfort.

Cold in the baby: how and what to feed the baby

The nutrition of a sick child should always be regular, complete, the menu must include everything necessary products appropriate for the age of the baby. You can sometimes deviate from this rule in an extremely serious condition of the child. With some diseases accompanied by disruption of work gastrointestinal tract, often use a sparing diet or breaks in feeding. If the child is on breastfeeding, then the main food product for him remains his mother's milk. When sick, babies practically do not suck out the amount of milk they are used to, so you should try to put the baby to the chest more often.

If the baby is already receiving complementary foods, then viral infections, as a rule, recommend a plentiful warm drink: this compensates for the loss of water by the body, helps to eliminate viruses and their metabolic products - toxins. If juices have not yet been introduced into the child's diet, then you can give him weak tea, rosehip infusion, vegetable or fruit decoctions. If the child has already received juices, then they should continue to be given, with the exception of too sour or too sweet - in order to avoid irritation of the pharynx.

When a child is sick, feeding can be a difficult problem. Like any patient, the baby's appetite decreases, but he still needs to eat: the proteins that are part of food products are used to build protective substances - antibodies. If possible, it is necessary to observe the feeding regimen that was familiar to the crumbs before the illness. In no case should you force-feed him: this can fix negative attitude to food, and sometimes even provoke vomiting. It is better to reduce the portion size and increase the number of feedings.

If your child has a fever...

An elevated temperature in a child is a protective reaction of the body in the fight against infection, so do not try to bring it down immediately. Remember that for parents, it is not the thermometer readings that should be decisive, but signs that the child's condition has worsened: lethargy has appeared or, conversely, excessive excitability, moodiness, refusal to eat, sleep disturbance, muscle twitches up to convulsions. In such cases, before the doctor arrives and prescribes medication, you can reduce the temperature by wiping the child's body. wet wipe dipped in a solution of 1 tablespoon of food vinegar and 1 tablespoon of alcohol in 1 liter of water. First you need to undress the baby and cover him with a thin sheet or a light blanket. Then moisten a napkin with the prepared solution, remove the crumb handle from under the blanket, quickly wipe it off (no need to rub the skin) and return it under the blanket. Do the same with the other hand of the child, his legs, back and chest. Cover the baby with something light (if the room is warm, you can even use a sheet). So it will be much easier for him, and, perhaps, the temperature will drop.

To fight with high temperature helps and cold in the form of lotions with cold water or ice. For lotions, use a towel or diaper folded several times and moistened with cold water. It is carefully squeezed and placed on the forehead. As it warms up, the lotion must be changed.

If this method does not help, you can put the baby in suppositories containing paracetamol.

We fight with a runny nose in a child

With nasal congestion, especially before feeding, it is cleaned with cotton flagella soaked in warm water. The flagellum is inserted into the nostril with rotational movements (a separate flagellum is used for each nostril). If dry crusts have accumulated, the flagellum can be moistened with vaseline oil or oil solution vitamin A. You can also use special preparations, which are salt solutions. They are available in the form of sprays and drops. Infants any drugs in aerosols are contraindicated due to possible reflex laryngospasm (convulsive contraction of the muscles of the glottis), so choose a remedy in the form of drops: before cleaning the nose, you need to drop 3-5 drops into each nasal passage.

With a severe runny nose in a child, the doctor may prescribe nasal drops. It is better to bury them when the child lies on his back with his head slightly thrown back. Drops must first be warmed by placing the bottle with them for a few minutes in a cup of warm water. With the fingers of the left hand, you need to slightly raise the tip of the baby's nose, and from the pipette with the collected medicine right hand put the number of drops indicated by the doctor into each nostril. If skin irritation appears under the nose, it can be lubricated with baby cream.

Inhalation helps to cope with a runny nose and cough. If you have an inhaler at home, they are made using the mask included in the kit, and this is usually not difficult. Procedures can be done while the baby is sleeping using degassed mineral water: this procedure promotes the discharge of inflammatory discharge and moisturizes the nasal mucosa well.

Conjunctivitis in children - a complication of a cold

Very often, especially with viral infections, the child may experience purulent discharge from the eyes. To wash the eyes, you need to prepare cotton balls or discs in advance. To avoid the transfer of infection from one eye to another, each eye is washed with a separate piece of cotton wool in the direction from the outer corner of the eye to the nose.

For washing, you can use a 1% aqueous solution boric acid, infusions of plantain seeds or chamomile flowers. 10 g of crushed plantain seeds are poured with 1 cup of boiling water and insisted for half an hour; to prepare chamomile infusion, pour 1 tablespoon of crushed flowers with 1 cup of boiling water and leave for 1 hour.

To drip drops prescribed by the doctor into the eyes, it is better to put the baby on his back. IN left hand take a piece of cooked cotton wool. Forefinger this hand is placed on upper eyelid child, and a large one with a piece of cotton placed under it - on the lower eyelid. Spreading the fingers, the lower eyelid is slightly pulled down and 1-2 drops of the medicine collected in advance are dripped from the pipette with the right hand. inner surface lower eyelid.

Sometimes an eye ointment may be prescribed for a child. For small children, it is laid behind the lower eyelid. To do this, they take a special boiled glass rod, draw a little ointment on it, pull back the lower eyelid, apply the ointment, then close the eye and lightly rub the eyelid. cotton ball. Eye ointments are usually produced in a package with a thin "nose" - they can be laid from a tube.

When a child has an earache...

If the baby has an earache, he will rub it all the time or cry loudly for several hours in a row. Small children in such cases frown when swallowing, sometimes they completely refuse to eat, they do not sleep well at night, they suddenly wake up with a loud cry. It is very simple to check if the baby's ear hurts: press lightly on the ear tragus. With the existing inflammation of the ear, small children react to this very painfully. If these symptoms are detected, it is necessary to put a dry cotton turunda in the child's ear, put a cap on it and consult a doctor as soon as possible. Since it is impossible to find out the stage of the process at home, in no case should you do compresses or drip drops into your ears on your own, without a doctor's prescription.

Drops prescribed by a doctor are instilled into the ear with a pipette. It is preferable to introduce a turunda into the baby's ear before instillation, and then soak this turunda with medicine with a pipette. Turunda must be changed 3-4 times a day. Drops should be slightly warm. The child is placed on its side: if you need to drip drops into the left ear, then on the right side, if in the right ear, then on the left. Then the ear is pulled back and up to straighten the ear canal, and the required number of drops are instilled into it.

Healing while walking

Very important for a sick child of the first year of life medical procedure are walks on fresh air. A sick organism needs fresh air more than a healthy one, especially in case of respiratory diseases. Cool air deepens and normalizes breathing, reduces shortness of breath, many children calm down and fall asleep in the fresh air. An indispensable condition is that the child must breathe through the nose so that the inhaled air is warmed, moistened and cleansed, therefore, before a walk, the nose of a sick baby must be cleared of crusts.

If, due to a runny nose, it is difficult for the baby to breathe and it is impossible to take it outside, you can replace a walk on the street with a “walk” in the room. For this, the child must be warmly dressed or covered and the window wide open. In this case, the air in the room will be fresh, but warmer and less mobile than outside. At the end of this procedure, close the window and wait, without undressing the baby, until the air in the room warms up to 20-22 ° C. Contraindications to outdoor walks are very severe runny nose, frequent paroxysmal cough and a significant deterioration in the general condition of the child.

Be careful!

First of all, do not forget: a sick child cannot be without a doctor's prescription. Accurately follow the medication regimen and dosage, following the instructions of the attending physician; among other things, it will help to avoid allergic reactions.

Preferred dosage forms for infants - liquid. If the medicine is available only in the form of tablets, then the necessary part of the tablet must first be ground and mixed with a small amount water or milk.

It is advisable to give medicine to children exactly at the time indicated by the doctor, strictly observing the number of doses per day, - then the body will always have the necessary therapeutic concentration of the drug. But if the child falls asleep, it is not worth waking him up immediately to take medication. The time of taking medications must be calculated in such a way as to save as much as possible and night sleep child.

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