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Scenario of the New Year's holiday for the women's group: “Legitimate New Year”. Corporate scenario "Happy New Year, team!"

Useful tips

New Year's celebrations rightfully take first place among all holidays in the world. A huge number of people, regardless of age, religion, race and customs, celebrate the New Year with their families, at work, and among friends.

Everyone knows this holiday. Each country has its own customs, ceremonies and traditions. But you always want to bring something fresh and new to surprise your family, friends and colleagues. Today we’ll talk about an unusual New Year’s corporate event that will definitely be remembered for a long time.

Corporate 2018

So, where should you start and what should you consider first when choosing a program for celebrating the New Year with your colleagues?

- the number of people in your team;

- age of colleagues;

- ratio of men and women;

- presence of creative people in your team;

- costs that management is willing to bear for organizing the holiday.

Now let's start looking at specific ideas.

New Year's corporate party ideas

Option 1: Quest

You can organize a very non-standard corporate event by simply ordering an interesting and exciting quest. In some ways it’s similar to the mafia, but here everything is much more interesting. Players do not sit at a table, but actively participate in the story scenario, solving an intricate detective mystery.

Each player has his own goals, his own biography and role. It’s very interesting to play, and if you set yourself this goal, you’ll be able to organize something very entertaining. This option for holding a corporate New Year is more suitable for a young team, but older people should not be written off either.

Corporate party for the new year

Option 2: Master classes

This idea is more suitable for a female group of different ages. Of course, no one can cancel gifts and a festive feast, but the master class itself, in addition to benefits, will give you a great mood and only positive emotions.

What types of master classes are there?

- handmade chocolates, painted chocolate bars

- learning the basics of floristry

- culinary and dessert master classes

- creation of handmade perfumes and soaps

- making compositions - bouquets of soft toys and sweets

- creative master class (drawing, decoupage, batik, etc.)

- Japanese calligraphy

- oil painting

- decoration of ceramics and glass, etc.

There are a huge variety of master classes, check which ones are available in your city.

The following suggested options are for themed parties.

Thematic corporate event

Option 3: New Year's corporate party in the style of the 80s

What is the 80s?

This is colorfulness, ingenuity and creativity. This was the period when the anti-alcohol law was in effect in the USSR. Therefore, on New Year’s Day, people drank underground moonshine and vodka from coffee pots, teapots, and even hot water bottles!

It was a time when girls could turn an old grandmother's dress, and sometimes even a curtain, into an interesting and shocking holiday outfit. Then there were only flesh-colored tights, which were painted black, eyelashes were made into doll-like ones using mascara, water and flour, and the head was decorated with curls using sugar.

How to entertain colleagues?

Most often, such corporate events smoothly turn into evenings of nostalgia and memories. Try to play up the brightest moments of that period. For example, you can hold a taste competition. Invite your colleagues to taste the most popular candies of that time, which still exist today: “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Bear Bear”, “Squirrel”, etc.

A similar competition can be held with fragrances. “Red Moscow”, “Triple Cologne”, “Russian Forest”, “Sasha” and others can still be found today. Let people remember these smells and their names.

It is very important that the corporate program is filled with a dance show (not necessarily with an old cassette recorder, although it can be used as decor), fun competitions and outdoor games.

What should be on the table?

Of course, you can’t do without the favorite in the USSR Olivier, sandwiches with sprats, Napoleons, boiled sausage, lemonade “Buratino”, “Tarragon” and “Soviet Champagne”. By the way, there will also be classics: jellied meat with horseradish, homemade pickles and marinades, red and black caviar.

Allow yourself nostalgia. Fun and excitement will be guaranteed. Of course, this theme of a corporate event is more suitable for older people, but perhaps young people will also be interested.

Cool New Year, corporate party

Option 4: New Year's corporate party in the style of rock stars

The main idea of ​​such a party is the Beatles, Elvis Presley, freedom of spirit, rock and roll and the philosophy of change. Rockstar is the absence of barriers and prohibitions, desires and their implementation, self-will and rigidity. Each colleague will be the decoration of the party, an idol for worship, a world-class star.

The decoration of the room should also match the idea of ​​universal freedom: an incredible combination of styles, bright colors, harmony in the wrong. Don't forget about the characteristic hairstyle from the times of rock and roll - perm on long hair.

What do rockers do?

It is clear that most of the entertainment program at this thematic corporate event is dance and music competitions. Invite guests to walk along the red carpet, arrange a dance battle, and all play “Guess the Tune” together.

As part of the entertainment program, it would also be appropriate to organize a master class. For example, you can invite a professional dancer and have a lot of fun by repeating funny rock and roll moves after him.

What to treat the stars with?

Of course, beer and a variety of fast food. Hot dogs, hamburgers, French fries, chips, crackers, crackers, popcorn, dried and salted seafood. A little sweet for the female half of the team won't hurt.

Cool New Year's corporate party

Option 5: New Year's party in the style of a wonderful fairy tale

The idea of ​​such a party is to give your colleagues New Year's magic with a Christmas tree, golden showers and incredible ideas. Each of us in the New Year wants to believe again in Santa Claus, who knows all our thoughts and dreams. Only he knows that at heart we always remain children who are ready to endlessly play, have fun, sledding and throwing snowballs.

How to entertain colleagues?

Fairy tale style - these are only the most fun games. For example, you can draw a fairy tale with your colleagues. The presenter tells a funny fairy tale remade in a modern way, and the participants draw it blindfolded. Or, for example, you can draw a portrait of Santa Claus. Participants must also be blindfolded and each must draw a different body part.

In addition to active games indoors and outdoors, the fairy-tale style involves holding a very beautiful master class on creating gingerbread houses or simply magical gingerbread cookies. This master class will be remembered for a long time.

By the way, as for outdoor games, if your budget allows and your team is small, you can take your colleagues on a dog sled ride. If there is snow outside, your whole team can build a reindeer sleigh out of it. The main thing is that it was fun and everyone believed in magic.

What to feed fairy tale lovers?

Stuffed mushrooms, unusual meats, such as elk, fish and seafood and a variety of baked goods. Fairytale cuisine is very rich and exotic. If your budget allows, accompany the menu with quality alcohol. Fabulous multi-colored cocktails will look very beautiful on the New Year's table.

New Year's corporate parties 2018

Option 6: New Year's corporate party in the style of a madhouse

How often do the thoughts come to you that your boss has gone crazy, and the accountant and secretary are at the same time with him? Is it time to call an ambulance, and how to defuse the situation? Humor will come to your aid in this case too.

Remember all the troubles with your colleagues and laugh at them together. Prescribe them medicinal toilet paper bandages, high-intensity injections and magic pills. Dress each other up in slightly weird costumes and have a blast.

What do they play in a madhouse?

Clowns, "Crocodile", Putin, Napoleon, Crazy Frog. Everything is here and everything is possible! You can make up all sorts of tall tales, throw cupcakes, sing stupid songs and have dress-up dances.

The format of such a corporate event involves the abolition of subordination between boss and subordinate, the abolition of decency and conventions. At such a party, you can say everything that you have accumulated, just present it in a humorous form, and not arrange a debriefing.

What to feed the crazy?

In psychiatric hospitals they eat porridge and various troubles of unknown composition. We do not recommend feeding your colleagues such things. Keep the food uncomplicated and simple. Sandwiches, pizza, fruit, candy, beer and popcorn, which can also be used for entertainment.

However, you can also make your party menu fun. There is a lot of information on the Internet on how to make, for example, French fries with puff pastry ketchup and strawberry jam, or a “meat” pie with a sweet filling.

Scenario for a corporate party for the New Year

Option 7: New Year's corporate party in the style of Alice in Wonderland

Half the world is in love with this enchanting fairy tale. It is philosophical, funny, absurd and mystical at the same time. And all because incredible outfits, cool hats and, of course, the smile of the Cheshire cat cannot leave anyone indifferent. Cute cups with the invitation "Drink me!" it is impossible to refuse. A New Year's party in the style of Alice will remain in the memory for a long time, because the theme is very rich in colors and numerous reasons for various competitions.

How to entertain guests at a corporate party?

Of course, this is card croquet. Be sure to organize a drinking competition using those same porcelain cups, after which you can test the drinkers for sobriety by asking them to build a pyramid of cups.

The Cheshire Cat must have a smile, and the Hatter, of course, must have a hat. Everything can be done from improvised means to make it more fun. As for the dance program, diversify it with “rabbit dances”, royal minuets and card defiles.

What should you treat Alice's guests to?

The basis of the treats is sweets. Cookies, cakes, pastries, chocolate, ice cream. But a few plates of cheese, cold cuts and vegetables still won’t hurt. Don't forget the carrots for the Bunny! As for drinks, they must be bright. For example, when ordering champagne, give preference to red or pink.

Corporate parties for the New Year 2018

Option 8: New Year's party for the women's group "Golden Ladies and Black Cats"

Hollywood, luxury, chic, sparkle, gold - these are the main ideas of the party. The shine of jewelry and stones, chic dresses, small talk and languid glances. But this is only on one side. The second side of the evening is black cats, beautiful in their wildness and far from the gold rush and social events. They are ideal plasticity, a bewitching voice, youth, strength and grace. Who will win this confrontation?

Natural beauty, life and brightness or indifference, languor and social life? Make an evening of confrontation between the cream of society and its blackness, between nobility and a world where money rules.

How to entertain colleagues?

Incredible hip-hop or social dances? Who won? And who knows better the value of money? The one who rarely sees them or the one whose chickens don’t peck them? And who knows better about food and the food that is made from it? Who is stronger, faster? Who is more resourceful? Any entertainment based on confrontation will be appropriate.

What to treat cats and ladies?

Society ladies carefully monitor their figure, for this reason they will choose dietary dishes: lean meat, fruits and vegetables. Also, everyone knows that cats like milk, fish and meat. Be sure to add a few black and gold cocktails to the appetizers, and you will have a great New Year's table.

Where to celebrate a corporate party for the New Year

Option 9: Sport is our everything

This is not the first year that winter off-site corporate events have been at the peak of popularity. This is a very good option for a holiday, especially if you need to entertain a very active and young team. Champagne, a Christmas tree and barbecue are not canceled at all in this situation; all this will happen after the end of the street festivities somewhere in the hunting lodge.

Among the proposals for organizing a corporate New Year's party in the fresh air:

- paintball competitions

- biathlon (of course, a very simplified version of it)

- various group competitions

- figure skating (in this case you can combine an entertaining ice program with a master class), etc.

Unusual corporate event

Now we’ll tell you about several ideas that will complement your holiday.

1) Holiday photo shoot

Any of the proposed options for holding a New Year's celebration can be supplemented with a photo shoot. It will fit perfectly into any themed party. A photo session will be especially appropriate if it is decided to give employees a hair and makeup master class.

The process is a lot of fun, and you’ll get some great footage as a memory.

2) Wine tasting

It is better to choose this form of holiday when the average age of the majority of employees is over 35 years old. A professional sommelier will not leave anyone indifferent, and the atmosphere of the tasting will leave only pleasant memories.

Tasting can take place in three formats: right at the company’s office, in a partner restaurant, where more attention will be paid to the combination of wines and various products, or in a special establishment in which tastings of different wines take place on a schedule.

After such an event, you will know about what types of wines there are, which ones are recognized as the best, how to read the label correctly, how to navigate the wine list, what determines the price of wine, which glasses are best suited for tasting, rules for storing wines and about many other things.

3) Holiday lighting design

Entrust this aspect to professionals, and the result will pleasantly surprise you. Incredible design of the site, for example, neon cubes and glowing installations with the company logo, a shadow theater and a beautiful New Year tree.

4) Dancing heads

This is an interactive movement of your head into the finished clip.

New Year's corporate party: ideas

5) Caricature artist

In an hour, a cartoonist can make 5-7 portraits. At the same time, people communicate, have dinner, dance, and a professional takes turns choosing a model. Ready-made cartoons can be used on the spot to create souvenirs or a calendar.

6) Chemical interactive show

It is very educational and entertaining. Excellent programs for adults have been developed.

New Year's holidays are a time when every adult strives to again feel the joy of childhood, have fun in good company, and dream about the future.

For a close-knit team, it is important not only to experience the hardships of everyday work together, but also to celebrate joyful dates together - for example, the New Year.

In order to avoid despondency at the New Year's table and endless conversations about work, it is not necessary to order a toastmaster - a good script and several active employees will easily cope with the task.

Hall (office premises) and characters

The hall can be decorated according to the aesthetics of the 90s, for example, chewing gum and bags of Yupi or Mivina are on the tables, the clothes of the presenters are chosen from fashion magazines of the 90s, and posters with stars of that time are on the walls.

Characters: Presenter, Presenter, Father Frost, Snow Maiden, Bro, Flea Marketer.

Introductory part


We have gathered here today

To celebrate a joyful holiday

The Christmas tree branches lit up

These are the bouquets of lights.

Silent steps towards us

A year is creeping by - a wonderful, new one.

Don't yawn around -

The gifts are ready for a long time!

Among the gifts is ringing laughter,

And a multivitamin for stress,

In a huge basin - success,

A bucket of luck to boot.


Let the bright light shine

The smiles on faces never leave,

And the New Year is already around the corner,

And it will touch us with a warm edge!

There's music playing here, just

We celebrate like it was in the nineties!

"Who has a good memory"

All participants will have to remember as many things as possible related to the nineties. For example, bright leggings, shortages, Tamagotchis, game consoles, etc.

You can do the same, but remember the names of TV series or musical groups. For correct answers you can give a symbolic prize.

Main part


So, so as not to sit at the tables,

So that everyone wants to drink and eat,

We invite you after the first

Move your body on the dance floor!

"Let's Dance"

Dances to the music of the 90s are announced (“Hands up”, “Tender May”, Modern Talking and others).

It’s good if the room allows you to connect a dance machine, then the whole team will take part.

You can diversify the competition with funny tasks, for example, you have to dance as if you:

  • ballerina;
  • disco dancer from an Indian film;
  • kung fu master;
  • at the same time you pack a New Year's gift;
  • do you want to go to the toilet?
  • performing a complex acrobatic act;
  • looking all over the house for a second sock;
  • carry a glass of boiling water and the like.

In the midst of dancing, Bro and Flea Marketer appear from the hall. A bro in a tracksuit, a cap or a distinctive little cap, and flip-flops.

A flea peddler with a checkered plastic bag, seemingly stuffed with rubbish, with a man purse, in a warm hat and boots.

To make it more fun, you can assign a short girl to the role of the Bro, and on the contrary, an older, thin man to the role of the Flea Marketer.

They behave unceremoniously and arrogantly, take things from tables, bully and push colleagues, and are rude.


Hey you there! Why are you raging?


Young people, we are having a corporate party here, leave, you are in the way! Father Frost and Snow Maiden will come soon!


Gee-gee. Well, why have you lost your fear? I kicked grandpa a long time ago, and now I’ve worn out my jacket, hey, hey. They're dancing here... you don't even have a light on your Christmas tree.


What did you and Grandpa do? Who will congratulate everyone and hold competitions?


I'll call the police now!

Flea dealer:

So, Vasya, let’s leave, they’re having a corporate New Year’s party. There’s no one for you to bully here, everyone’s money ran out before the New Year!


Fedya, we’ll check this now! Someone hid a stash...

"Searching for a Stash"

A man and a woman are invited. A man hides a symbolic bill - a “stash” - in his clothes, and a woman must find it blindfolded within a minute.

Bro, counting money:

Oh, great rise!

Flea dealer:

Well, you screwed it up! I can also suggest a game, it’s called “Super Prize”.

"Super prize"

The flea dealer takes out a large pre-decorated box from his bag and announces that it contains a valuable foreign prize.

A person who wants to receive this prize is selected from among his colleagues. The flea dealer offers him a bribe.

Money can be taken from a toy store, or printed out in color leaflets on a printer.

Some kind of chocolate or candy is suitable as a valuable prize; it is important to hint in every possible way that the prize is foreign, obtained through sweat and labor, but it is better to take a bribe.

At the same time, you should not say in advance that the money is not real, this will add intrigue. Friends and colleagues sitting at the table next to each other, on the contrary, should shout “Prize!” in unison, as the Flea Marketer warns them about.

And you can take several of these boxes, with prizes of different values.


So the evening lasts, lasts, lasts,

And Santa Claus is lost somewhere!

What if something happens to him?

What if it’s only found in the summer?

Who will light the lights on the Christmas tree?

Will the New Year come to us?


I know who can help us!

Smart, red, not white-handed -

Slender and with snow-white skin,

Snow Maiden, Frost's granddaughter.

"I am the Snow Maiden"

Competition for the female half.

If there are no or few women in the team, they can be successfully replaced by men.

Players must complete the following tasks:

  • Come up with arguments for why she should be the Snow Maiden, for example, “I have cold hands and a warm heart” or “I am a natural blonde, and the Snow Maiden is a natural blonde.”
  • Take turns naming as many states of water as possible (snow, ice, fog, etc.).
  • Tell me what she would do if she were appointed Snow Maiden.


They are all so beautiful that it is absolutely impossible to choose one among the girls!


Why choose? Here is the real Snow Maiden!

Appears Snow Maiden:

Where in distant forests the snow is deep and clean,

Where from the witch oak trees the shadows whisper words,

I hurried here, I ran so fast

I was in a hurry to get here, I barely made it in time!

Happiness is hidden in every new second,

And with a smile he swings here, on the clock.

New Year tries on like a new dress,

This city, country, continent, heaven.

Let joyful expectations come true,

Let parents hug their children!

New Year, still hidden in dreams and secrets,

We will be touched by an openwork snow-covered edge.

The New Year is just around the corner, it’s already on the doorstep!

Hug each other if you are lonely

Don't forget to tell each other the most important things!

Flea dealer:

Wow! Where did you get this coat? Probably currency...


What trinkets! Girl, can you find a cigarette?

Snow Maiden:

Oh you hooligans! What have you done! I’m looking for Grandfather in hospitals, and it’s you who are mischievous! Well, watch out, he'll come and you'll get a beating!

The presenters offer to forgive and release Bro and Flea Marketer, because they helped and are now atonement for their guilt in every possible way.

Bullies vow to behave. The Snow Maiden leads the holiday. She is assisted by Bro and Flea Marketer.

Snow Maiden:

There's only a little time left before the new one -

Call him or don't call him.

So that my heart sings and laughs,

It's time to remember love!

Chewing gum “Love is”

Five to seven colleagues are invited, and everyone is invited to continue the sentence “love is...”, as is done in the candy wrappers of famous sweets familiar from childhood.

For example, “love is fixing her coffee machine,” “love is covering him with a blanket when he falls asleep at work,” and the like.

Snow Maiden:

Years fly by, but in our memory

The films of those years live to this day.

Let's untie our wallets for a minute,

We'll take a ticket from the last row.


Five men are called who are capable of drinking alcoholic beverages without destructive consequences.

The task is as follows - you need to remember the names of New Year's films from the nineties. Those who cannot remember drink the “penalty” fifty grams.

Snow Maiden:

Time flies quickly

There is no time to be slow!

The holiday is joyful and fiery -

We check your attentiveness!

"One glass"

The participants are three men with strong livers. Everyone is presented with a glass of clear liquid and asked to drink through a straw.

The audience's task is to guess which of the three had vodka in their glass. Vodka is poured for all three.

Snow Maiden:

Like birds, snow above our heads,

And we can’t freeze today!

However, we sat at the tables,

I invite you to dance, friends!

"Dancing on Ice"

Several couples are invited. Each pair is given whatman paper – “ice field”. To the music, couples dance on this field for 15-30 seconds.

The pair that steps outside the field boundary “fell through the ice” and is eliminated.

After the first round, Bro and Flea Marketer fold up the ice fields and give couples half the space to dance. This is repeated until one pair remains.


Oh, and the evening will soon end, and Santa Claus is still not there...


I talked with my colleagues, whispered and found out all the gossip, and so - Santa Claus is coming to us! Moreover, he is here!

Included Father Frost(the colleague playing the role slipped out and changed clothes in advance). In the hands of Santa Claus is a staff with corporate party paraphernalia.

Every time he hears the word “bam,” he hits the floor with his staff. With the third strike, the lights on the Christmas tree light up:

Bam! Snow is falling from the heavenly roof!

Bullfinches huddle under the eaves!

If you went out without gloves,

Then you'll have to come back!

Bam! And I will paint the window panes

I surface with a joyful pattern.

This is the New Year, washed and light,

Wanders, curtained by a fence.

Bam! On my third strike the birds will flock

Blue. Catch and be happy!

I look at joyful faces

Be healthy and beautiful!


The clock told us - twelve!

And the New Year burst into homes!


Let misfortunes become a thing of the past!

There will be joy, and with it happiness!

Santa Claus invites everyone present to dance around the New Year tree. Dancing, congratulations, and presentation of gifts begin.

Soon after a small feast, the holiday can be completed. Happy New Year!

We offer for viewing another scenario for a New Year’s corporate party:

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Description: At the beginning of the event, the guests are congratulated by the gypsy, then by the golden roar. After this, Frost and Snegurka come out and hold competitions and games, a comic New Year's quiz.

Target: team unity and uplifting mood.

Room decoration: New Year tree, posters.

Required material:

  • Net, blue sheet to depict the sea, mud, boots.
  • Fan and fluff.
  • Newspapers.
  • Glasses of water and straws for cocktails.


  • Leading
  • Presenter
  • Gypsy
  • Gold fish
  • Freezing
  • Snow Maiden

Preparation: a song medley on the theme “My Desire” for gypsy predictions; performance of an oriental beauty.

Progress of the event


There is a blizzard and blizzard outside,

And even the winds howl outside the window,

We have gathered here to meet

New Year at the most luxurious table!


Hello gentlemen and ladies! We have gathered today in this hall to celebrate the old year with honor and meet the new one with dignity.

A gypsy woman enters and approaches the leader.


Hello, iris, gild your pen - I’ll tell you the whole truth, what happened and what will happen.


Hello, gypsy girl. It’s better not for me, but tell people’s fortunes. After all, everyone dreams of someone telling them what to do.


He approaches some participants and makes passes with his hands. At this time, short excerpts from songs are included that characterize a desire. For example, “But I don’t want, I don’t want for calculation, but I want for love, for love...”, “But I want, but I want to climb on roofs again...”


The gypsy girl is probably tired. I overheard so many wishes. Here's a gold piece for this (gives a chocolate bar in the form of a coin).


Thank you very much, I wish you health, happiness and love (leaves).


He's in a hurry, the old year is leaving.

The bells are ringing on the troika at the threshold -

Then the new year rushes forward,

Carrying with you both happiness and health.


For congratulations, the floor is given to our boss.

The boss speaks with a little congratulations, everyone drinks and eats.


Soon, very soon, the clock will strike midnight. And we, like Cinderella, will rush on the wings of fate into the new year.


And again there was bustle, running and pushing for a whole year before his exodus.


Well, what are you talking about sad and inevitable? Let's talk about joyful things. You know, the Golden Fish will come to congratulate our guests today.


And will he fulfill all wishes?


Certainly. Are you ready to throw the net?

They throw the net into the improvised sea three times (you can hang a blue sheet on the chairs and hide the Fish behind them). The first time they pull out the net with mud, the second - with a shoe. The third time they catch the Goldfish.

Gold fish:

Let me go to sea, where my subordinates will die without me.


Don't worry, we'll let you go. We only want you to fulfill our wishes. After all, today is a night of miracles. Everything you wish should come true.

Gold fish:

Okay, I will fulfill your wishes, but to do this I need to know what you want. Close your eyes and imagine what you would like to receive for the new year.

The guests close their eyes. While they are thinking, an oriental girl appears and performs a belly dance. After performing, he bows and leaves.

Gold fish:

Apparently, this was the strongest desire for someone. Other wishes will also come true, just not now.


So let's raise our glasses to the quick fulfillment of our desires.

They drink and have a snack. The goldfish swims back after saying goodbye.


I have a feeling that someone is missing. But who? I can't understand.


Have you forgotten already? We forgot to invite Father Frost and granddaughter Snegurka!


Exactly! They are probably already waiting at the door. Let's call them (they call them three times).

Frost and Snow Maiden enter to the sounds of creaking snow.


Hello children!

Snow Maiden:

No longer children, Frost! Can't you see?


Exactly, not children. Sorry, I got a little tired and got confused. Hello everyone from the far north!


Hello to you, too!


We have come this New Year's evening to wish you joy, goodness and light. They brought you a whole bag of gifts.

Snow Maiden:

But we got caught in a strong snowstorm, and the bag with souvenirs was lost somewhere in the snowdrifts.


You need to find it urgently so that someone else doesn’t find and take away your gifts.

Snow Maiden:

Let's call the snowflakes for help, let them look for where the bag fell.


Snowflakes are so capricious. I don’t think they would just fly off to look for lost items.

Snow Maiden:

And we will describe them in beautiful words, that is, we will select epithets. What kind of snowflakes can there be?


Well, now I think the snowflakes are happy and will quickly find gifts even in the deepest snowdrift.


(takes out the bag) So our gifts were found. Now you can safely announce a competitive and entertaining quiz! Every third question is a winning one.

Conducts a comic quiz. The gift is awarded only for the correct answer to the third, sixth, ninth questions.

Snow Maiden:

Some were lucky, some not so much. But those who received the gift are very happy!


Let's raise a glass to those who were able to show their ingenuity and imagination in the past year, as well as to the inexhaustible energy that flows out of you in the coming year (drink, have a snack).


Frost, do you remember how we told you poems when you were a child?


Of course I remember. You were so small, stupid, curious. They constantly pulled my beard to check whether it was real or not.


Grandpa, is the beard real?


It used to be real, until all the hairs were pulled out. They thought that the wish would come true if a hair was pulled out. But I’m not Hottabych! What desires? For me she was a warming element. Now my nose and cheeks are constantly freezing.


Sorry, Frost. What should we do to make amends for our guilt?


And you will dance, show your brave prowess.


They made me happy, and now I can warm up.


Let's raise our glasses to never freeze even in the most severe frosts!

Snow Maiden:

Grandpa, can I also hold a competition?


Of course, granddaughter. Show off and make the people happy.


Well, well, we've been sitting too long, it's time to know the honor.

Well, now it's time to say goodbye

We'll be back again in just a year

We want things to start coming true

Your wishes are now.

Snow Maiden:

We wish you many smiles,

A big pile of dough

To make fewer mistakes,

Health, happiness and warmth.


It's time to say goodbye again,

These minutes cannot be saved,

We tell you



See you soon, new, frequent meetings!” (leave)


Our holiday doesn't end here! We continue to have fun.

Competitions and games

"Dance of Snowflakes"

Several volunteers are called, each is given a fan and a piece of fluff. The participants’ task is to make the fluffies dance to the music using a fan. The main thing is that the dancing fluffs spin in the air without touching the floor.


Those who want to take part go on stage and dance the apple on a spread newspaper. The main task is not to go beyond the sheet.

"A glass for three"

Participants are divided into groups of three. Each group is given a glass of water and two straws for each participant. The participants’ task is to drink all the water through a double straw. The team that empties their glass faster wins.

Scenario for a New Year's corporate party for small teams

If your work team has only 2-5, 6 or maximum 7 people, then you can spend a great holiday in a cozy atmosphere in a close circle of employees.

New Year is a wonderful and cheerful holiday, and most importantly - fabulous. That's why everyone loves this holiday without exception. Therefore, we try to celebrate the New Year in such a way that it will be remembered for a long time, even if there are few people in your team. And a fabulous holiday will open up fabulous opportunities for us. And who knows, maybe by actively participating in a corporate event scenario, you will attract the attention of a demanding and strict boss and this will help you move up the career ladder as an energetic employee. It all depends on how you demonstrate your abilities as a mass entertainer. But this will require organizational skills. Well, if the holiday turns out to be fun and relaxed, you will be the idol of the whole team.

The scenario for a New Year's holiday in a small group assumes minimalism in treats: fruits, toasts, cakes, wine, champagne, cognac. Everything should be simple, fast and convenient. Complex dishes are inappropriate in the office. “Tabletop” decorations can diversify the official business tone of the treats.

Traditionally, the festive evening is opened by the head, but if your small team does not have one, then any employee. He will sum up the past year, talk about plans for the future, and note the merits of everyone present, because there are not many of you. The boss himself can try on a Santa Claus costume to present gifts to his subordinates.

After the official part there are competitions and drawings. There are a lot of options.

LIST OF COMPETITIONS for small teams

1. Competition: “Tidy on the table means tidy in the head”

You can organize a competition for the best workplace design, and give the winner a prize. The place should be perfectly tidy, you can decorate it with a Christmas tree, garlands, a calendar with the symbol of the year, and table souvenirs.

2. Competition “Cucumber Fun”

Call 2 participants. Each person has a cucumber circle stuck on their forehead. Task: without using your hands, lower the cucumber from your forehead to your mouth and eat it. Ingenuity will help!

3. Competition: “I want a banana!”

Who can eat a banana faster? Four volunteers are invited to the stage. The task is to peel and eat a banana without using your hands. This competition will cause a lot of positive emotions.

4. Competition: “Clothespins”

Attach three clothespins to the employee. Call three young people, blindfold them, and offer to find and unhook the clothespins on their own.

5. Competition “Sniffer”

You need to wrap different products in foil, each separately. Players take turns smelling the item and guessing what's inside? The winner is the best sniffer who has never made a mistake.

6. “Bottle” competition in a new way

Party participants stand in a circle. Take an empty bottle - a plastic one is ideal. The bottle is inserted between the knees and passed to the person standing next to you in a circle. Hands do not participate in the relay race. Whoever's bottle falls is out of the game. And so on. Whoever holds the bottle until the last one wins. He received a bottle of champagne as a gift. Very fun, but requires some skill.

7. Dance competition: “Dancing on plates”

Take two plastic or paper plates and place them on the floor. Also for the second player. The competitors dance to the music with their feet on their plates. The one who stays on the plate and dances better is the winner.

8. Competition: “Who is the Christmas tree?”

For this competition, count the jewelry on each of the women; the men are obviously losers. Whichever woman has the most decorations in quantitative terms will be recognized as the New Year tree in the team.

9. Competition: “Emoji”

One player depicts a positive emotion, and the second - a negative one. Other employees must guess these emotions. Whoever is best with facial expressions is the winner.

10. Competition: “Garland”

Everyone has a pile of paper clips in their office. For this competition, two players are given the same number of paper clips. At the signal, they should each start making their own garland. The one who uses all the paper clips first is the best master paperclipper)

A small team of workers can afford to have a good time.

The script will help brighten up any party. 10-15 people can take part. Interesting, fun competitions will give you a number of positive emotions and good memories. There are no time restrictions on the script. The scenario is suitable for both an office and a restaurant, the main thing is that the room is spacious. Between competitions and toasts, musical breaks can be announced.

Characters: Presenter, Santa Claus.

Props: gifts for competitions, several certificates, diplomas, balloons, thread, tape, markers, a large box, funny glasses, several hats, huge pants, false noses, wigs, a large brightly colored dress, family panties, gifts for the lottery and predictions, lottery tickets, bag, balls with numbers, coins, jar, ribbons, gifts in Santa Claus's bag.

Good evening all friends!
I'm glad to see you all,
A magical time awaits
There will be a celebration, loud laughter!
There will be gifts, treats,
I promise you a good evening,
I wish everyone good mood,
I'm starting our holiday!

(There is a knock. A slightly shabby-looking Santa Claus flies into the hall)

Father Frost :
Oops, where did this take me?

Hello. I hasten to inform you that you are at a very important event that is taking place at (__________ address).

Father Frost :
How so? Should I be in Paris, or where else do they like frogs? And where is my staff and bag? Who took my things?

Grandfather, you should probably sit down, okay? We have a corporate party, people want to celebrate, look how beautiful and elegant everyone is. And when the holiday is over, we will definitely help you find it.

Father Frost :
Baby, I have no time! You see, I still have to go to Tokyo, Milan, London, and somewhere else I need to go!

Unfortunately, I can’t help, everything is calculated to the minute!

Father Frost :
And at the end of the evening?

I'll see what we can do for you! In the meantime, I invite you to sit down at the festive table and immerse yourself in our festive atmosphere!

Father Frost :
No, I'll wander around a little for now,
Maybe I'll remember what's what,
The road is already waiting for me,
I will come to you all again!

(Santa Claus disappears behind the door)

Friends, my dears,
I suggest filling the glasses,
The year we are about to spend,
It's a little sad, but it's necessary.
I suggest you have a drink
For hopes, dreams,
And so that we do not lose values,
Raise your glasses together,
I wish you to let go of the past!

(Everyone raises their glasses and drinks to the passing year)

I am sure that you have many pleasant memories of the past year. I propose to list them. Just remember that it is important to name all the funniest, most interesting and curious incidents that happened to your team over the year. Whoever remembers the most will receive a wonderful prize, whoever cannot name anything is eliminated.

(The winner of the competition receives a certificate of honor or diploma)

So many interesting and amazing things have happened to you this year. It seems to me that you have become even closer and more friendly over all this time. Your team is one family that is becoming stronger every day. It is for your unity and originality that I propose to raise a glass!

I want to offer you an exciting activity that will once again prove your unity, brightness and creativity. So, pay attention to “Dance Boom”!

The presenter invites 3 couples. The task is simple - dance. But it shouldn’t just be a dance, couples dance to 4 different tunes: “tango”, “lady”, “gypsy”, “Lezginka”. Whoever dances the best will receive a prize. The winners are determined by the audience."

(There is a knock. Santa Claus flies in)

Father Frost :
Hello again! Well, why haven’t you seen my staff? And the bag?

(Everyone shakes their heads negatively. Santa Claus leaves)

He's strange. OK. My dears, we have smoothly moved on to the third toast, which means that we will raise our glasses to a wonderful feeling, repeatedly sung by poets, to love! I want each of you to feel the influence of love spells in the New Year. So that everyone has their own soul mate and soul mate who will warm you up on cold winter evenings. For love, my friends!

The time for congratulations has come,
Let good rule everywhere,
You don't skimp on your words,
Let everythnig will be alright!

(The competition for the best begins. The winner receives a symbolic prize)

As you have already noticed, our holiday is missing the Snow Maiden, apparently our absent-minded Santa Claus has lost her too, so I suggest our dear men make her!

(The competition “Blind Me” is announced. Two male teams are selected. The task of each of the balloons is to mold a female sculpture. The balloons can be inflated or not. The duration of the competition is 3 minutes. The winning team receives a prize. Competition details: balloons, threads, tape , markers)

What great fellows you all are, truly great sculptors! Friends, I propose to raise a glass to the talent of these wonderful men who gave us two Snow Maidens!

My dears, I ask everyone to stand around! I want to dress you all up a little! Of course, you all look great, but still something is missing.

(The “Clothes” competition begins. Various funny, absurd things are put into a large box. The music is turned on. The presenter hands the box to the participants. When the music stops abruptly, the one who has the box in his hands will have to take out any thing at random and put it on. Things cannot be removed for 20-30 minutes. If desired, you can choose another funny one. Contest details: a large box, funny glasses, several hats, huge pants, false noses, wigs, a large brightly colored dress, family panties, etc. quantity things should be equal to the number of participants)

How fashionable, bright, and interesting you all are now! I propose to dedicate this toast to your extraordinaryness, so that it manifests itself not only in clothes, but in your business ideas!

I have good news for you! At our amazing evening there is a win-win, magical lottery, the lots of which will bring you a lot of joy and happiness! Those who wish to participate must sing a New Year's song!

(Lottery lots can be small chocolates, notebooks, pens, a set of pencils, key rings. You can also buy several small puzzles. The main thing is to pack everything in identical boxes and write a New Year’s prediction for each. To participate in the lottery you will need to purchase a ticket, which it is advisable to sell in at the beginning of the evening. Then the presenter will take balls with numbers out of the bag. Whose number matches will win the prize)

I hope everyone was pleased with their gifts. And now, I suggest you test your accuracy!

Competition "Coin"
Two pairs of participants are selected. A pair of a man and a woman. Men tie a tin can (or a cut-off plastic bottle) to their belt. The woman is given 10 coins. The woman moves away a little and throws coins, the man’s task is to collect them in the jar. The pair that collects the most coins will win. Competition details: coins, cans, ribbons (cans will be attached to them).

You don’t have a team, but a complete find! And dexterous, and accurate, and talented! I want to wish you to always remain like this!

(There is a knock, Santa Claus flies in with a bag and a staff)

Father Frost :
I found all my goodness,
And I came to you for the holiday,
I'm ready to dance with you,
Raise toasts with you!
New Year is just around the corner,
Give you gifts!

Grandfather, take a seat at the table.

Father Frost :
Why are you granddaughter, I’ve already had enough, I want to dance! But I won’t dance alone, I could use assistants!

Assistants? For what?

Father Frost :
I want to put on a beautiful dance. Synchronous. Don't worry, I'll choose it myself!

(Several employees are selected. The music is turned on, the girls’ task is to repeat the movements of Santa Claus. The one who does it better will receive a prize)

Father Frost :
I danced and got drunk,
It's time to give me gifts,
And for all this to happen,
They should say congratulations to me!

(Employees take turns saying congratulations)

New Year is coming,
It's time for us all to meet him,
And we need to say goodbye to the past,
And open all doors to new things!
My dears, I invite you to step over the outgoing year and enter the New one!

(A ribbon is tied between two chairs. All corporate party participants must hold hands and step over the ribbon)

Our evening is coming to an end,
Good luck to everyone, I want to wish you happiness,
So that what you wish comes true,
This coming year!
May there be prosperity and patience,
Good luck to you in your future endeavors,
Creative inspiration, mood,
And don’t be afraid to get lost in your dreams!

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