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Secrets of organizing a wedding walk

First you need to understand that Moscow is a huge city. And if your registry office is located in Tsaritsyno, and the wedding palace is on Mira Avenue, then under no circumstances should you go to Arkhangelskoye. Otherwise, you risk spending most of your time in the car, drinking champagne while listening to cheerful music and shouting friends. All this is wonderful and good, but in the end you will have very few wedding photos, most of them will be taken from the ceremony itself, and the rest with Uncle Petya falling face first into the salad. But you want beauty and chic. Is it true?

Then let's walk through the most popular and beautiful places in the city, but let's remember that you still need to calculate the route in advance.

Red Square. Alexander Garden

Undoubtedly, the well-known one should be put in first place. Yes, it’s banal, but still a huge number of newlyweds come here to lay flowers at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and then stroll through the Alexander Garden. There is only one minus - a huge number of people walking.


Cathedral of Christ the Savior

No less famous, becoming more and more popular over the years. Also a lot of people, but there are advantages. On the bridge it turns out gorgeous photos with views of the Kremlin and the river, and in addition, you can purchase a lock in advance and hang it, thereby visually securing your marriage. The downside is limited space.

Photo: 3

Bolotnaya Square

Since we are talking about locks, and you simply need to hold this ceremony, then the park located next to it is perfect for these purposes. The number of castles here is not even in the hundreds or thousands. Believe me, you'll have to look free place to attach yours. A small park will also open its arms to you, but as in the previous case, there is nowhere to roam.


It's time to move to larger areas. But if in the first cases the location is quite easy to find and the stay does not incur any additional costs, then with parks and recreation areas everything is somewhat different.

Kuskovo Estate

This most luxurious place is located in the east of Moscow.

Here you can enjoy the vast territory, nature, architecture of buildings, and even a pond. For filming, you can't find anything better. Leave your guests aside, take the photographer under your arm - and go ahead!

The downside is that there is an entrance fee. You will have to pay an additional amount for the photo. Guests with alcohol are also not allowed, so you shouldn’t even try to get through with bottles of champagne. However, this is now practiced in almost all Moscow parks.

Photo: Sergey Igonin 5

Arkhangelskoye Estate

It’s not for nothing that this place is called Versailles near Moscow, because it has unique architecture and stunning nature. The place is located far from the Moscow Ring Road, and you need to understand that at any time of the year you can get stuck in a traffic jam here. In addition, if it is cold or raining on a holiday, then take into account the considerable distances that you have to cover on foot.

Photo: 6

Kolomenskoye Park

It can rightfully be called one of the favorite places of Muscovites and guests of the capital, primarily due to the loyal policy of the park’s management.

For a walk, you should choose the village itself, the palace of Alexander Mikhailovich (located closer to the Kashirskaya metro station) and, of course, the apple orchard.

Yes, there is less architecture, but much more nature. In addition, no one will ask you for money for photography.

If you wish, you can order a carriage to ride around the park, dress in costumes of those times, and even hold a wedding according to the customs of past centuries.

Photo: 7

Tsaritsyno Park

Ponds, trees, Catherine's palace, bridges and fountains - this is just a small list of what you can see here. And also long distances. But at the same time, as in Kolomenskoye, they do not ask for money for filming.

Photo: 8

Botanical Garden of Moscow State University

It is located on Mira Avenue, and an unknowing person will not immediately find the location. Alleys, a pond and nature, but at the same time a tiny territory and paid entrance for all guests of your celebration.

Photo: 9


Yes Yes. Oddly enough, this particular place is also in demand among newlyweds. Well, yes, bridges and a fountain. Beautiful design. But it's a store! However, everyone chooses their own walk.

Minuses? The above! And that's it. Even if he is beautiful.

Photo: 10

VDNH and Botanical Garden

Until recently, the only place newlyweds could take a stroll was in the Botanical Garden. The territory of VDNH itself was a dull and sad sight. But after the reconstruction of the park area, paths, flower beds, fountains and pavilions, you can increasingly see couples coming here.

Gorgeous photos are guaranteed. There is only one minus - a huge territory. From the Central Pavilion to the Botanical Garden, the hike will take at least half an hour, or even more.

Photo: flickr by Yulia Bogomolova 11

Neskuchny Garden (Gorky Park)

The same place where the famous program “What? Where? When?".

Three 18th-century manors, many trees. From here you can go down to the embankment and enjoy stunning views.

There is one significant drawback - the lack of adequate parking. However, if you have a competent driver, this problem can be quickly solved.


Sparrow Hills

And of course, something that cannot be overlooked. Firstly, in front of you is the Moscow State University building and the observation deck. Secondly, there is a long alley. And thirdly, an amazing view of Moscow City from the observation deck. We didn't find any cons.

Photo: Sergey Minnigalin

Believe me, these are not all the places where newlyweds go for a walk. If desired, you can name three or four dozen more. They may not be so pretentious and famous, but at the same time no less interesting and beautiful.

Wedding walks around Moscow

The most popular routes in Moscow for a wedding walk have long been known and have been tested many times by millions of photographers and newlyweds. There are not many of them, places with a special aura, charm and with a pronounced artistic component that would match the wedding mood.

The choice of route for wedding photography in Moscow can rarely be determined by the personal preferences of the photographer or the newlyweds. Often the process of choosing a location is influenced by weather factors, time of year, traffic jams, lack of parking spaces, distance from the registry office, restaurant, etc. Therefore, the route can be developed and changed immediately before departure, and your photographer should help you with advice on this. The popular wedding photography locations listed below are not always associated with the artistic expression of the architecture or landscape.

Some of them are good for wedding walks all year round, others only in sunny weather; some should be avoided unless special reasons to visit them. I always recommend listening to the opinion of the photographer if wedding photography is the top priority when choosing a route to memorable places. If it is psychologically more comfortable for newlyweds to choose their own route for a walk, then it is better to prefer it, because on the wedding day it is more important happy couple there is nothing in the photo. A good photographer will find a good angle anywhere, but it’s better to familiarize yourself with the most popular places for a wedding walk in Moscow in advance. Please note that the situation may vary from year to year and from month to month, so all information in this section is for preliminary informational purposes only. I usually voice all the details when planning the route with each young couple when placing an order. I think it's yours wedding photographer will do the same. In addition, a good photographer will always have two or three little-known places in reserve, where it is not so crowded, but beautiful and comfortable for a walk and for wedding photo shoot.

The most popular places for wedding walks:

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  1. Boat trip
    along the Moscow River
  2. Botanical Garden of Moscow State University
    (pharmaceutical garden)

In fairness, I note that even if the wedding is the most modest - without pompous limousines and luxurious restaurants - and only the closest friends are invited, to receive beautiful professional photos it does not matter. When the bride and groom are not indifferent to each other, you can find a suitable place for wedding photography while walking or in any apartment, without even leaving home. Sometimes it’s even more interesting for both the photographer and the newlyweds. Photographing for a wedding book turns into great entertainment, which also adds a feeling of real celebration for the whole day.

There are a lot of popular wedding routes in Moscow. We will introduce you to some of them in this article. When choosing routes, you should consider whether there are parking spaces for your wedding limousine rental. When renting regular vintage cars, this condition can be ignored.

Here are some places for wedding walks in Moscow:

1. Red Square is perhaps the most popular place among newlyweds. This is the main attraction in Moscow, its historical center, carrying within itself the spirit of solemnity and romance.

2. Bolotnaya Square is included in the mandatory program of wedding routes. After all, this is where the Luzhkov Bridge is located, on which the Tree of Love grows. All lovers leave locks on this tree, which symbolize the strength of family ties.

Exactly this romantic place in Moscow. You can buy the castle right here. They will also provide you with a marker so you can write your names on this lock.

The parking lot here is truly huge; any wedding cortege can be accommodated here. Not far from Bolotnaya Square there are Sofia Embankment and the Bolshoi Kamenny Bridge, which offer a wonderful view of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior and the Kremlin.

3. The Cathedral of Christ the Savior is the largest temple in Moscow, creating wedding and solemn mood. If you take wedding procession limousines for rent, then you better park on the embankment near the temple. If you just rented a vintage car, then it’s better to stop on the other side of the Moscow River and walk to the temple along the Patriarchal Bridge.

4. Poklonnaya Gora- also a very popular place in Moscow for newlyweds. There are a lot of beautiful places here: the Arc de Triomphe, a small temple, a museum, numerous fountains that are illuminated at night. There is a separate parking area for rented limousines.

5. Vorobyovy Gory has been part of a mandatory visit program since Soviet times. The observation deck offers a magnificent view of Moscow. In this place (as well as on Bolotnaya Square) wedding doves are often released.

6. Kolomenskoye is a very beautiful park. There are churches and ancient houses, gardens, high hills from which you can see the Moscow River. Very a good place in order to have a great wedding photo shoot. Rented limousines in retro style and retro cars can be placed in a special parking lot, specially created for newlyweds.

7. Bagration (Bagrationovsky Bridge) is a newly built structure in the Moscow City business center. The ultra-modern building is beautiful at any time of the day.

You can get more detailed advice on choosing wedding routes and ordering vintage cars from our specialists.

An integral part of holiday- wedding walk. Her organization has great importance. Any wedding consists of many exciting, trembling and happy moments. It is very important when carrying out wedding celebration maintain a cheerful and high spirits of guests, give them the opportunity to relax, admire the beauty of nature and local attractions. During the wedding walk of the bride and groom.

Wedding walk. Choosing a location and planning time

Depending on the time of the marriage registration ceremony, the wedding walk is held before or after the trip to the registry office. If you plan to attend a wedding, then organizing a wedding walk is much easier. To make the walk comfortable, you need to allocate enough time for it.

When choosing places for a walk, you should not choose more than 3 places at once. It’s good if the places where the wedding procession plans to stop for a walk are located close to each other, as well as from the location of the registry office and banquet hall. It is advisable to pay attention to the number of similar, strangers in the place where you plan to walk: the fewer there are, the better. It is important to take into account seasonality, spending most of your walks indoors during the cold season, and outdoors during the warm season. Do not forget about unforeseen weather conditions and take with you an umbrella, a cape over your shoulders, and warm clothes.

Themed wedding video filming

In the case of a thematic wedding walk, you should take care of the location for shooting and resolve some organizational issues:

  • Is it possible to film video in the selected location? You also need to find out the hours during which filming is allowed and discuss payment.
  • Accounting weather conditions: think through all the nuances regarding unforeseen natural phenomena.
  • Think through the elements of the scenery, decide what accessories will be used during the video filming process. To do this, you can use the help of an assistant or organize the process yourself.

Inviting guests for a walk

If you are planning a wedding walk with guests, you should take care of their comfort. You need to order transport in advance: car, bus small capacity. It is also worth paying attention to the organization of refreshments for guests. A catering company involved in the process will help solve a number of problems. For greater convenience, guests should be provided with detailed diagram and plan for the walk. The design of such a document should be approached creatively, giving it the appearance of the chosen theme for the wedding. Entertainment activities will help guests have fun, relax, and remember the wedding walk on for a long time.

Recreational activities during the walk

Usually a walk and staged wedding photo and video shooting of the newlyweds coincide in time. This means that the bride and groom have to leave the guests for a while, going with them to filming.

To prevent guests from getting bored during the absence of the heroes of the occasion, you need to think in advance about what to do to occupy them during this time. Below are ideas for organizing leisure activities for guests during the wedding walk.

  • Organization of a buffet and wishes area

When conducting exit registration V country house You can organize a banquet for invited guests. Don’t forget about the design of a recreation area where you can relax in a quiet environment. Live music will brighten up your guests' time. Sufficient attention should be paid to the design of the wish table. Here guests write any parting words to the newlyweds, give interviews, and take part in the filming of a wedding video.

If the wedding walk takes place on fresh air(park, estate), it is worth organizing a buffet for guests, taking light snacks and drinks with you in advance. You can appoint people responsible for holding the buffet (for example, witnesses).

  • Organization of video filming of guests

While the newlyweds are posing for a videographer and photographer, their guests can also take photos and videos by inviting a videographer and. To make the wedding video shooting of guests colorful, varied and fun, you need to prepare props that guests can use. You can also invite guests to act out certain scenes during video shooting. Such a pastime will not let guests get bored and will allow them to take many funny pictures as a souvenir.

Choosing a place for a photo shoot should be approached responsibly. Because the success of a photo largely depends on the location for photo shoots in Moscow. It is the location that can convey the atmosphere and mood of a photo shoot.

If you decide to contact the Banquet Moscow agency and use the services of a photographer, then first arrange a preliminary meeting to discuss the details. Depending on your wishes, our professionals are ready to advise best places for photo shoots in Moscow. You can also drive through these locations, look at the options offered and understand what is best for you.

There are several important aspects, which you should pay attention to when choosing a beautiful place for a photo shoot.

The first thing that is of great importance is understanding whether the shooting will take place indoors, at home or in a studio. Or your choice will stop at a place for a photo shoot in nature or on the street. If the event involves small children, then the location should definitely be a home or studio. Also look at the weather forecast for the planned date, so that it rains or strong wind didn't ruin your plans. There are times when, during the process itself, it starts to rain or even snow outside at the location for the photo shoot. There's nothing wrong with that. You can continue shooting under an umbrella or wait out the bad weather in a cozy cafe with a cup aromatic coffee. You can even move the photo shoot to a cafe, because interesting places You can come up with ideas for a photo shoot even on the go.

Equally important is the choice of time of year. There are some nuances depending on the time of day. Places for a photo shoot in summer are definitely nature, rivers, parks, forests, leisure, kebabs. Places for an autumn photo shoot can also take place in a forest or park, but in more warm clothes. The most Beautiful places in Moscow, for photo shoots in the fall, these are parks and squares. There are a lot of them in the capital for every taste and color. Use additional props and come up with interesting stories on the spot, but don’t forget to follow the advice of a professional. A photo shoot in winter places is not as much a priority as snowy weather. When everything around is covered with snow, nature becomes the same, but no less beautiful than in summer or autumn. The weather in winter should not be windy or very frosty, so that the blizzard does not interfere with the process, and the equipment does not fail. Nice pictures are obtained against the backdrop of a snow-covered road, frozen river or lake. Shooting in spring is also a pleasure. Tulips, daisies and other wildflowers are just beginning to bloom and delight the eye. Get out into nature. Select the most beautiful places for photo sessions in advance and just enjoy what you see while the photographer does his job. We will tell you where the most beautiful places for photo shoots are located in the area that few people know about.

Unusual places for photo sessions are located mainly in the region. It could be flower fields, wheat and corn fields, a sunny clearing in the forest or a quiet bridge on the river bank.

The best places for photo shoots will look even cooler if you think about the theme of the shoot in advance, prepare costumes and hairstyles, and choose matching accessories. Be original, experiment and choose beautiful places in Moscow for photo sessions with our agency. Call us right now and book your shooting date and time. Individual approach You are guaranteed clients for every one.

The best and interesting places for a wedding photo shoot in Moscow and in the region

Choosing a location for a wedding photo shoot is one of the important activities for newlyweds before starting photography. Our professional photographers are ready to tell and show you beautiful places for a wedding photo shoot and places for walks. Conventionally, we can distinguish several types of places for a wedding photo shoot in Moscow:

Parks and squares with their long shady alleys and ponds, benches in secluded corners and fountains;

Hotels and restaurants will delight guests with luxurious apartments, luxurious decoration and excellent service. You can start your photo shoot right from getting ready at the hotel;

Interesting and mysterious streets of the capital, the existence of which few people know,

Temples that attract so much with their grandeur and antiquity,

Ancient estates, where the architecture of buildings built by our ancestors is especially attractive. There are also chic parks and fountains, against which newlyweds can pose for photos;

Beautiful places for a photo shoot in the region, namely fields, forests and rivers.

It is important to consider that entry to some places may require a fee or the establishment may be closed for restoration. Make your choice in advance and clarify the work schedule and conditions of stay there.

The most beautiful places in Moscow for photo shoots are presented on our website.

If you want something original, then at your service:

  • A walk along the Moscow River on a river bus or boat.
  • Ride in a hot air balloon.
  • A walk along Old Arbat with the laying of a stone in honor of your wedding day.
  • Traveling along the cable car on the Vorobyovy Gory.

Wedding walks around Moscow are a tradition, a ritual, and, in the end, a break for the newlyweds from all the pre-wedding fuss, worries and worries before and during the ceremonial painting procedure at the registry office. But the most important thing is the excellent opportunity for the videographer and photographer to take staged photographs of the newlyweds against the backdrop of historical monuments, beautiful landscapes and simply memorable and beloved places by the townspeople. The choice of the most beautiful and traditionally visited places in Moscow is great. And no matter what route you choose for a walk, in any of these places a young couple will look colorful and wonderful. Memorable photographs and videos from the wedding walk will always delight you. Don't be afraid to experiment with your significant other. Be creative and the result will be even more pleasing to the eye. long years not only you, but also your children, family and friends.

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