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The most unusual way of life (17 photos). The most unusual lifestyles of Pakkirappa Hunagundi - a lover of unusual food

Incredible facts

With the development of the Internet, we are given the opportunity to see and observe the most unusual characters.

Some of the people on the following list are very difficult to believe.

But they are all real and live not only on our computer screens, but also in everyday life.

Unusual people of the world

1. Mikel Ruffinelli – hourglass woman

Mikel Ruffinelli is called the hourglass woman. She has stunning hips. Their girth is 244 centimeters.

The woman is listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

Mikel is a mother of four children and lives in Los Angeles.

The woman firmly states that weight loss is not part of her plans.

The longest dreadlocks

2. Asha Mandela - owner of the longest dreadlocks

Asha Mandela can safely be called the Rapunzel of our time...

With just one caveat: Asha wears dreadlocks, the length of which reaches 17 meters.

Her braids are longer than the famous London bus.

But despite holding the world record, 47-year-old Rapunzel wants to break her own record, despite doctors' warnings that it could be dangerous.

Hair that is too heavy can paralyze a woman's movements. And the weight of her hair at the moment is about 20 kg.

Photo of the longest hair in the world

3. Rapunzel's Family

If you think that Asha Mandela's hair is something unique, then you are mistaken.

Look at these girls. Members of this family have hair that resembles ponytails.

Meet Tara Lynn Svetlech Russell and her adorable daughters. The woman is raising five children, three of whom are shown in the photo.

The hair length of each of the girls reaches four meters.

To wash their hair, they have to kneel down, since the weight of their hair is very impressive.

4. David Matlock created the perfect wife

When plastic surgeon David Matlock met his future wife Veronica, he decided he would turn her into the perfect woman.

Through the eyes of an experienced specialist, he immediately saw the girl’s shortcomings and decided to correct them.

He put her on a strict diet, introduced a rigorous workout regimen and performed a series of plastic surgeries to change her body.

Both spouses continue to take care of their appearance and plan to improve their bodies for the rest of their lives.

People with unusual appearance

5. Michelle Kobke - the narrowest waist

Michelle Koebke has reduced her already narrow waist from 64 cm to 40 cm.

For four years, the woman wore a corset without taking it off.

The 27-year-old Berlin resident says her goal is a 38cm waist. The girl’s idol is the American Katie Jung, who has exactly the stated parameters.

6. Elizani da Cruz Silva – the tallest bride

The height of one of the tallest models in the world, Elisany da Cruz Silva, reaches 203 cm.

But her lover’s height is much smaller and is 162 cm.

However, such a difference did not prevent the lovers from being together. The couple is happy and does not pay attention to the gossip of others.

7. Janice Haley – owner of Bengal tigers

American Janice Haley is known for keeping Bengal tigers in her backyard.

The 270-kilogram white tiger, nicknamed Saber, and the 180-kilogram red tiger, Janda, thrive among people.

According to Janice herself, predators do not pose any threat to others and neighbors.

8. Romario Dos Santos Alves - Man-Hulk

Bodybuilder Romario Dos Santos Alves has made himself a real monster.

A 25-year-old man began injecting an oil cocktail, painkillers and alcohol infusions into his muscles.

Romario took such shocking radical measures to pump up his biceps.

As a result, the young man developed serious health problems.

9. Pakkirappa Hunagundi – a lover of unusual food

Apparently, 30-year-old Indian Pakkirappa Hunagundi suffers from an eating disorder.

The man eats bricks, gravel, dirt and other inedible substances. He developed this addiction at the age of 10.

The man himself claims that he is completely healthy and has no illness.

Uncommon diseases

10. Hunter Steinitz, suffering from Harlequin syndrome

Hunter Steinitz has a rare skin condition.

Harlequin syndrome is a disease characterized by painful symptoms: redness, rash and itching of the skin.

11. Mark Dumas is a brave swimmer

Mark Dumas is the only person in the world who can swim with a polar bear.

A fearless Canadian regularly swims in a pool with a huge predator. In addition, he easily hugs his pet without fear.

12. Kan Tri Chan

Thai resident Kan Tri Chan became famous for his ability to fry chicken with his bare hands.

A man is not afraid of boiling oil and does not experience pain when hot splashes come into contact with his skin.

13. Simon and George Cullen, vampire brothers

Two Cullen brothers from the UK are striking in their resemblance to vampires.

They even bear the surname Cullen, like the character in the famous vampire saga Edward Cullen.

The appearance of Simon and George is indeed unusual: white skin, pointed teeth and protruding ears.

The thing is that the brothers suffer from a rare genetic disease - ectodermal disorder.

The Cullen brothers cannot be in the sun, because due to non-functioning sweat glands they are at risk of death from overheating.

Every time before going outside, they use an impressive layer of sunscreen.

Photos of strange people

14. Raji Narinesingh, Cement Face Woman

After a series of unsuccessful plastic surgeries performed in an illegal clinic, it turned out that the woman was injected with…cement under the skin of her face and thighs.

As a result, Raja's face took on a very strange look.

She sought qualified help in time.

The treatment improved the condition of the woman’s face, and the unfortunate doctor who conducted shocking experiments on her appearance was sentenced to prison.

15. Pia Martell, transgender without both legs

Pia Martell was born in California... as a boy.

Pia knew from childhood that she was a woman trapped in a man's body.

In addition, she was born with some disabilities: she has 2 tiny legs that do not function.

Pia (who lost her mother at the age of 8, and then her stepmother) is doing everything possible not to despair.

The girl tries to live life to the fullest. Any healthy person can envy her activity.

The smallest man in the world

16. Charlotte Garside, the smallest girl in the world

Charlotte Garside recently started school. The weight of the 7-year-old Thumbelina is only about 4 kg, and her height is 68 cm.

A three-month-old baby has these parameters. It's no surprise that Charlotte is so different from her peers.

Despite such unusual features in her appearance, in all other respects the girl is no different from her classmates. She is a sweet, kind and smart girl.

The smallest man

17. Shawn Stevenson, world's smallest husband

Mindy Niss fell in love with Sean Stevenson, who is only 90 cm tall.

But this was not an obstacle for the girl. After all, true love knows no boundaries.

The couple lives the normal lifestyle of lovers, including everything you would expect from a normal couple.

Vampires in real life

18. Leah Benninghoff and Aro Draven, real-life vampires

Meet these real vampires.

The British couple drink each other's blood and love to eat raw meat. Like vampires, they are nocturnal and have adopted vampire-like habits.

Such an unusual lifestyle shocks others, but the couple does not harm anyone.

19. Ibrahim Hamato, plays tennis without hands

Egyptian Ibrahim Hamato loves to play table tennis.

He likes this hobby so much that he learned to play even without...both hands.

Ibrahim was born without both limbs. This eagerness to play and win is living proof that anything is possible in this life if you have willpower, self-discipline, the desire to do something and determination.

20. Megan Leatherman, pregnant bodybuilder

Pregnancy did not become an obstacle for American Meghan Umphres Leatherman to continue intensive training.

The athlete did not stop her training program and continued to lift weights up to 100 kg, even while in position.

It is worth noting that Megan gave birth to an absolutely healthy child.

Birth defects

21. Cassidy Hooper, girl without nose and eye

American Cassidy Hooper was born without two important parts of the body - eyes and nose.

But this strong-willed girl has great willpower and is currently undergoing a series of operations to correct the situation.

I would like to hope that everything works out for the best for this brave girl.

22. Sam Burns, a man with progeria

This cute “old man” in the photo is only...16 years old!

He looks like an old man due to the rare disease progeria.

Sam Burns died at age 17, a few months after these photos were taken.

Sam dedicated his short but eventful life to raising awareness of the disease.

Model with an unusual appearance

23. Winnie Harlow, model with a rare skin disease

Canadian model Winnie Harlow is known for the rare skin disease vitiligo, which she has suffered from since she was 4 years old.

However, the disease did not alienate the girl from the outside world.

Vinnie is engaged in modeling and leads an active social life. Her name is known to many, and famous companies want to see her as the face of their brand.

24. Kelly Lee Dekay, woman with a wasp waist

Kelly Lee Dekay is a rabid fan of corsets and comic book characters.

She decided to transform her body to look like one of the heroines. Hard training and constant wearing of a corset reduced her waist to unrealistic sizes.

At the moment it is 40 centimeters.

However, the woman is not going to stop at the achieved results. She does not take into account doctors' warnings that such persistence could negatively affect her health.

On April 27, 1986, the young and highly prolific British writer Catherine Webb, also known as Kate Griffin, also known as Kate North, was born. The last pseudonym has already become familiar to Russian-speaking readers thanks to two science fiction novels about extremely unusual lives of very unusual people: “The Fifteen Lives of Harry August” and “Touch.”

On this occasion, here is a selection of books about equally interesting characters in unusual life circumstances.

The name was not chosen for the sake of a catchphrase. Harry August really lives the same life over and over again, and is even forced to remember in great detail everything that he already had before. What a setup it is! It’s boring, everything is boring, everything is familiar... Until one day, at the end of one of the lives, a strange girl appears who reports on the inevitable world catastrophe. Of course, it is Harry who needs to stop the catastrophe, since he is such an unusual person with such unusual lives. All the most difficult things always fall on the shoulders of eccentrics and eccentrics...

Several strange people who want to create a literary masterpiece agree to participate in a three-month writing “retreat”, which will take place in an unknown location in complete isolation from the outside world. Each hero gets a good knock on the head, and each one lived an incredible, strange and even frightening life before the start of voluntary imprisonment. For example, a guy who in his youth loved to experiment with the strangest ways to obtain sexual pleasure. Or the girl who gave secret foot massages to elite clients around the world until she became involved in the criminal business of masseuse killers. Or... That's it, enough spoilers. Palahniuk knows how to surprise by introducing incredibly interesting and extravagant characters into narratives that can enliven absolutely any plot.

The master of the absurd and trendsetter of avant-garde drama has written a play in which there is not a single ordinary person. And their lives are, to put it mildly, extraordinary. Surprisingly, it was possible to achieve the effect of this very unusualness, even despite the fact that all the action takes place within the confines of one apartment and does not involve any adventures or unexpected plot twists. All the salt is in the dialogues. People who say that a cassock should be given to Satan, and that fish have no teeth, live a very rich inner life, where a complete phantasmagoria is happening. The play is very strange. Not every reader will be able to appreciate it. But you should definitely at least try to get acquainted with the work of Eugene Ionesco.

Once upon a time there lived an immortal grandfather. And once upon a time there lived his beloved granddaughter, who had a slightly strange love for building fences. And one local wild boar really likes to break these fences, which he never manages to waylay in order to knock him on the head for all his destructive antics. The family is strange, and their life matches. One day there is a new addition to the family - a wayward, but very cheerful duck named Kaksha appears, who teaches Grandfather and Baby to fall in love with life again every day, until the very last breath. So that one day you can say without regret: “To hell with you! I was immortal until I died" (c).

During his life, Ray was an eccentric, but still not so much that one could call him or his life something completely unusual. However, after death, something happened to Ray that is not possible for every mortal - he went to heaven. And not just to heaven, but to an advanced afterlife, where there are special support groups for those who cannot find peace. Ray's place is in the group dedicated to last words. And in order to remember and accept them for sure, he will have to rewind his entire life from the end to the beginning, which remains in the memory of a small child. It is in the process of remembering that it turns out that amazing people live amazing lives everywhere, even without hunting vampires or traveling to parallel worlds. The real world is the most unusual place possible!

The fate of the hero of this little novel, Leon, is surprising in its tragicomic nature. The naturally short man at some point began... to shrink. That is, literally shrink in size. At first, his usual trousers, boots, shirts and jackets became too big for him. Then the clothes bought in the children's departments began to hang like a bag. Then he realized that he could easily live in a dollhouse and ride on a cat. Of course, such metamorphoses significantly influenced his family life. The wife has absolutely no need for such a baby husband. The children quickly realized that they could dip daddy’s head into the soup and push forks and spoons around the table... And Leon realized that he could finally free himself from the oppressive family that, with an invisible press, had reduced the poor fellow to the size of a marigold.

The unusual thing about the hero of this book is that he – or rather, she – is the current Queen of Great Britain. It's not every day that you get a glimpse into the private life of a crowned lady! Of course, the story is extremely far from reality, but it would be very interesting to know that Her Majesty is really passionate about reading so much that she puts off government affairs and important receptions in order to soak in bed with a new volume. And it all started with a politeness so typical of a well-mannered English lady - out of politeness, she took a book from a mobile library that stopped at the palace. Out of politeness, I took it and read the second one. And then I simply couldn’t tear myself away, having found, at an advanced age, a hobby that could absorb all my free and non-free hours combined.

Every day we do different things, perform different actions, sometimes mechanically, not noticing how life quickly rushes by. Some of our actions are imposed on us from the outside (TV, news, Internet, newspapers), some are adopted from friends and colleagues, some are simply fashionable. Sometimes we completely forget about creativity and creativity, which cannot be bought, but can only be created.

So, let your imagination run wild! We invite you to make 30 bright things that will brighten your everyday life and be remembered for a long time!

1. Draw your picture

It doesn't matter that you're not an artist and it won't be Da Vinci's work. Buy a canvas, frame, easel, and paint your picture of life. Anyone can write a book, but with a painting it’s more difficult. When finished, hang it on the wall.

2. Save someone's life

Donate blood, donate money for surgery. Learn to provide first aid, emergency aid. Maybe one day you will have the opportunity to save someone from death.

3. Donate your items to the poor or needy

We often throw into the trash a lot of unnecessary things, in our opinion, that others may need. It will be much more pleasant to make them happy with such a gift.

4. Plant a tree or garden

If you don’t have a summer house or a place near your house, this can be done in a park or forest. And it doesn’t matter that no one will see it, appreciate it or give you a medal. Do it for the planet, for the future we will definitely have.

5. Visit a holy place

Do this, regardless of religion and your views on faith. This will give you the opportunity to reflect on your life. Maybe after this you will change something in your life, put things in order in your head, and think about the meaning of people’s existence.

Our life is not endless, and you are not God, and someday the moment of your death will come. So maybe it’s time to start living and do something worthwhile instead of buying a new smartphone, watching stupid TV shows, being a consumer, and denying everything.

6. Hitchhike

Take the risk, it's worth it! New impressions, acquaintances and a forgotten feeling of the unknown.

7. Learn a foreign language and make friends from that country

Each new language is another personality in you. A new language is a whole layer of culture, customs, relationships and impressions. Don't deprive yourself of such pleasure! The more languages ​​you learn, the more fully the world will open up for you.

8. Travel with couchsurfing

Couchsurfing is a network of open and helpful people. You will be provided with free overnight accommodation and other assistance during your trip. And it doesn’t matter which country you go to - there will always be a couple of suitable options. Plus, with its help you can implement the previous point.

9. Get a job as a volunteer

There is nothing better than helping others. Clean up the park, help the homeless, feed the hungry, get grandmothers across the street. In general, show your human qualities.

10. Live alone for 7 days outside of civilization

Without the Internet, TV, telephone and computer, far from people and means of communication. Sounds like a feat, right? The way it is! Just a week, and you will return as a completely different person. The brain and soul will be cleansed of unnecessary files, clarity and the desire to move forward will come.

11. Keep a personal diary, write down all your thoughts and ideas there

And then pass it on as an inheritance to your children or grandchildren, so that they get to know you and your inner world better. Everyone wouldn't mind receiving one from their father or grandfather. Make it a family tradition.

12. Find a person (or several) who has the same dream as you

And try to achieve it together. You can start with something small. And who knows, maybe in the process you will meet not only a friend to achieve your goals, but also a life partner? After all, you will have so much in common and interesting things!

13. Buy a bouquet of flowers and give it to passers-by

One flower seems like a small thing, but it will be nice for everyone. You will feel it when you see smiles and grateful eyes.

14. Take your children's things or toys to the orphanage

You can also make a monetary contribution or simply go and visit the children. There are so many kids in the world, deprived of fate, in need of attention, love and warmth. Don't be indifferent to them. You will get a hundred times more.

15. Organize or participate in a flash mob

It can be anything! You can feel like an actor or dancer in Indian TV series. This will bring a lot of laughter, joy and positivity.

16. Find an old photo with your friends, gather them again in the same place and take the same photo, but only where you are already adults

Surely you haven’t seen some of the friends and acquaintances in the old photo for ten years - it will be a great reason to see each other again. What if old friendships revive and you find a loved one again?

17. Make a family tree

At least up to the 10th generation, or better yet more. You must know who your ancestors are and honor their memory. Who knows - maybe the glory of your family will begin with you or noble blood flows in you? Do this while your old relatives are still alive.

18. Don’t lie or be a hypocrite all day long

Say everything you think and feel. Tough call. But try to go beyond, don't be afraid of the consequences. In 10 years, you are unlikely to remember the problems that arose because of your sincerity. And this day can change your life forever! So that you will never again lie to others or to yourself. Interesting? Go for it!

19. Create your inspiration board

Not to be confused with a vision board, these are completely different things. We all sometimes get angry, feel bad and experience anger and aggression. Everyone sometimes gives up and doesn’t have the strength to continue to fight and achieve their goals. Create a board or poster with photographs, drawings, things that can 100% always cheer you up, inspire you, motivate you and inspire confidence in yourself.

20. Make a gift with your own hands

And give it to a loved one or family member. Put all your imagination, all your abilities and desire to do something nice. But give just like that, without expectations! Remember, the main thing is attention.

21. Throw a surprise party for the people you care about.

And it doesn't matter how much money you have. Just decorate the house with balloons, bake a cake, learn a song. After all, it is not the cost of the holiday that is important, but the strength of the feelings that you put into it, and the surprise and happiness that you give.

22. Live without electricity for 24 hours

At all. Even without a refrigerator =). Another step that goes beyond all limits, but is very useful. Break the pattern, break the system, at least for a day. Be in unity with yourself and nature. If you slip up even once, this day no longer counts.

23. Be a vegetarian for a month

Believe me, you won't cause any harm to your health, but you will save a few innocent lives, and you might enjoy it.

24. Save a small amount EVERY day.

And after 5 years, with the money raised, together with friends, we can do what we always wanted to do, but didn’t have enough money. Make your dream come true, even after 5 years. This will instill in you perseverance and determination. Prove to yourself that you are worthy!

25. Sew your own clothes

And perhaps dress in it. We all wear clothes, but someone creates them. Become the creator of your own clothing line for yourself. Creative ideas for you! High-quality materials and more color!

26. Learn some applied skill

For example, beekeeping, or gardening, wood carving or bricklaying. In an era when you can do everything with your right hand, holding it on the mouse, this will be a breath of fresh air for you. It’s so nice to be able to do something material, even if it’s fixing a water pipe.

27. Plant 7 oak trees, grow them and cut them down after 20-30 years

For what? To make boards and lay oak parquet in my son's house! And when he walks on this floor with his children, and the floor creaks quietly, he will remember that you made this floor for him. Both your grandchildren and great-grandchildren will know about this.

28. Write real letters and give real postcards

Somewhere they wrote that after the era of humanity there will be no information left, since everything is stored electronically. So it may be worth giving real postcards to your loved ones, writing real letters on paper, and not in SMS and e-mail, printing photos in albums, and not posting them on the wall on social media. networks?

29. Make your own personal time capsule

And put in it your message to future contemporaries. Send a piece of yourself on a journey through time. What if this will help descendants unravel some mystery of the past?

30. Add your own item to this list and complete it

This could be your deepest dream, or something that you are very afraid to do. The list would not be complete without this item =)

Good luck and bright impressions!

Share your successes with your friends and inspire them to do crazy things.

How to live so that you want to live. Anti-crisis strategies Derzhavin Alexander

Chapter 2. Seeing the unusual in the ordinary

If the sky is cloudy, this does not mean that the sun is gone. The light just becomes cloudy. Cloudy light is also Light!

“Life has everything, but you don’t want to live…” this was Target’s answer to the Doctor’s standard greeting phrase “How’s life?”

“Hmm, that’s a good start,” the psychologist thought.

Almost three weeks have passed since their memorable meeting in the chapel. During this time, the Doctor and his new acquaintance saw each other two more times, and these two times were enough to understand: there could be no friendship between them. More precisely, the Doctor understood this. He really wanted them to “become friends,” but professional interest still prevailed. He realized that Target now needed a psychologist rather than a “buddy” with whom he could simply pass the time. Maybe we should try inviting him to the reception? However, an inner voice told the Doctor that nothing would come of this idea. His counterpart very clearly expressed his attitude towards doctors’ offices at the very first meeting. If he insisted, then Target would undoubtedly distance himself from him, and then he would not be able to help him, he would not be able to work with this really interesting case. But you can’t cross the line: the client cannot be a friend. In the end, the Doctor chose a compromise option: to continue meetings in an informal setting, but at the same time communicate with him as a patient, using his professional methods and techniques, and “keep his distance” - not allow the “business” relationship to develop into friendship. That's why, by the way, he didn't even ask about Target's real name. He was quite happy with this nickname - it helped him not to violate boundaries. However, it’s easy to say - hard to do: the Doctor still had difficulty imagining how he could put his idea into practice, and whether he could do it at all. But the more complex the problem, the more interesting it is to solve it. The doctor dared to undertake this risky experiment, although he could not imagine where it would lead him.

Seven thirty in the morning. The Kursky railway station was noisy nearby. Numerous residents of the near and far Moscow region, for whom the train became a second home, arrived in the capital to work. The Doctor and Target went down the underground passage towards the Atrium. The November autumn air mixed with the smell of the station, trains and passengers. Cigarette smoke intersected with the exquisite aroma of perfume.

The Doctor's attention was attracted by an elderly woman who was walking towards them. The people around her were in a hurry, but she didn't pay any attention to it and kept to her own pace, which was very leisurely and inappropriate for rush hour. It seemed that just a little more and someone would knock her down, but she did not care at all.

- Look at her! Why does everyone bypass her? It feels like she is not noticed and noticed at the same time. Everyone is in a hurry somewhere, but where? What happens if one of them fails to show up for work at the right time? Will the world end? No. But they don’t understand this and succumb to the general turnover. She goes the way she likes and how she is comfortable, no matter what. You know, she's like a ship in the way she steers, and the crowd around her is a storm. “Unusual,” the Doctor noted.

– What’s unusual here?– his companion chuckled.

The doctor did not answer.

Then their attention was attracted by the wonderful vanilla aroma of freshly baked croissants, and they turned into a cafe. After placing their order, they continued talking about that woman. More precisely, the Doctor said. She seemed unusual to him. Her speed is unusual. Her balance is unusual. Her state is unusual: calm and even.

–...And it seems to me that she is interesting in herself. And the most important thing is that we did not read about this in a philosophy textbook, but discovered it ourselves - in everyday life. We followed our attention. By the way, what unusual has happened to you lately?

This question was not accidental. He used this technique quite often in his work: to involve the interlocutor in the reality “here and now” in order to lead him out of the jungle of internal dialogue.

The young man thought for a while and almost immediately answered:

“Well, recently I met twins three times during the day.” – He smiled.

- And what did you think? – the Doctor asked seriously.

– Yes, nothing special... That anything can happen in life... Oh, here’s another... Recently I received a refusal, although I was absolutely sure of a positive answer. It was unusual. I still can't understand why this happened. I assumed one thing, but it turned out something else... What do you think?

“It seems to me that the reason is in the pictures,” the Doctor said with a slight smile, turning the topic to practical aspects.

- Like this? Is it all my imagination? But I always have a clear idea of ​​what I want...

- Me too. Only I dilute my ideas with real facts. I also always take into account that there is something in the world that is beyond our control. For example, you could not know the person’s condition, his mood and true motives at that moment. You could only guess, right? But you only thought about the pictures in your head - and as a result, you were disappointed.

There was a pause, but it was not awkward. The doctor caught a spark of attention in the eyes of his interlocutor and continued:

– Do you know what unusual happened to me? Early in the morning, one thought flew through the open window and landed right in my head. I woke up and realized: in every situation there is a choice and every situation is the result of our free choice.

At these words, Target narrowed his eyes.

- You say it's a choice? So, my life is also the result of my choice?

- Undoubtedly. Don't you like the way you live? You said you were alone...

- Yes, although there are a lot of people around me, but essentially I am alone, alone...

The doctor tensed. He felt that now his interlocutor would dare to be frank.

- I'm deceiving myself. You see, I'm doing something I don't like. Work, communication, the lifestyle that I lead - all this disgusts me, but all this is with my permission, as you say, I made it this way myself choice. But I am haunted by the feeling that I have betrayed myself, my dreams. Played with money. I’m used to doing things that don’t bring me pleasure, but bring me benefits... When I was looking for an apartment for myself, I realized that you can make good money in real estate - and I got into real estate. The people who surround me are much more interested in my finances than in my feelings. I have a medical education, but I only worked in my specialty for two years - I got bored. And all because I didn’t go where I wanted, it wasn’t my desire... But the relationship... I don’t even want to talk, apparently love was offended by me... At first I suffered, but now I’ve learned to live and not feel pain, I’ve given up on everything . Pain has accompanied me all my life – since childhood. But I myself, probably, unconsciously strive for it, since I chose such an activity... I am a living target. Almost every day my life hangs by a thread. I hear the whistle of flying blades, hear them stick into the wooden covering of the disk. One after another... There are thirty-three of them in total. Thirty-three chances to die... Adrenaline goes off scale, and it helps to forget. This fills the void.

The doctor looked at him with wide eyes. Everything turned out to be much more serious than he could have imagined.

– In order not to go crazy on this disc, I remember moments from childhood: I am ten years old, August, evening, sunset, and I am sitting next to my grandmother on a bench under the windows of the house... Warm hands, the smell of potatoes and family love... The edge is ahead forests and rising fog. A distance full of hopes and dreams. Cornflowers and daisies, wormwood and oregano – a whole bouquet of feelings. Here it is, dear... But here,” his voice changed dramatically. – The thirty-third whistled close to my heart, the show ended, and my memories ended too. I am a human target. And you know, the audience gives a lot of money. But I am one hundred percent sure: in fact, they are all secretly waiting for the knife to hit me... They are waiting with bated breath... Between life and death there is one moment, one thin thread that can break. And every blade that flies past is a new chance to live. It feels like I'm definitely being reborn. For one such number they pay me a thousand bucks - very good, considering that this is, in fact, the monthly salary of a doctor in a clinic... But most importantly, for me it is something like anesthesia. I am glad that I am alive, I feel some kind of fullness... This adrenaline shot lasts me for several days. I get a thousand bucks for a trick like this.

He fell silent. A clear, unaccountable pain appeared on his face... It seemed that in another moment, tears would sparkle in his eyes.

I didn’t want to talk: Target was catching his breath, and the Doctor needed time to comprehend what he had heard. They finished their coffee in silence and ate the cold croissants. Two hours flew by unnoticed. It seemed that the air had become different, more autumn than station air. It got warmer, I didn’t want to leave at all, but the target man put on his dark blue jacket. He put the money on the table, looked into the Doctor’s thoughtful eyes, wanted to say something, froze for a moment and instead of words took a deep breath.

- Thank you for listening. I'll call.

– What unusual happened to you now, or rather, today?– the Doctor asked in a low voice. He didn't want to ask, he had to make an effort to ask this question.

The target did not answer immediately, but responded. Almost in a whisper, he uttered one word:

- Sincerity.

He left, and the Doctor was lost in thought. He was tormented by contradictions. Perhaps the most interesting thing was just beginning. He looked at the money Target had left: it was much more than the amount on the bill. What does this mean? Perhaps about his generosity and extravagance. The doctor tried to remember all the details known to him: an expensive car (even if bought on credit), his own apartment in a prestigious area in the west of Moscow, a job that brings a very decent income, branded clothing, expensive perfume, stylish accessories... He clearly takes care of himself - looks very well-groomed. Moderately pumped up and in moderation... But he has the measure on the outside, but inside the balance is clearly upset. It would seem that Target has everything, but he feels lonely and unhappy. So this saturation is actually emptiness? Otherwise, why so many negative thoughts? Where does this regular unjustified risk come from?

On the way to work, the Doctor continued to think about Target. Still, there was something unusual, attractive and... close about this man. In general, in every person, even if he seems ordinary and mediocre, there is something amazing... You can write an exciting novel about any person, because what could be more interesting than life itself with all its sorrows and joys? Maybe he, the Doctor, will someday write a book about his unusual client? Why not?

Life consists of sadness and happiness... Stop. We often come up with reasons for sadness ourselves, but no one deprives us of joy. It turns out that life is a test. We set ourselves a task, the solution of which depends on the correctly chosen tool. The Doctor's teacher was right when he said that the most effective practice that can be used every day is life itself. It was these words and the meaning they contained that at one time helped him change his attitude towards life. They taught him to see the unusual in the ordinary.

But now he is already on the threshold of his office. It's time to get to work.


What unusual happened to you now, or rather, today?

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Most people lead the same, standard lifestyle. We go to work, and in the evenings we try to relax at home. On weekends, we either clear out the backlog of things to do, or meet with family and friends. Our lifestyle is the focus of our behavior, which is embodied in everyday life.

But there are people on the planet who simply do not want to be like everyone else. They choose for themselves a life in which there is room for new unusual friends, different time intervals and various unusual circumstances. And when everyone around them is surprised, they simply continue to calmly follow their chosen lifestyle. The most unusual of them will be discussed.

A woman living in the Victorian era. Sarah Chrisman never dreamed of wearing a corset, but after her husband gave her one as a gift for her 29th birthday, her life changed. She herself states that these ancient clothes literally changed her. The couple had been collecting historical clothing for a long time, but the woman could not find anything that would fit her shape. The fact is that all the clothes were designed for women wearing a corset. Wearing a corset inspired Sarah to wear other Victorian era clothing. Such outfits became her everyday wear. Together with her husband, Sarah even tried to live in the style of those times, as far as possible. In fact, she had to wash herself with a jug, sew her own clothes from natural materials, and not drive a car. In their Victorian-style home in Port Townsend, Washington, the couple uses oil lamps for lighting. Sarah even cooks from a 19th-century cookbook. For now, food in the house is stored in the refrigerator, but fanatical fans of this lifestyle are planning to start using an ice chest for this purpose. This way they can immerse themselves even more in their image. Sarah Chrisman even wrote a book about what the corset did for her. In the piece, the 33-year-old explained her unusual lifestyle choices. He helps her understand history and look at the world and people differently.

Dog life. When they talk about a dog's life, they mean extremely poor conditions. But some people truly strive to live like our four-legged friends. Harry Matthews has a lot to settle with the world since he decided to adopt a dog's lifestyle. The man recalls that he always considered himself a part of nature and considered himself a dog. Now the 48-year-old former technologist wears a collar, eats dog food from a bowl and loves white bones and pet biscuits. Like any other dog, Harry even barks, chases cars and buries bones in holes in the backyard. The man sleeps in his own kennel, considering it more comfortable than a soft bed. Now he answers to the nickname “Boomer”. The Pennsylvania resident developed such a passion after watching the popular show “Here’s Boomer” on NBC as a child. This series was about a stray dog ​​traveler who helped people in trouble. Matthews liked this idea so much that he transferred the image of the star of the show to his life, for many years, nurturing the idea of ​​becoming a Boomer. It must be said that many people associate themselves with various animals. This phenomenon is called furry; such a subculture appeared in America back in the 1980s. These people consider themselves anthropomorphic animals with human characteristics - the ability to speak, walk on two legs, high intelligence, facial expressions, and so on. But if for most furries dressing up is just a hobby, then Boomer took it to the extreme, turning it into a way of life.

Life inside a ventilator. There is a woman in North Carolina who lived inside a ventilator for 61 years. Martha Mason is an unusual person who has spent almost her entire life inside a machine. And it’s all because of polio, which made her paralyzed at an early age. This situation may seem hopeless, but Martha was able to lead a full life. She graduated from high school and college, attended dinner parties, and even wrote a book, Breathing: The Rhythm of Life with an Iron Lung. There, Martha told what problems she had to face and how she was able to find joy in life. This is the only person on our list who did not choose his unusual lifestyle. Martha was born in 1937 near Charlotte. At the age of 11, she suffered a serious illness, which shortly before took the life of her brother Gaston. After his funeral, the girl said that she experienced the same symptoms. She simply remained silent about it, not wanting to disturb her already saddened parents once again. But Martha soon discovered that she was completely dependent on the device to make her breathing easier. "Iron lung" is a colloquial term for a large tank that is pressurized to help paralyzed people's lungs function better. Mrs. Mason lived almost her entire life in such a device, which helped her live. But at one time the doctors told the parents that the girl would live no more than a year in this condition. She was sent home to die happy. But love for life, curiosity and the desire to learn and get to know the world around us helped Martha outlive her parents. She died in 2009.

Traveling with a crucifix on your shoulder. Preachers who sanctify their lives to spread their teachings no longer surprise anyone. But this man spent 26 years of his life spreading Christ while carrying a huge crucifix on his shoulder. 60-year-old preacher Linsday Hamon talks about Christianity to anyone who will listen. He literally carries faith on his shoulders, having already visited 19 countries. Among them are New Zealand, India, Romania and Sri Lanka. In his unusual journey, which became a way of life, a lot of both touching and rough happened. Hamon survived attacks and shootings in Bangladesh and was kicked out of St. Peter's Square in Rome. But he has no plans to stop his preaching work. The man began his mission in 1987, putting a cross on his shoulders. Since then he has hardly taken it off. The cross itself is made of cedar and is 3.6 meters high and 1.8 meters wide. There is a wheel at the base to make the cross easier to place. In fact, the preacher wears a huge symbol of faith for 12 hours a day, having no idea where he will sleep at night. A former social worker is collecting donations to help him fulfill his role as a Christian evangelist. Also, from time to time, Hamon returns to his native Cornwall to work in his profession and pay his family’s bills.

A woman paralyzed from the waist down. Typically, this type of paralysis essentially ends a full life; people remain forever confined to a wheelchair. But 57-year-old Chloe Jennings, a chemist from Salt Lake City, Utah, voluntarily agreed to make her life hell. A woman feigns paralysis, which supposedly renders her body immobile from the waist down. Chloe consciously chose the lifestyle of a disabled person. She moves around in a wheelchair and has braces on her knees. These devices allow Chloe to move only with the help of crutches. And when she goes up or down the stairs, she simply holds on to the handrails, like an ordinary person. Like many other paralyzed people, Chloe enjoys outdoor activities. Only she doesn’t need special equipment for such events. The woman simply goes on a 12-hour hike into the forest, climbing mountain peaks along dangerous slopes. Chloe lives a full life in this state, as if she has no serious problems. In 2008, doctors diagnosed her with a serious psychological disorder, problems with holistic perception of the body, BIID. It appears in ordinary people, giving them the illusion of a happier life after amputation or paralysis. To combat the urge to harm herself, a wheelchair and special restraints were provided for Chloe. This greatly eased her psychological state. But she admits that she dreams of actually damaging her limbs in a car accident. Those suffering from this syndrome are forced to put up with angry remarks from those who consider them deceivers. But we must make allowances for the real psychological problems of a person. Using a wheelchair, despite being able to move like a normal person, makes Chloe's life easier.

Life with cockroaches. For most of us, cockroaches are nuisance insects that shouldn't be in our home. But Kyle Kandilian, a student from Michigan, is not only not afraid of cockroaches, but happily lives with them. According to the young man, about 200 thousand representatives of this detachment currently live in his house. A 20-year-old guy collects and breeds cockroaches not only for his own pleasure, but also to earn money. With the help of this unusual lifestyle, he manages to pay for his university studies. Kyle has a variety of cockroaches - from the most common ones, of which there are a dime a dozen in different places, to quite rare species. For example, the rhinoceros cockroach (Macrpanestia rhinoceros) can live up to 15 years, and each insect is valued at $200. Kyle has a fairly wide range of clients, including owners of pets who eat cockroaches. Research laboratories that need insects for experiments also collaborate with the young man. However, such an unusual love for cockroaches also has its negative sides; Kyle’s parents do not like it. One day his mother woke him up at 4 a.m. by pointing to an insect in the toilet. A cockroach sat peacefully on a roll of toilet paper. “Kyle, we need to stop this!” - his parents directly tell him. A student's room is filled to the brim with boxes of insect colonies. In total, the fan of cockroaches grows about 130 species. The young man has been following this lifestyle for eight years now, constantly increasing the number of friends and their diversity.

With a man and a lover under one roof. When a married woman takes a lover or leaves her husband for him, society condemns this. When Maria Butski left her husband Paul for another man, she didn't think about the consequences. But soon the woman realized that she was missing her husband. But she could no longer do without her lover, Peter Gruman. In addition, the men suddenly became friends. Then Maria came up with the ideal solution for everyone - she invited Peter to live in their house in east London. Now 33-year-old Maria, 37-year-old Paul, their two children - 16-year-old Laura and 12-year-old Amy and 36-year-old Peter - live there. All together they make up a big and happy family. They all began to live together in 2012 after three years of Maria tossing between her husband and her lover. Peter sleeps downstairs on the sofa, and Paul has his room upstairs. Maria herself shares a bedroom with her eldest daughter. The woman claims that she never had sex with her two chosen ones at the same time. Maria has intimate relationships with each of them separately, but she keeps secrets about her personal life. Living together with two men at once, according to a woman, has enormous advantages. Children benefit from having three adults who can help with homework and help them develop. And from a financial point of view, this is convenient, since the bills are divided into three parts.

Family living in 1986. In order to obtain information about the past, thanks to the Internet, we need seconds. But Blair Macmillan would need at least 10 minutes to find out who was prime minister and when. It will take that much time to leaf through all his encyclopedias. It is puzzling why a 26-year-old man, father of two, cannot connect to the Internet. In fact, Blair, like his girlfriend 27-year-old Morgan, live as if in 1986. They chose this lifestyle specifically for the sake of their children - 5-year-old Trey and two-year-old Denton. As a result, they won’t sit on iPhones and iPads, but will simply kick a ball in the yard. Parents abandoned any technology in their home that appeared after their birth, in 1986. The family has no computers, no tablets, no smartphones, no coffee machine. Americans abandoned the Internet and cable. Modern people clearly will not understand them, believing that they have abandoned real life. But Blair and Morgan simply decided to raise their children the way their parents did with them. They prefer personal contact rather than online communication. The family captures all the kids' antics on $20 worth of film, avoiding Instagram. Recently, the family traveled around the United States using old paper maps. Children had fun with talking toys and coloring books, not with televisions in their headrests. The family immediately refused such cars. The only lifestyle exception is the 2010 KIA. Naturally, GPS is not installed in it.

A woman living with seven hundred cats. Some people have unimaginable traits of love for cats. Linea Taianzio always dreamed of a four-legged friend, but her mother did not approve of the dog's behavior at home. Now the woman was able to fully realize her dream. She lives alone surrounded by hundreds of cats on her 12-acre estate in California. There she created a real paradise for her pets. It all started with saving homeless animals after her divorce in 1981. In total, Linea saved more than 19 thousand felines. Despite such an environment, the woman assures that she is not crazy at all. Her “cat house” is the largest pet house in California. And Linea does not keep animals for his own pleasure or for his creation of heaven on Earth. The woman's mission is to place the cats she rescues into permanent homes and prevent overpopulation through spaying and neutering. About 700 cats and another 15 dogs live in the house permanently. And the good friend of animals survives thanks to donations and grants.

A woman living with poisonous spiders. The false black widow is a huge and dangerous spider. And although their bite is not as dangerous as that of ordinary black widows, people still experience unpleasant symptoms. A real wave of terror from these eight-legged creatures swept across England. People even began to avoid barns and basements for fear of encountering large spiders. However, one woman, Jay Reich, on the contrary, seeks to surround herself with false black widows. According to her, she doesn’t even mind being bitten to prove the harmlessness of these spiders. Jay lives in Bracknell and her collection is constantly growing. She is currently raising three adult false black widows and about ten young. Jay's mother spider was named Silla. According to her, she is amazed how such a cute spider caused real panic in England. For example, in Gloucestershire a school was even closed due to the invasion of false black widows. The 26-year-old woman believes there was no reason for this. People are afraid of spiders as if they were wasps. As a result, harmless creatures, in her opinion, develop a negative reputation thanks to the press. Jay plans to publicly demonstrate that the false black widow's bite is completely harmless.

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