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Calculate pregnancy from the day of conception. Conception calculator

The conception calculator is a simple program that will be useful to all women without exception: very young girls with an unestablished menstrual cycle, those who are planning or, on the contrary, want to avoid pregnancy, as well as expectant mothers. Let's take a closer look at situations in which a conception calculator would come in handy.

Monitoring the menstrual cycle. Gynecologists never tire of repeating that every woman should keep a calendar and accurately mark the dates of menstruation in it. Firstly, this is necessary in order to notice any deviations in reproductive health in time (shortening or, conversely, lengthening the cycle does not mean anything good). Secondly, understand in time that pregnancy may have occurred. This is important for those who long to become parents and for their “opposites.”

The Baby Conception Calculator helps you calculate your ovulation by entering the correct average length of your cycle and the first day of your last menstrual period. In addition to ovulation, the program tells you which days are also potentially favorable for conception. It is then that you need to “try especially hard.” For those who do not yet want to have children, it is better to avoid sexual intercourse on days marked in orange and green. Although, it is not at all a fact that this will help avoid pregnancy. The calendar method of birth control has long been called ineffective. So, it is better to use the online conception calculator for less responsible, so to speak, purposes and in conjunction with other means.

You can more reliably determine ovulation using two methods at once: for example, the calendar method and measuring basal temperature. And even simpler and more reliable are ovulation tests. On the days that our child conception calculator has highlighted in green and orange, tests should be done. But first, read the instructions carefully. It is similar to conventional pregnancy tests, but there are still some differences. As, for example, ovulation tests at the most likely time for conception are best done 2 times a day - morning and evening, so as not to miss the right moment.

The day of conception calculator will also serve well for expectant mothers who want to know the most accurate date of birth. Pregnancy lasts about 280 days. So, you can safely add 280 to the day highlighted in orange and you will get the approximate due date. Why approximate? The fact is that the duration of bearing a child depends on many factors. For example, a woman may give birth prematurely due to the characteristics of the cervix, or the amniotic fluid may break prematurely. Also, doctors can, for medical reasons, induce labor a little earlier. There are different situations.

Knowing the day of conception, you can set yourself the exact date of pregnancy. It will be approximately 2 weeks shorter than what the doctors estimate. The fact is that gynecologists calculate the obstetric gestational age, and for this you do not need an online conception calculator. You just need to know the first day of the last menstruation, it becomes the first day of the obstetric period of pregnancy. But sometimes you need to know the gestational age quite accurately, for example, when the doctor begins to suspect a post-term pregnancy, or if in the early stages the uterus is too large in size or, on the contrary, small. In general, in order to identify a possible pathology, you need to know the approximate day of conception. But who is watching this? Now all that remains is to calculate the conception calculator.

Even for those who don’t bother much with questions about how to get pregnant quickly, but are already planning parenthood in the very near future, our calendar will also come in handy. The fact is that the baby’s body, or rather all its organs, are formed in the very first days and weeks after the implantation of the egg into the wall of the uterus. And it is during this period, while there is no placenta, that the baby is most susceptible to any negative influences. Smoking, drinking alcohol, certain medications, etc. can lead to miscarriage or serious pathologies of fetal development. And the fertilization days calculator will clearly show you approximately from what time you need to “come to your senses” (if you haven’t done this before) and will remind you about the delay in menstruation.

When a woman plans to get pregnant and give birth to a baby, she dreams of seeing the coveted “two lines” on the test, but how to determine the day favorable for conceiving a child?

It’s worth saying right away that you won’t be able to establish the 100% exact date of conception of the baby before the day, but you can determine the day of ovulation in order to plan a pregnancy, and then wait for signs of pregnancy or test results. How to find out the exact day of ovulation in order to plan a pregnancy with a high probability? Let's figure out together how to determine the day of conception of a child!

When you want to find out what are the most favorable and most likely days for conceiving a child, you will need to calculate the day of ovulation as accurately as possible. Today there are a large number of ways to establish this point:

  1. The simplest and most common way to “calculate” ovulation is by basal temperature. Ovulation will occur after the temperature drop, which is observed 24 hours before the release of the egg from the follicle. Here we can note a decrease in basal temperature by 0.1-0.2 degrees. When ovulation occurs, the basal temperature rises by 0.2-0.5 degrees and exceeds 37 degrees.
  2. According to ovulatory syndrome. There are women who, during the period of ovulation, experience nagging pain in the area of ​​the active ovary, which is quite sensitive and noticeable. Therefore, some women experience short-term malaise and discomfort during ovulation.
  3. According to the nature of the mucus that is released from the vagina. If in the first phase of the cycle the vaginal mucus is thick and sticky, then before the egg begins to ovulate, it becomes transparent and viscous and resembles the white of a chicken egg. In some cases, the release of an egg ready for fertilization from the follicle is associated with damage to the blood vessels, so a woman notices small bloody impurities in the vaginal discharge in the middle of the cycle.
  4. Using the folliculometry method. In this case, ultrasound is used to monitor how the egg matures. This method allows you to accurately calculate the day when the egg ovulates.
  5. Using a special ovulation test. Many modern women are aware of what a pregnancy test is and have used it. So, the ovulation test works on a similar principle, but the reaction occurs to an increase in the concentration of LH - luteinizing hormone, the so-called fertility hormone.

A visit to a gynecologist will also help resolve this issue, since the doctor, during an examination on the chair, can quite accurately determine the approaching ovulation. If you want to accurately calculate this day, you can use several of the above methods at the same time.

To conceive a child, nature “gives” several days

Even if you know exactly when the last sexual intercourse occurred, after which the long-awaited pregnancy occurred, it is impossible to say that this particular day is the date when the child was conceived. As you know, sperm can take several days to reach the egg, and one day may not be enough for fertilization. In addition, the sperm that arrives at the “meeting field” may be left out of work, since the egg has not yet left the follicle.

It happens that sperm are "waiting for ovulation by being nearby." Experts say that, from a theoretical point of view, conception of a baby can occur from sexual intercourse that occurs both a few days before ovulation and a couple of days after it occurs.

Having discovered the signs or learned the results of a pregnancy test, a woman is in seventh heaven, because now the unforgettable time of bearing a child begins, filled with the special meaning of the speedy birth of the baby. The importance of pregnancy in a woman’s life is difficult to overestimate, but it often happens that the expectant mother did not keep track of the moment of conception, and now wants to find out when this wonderful event happened, keep in mind, calculating and finding out the day of conception with an accuracy of the day is not so and easy.

It is almost impossible to calculate the exact date when the child was conceived if the pregnancy has already been confirmed. Of course, if you have an irregular sex life and you remember exactly the dates of sexual intercourse, then it is possible to determine this moment with day-to-day accuracy. But there will not be a 100 percent probability due to the fact that conception is possible only during the period when the egg has ovulated. Few women in the same period of the cycle spend time calculating ovulation over several months in order to make a rough prediction on which days it will happen.

If a woman kept an ovulation calendar, that is, she regularly tracked the moments when an egg was released from the ovary into the fallopian tube as a result of the rupture of a mature follicle, then she can know the dates when ovulation occurred quite accurately and ultimately find out the day of conception. It is necessary to subtract two weeks from the date on which the first day of menstruation is expected to occur, that is, 14 days. It is generally accepted that ovulation occurs, if we take the average value, 14 days before the start of the next menstruation. If you have a standard cycle of 28 days, then ovulation actually occurs on the 14th day of the cycle. If the cycle is longer and is 31 days, then on the 17th day, and when it is 25 days, then on the 11th day, but all the same, such calculations are considered conditional. The secret is that the ovulation process is associated with many factors that cannot be predicted when calculating the approximate date of conception.

To determine a more accurate date of conception, you can go for an ultrasound examination of the fetus, and there, after conducting the examination, a specialist doctor will be able to tell you the approximate gestational age, although this date also cannot be considered 100% accurate.

When registering a woman for consultation, the doctor must determine the duration of her pregnancy. Why do you need to know it? In order to establish the expected date of birth. Knowing the exact duration of pregnancy, the doctor can competently monitor the development of your baby, detect and correct possible pathologies in time. Let's take a closer look at how you can find out the duration of your pregnancy.

Before we talk about possible ways to determine the age of the fetus, we need to make a reservation that there are two stages of pregnancy: obstetric and true. Obstetricians take into account the first day of the last menstrual period, which becomes the starting point for the duration of pregnancy. The true gestational age is counted from the day of conception and lags behind the obstetric one by 2 weeks.

For example, if you come to the antenatal clinic with a delay of 5 weeks, do not be surprised that the doctor will give you 7 weeks of pregnancy. You can read more about each of the methods for determining the duration of pregnancy below.

Conceiving a child coincides with the day of ovulation, since after release from the ovary the egg remains viable only for 24 hours. Ovulation has quite characteristic symptoms: tingling in the ovaries and abdomen, clear mucous discharge from the genital tract, strong libido.

The day of ovulation can also be determined using special tests that are sold in pharmacies. Some women use the old proven method: . Rectal temperature is measured at the same time in the morning; During measurements, the woman should not get out of bed. Around the middle of the cycle, the temperature rises above 37 degrees, which indicates that ovulation has occurred.

To determine the duration of pregnancy, you should not take into account the day of sexual intercourse. It does not necessarily coincide with the date of conception: once in the uterus, sperm can live there for up to 7 days, waiting for the release of the egg from the ovary. Therefore, in order to get pregnant, it is better to have intimacy a few days before ovulation than after it.

The date of the last menstrual period is taken into account by obstetricians around the world to determine the exact date of pregnancy. All the doctor needs to know from you is the date of the first day of your last menstrual period. From this moment the duration of your pregnancy begins to count. This method can be considered quite accurate, because it is from the first day of the menstrual cycle that the egg begins to develop, which will then be fertilized by the sperm.

If a woman has an irregular menstrual cycle, then the doctor uses additional methods to determine the exact duration of pregnancy: examination, ultrasound, hCG analysis.

A test will help determine the exact stage of pregnancy even before going to the antenatal clinic. The operating principle of digital pregnancy tests is the same: they detect the presence of HCG – human chorionic gonadotropin. This hormone, which begins to be produced by the body only during pregnancy, is simply absent in non-pregnant women. From the moment the egg is fertilized, its number doubles every 2 days and becomes maximum at 8–10 weeks of pregnancy.

It is best to test in the morning, when the urine is most concentrated. However, there are inkjet tests that are very sensitive. They can be done at any time of the day. After the urine is absorbed into the special strip, the test begins its work. After a few minutes, the test result will appear on the LCD screen indicating the possible stage of pregnancy. Usually the test has 3 options: 1 - 2 weeks, 2 - 3 weeks, 3 weeks or more.


The most reliable method for determining the duration of pregnancy at an early stage is ultrasound examination (ultrasound). Until 7-8 weeks, in most women the embryo grows at the same pace, so its size will be approximately the same. This is the only method that allows you to exclude frozen and ectopic pregnancies and find out the location of the fetus.

When performing the next ultrasound (at 20 and 30 weeks), the size of the fetus will differ in women of different ages and with different body weights. The ethnicity of the patient, the weight of the mother and father at birth, etc. also play a significant role. Thus, at later stages, babies develop very individually and can have different sizes at the same period.

Gynecological examination

At the first visit to the antenatal clinic, the doctor performs a gynecological examination. It helps to establish the approximate gestational age and find out the location of the fetus. During pregnancy up to 6 weeks, the uterus is slightly enlarged. At 8 weeks it becomes the size of a goose egg, and at 10 weeks it is already the size of a woman’s fist. When the pregnancy reaches 12 weeks, the doctor, during an external examination on the couch, using a centimeter tape, can easily determine the height of the fundus of the uterus.

By fetal movement

The first movement of the fetus is not a very accurate time for determining pregnancy. Typically, pregnant women begin to feel the baby’s movements in the womb at 18–20 weeks, but thin patients may feel this a little earlier - from 16 weeks.

How to calculate the gestational age?

The total duration of pregnancy is 280 days or 10 lunar months

You can find out the date of birth using a simple formula: - 3 + 7. Subtract three months from the first day of the menstrual cycle and add 7 days. The resulting date will be the approximate date of birth.

Usually, to determine the gestational age, the gynecologist uses not one, but several methods, which increases the accuracy of the calculation.

The most reliable methods for determining the gestational age using ultrasound and the day of ovulation (conception) are considered.

Quite often it happens that the baby’s date of birth does not coincide with the date set by the doctor. The reason for this is not an error at all, but the fact that the period of intrauterine development of the fetus can be from 38 to 42 weeks. It depends on a large number of factors, including the patient’s genetics.

That is why, at the first appointment, the doctor usually asks the question at what stage the child’s father and the woman herself were born. So if your baby was born a little earlier or later than the due date prescribed by the doctor, you have no reason to worry.

Pregnancy is a joyful and long-awaited event in the life of almost every woman. Having learned about this change in their condition, some girls rejoice immensely and literally radiate happiness, while others feel somewhat confused and embarrassed. Regardless of the initial reaction, almost all expectant mothers are interested in: when did they become pregnant and how long after can they expect the baby to be born?

Currently, there are many methods for calculating the approximate date of birth. The reliability of each of them is a topic for a separate discussion. You are also invited to familiarize yourself with the most popular ways to determine the cherished date.

Determining the gestational age by the date of conception and by ovulation is performed in the same way. It has been established that the period of ovulation is the most favorable for fertilization, but it is not a fact that conception will occur on this day. Information on this matter will be discussed separately below.

During the period of ovulation, women's eggs are fully ready for fertilization. The average duration of this period does not exceed 1 day, during which the probability of successful conception is highest.

This statement is relevant only in relation to healthy women who do not have problems with their cycle. Existing calculators and calculation schemes allow you to accurately determine the duration of pregnancy and find out the date of birth if the day of ovulation is known.

To determine the date of ovulation, you need to carefully monitor the condition of your body. As a rule, women feel the onset of this period through nagging pain in the lower abdomen, weakness, etc. If a girl monitors the general condition of her body every month, she will learn to distinguish between these changes and will begin to automatically pay attention to the mentioned sensations. As a rule, the day of ovulation falls exactly in the middle of the menstrual cycle. This is what you should focus on when calculating the duration of pregnancy and determining the day the baby is born.

For example, if your menstrual cycle lasts an average of 29 days and there are no problems with its duration, ovulation will occur around day 14-15. By remembering approximately what day fertilization occurred, you can determine the expected date of birth. To do this, it is enough to add 280 days to the day of ovulation - this is exactly the average duration of pregnancy. If you can’t remember the day of conception, get an ultrasound - a specialist will determine a fairly accurate age of the embryo.

Women often speak negatively about the calculators and calculation schemes in question, claiming that they were able to accurately remember the day they had sex without contraceptives, and carry out all the necessary calculations without errors, but the baby’s actual birthday did not coincide with the expected one. There is also an explanation for this. You need to know that a male sperm, once in a female body, lives on average 3 days. As a result, in some situations, fertilization does not occur strictly on the day of unprotected sex, i.e. expected conception, but 1 or even 2 days later. Existing calculators usually take these features into account and perform calculations using average statistical values.

Ovulation cycle1st day of menstruation - follicle growthFrom day 7 to the middle of the cycle - the release of the Graafian vesicle, in which the egg matures14-28 days - the Graafian vesicle bursts and a mature egg is releasedThe period after ovulation and before the onset of menstruation is the corpus luteum phase. Fats and luteal pigment accumulate around the burst follicle, i.e. the corpus luteum is a modified Graafian vesicle
Symptoms of ovulationPainful sensations in the lower abdomen (if you are worried about pain after ovulation, you should consult a doctor)Increased sex driveMore mucus in the cervixPossible change in discharge color
Causes of premature ovulationIntense physical activity and sexual intercourseStressDiseases and hormonal imbalancesDiets
Periods of change in ovulationDuring a yearAfter childbirthAfter abortion, within three monthsAfter 40 years, before menopause

This method is suitable for women who keep a monthly calendar and do not have problems with menstruation. This method is often used by gynecologists themselves. It is for this purpose that they ask the patient who came to the appointment about the date of her last menstruation, the starting day of which is used as the starting point when performing this calculation.

The scheme is based on Nagel's formula. The calculation is performed as follows:

  • from the beginning of the last menstruation, 7 days are counted forward;
  • 3 months are subtracted from the value obtained at the previous calculation step;
  • the final value is taken as the child's birthday.

The considered scheme is extremely easy to use and is quite suitable for any woman, in contrast to the previous calculation method, which was intended mainly for women who regularly monitor their cycle.

For a better understanding, the calculation will be considered using a specific example. So, my last period started on June 8th. After adding 7 days to this number, you get June 15th. After counting back 3 months, it will be established that the expected birthday of the baby in the example under consideration is March 15.

Thus, there is absolutely nothing complicated in independently determining the expected date of birth using a calculator or appropriate formulas. You have become familiar with the two most popular calculation methods and will be able to cope with solving this problem on your own.

But it is important to remember that each person’s body is individual. Consequently, pregnancy will also proceed with individual characteristics. Depending on the state of the woman’s body and the fetus, as well as the factors affecting them, the gestation period of the baby can either be shortened or extended.

More detailed information on this matter is given below.

About the accuracy of independent calculations

As noted, the baby's estimated birthday is just a guideline, and not a 100% exact date. Practice shows that the results of calculations in practice correspond to reality in a maximum of 20% of cases. The remaining 80% of patients give birth either a little later or earlier. No specialist can predict the start of labor with complete confidence.

Childbirth is considered normal if it occurs between 38 and 42 weeks. Deviations from the given dates are usually classified as prematurity or postmaturity. For example, various types of hereditary pathologies, problems within the mother’s body, stress, etc. can lead to the premature birth of a baby.

In view of this, you need to be aware that determining a child’s birthday is often done simply for personal peace of mind. Along with this, a certain pattern can be identified that is relevant for pregnancies that develop without complications. So, the longer the cycle is, the longer a woman will bear a child.

Before determining the expected date of onset of labor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient, it is necessary to clarify the duration of the cycle specifically in her situation, i.e. determine the number of days passing between the beginning of the previous and subsequent periods. If the cycle length does not deviate from the average 28 days, the pregnancy will most likely last the average 40 weeks.

Existing calculators allow you to calculate your baby’s birthday with minimal deviations. As a rule, the latter do not exceed 5-7 days. But it is important to realize that the last word still remains with the data of the relevant medical examinations, during which a qualified specialist will judge how ready the fetus and the expectant mother are for childbirth and approximately how much time is left until the end of the term. For example, even the body size and proportions of a developing child, not to mention the processes of its formation, allow us to draw conclusions about the baby’s age and calculate the approximate day of his birth.

What to trust - decide for yourself. Practice shows that it is best to use both special calculators or diagrams for independent calculations, and specialized research. Taken together, these methods allow us to obtain results that are closest to the truth.

Health to you and your baby!



Ovulation can occur after the 14th day of the cycle!

Most likely day of ovulation

Favorable days for conception

Progesterone test

Start date of next menstruation

Pregnancy test

Estimated due date (40 weeks)

The baby can be born (38-42 weeks)

Previous cycle Next cycle

Follicular phase


The follicular (estrogen) phase begins on the first day of the last menstruation and lasts until one dominant follicle (or several) matures in the ovaries. It ends with ovulation. Typically, the length of this particular phase of a woman’s cycle affects the delay of menstruation - for example, if the maturation of the follicle occurs more slowly than usual, or does not occur at all (since the phase of the corpus luteum is almost always constant).

Ovulation tests:

C – 1-2 times a day (until a positive result)

With an irregular cycle, it is reasonable to combine the use of tests with ultrasound monitoring.

Ultrasound monitoring:

C – every 2-3 days (until the formation of the corpus luteum)

Corpus luteum phase


The corpus luteum (progesterone) phase begins from the moment of ovulation and lasts 12-16 days in a normal cycle. The corpus luteum forms at the site of the ovulated follicle within a few days after ovulation. Its main function is the synthesis of progesterone and estrogens to maintain future pregnancy. If pregnancy does not occur, then after 10-12 days the corpus luteum undergoes reverse development, which leads to a drop in hormone levels, after which the next menstruation begins. If pregnancy has occurred, the corpus luteum continues to function and support the pregnancy. In the absence of pregnancy, progesterone levels reach their maximum value about a week after ovulation - at this time it is recommended to take a blood test for progesterone to assess the function of the corpus luteum.


– once 6-8 days after ovulation

– at least 3 times (4, 7 and 10 days after ovulation) if there are suspicions of existing disorders

– only after the start of the “delay”

For several decades, women have been using a formula that allows them to calculate the period of conception and determine the period of ovulation. Now there is no need to stock up on a pen, a sheet of paper, or do calculations. An online conception calculator will do this job faster and better. This program only needs a few data to accurately calculate the day of conception. The calculator can be useful to any woman of childbearing age; with its help you can obtain useful information for solving various problems.

In what cases can you use a conception calculator?

A calculator that calculates the days of conception is most often used by women dreaming of a child. In cases where the desired pregnancy is in no hurry to occur, determining the period of ovulation becomes an urgent task. An accurate conception calculator will tell you when you need to start implementing your plans.

A woman who has planned the date of conceiving a child in advance will be able to competently prepare for this important process. It is necessary to improve health, saturate the body with vitamins and minerals in order to increase the percentage of the probability of fertilization of the egg, to make the pregnancy period more comfortable and safe.

You don't have to wait for a problem to appear. Many women prefer to carefully plan important events in their lives. If, you can choose the most convenient date for conceiving the future baby, and roughly plan the date of birth.

The obtained data for calculating the period of conception will help to detect pregnancy in a timely manner. Knowing the days on which conception could occur, you can determine when to take a test to check the result. Pharmacy test strips can confirm pregnancy 12-15 days after conception.

The information from the calculator may be needed by an expectant mother who wants to determine the date of her upcoming birth. Not all women know the day they conceive a child. Having determined the most likely period, you need to add forty weeks to it. You can use the date you receive to prepare for the birth of your baby.

Who should not use a calculator?

Often, women use a calculator to calculate favorable days for conception in order to avoid unwanted pregnancy. Gynecologists recommend abandoning this method of contraception. Practice has long proven its ineffectiveness. Fertilization of the egg can occur not only during these “dangerous” days. There are cases when pregnancy occurred immediately after menstruation, a couple of days before it, or even during menstruation. You need to understand that the calculator does not help you find out the exact day of conception; it only determines the period of ovulation.

Difficulties in using the calculator information may occur in women with an uncertain cycle. If it is constantly disrupted or shifted for some reason, it is unlikely to be possible to determine the date of conception of the child using this method.

For women who have a clear menstrual cycle, the calculator calculates the appropriate days of conception quite accurately. However, you should not limit yourself to this information only if you dream of pregnancy. In order for the expected date of conception to be determined more accurately, it is worth additionally using the basal temperature chart. You can buy special tests at the pharmacy that determine ovulation. The use of several methods increases the possibility of getting pregnant on time.

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