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Under what circumstances does the test show a positive result? Video: How to choose a pregnancy test - medical recommendations. There are several reasons for this phenomenon

Pharmacy level detectors hCG hormone in the blood are convenient and accessible, but they are often mistaken. A false-positive pregnancy test is a common occurrence, so you cannot completely trust primitive markers that work on the principle of litmus paper. But every woman wants to know why everything was done according to the instructions, the test is positive, but there is no pregnancy.

False positive pregnancy test: causes

In the practice of gynecologists, there are often cases when girls come to register, but a repeated examination shows that they are not pregnant. Known different reasons false positive pregnancy tests, including hormonal imbalances in female body, the pharmacy marker does not show them. It also happens that visitors antenatal clinic come with the desire to have another abortion on early stage, but this is not necessary - traces of a previous conception have appeared in the body. It happens the other way around, when there is one line on the test, and the belly is enlarged, other signs also confirm that pregnancy has occurred.

At the test examination level, we can say with complete confidence that women are pregnant if the level of the hCG hormone gradually increases. Not every test is capable of this; the variety must be checked at the pharmacy when purchasing. Conventional cheap markers are not able to detect changes in blood composition as the embryo grows. The reason is false positive test The simplest household “identifiers” will not indicate pregnancy either. If the marker reacts to an increase in the amount of the hormone due to the growing placenta, this is a more reliable indicator that conception has occurred.

It’s a fair question - then what does a sensitive pregnancy test react to, showing false positive result, what are the reasons? Paradoxically, the presence of cancer in the scrotum in men is also determined women's tests for pregnancy. The reagent will also show “2 stripes”, this is due to the production in the abdomen of rapidly growing pathological cells of hormone-like bodies similar to hCG (normally it is produced by the embryo’s chorion).

Sometimes, when treating infertility or other abnormalities in the body, hormonal levels change after a course of treatment. In this case, a false pregnancy in women is determined, the reasons are therapy hormonal drugs, and the test will also be positive, giving false hope.

Attention: You should not keep expired pharmacy pregnancy tests at home “just in case,” especially the cheapest ones. Their accuracy and reliability cannot be relied upon. It is useless to get checked after a 1-2 day delay in menstruation, especially after each sexual intercourse!

A faint second line on the test also cannot be considered a confirmation of pregnancy. After a while, you need to repeat the testing to eliminate the error.

False positive results occur in medical practice not only in the absence of menstruation, but also in case of other diseases - HIV testing, hepatitis or oncology. With an unstable cycle and increased suspiciousness, it is easy for a woman to become confused and mislead specialists.

Cases when the test is positive but there is no pregnancy

According to WHO statistics, modern pharmacy tests for household use quite reliable - up to 97%. Accordingly, approximately 3% - the test is positive, but there is no pregnancy, but it is important to rely on other signs and symptoms.

Probable causes of pronounced “two stripes”:

  1. high concentration hormonal levels after miscarriages (up to 10 days);
  2. treatment of infertility and gynecological problems with medications containing hormones;
  3. testing if there are traces of an interrupted pregnancy;
  4. a low-quality or expired tester can give a false-positive pregnancy test;
  5. in the female body a trace of trophoblastic tumors is determined, hydatidiform mole, uterine epithelioma or the presence of ovarian cancer;
  6. after ectopic pregnancy or an abortion performed on the eve of the test, traces of fetal tissue remained;
  7. previous spontaneous miscarriage for a short period of time, which was not paid attention to;
  8. hormonal disbalance or imbalance, infrequent periods or menopause;
  9. unsuccessful pregnancy (on the verge of miscarriage);
  10. psychological reasons(increased suggestibility due to fear of pregnancy, false expectations due to infertility or chronic miscarriage).
It doesn’t happen very often that there are no symptoms of pregnancy, but the test is positive, and this is not a reason not to trust quality markers. On the other hand, do not rush to draw conclusions; hurry to see a gynecologist to understand the reasons for the lack of pregnancy with a positive test.

False positive result on pregnancy tests

Ultra sensitive tests They are also mistaken if they are used not according to instructions, but after probable conception. They react only during the period of delayed menstruation, which previously was strictly on schedule - with a deviation of 1-2 days. Any false positive result pregnancy test - an indicator that the marker reacts to deviations from the norm.

Most often, an erroneous result appears as a faint 2nd line on the test after application or a “ghost line”. If this is so, the automatic pregnancy detector does not have a result that can be trusted. A false positive pregnancy test result will not show 2 bright stripes the same width, without strokes or blurry spots. If there is any suspicion of fertilization after the questionable use of a pharmaceutical marker, it is important to buy another reagent and repeat testing. After an affirmative answer, you should consult your doctor.

Girls who are not psychologically ready to become a mother should not perceive 2 strips of test as a “sentence.” Film stories about suicide cases where the autopsy did not confirm pregnancy have a basis in reality. life stories from the practice of doctors. But even one stripe should not be taken as a “verdict” when an unreasonable husband puts the “last line” before divorce due to infertility. Perceive false negative and false positive results as “intermediate” results along the long journey of life.

There is no pregnancy, but the test is positive - sometimes such cases occur in medical practice. For what reason can tests show a similar result, and why is this dangerous for a woman? We'll look at 5 possible reasons why the test is positive, but there is no pregnancy, as shown ultrasonography.

1. Too early. Good tests, with high sensitivity, can show two stripes already on the 10th day after sexual intercourse, that is, almost immediately after the implantation of the egg into the wall reproductive organ for further development. Whereas not every doctor will be able to notice a tiny ovum, and not in every honey. the institution costs modern devices Ultrasound diagnostics. If the test is positive and there are no signs of pregnancy, except for the absence of menstruation, you need to visit a doctor for gynecological examination. Or immediately take a blood test for hCG.

2. Ectopic pregnancy. Unfortunately, if the pregnancy test is positive but the ultrasound shows no pregnancy, there is a good chance that the egg has begun to develop outside the uterus - for example, in the fallopian tube. This situation is insoluble. The woman is operated on - the fertilized egg is removed (often along with the fallopian tube), since otherwise a rupture is possible fallopian tube And death. An ectopic pregnancy can only be confirmed or refuted with the help of diagnostic laparoscopy, during which a decision about surgery can be made.

3. Spoiled or incorrectly done test. Sometimes you come across tests in pharmacies that show inaccurate results. But more often, women themselves violate the sequence of the test, although it is very simple. For example, they may keep the strip in the urine longer than recommended, or they may try to evaluate the result not within a few minutes, as the manufacturer recommends, but after several hours. Then a second pale stripe may appear. This is how messages appear about a positive test in the absence of pregnancy - but there is nothing strange here. Follow the instructions exactly and get the right result.

4. There are diseases in which hCG is produced. These are oncological diseases, as well as pathologies gastrointestinal tract, lungs, kidneys, etc. So, two lines may appear on the test in a man... And this is a reason to donate blood for beta-hCG and, if the result is positive, at least visit a general practitioner.

What does a woman do when she realizes that her period is late? Of course, he goes to the pharmacy and purchases a test in the hope or fear of seeing a positive result.

It is believed that rapid tests, provided that all instructions are followed, are almost 100% accurate. But the word “almost” itself means that there is still some error. The result of this may be a false positive pregnancy test.

How pregnancy tests work

Before we talk about the reasons for this phenomenon, it is necessary to understand how the test generally works. Despite the fact that there are several common types of tests, they are based on the same principle: a certain substance reacts with a special hormone produced by the chorion, that is future placenta. The result of the reaction is a change in color or the appearance of an inscription, depending on the type of test.

This hormone, hCG, begins to be produced a day after the fertilized egg completes its journey into the uterine cavity and attaches to one of its walls. It is at this time that the chorion begins to form. After a few more days, the hCG concentration reaches a value that can affect the test.

Considering that it takes about 7-9 days for the fertilized egg to travel, and a few more are spent on the accumulation of the hormone, the test can give more or less reliable result only from 1 day of delay.

It would seem that everything is quite simple: there is no chorion, no hormone produced by it. Where does a false positive pregnancy test come from then?

Why can a test give a false positive result?

Causes false positive test for pregnancy can be different, from the most prosaic to the very regrettable. But first things first. Where should you start? Of course, for the simplest and most obvious reasons.

Defective or expired test

Make sure that the test you purchase and use is not expired. This is something you can take care of. As you know, the expiration date was not invented in vain, and after its expiration the product cannot be used. In the case of the test, there is no talk of poisoning, of course, but the result may change. In fact, using an expired dough is like guessing with a chamomile: you can, of course, guess, but is it necessary?

With defects, the situation is more complicated: it is impossible to check whether the test you received is defective at home. Therefore, all that remains is to do a control check after 1-2 days with dough from a different package, and, preferably, from a different company. Two tests from the same company, purchased from the same pharmacy, most likely from the same batch. This means they can both be defective.

Violation of instructions

No less common is the reason for a false-positive pregnancy test, such as violation of the instructions for the test. So, if you purchased the simplest test strip, then you should not place it under a stream of urine, just as you should not put a stream test strip into a container. The same applies to the time during which the test is kept in the container and after which the result is checked.

Abortion, miscarriage, or removal of an ectopic pregnancy

In what other cases is a pregnancy test false positive? For example, after abortions and miscarriages, as well as after removal of an ectopic pregnancy. The mechanism in this case is simple: after termination of pregnancy by any means, hCG cannot be eliminated instantly, and for some time gives a positive result on the test.

In most cases, when a woman knows that she had an abortion or had a miscarriage, there is no particular problem with a false positive result. However, sometimes a miscarriage occurs very early early stages, even before a woman finds out about her pregnancy. And if she takes a test immediately after it, then the result, unexpectedly for the woman, may turn out to be false positive.

Cyst and other tumor processes

Can there be a false positive pregnancy test before your period? Oddly enough, maybe. For example, if a woman has a stomach or ovarian cyst. And other tumor processes can also have this effect. Including oncology.

So, if according to the calendar your period has not yet begun, but a test taken by chance still gives a positive result, do not rush to rejoice. It’s better to quickly contact a gynecologist and get everything checked necessary tests to make sure there is no room for tumors in your case.

Taking medications containing hCG

If a woman is prescribed drugs containing hCG, for example, Pregnil. This drug stimulates ovulation and after taking it there is no point in taking a pregnancy test, since hCG is eliminated from the body in no less than 14 days.

Hormonal imbalance in the body

A false positive pregnancy test can also occur due to a hormonal imbalance in a woman’s body. In some cases, other hormones begin to be produced, very similar in structure and structure to hCG. High concentrations may also affect test results.

ContentsHow does a pregnancy test work?What is hCG?Why is a pregnancy test false positive?Postpartum periodRecent miscarriage or abortionHydatidiform moleChorionepithelioma (chorioniccarcinoma)Superovulation in preparation for IVFTumors of internal organsTechnical violations during the testWhat to do if you have doubts about the pregnancy test?

The onset of pregnancy can be either a long-awaited or a very unexpected event in the life of a woman or family. The moment a woman begins to suspect her “ interesting position"or cannot connect the appearance of new ones with anything else characteristic symptoms, a pregnancy test comes to the rescue. This simple, but at the same time very convenient invention “works” quite accurately. Probability erroneous result if the test is carried out in a timely manner, it does not exceed 1%. Moreover, the test can be both false negative and false positive. Today we will talk about those situations when the test shows a positive answer, although the woman is not pregnant. Why does this happen sometimes?

How does a pregnancy test work?

To understand why a pregnancy test may show false result, it is important to understand how it works. Before performing the test, you must read the instructions for use. The procedure is very simple: lower the test strip with a certain end into a container with urine or place it under a stream of urine, then evaluate the test after a specified time.

The appearance of two lines on the test will indicate a positive result, that is, an existing pregnancy. This is magic? Or how to explain such an amazing phenomenon that a narrow test strip can notify expectant mother about the upcoming addition to the family before the doctor?

What is HCG?

No, there is no magic in a pregnancy test. Simple chemistry. The test strip contains a chemical indicator that reacts with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). This is one of the earliest pregnancy hormones, which is secreted by chorionic villi (the future placenta). Its secretion begins from the moment the fertilized egg attaches to uterine wall, and continues throughout pregnancy. It can be detected in the blood or urine of the expectant mother. A pregnancy test is based specifically on the detection of hCG in the mother's urine.

Why are pregnancy tests false positive?

Women react differently to the two lines that appear on the test, because for some, pregnancy is a cherished dream, for others it is an unpleasant surprise. In any case, a positive test result is only the initial step in diagnosing pregnancy.

By the way, the test result is not always expressed by the number of stripes. Sometimes the signs “+” or “─” appear, sometimes the words “pregnant” or “not pregnant”, “Yes” or “No”. This does not change the essence of the matter, because any pregnancy test only reflects the amount of hCG in the urine of the test subject.

However, it happens that the test strip shows a positive result in the absence of pregnancy. Why? Let's look at the most common reasons for a false positive response during a pregnancy test.

Postpartum period

The level of hCG increases in the bloodstream and in the urine of the expectant mother from the first days of pregnancy, reaching its maximum in the third month of gestation (7-11 weeks). After reaching this period, the hormone level gradually decreases. However, the test remains positive throughout the entire period of pregnancy and even for some time after its end (on average 3 weeks).

That is, there is no need to panic if, after a recent birth, the test shows two stripes. This does not mean that the woman will soon become a mother again. It just takes time for the hCG levels to drop. However, we must not forget about reliable contraception even in the first months after childbirth, if the family does not plan to have similar children.

Recent miscarriage or abortion

After spontaneous interruption pregnancy (frozen pregnancy, miscarriage) or abortion, the level of hCG also does not decrease immediately. This period can last from 9 to 35 days (on average about 3 weeks). Accordingly, a pregnancy test taken in a given time period may turn out to be positive if there is no embryo in the uterus at the time of the test. The test will take a particularly long time to be positive if there are remains of placental tissue in the uterine cavity.

If there is any doubt about the presence of pregnancy, a woman should donate blood to check the hCG level (this is not only a qualitative, but also a quantitative analysis) and/or have an ultrasound of the pelvic organs. This will allow you to understand whether there is a pregnancy, or whether the test reflects the presence of hCG from a pregnancy that was very recent.

Hydatidiform mole

Women know very little about this disease or have never even heard of it, but obstetrician-gynecologists are very afraid of it. What is a hydatidiform mole? This is one of the most serious pathologies pregnancy, during which the chorionic villi (placenta) change pathologically. Young women are more likely to get sick. The causes of this condition have not yet been fully established.

With hydatidiform mole, bubble-like expansions are formed along the chorionic villi. Distinguish different shapes hydatidiform mole. Normal development With this development of events, in most cases it is impossible to give birth to a fetus; it dies. The disease itself is very serious and can even threaten the patient’s life. Removing a hydatidiform mole - the only way treatment of a woman.

A pregnancy test during the development of a hydatidiform mole is always positive. Even the uterus increases in size because the chorionic villi grow like bunches of grapes. Ultrasound examination of the uterus is of decisive importance in the diagnosis of hydatidiform mole.

Chorionepithelioma (chorionic carcinoma)

The tumor quickly metastasizes, forming foci in different internal organs. Since the tumor is based on trophoblast tissue, it produces a large number of hCG, resulting in a positive pregnancy test. The disease is very serious, the prognosis is serious.

Superovulation in preparation for IVF Some women dream of a baby so much that they take pregnancy tests even when they are not necessary, for example, when preparing for in vitro fertilization (IVF). During the period of taking medications for superovulation, a large amount of hCG is produced in the ovaries, which will certainly be shown by a positive test result, although pregnancy is still far away. Doctors should inform the patient about this in advance so that she does not make hasty conclusions that she was able to get pregnant on her own.

Tumors of internal organs

All of the above reasons for a false-positive pregnancy test are still related to pregnancy, even one that has recently ended or has not yet occurred. But it also happens that a positive test has nothing to do with pregnancy. We are talking about tumor processes in internal organs, in which the tumor produces hCG. This happens with tumors of the ovaries, brain, lung, stomach, breast cancer, etc.

As a rule, a woman finds out about existing malignant tumors in other ways, and not through a positive pregnancy test. Still, a pregnancy test is usually done when menstruation is late, while cycle failure in the presence of tumors is not at all necessary.

Technical violations during the test

It very rarely happens that a woman has a low-quality test in her hands, which gives a false positive result. However, knowing that this happens, many women deliberately take several pregnancy tests from different companies. Repeated test failure is unlikely. In addition, when conducting the test, you must strictly record the time allotted for interpreting the result. Usually it is 3-5 minutes.

By the way, it’s not bad if the test is also evaluated by another person (girlfriend, spouse). It happens that a woman simply imagines the desired stripe, while in reality it is not there.

What to do if you have doubts about a pregnancy test? Expert commentary Skibina Arina Konstantinovna, obstetrician-gynecologist

It happens that a woman doubts the correctness of the test. For example, the test shows a positive answer, although there are no other signs of pregnancy. Or there is menstrual-like discharge, although the test indicates pregnancy. Or in a situation where two tests showed different results? What to do?

First: there is no need to try to find the truth on your own. The most correct thing is to consult an obstetrician-gynecologist. It is he who will decide what needs to be done first: donate blood from a vein for hCG, do an ultrasound of the uterus and ovaries, or simply examine the patient in a chair. Second: do not try to get rid of pregnancy (which has not yet been confirmed) in out-of-hospital conditions. Frightened by an unplanned pregnancy, some women resort to criminal abortions or simply take the “needed pill” at home. This is fraught with serious complications for life and health. The pregnancy must first be confirmed, and then the issue must be decided together with the doctor about how to terminate it, if such a desire arises. Third: try to “get to the bottom” of the truth. Lack of pregnancy is not a reason to relax. We need to find the reason why the test became positive. In some cases, the reason lies in serious cancer and endocrine disorders, which require not only diagnosis, but also timely treatment. Take the test Test to assess your well-being This test is designed ONLY FOR WOMEN. How are you feeling physically? Let's check this with a test proposed by Portuguese experts. It will help you determine your level of well-being.

Almost all women have probably encountered false positive pregnancy tests, but not everyone understands exactly what is the reason for this phenomenon and whether it is worth taking any action in this regard. Indicators partly depend on the quality of the determinant hCG level hormone in a woman's blood.

Therefore, to prevent a pregnancy test from showing a false result, it makes sense to purchase a more expensive pharmaceutical device. Whatever the outcome of the test, in the future you will have to see a doctor and find out whether any changes have occurred in the body or not.

Every gynecologist several times in his life has encountered situations when a girl comes to register, but as a result of repeated research it turns out that she is not pregnant. There can be many reasons for this phenomenon, including hormonal imbalances, which can occur as a harmless process or arise as a result of any pathologies affecting the organs of the genitourinary system.

There are often cases when women turn to consultation with a desire to have another abortion, since they noticed a pregnancy at an early stage. But later it turns out that there is no need for this, since traces of the conception that occurred before this make themselves felt in the body.

Also, do not forget that it happens quite the opposite: the test shows one line, and the stomach begins to increase, while the girl notices other symptoms that indicate pregnancy.

After getting into such a situation, every woman asks the same question: what reasons contribute to the fact that the pregnancy test turns out to be false positive. Sometimes this may be due to the fact that couples, in the fight against infertility or in the treatment of any diseases, use drugs that subsequently affect hormonal levels.

Note! A pharmacy pregnancy test can also be used by men to check for scrotal cancer. If pathology is present, it will be positive due to the activity of pathogenic flora, which is similar to hCG.

If the line on the test turns out to be unclear, you should not take it as an accurate confirmation of pregnancy. To find out for sure whether the pregnancy test was false positive or not, you need to repeat the procedure. A positive result can be associated not only with the absence of menstruation, but also occur as a result of certain diseases, these include the following ailments:

  • hepatitis;
  • HIV infection;
  • malignant neoplasms.

According to statistics, most pharmacy tests are reliable in approximately 95% of cases. Accordingly, the test shows two lines, while there is no pregnancy, in 5% of cases. This phenomenon may be due to the following:

  1. The likelihood of spontaneous, preceding miscarriage in the early stages.
  2. High concentrations of hormonal levels in the period after miscarriages, up to 10-11 days.
  3. The reasons are psychological. This may include increased suggestibility when a woman is afraid of pregnancy, excessive expectation as a result of infertility and the inability to conceive a child for a long time, as well as chronic miscarriage.
  4. Conducting research if traces of an interrupted pregnancy are present.
  5. Treatment of any gynecological abnormalities or infertility with the help of drugs containing hormones.
  6. Menopause or infrequent periods.
  7. The cause of a false-positive pregnancy test may be an expired tester or its poor-quality assembly.
  8. Imbalance or hormonal imbalance.
  9. In the female body there are traces of trophoblastic neoplasms, uterine ethyloma, hydatidiform mole or malignant ovarian neoplasms.
  10. A pregnancy that is on the verge of miscarriage.
  11. The period after an abortion or ectopic pregnancy. Moreover, the first one was carried out on the eve of testing, as a result of which particles of embryonic tissue remained.

What are the erroneous reasons for a false positive test?

The main reason for deviations in test results is considered to be hormonal imbalance, which affects the increase in the production of the hCG hormone. But doctors have noticed that women often complain about reasons that in no way can affect the appearance of the second stripe. Such erroneous opinions include the following:

  • False test before menstruation. The process of menstruation can no less affect productivity human chorionic gonadotropin. The test strips, given their low sensitivity, are designed for use from the first day menstrual cycle. But as for the third and second generation tests, they are quite capable of determining the onset of pregnancy even before the expected time of menstruation. That's why false indicators cannot be associated with such manifestations.
  • Deviations in indicators associated with taking certain types of contraceptives. Many women believe that using patches or intrauterine therapy systems, using an implant, vaginal ring, or oral contraceptives may affect the test, but this is an error.
  • False positive test due to lactation period. When a woman begins to breastfeed, she actively produces a hormone such as prolactin. All these processes will not affect the production of hCG. Therefore, the lactation period cannot in any way affect the appearance of the second line on the test.

Violation of instructions

To carry out the test correctly, a woman should initially inquire whether the test can show false pregnancy. Most often, girls do not pay attention to the instructions, because they believe that everything is already clear, especially since everyone has discussed this process with friends many times.

But in reality it's big mistake. The fact is that different people will acquire different tests, for which their own instructions apply. For example, if you buy the most ordinary test strip, it cannot be immersed in liquid or placed under the stream. It is also worth considering the time frames that are set for each tester separately.


All the reasons for false positive indicators will become clearer if you study in more detail the principle of operation of the tester. Modern devices base their readings on the level of the hCG hormone in urine. An increase in its level is considered normal only if the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine wall. But if you take a test after a miscarriage or abortion, most likely it will turn out to be false.

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