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Happy birthday to my sister and girlfriend. Happy birthday to my sister. Poetic birthday greetings to sister

Little sister, happy birthday
I congratulate you.
Good luck, mood
I wish you with all my heart!

I want you to be loved
And I was happy
So that life is beautiful,
Light and cheerful.

So that there are no obstacles
You've never met one in your life.
Pleasant surprises
I got it more often!

My dear sister,
My ray of sunshine, happy birthday!
And every day I wish
Good luck to you.

More happiness and good luck,
The bouquet is hugely beautiful.
May your soul never cry,
But only dreams come true.

Let only joy knock on the house,
Let the flowers bloom around you.
All this must happen
After all, for me you are my best friend.

I wish you many bright days,
And warm friendship and fun.
And always be more cheerful
Not just on this birthday.

Dear sister, happy birthday to you! I wish you happiness, health, love, more smiles, so that your eyes always sparkle with happiness, and all your dreams come true! May all sorrows be left behind, and may joy always open the door for you!

Dear sister, happy birthday!
I wish all your dreams come true.
Great happiness, peace, inspiration,
The same tender, wonderful beauty.

Blossom with mutual, sincere love,
Live in the radiance of joy and goodness.
I wish you good health
And bright heartfelt warmth.

My dear sister,
I congratulate you
And good on your birthday
I sincerely wish.

May you be the happiest of all
All over the big planet
And every year it just bloomed,
To become a lady.

May all your cherished dreams
It will soon become a reality.
And only true friends
Let them surround you.

Good health to you,
Love, kindness, smiles.
May your life be sweet
There will be no mistakes in it!

My dear sister,
I really care about you.
On your beautiful birthday
Everything is just for you.

Always be the sweetest
The kindest and dearest.
For me you are a ray of sunshine
The closest, dearest.

May you have good luck in life
Doesn't go unnoticed.
I wish you happiness
And a lot of love.

May the sun shine brightly on you,
Let life give you gifts.
Let there be joy and fun
IN wonderful holiday Birthday!

Sister, dear, dear,
I only wish the best for you.
Let everything come true as you want,
Take from life what you want!

May the morning always be good,
And the mood is only cheerful.
They avoid bad weather,
Love, luck, happiness to you!

Sister, dear, dear, today is your holiday,
I hasten to congratulate you and admit that I really appreciate you,
Thank you for your kindness, for your friendship, support and for being
She has always been by my side, I wish you happiness and beauty!

Let only joy, warmth and simplicity reign in life
Let there be those nearby who can give you a smile!
I wish that the fairy tale lives in your heart to the end
Let flowers, gifts, congratulations be more often at the porch.

I wish you joy and laughter and travel and embellishment.
May every day bring many discoveries and, like the first time,
Look at life differently and may all your dreams come true.
I wish you to be as bright as possible, healthy, strong and beautiful!

Happy Birthday Sister!
Laugh joyfully and loudly.
Let every day be bright,
Let them give flowers and gifts.

Let everything in life succeed,
And fortune will smile.
I wish you to love sincerely,
Be beautiful and happy!

Dear sister, accept congratulations -
I want to wish you from the bottom of my heart:
May this day be your birthday
He will hurry to bring you good luck.

Good luck in your career and future endeavors,
Lots and lots of love and a bag of money.
Friends, maybe not many, but all real ones.
So that the light does not go out in the soul and in the eyes.

Smiles and happiness to you every day.
Dear sister, you are the best!
Goodness and warmth to you on your birthday.
Let your joyful laughter flow today.

Darling, beloved,
Dear sister,
Happy birthday
I wish you.

And a lot of luck
More money
So that all the problems
It became easier.

Let it happen in life
What I dreamed about.
Well, good luck
You held it in your hands!

Little sister, happy birthday,
Beautiful and smart, my beloved!
I always wish you a good mood,
May your family be happy.

And every day brings joy,
Good health for many years to come.
Let there always be sweetness in love,
Never know troubles, dear!

So that beauty does not leave you,
You blossomed every day.
You have achieved all your goals and peaks,
And you were on the right path.

Sister, dear, dear, happy birthday!
I wish your dreams come true.
Let there be the best mood,
Light up all of us with a bright smile.

You are the best, beautiful and smart,
And whatever you want, you can conquer.
Open and very friendly,
You know how to praise, understand, forgive.

Always stay so good
And your happiness will be overflowing.
Love, live, don’t give in to adversity,
Fly, dream, shine and win.

On your birthday, dear sister,
I want to say a lot of good words.
I wish you health
Joy and lots of success.

Be loved, kind and open
And always dream about something,
Buy everything in luxury stores only,
You don’t know any lack of anything.

And let your house be a full cup.
May your soul always sing,
And the enthusiasm in her never fades.
Happy birthday, my dear.

Dear sister, I congratulate you,
I want to wish you happiness and love.
Let good people you are surrounded
Let all your dreams come true, like in a fairy tale!

May goodness and luck always go side by side,
Take only the best from life,
And so that everything works out as it should for you,
Believe in yourself, smile and don't be sad!

Little sister, know
You are the best!
Bloom, shine,
Catch success!

Do not think about the bad things,
Love, breathe
And smile!

Only a shadow is dark
And life is colorful.
Well, happy birthday

Dear, beloved, dear,
Live a hundred years without knowing troubles
Swim in the sea Red roses,
Walk among the beauty of Mimosas!

Be the standard of beauty
Make your dreams come true
Be the queen of all flowers
Goddess of fairy gardens!

Be happy my sister
You are just a miracle to me,
I love and adore you,
And happy birthday!

I have a sister -
Just a sight for sore eyes
And today she has
Have a great birthday!

I hasten with congratulations,
I'm coming to you, dear,
And I want to quickly say,
That I love you.

I value our friendship,
And I appreciate it immensely
My life would be boring
Without you, probably.

Always be the happiest
And bathe in love,
Success awaits you in life,
Believe and don't give up!

My dear sister
Today I'm a little older.
And I congratulate you.
Years go by - it's not scary.

I wish you well
Mutual and boundless love,
So that your angel protects you,
To make you so desirable.

May you always be lucky
So that all doors are open,
So that all sorrows are taken away.
You know, I really believe in you.

I still wish for spring,
So that it reigns in your soul.
And, of course, warmth,
May you enjoy your life!

Today is the best day in the world -
After all, my sister was born.
I rush to you with congratulations,
I hasten to hug you as soon as possible.

I want to wish so much
That even words are not enough:
May the road be long
May you have many bright dreams.

Let your life shine with light,
Eyes sparkle every day
Let never in this world
The shadow of sadness will not fall.

I also wish you peace
And the sky is always starry,
So that no evil force
I couldn't break you.

Happy birthday to you!
And with all my heart I wish you happiness,
A sea of ​​joy, fun and goodness.
So that your life is bright.

So that everything you dream about now,
And what do you not want from life,
Everything is always fulfilled in full,
May you be happy and cheerful!

Happy birthday greetings to your sister can be written in prose and poetry. Depending on the wishes of the congratulatory person and the character of the hero of the occasion, a comic or philosophical, touching or original speech. Correctly chosen words will forever remain in memory loved one, will make the holiday unforgettable.

Sister's birthday is always important and happy event. But here’s the thing: sometimes it’s not possible to properly prepare for it. In this case, you don’t have to rack your brains to find words to express warm feelings. Time is better spent searching good gift, A solemn speech choose from ready congratulations Happy birthday to my sister.

If you need to congratulate your younger sister, then it is advisable to emphasize her independence, in the congratulations to focus on personal qualities and abilities to overcome life's difficulties. After all, often younger sisters(and even the brothers) bend over backwards to prove their worth to older family members.

And if you want to congratulate your older sister on her birthday, then here you need to express your respect and emphasize life wisdom. Don't forget about the beauty of your beloved sister. A congratulatory verse about the appearance and intelligence of the hero of the occasion from his brother will be especially pleasant. The older sister will be glad if the younger sister appreciates her experience and intelligence, as well as the contribution she makes to the well-being of the family.

When preparing birthday greetings for your sister, you can give yourself free rein and fall back into childhood. Prepare as many balloons as possible, put on funny hats, and stock up on confetti. In the flow of gray everyday life, a holiday is often missing - so why not arrange one for your loved one?

Best birthday greetings

"Dear sister! I wish you faithful and devoted friends who are ready to help in Hard time. I wish that there is a caring loved one nearby who will turn your life into a real holiday. I wish you an account in a Swiss bank, with the help of which you can make your wildest and most incredible dreams come true.”

Funny and comic congratulations

Option #1

"Dear sister!

I sincerely wish you that every puffed-up herring with a top-model appearance that you meet on your way will choke on a smoothie out of envy at your spectacular sophistication and beauty.

I wish for you that men will stack themselves in even and neat stacks in front of you, sprinkling your path with red rose petals and crisp banknotes.

Let your health will be stronger than the strongest armored car in the world! And if sadness tries to creep into everyday life, remember the wisdom of the Great Philosopher of all Lemurs: if there is a mushroom “milk mushroom,” then “joy” must certainly exist. May your days be filled with only “joy”!”

Option No. 2

I wish you, sister, on your birthday

Luck, light, kindness, inspiration.

Fate to give joy and happiness,

And in the sky only bright sun light.

May this day truly be bright,

May there be gold coins in your pocket.

I wish you health and happiness, sister,

Kiss you! Congratulations from the bottom of my heart!

Option #1

“Beloved sister! With all my heart on this day I wish you all the best, a bright life, faithful and loyal people around, a flow of energy and strength to fulfill the most ambitious plans, intoxicating love and good health! May the sun always shine above your head, and may the wheel of fate bring only joyful and happy events!”

Option No. 2

We are together on this day - what could be more important,

I thank heaven for this.

After all, there is no you, sister, more joyful, sweeter

And closer to my heart.

We are bound by blood ties.

I'm glad to have such a treasure.

I wish you happiness, dear,

Always be brave, never grow old in your heart!

Wise and philosophical

Option #1

"Dear sister! On this most significant of all days, I will allow myself to be a little like the Owl from Winnie the Pooh. I want to wish you never, under any circumstances, to give up - because only then can you see how others give up.

I would also like to wish you to wait only for those who will appear, to speak only to those who know how to listen, and to remain silent only with those who can understand this silence.

And let love in your life be in first place - because only in this case everything else will be in order. Happy birthday!"

Option No. 2

Life, sister, is not an easy thing -

Without a hundred grams we cannot understand it.

And fate is sometimes good, sometimes evil

Sometimes it tries to break us.

The days have gone by quickly, you won’t have time

Look back and the years have flown by.

But today you warm like the sun,

Be as young as before,

Happy, beautiful and beautiful,

And be strong in your soul, as before,

After all, it is your prerogative -

Be strong, even though you look fragile!

On your birthday, sister, I wish you

So that a lot of happiness comes to the house.

I heartily congratulate you!

Joy, health, strength, warmth!


Option #1

“Dear, beloved sister! I wish you to always be as beautiful and wise, strong and brave! Let flowers bloom in front of you every time on the road of life. May bright stars always shine above your head, and Moonlight illuminates your path to desired goal. With all my heart I wish you health, warm and emotional relationships, joy, good luck and, of course, wealth!”

Option No. 2

We once played with dolls together.

Well, now the years have flown by,

Another year has turned the corner

But believe me, sister, it’s not a problem!

A woman's calling is to be a queen.

So be like this every day, every hour!

I wish you to be the first in everything,

After all, you are the only one with us!

"Dear sister! With all my heart I wish you a creative mood, a dizzying career, inspiration and joy! Let magic wait around every corner, and let life turn into a whirlpool of joyful and exciting events!”

An original birthday greeting to your sister can be written in the form of a treasure hunt. To do this, you need to write warm words on a beautiful piece of paper, and also prepare a few notes. Each of them should point to the location of the next one, until, in the end, the main congratulations on the gift are found.

This game can also be played childish principle"cold-hot." Then no additional notes will be required; all you have to do is guide the birthday girl with the help of tips.

Congratulations to sister from brother

It is also worth mentioning the birthday greetings to your sister from your brother. On this day you can not restrain yourself kind words and wish my sister all the best and in huge quantities. We offer this congratulation in verse.

Sister! I've seen beautiful girls

In overseas kingdoms and in native lands,

But only you, like the sun on a rainy day,

You shine in our loving hearts.

You are like a star in the blue sky,

You'll warm me up kind words in a sad hour.

I realized a simple truth a long time ago:

You are the best thing we all have.

Even though we quarreled in childhood, it happened

Now I value you like a jewel.

And happy birthday today!

Health, happiness, joy. I love!


The most important thing in any congratulation is attention to the birthday girl. It can be expressed with a brightly decorated gift, flowers and sweets. Then the hero of the occasion will definitely not remain indifferent.

Mother of two children. I'm leading household for more than 7 years - this is my main job. I like to experiment, I try all the time various means, methods, techniques that can make our lives easier, more modern, more fulfilling. I love my family.

Happy birthday sister!
Be happy, take everything from life.
I love you so much, my dear.
Fly, dream, breathe, live, create!
I want fun, positivity, laughter
I wish you, my sister!
Distance and years are not a hindrance for us,
We will be together in spirit forever.
And we will only become closer to each other
Day by day, year by year, forever.
You are both a sister and a best friend,
My beloved and dear person!

Happy Birthday Sister!
How I love your ringing voice
You are our golden ray,
Fun, easy with you!
Always remain glorious
The best, sweetest, most important!
The house is empty without you,
Not filled with warmth.
I wish you on your birthday
Only finding happiness!
To be healthy and loved,
Protected from all troubles by fate!

Happy birthday to my sister,
And from the bottom of my heart I want to wish her,
Like an orchid blooming,
The hearts of men worthy of winning.
May your dream come true
Let all good things happen
I wish you to fall in love yourself,
Let great love come!

Sister to sister, from heart to heart,
There is no relative or closer than you.
I wish you a happy birthday
And I'll give you flowers.
I just wish you happiness
And only harmony in the soul.
No need for wealth or power
If you have already found peace.
There is no one smarter or more beautiful than you,
So stay the best!
Let the problems disappear
There will be more good things.

Happy Birthday Sister!
Now you've grown up again.
As a sister I wish you
I am very, very good!
Smile more often to everyone
Always listen to your mom.
Don't try to be more mature -
More years will fly by!

Happy Birthday, sister,
You are my blood
Let it not touch your face,
Your sad little one,

Stay young
Sweet, energetic,
Everything will turn out well
In your personal life,

I've loved you since childhood
I love you all my life
The old quarrels with you,
I don't remember

I'm lucky to be a sister
To be your sister
Always help me out
If I get sick,

Will you give me a helping hand?
When it gets difficult
You can't betray our friendship,
There are no dearer destinies,

Congratulations and love,
I often remember
I'm celebrating my sister
I wish her happiness

Be healthy, don't get sick,
Dear sister,
My energetic stream
Nice little bird!

Happy Birthday Sister!
Let your dreams come true.
You flip through the pages of fate -
All the bad things are behind us!
I wish you happiness,
And smiles and flowers.
Let your eyes sparkle
And love lives in the soul!

I cherish my sister,
I ask the Lord for health and happiness for her.
How happy I am that I am not alone in the world,
Thank fate that I have a sister.
Happy birthday, sister, congratulations,
I wish you only good things and good luck from the bottom of my heart.
May your cherished dream come true,
May everything be great in your life.

Happy Birthday, sister!
I brought it as a gift
Not candy, not perfume,
And heartfelt poems.
Let you and I quarrel
We get angry and bite
We differ in opinions
And we are often offended.
I propose to live together,
There is no need to quarrel anymore.
Don't share your things!
Forget about enmity completely.
I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Happiness, peace and goodness.
And I also congratulate
With the fact that I am your sister!

Dear, beloved sister!
Congratulations on your holiday!
My dear, dear bird,
How much you mean to me!
I wish you to be healthy
And full of spiritual kindness,
So that fate does not treat you harshly,
May all your dreams come true!

Happy Birthday dear,
My best sister!
I have no love for you,
You are the closest thing to me to me.
I wish you happiness, laughter,
May all your dreams come true,
May luck and good fortune
They will walk side by side.
Let there be different surprises in life
You will have a lot.
Fewer days of the saddest -
More joy, warmth.
I'm always by your side -
Don't forget this.
It’s not for nothing that we are sisters.
I love you, you know!

To my beautiful sister
I wish you happy days
Health and happiness with all my heart
May peace reign in your soul,
Let your dreams come true
After all, you are so worthy of happiness.
Be happy and smile
And don’t indulge in sadness!

Happy Birthday Sister,
Don't be bored today
Laugh cheerfully and loudly,
Turn on the music loudly
Invite more guests
And lay out a sumptuous feast,
Let it walk brighter, longer
Almost the whole wide world
From me, sister, of course,
Please accept my wishes -
Be happy and successful,
Time is the best!

My dear sister!
Happy Birthday!
Let your life be ringing
Sweet, like jam!
May your life be glorious
Will leave a good memory,
Let kindness be the main thing,
And let love rule in it!
May your life be true
The principles of goodness, morality,
Let no one dissuade you
You are what you chose!
May your life be bright
To give birth to gratitude,
So that sunsets and sunrises
They brought only joy!
Let life be incomparable
Unique like the worlds
Please accept congratulations
Sister who loves you!

My sister, dear soul,
Today is your birthday!
I sincerely congratulate you,
What a joy it is to be your sister.
I wish you a sweet, serene life,
So that luck makes your head spin,
I wish you happiness, the boundless ocean,
Full of love and joy!
I wish you to always be blooming,
Beautiful, kind and simple.
May your life be wonderful
An unearthly fairy tale!

U older sister birthday,
Please accept my congratulations.
I've always loved you very much,
It was always fun with you.
I want to wish you good luck,
And find your happiness,
Always stay cheerful
And please smile more often!

My beloved, beautiful sister,
I congratulate you on your holiday today,
After all, your birthday is the best!
I wish you great achievements in life.
And never forget your sister,
That he loves you, appreciates you, simply adores you.
And may the entire angelic patrol protect you,
Protects from all problems, misfortunes, grief.
I wish you fabulously great love,
May she forever rise in your heart.
May joy and success always be with you,
So that you never need anything.

To my beloved sister
I wish you happiness
And always be beautiful
And let your friends
Such people surround
So that you trust
I wish you luck
And more kindness!

You, dear sister,
Happy birthday!
I want to sincerely wish
Live with a smile, don’t be discouraged.
Let the peaks be conquered
And men admire
And all your dreams will come true.
May you be the happiest of all!

You and I are not only sisters,
You and I cannot be separated!
I just wish you
Get everything you want.
On your birthday - a personal holiday -
I want to wish you
Lots of happiness and cash!
Don't forget about me!

Sister, dear, you have become more mature,
More beautiful, more feminine, even wiser.
And it’s so nice for me to realize now,
It was so great growing up with you.
How in childhood we shared dolls with you,
We were each other's support and joy.
Like my mother's lips were painted with lipstick,
How they waited for parents in the kitchen in ambush.
How often we played and simply loved,
We have always been good sisters.
I wish you on life's long journey
You still have a lot of joy to find,
To be happy, to become impartial
And forever beautiful, happy dreaming!

My older sister
You always helped me -
Saved me from my parents
But she scolded me sometimes.
Be like a rose at dawn -
And beautiful and tender,
Diamonds - dew!
Happy Birthday, sister!

My dear sister,
You've become big.
I hasten to congratulate you
Happy birthday.
Little sister, dear,
Congratulations from the heart.
I'm glad we're together
There are so many years and winters.
I wish you, honey,
Be healthy and beautiful.
Let troubles and misfortunes
They avoid it.
Good luck to you, happiness,
My dear man!

I want my beloved sister
On your birthday, wish you happiness,
Stay kind and beautiful
Don't be sad about anything in life.
Let failures pass by,
For life to be great,
To become a little richer,
May you drink and eat to your heart's content!

Happy birthday, sister,
Be the queen at the table
At work - a craftswoman,
Married - be loved,
Forget your problems!
Happiness, joy, goodness!
Happy holiday! Your sister.

My dear sister,
On this day I wish you
Stay happy yourself
And smile all the time!
I truly love you
And I want to wish you
So that you don't know despondency,
And I just found happiness!

My sister,
Happy Birthday to you!
Live like in a raspberry
Without worries and despondency,
Always be beautiful
Smart and kind
You are my happiness!
With love, sister.

My favourite sister,
Congratulations to you today!
Today, tomorrow and yesterday -
You are the only one I have!
There is no more beautiful person in the world than you,
May your birthday be bright!
I wish you many years to come.
Accept gifts today!

Dear sister, congratulations!
It's your birthday today.
I wish you happiness and goodness,
Joy, good luck and luck!
Let your friends accompany you
And the beloved leads by the hand.
Only the best is ahead, I know.
Let success not let you down!

My sister, a wonderful person,
May everything in life succeed,
May your life be happy and long,
May luck smile on you.
Know true love
And so you don't have to worry,
I wish you happiness, don’t be discouraged,
I'm glad to help you try!

Happy birthday, my sister,
Congratulations, my dear.
You always shine with happiness,
Do not know troubles, worries, sorrows.
Let all the wind clouds scatter away,
Be healthy, sister, always.
Let luck flow into your hands,
May you be lucky in your life.

Happy birthday, dear sister!
For me, you are the best person.
Let nothing stop us
Stay close all your life.
Let your eyes shine like stars
And let the smile never leave your lips.
And there is always enough money for everything.
And the chosen one will be sweet and loving.
Let everything be the way you want it
Day and night, summer and winter.
Let your soul laugh until you cry,
Enjoying your own destiny.

My dear sister,
I'm glad to wish you
Live for a very long time without knowing troubles
And never lose heart.
To love yourself and to be loved,
Shine like a star
Always be fabulously beautiful
How to sincerely dream as a child.
Don't be upset in vain,
Be able to appreciate good things.
On your birthday I wish
To be the happiest person in the world.

Always ready to help my sister,
Let him just say the word,
I'll be right there right away
Let all sorrows go away.
I want to wish you good luck
And smile on your birthday,
Receive a lot of gifts,
And never worry!

Sister, happy birthday!
Good luck, luck,
Be the first everywhere
I wish you!
Health and happiness,
Smiles, love...
Hurry from your sister!

Happy Birthday, sister!
I wish only good things
Oceans of congratulations,
Lots of delicious treats.

Happy Birthday, my bird!
My dear sister,
Mouse, goldfish,
On this day I wish you:
Sky, blue azure,
Field of bagels in glaze,
A sea of ​​tenderness and warmth.
Be nice to all the boys.

Sister, you've grown older.
Trust your sister,
That the years are like adversity -
They came, they went, they passed.
Do not pay attention
And live happily!
After all, youth, dear,
Lives inside us!

Happy Birthday, sister!
Isn't it time to have some fun?
Party and party
And have a little fun?
I wish you a lot
Happiness, simply unearthly!
Always live without worries
And great love!

My dear sister,
My good good friend
With the good nature of a child
With the tenderness of beautiful hands,

Today you are a heroine
It's your birthday
You are beautiful like a goddess
I'm telling you, love!

Happy birthday
I love you, your sister,
I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Only happiness and goodness!

You and I are similar somewhere,
But today you are a star
You are full of goodness and light,
As good as ever.

May your world always shine
May the path be pleasant
Life pleasantly surprises.
Be happy, little sister!

Sister, happy birthday, dear.
You are the best of the best for me.
And I confess to you, without hiding,
That there is no better friend for me!
I wish you happiness and luck,
Success, and love, and kindness.
To be surrounded by all relatives
And all your dreams came true!
I love you... And I don’t hide it.
Sister, it’s good that we are together.
Once again, dear, congratulations:
Health, and love, and beauty!

My sister, we are so friendly with you!
Our relationship is important to me
I will always treasure you
I truly love my sister!
I wish you a lot of happiness on your birthday,
Let bad weather pass by,
Let great love come
And let joy not let you down!

Happy Birthday to You,
My dear sister!
Happy holiday to you
And I wish you love.
Let it be on your heart
Joyfully, lightly,
I wish you,
May you be lucky in fate.
So that you go to the goal
Confident and bold
I strived to always
What I wanted.

My little sister
My dear, dear,
Know that I adore you!
How are you, how is life young?
You are from your older sister -
Live honestly and joyfully
Enjoy and love!

I wish for my dear sister,
Glow with happiness and love,
Good luck, joy, prosperity,
And let life be only sweet.
So that all barriers are destroyed,
The men sang serenades
Good friends, only true ones,
And rapid career growth.
Make dreams come true,
And boldly win in life,
Let it be filled with luck
Is yours Holy holiday- birthday!

Happy Birthday, sister!
I wish you well!
If you wash the dishes
And you will clean the apartment,
It's a gift, no doubt
You'll find it behind the nightstand.

Little sister, dear sister,
You were always with me,
Today I wish you
Bloom and smell like lilacs.
You're the only one I have
Beautiful and young.
So be healthy and happy
Always, right until the end of time.
I congratulate you on your birthday,
And I wish you with joy,
Wealth and good friends,
And so that you don’t know troubles!

WITH Good morning, little sister!
Happy Birthday, dear!
Let the birds sing loudly
Glorifying this day!
Be you the happiest
So it wasn’t even a dream!
So that everything in life is
Everything you want has happened!
So that the husband is the most faithful,
The kindest in the world!
And love so immeasurable,
And healthy children!
To want from happiness
Dance, sing, spin!
So as not to stop
Joy sparkles in your eyes!
So that every day is new
Turned by magic!
So that every word
What is said here has come true.

My faithful friend
And beloved sister.
You and I without each other
We won't even last a day.
Happy birsday, my dear,
A bright ray in my destiny.
It's good that you are like this
There is no closer and dearer to me.
I wish you love from the bottom of my heart,
Peace, joy, flowers.
Know, I love and respect,
I will tell you without further ado.

My sister, I adore you
And on your birthday, I congratulate you.
My wishes will be simple:
Beloved, may you be happy.
May your dreams never cease to come true.
Let the financial flow expand.
Real friends and women's happiness.
Always young, stay mischievous.

Happy Birthday, dear and beloved sister,
Let me congratulate you before everyone else, already in the morning,
May they give you bouquets of the most beautiful flowers,
I will congratulate you modestly, with lines of poetry.
Let a whirlwind of fun and miracles swirl around you,
I wish you, sister, only happiness to heaven.
Be beautiful and happy, be cheerful and lively.
Be, of course, healthy and young all the time!

Sister, dear, dear,
Today is your birthday,
I wish you from the bottom of my heart,
May you have fun!
Sister, dear, dear,
You are entering the dawn of life,
You are blooming young for me,
You don't care about age.
Let nature continue to please you
You with the bloom of feminine beauty,
Let there be only good weather in the house,
And cherished dreams come true!

My sister - happy birthday!
Cast aside your doubts today.
Let's have fun today
celebrate your holiday and frolic.
Always be happy like this
Reliable, beloved, dear.
We are sisters with you forever,
You will be endlessly beautiful!

Mom's daughter, my sister
A stork once gave it to me.
Or was it found in cabbage?
I find it difficult to answer.

Why? Yes because
Our girl is like a fairy tale
Merry-laughing girl,
Wonderful nose, wonderful eyes!

Happy Birthday Sister,
My dear little man!
I wish you life
Light, bright and carefree.

Let there be no black stripes,
And trouble passes by.
You are like a bright ray of sunshine
Be free and happy!

May the heavenly angel protect you
From unkind words and looks,
And on magical wings
Elves bring joy to your home!

Don't be sad that you're older.
Life rushes forward in a circle.
Happy brew day, sister!
You are my best friend!

Dear sister, happy birthday
Accept quick congratulations!
I wish you to be happy
To be soulful, with a strong will,
To be good-natured and beautiful,
Tender, loving, bright and passionate,
Cheerful, very beloved,
The sweetest and most unique,
The best sister in the world!
Always be like this, dear!

To you, beloved sister,
On your birthday I wish you happiness,
Let luck not pass by,
And all the bad weather will fly by.
May the sun give you warmth,
Let the nightingale enchant with her trill,
May fate generously reward you,
May everything be great in your life.

Sister, happy birthday,
Good luck, warmth of spring,
And a joyful mood,
Sky-high happiness, without a doubt.
I wish you only bright colors in your everyday life,
Friends who are reliable, faithful and “without masks”,
So that you always achieve your goal
And you became the best in every field you chose.

Happy Birthday, my closest person,
Happy sunny, fine day,
May all sorrows go away forever,
Don't let doubts bother you.
I wish you happiness, health and warmth,
Many years in the circle of loved ones,
So that life doesn't let you down,
So that fate is colorful and beautiful.

Happy Birthday Sister,
Let your laughter, just as ringing,
Always makes me happy!
I want to wish you good luck,
Money and various benefits,
Groom, love to boot,
Take a step towards success!

My beloved older sister,
You are the embodiment of goodness.
I appreciate it from my first childhood years
Your soul has a high light.
Letting in a beautiful, bright fate,
Your dreams come true.
I wish you on your birthday
Health, happiness and love!

Sister, dear, dear,
Thank God for you
I congratulate you on your birthday -
A special holiday for you.
May everything be the best on the planet,
It will fly to you like a bird,
Let it be in a fairytale carriage
The handsome prince will come rushing to you.

To you, sister, all kind and gentle words,
May fate generously reward you,
May all your wishes come true,
May fortune always smile.
Let good angel protects you
Let grief run away from you without looking back,
Be loved and desired always,
Victory to you in everything, joy, warmth.

Let me hug you, darling,
My beloved sister.
I understand you perfectly now,
It's like I was born today.
I want to congratulate you with all my heart,
And I can’t express my wish for everything.
In short, to rule this life,
Don't sit and wait for something in life.

My joy, my beloved sister!
Happy birthday to you!
I wish you happiness from the bottom of my heart,
My star is unique!
Be healthy, loved, beautiful!
And throw away all sorrows and doubts!
Life will give you impressions
Like a kind, sweet fairy tale!

My favorite sister,
Catch congratulations today.
I confess my love to you
On your bright holiday -
I wish you a lot of happiness,
Smiles of light and warmth.
And so that they glow with joy
Your eyes, your soul!
Live happily and richly
Let your dreams come true.
And know what is more precious on earth,
My little sister is you!

Your holiday has come - your birthday,
My dear, beloved sister!
I wish you a great holiday mood,
So that you have a good fate.
I wish you good health for many years to come,
Spiritual joy, love, patience.
So that sadness never touches your eyes.
Firm faith, hope, inspiration.
There are many joyful events for you,
A faithful, caring friend is nearby.
Undying, bright stars in the sky,
Joyful days, spring garden.

You and I have war and peace,
But that's normal!
And on your birthday, your sister,
We're hanging out optimally!
And the cake will be unreal
Friends will all gather,
And I'm also sure
There will be fans!
I want to meet love
So that he could break anyone,
Who will look askance at you,
And a man of his word!

Dear sweetheart and on this day!
You are as beautiful as a fairy!
This holiday is a new step!
This life is like a new alley for you!

I'm your sister and congratulations!
I wish you not to know troubles!
From the bottom of my heart I wish you
May you live a hundred years!

Always smile towards the sun!
Don't forget that we are family!
Always trust only your sincere heart!
And luck will never let you down!

Congratulations to thousands of wishes!
I will give you and will not forget roses!
I wish with my heart only good luck!
Never know the soul of frost!

Wealth of happiness and love
Let fate open it for you,
Please accept congratulations
Mine, little sister, with you
I was very lucky -
Congratulations on your birthday,
I wish it gives warmth
Fate fulfills everything for you
Dreams, lucky in all matters
May a holiday come to your life,
Bathe in luxury, flowers,
Don't let your friends let you down!

Happy birthday my sister,
Smile more often, don't be sad,
Start your life with a new page,
Believe in your deepest dreams.
And also to you, dear, happiness,
Joy, good luck to you,
Let all the bad weather be on the side,
Let good things happen in fate.
And I also wish you a prince from a fairy tale,
To find your mutual love,
Let everything be fine in the future,
Let troubles not bring pain!


Purchased and owned by the site.

Create a postcard

On your birthday, sister
I wish to be like this forever -
Always in a good mood
A wonderful, kind person!


I little sister I wish mine
May you be endlessly lucky in everything in life!
So that from now on you live without knowing about problems,
She was just as beautiful to spite everyone!

May your birthday be wonderful
Let it bring magic into your life,
So that we can hear your lovely laughter more often,
And so that the celebration is completely successful!


Sister, dear, dear!
Today is your birthday,
I wish you from the bottom of my heart,
May you have fun!

Sister, dear, dear, -
You are entering the dawn of life,
You are blooming young for me,
You don't care about age.


I want my beloved sister
On your birthday, wish you happiness,
Stay kind and beautiful
Don't be sad about anything in life.

Let failures pass by,
For life to be great,
To become a little richer,
May you drink and eat to your heart's content!


Draw it white for me,
How happy you are sister.
Cover everything up with white chalk
What was without good.

Put out the problems, sister,
White chalk without residue.
Paint a picture with cream
How sweet life is for you.

Do not spare the palette of colors,
Let there be happiness on white!
May the plots of good fairy tales
They will be there overnight!

Draw your smile
The sparkle of your beautiful eyes.
Complete the violin motifs
In honor of the crazy word - passion!

Paint a picture of life
Of the most pleasant moments.
Put it through the prism
Out of love and compliments!

Draw it white for me,
Whatever makes you happy.
Draw yourself skillfully
For the sake of the holiday!

Happy birthday, sister!


Purchased and owned by the site.

Create a postcard

Dear sister, warm greetings!
I send you, my love, a festive bouquet,
Have fun adventures, endless happiness,
Festive excitement, bright face!

Happy birthday to sister

Even though we fought, roared, bitten as children,
But at the same time they always remained a family.
We were the best friends in the world,
They didn’t run to cry to their mother right away.

And now sometimes we quarrel, get angry,
But in the end we will hug and apologize.
There is no one more beloved in the world, sister, you!
Happy Birthday, my dear miracle :)


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