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How do early pregnancy feel? Allocations in the early stages. Norm or pathology? Signs of pregnancy: subjective feelings

Every woman who dreams of having a child listens to her body, revealing the first symptoms of a long-awaited pregnancy. If she has not given birth before, then it is very difficult for her to determine this.

To know this for sure, every woman should know early signs of pregnancy. The study will also help girls identify unplanned pregnancies in time to avoid misunderstandings.

Signs of early pregnancy

In the first days after fertilization, when the time has not yet come to determine pregnancy by the main feature - delayed menstruation and a positive pregnancy test, the woman is already looking for characteristic changes in herself. At such an early date, they are far from every woman. But still, some nuances that occur in the body can be noticed.

Knowing that ovulation occurs 12-14 days after the last menstruation, and pregnancy can occur during this period, a conception test can be done 10 days after ovulation.

Until this time, the cervix becomes loose, which leads to an increase in vaginal discharge, but only if pregnancy has occurred, the egg has been fertilized. It is this time that is given to the egg to move to the uterus.

After the fertilized egg settles in the uterus, changes in the body of the expectant mother will also appear along with it. A few days later, the expectant mother may begin toxicosis, but everyone's organisms are different, so not everyone has this sign. Therefore, it is possible to check in advance basal body temperature- during the gestation period, it will be high.

In addition, there are the following first symptoms of early pregnancy:

  1. Increased salivation. It appears already in the first week and occurs not only at the sight of food or a hungry state, but also after eating food.
  2. Leg cramps. At this time, calf cramps often occur, which occur during a night's sleep.
  3. Metallic taste in the mouth. It also occurs in the first week of pregnancy and occurs regardless of food intake.
  4. Pigmentation. Also, a week after the start of pregnancy, the white line of the abdomen from the navel and below becomes noticeably darker, pigment spots appear on the face and along the hairline.
  5. Bloating and constipation also begin in the first week, regardless of the food consumed. Sometimes slow-witted pregnant women are worried about diarrhea.

All these signs come on very early, and not every woman can notice them. But they are quite tangible, and if the expectant mother wants to find out about her interesting position, it is enough to take a closer look at her feelings and processes in the body.

First signs of pregnancy before missed period

Before the onset of the expected menstruation, a pregnant woman has many symptoms characteristic of this period, which are very difficult not to notice. Before the delay of menstruation, the following symptoms are noticeable:

Feeling unwell- 6-7 days before menstruation, a sign of a cold may appear, but the cold does not develop further than the malaise. The woman gets tired quickly, she often has bouts of weakness.

Emotional instability- frequent mood swings - sometimes joy, sometimes tears. Such a symptom appears in emotional women according to their temperament.

Drowsiness or insomnia- there is a constant feeling of lack of sleep, a woman wants to sleep all the time, even if she slept for 12 hours. Or the opposite phenomenon - insomnia. Waking up in the middle of the night, she can no longer sleep.

Change in sex drive- it can move both in one direction and in a completely opposite direction. And it can last throughout pregnancy.

Heaviness in the lower abdomen- it appears due to the influx of a large amount of blood into the pelvic area. Sometimes there is a feeling of fullness in the pelvic area, which does not disappear after the bowel is released.

Tingling in the uterus- from time to time there is a tingling in the uterus or near it. This happens due to hormonal surges and the attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus.

Pain in the lower back - at first there are tingling in the back and backache in the lumbar region, radiating to the legs. Lower back pain occurs immediately after the onset of pregnancy, often there is a burning sensation.

Headache - she worries a woman throughout the day and subsides in the late afternoon. The onset of a headache indicates pregnancy, even at a short time.

Increased sensitivity of the mammary glands- even an accidental touch to the chest gives a woman severe pain. The sensitivity of each woman is individual, but pain always happens - it is by her that pregnancy is determined in the early stages. Rarely, but there is a decrease in the sensitivity of the breast - this happens in those women who have always increased sensitivity before menstruation.

Chills and fever - during the day the feeling of heat alternates with chills several times, while there is no real rise in temperature. These are internal sensations, independent of external factors.

Appetite increase- a woman has an increased feeling of hunger or an unbearable craving to eat certain foods. During the meal, the feeling of fullness does not come for a long time. The taste changes, you want to eat the product that was not present on the menu before.

Nausea - in the early stages, nausea can also be - it depends on the individual characteristics of the woman. As a rule, he starts to feel sick in the morning, there is an acute dislike for certain products - he starts to feel sick even at the mere memory of them. Often there is heartburn and pain in the stomach.

Increased sensitivity to odors- already in the early stages, an aversion to smells begins, especially for food and perfumery, which a woman used to like. On the contrary, chemical smells attract the attention of a woman and seem fragrant to her. This sign of pregnancy is noted on an individual basis, all people smell differently.

Feeling uncomfortable while sitting noted already in the early stages, it is difficult for the expectant mother to choose a position to sit comfortably.

Allergy - can develop from the beginning of pregnancy, and to those substances for which there was no allergy before.

In addition to the above, there are other signs that appear in the early stages. There are slight swelling on the hands due to the retention of salts in the body. Also a characteristic feature is the frequent urge to go to the toilet during the day and especially at night.

Maybe lower blood pressure e, which provokes weakness, dizziness and headaches. Even before the onset of a delay in menstruation, you can determine whether the long-awaited pregnancy has occurred or not.

The first signs of pregnancy. Video:

Early signs of an ectopic pregnancy

The presented pathology does not happen very often and in 65% of cases ends successfully, but not with the birth of a baby, but with timely surgical intervention.

An ectopic pregnancy has three varieties, depending on the place where the egg is fixed:

  1. Trubnaya. The fixation of the egg occurred inside the fallopian tube.
  2. Ovarian. Stopped in the ovary.
  3. Abdominal. It went into the abdominal cavity and fixed in it.

If this pathology is not detected in time, then everything can end badly for a woman: from the development of infertility to death. With timely diagnosis, it is possible to remove the fetal egg without consequences and with the preservation of all reproductive functions. The most common is tubal pregnancy, the others are less common.

With an ectopic pregnancy, the first signs of attachment of the embryo appear, as with normal conception. There will be a delay in menstruation, and there will be two strips on the test, as well as toxicosis and a change in mood.

It is necessary to pay attention to the brightness of the stripes on the test- the control strip will not be too bright, and when re-testing in a couple of days, it will completely disappear.

If this is detected, then an immediate visit to the doctor is required for an urgent operation to remove the ectopic fetus.

In addition to these signs, there are specific symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy in a short period of time:

  1. Bloody issues dark brown or brown. But this may not be the case if the blood is collected in the abdominal cavity.
  2. Pain in the lower abdomen cutting character with localization in the area where the fetus develops. The pain increases with a change in body position or movement.
  3. There is a general weakness chills and malaise.
  4. Meets and increase in body temperature, while the basal is higher than always.
  5. Massive blood loss results in dizziness and fainting, the pressure drops.

The life and development of the fetus is not preserved during surgical intervention, the emphasis is on preserving the life and health of the woman. Up to 6-8 weeks of ectopic pregnancy, you can remove the fetal egg without sad health consequences.

Therefore, making sure of adverse symptoms, you should immediately visit a doctor or call an ambulance.

Signs of an early miscarriage

Unfortunately, sometimes a long-awaited pregnancy ends with a frozen diagnosis. If in women of 20 years of age this happens in 10 cases out of 100, then in 45-year-olds this occurs in 50 cases. The older the woman in labor, the higher the risk of fetal death in the womb.

Women who have gone through this should be carefully examined and not only identify the cause, but also eliminate it. After treatment, 90% of women safely give birth to a healthy baby.

A missed pregnancy is called arrest of fetal development and his death up to 28 weeks from the fertilization that occurred. There are many reasons for this pathology: genetic "misunderstandings", congenital diseases, maternal infections, poor ecology, as well as smoking, alcohol and drugs. In order to timely detect the death of the fetus, you should know what signs appear in this case.

The very first sign is red or brown vaginal discharge. There may or may not be pain. This is a good reason to consult a doctor and, if the death of the fetus is confirmed during an ultrasound examination, then the woman immediately undergoes antibiotic therapy and cleansing the uterine cavity.

A missed pregnancy can be identified by the following symptoms:

Having found such symptoms in yourself, you should not panic, because they do not always speak of a missed pregnancy. It is necessary to consult a doctor and conduct a correct diagnosis, resort to the help of specialists.

The danger of a missed pregnancy lies in the fact that sometimes this is asymptomatic, and nothing signals the death of the fetus. The woman does not even realize that she is pregnant and that the fetus has died, and only after bleeding and inflammation with a pronounced symptom begins, she hurries to get medical help.

If a non-developing fetus is in the uterus for more than two months, blood clotting may form, which is very life-threatening. Therefore, you should pay attention to all incomprehensible changes in your body and seek advice from a gynecologist.

Signs of an ectopic pregnancy. Video:

The main signs of pregnancy

Now we should analyze the possible nuances of the main signs of pregnancy - what should a woman expect?

When does the belly start to grow?

Many women, especially those who have become pregnant for the first time, are very concerned about the question: when does the belly begin to grow during pregnancy. For them, this is an unusual state and new sensations, in addition, you should know when you can update your wardrobe. I must say that it appears differently for different women. Some mothers claim that their tummy began to grow from the fifth week, and some from the tenth.

Yes, the stomach may increase in the first weeks, but this is not from a growing uterus, but from bloating, which is typical for early pregnancy. Only from the 16th week of pregnancy, intensive growth of the fetus and uterus, respectively, begins. And on the 20th week, a rounded tummy will be noticeable in any pregnant woman.

For the timely detection of pathology in the development of the fetus, this is very important information. With the help of data on the growth time of the abdomen and its possible size, it is possible to determine polyhydramnios, oligohydramnios, delayed development of the child and his intrauterine pathologies.

Nausea during pregnancy

In addition, expectant mothers are concerned about the following question: when it starts to feel sick during pregnancy. This symptom manifests itself purely individually for each woman. It is normal if nausea begins 10-12 days after fertilization has occurred, but if this happens later, then it is also normal. In the early stages, nausea in a woman occurs due to toxicosis, and in the later stages it can talk about preeclampsia.

The exact timing of the onset of nausea in pregnant women is difficult to determine, but in the first and last trimester, nausea can haunt every woman in labor. Nausea usually starts after a missed period and not before. At 4-5 weeks, hormonal fluctuations occur, which cause nausea.

Of course, this symptom is unpleasant, but it is easier for a woman who wants to give birth to a baby, knowing for whom such sacrifices are made.

About chest pain

Many women are also interested in when the chest begins to hurt during pregnancy. This is also an individual symptom and each woman in labor begins at different times. The chest is the first to react to a change in the hormonal background in the body: it begins to fill up, round off, get heavier and tingle.

Changes in the mammary glands occur due to the activity of sex hormones that prepare the breast for feeding the baby. Therefore, chest pain should not be feared - these are normal physiological changes that do not carry any danger.

There is no exact time when chest pains begin during pregnancy. For some women, pain begins even before the onset of the expected menstruation, while for others - only at the 5th week.

Both of these are normal, even if she does not get sick during the entire period of bearing a child. If pregnancy and fetal development proceeds normally, then by the end of the first trimester, the pain should subside.

It is important for a young woman who dreams of becoming a mother to know all the signs and symptoms of the onset of pregnancy and its possible pathologies. Only the woman herself can notice abnormal signs in time in the short term of her interesting position and consult a doctor to take urgent measures to preserve the pregnancy. Well, or make a choice in favor of a safe, but promising career growth.

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How wonderful it would be if the very next day after conception, the uterus signaled to the woman about the onset of pregnancy with some obvious symptom. But this does not happen and we have to rely only on signs of hormonal changes in the body. Considering that each woman is individual, then signs of pregnancy in the early stages may not appear at all, or everything in the complex may begin to disturb the expectant mother as early as 1 month.

What are the earliest symptoms?

If you do not observe any of these signs, then this does not mean that there is no pregnancy. Perhaps your body reacts in its own way to conception and changes in hormonal levels are not so strongly reflected in your well-being.

#1: High Basal Body Temperature

If you regularly monitor your cycle and measure BBT (basal temperature), you will notice that it will remain high throughout the luteal phase. Progesterone causes the temperature to stay high during ovulation, and if BBT remains high, this indicates pregnancy. If conception has not occurred, then BT falls and menstruation goes on its due date.

#2: No period

The most obvious and well-known symptom is that you notice that your period has not come on time. But, despite the fact that this symptom is most often attributed to pregnancy, there are a number of other reasons that can lead to a delay. For example, severe stress, a serious illness or surgery. On the other hand, many women notice the presence of menstruation already during pregnancy. For some, they will go on for several months or even the entire pregnancy.

#3: Morning sickness

Another fairly well-known symptom is. It, of course, can manifest itself not only in the morning, but at any time of the day, as soon as the blood sugar level drops significantly. Therefore, you need to follow a regular diet. The whole first trimester can be nauseating, and some women suffer from this symptom in general for 9 months.

#4: Breast Changes

  • nipples become tender, sensitive and darken;
  • the chest begins to hurt and (or) becomes lumpy;
  • veins on the chest become noticeable;
  • areolas (circles around the nipples) may darken and enlarge;
  • small bumps on the areola may become larger or increase in number.

#5: Increased natural secretions

An increase in the hormone progesterone leads to an increase in the amount of cervical mucus. For some women, this symptom may not be noticeable at all, while others have to change daily pads more often.

#6: Fatigue

During your first pregnancy, your metabolism gets faster to support your unborn baby and your own body. This leads to a feeling of endless fatigue. It may seem to you that you constantly want to sleep or at least just relax. Progesterone also has a sedative effect, so for many women, even during the day, their eyes literally close from fatigue. Do not fight with your body - you just need rest now.

#7: Frequent Urination

Already a week after conception, you can notice that the urge to go to the toilet began to be observed somewhat more often than usual. This is because the embryo has already begun to produce hCG, a pregnancy hormone that increases blood flow to the pelvic area. As a result, the bladder signals its fullness even when there is a small amount of urine. This is especially disturbing for a woman at night.

No. 8: Cramps in the lower abdomen

This symptom causes anxiety in many women, because they are afraid. However, even if you are not pregnant, your uterus is constantly contracting. This is also normal while waiting for the baby, because the fetus grows and presses on the walls of the uterus, which leads to its spasms.

But if these contractions are accompanied, then it really can be a miscarriage. In this case, you need to contact your gynecologist and an ambulance as soon as possible. But do not panic - sometimes spotting can be another sign of pregnancy.

#9: Spotting

8-10 days after ovulation (when you should have your next period), you may notice light spotting, which is called. They are usually not as bright in color as menstruation.

#10: Constipation and Gas

An increase in hormones leads to the fact that the intestines relax and work worse - this is necessary in order to make more space for the baby. But as a result, this often leads to constipation. Fortunately, there are many remedies that can help and are safe for pregnant women.

#11: Smell

Smells that have never bothered you before can now become a real problem. Even cooking can now be disgusting.

#12: Cold and/or stuffy nose

With the normal development of pregnancy, the woman's immune system is suppressed. This is provided by nature so that the body of the pregnant woman does not reject the fetus as a foreign body. As a result of these hormonal changes, the expectant mother is very susceptible to various kinds of infections. And the nose is stuffed up again because of the hormonal effects on the nasal passages.

No. 13: The appearance of blackheads

You may find yourself prone to acne. And even if you have not been bothered by this trouble before, the waiting period for the baby often leads to acne.

#14: Taste change

Rising levels of hormones in the body can also be reflected in your saliva. You may experience a metallic taste in your mouth that changes the taste of regular foods.

#15: Emotional Seesaw

From the very first weeks of pregnancy, a woman can feel incomprehensible tides of joy, then sharp influxes of sadness. Often it becomes a very acute problem and relationships with others begin to deteriorate.

pregnancy tests

Sometimes a test at a very early date may not show the coveted second strip. Even if conception has occurred, the hCG level may still be too low for the test to detect its increase. If you think that conception did occur during the last ovulation, then you should wait only 2 weeks and the result will be accurate.

Examination by a gynecologist

The hospital may offer you several types of pregnancy determination:

  1. Analysis of urine;
  2. blood analysis;
  3. inspection.

In order to avoid infection, it is better not to do the last procedure. The first two are enough to determine whether the long-awaited pregnancy has occurred.

"Am I pregnant?" To answer such an important question, before the first day of a missed period, a woman tries to identify her “symptoms”. Let's talk about what can be considered accurate signs by which it is determined and what is probable.

What to do if there is a feeling of pregnancy?

First of all, try to conduct a kind of “scanning” of your own body (soberly and without emotions). As a rule, the initial signs of pregnancy are: nausea, mainly in the morning, increased sense of smell, the appearance of food whims, a sharp change in mood, a constant desire to sleep. These symptoms do not mean that you are really expecting a baby. But how to feel pregnancy in the first week after conception? Or is such insight impossible? Let's talk about this in more detail.

First sensations and well-being in early pregnancy

Let's start with the fact that the first signs do not appear immediately. If we calculate the time of conception and the timing of the attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus, it turns out that in the first 7 days, mommy will not even know that she is in position. But from the second week, hormonal changes begin. Most women who want to have children carefully monitor their condition and therefore can immediately determine

that they are in position, even before the delay of menstruation occurs. But when trying to find what you are looking for as quickly as possible, do not forget that pregnancy in the early stages (especially in the first week) is impossible to determine.

Will there be tangible signs?

Each woman is strictly individual: someone perceives indirect signs very clearly, while someone does not feel at all. Listen to your body: it is thanks to subjective sensations that you can become confident that you are pregnant. Let's talk about them.

Early signs of pregnancy that may appear even before the delay

These include: nausea, an acute reaction to strong odors, increased appetite, food cravings, frequent visits to the toilet, breast enlargement, weakness and drowsiness, frequent mood swings, increased basal body temperature and high salivation.

What to do if there are still signs?

If you find yourself with one (or even several!) Of those described above, do not rush to make a final diagnosis - pregnancy on

early dates. These symptoms were not called probable by chance: they can be caused by other reasons. You can’t argue that they appear already in the first month, but the signs very often change each other, and do not come all at the same time. Therefore, a woman may simply not pay attention to some ailments.

Bad habits

Early pregnancy is a particularly significant stage in the life of every woman. It is during this period that all the main systems of the unborn child are formed. Therefore, it should be understood that such bad habits, such as smoking in early pregnancy, are absolutely prohibited. So we advise you not to neglect a healthy lifestyle. It remains only to wish future mothers a good pregnancy and the timely birth of a baby!

Very weakly expressed and may be absent altogether. However, women are still eager to find out as soon as possible whether it was possible to conceive a child in this cycle or not, and they tend to pay attention to any minor detail. let's consider signs of pregnancy in the early stages before a delay and in the first weeks after its initiation.

Until the delay

We will consider these symptoms rather briefly, since they cannot be trusted too much. It is not worth looking for signs earlier than a week before the expected date of the onset of menstruation.

1. Toxicosis. Surely, you have met women who claimed that supposedly the very next day after the conception occurred, they felt their interesting position. Nausea attacks immediately began, intestinal upset, insomnia, fatigue and other “charms” arose. However, as you might guess, such signs of early pregnancy before the delay often turn out to be not at all what the first comes to mind, but a symptom of poisoning, and simply nervous strain. Many sensitive girls experience frequent urge to go to the toilet, severe nausea and other unpleasant sensations during times of great stress.

2. Measure your basal temperature. It is recommended only to those women who are specialists in this matter, not experienced women who first decide on these measurements, can draw wrong conclusions. Be sure to keep in mind that signs of pregnancy in the early stages, the elevated temperature of which is one of the main ones, is not always a 100% result. This may be due not only to pregnancy, but also to sex that took place the day before, nervous overexcitation, illness, violation of the rules for measuring rectal temperature, etc.

3. Unpleasant sensations in the area of ​​the mammary glands and nipples. The chest begins to hurt quite strongly, increases somewhat. But this may be due to functional changes occurring in tissues - cyclical changes that are characteristic of women of reproductive age. In rare cases, such sudden pain may be associated with pathology, and not with signs of pregnancy in the early stages before the delay. If a volumetric formation is felt in the chest, discharge appears from the nipples - you need to see a mammologist or gynecologist.

After the start of the delay

These signs of early pregnancy are much more interesting and reliable.

1. No matter how trite it is - the absence of menstruation. All women pay attention to this fact, one way or another watching their health. True, many do not pay attention to the absence of menstruation for several days, since now ladies who have menstruation every day are a rarity. Our nervous life does not allow the body to work properly. Expectant mothers do not have cyclic bleeding during the entire period of bearing a child. The menstrual cycle is established only a few weeks / months after childbirth, it depends, to a greater extent, on whether the woman is breastfeeding the child or not and how regularly she does it.

2. Pain in the lower abdomen. This is normal for expectant mothers, and for ladies who are about to start their period and with the threat of miscarriage. It is necessary to monitor the regularity, duration and strength of these pains. Usually, the fair sex intuitively understand whether it is worth worrying or not. But be that as it may, any expectant mother needs to have antispasmodics in her medicine cabinet - pills that quickly relieve muscle spasm.

Please note that drinking antispasmodics for pain on one side of the abdomen, especially on the right, is not recommended. It may be appendicitis, and such pain relief will prevent the doctor from making a correct diagnosis.

3. Increasing the amount of secretions. Sometimes the most obvious signs of early pregnancy are discharge. Of course, here we do not mean bloody discharge from the vagina and not signs of sexually transmitted diseases, but ordinary, colorless, stretching discharge, more characteristic of the period of ovulation. By the way, in some cases there may be spotting, but in a small amount. Many women mistake them for menstruation. If the monthly is too scarce - it makes sense to undergo an examination.

4. Enlargement of the abdomen. Young girls who do not yet have the experience of motherhood believe that the signs of pregnancy in the early stages before the delay accurately indicate the emergence of a new life. And that the most characteristic of this feature traditionally becomes the growth of the abdomen. Peering into their forms, they try to see a slightly protruding abdominal wall and, it should be noted, sometimes they really manage to see something ... But only in this case, the protrusion of the abdominal wall is by no means associated with pregnancy. The uterus begins to bulge noticeably only in the second half of the second trimester, not earlier. And at such an early date, even gynecologists are unable to distinguish a pregnant uterus from a non-pregnant one.

5. The pregnancy test is positive. That is, clearly positive. Two lines are clearly visible. In such cases, errors are practically excluded. This applies to reliable signs of pregnancy in the early stages - discharge, fever and rectal - this is already secondary. But it must be borne in mind that in some cases the test shows 2 stripes after a miscarriage, and with an ectopic and missed pregnancy, and with some serious pathologies of the body. Therefore, we would still recommend visiting a doctor.

6. Gynecological examination. While the pregnant uterus is determined only during a vaginal examination, but a little later, closer to the second trimester, the size of the uterus can already be determined during an external examination on the couch, which, in principle, will be expected at each visit to the gynecologist in the future. In such a simple way, the doctor will determine with a fairly high accuracy whether the fetus is developing or not, whether there is a developmental delay.

More or less accurately, the doctor can say about the pregnancy of a woman for a period of 5 obstetric weeks. At this time, the cervix deviates slightly backwards, the labia becomes bluish, and the uterus becomes spherical and increases in size weekly.

7. HCG. Many women who notice signs of pregnancy at an early stage do a blood or urine test (often the first one) in order to find out the exact result. Doctors, on the other hand, prescribe this analysis, usually if you suspect an ectopic or missed pregnancy. If something is wrong with the baby, then the level of chorionic gonadotropin is below the level normal for this gestational age. But it is also necessary to take into account the fact that sometimes somewhat lower values ​​are observed even in the absence of pathologies. This hormone begins to be produced 7-10 days after conception.

8. Ultrasound examination. A fertilized egg can be seen almost immediately after implantation of a fertilized egg in the wall of the uterus. But the doctor will not be able to guarantee that this fetal egg will be the beginning of a new life, since the embryo is not yet visible at such an early stage. So, even if there are signs of pregnancy in the early stages before the delay, and then the ultrasound doctor diagnoses the uterine location of the fetal egg, it is not yet time to relax.

We have listed only the main symptoms of the onset of pregnancy, in fact, there are many more of them. True, not all of them are equally reliable. A gynecologist should still diagnose an interesting situation.

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