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How long does the lower abdomen hurt. Threat of miscarriage due to hormonal changes. Pain in the lower abdomen and possible pregnancy

Pregnancy obliges a woman to be organized and very responsible. Only in taking care of her health and psychological comfort, the expectant mother will be able to grow a new life within herself. That is why, during all nine months of the intrauterine life of a baby, it is so important to pay attention to the slightest alarming “calls”: physical and psychological discomfort, pain, heaviness, etc. For example, almost all future mothers. How dangerous is it for the woman and the fetus? What do these feelings indicate? We will try to answer these and other questions in the article.

An unpleasant feeling of discomfort in the lower abdomen can be an indirect hint of pregnancy with a delay in menstruation. Almost always the pain has a pulling and aching character. After fertilization, the egg enters the uterus and begins to penetrate into its wall, on average, a week after conception. At the moment of attachment of the embryo to the inner surface of the uterus, a woman may feel spasmodic pain and notice a slight vaginal discharge. Doctors assure that these symptoms at the very beginning of the long nine months are natural.

Pain in the lower abdomen in early pregnancy: normal or pathological?

The fact that with the appearance of a little man under the heart of a woman, various painful sensations begin to annoy her, without too much doubt, can be taken as a variant of the norm. To verify this, it is enough to analyze what changes occur in the female body after conception.

The appearance of an embryo stimulates a number of physiological metamorphoses in a pregnant woman. Here are just a few of the more obvious ones:

  1. Restructuring of the hormonal background, on the basis of which the uterus and breasts begin to increase in size.
  2. An increase in the volume of blood in the body.
  3. Changes in blood chemistry.
  4. Increase in heart rate.
  5. Expansion of the area of ​​blood vessels in the chest and lower abdomen.
  6. Softening of the ligaments and muscles of the abdomen in anticipation of heavy loads. As pregnancy progresses, they begin to stretch and thicken.
  7. Displacement and compression of the pelvic organs.
  8. Decreased activity of intestinal motility, the appearance of colic and constipation.

Obviously, some of these changes are directly related to the appearance of pain.

The most active perestroika processes go up to the 16th week of pregnancy. And this time is not easy for the expectant mother: she is constantly overcome by drowsiness, nausea, heartburn, increased sweating, and constipation. In addition, periodically during pregnancy of this period, the lower abdomen and lower back hurt. All these sensations are associated with the characteristics of the growth and development of the fetus, and therefore are considered the norm. And what happens in the body of a future mother if she is worried about pain in the lower abdomen in late pregnancy? Naturally, such sensations can greatly excite a woman, so you must definitely find out why this happens and whether special treatment is required in such a situation.

Why pulls the lower abdomen during pregnancy

The reasons why painful contraction of the muscles of the uterus occurs are obstetric and non-obstetric.

Obstetric pain refers to symptoms caused by spontaneous abortion or placental abruption. The factors causing the appearance of non-obstetric pain are prosaic: colic, constipation, flatulence, sprains and muscles, divergence of the pelvic bones due to heavy load. When a woman pulls and hurts her lower abdomen during pregnancy, it is very important to quickly find out whether this is due to a physiological disorder or due to overload.

Consider the factors that provoke the appearance of painful discomfort in the lower part of the abdominal cavity in the expectant mother:

  1. Transformation of ligaments due to pregnancy. In the first weeks after conception, the female body is just beginning to adapt to its new status: the round ligaments located on the sides of the uterus come into tone. The uterus itself begins to gradually shift to take its place in the center of the small pelvis. This process, undoubtedly, manifests itself in the form of painful discomfort in the lower abdomen. It is noted that the lower abdomen in early pregnancy hurts mainly in women who used to have painful periods.
  2. Softening and increased mobility of the joints, as a result of which the woman has a "duck" gait and from the first weeks of pregnancy the lower abdomen hurts.
  3. Tone of the uterus. With the onset of pregnancy, the uterus, being a large organ that consists exclusively of muscle tissue, begins to contract periodically. As a result, during pregnancy it may seem to a woman that the lower abdomen hurts like during menstruation, but in fact this is nothing more than a state of increased uterine tone. Most often, tension of this kind is observed in the first and last trimesters.
  4. Excessive physical activity: running, standing for a long time, lifting weights. In the last months of pregnancy, such frivolous acts will cause not only a pulling pain in the lower abdomen, but also premature birth.
  5. The psychological state of the expectant mother. It is often difficult for a pregnant woman to get used to a new role under the influence of hormones. She cannot control the emotions she is experiencing and does not know how to suppress the feeling of nervousness and irritation inherent in the early stages of the "interesting" position. This insecurity and lack of self-control generates muscle tone and pain in the lower abdomen.
  6. Digestive problems. The pressure of the uterus on the intestines, especially in late pregnancy, weakens the activity of the digestive system and causes a whole range of disorders - flatulence, colic, constipation. Naturally, this condition leads to the fact that the expectant mother suffers from pain and heaviness in the lower abdomen.
  7. Diseases of a gynecological nature often lead to the fact that during pregnancy, vaginal discharge appears and the lower abdomen hurts.
  8. Abdominal pain can appear on the basis of non-obstetric disorders: appendicitis, inflammation of the pancreas, intestinal obstruction. During pregnancy, such problems require immediate correction by treatment prescribed by a qualified specialist.

If there are no serious internal disorders, the expectant mother experiences discomfort in the lower abdomen at the beginning (up to 8 weeks) and at the end of pregnancy (8, 9 months). The enlarged belly acquires a noticeable weight only after 7 months. From 3 to 7 months of bearing a baby, the woman's condition is stable, and the sensations are generally comfortable. If the expectant mother begins to experience strange pains in the lower abdomen, the nature of which is not clear to her, it is not worth delaying a visit to the doctor.

How to avoid pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy

Sometimes it is enough for a future mother to adjust her diet and daily routine in a certain way in order to feel better.

Diet for pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy

Rational nutrition will help to improve the functioning of the digestive system:

  1. Eating green vegetables, fruits and nuts stimulates intestinal motility.
  2. The presence of fermented milk products in the daily diet will keep the microflora in order and provide the body with a sufficient amount of enzymes to digest food. In addition, it is an excellent prevention of intestinal colic.
  3. A reasonable drinking regime is the basis of the water balance. You can not drink too little or too much: every woman must find a middle ground for herself. An excess of water, as well as its lack, provokes the formation of edema in the body of a pregnant woman.
  4. Refusal of fats, coffee, smoked foods, muffins and sweets will prevent the development of inflammatory reactions in the digestive tract and lead to a significant improvement in the well-being of the expectant mother.

Ideally, the diet of a pregnant woman should be simple and natural.

Physical activity from pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy

Moderate physical activity during pregnancy is a necessary measure for targeted stretching of the muscles and ligaments of the perineum. Regular exercise prepares the body for childbirth. Here is an approximate complex that every pregnant woman can take note of:

  1. Get down on your knees, spread them shoulder-width apart and sit between them on your buttocks. This is a classic perineal sprain pose. If physical fitness allows, the woman can slowly and carefully lower herself from this position onto her back - this position is known as the "fish".
  2. Sit on a flat surface, bend your knees and pull your legs towards you, grabbing your heels. Now rest your feet against each other, and with your knees apart, try to reach the floor. This exercise is called "butterfly".
  3. To relieve pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy, a woman needs to learn how to relax and compress the muscles of the perineum. It is enough to master the following exercise: imagine that you really want to go to the toilet “in a small way”, but there is no opportunity to empty your bladder, so you have to endure it. To do this, you need to force your will to tighten the muscles of the perineum for 10 seconds, and then relax. Repeat the exercise several times in a row, it is especially important to do this when there is very little time left before the birth.

Walking for pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy

Leisurely walks in the fresh air "disperse" the blood through the veins and stimulate the access of oxygen to all important organs of the female body and the placenta. On this basis, the elimination of toxins from the mother's body is accelerated. It has already been proven that the most severe pains in the lower abdomen during pregnancy torment women who lead a sedentary lifestyle, not bothering themselves with even minimal physical exertion. Hiking should be present in the life of a pregnant woman regularly, and not from time to time.

Psychological state and pain in the lower abdomen

Expectant mothers, who are dominated by hormones for most of their pregnancy, react very emotionally to everything that happens around them. In anticipation of a baby, a woman can become irritable, whiny, explosive or touchy. To maintain an even psychological state and inner comfort, the expectant mother should try to keep all her experiences under control.

Everything in the human body is interconnected: the work of organs and systems is completely dependent on consciousness. In other words, thoughts, both positive and negative, are bound to be reflected in bodily sensations. Very often, such destructive emotions as anger, irritation, indignation, fear and panic provoke a sharp spastic contraction of the muscles of the face, limbs, abdomen and perineum. As a result of this reaction, the blood vessels that feed the fetus with oxygen and other beneficial substances are compressed. If this happens regularly, the baby receives a physiological injury due to prolonged oxygen starvation.

How to reduce the pain of sensations if it pulls the lower abdomen during pregnancy

If the expectant mother is sure that the pains that interfere with her are devoid of periodicity and do not tend to increase, that is, they are caused by physiological reasons, some measures can be taken to ease them:

  • a warm bath for 15 - 20 minutes - this will help relax the muscles and relieve spastic tension in the lower abdominal cavity;
  • rest in a prone or half-sitting position for 30 minutes;
  • regular wearing of a bandage, which will reduce the stretching of the abdominal muscles and thus get rid of pain in its lower part;
  • before visiting a doctor, you can take an antispasmodic drug that is not prohibited for use by pregnant women. Suitable No-shpa in the form of tablets or Papaverine in the form of suppositories. If after 1 hour after taking the medicine the pain does not go away, you can drink 1 more tablet, provided that the pain does not increase.

What pains in the lower abdomen should alert the expectant mother

When the expectant mother feels that her lower abdomen has begun to pull, she must necessarily take into account how intense these sensations are and how often they are repeated. Of course, the feeling of heaviness, which intensifies and develops into pain, should alert. It is also suspicious when the pulling pain becomes girdle, spreading to the lower back.

The most important symptom is the frequency of pain in the lower abdomen - if painful discomfort occurs with frightening regularity, this may warn of the onset of spontaneous abortion or premature birth. In this case, the pain may be accompanied by mucous discharge with blood clots. Then prompt measures must be taken to save the child.

Sensations in the abdomen in early pregnancy. Video

Most women experience abdominal pain during pregnancy. Usually expectant mothers are very afraid of this phenomenon.

Physiological pain

Mostly, abdominal pain in early pregnancy is physiological in nature and does not indicate a danger to either the mother or the baby.

Drawing pains in the lower abdomen may indicate changes in your body. Firstly, the tone of the uterus increases, that is, the muscles begin to contract, which can cause discomfort. Secondly, blood circulation in the uterus increases, which can also be a source of discomfort. Thirdly, in the first weeks of the period, sensations similar to menstrual pain simply indicate pregnancy: the ligaments are stretched, the hormonal background changes, and so on.

Physiological pain in early pregnancy should not be present all the time. They occur periodically, and most often you can get rid of them simply by relaxing, taking a lying position.

If the pain does not stop and bother you constantly, you should urgently be examined by a doctor.

Pathological pain

Sometimes abdominal pain in early pregnancy can signal serious problems.
  • Risk of miscarriage. In this case, the pain will not stop, on the contrary, they will intensify. In addition, bleeding is possible. You need to see a doctor urgently. But do not worry in advance, if the threat of miscarriage is determined in time, the child can be saved in most cases.
  • Yellow cyst. During pregnancy, a so-called temporary organ is formed in the woman's body, which appears in place of the follicle. It is called the corpus luteum and is needed to generate the hormone progesterone. Sometimes this auxiliary organ increases due to excessive accumulation of fluid, as a result of which a corpus luteum cyst develops. If the doctor makes this diagnosis for you, do not worry - this most often does not threaten the baby. You will need to monitor the load on your body, do not lift heavy objects, do not strain. Stress can cause the cyst to rupture, which will cause internal bleeding.
  • Ectopic pregnancy. If you feel pain all the time, while it is localized to the right or left of the lower abdomen, this may signal an ectopic pregnancy. A similar phenomenon is observed when the embryo is attached in the fallopian tube. Its growth will lead to rupture of the fallopian tube, the symptoms of which are severe pain, heavy bleeding, dizziness, vomiting. It is best to diagnose an ectopic pregnancy early, as a ruptured fallopian tube can have serious consequences for a woman.
  • Frozen pregnancy. Many factors that cannot be foreseen can cause the cessation of fetal life. In other words, the baby dies. In this case, you may feel sharp pain, bleeding is possible. A missed pregnancy usually ends in a miscarriage.

Abdominal pain in early pregnancy, not associated with gynecological diseases

In the end, the stomach in the early stages can hurt for reasons that have nothing to do with pregnancy. Such pain may be a symptom of, for example, appendicitis or cystitis.

Also, in the early stages of pregnancy, women may experience various malfunctions in the work of the intestines, such as an upset. It can also cause discomfort. In this case, you just need to reconsider your diet.

In any case, with a periodic sensation of pain in the abdomen during pregnancy, you should be examined by a doctor.

Many expectant mothers during pregnancy, in the early stages, note that their lower abdomen often hurts. Such symptoms can be, both during the normal development of pregnancy, and signal that there is a pathology and urgent action needs to be taken.

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Many people are interested in the question - why does the stomach hurt during pregnancy, and what to do about it? To answer this question, you need to understand the reasons. All the reasons why pain may occur are divided into several groups - these are obstetric (that pain associated directly with your condition), non-obstetric (pain associated with exacerbation of chronic or unrelated to pregnancy or other diseases).

Causes that are associated with pregnancy (obstetric).

  1. Ectopic pregnancy. A similar situation occurs when the fetal egg is attached outside the uterus, on the fallopian tubes, on the ovaries, cervix, or on the abdominal organs. This is a serious reason why the lower abdomen often hurts, such a pregnancy threatens the health and life of a woman. The stomach in the early stages begins to pull or whine, gradually the pain becomes intensified and is felt only on one side.
  2. With the threat of miscarriage. The tone of the uterus rises, the pain is aching in nature, there is a feeling of heaviness, which can be given to the lower back. When taking pills, the pain may go away for a while, but then everything resumes again. Over time, the pain will acquire cramping symptoms, blood discharge may appear.
  3. Non-developing pregnancy.
  4. When everything proceeds without complications, pain can be caused by a malfunction of the digestive tract.
  5. Stretching of the ligamentous apparatus of the abdominal cavity. This is due to the fact that the uterus begins to increase in volume and pull all the ligaments with it. This leads to discomfort in the lower abdomen.
  6. Surgical pathologies.

First, during pregnancy, the body begins to completely rebuild in order to accept and take care of a new life. Therefore, pain is quite normal.

Often the stomach hurts during pregnancy due to a change in diet. When the regime changes, a large amount of salty, sour, sweet or other unfamiliar foods can all lead to bloating. Intestinal motility is disturbed, gastritis is exacerbated - all these are the causes of abdominal pain.

Changing your diet can affect your health

Reasons not related to position.

  1. Cystitis. The immune system decreases during pregnancy. The pressure of the uterus on the bladder increases, due to hypothermia, the use of inappropriate underwear. All this can provoke the appearance of cystitis, that is, inflammation of the bladder. Pain in the lower abdomen at the same time have cutting and stabbing sensations, urination often occurs. This happens in early pregnancy.
  2. Appendicitis may also develop.
  3. Intestinal obstruction.
  4. Cholecystitis.

All these diseases can be accompanied not only by pain in the lower abdomen, but also by a general deterioration in the condition. The temperature may rise, some begin to vomit.

May ache in the lower abdomen

With such symptoms and with acute pain, you should seek medical help.

Woman lifestyle

Pregnancy is not a disease - it is a normal physiological state for a woman. But in any case, it carries a strong physical and emotional burden.

What should a pregnant woman do in order to avoid pain in the abdomen and other unpleasant consequences:

  • it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations of the doctor;
  • you need to take all the necessary tests on time;
  • avoid stressful situations;
  • undergo ultrasound, monitor the development of the child;
  • control your weight, when gaining weight too slowly or, conversely, too quickly - you need to consult a gynecologist;
  • it is necessary to create a pleasant atmosphere, spend more time in nature, not think about the bad.
  • overheat (do not sunbathe, go to the steam room, etc.);
  • supercool;
  • stay in stuffy rooms for a long time.

For women during pregnancy, especially in the early stages, healthy sleep is important, which should last at least nine hours. In order to avoid problems with digestion and prevent stomach or stomach pain, it is necessary to normalize meals.

Sleep is extremely important

  1. You should diversify your diet. Include in your diet foods that contain vitamins and minerals. Proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vegetables, fruits - all this should be at least 50% of the diet.
  2. Often, experts recommend switching to four meals a day (in the first trimester). Try to eat more foods such as fish, meat, dairy products (natural), cereals, legumes, etc.
  3. In order to make it easier for a woman during this period, the body needs much more calcium, iodine, vitamins, iron, zinc.

Products that are prohibited:

  • hot spices, seasonings: their intake leads to swelling of the limbs, internal organs;
  • any kind of canned food, preserves: they contain a lot of vinegar, preservatives - they can inhibit protein synthesis;
  • carbonated drinks, sauces: they have a lot of dyes, preservatives, thickeners and flavorings;
  • fast food;
  • coffee, black tea, chocolate.

Common causes of pain are presented in the table.

Why does it hurtDescriptionHow often does it occur
GastritisOften women eat a lot of salty, sweet, fatty foods. This contributes to the exacerbation of chronic diseases. There may be heartburn, discomfort in the stomach.From 15 - 25%
CystitisIf the rules of personal hygiene and inattention to one's health are not observed, cystitis is exacerbated.From 20 - 30%
Developmental pathology (ectopic pregnancy)When the fetus does not enter the uterus, it begins to develop elsewhere. Since there is not enough space, the fetus increases, unpleasant pain in the lower abdomen begins. When tissues are torn, the pain intensifies, at such moments a woman may lose consciousness.From 20 - 30%
SprainDuring pregnancy in the early stages, the body begins to change, pain in the lower part of the body is noted.15%
BloatingSo there is a change in taste preferences, something may not be suitable. Someone starts eating everything. The stomach is inflated, there is discomfort.10%

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Appeal to traditional medicine

When a woman is pregnant, and abdominal pains are not associated with the pathology of the child's development, there are no sharp pains or heavy bleeding, but bloating occurs due to malnutrition, then the pain can be soothed with herbal infusions.

Required Ingredients:

  • coriander 1 tsp;
  • boiling water.

Mode of application.

  1. Take one tablespoon of coriander seeds, grind.
  2. Pour in a glass of hot water.
  3. Boil for several minutes.
  4. After strain and drink every time before meals.

Another recipe that will help avoid pulling sensations in the lower abdomen in early pregnancy. Required Ingredients:

  • watch leaves;
  • boiling water.

If you have gastritis and low acidity or constipation, then you need to take this infusion several times a day.

Mode of application.

  1. Pour two tablespoons of crushed watch leaves with hot water.
  2. Leave for at least an hour.
  3. After straining, you can drink.

Application of preventive measures

Depending on why the lower abdomen hurts in the early stages of pregnancy, it is necessary to determine the preventive measures. If these are slightly uncomfortable sensations caused by unlimited food intake, or you notice that after a certain product the stomach does not express enthusiasm, you should stop taking such food. You should discuss your diet with a specialist.

If you know that you have chronic diseases that worsen during pregnancy, you should consult with your doctor in advance and determine the preventive measures that you will take.

It is worth clarifying whether you are at risk of an ectopic pregnancy or some other unpleasant consequences. If you have already had an abortion before, you should plan a second one with your doctor. You also need to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Numerous changes in the body of a woman are characteristic of the early stages of pregnancy. Various unpleasant sensations that are localized not only in the lower back, but on the right and left of the lower abdomen often make the expectant mother alert.

Some sensations may indicate the physiological processes that a woman is experiencing. But if the pains are pulling, sharp, strong, cramping or constantly aching, they are an alarm signal for a woman to see a doctor. Indeed, in addition to hormonal changes and exacerbation of any chronic diseases, lower abdominal pain in the early stages of pregnancy may indicate a serious pathology that requires immediate medical attention. In any case, a woman should contact a specialist, describing her condition in detail.


Early pregnancy is usually characterized by gynecological and non-gynecological pain. In the first case, the pain can be both pulling and aching, and sharp, strong, cramping. This may indicate normal processes in the body of a pregnant woman and the pathology associated with its course. Non-gynecological sensations are the result of a pathology that can develop in other organs of the abdominal cavity. The pain can be localized at the top or bottom of the abdomen, on the right or left.

A woman should not worry if the nature of the disease is as follows:

  1. Drawing, non-intense pain that occurs on the left or right. Sometimes they can be observed in the entire abdomen. This indicates that the ligaments that hold the uterus are stretched.
  2. Sharp pains that are spasmodic in nature, but they are unstable and not intense. This is about hormonal changes.
  3. Weak intensity with a small release of drops of blood indicates the attachment of a fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus. In this case, the pain can be localized to the right or left, which indicates exactly where it is fixed.

Serious gynecological pathology has a special syndrome:

  1. Severe pain can permeate the entire abdominal cavity
  2. Strong, pulling paroxysmal sensations similar to contractions, may appear often or rarely
  3. Severe, sharp pain may be accompanied by loss of consciousness, the appearance of mild bleeding when a rupture or tear of the fallopian tube occurs.

An ectopic pregnancy is not always accompanied by a sharp, sharp pain at the time of the rupture of the tube. Drawing pains in the lower abdomen and in the lower back, spasmodic in nature, a woman can experience for a month from the moment of conception.

If the sensations are non-gynecological in nature, they can be pulling on the right or left of the abdomen, in the lower back, which indicates the manifestation of inflammatory processes of a different nature that accompany chronic diseases.

Serious concern and immediate medical attention should cause sharp, paroxysmal pain, accompanied by general poor health. Non-gynecological pain is never accompanied by spotting. With them, body temperature may rise, a sharp headache, nausea, dizziness, fall or rise in blood pressure appear.

Possible reasons

Pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy is common, but their causes can be different. Some of them should not bother a woman, others pose a serious threat to the mother and fetus.

Physiological pulling pains can be on the right or left of the abdomen or manifest in the lower back. They testify that:

  • A fertilized egg implants in the endometrium, causing microscopic damage to the mucosa or blood vessel, which can even cause bleeding from a few drops. This happens during the first week of pregnancy and the woman does not pay attention to them, because the sensations are similar to premenstrual syndrome.
  • There is a restructuring of the hormonal background, the amount of progesterone in the blood increases
  • Tension of the ligaments that support the uterus
  • The center of gravity of the body changes.

Physiological pain, indicating a serious pathology, is most often caused by:

  • A frozen pregnancy, when the fetus dies for various reasons, the woman's body rejects it, and the uterus begins to contract. Sharp, gradually increasing pain will be accompanied by bleeding
  • An ectopic pregnancy, when a fertilized egg is fixed in one of the tubes. It causes pain due to the fact that the pipe is bursting with a growing fetus. The problem is accompanied by profuse bleeding, sharp pain, which is localized in a certain place on the right or left, nausea or vomiting, loss of consciousness
  • The threat of miscarriage, when the detachment of the egg or placenta occurs. Symptoms may be different, and the pain intensifies in the lower abdomen. Bleeding can be weak or profuse, it is not always accompanied by acute sensations, rather a pulling character.
  • A corpus luteum cyst that develops at the site of a burst follicle. The corpus luteum, as a temporary organ, is designed to produce progesterone in early pregnancy until the placenta is formed. Sometimes it develops pathologically, accumulating fluid in itself and increasing in size. The condition is characterized by a pulling pain in the lower abdomen, which is localized in a certain place.

Non-gynecological pains of a different nature, from mild to acute, can be an independent problem or arise against the background of a developing pregnancy. They are caused by problems of the abdominal organs:

  • Cystitis, which is accompanied by frequent urination and sharp discomfort in the lower abdomen. The problem is caused by an infection and requires treatment under medical supervision
  • Pyelonephritis, an inflammatory disease of the kidneys and urinary system, when a bacterial infection can be defeated under the supervision of a doctor with drugs
  • Appendicitis. Its manifestation is accompanied, in addition to a sharp pain on the right, with additional symptoms. The problem requires urgent surgical intervention
  • Cholecystitis, when the pain is localized on the right. It is caused by a problem in the work of the digestive organs and bile ducts, eating fatty foods, high cholesterol
  • Excessive flatulence or intestinal obstruction that often accompanies early pregnancy. The pain can be localized in different places of the abdomen, on the right, on the left, below, above, have a pulling character. Often cramping pains in the intestines bring great anxiety. Consulting a doctor, changing the diet and diet helps to solve the problem.

First aid

Many women ask when they should immediately see a doctor or call an ambulance.

Early pregnancy sometimes ends in fetal death for various reasons. A woman should be wary of her health and any painful manifestations.

A cause for concern may be pronounced sensations that have:

  • Growing character
  • obsessive state
  • Strict localization
  • Weak or heavy discharge of blood.

A consultation with a doctor and a subsequent hardware examination with tests will help to clarify the clinical picture.

Treatment Methods

Physiological changes do not require treatment, but consultation by a doctor and monitoring of the woman's condition. Identified chronic, inflammatory, infectious diseases require treatment with drugs under the strict supervision of a physician.

A diagnosed serious problem of a gynecological or non-gynecological nature, which threatens the health of the expectant mother and child, should be resolved only in an inpatient department. Surgery and subsequent rehabilitation are often required.

In general, painful, pulling sensations in the lower abdomen are not uncommon. But they always disturb the expectant mother, and sometimes cause real fear for their baby. These anxieties and panic states are very harmful, as they affect the mood, psychological health of the woman and inevitably affect the condition of the baby.

Therefore, in order not to worry in vain, let's find out the causes of pain together. We will find out about early pregnancy, why the expectant mother’s stomach hurts ... Are there any reasons for excitement, and in what cases you need to see a doctor. So…

Why does pain appear?

At the beginning of pregnancy, a woman may experience pain in the abdomen, which has a pulling character, reminiscent of the sensations at the onset of menstruation. The reasons may be different. But mostly they relate to physiological reasons, which is normal. Pain can occur due to stretching of the ligaments, muscles due to the uterus increasing in size. It may be related to the digestive system, it may indicate inflammation of the appendix, but in some cases it can be a sign of a dangerous condition that can threaten pregnancy.

Check it out yourself. If you have a pulling, lower abdomen hurts, try to lie down or relax in a chair. If the pain disappears when you change the position of the body, then you should not worry. Just take a no-shpy pill. But only if you still need to work all day and it is problematic to endure pain until the evening.

When is there no cause for concern?

Even if the pregnancy proceeds quite normally, a woman may experience pain of a physiological nature, for example:

If the spasms are not intense. If a slight pulling pain is felt throughout the abdomen. This is usually associated with a sprain as the uterus gradually increases in size.

If the pain is not strong, aching, but constant, it can talk about the restructuring of the female body, adapting it to a new state.

If a slight pain is accompanied by "spotting" blood discharge, within 7-10 days after conception, there is no need to worry. This may be due to the fixation, development of the embryo and does not pose a threat to pregnancy.

When do you need a doctor's help?

If the painful sensations are not strong, they can be safely endured, going about their business, there is no reason for concern. But if they are intense, strong, obsessive - this is a cause for concern. With severe pain, it is better not to put yourself at risk and consult a doctor. Especially if in early pregnancy the stomach hurts a lot on one side.

Signs of an ectopic pregnancy

The pain is intense on one side of the abdomen. An ultrasound should be done to check for an ectopic pregnancy. This dangerous condition threatens a woman with a rupture of the fallopian tube, severe bleeding and even death. Therefore, if intense, pulling, aching pain is accompanied by bleeding, call an ambulance.

Of course, this may be a completely reparable pathology. For example, such signs may indicate the process of placental abruption. With the help of a doctor, this process can be stopped. But sometimes these signs can indicate a missed pregnancy. In this case, nothing can be corrected and it is urgent to clean the uterine cavity.

Signs of a miscarriage

Involuntary termination of pregnancy has its own vivid symptoms. And it can be recognized by the following features:

If intense pain appeared in the area of ​​the underbelly, it is accompanied by discharge of blood, discharge of amniotic fluid.

If there is a discharge of blood or not, but the intense pain lasts a long time and does not go away after a day or more.

If the discharge has become more intense, reminiscent of menstruation, they have interspersed tissues. If they last more than 3 days.

If the blood is released so abundantly that you can not do without a pad.

However, you need to know that small bleeding does not always indicate a miscarriage. At the very beginning of pregnancy, slight bleeding may indicate that a normal process is taking place when the fetal egg is fixed in the uterus.

You also need to know that before visible signs of spontaneous abortion appear, changes occur in the blood serum, namely, chorionic gonadotropin (CHG titer) decreases.
When conducting an ultrasound, there is a stop in the increase in the fetal egg or the growth of the embryo.

Before the involuntary abortion itself, the woman ceases to notice the signs of pregnancy, namely: the characteristic nausea disappears, the mammary glands cease to swell. The woman begins to feel unusually very good.

But in any case, if it seems to you that something is going wrong, if you are worried about constant pain in the abdomen, there are other signs of pathological changes in the normal course of pregnancy, do not risk it and consult your doctor. Be healthy!

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As you know, a person is not born, they become one, and the foundations for this are laid back in ...