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A strong conspiracy to fulfill a wish and good luck. Natalya StepanovaYour personal defender. Spells and amulets of the Siberian healer Strong prayer to the Guardian Angel for a successful business start

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Spells for good luck
Conspiracy to bring good luck in any business

Wind-wind, no one orders you, no one is your master, you blow wherever you want, you drive away the black clouds, you clear the blue sky, you let the sun shine brightly. You, the wind, are strong, you, the wind, are powerful, you, the wind, are free, you have no boundaries or obstacles, you fly everywhere, you go everywhere. Bring me, wind, my luck, my luck in all my affairs, so that it will always be with me, guide me through life, not retreat, and bring me goodness and joy. So that I can live from now on and forever in happiness and joy, never lose heart and do good to people. Amen.

Spell for protection and good luck on the road

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, bless you on your journey. I give myself into your hands, the Lord is ahead, the Mother of God is behind, the angels are protecting, clearing the way. The road rolls, it lasts, it lays itself under my feet, it runs smoothly, it protects me from misfortunes, it avoids potholes and pits, it only leads me along an even, smooth path. No one will go astray, nothing will happen, and luck will roll into your hands. Amen.

Conspiracy to fulfill a cherished desire

Birds fly to the south, gather to distant lands, I will say to those birds: “Birds, birds, you have a long flight, you will pass through many countries, you see everything from above, you all know, all the roads in the world are known to you, find them, birds, that forest, that field, that sea-ocean, where there is a bush and a stone, and a flower, and a tree, where under that bush, under that stone, under that flower and tree, my cherished desire lies, waiting for me, but it just won’t come. I send you, birds, to find your cherished desire and bring it to me. I bless you on a long, happy path, I look forward to returning with my cherished desire, whatever you find, bring to me, for happiness, for joy, for God’s grace.”

A conspiracy to fulfill a wish to get what you need

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, heavenly angels, all the heavenly hosts, help me, a sinner (name), to fulfill my desire, so that what I ask for will be given to me, for the good of me, a sinner (name), and all my neighbors and distant all, and to the whole world of God. May my desire be fulfilled as God pleases, may what I need come to me in the ways that the Lord will show, may the right people appear on my path at the right time, may all events in my life happen to fulfill my necessary desires, may I get what I want by God’s will! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen.

Conspiracy to achieve a goal

Just as a well-aimed archer takes aim and the arrow hits the target, so I aim accurately, I see my target clearly and I shoot the arrow right at the target, so that what I strive for will come true, so that I can achieve everything that I have in mind, if This does not contradict the will of God and the plan of the Lord. Do not let me, Lord, do something displeasing to you. Help me, Lord, to achieve my goal for Your glory, in fulfillment of Your plans. God bless! God bless! God bless! Amen.

Conspiracy for a happy destiny

As the night leaves, the day comes - so misfortunes will leave me, happiness will come to me. As the month sets and the sun rises, grief will leave me and joy will come to me. Just as water falls from heaven and goes into the ground, so illnesses and sorrows will go away. Just as springs flow from the earth and never end, so endless luck will come to me. I lock my words with a key, I fasten them tightly. Amen.

Spell for self-confidence

Just as an oak tree stands in a field, firm and strong, strong and mighty, and neither violent winds, nor fierce downpours, nor wild animals are afraid of it - so I, the servant of God (name), will stand firmly and strong among people, and no one It won’t shake me, won’t bend me, won’t knock me off my feet, won’t tear me off the ground. My cause is true, my strength is strong, my truth is with me, no one will overpower that truth, that strength, that cause, will not cross it, will not remake it! As I said, so it will be. Amen.

Spell for fortitude

As I get up in the morning, walk along the water, to the treasured spring, clear, transparent, pure water, as I drink from the spring, as the silica flows through my veins, as that water gives me strength, physical, mental and spiritual strength, so my spirit will become stronger diamond, so my eyes will be filled with light, my soul will be filled with will, my spirit will be powerful, so any business will become a success for me, any adversity will crumble before me, all enemies will scatter from my path, and all my thoughts will be fulfilled, all plans will come true, all good luck will come to me will turn around! Amen.

A conspiracy to deal with an important matter

How a mighty and indestructible rock stands over the blue sea-ocean, how a green pine tree with spreading branches grows on that rock, how a magical chest is buried under that pine tree, closed with a golden key, and in that chest a mighty power is hidden. The Silushka will wait and wait, whoever comes for her will climb the rock, take out the chest, and open it with the key. I, servant of God (name), will overcome all obstacles-distances, I will get a strength from a cliff, from under a pine tree, from a magic chest. You are mine, silushka, you are with me, silushka, I am your master, silushka, you are now in my veins, in my arms and legs, in my white body, in my wild head. Get itchy, strong girl, grow and expand, aim for good, I will overcome everything with you, I can do everything. I can handle everything, I can do everything, and this strength never diminishes, but increases day by day. Amen.

A conspiracy to make things go smoothly

The girl braids her hair, braids it, and so my work goes well, braiding, braiding; the field loach grows and curls, so my work grows and curls; the bird builds a nest and strengthens it, and so my work builds and strengthens; the ears of corn in the field grow, ripen, feed the people with bread, and so my business grows, ripens, becomes rich, feeds me and my whole family from now on, waters me, gives me prosperity, commands me to live in contentment. Amen.

A conspiracy to keep things from going wrong

I call on the Lord God as a witness - I begin my work in good time. Just as water wears away a stone drop by drop, so my diligence and my luck will wear away all obstacles, overcome, eliminate adversity, and pave a clear path for me. Just as a tree grows even on a stone, so my cause will gain strength, strengthen, become irresistible and powerful, and will stand in spite of enemies, to the joy of friends, irresistibly, unshakably, firmly and firmly, forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy if you want fame and success

Red sun, you are great and glorious, no one crowned you king, but your crown is visible to everyone, clear to everyone, revered by everyone and glorious to everyone. Give me a little of your glory, illuminate me with your light, teach me how to be nice and pleasing to all people, how to gain honor for yourself with your good deeds and your glorious name. Help me, clear sun, to become like you, to become glorious, and I, like you, promise to shine for all people, to bring joy and goodness to them, for the benefit of the whole world. Amen.

A conspiracy to successfully resolve a difficult case (pass an exam, make a deal, etc.)

Just as the Lord God loves the whole sublunary world, so He loves me, His sinful servant, just as my mother and father love me, so may all people love me, everyone to whom I go on this day, from whom I expect my good decision deeds, goodness, not evil, mercy, not callousness. The Lord is with me, the angels are with me, I am covered with the protection of the Mother of God, blessed for the successful turn of my business. Let it be so. Thank you, Lord, thank you, Lord, thank you, Lord. Amen.

Spells for prosperity and wealth
So that there is prosperity in the house

1. How I, the servant of God (name), got up in the morning, washed my face with clean water, worshiped on all four sides: my hut, my hut, stand strong, molded and firmly, so that neither thunderstorms, nor storms, nor hurricanes touch you , neither evil words nor dark deeds. Stop, hold on, protect my life for joy, happiness, for many years to come. Bless, Lord, every wall, every corner, every log, all the doors and windows. Forever and ever, amen.

2. Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, I pray to You, I conjure you, command by Your will that there will be no trouble in my house, that everything will be peaceful and quiet, that there will be plenty of bread, that everyone living here will have a happy lot! Amen, amen, amen.

3. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, send me, the sinful servant of God (name), and all my household strength, goodness and health for many years, so that no one can harm, break, scare, spoil us. Be everything pure and holy. Amen, amen, amen.

A spell to bring happiness to the house

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen! My house is made of stone (wood, concrete, etc. – you name it) strong and reliable, blessed by the Lord. Filled with happiness, strengthened with love. Protects from enemies, gives joy, peace, and peace. May it be so forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy for abundance in the house

Just as a clear dawn wakes up every morning, rises, and brings light and joy to the world, so in my house there is prosperity, bread on the table, cabbage soup and porridge on the stove, and the house is nourishing and warm, and wealth flows into the house. Just as a stream flows - the water in it never ends, so the wealth in my house never ends. Amen, amen, amen.

Conspiracies for a well-fed life

1. Small birds, larks, fly to me, the servant of God (name), bring one grain at a time - grain by grain, there will be life, there will be satiety, there will be plenty, there will be plenty of bread, joy in the house, happiness comes grain by grain, day by day everything happier family! I lock these words with a key, from now on and forevermore let it be so.

2. I’ll make a kneading mixture at the very bottom, and in the morning I’ll get up with the sun - it’s already climbing over the edge! So let a well-fed life in my house come day by day. Amen.

3. There is a needle in a box, I will take out that needle, thread the gold thread and sew and sew, trim the whole family, and mother, and father, and hubby and little children, and mother-in-law, and mother-in-law, I will dress everyone up, I will give everyone new clothes, and I will not forget myself, God’s servant (name), nor deprive myself. To live in warmth and satiety for all my family forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy from lack of money

The sky is blue, the month is clear, the stars in the sky are endless, the drops in the sea-ocean are endless, the blades of grass in the field are endless, the leaves on the trees are endless. There is a lot of everything in the world, there is enough for everyone, and there is enough for me. Let gold and silver come, let it come to me with goodness, bring me joy and happiness, so that my wealth becomes like the stars in the sky, drops in the sea-ocean, blades of grass in the field, leaves on the trees. Thank you, Lord, thank you, Lord, thank you, Lord.

Conspiracies to make money come

1. How I woke up in the morning and found a hole in my pocket. I’ll take a gold thread, I’ll thread it into a gold needle, I’ll sew up that hole, I’ll sew it tightly, I’ll patch it up, I’ll tie it with gold, I’ll tie a golden knot with a gold needle. Hold on, little bundle, hold on tight, the money is firmly in my pocket. Always keep your pocket full, and even fuller. My words are tenacious, strong, bound with a golden chain, closed with a golden lock. Amen.

2. Sky-sky, you have many stars, give me, little sky, and for me a small star in the palm of your hand, a star will fall in the palm of your hand, it will scatter into countless millions, immeasurable, it will turn into gold and silver, into undiminished wealth that will grow and expand day by day from day to day. How many stars are in the sky, so much gold and silver I have! Amen.

3. There is a stove, there is a pot on the stove, in that pot the porridge is boiling and steaming, boiling and seething, day and night it does not get tired, but only grows and grows. Cook forever, eternal pot, grow in wealth day and night, feed me and my whole family, and how much is eaten, let it come to you five times each time! As long as the pot cooks porridge, so much money will come into the bag! Amen.

Conspiracy if you urgently need money

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Most Holy Mother Theotokos, you see that I, the servant of God (name), need money for a good deed, for a necessary deed, for an important deed - not on a whim, not for luxury, not for self-indulgence , not for boasting, but for (say why). God has a lot of everything - give me some too. Thank you, Lord, thank you, Lord, thank you, Lord.

Wealth plot

A pike fish swims across the sea, swims from afar, its tail is silver, its fin is gold, its eye is diamonds. Whoever catches that pike will never know grief or poverty. Swim, pike, swim, bring us plenty of gold, silver and diamonds. We are waiting for you, we will greet you kindly, we will feed you, give you something to drink and let you go out to sea, you will gain more wealth and bring it to us again. May it be so forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy to find a good job

The stars in the sky go their own way, the sun in the sky goes its own way, and you, clear month, move your own way - so let me, the servant of God (name), have my own way in the world of earth and heaven, sublunary and celestial. On that path I will find a golden house, in the house there is a golden throne, on that throne is my work, given to me by our Lord for joy, happiness, luck, wealth. This thing is waiting for me - it won’t wait, no one except me gets it, neither old nor young, nor a mature husband, nor red-haired, nor black, nor white, nor fair-haired, nor gray-haired. Bring me, Lord, to that throne, put that matter in my hands, so that I can live comfortably, without grief and adversity, for Your glory, the Lord, for myself and for the good of all people. Let it be so. Amen.

A conspiracy to get what you need from your boss or official

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, be merciful to me, Your sinful servant (name), - you see, my cause is right, I am pure before you in my thoughts, so help me, bless me for the right decision of my request, soften the hearts of the mighty of this world , die, turn to help me. I go to them with kindness - let them greet me with kindness, greet me, not drive me out of the doorway, but invite me to their place, greet me with a kind word, reward me with a kind deed. Good morning! With God, with God, with God. Amen.

A conspiracy to not be afraid of your superiors

Wolf-wolf, forest dweller, share your strength, so that no matter who I have to know, I won’t be afraid of anyone. You, wolf-wolf, are walking, your eyes are burning, your fur is on end - everyone hides instantly. So I will not bow my head to anyone, not to a formidable husband, not to a powerful husband, not to a strong and omnipotent husband. He is strong - yes I am stronger, he is scary - but I am not afraid! My strength, my glory, my fearlessness, be with me now and forever and forever and ever. Amen!

Love and family conspiracies
Conspiracy against loneliness

The spinner spins flax, turns the spindle - and the spindle is not an easy one, he spins my destiny, a girl’s destiny, a happy one, he twists and twists it, he gives me the name of my betrothed. My dear, betrothed, tied and tied to me by one thread, destined for me by fate, you are close, you are near, you are on the threshold, we cannot escape each other, two hearts will be side by side forever! Amen.

A spell to ward off bad luck in love

The spinner spun, she spun, but she spun something bad - the threads are rotten, the threads are torn, I can’t dress, I can’t put on shoes, I’ll tear all the threads, I’ll burn the rotten threads in the oven, I’ll take the spindle myself, I’ll take silk threads, pure gold, strong threads, wonderful threads, I’ll spin - I’ll weave a happy destiny for myself, I’ll put on a new one, I’ll start all over again, I’ll bring my betrothed into the house, I’ll live forever in love and happiness! Amen.

Conspiracy to get married

The red sun is dear to people, the banks of the river are dear, the stars are dear to the sky - so I, the servant of God (name), will be dear to everyone, beautiful, kind to everyone, pleasant to everyone, and most of all to the kind young man, my beloved groom. I invite him to me, call him, lure him to happiness, joy, eternal love! Amen.

Conspiracy if you stay too long in girls

There is a nook in the dark forest, there is a viburnum bush. The bitter viburnum has set my teeth on edge. I’ll sweeten the viburnum with honey, I’ll find raspberries in that forest. Sweet raspberries are, and it’s time for me, the servant of God (name), to become sweet, not bitter, to get rid of bitterness, drink honey, light up with love, get to know a good man, get married in church! Lord, bless, with Your power I seal my word, I crown it with a crown, I bless it. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen.

Wedding day plot for family well-being

How many stars there are in the sky, how much gold there is in the world, how many drops of water there are in the ocean - so much happiness, joy, wealth will there be for (names of the bride and groom). To live in peace and harmony, in contentment and good health, to live happily ever after. God bless! Amen.

Conspiracies to make love in the family

1. As a red rose blooms in the garden, so let love bloom with a scarlet color, unfading in my house, so that my husband, the servant of God (name), always loves me, carries me in his arms, knows no one better than me, and I would love him , respected, helped in everything, respected and pleased. Let it be so from now on and forever. Amen.

2. A dove with a dove, a duck with a drake, a swan with a swan - and I with my hubby are forever connected by a golden thread, by the light of God, by strong, strong, eternal love. Amen.

3. The ocean-sea drives and drives the waves, the water on the shore keeps coming and coming - so the love for me of my husband (my wife) would keep coming and coming, filling our house with joy and happiness, and a good life. Amen.

Conspiracies against betrayal in the family

1. Just as a pine tree does not cheat on its forest, just as a chipmunk animal does not cheat on its hole, just as a thrush bird does not cheat on its nest, so my husband will never cheat on me, nor will he set his sights on another. Amen, amen, amen.

2. My words are strong, they are locked, and the castle is buried in the ground, no one will interrupt my word. May my husband love me forever, as I love him, and neither a black cat, nor a motley snake, nor a fast bird, nor a gray top, nor a jumping hare, nor a nimble fox, nor a white squirrel, nor a red-haired girl, nor a black one, nor fair-haired, no one, no old woman, no young woman, no widow - no one will pass between us, no one will lay a trail, no one will lay a trait. We will be together, side by side, in deed and body, in word and look, united and indivisible forever and ever. Amen.

3. Just as ivy curls around an oak tree, so a wife would curl around her husband, cling to him, entwine with him. Just as an oak tree in the forest cannot leave its place, so a husband will never leave his wife. Together they will live until death, live and live, make good, multiply love and happiness. Amen.

Conspiracy against jealousy

An arrow flew from far away, from a dark forest, from a filthy swamp, a burning arrow, a prickly arrow, a jealous arrow. That arrow pierced my zealous heart, took away my peace, hurts with pain, burns like fire, stabs me, it itches everything, torments me, and doesn’t allow me to live. I’ll tear that arrow out of my heart, I’ll find some grass in the forest, I’ll heal the wound, I’ll stop the bleeding, I’ll stop the burning jealousy, and I’ll tell that arrow to fly back where it came from, beyond the dark forest, beyond the filthy swamp, stick into an old stump, in it get stuck, never go back! Amen.

A conspiracy to prevent spouses from offending each other

Just as the sun and the sky live together, in harmony, okay, they don’t quarrel, don’t scold - so you and I, the servant of God (name) and the servant of God (name), will live peacefully, okay, in love and harmony, not quarrel, not scold, do not reproach, do not be offended from now on and forever. Amen.

A conspiracy to avoid quarreling with family

Just as an apple fell from a tree - it will never come back, just as a river ran into the sea-ocean - the water will not run back, just as autumn will not come after winter, and winter will not come after spring, so quarrels in the family will go away, hide and never return mine. Let it be so. Amen.

A conspiracy to make peace

Burn the fire - burn our quarrel. The water flows - take away our quarrel. The wind blows and blows our quarrel into dust. I drive away tears, away I drive away screams, away I drive away angry anger, spiteful evil, insults. Away, into the fire, away, into the water, away, into the wind! Peace to the house, peace to the house, peace to the house! Amen, amen, amen.

So that no one and nothing interferes with family happiness

As a steam bath is heated, as a heater steams and heats, as water washes away all the dirt, as a white, clean park carries away all evil spirits, drives away evil and sadness, so with our family, the servant of God (name) and the servant of God (name), everything the bad is washed away, rolls off, goes away, bounces off, bypasses, does not come close. Neither black gossip, nor muddy envy, nor evil words, nor dashing thoughts - nothing and no one spoils, will not break, our happiness will not be lost forever and ever! Amen.

Conspiracy to add to the family

Just as there is a distant little land beyond the blue sea, as the blue sea calms down, as the violent winds calm down, so the nightingales, nightingales and nightingales will flock there, let them build a peaceful nest, let them bring out their little ones - so you and I, the servant of God (name) with the servant of God (name), it’s time to settle down as a family, converge in a quiet nest, give birth to nice little kids. For joy, for happiness, for many years to come! Amen, amen, amen.

Conspiracy if children do not appear for a long time

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, give me, Thy servant (name), a small grain, I will lower the grain into the ground, a small spikelet will be born, will grow, will be filled with ripe gold - just as from a grain a spikelet, like from a seed a flower, so a child will be born to me. . Lord Jesus Christ, mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, my guardian angel, help me to conceive, bear, give birth to, feed! Amen, amen, amen.

Conspiracies for a successful pregnancy

1. Mother Most Holy Theotokos, help me, a sinful servant of God (name), to bear my child, save and protect. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

2. Most Holy Mother of God, come, help, close my womb with golden keys, cover me with a golden cover, protect, strengthen, preserve the fruit of the womb! Amen.

3. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, protect and protect me, the servant of God (name), and my child in my womb at every day and hour, and day and night, and dawn of morning and evening! Amen.

Conspiracies for a successful birth

1. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Mother Most Holy Theotokos, help me, the servant of God (name), to be safely relieved of my burden, to release the child from the womb into the light of God. Amen.

2. As steam comes from a baenka, as from a Russian oven - heat, as from underground springs - water, as from the sun - rays, so let the baby, in ease and painlessness, emerge from the womb of the prison into the white light, into freedom, into joy, into happiness, for a long life, for a good share. Amen.

3. Mother Most Holy Theotokos, I ask you, I pray: with the golden key, open the womb of God’s servant (name), help the baby to come out into freedom. Amen.

4. Mountains of stone, disperse, waves of the sea, part, royal gates, open! Help, Lord, the servant of God (name) to be safely relieved of her burden. Amen.

A conspiracy to protect a newborn from various troubles

God bless! There is a clear color standing in the field, that color does not know any troubles - no troubles, no illnesses, no thinness, no hardships! So let our baby bloom like a flower, without knowing troubles, thinness, illness, an unkind eye, no infection. Go away, trouble, our gates are not for you! And for happiness, joy, health, our gates. Amen.

Spell if a newborn cries a lot

With the Word of the Lord I conjure and conjure: leave, you screaming cryx, from our yard, there is no place for you here, you should not live here, do not live here, do not visit our baby, do not torment, do not cry and scream! The house is quiet and peaceful, the baby lives quietly and peacefully in it. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen.

Conspiracy for children against various misfortunes and illnesses

Like river water flows, boils, carries away all the dirt, all the silt, sand, small pebbles - so all the fears, commotions, illnesses, lessons leave our baby (name), they go away, they are washed away, they say goodbye to us forever! Let our baby (name) be cleansed and washed, never know grief and misfortune. Amen.

Everyone wants to become fortune's favorites. Live in pleasure, so that any business succeeds and good luck accompanies everything. There are many magical ways - conspiracies, prayers, symbols and rituals for success in life and business, so that things come together, so that in any endeavor there is a happy ending and everything is fulfilled as planned. A conspiracy to make things work out will help in a variety of life situations.

Rituals will help you attract good luck

Christian appeal to angels to receive protection in any endeavor

One of the most powerful spells for good luck and help in the successful completion of any business is given in the Enheredion - a medieval Christian collection of spells and appeals to angels, according to legend, compiled by the Pope.

According to this work, a spell for good luck should be read on Thursday, because on this day angelic forces dominate, patronizing fortune and protecting against failures and absurdities in life. The prayer itself goes like this:

(I conjure you, strong and holy angels, by the names of Cados, Cados, Cados, Eschereie, Eschereie, Eschereie, Hatim, Ya, powerful creator of worlds; Cantine, Jaym, Janic, Anic, Calbat, Sabbac, Berifay, Alnaym; I conjure you in the name of Adonay ), who on the fifth day created fish and crawling creatures in the water, and birds living on the earth, flying in the heavens; the names of the angels serving in the sixth legion before the holy Angel Pastor, the mighty and great prince, the name of the star called Jupiter and by his seal, by the name of Adonay, the great God, creator of all, by the names of all the stars, by their power and authority, by the names of those previously spoken of, I conjure thee, O great angel Sachiel, thou who reignest on Thursday, on the day of Jupiter, so that you help me and fulfill it (then in your own words, say your request, briefly, but specifically and clearly).

Orthodox prayer before starting any business

In the Orthodox tradition, before starting any task, it is customary to say a short prayer-petition for the condescension of the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete (i.e., the Comforter Spirit - as the Holy Spirit is called by Christ himself in the Gospel).

Before starting any business, you need to read a prayer

It sounds like this:

Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of truth, Who is everywhere and fulfills everything, Treasure of good things and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Good One, our souls.

It is often read in ancient Greek, then it sounds like this:

Vasilev Uranie, Paraklite, To pneuma tis alifias, O pandahu paron ke ta panda pliron, O thysavros ton agathon ke zois horigos, Elfe ke skinoson en imin Ke kafarison imas apo pasis kilidos Ke soson, agathe tas psychas imon. Amen.

Such a prayer calls on the Lord himself, through one of the Triune Persons, to act as your patron. The intercession of the Lord brings desired fruits to Christians; Scripture directly says “ask and it will be given to you.” There is nothing shameful in praying and asking the Lord for something earthly, material, success in some everyday matter.

Special whispers “for good luck”

The human voice has unimaginable power. Especially if the words are spoken with a will that expresses a firm intention. It is not for nothing that it is said that in the beginning there was the Word. Man is given the image of God and given a likeness; man, with his own words, can to a certain extent create, create, and influence the surrounding reality.

Whispering has a special mystical power, largely due to the fact that in everyday life we ​​do not often use whispered conversation and it is accompanied by a magical, mysterious aura. You can pronounce such whispers for good luck in any business either in a row or in parts, at any time and in any place, which is an obvious advantage.

I open the doors to luck and let you into my heart. The matter is going well, my hands are burning. It will come true as planned. I go towards my happiness, attract good luck, nothing else. I leave, I change, I come, I bring happiness with me. Where I go, so does luck. He wakes up with me, spends his day, leads me to success. Everything will work out the way I want. My luck and success are with me. I see failures out of life and close the door behind them. For good luck, I’ll smile at the sun in the morning and bow to him at the waist. As the matter is conceived, so it will come true.

A person's words can help you achieve what you want.

Ritual with notes in the monastery

A strong, effective ritual of practical magic, so that any task can come together, in order to fulfill your plans, is offered in the Russian edition of the book by the famous occultist Dr. Papus “Village Magic”. It uses both prayer and the magical practice of will.

You will need to prepare three pieces of paper. It is important that they are absolutely identical in size, color, paper material, etc.

Write your wish on each sheet. You should try to write the text on all pieces of paper as similar as possible - with the same handwriting, with the same pencil, even with the same tilt and pressure.

Then you should take these leaves and within three days (and ideally, have time to do everything in one day) take them to three different monasteries. In each of them, you need to go up to any monk and give him a piece of paper asking him to pray for you. You can say that you are embarrassed and ask him to read the note after you leave. Repeat the same in the remaining monasteries. Those in the know say that the fact itself is important.

Even if in the end one of the three monks does not pray for you, or even none of them, the prayer will not be said at all - that is not the point in this rite. The ritual has been completed, you have endowed it with will and performed the action. This is the law of magic.

To perform a miracle, you must first perform a certain action; the more effort you expend, the more you step over your inner fears and complexes - the better, the more powerful the ritual will be. Therefore, black magic is more harmful than the rituals of good magic given here - in its rituals, you first get what you want without spending the necessary effort, but the universe does not tolerate emptiness and in the end you will have to pay a serious price.

Ritual with bay leaf

The plant world has not only well-known healing properties, but also special, secret, magical ones. Thus, the well-known laurel promotes good luck and will help in the success of any business.

A bay leaf is required for the ritual.

To perform the following ritual for success and help in finding fortune, take a fresh bay leaf, a white candle, any gold jewelry and a fireproof vessel of any shape.

Light a candle and say your wish clearly and legibly. Read it directly into the flame. In your own words, ask for help from God, from higher powers. Then take the laurel leaf and decoration, place them in the prepared container and, tilting the candle, pour the melting wax dripping from the candle over them. When performing this action, you must read the following words:

By the power of heaven, the power of the universe, the power of miracles, my wish came true, as I commanded, so it happened!

Then bury the container in the ground and wait for your request to be fulfilled. This ritual is very powerful, so don't skimp on the decoration and perform it if it's worth it.

Ritual for good luck in work and its search

In order to find something you love, to find a fruitful and profitable job, and also so that things come together at work, so that everything works out, for the successful completion of any enterprise, read this plot 7 times in a row, be sure to read it out loud:

I whisper and whisper: God’s servant (name) will have good luck on the road and success in his work. Wherever I go, I’ll find a job there. I don’t see any refusals, I don’t hear the word “no”. Amen!

Conspiracy on the mirror

Take a small new mirror. Prepare a piece of blue fabric and such a size that you can easily wrap it around this mirror. Take a piece of paper and write on it your full name, middle name and last name, and below - your date of birth.

The mirror must be new

Mirror, mirror, bright window, reflect all troubles and obstacles, remove them from my path, only attract good things, luck and success to me. Amen, amen, amen!

After this, take a sheet of paper and a mirror and wrap them together with the prepared cloth. The resulting bundle can be tied with a flagellum on top. Carry the resulting charmed talisman with you until your wish is fulfilled. After this, you can use this magic mirror with similar requests as needed.

Spell for knots

This conspiracy to help in business will help you get the desired outcome from any of your endeavors. Take the most ordinary lace, but certainly new, unworn and always black. Tie three knots on it, pronouncing the plot.

When the first knot is tied:

May success be with me in my deeds and thoughts! When the second knot is tied: So that this always happens and my word is true!

When the third knot is tied:

So that something not true, but obvious, cannot knock my luck away from me! This will be so!

Use the resulting cord with knots as an amulet for good luck - carry it with you, especially on those days when help from above is especially needed.

A conspiracy to make things go smoothly from Natalia Stepanova

If you are worried about the day before the execution of any important task or event, then on the appointed day, right in the morning before leaving the house, find a woolen thread and tie a knot in it, saying the following plot for success in business three times:

Just as this knot is tied, so for us (me) servants of God (name or names), the matter (such and such) soon came together.

Conspiracy to make the business you started end in success

This plot to make things work out is especially useful to read before any important matter, for example, before a business meeting, important negotiations, interview, etc. But the spell also has power in other life situations.

Lord, God, bless. I, the servant of God (name), will be blessed, I will go, crossing myself, into an open field, into a green oak forest, I, the servant of God (name), will wash myself with water and dew; I will rub myself with woven, spun cloth, and I, the servant of God (name), will stand between heaven and earth; I will become frequent stars; I will gird myself with white light; I, servant of God (name), will close myself in the bright young month. And I, servant of God (name), will pray to the Most Pure Mother of God: Most Pure Mother of God, close and protect from all trouble, all sin and poverty. And what will I pray to you for, and what will I worship you for, Most Pure Mother of God: pray for me, the servant of God (name), and for my providence Jesus Christ, the Heavenly King. Jesus Christ, the Heavenly King, created heaven and earth, and all the saints of Christ, and all the disciples of Christ, and us sinners, and have mercy on all. Amen.

How to attract luck using numbers

In addition to conspiracies, there are many techniques and tricks aimed at catching luck by the tail. Since ancient times, people have noticed happy and unlucky days, compared events with astrological data, analyzed them and made extensive forecasts.

Everyone can find out their lucky number

It happens that even today a person, even without being carried away by secret sciences, has some thing that he considers lucky and brings good luck, or some kind of “his” lucky number. If we dwell on the numbers in more detail, then on the basis of ancient mystical secrets, we can say the following:

  1. Symbol of a leader and manager. It helps to achieve a dominant position, strengthen your authority, etc.
  2. A symbol of love affairs, it helps to find your soulmate, achieve success in amorous affairs, and helps to establish relationships.
  3. Used by creative people who want fortune to favor them in high matters, in creation, in receiving a muse
  4. Helps to gain and strengthen stability and consistency. A sign of solid ground, life principles. It helps not so much to attract good luck, but to protect from troubles, which is important.
  5. Helps in gambling, this number can be used in their amulets for those who are going to hit a big jackpot, both in the game, and even as a result of any deal, contract, etc.
  6. Helps you climb up the career ladder.
  7. Promotes the development of mystical abilities, promises success in occult operations.
  8. Can help you find peace of mind and stability in financial matters.
  9. Gives strength and energy, is able to motivate a person to action and give him a source of energy.

Often it is enough to notice which number inexplicably seems more attractive to you, and you will understand what you need and how to achieve it. One of the simple but effective methods of using lucky numbers for magical purposes recommends drawing an ordinary pentagram on a blank sheet of cardboard with a pencil, and writing that very cherished number in the center of it.

The magic of plants for your fortune

The ancients lived in much closer communion with nature than we did, and they noticed natural “amulets” and “talismans” that helped accomplish the task without hitches or difficulties.

Even convinced skeptics know for certain that plants have special properties. Herbal teas are used all over the world, with different effects - for calming, for energy, for recovery... Herbal incense is also a known fact, as is their effect on the human body and the surrounding area.

To attract good luck, it is good to use small fabric bags with dry herbs. Just place them around your home, and if you want, put one in your pocket. Good luck will accompany you if you use the following herbs:

  • St. John's wort;
  • hawthorn flowers;
  • Bay leaf;
  • clover;
  • verbena;
  • fern.

All the rituals given here, despite some differences in the presentation of desires, ultimately serve one purpose - to protect you and your endeavors from failures, from evil fate and to attract bright forces to your side that will help bring to life the most favorable outcome of events in everything.

Sometimes, in order to achieve success in any business, you can resort to good magic. There are a large number of different spells for good luck, luck, getting what you want in any professional activity. These include a conspiracy to make things work out, rituals for success in an important project, rituals for business.

Conspiracies will help you successfully conclude a deal

The benefits of reading conspiracies before starting a business

When we call on the Higher Powers, we let them into our lives with the hope that they will help us cope with difficulties and bless us with success. When starting a new business, we usually think through every step that will lead us to a certain result. But our expectations are not always met, so it is advisable to use practical magic in the form of prayers and spells.

“Lord, instruct the Angel, the Guardian given to me, so that he does not forget my sinful soul and lead me along the easy path to the success I have planned!

The source of my gratitude will not dry up, for I am your servant with all my soul and heart.

Angel, Mentor, give me hints in an unknown matter.

Take away human anger and worldly envy.

Make the road smooth, remove the stones from my feet, so that the path is smooth and the fruits rich for the good of the Creator. Reward me for my labors according to my zeal. I trust only in your mercy, help me in my endeavors. Instruct with your tips and show the path of truth. Amen!".

To make any of your business crowned with success, you can additionally light a candle in the church for your health and the health of your enemies, or order a prayer of thanks for yourself. This will give you strength, strengthen your nerves, and improve your overall health. You can also light a lamp near the Guardian Angel icon to give praise and show respect and gratitude to the Lord for help and guidance. Do not skimp on donations to the church: when you give from a pure heart, you will receive a hundred times more.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel for success and good luck

Conspiracies for any matter

A conspiracy for a successful business is read on the eve of it - the day before or before bedtime. You can ask the Lord for luck in absolutely any activity that is important to you, be it professional activity, starting a business, or household work, hobby, etc. The main thing is that it is carried out with pure thoughts. But you must understand that the Almighty will not do all the work for you and will not fulfill all your desires overnight, but will only help you, endowing you with insight, luck and fortune. Before relying on God’s will, you must work hard yourself: draw up a business plan, carry out the necessary calculations, analysis, foresee risks, do everything possible to achieve success.

We usually call on the Lord only when we need something, and more often than not our prayers go unheard. And all because we do it for selfish purposes. In order for our affairs to improve, it is necessary to pray to the Lord of Heaven every day, thanking Him for everything that exists, devoting our souls to Him, working in His name and for the good of people. Only in this case will you receive the blessing of the Lord.

Here are the words of the sacred text with which you need to cry out to God every morning:

“Lord, let me meet with peace of mind everything that the coming day will bring me.

Let me completely surrender to Your Holy will.

At every hour of this day, instruct and support me in everything.

Whatever news I receive during the day, teach me to accept it with a calm soul and the firm conviction that everything is Your Holy will.

In all my words and deeds, guide my thoughts and feelings.

In all unforeseen cases, do not let me forget that everything was sent down by You.

Teach me to act directly and wisely with each member of my family, without confusing or upsetting anyone.

Lord, give me strength to endure the fatigue of the coming day and all the events during the day.

Guide my will and teach me to pray, believe, hope, endure, forgive and love everyone unfeignedly. Amen".

Remember that you need to ask the Lord to act not as you yourself want, but as He pleases. God has his own will for everything, and you cannot predict how you will get what you want. It is not necessary to fast to fulfill this prayer. The main thing is to try to suppress earthly sins and cleanse your soul. Such a powerful plot can be read for any business, even in the most difficult situations you will see the power of sacred words.

Hex “Knot of Luck”

This conspiracy is said when they want to get good luck in an important matter. It is very simple, but effective, and does not require serious rituals or fasting. Suitable for any person and business. All you need is silk thread. Tie a knot in the center of it and while doing this, say the spell three times:

“As the end meets the end, so things would come together for me. Amen".

After this, you must place the charmed thread on the threshold. When you leave home to do your business, step over the thread and say the spell again. You can’t throw it away; leave it until you return.

There is another version of the spell:

“Just as this knot is tied, so for us, the servants of God (name), the matter (such and such) soon came together. Amen".

These sacred words are just as effective. The ritual rules and props remain the same.

Magic for starting a business

The text of the prayer goes like this:

“Lord, God, bless. I, the servant of God (name), will be blessed, I will go, crossing myself, into an open field, into a green oak forest, I, the servant of God (name), will wash myself with water and dew; I will rub myself with woven, spun cloth, and I, the servant of God (name), will stand between heaven and earth; I will become frequent stars; I will gird myself with white light; I, servant of God (name), will close myself in the bright young month. And I, servant of God (name), will pray to the Most Pure Mother of God: Most Pure Mother of God, close and protect from all trouble, all sin and poverty. And what will I pray to you for, and what will I worship you for, Most Pure Mother of God: pray for me, the servant of God (name), and for my providence Jesus Christ, the Heavenly King. Jesus Christ, the Heavenly King, created heaven and earth, and all the saints of Christ, and all the disciples of Christ, and us sinners, and have mercy on all. Amen"

We must remember that selfishness and greed are vices, so we cannot alone enjoy the results of our work, given to us by the Lord. When we share the fruits of our labor with other people, our business improves.

Prayer for a successful business start

Appeals to the Saints

In order for your business to start successfully, progress effectively and be successfully completed, you can pray for help not only to the Almighty Lord, but also to other Holy Powers. They help both in business and you personally: they relieve anxiety, remove fear, add confidence and inner strength. You can turn to the Guardian Angel, Jesus Christ and your Patron Saint, who is designated in the calendar for your birthday.

Usually, prayers to the Saints do not require rituals, but only sacred words, which are important to be pronounced sincerely a certain number of times with the required intonation. It is also not necessary to fast. You can read prayers at home or in church in front of icons with images of specific Saints to whom you are addressing. If Higher help is needed immediately in a difficult situation, then simply mentally or whisperly turn to the Lord or His assistants, saying a prayer, after which be sure to thank them.

Jesus Christ

To make your affairs come together, light a candle, place it in front of the image of Jesus Christ and while doing this, mentally imagine the progress of your affairs and their successful completion. These are the words of the prayer:

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Bless me for my plan and bestow patience and good luck. May all efforts turn out to be successful, and may your endeavors not end in failure. Thy will be done. Amen".

Pronounce the words clearly, slowly, repeat the entire text three times. It is better to carry out the spell in the morning so that the entire coming day will be successful and productive. After this, put out the candle and kiss the icon.

A candle should be lit in front of the icon of Jesus

Nicholas the Wonderworker

It also helps to achieve success in your endeavors. You need to pronounce the sacred text in front of the icon with his appearance. But if you don’t have such an icon, it doesn’t matter, you can simply mentally imagine the image of the Saint. In this case, it is important not to be distracted, not to lose sight of your thoughts and imagine how you are talking to God’s helper. If you think about business or anything else, your prayer will not be heard.

Words of prayer:

“Pleasant Nicholas, Protector and Savior. Grant me peace in vain affairs and do not be angry at a sinful request. Endow me with diligent hard work and protect me from hefty failures. Thy will be done. Amen".

It is also better to pronounce the spell in the morning. Like all prayers, it requires repetition three times.

Matrona of Moscow

It helps not only to achieve success in professional affairs, business, and specific tasks, but also to maintain health. Often, because of important matters, we get nervous, worry a lot, and overexert ourselves both mentally and physically. This conspiracy is aimed at protecting our nerves, warning us from trouble and teaching us to relate to all life’s troubles more simply, without taking them to heart.

Words of prayer:

“Blessed Elder, Matrona of Moscow. Before starting a difficult task, I turn to you with a righteous prayer. Protect me from risks, breakdowns, bruises and breaks. Save my body from mutilation and injury, and my soul from every temptation. Thy will be done. Amen".

You can contact the Holy Matrona of Moscow anywhere, not necessarily in a church or at home in front of an icon with her image. In difficult situations, you can turn to her mentally or say a prayer in a whisper. You will receive an answer to your prayers immediately.

There are prayers addressed to the blessed Matrona, which will help you heal your soul and business from the evil eye or damage. There are also prayers for work that remove troubles such as low wages, conflicts in the team, failure to find a new job, etc.

Prayer to the Holy Blessed Matrona of Moscow


There is success in business. You can turn to God or His holy helpers for help. Some conspiracies require fasting or performing certain rituals, but most of them are simple prayers that must be said every day or on the eve of important events. It is important to sincerely turn to the Higher Powers and believe in their ability to influence your life.

Conspiracies from bad luck

N Damage and the evil eye always interfere with our luck. Sometimes life itself develops in such a way that a person is unlucky. How many people came to me and asked: “Grandma, take off the damage, there’s no urine. No matter what I do, it’s all in vain, there’s no money, no family, no work. It’s definitely someone’s witchcraft powers that have damaged me!” I will look, but there is no damage. And then I understand that a person’s fate, or character, is such that a person is afraid of himself. You give him a job, but he thinks to himself: “Oh no, Senka’s hat doesn’t suit him” - and then he hunches over for mere pennies. You’re his beautiful wife, but he’s afraid to even look at her, he thinks that someone like him can only marry Lyudka the janitor, and the other one won’t even look at him, so there’s no point in disgracing himself. And so bad luck goes hand in hand with such a person through life and does not really allow him to do anything. But it happens, of course, that external forces also interfere with a person - gossip, slander, or simply sabotage. But I also have a strong spell word for these misfortunes. Because bad luck and human malice are like a disease, depriving you of some kind. And if there is a disease, then there is a cure for it. Now I’ll tell you everything about this treatment.

Conspiracies against failure and all kinds of interference

What doesn't hinder our luck? And envy and slander, and gossip, and even a kind word, but said in the wrong place, at the wrong time, can ruin the whole thing. You probably know such cases. Therefore, I give you spells against all circumstances to block your happiness and luck.

A conspiracy to ward off any misfortune

It happens sometimes that you need to strengthen your position, to untie trouble and trouble, because it is known that trouble and trouble go hand in hand - if trouble has already come, then trouble cannot be avoided.

Buy a candle in church and read on it at midnight on the new month:

WITH I am overshadowed by the bright month, I am swaddled with God’s robe, I am marked by the Holy Cross, I will drive away the evil spirits with the power of the cross. Amen.

You need to speak three times. In the morning, bury the candle melt at a pedestrian intersection.

Conspiracy to protect against evil spirits (from one’s enemies)

This spell needs to be spoken on wax and then stuck to the cross:

Z Be named, servant of God (name), with the Life-Giving Cross - on the right and left, in front and behind. The Cross is on me, the servant of God (name), the Cross is in front of me, the Cross is behind me, the Cross is of the devil and having defeated all enemies. Let the demons flee, all the power of the enemy from me, the servant of God (name), having seen the bright lightning - the scorching power of the cross. Near me is Christ and all the power of Heaven: Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael, archangels and angels, principalities, powers, thrones, the Lord's powers and indestructible terrible seraphim, and the holy Angels - guardians devoted to me to protect my soul and body from holy baptism. And far from me he stands with his dark-like power, and the man and everyone were driven out, a third hundred and sixty angels became God's. For the sake of prayers, Your Most Pure Mother, Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, Your sinful servant (name) - always, and now, and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy from a dashing person (from evil people)

AND I’m walking across an open field, and I’m met by seven demons with half-spirits, all black, all evil, all unsociable. Go, you spirits and half-spirits, to dashing people. Keep them on a leash so that I will be safe and sound from them along the way and on the road, in the house and in the forest, in the lands of strangers and relatives, in the land and in freedom, at dinner and at a feast, at a wedding and at dinner. My conspiracy is long, my words are strong, whoever will disprove the word, and so be it in everything in a new way, in spirit, in goodness, as it was said before.

How to call on a patron saint for help

This conspiracy calls on a patron saint for help. In church, before the morning service, you need to buy a candle and say to it:

WITH Saint George the Victorious, you have defeated the evil serpent, conquer the heart of my adversary, the servant of God (name).

Then you need to light a candle to the icon of St. George the Victorious, cross yourself and make nine prostrations to the ground.

Now this saint will monitor your affairs and drive away evil spirits and bad luck from you with his spear.

Salvation Conspiracy

Read until the sun shines:

P I will walk, blessed, from the hut through the doors into the entryway, from the entryway into the courtyard, from the yard through the gates, under the red sun, into an open field; in an open field stands the holy church of God, and the royal doors themselves dissolve, the servant of God (name) himself is charmed by sorcerers, from witches, from witches, from witches; whoever thinks bad things happen to me, consider that there is a forest in the forest, sand in the sea, and stars in the sky, forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy from ill-wishers

WITH I, servant of God (name), will go, blessing myself, and cross myself, out of the hut through the doors, out of the yard through the gates, into an open field to the east; under the eastern side there is Ocean - the blue sea, on that on Ocean, on the blue sea lies the white Alatyr-stone, on that white Alatyr-stone stands the holy golden church, in that golden church there is a golden throne, on that golden throne sits Jesus Christ himself , Michael the Archangel, Gabriel the Archangel, Ivan the Theologian, Ivan the Baptist, St. George the Brave, St. Nicholas the Saint of Christ, saint; I will come, servant of God (name), in purity, bow and pray: oh, father, true Christ, Michael the Archangel, Gabriel the Archangel, Ivan the Theologian, Ivan the Baptist, St. George the Brave, No. Nicholas Saint of Christ, Pleasant, surround me, servant God's (name), iron tine, damask ropes, 120 versts, cannot be glanced at, cannot be seen with the eye; miss the fiery river! I, servant of God (name), am dissuading myself from a sorcerer, from a sorceress, from a sorceress, from a sorceress, from Chernov, from Cheremnov, from Dvozhonov, from Trezhonov, from Dvozubov, from Trezubov, from Trubinov, from Okoshechnov, from Sennov, from a girl - simple hairs, from a woman from a rolled-up cigarette, from any evil a person can find.

Can an evil, dashing person speak louder than thunder, a fiery arrow, lightning, can he spoil, disfigure the dead? Can an evil, dashing person, a sorcerer, a sorceress, a heretic, a heretic, thunder, a thunder arrow, and fiery lightning, cannot spoil, disgrace a dead person; an evil, dashing man, a sorcerer, a sorceress, a heretic, a heretic would take his damask knife with his white hands; he would cut his white body with his white hands; he would gnaw his white body with his white teeth; my mouth is teeth, my lock is my tongue; in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Conspiracy against evil gossip

If you are overcome by evil gossip, you need to pick some grass in the park or just in front of the house and leave it to dry, saying to it:

WITH ohni, grass, dry, enemy tongue, dry, bad word, dry, evil spirit. Amen.

When the grass dries, you need to throw it to the gossips, then they will forget about you - they will overcome their worries.

A conspiracy so that they don’t say too much about you

The lies of others and their gossip are very dangerous for us. These are small seeds from which great deception and misfortune can grow. If you know or suspect that they are gossiping about you or that they are lying to you, you need to make a conspiracy in the language of the liar.

You will need a rope, preferably cotton, not nylon-nylon, and new scissors that have never been used (you can use the cheapest ones). Take a stronger rope, a small piece. Tie three knots on it, wet the rope thoroughly so that the knots cannot be undone and the rope itself does not catch fire in any case. Light a candle, maybe a church candle, and very quickly pass the rope with knots through the flame. Say this:

IN from the rope, here are three knots. I will tie in knots cunning words, cursed thoughts, vile whispers, and a sidelong glance at the servant of God (name) thrown, spoken, unsaid, thought, half-thought. Burn the knots and don’t catch fire, lie and don’t lie. Avoid me, deception, do not bring misfortune and fog upon me. Go, liar, where the crow's land is, shout there, teach everyone, don't touch me. Amen.

Cut the rope into 13 pieces with scissors, throw the pieces in the trash the same day along with the scissors. It is very advisable, but not necessary, to throw it in the trash, not far from where crows are cawing - then the effect will be stronger. You will probably meet crows, they love garbage, so your conspiracy is guaranteed success!

A conspiracy to avoid insincerity

If you don’t fully trust your friends or partners, then before talking to them, take a rowan branch and say to it:

TO Just as you can’t tie this branch back to the tree, you, (name), won’t confuse me. What's on the mind is on the tongue. Amen.

Before the negotiations, come early to where they will take place, and use this branch to circle the entire room from door to window, from left to right, and also, as it were, brush off the dust from the chair on which your partner will sit, and from the table. After this, it will be extremely difficult for him to lie, and you will always expose the lie.

Conspiracy against misfortune on the mirror

You need to hang a large mirror on the wall (or just lean it against it). In addition to the mirror, you will need a church candle. Wait until the full moon falls on Sunday. On the night from Saturday to Sunday, from twelve to three o'clock in the morning, go to the mirror, light a candle, hold it in front of you and say three times:

AND save me, Lord, from the seduction of the godless and evil-cunning Antichrist who is coming, and hide me from his snares in the hidden desert of Your salvation. Grant me, Lord, the strength and courage to firmly confess Your holy name, so that I will not retreat from the fear of the devil, and may not renounce You, my Savior and Redeemer, from Your Holy Church. But grant me, Lord, day and night to cry and cry for my sins, and have mercy on me, Lord, at the hour of Your Last Judgment. Amen.

Then put out the candle, wrap its remnant in a white cotton rag, put it under your mattress, make sure that the bundle does not disappear from there.

Conspiracy against any illness

G God bless! In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit! Amen. How the Lord God firmly established and strengthened the heavens and the earth, and the water, and the stars, and the damp earth, and how on that damp earth there is no disease, no bloody wound, no pinch, no ache, no swelling, the Lord created me, the servant of God (name), in the same way; and as the Lord did, firmly established and firmly strengthened my veins, and my bones, and my white body, also I, the servant of God (name), would not have any disease on my white body, on my zealous heart, on my bones , no blood and no wound, and no pinch, no ache, no swelling. One Archangel key. Forever and ever, amen.

Conspiracy for illnesses

Z I say that the servant of God (name) has twelve sorrowful ailments: from shaking, from thorns, from itching, from shooting, from fire, from stabbing, from twitching, from blinking, from blindness, from deafness, from black sickness. You, evil shaker, calm down, otherwise I will curse you to tartarars; you restless thorn, stop, otherwise I will send you to the underworld; Stop itching, or I’ll drown you in hot water; you, shooting, stop, otherwise I will tar you in boiling tar; You, firebrand, cool down, otherwise I’ll freeze you with Epiphany frosts; You, hunk, shrink, otherwise I will crush you against a stone; You, prick, dull, otherwise I will saw you into small pieces; You jerk, come back, otherwise I’ll block the dam at the mill with you; You, blink, turn around, otherwise I’ll dry you out in the bathhouse oven; You, blindness, cower, otherwise I will drown you in tar; You, your deafness, disappear, otherwise I’ll tar it in a barrel and send it across the sea; You black sickness, get rid of it, otherwise I’ll make you pound the water.

All of you, illnesses, shake off, get rid of, move away from the servant of God (name) to this hour, to this day, to his life, with my strong word. Amen.

Prayer for all sorrows

ABOUT Most Holy Lady Theotokos, above all angels, archangels, all creatures, you are the most honest helper of the offended, healing hope, clothing for the poor, healing for the sick, salvation for sinners, help and intercession for all Christians; save, O Lady, and have mercy on the servant of God (name) with your honorable robe; protect, pray to, O Lady, the eternal incarnate Christ our God. May our invisible enemies gird us with strength from above. O all-merciful Lady Theotokos, raise us up from the depths of sin, deliver us from famine, destruction, from cowardice and flood, from fire and sword, from the presence of foreigners and internecine warfare, from vain death, from enemy attacks, from corruptive winds and deadly ulcers, from evil corruption, from unclean spirits, from all evil; Grant, O Lady, peace and health to your servant (name), enlighten his mind and the eyes of his heart to salvation, make him a sinner worthy of the kingdom of your Son Christ our God, as his unshakable power, blessed and glorified, with his only Father, with His Most Holy, Good and Life-Giving Spirit; and now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Conspiracies to keep unpleasant people away from home

It happens that people come to your house whom you are not at all happy to see. Maybe your sworn girlfriend has gotten into the habit, maybe your husband’s friends have chosen your house for preference, or your relatives have gotten into the habit - in any case, there is no peace in sight. It would be necessary to get rid of such guests, but you can’t say it directly, you can’t kick a person out. Meanwhile, with such unpleasant people, your luck may run out. That's why I give you several spells.

1. Spell for flowing water

Clean the floor for unwanted guests as soon as they leave. Speak into the water:

IN The ode spreads, and my enemies scatter. Amen.

2. Turning to the Lord for help

If you know or feel that unwanted guests are coming to you, clasp your little fingers and walk around the entire apartment in the sun, reading in each corner:

WITH Saint George the Victorious! You have overcome enemies, visible and invisible, give me the strength to overcome all my adversaries, to overcome, to conquer, to turn me away from home. And if they are in my house, they won’t leave a mark and won’t do any harm. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

3. Bread spell

If a person is unpleasant to you, and due to delicacy you cannot refuse him the house, do so. Place a small piece of bread (the size of a fingernail) in his outerwear pocket or jacket, jacket with the words:

X the lob will not turn into grain, and this servant of God will not return to me.

After the unwanted guest leaves, wash the floor.

From deceivers of all stripes

This conspiracy is good for all cases of possible deception, even if representatives of some sect get into the habit of approaching you and ingratiating themselves into your trust, extorting donations. It also helps against ordinary housing scams.

Take a coin or bill, not necessarily a large one, tie it in a clean handkerchief or rag, say this:

G I worship the Lord, I will pray to the Archangel Michael! I defend myself from dashing people with evil hearts and black thoughts, and I renounce uninvited guests. So that the money would not be taken away, they would not make a fool of themselves, they would not create a fog, they would bypass me, the servant of God (name). Amen.

Place the bundle on your body, in your bosom, and wear it on you for three days and three nights.

A spell for a crust of bread against heavy thoughts and against lack of money

Take a crust of rye black bread, rub your forehead with it, draw a cross on your forehead, then a cross on the back of your hands. Say it like this:

IN The girl went out into the field and collected wheat. I ground the wheat, kneaded the dough, baked bread. She baked it, bowed at the waist to the parent bread, asked for protection, said and spoke: dark thoughts are out, dashing is out, trouble is out, and for me, the servant of God (name), there is a ringing in my wallet. Amen.

Feed the crust to the birds the same day.

Reprimand from envy

Envy and greed greatly interfere with our luck. Because these are dark forces that can scare away all good things. If you cannot cope with them yourself, I give you special spells.

Take half a glass of milk, stir in clean water - preferably spring water, well water, if not, boiled water. To avoid catching a cold, make this mixture not cold, but warm, heat it up. Pour the mixture into a transparent vessel - glass, vase. Wash your face with milk and water, wash your hands and say the following charming words:

WITH neg is white, white is chalk, white is milk, my conscience is pure and white. I, the servant of God (name), do not know envy, do not gnash my teeth, I receive honest money. I renounce, renounce, renounce from evil envy and dark malice. Amen.

Out of greed, a conspiracy in moderation

This plot can be read to help both men and women. Another extreme befalls people in adulthood, especially women, and not always noticeably and seemingly out of the best intentions, out of homeliness. Homeliness turns into irrepressible greed and burning envy. A person strives to be no worse than others, lives with an eye on his neighbors - the Smirnovs, they say, have richer soup and whiter ceilings. If some kind of purchases are constantly being made that seem to be unnecessary, then the person needs to be not only stopped completely, but pulled back. If he lives like in a fever, is greedy for advertising, like a child for sweets, sleeps and sees renovations in the house, exchanges good things unnecessarily for what is better and more expensive, to boast to others - this is a bad thing. I know what I’m saying, because I’ve seen enough of this. It starts with nothing, but goes straight into a fever. If you notice your daughter or daughter-in-law, do it; if you notice yourself, do it. The husband needs to be short-circuited, he is too carried away with repairs, the neighbor is trying to wipe his nose - this plot will also help.

So, in order to know the measure, you need to cast a spell on any vessel with measuring divisions - for bulk or liquid products. At worst, take a cup or glass that you use to measure flour for baking on the farm - you have one at your establishment, so let it work! With this conspiracy you will protect yourself and your spouse, if anything.

Fill your measure exactly halfway with any cereal. You need to pour in pinches, slowly, with your left hand, and at the same time say:

A toad lived in a swamp, the toad was greedy, he got drunk beyond all measure, his size swelled. There was only a bang when her goiter burst. Saint John of God, merciful protector of the orphans and those in adversity, save the servant of God (name), so that he can live in abundance, but not accumulate more than the measure of good, and be in the middle. Amen.

Conspiracy from melancholy

With this spell you can treat both yourself and any other person from melancholy.

N and the sea on the Ocean, on an island on Buyan, in a hollow clearing, under a Mokretsky oak tree, sits the servant of God (name), grieving, torn in unknown melancholy and in unrecognizable sadness, in unsaid grief. Eight elders walk with the elder, uninvited, uninvited; Why are you sitting like this in a hollow clearing, on the island of Buyan, on the sea-ocean! And the servant of God (name) said to the eight elders with the elder: “Trouble found itself in the outskirts and lay in a zealous heart; it aches, my head hurts, the clear light is not nice.” Call all the elders with the formidable old man, they began to break the melancholy, throw the melancholy beyond the outskirts, the kidma threw melancholy, from east to west, from the river to the sea, from the road to the crossroads, from the village to the churchyard; nowhere did they accept the melancholy, nowhere did they hide the melancholy; rushed to the island on Buyan, to the sea on the Ocean, under the mokretsky oak. I speak to the servant of God (name) out of unbearable melancholy, to this day, to this hour, to this minute, no one can overcome my word, neither by air nor by spirit. Amen.

A mother's conspiracy in the superficial melancholy of her child

N and the sea on Okiana, on an island on Buyan, in a hollow clearing, under a Mokretsky oak tree, sits a red maiden, and she herself is sad, and she herself is torn in an unknown melancholy, in an unknown sadness, in an unsaid grief. Seven elders are walking with an elder, uninvited, uninvited. “Hey you are, red maiden, fierce from morning to evening! Why are you sitting in a hollow clearing, on an island on Buyan, on the sea on Okiana? And the girl spoke to the seven elders with the elder: “Trouble found itself in the outskirts, it lay in a zealous heart, it aches, the head hurts, the bright light is not nice, the whole family is hateful.” The seven elders cried out with the old man, menacingly menacing, and taught them to break the melancholy, to throw the melancholy behind the outskirts. Kidma was overwhelmed with melancholy from east to west, from the river to the sea, from the road to the crossroads, from the village to the churchyard, and nowhere could the melancholy be hidden; longing rushed to the island on Buyan, to the sea on Okian, under the Mokretskaya oak.

I speak, my dear mother, so-and-so, my beloved child, so-and-so, out of overwhelming melancholy to this day, to this hour, to this very minute. No one can overcome my word, either in air or in spirit. Amen.

Conspiracy against thoughtfulness, melancholy and sadness

TO rest, by the cross the cross, man was born, the cross was erected and Satan was bound, God was glorified, in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit; and now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Conspiracy from anger

N It was a great day for me to be born, I was surrounded by an iron fence, I went to my dear mother, to my dear father, and to my whole family and tribe; my dear darling became angry, they broke my bones, pinched my body, trampled on my feet, drank my blood. My sun is clear, the stars are bright, the sky is clean, the sea is calm, the fields are yellow, you are all yellow, all of you stand quietly and meekly and meekly, so my dear mother, my dear father, my whole clan and tribe would be quiet and meek and meek , all days, all hours, nights and midnights; As a bee wears diarrhea, so would my dear mother, my dear father, the whole clan and tribe produce kind words for my dear one, the servant of God (name); just as wax burns and melts in the face of fire, so would the hearts of my relatives melt and burn; just as a swan yearns for a winch, so would my family and tribe all yearn for me, their own servant of God (name); Just as a student pours water all day long, so would the heart of everyone’s clan and tribe flow for me, for the servant of God (name); just as the door to the doorframe is pretending, so would my words to the family and tribe be pretending, all the days, all the hours, and at night, and at noon, and midnight.

Conspiracies to prevent the machinations of competitors and enemies

If you have a serious matter in mind and are afraid that you may be harmed, then buy fresh fish and take holy water from the church. At midnight, start cooking the fish in this water, salting it with your left hand from a wooden salt shaker. When the steam comes out, say to it:

G The Lord was a fisherman, he caught fish, he blessed the fish, he fed five thousand people. The fish was silent, so my enemies will be silent. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Be sure to eat this fish before you start, and feed the leftovers to cats or dogs.

Conspiracy from competitors and envious people

This plot is read if you have discovered or suspect nagging or cheating, which can adversely affect the state of your wallet. Take a moment on the street when a black dog runs past you. Say this to her shadow:

B A crazy dog, with a hot nose, ran past me, bared his teeth, gnawed his lips, let out foam, ran across the Kalinov bridge, twisted, crashed to the ground and died. Just as that mad dog didn’t cross my path, God’s servant (name), so that the envious woman wouldn’t cross my path either. Brush your teeth, gnaw your lips, gnaw on nagging, and bickering, and angry conversations, but you cannot harm me, run from me, run. My word is true, my deed is right, that’s where I stand and will stand. Amen, amen, amen.

Take a pinch of dust from the place where the shadow of the black dog fell, carefully wrap it in paper and bring it to work. Discreetly sprinkle this dust after the person harming you as soon as he passes by. It’s very good if you fall into the footprint left by this person’s shoes (you can do this not in the workroom itself, but outside the threshold when you leave work). It is advisable that you do all this in one day - then the spoken dust will not lose its power.

Conspiracy against drunkenness

Whatever you say, the green serpent is the biggest obstacle to our happiness. Women, they will understand me. Now, if your hubby has gotten into the habit of spending time with a bottle, and you no longer know what to do, I advise you to talk to the drinker.

IN O name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen. Hops and wine leave the servant of God (name) for the dark forests, where people do not walk and horses do not roam and birds do not fly.

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit (twice), hops and wine go out onto the fast water, on which people do not ride; from the servant of God (name) send hops and wine to the violent winds, which the wind travels far and wide. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, get attached to a dashing person who thinks dashingly in (name), get attached to someone who will not do good, get rid of me forever. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen.

Conspiracy against binge drinking

In order for a binge drinker to fall asleep and then stop drinking, you need to take a hair from him and slander him:

Z Arya-lightning, red maiden, mother and queen herself, bright moon, clear stars, take from me insomnia, sleeplessness, night owl, in the middle of the night come to me, even as a red maiden, even as a mother-queen, and charge me, and take me away cursed power, and give me Spasov’s hand, Mother of God Castle. My angel, my archangel, save my soul, strengthen my heart, enemy Satan, abandon me. I am baptized with the cross, I protect myself with the cross, I call on the angel with the cross, I drive away the evil one with the cross. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I know the Holy Signs!

Conspiracy against binge drinking

T You, heaven, hear, you, heaven, see what I want to do over the body of God’s servant (name). You bright stars, come down into the wedding cup; and in my cup there is water because of the mountain student. You are a red moon, come into my cage; and in my cage there is neither a bottom nor a cover. You are free sunshine, come into my yard; and in my yard there are no people or animals. Stars, keep God's servant (name) away from wine; month, turn the servant of God (name) away from wine; sunshine, pacify the servant of God (name) from wine. My word is strong! Amen.

Lure spells for good luck

Well, at the end of my book I’ll give you some spells for good luck. Because trust in God, and don’t make a mistake yourself. Is that what it says? Exactly! This means that we will not sit around, we will create our own luck.

Conspiracy for an important matter - “Knot of Luck”

A good, true plot, and suitable for every person. If you have an important task ahead of you, take a silk thread and tie it in a knot, saying three times:

TO As the end meets the end, so things would work out for me. Amen.

Then, when leaving on this business, you put a thread on the threshold, step over it and say the same thing again. You leave the thread on the doorstep.

A conspiracy to make things work out

Tie the thread in a knot, put it across the threshold, say three times, then go.

TO Just as this knot is tied, so for us, the servants of God (name), the matter (such and such) soon came together. Amen.

Spell on coastal sand for all kinds of luck

To fulfill the spell, you will need a twig or a branch of such a tree: pine, birch, or oak. Under no circumstances take aspen, it is a bad tree, Judas. You need no one to see you. In the old days, this conspiracy was performed early in the morning, near undisturbed water. If you can arrange it that way, it will be good.

Go to the shore, stand at the edge of the water so that you can write on the sand, or on the ground, or on clay in a place where the inscription will immediately be washed away by the water. Write your name and say this:

IN Oditsa-voditsa, give me a drink, give me a wash to the servant of God (name). Voditsa-voditsa, let me get dressed, let the servant of God (name) feed himself. I close the word in my mouth, I wash away the name with water. Amen.

When the water washes away your name, leave without looking back, take the twig with you and keep it under your pillow for three days and three nights. Then you can throw it away, it has served its purpose.

Spells to charm people

Charm does not depend on your external data. You know how unpleasant very beautiful people can be sometimes. So it’s not a matter of beauty, but something else. This “other” is quite accessible to you if you know a few secrets and use them.

Water spell

When you feel tired, weak, upset or sick, you need to wash your face three times in the morning with cold tap water, each time saying:

IN Oda-water, wash my face, for cleanliness, for beauty, for health! Amen.

The owner of the water will help you, and people will rejoice at you like a stream in the summer heat.

A spell for special charm

It is done in the morning of the day when you need to look especially attractive.

Pour cold, raw water into a bowl. Take three pinches of salt with your left hand and dissolve the salt in the water. Speak into the water:

TO Just as people cannot live without water, just as people cannot live without salt, just as they drink water and rejoice, just as they eat salt and praise me, so people would rejoice at me, the servant of God (name), and would love and praise me. Amen.

Wash yourself with the spoken water and dry yourself with your own clothes.

Spells for beauty and attractiveness

Charm is, of course, wonderful, but who wants to be, for example, a charming old lady? Probably only to the disgusting old hag. And acne on the face can deprive anyone of their charm. And if your hair falls out, there simply cannot be any happiness. If you have tried everything, and neither cosmetics, nor doctors, nor healers have helped you, then just turn to nature itself - it will definitely help you!

1. Spell on fish for radiant skin

Take any fresh fish, wash it, clean it (do not throw away the scales). Pour sunflower oil into a glass (about a quarter), take three pinches of salt from a wooden salt shaker with your left hand, salt the oil, then spread it on the fish. Place the fish in one bag and the scales in another. At dawn, bury the fish in the ground in one place and the scales in another. While burying, say:

WITH fish scales, I'm scabby. When the fish rots, then the scab will come off. Amen.

2. Spell for water to cleanse the skin

If acne or hemp appears on your face, or your skin becomes unwell, the problem can be solved. You need to pour water into a basin and light 3 candles near the basin with water. There should be enough water to fit into a liter jar. Wash yourself with this water and at the same time say three times:

ABOUT The image of God is holy and pure, so my face is pure. Amen.

Then you need to pour the water into a jar and pour it at three intersections.

3. Moon spells for strong hair

1. In order for your hair to grow well and not fall out, you must sit at the window on the new moon at midnight on Monday and comb your hair, saying:

L una for profit, hair in growth. The moon stays in its place and won’t go anywhere, just like the hair on my head stays, grows and thickens. Amen.

2. If your hair is falling out, you take the fallen hair, put it on the threshold of your house (apartment) and stand on the threshold yourself. Then clasp your hands above your head and say three times:

Z There are countless places in the sky, and I have countless hairs. A month for profit, hair growth. Amen.

4. Spell on water for beautiful hair

You should take a small mirror and place it under your pillow at night. In the morning, carefully take out the mirror without looking at it, wrap it in a handkerchief and hide it so that no one looks at it.

Closer to midnight, pour water into a basin and place a mirror there with the reflective surface facing up. Exactly at midnight, comb your hair, looking in the mirror, and say three times:

IN the ode is flowing, the hair is growing. The water in the sea rises and never goes down, so my hair grows and doesn’t fall off my head. I charm my hair against the evil eye, against damage, against any evil cramps, against envy, against illness. Just as the grass is thick and silky, so is my hair thick and silky. Just as there are a sea of ​​fish and the sky is full of stars, so I have a lot of hair on my head. Amen.

Then pour out the water, and wrap the mirror and hide it so that no one can look into it.

5. Spell on plants for beautiful hair

On Monday, at noon, pick nine birch leaves and nine nettle leaves. At home, in your bedroom, put them on a white sheet of paper and leave them until Friday. On Friday at noon, crush the leaves into dust and cover with water. At midnight from Friday to Saturday, wipe your hair roots with this mixture, saying:

TO The rapeseed grows, but no one tears it, does not break it, everyone respects it, so my hair would grow and not tear, would not break, and everyone would admire my hair. Just as a birch tree has thick and curly branches, so I, the servant of God (name), would be rich in hair. Amen.

6. Conspiracies to return youth to moonlight and water

1. Take a glass of cold water from the tap and place it on the window during the new moon, lower a silver spoon into the glass. The glass should stand on the window for three nights so that the water is saturated with moonlight. On the fourth night, at midnight, go outside and stand so that the moonlight falls on you. Wash yourself with this water and say:

L una-beauty, give me your beauty. Just as people admire your beauty, so they would admire me, the servant of God (name). Amen.

2. On a full moon, pour a glass of boiled water, throw a pinch of salt into it with your left hand and place the glass so that the moonlight falls on it. Next, say this hex until all the salt has dissolved:

B I will be as white-faced and as bright as the moon in the sky. Amen.

Let the glass sit like this all night.

In the morning, after washing your face, on an empty stomach, drink a glass of this spoken water, saying to yourself: “Water is in me, beauty is on me.” Repeat these words until the water in the glass runs out.

Spell to attract universal love

Such love will be your assistant in any matter. And it’s easy to attract her. You will need a large mirror, the bigger the better, preferably full length; flower vase; fresh flowers. There should be seven or nine flowers, they can be any, only if they are roses, do not forget to remove the thorns. You can cut flowers in your own garden or buy them, it doesn’t matter at all. Just before you put them in a vase, ask them to forgive you for cutting them.

The ritual should be performed in complete privacy. Turn off all phones! Remember: any interference will not only nullify your efforts, but will offend those forces to which you are turning - it will only get worse. If you are still interrupted, then the ritual will have to be postponed, and you need to read the prayer to Jesus Christ:

AND Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the One Trisagion Divinity, the Virgin Mary, Holy Thrones, angels, archangels, cherubs, seraphim with their principalities, I bow to you, I repent to you. Forgive, O God, the great sins of Your servant (name). Forgive sins known and unknown, forgive, forgive, as I confess to You, the only Lord and my God. Lord Jesus Christ, Virgin Mary, Holy Archangel of God Michael with all the heavenly powers! Deliver me from cruel death, from vain death, from a dashing person, from a black eye, from blasphemous words, from a remote road, from an unkind heart. I bow to you, I light a candle to you, I commend my spirit to you. Amen.

Place the flowers in a large vase opposite the mirror or on a shelf in front of the mirror so that the flowers are reflected in the mirror. Strip down to your panties. Stand in front of the mirror. Take one flower from the vase and start stroking your hair, forehead, and ears with the petals. Then go down your cheeks, touching your chin.

Close your eyes and stroke your eyelids gently with the petals. At the same time say the following words: “I see love.”

Lower the flower below. Inhale its aroma as if you were drinking it. Try to feel the scent of the flower filling your soul. Say, “I breathe in love.”

Open your eyes, raise the flower above your head and say: “Love is in my hands.”

Press the flower to your heart so that its petals spread and adhere to your skin, like lips in a kiss. Feel how the power contained in the flower penetrates you. Say the following words: “I feel love.”

Then touch the flower to your belly and say, “I absorb love.”

Now, holding the flower in front of you, look at your reflection in the mirror and, without taking your eyes off it, admiring yourself kindly, say the following:

B God is love, the love of God abides in the world, it covers me, the servant of God (name). I will cover myself with love, I will turn around with love, I will go to bed with love, and I will wake up with love. Amen.

You need to say everything soulfully, feeling what you say. Open yourself to this flower, surrender yourself to its power. He will heal your heart, in which grievances, disappointments, and pain have accumulated.

After completing the ritual, place the flower in the vase and carefully mark it - this flower has already given itself to you, its strength, and helped you. Tomorrow you will take the next flower - and so on every day until you have used each one.

This mirror and vase of flowers should be in a place that you pass by often during the day. It is best if the vase remains near the mirror.

After the flower with which the ceremony was performed has withered, you need to remove it from the vase and bury it in the ground, having previously thanked it for the power given for the sake of your happiness.

Spell for the love of all people

Speak on the ring or on the cross, put it in your bosom or in a scarf:

WITH Get ready, people, good people, for the honorable holiday of Christ. As they look at crosses, and at domes, at the Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, at various images, so old old men, young men, old old women, young women, fair maidens, little timid children would look and look at the servant of God (name); This is how the servant of God (name) would look and look; so that the servant of God (name) would seem more beautiful than the red sun, purer than pure silver. Be my words firm and strong, indestructible forever. The key is in the water, and the lock is in your hands. Amen.

A conspiracy to gain human love

WITH I, servant of God (name), will dance in the morning, blessing myself and crossing myself; I’ll go out into an open field and look at all four sides: on the eastern side stands the holy church. Just as they look at this church and become covetous, so old old women, old old men, little guys, beautiful maidens, young fellows would look and covet at the servant of God (name); looked and set their sights on the servant of God (name). Be my words strong and capacious, like underground keys. Amen.

Spell on herbs and flowers for good

This plot will help you gain good luck in money and property matters.

You will need to find a place where flowers bloom - at least stand at a stall where there is a flower shop. Stand facing the flowers and say these words:

IN In the Garden of Eden, the Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos walked, collected flowers, breathed the sweet spirit, wove a wreath, sang a song. I, the servant of God (name), will go to the flowers, lead a song, and find all good things. I will worship the Most Holy Theotokos, baptize myself with the Holy Cross and be enriched by the power of the Lord. Strength is in me, goodness is in my home. Amen.

Spell for luck and strength gem

You will need any jewelry with a gem - a pendant, beads, a ring. You can take a souvenir gem, as it is now sold, simply with a piece of stone, even unprocessed - such a souvenir is intended for magical rituals or simply placed on a table, and not worn on yourself. You have prepared the gem, now take spring water, pour it into a glass, clay or earthenware vessel (the main thing is that it is not metal or plastic). Place your stone there, say the spell words:

ABOUT There is power in the earth, power in the water, power in the stone. A semi-precious stone with fire on seven sides. The servant of God (name) received strength from that pebble, seven times seven, and another seventy times seven. Amen.

Remove the stone and drink seven sips of water throughout the day.

A conspiracy so that a friend does not refuse a request

Before entering the house of the person you are going to ask for something, you need to grab the door bracket three times and say:

T You yell, brace, you are silent, brace, so the servant of God (name) would be silent with me! Amen.

And upon entering the house, look at the person who must satisfy your request, and mentally say:

I month, you are a star, the month orders the stars, and I order you: do what I tell you, and not what you want. Amen.

Conspiracy for a successful ending

People quite often fail because they don't follow through. Many good initiatives get stuck in the middle. But there is not enough strength to finish the job. Many attribute this to chronic fatigue syndrome, the frantic pace of modern life. But people have had this problem at all times. Therefore, they created a special conspiracy that helps you get ready to finish what you started, so that you are lucky and no troubles happen.

This spell is made with lump sugar. You need to take a piece of sugar, drop vodka or fortified wine on it and say:

G The Lord gave us the vine, the vine brought forth sugar fruit, vine fruit, joy to the heart, joy to the soul, sweetness to the body. My work has reached the middle, so it will reach the end and bear fruit. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

This spell needs to be done at midnight, then the sugar is left in the kitchen until the morning. Place the saucer with sugar on the windowsill, leaving the window open.

Spells that will attract good luck at work

Cream spell, which is read to find a good job (for a good job)

Cream is the best part of milk, so the spell for good work should be read over it. You need to skim the cream yourself. You will again need a bucket of freshly milked milk. Cool it (so that the cream floats to the surface) and carefully skim it off with a wooden spoon. While filming, say:

IN I, servant of God (name), will go, blessing myself, I will go, crossing myself, I will stand, praying, at the Holy Trinity, at the Ascension of Christ. Christ God ascended to heaven, and commanded all creatures: and whoever is holy and pure, he ascends above, and whoever is sinful, must be below. The milk stood, divided in two, the pure and holy cream on top, the sinful skimmed off on the bottom. I drink cream, I take the sacred. And so that I, the servant of God (name), may receive the holy and the upper in my hands, and not get the sinful and the lower. Amen. Amen. Amen.

This cream must be drunk before midnight, alone.

A conspiracy to retain a profitable client

If you need to retain a profitable client, then before negotiations, light a match, then blow it out and say:

IN in an open field, in a dark forest, in a great fog, a light burned and smoke curled. So that the servant of God (name of your client) goes to that light for a little smoke, but not to get lost, but not to get lost, and not to go astray, but to be close, and not to leave. Amen.

A spell for good luck in a contract

Take two rowan berries, wrap them in a small rag and say:

IN You can’t fool a sparrow on chaff; you can’t get around me, God’s servant (name), on a rowan tree. My berries are with me and my money is with me. Amen.

Put these rowans in your wallet and calmly go to conclude the contract.

A conspiracy to gain trust

Before you go to the person whose trust you need to gain, take a silk thread and say over it three times:

IN The earth believes in the red sun, the night believes in the clear month, the wife believes in her beloved husband, the Church of Christ believes in the One God, the True Christ, I also believe in the True God. So people would believe me, the servant of God (name). Amen. Amen. Amen.

Then tie this thread around your left wrist. Repeat the spell three times immediately before the meeting.

Conspiracy to approach the authorities

The day before, how to go to the authorities, say on a rope:

G Lord Jesus Christ, your help from God is with me. Most Holy Theotokos, without you nothing happens, nothing is born. Help me, bless my work. Amen.

From this point, when you speak, raise your hands up.

R You're right, it's the right thing. Left hand, bold deed. The Lord is my defense, I will defend myself with the Lord, I will tie myself with the holy robe. Amen.

When going to the authorities, tie yourself with this rope under your clothes, like a belt.

In addition, take a handkerchief and say to it:

C Arita Elena, Tsar Constantine, you affirmed the faith of Christ and drove away demons. And just as people listened to you but could not disobey, so they would listen to me, but could not disobey. And just as they gave you praise and honor, so they would give me. And just as everyone worked for you, everyone paid tribute, so there would be rewards for me too. You, Lord, are the true King, I am Your insignificant servant, I trust in Your strength and help, I glorify the true Christ. Amen.

Then wipe yourself with this handkerchief and look at your boss.

When entering the door, you need to grab the door bracket and say three times:

T You yell, you're a brace, you're silent, you're a brace, so my opponent would remain silent against me. Amen.

Conspiracy to approach an important person

WITH I, servant of God (name), will dance, having blessed myself, I will go, crossing myself, out of the hut by the doors, out of the yard by the gates; I will go out into an open field, stand facing east, with my ridge to the west. Akiras and Oras, and how kings, queens, kings, queens, princes, princesses, all Orthodox families go and do not think evil and dashing; as kings, queens, kings, queens, princes, princesses, and all the nobles, and all the Orthodox families will rejoice and rejoice, so you saw me, the servant of God (name), kings, queens, kings, queens, princes, princesses and all Orthodox Christian families rejoiced; and just as the mother does not see the separated child for many years, but when he sees it, he will rejoice and rejoice very cheerfully and joyfully, so when he saw me, the servant of God (name), kings, queens, kings, queens, princes, princesses, all the nobles would rejoice and rejoice and all Orthodox families are Christian. Just as it is impossible to transform the heavenly chariots, so you could not transform me and my words, forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy before going to the authorities

P Praise, O Lord, King David and all his meekness. As humble, and meek, and merciful as King David was, so would I, the servant of God (name), have had all the leading and official people and righteous judges humble, meek, and merciful. Amen.

Approaching the authorities

IN O name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I, God’s servant (name), will become blessed early in the morning and go far into an open field, blessed from my father and forgiven from my mother, and from my family and tribe, near and far; I will go far into an open field and stand with my face to the east and my ridge to the west. Mother earth, father sky, dawn Mary, dawn Maremyaniya, I will put the red sun in my eyes, I will put the young and bright moon in the tyn, I will cover myself with frequent stars, I will cover myself with the robe of the Lord, imperishable. And how all variegated authorities and all Orthodox Christians look, and how this power looks at the Lord God, and at the angels, and at the archangels, and at the cherubim, and at the seraphim, and at the apostles, and at the veil, and at all the saints, and to the red sun, and to the young moon, and to the frequent stars, and to the heavenly moon. And they do not think, all the motley authorities, and all the Orthodox, and do not think about the Lord God, and about the angels, and about the archangels, and about the cherubim, and about the seraphim, and about the apostles, and about the veil, and about all the saints, and on the red sun, and on the young bright moon, and on the frequent stars, and on the heavenly moon, neither evil nor evil, and on me, the servant of God (name), but I, the servant of God (name), would seem to these authorities in the eyes redder than the red sun, brighter than the bright moon and frequent stars; always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages, all the strength of the Holy Spirit. Amen, amen, amen.

Spell on the pen (for luck with work)

R A lesson in hand, order in my head, money in my purse, good luck with me! Amen.

From an unfair accusation

AND I, servant of God (name), go from the hut to the door, from the yard to the gate, to green meadows, to clean fields, to dark forests; the servant of God (name) found thirty dead people, their hearts do not flare up, their hands do not rise, their lips do not open; So the servant of God (name) would not have had a warm heart for the servant of God (name), his hands would not have been raised, his lips would not have opened yesterday and today. You, Great God, send to defeat the demonic force and for me, the servant of God (name), to defeat all the enemies who unfairly accuse me. Amen, amen, amen.

A conspiracy to make the bosses be merciful

G Lord, bless, Father, dressed in light, like a robe, covered with a cloud, I gird myself with the belt of the Most Holy Theotokos, merciful intercessor. Bind the mouths, and tongues, and throats of princes, and boyars, and rulers, and of all authorities and clerks. Amen.

Spells for money luck

Conspiracy in the workplace to get better pay

For this conspiracy, no improvised means are needed. They say sitting at your workplace, but turning your face in the direction where the money is coming from (in other words, towards the accountant).

A St. Andrew caught fish on the Sea of ​​Galilee and spoke with Jesus Christ, our Lord. Lord Jesus Christ, send me a rich catch, money to shovel. So may the Lord not forget God’s servant (name), do not bypass him, give him good things, feed him, give him something to drink. Amen, amen, amen.

Money corridor

You need to do this ritual at night, just before going to bed.

It requires two small mirrors and several large coins (fives, tens). Place mirrors opposite each other and place coins in the center. They will be reflected repeatedly in numerous mirrors reflecting each other. Light two candles on both sides of the mirrors and turn off the lights. Look at the reflections of the coins and say:

IN I will go, young servant of God (name), blessing myself, I will go, crossing myself, at dawn, I will pass the east, I will pass midday, I will pass the evening, I will go out to the blue sea, I will meet the dark night. The sands are yellow on the blue sea, and there are frequent stars in the sky at night. Just as you can’t count the sands in the blue sea, just as you can’t count the stars in the black sky, just as you can’t count the coins in the mirror, so I, God’s servant (name), had uncountable money. I secure it with a lock, close it with a key, the key is in the sea, and the money is in my wallet. Amen.

Stare at the coins until the candles go out. You should dream about the reflections of the coins all night long. If this does not happen, the ritual must be repeated, but not earlier than in a month.

Spell on a pear to have a lot of money

Buy a ripe, juicy pear at the market. Peel it without using a knife, mash it, remove the seeds from the pulp, and say to the pulp itself:

G I eat the ruin, I inhabit the money spirit in myself. Where the spirit is, there is money. Amen.

A conspiracy to get money into your hands

Save up a lot of change so that the middle bowl is full. Coat your hands with honey and immerse them in this bowl with the words:

TO Like flies on honey, so come the money to me. Just as everything sticks to honey, so would money stick to my hands. Amen.

Spell on bird feathers for money

Take three bird feathers and say on them:

P I can’t count my clothes, and I can’t count my money either. Just as that feather can’t jump back onto the chicken and not be on it, so my money won’t go away. Amen. No matter how many chickens are born in the world, no matter how many feathers there are on them, no matter how many scientists there are in the world, no one can count all the feathers in the world. So in my purse there will be countless amounts of money, not counted, not calculated. Amen.

Place these feathers in your wallet.

A conspiracy to make the long-awaited money come sooner

Take a handful of wheat, go out to the crossroads at midnight and say:

L Come, birds, for my wheat, bring money with you, and give it all to me. Just as birds flock to grain, so money would flock to my wallet. Amen.

To give money more often

Get up at dawn, take a bucket of cold water, splash it from head to toe and say:

T Water flows into the sea from all rivers, springs and streams, all tends to the sea, all flows into the ocean. So money would flow to me, God’s servant (name), small and large, and medium, and all kinds. Amen.

From unexpected expenses

It often happens like this: you save money for something serious, and suddenly there is a need to spend it on something urgent. To avoid such situations, you need to go into the forest, find an aspen tree, stand with your back to it, press the back of your head and say:

B Tree of God, you were born from damp earth, so I, the servant of God (name), was created from the dust of the earth. You are my brother, I am your sister, help me. Amen.

After this, tilt the nearest branch and speak to it:

WITH How many stars are in the sky, how many fish are in the sea, how many azure flowers are in the clear fields, how many green leaves are on the trees, so much would I, the servant of God (name), have in my wallet. The tree falls, blooms in the spring, grows leaves, and my money would not disappear, but would always grow. The tree is tall, and the money is tall. Amen.

Then pick a leaf from this branch, take a coin out of your pocket, throw it on the ground and say:

P I do not buy your leaves, I buy your growing strength. Amen.

And go home without looking back. Dry this sheet and store it in your wallet.

Money tablecloth

If there is no money in the house, so there is not enough even for food, make a “money tablecloth”. To do this, take a piece of unbleached canvas slightly larger than the table and trim the edges. Sew four coins into the four corners of the tablecloth. When everyone at home has gone to bed, take red woolen threads and sew them around the edges of the tablecloth (as best you can). While sweeping, repeat the following conspiracy to yourself:

WITH the sun sleeps, but I, young, do not sleep, I speak a conspiracy, I create witchcraft. I throw and baste, sew and sew, not threads to the tablecloth, but wealth to the house. As the thread is long, so the money would be in debt. The tablecloth is on the table, and the money is in the house. Whoever eats bread and salt at that tablecloth will have money in his pocket. The tablecloth will remain, the house will stand, and the wealth will come. I didn’t sew, I didn’t speak, Saint Martha sewed, her sister Mary spoke. All saints, help and forgive. Amen. Amen. Amen.

If you see evil spirits at night, drive them away with this prayer:

A My angel, stand in defense, enemy Satan, turn away from me! I am not sitting alone, the Mother of God is with me, the Life-giving Cross of the Lord is with me, the power of the cross is with me! Amen. Amen. Amen.

This tablecloth should always be on the table. It cannot be washed, so cover it with oilcloth or another tablecloth.

Conspiracy to make a profit

Cover the hem of your skirt with red thread and say:

I I don’t throw and sweep around the hem, I sweep money towards me, small and medium and large, old and new, copper and gold, silver and paper. Amen.

Conspiracy to repay the debt

If you are not repaid, throw a dry crust out the window at midnight with the words:

WITH You go, debt, to someone else’s house, you eat someone else’s bread, you ruin the house. Don’t sit with strangers, come back. Amen.

So that financial affairs go well

Take a silver ring, go out at midnight to an intersection where no one is driving, stand in the middle of the intersection, throw the ring behind your back and say:

X The Mother of God went to holy places, to high mountains, collected dew, and poured it into a cup of gold. Whoever drinks from that cup, wealth comes to him. Whoever takes a sip does not know the need. Whoever drinks two drinks, the trouble recedes from him. Whoever drinks three drinks, God blesses him. Gold, silver, house and livestock, and all sorts of goods. Amen.

Take the ring in the morning. If the ring is not there, then the ritual failed.

Money conspiracy when burning an effigy of Maslenitsa

These days, seeing off Maslenitsa is celebrated almost the same way as in the old days, and I find that this is very good. I advise you to definitely go to the celebration when they burn the Maslenitsa effigy. Take advantage of this moment: when they say goodbye to winter, a cold, dark and hungry time; when they welcome spring, sunlight, the coming summer and harvests. As they begin to burn Maslenitsa, stand close to the fire so that you break out in sweat, and wipe the sweat from your face with a handkerchief. Say the following words to yourself:

WITH eat sweat, run away from me, hunger and cold go away, fire, rise, spring, begin. What burns will not be, but I can walk in gold. Amen.

Hide the spoken scarf in your bosom and take it home. Keep it on your body until Forgiveness Sunday expires. Don't talk to anyone on the way home.

At the first bath, so that the boy can live richly

They say things when they give a boy a bath for the first time. A coin is placed in the bath.

N The wolf gave birth to a wolf cub, the hare gave birth to a hare, and the eagle gave birth to an eaglet. The wolf fed, cared for and loved the wolf cub; the hare fed, cared for and loved the little hare; the eagle fed, cared for and loved the eaglet; So I too, as an infant, God’s servant (name), will feed, care for, love. He will grow, grow and prosper in comfort and prosperity. Amen.

Spell on honeycombs so that young people live richly

On the eve of the wedding, buy honey in combs and say this to it:

WITH Saints Kosma and Damian and Vlasiy, you are patrons of marriage, guardians of spouses. I turn to you, I bow to you. Just as honey is sweet, let it be sweet to the servants of God (name the bride and groom) every year, so that they don’t quarrel because of poverty, don’t disperse like a honeycomb, and stick to each other. I mince three times three times. Amen, amen, amen.

From that honey, separate at least a drop, at least a spoon, and give it to the newlyweds at the wedding feast to drink in water, in tea. They will live richly and peacefully.

For the same reason, it’s good for housewarming parties for newlyweds and just married couples.

You can make such a conspiracy for yourself or if one of your young people got married and moved to a new place. Collect blades of grass and twigs, make a nest out of them, put grains and coins there, wrapped in a red rag. Say it like this:

P the bird's nest, this house is richer. Amen.

The spoken nest must be placed in a secret place in the new home, kept carefully, not shown to strangers, and ensure that small children do not touch or destroy it.

Bird chirping spell for prosperity

Go out into the free air, even into the forest, even into the garden. Find a place where there are birds, and wait for them to sing, chirp - even tits and sparrows chirping, or pigeons walking. Throw crumbs and millet to the birds and say this:

IN Every bird sings, every bird brings food to its chicks, one cuckoo is a thin mother to its cuckoos, I won’t throw bread to the cuckoo. Little birds, here's a treat for you, take it to the little kids. Just as I feed and treat you, so would I, God’s servant (name), receive all kinds of prosperity and good things. Amen.

Spell on an icon for prosperity

During this spell, they pour water over the icon and wash themselves with that water. Therefore, you need to take not a paper icon, but a written one, or under glass, so that it does not spoil. They slander the icon of forty saints, the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, or the icon of the Mother of God. So, you don’t need to pour it with a glass or a ladle, just sprinkle the icon with spring water, and catch at least a few drops of that water and rub it over your face. They say this:

WITH Holy water, send grace and all prosperity to the servant of God (name), without suffering, without fatigue. Amen.

Spells for good luck in trading and shopping

Trade conspiracy

D ate, Lord, you said with your most pure lips, that without me you cannot do anything. My Lord, Lord, I believe about our souls, help me, a sinner, the servant of God (name), to improve my life by trading in buying, selling and money changing, and in everything. You, O Lord, accomplish it yourself in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Holy Archangel Michael, in your holy name we trade, save, preserve and bless with your holy prayers the servant of God (name) to begin and carry out a happy and prosperous trade. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit; and now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Buyer's spell for a successful purchase

This spell can only be used if you are buying something big: a house or a car.

Take a half-burnt candle from the church, put the stub in the pocket where the money is (not all, it may be part of the money for the purchase) and say:

G Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner (name), amen. I, servant of God (name), go to bed in the evening, late to late, blessing myself and crossing myself; I, servant of God (name), get up early and wash myself with three-day water; I go from the house by the doors, from the yard by the gates; I’ll join good people, I’ll start trading and bargaining (say what). Yes, behind me stand Michael the Archangel and Gabriel the Archangel with their heavenly power. Create, Lord, prosperity forever and ever. Amen.

Buyer's conspiracy not to overpay

On the new moon in the evening, pour a third of water, a third of milk and a third of sunflower oil into a glass. Tell:

T merchant, merchant, if you deceive me, the servant of God (name), I will treat you, I will pour from this glass, I will rinse out your guts. Don't make me angry, tell the truth. Amen.

The next morning, cover the glass with white paper and place it under the stairs in your house.

A conspiracy to prevent you from being deceived when purchasing

Mix milk and sunflower oil in a glass. Add Epsom salts (available at pharmacies) and place in a window. Say this to this glass:

N I went out and brewed a potion. As she brewed it, she said. Let my adversary drink that potion, and when he says his false word, he will tie his stomach in a knot. Do not untie, do not unbend. Amen.

If a person wants to deceive you, his stomach will immediately turn, and this is how you will know about the deception.


D ate, Lord, you said with your most pure lips, that without me you cannot do anything. My Lord, Lord, I will expand the volume of our soul, help me, a sinner, the servant of God (name), in this life of our trade in buying, selling and bartering and in everything. You are the master, Lord, accomplish it yourself in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen. Holy Archangel Michael, in your holy name we trade, save, preserve and bless with your holy prayers the servant of God (name) to begin and carry out a happy and prosperous trade. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit; and now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

A conspiracy to lure buyers

To successfully sell a product, repeat to yourself on the way to the place of sale:

TO Just as flies fly to honey, so all the merchants would flock to my goods. Amen.

After each repetition, spit over your left shoulder and tap your right shoulder three times with your left hand.

Spell on a bill and a blade of grass

You need to take any green blade of grass, lightly spread it with honey and stick it to any bill. Then say:

T a rava reaches to the sun, a fly lands on honey, so merchants would be drawn to my trade, like grass to the sun, like flies to honey!

Then fold the bill in half so that the blade of grass is inside it, and carry it with you while trading. The ritual must be performed on the waxing moon.

Plot for a new towel

You should buy, without haggling, a new white towel made of natural fabric, without patterns. At 3 o'clock in the morning say to him:

WITH There is a hive in the field, humming, buzzing, in that hive the queen sits, counting the bees, but cannot count them. Just as that queen bee cannot count her bees, so I could not count the money, and just as those bees bring honey and fill the honeycomb, so I would fill my purses day by day.

And go back to sleep. In the morning, after washing your face, blot your face with this towel for several minutes. Use this towel only when you go to trade.

How to tie knots of trading luck

When washing your face before trading, you need to dry yourself with a new handkerchief, tie knots at its ends and say:

TO Just as people admire the stars and the clear moon, so they would admire my goods; Just as a groom loves his bride, so they would love my goods, they were all sold out. Let it be so from now on and forever. Amen.

Take a scarf with you and always keep it with you when you are going to trade. After washing, the ritual must be repeated.

Spells for good luck on the roadPlot for good luck on the road

When setting off on the road, lean your cheek against the door and say in a whisper:

M Wait for her, call her home!

When you arrive where you were going, cross yourself three times and say:

WITH Lava to you, Lord, for a happy journey, for a quick return!

And then everything will be fine with you.

Plot before leaving home

Before leaving home, say:

B God bless the road, send the angel, watch over me yourself! Amen.

And cross yourself. And as you cross the threshold, look around and say:

P behind is the threshold, ahead is God. Amen.

Conspiracy against fear on the road

In order not to be afraid of anything on the road, a stone is placed under the threshold. The one who sets out on a journey steps first. After which you need to take a stone and say:

TO I am not afraid of rain, wind, or heat, so I, the servant of God (name), am not afraid of anything on the road. Amen.

You need to say it three times and put the stone in a place where no one will step over it.

Conspiracy to leave a loved one

After the person leaving, one of his relatives or friends should splash water and say every evening until the traveler returns:

G Lord, save and have mercy on Your servant (name), and send him a guardian angel on his way. Lord, help him, deliver him from illnesses, from sorrows, from destroyers and robbers. Save and preserve, O Lord, Thy servant (name), throughout his entire journey. And return home unharmed, undefiled, incorruptible. Amen.

Conspiracy for Yegoryev's day against fines on the road

On Yegoryev's Day - the day of St. George the Victorious, which is celebrated on May 6 - in the old days they drove out cattle, whipping them with the same willow saved from Easter. Well, I’ll give you a spell for those who have a car - in our modern times, it is as valuable to people as cattle used to be. And I am often asked if there are any conspiracies to avoid unnecessary spending on a car. I give you this spell.

On Yegoryev's day, take the willow branches from behind the shrine, place them under the windshield of the car and say this:

TO My chariot, my chariot, run faster than lightning, don’t be nice, but be manageable, don’t waste money, take care of yourself and me. I conjure with the holy willow, I overshadow with the holy cross. Amen.

Cross yourself three times. The car won’t break down, you won’t have any complaints or fines on the roads - your money will be safer!

Conspiracy for a long journey

To prevent anything from happening on the road, say the following conspiracy before leaving:

E I blow from field to field, to green meadows, to distant places, in the morning and evening dawns; I wash myself with icy dew, dry myself, clothe myself with clouds, and girdle myself with pure stars. I’m driving in an open field, and in the open field there is growing grass. Overcome the grass! I didn’t water you, I didn’t give birth to you; The raw earth gave birth to you. Overcome the grass! Defeat evil people: they don’t think evil of us, they don’t think bad, drive away the sorcerer, the sneaker. Overcome the grass! Conquer me high mountains, low valleys, blue lakes, steep banks, dark forests, stumps and logs. I am going with you, overcoming grass, to the Ocean-Sea, to the Jordan River, and in the Ocean-Sea, in the Jordan River lies the white stone Alatyr. As he lies firmly in front of me, so evil people’s tongues would not turn, their hands would not rise, but they would lie firmly, as the white stone Alatyr lies. I will hide you, overpowering grass, near a zealous heart, all the way, all the way. Amen.

Spells that protect family and love

Now you have found your love. Are you happy? Sometimes yes, and sometimes no. Jealousy, rivals and simply coldness interfere with happiness. Now we will learn how to protect our love and how to maintain happiness.

Conspiracy to bring your husband back

If your husband has left you, you can help your grief.

First of all, you need to protect yourself from being spoiled by a homewrecker, and most often this is exactly what happens - a husband is disappointed in his wife because an evil rival has cast a spell. To do this, take a glass bottle, fill it halfway with sharp objects: pins, needles, broken glass; fill it all with a mixture of water and salt (saturated solution) and tightly seal the bottle with a stopper. Whisper over her three times:

IN I will go out, blessing myself, I will go out, crossing myself, I will go out into an open field; in an open field there is a river Smorodina, across it there is a bridge of viburnums; George the Great Martyr himself is riding across that bridge, he holds a sharp sword-spear in his hand, rides, chops, and separates my rival from my husband. And with him are the forces of heaven, the army of God, in their hands are spears and pitchforks, knives and forks, pins and needles. They stab, chop, and drive away all evil from me. What I said cannot be retold, my spell cannot be removed, my amulet cannot be separated. Amen.

Find a secluded place and bury the bottle to a depth of more than 40 cm. This bottle will protect you from any damage; for seven years a person may not be afraid of anything.

After this, take a safety pin, heat it on fire (you can simply burn it with a lighter) and say to it:

I burn, I stab, I chase my rival. Amen.

Stick this pin into your clothes with the needle pointing up so that no one can see it. It will protect you from evil influences.

Now you stand on the door threshold facing the apartment, rest your hands on the door frames and say:

N and God is in heaven, and the husband is on the threshold. Married to your husband, blessed by God, return, unfaithful husband, to your blessed home. Don’t sin with strangers, hurry home. I am your destiny, I am given to you by God. Threshold, threshold, let me into the house, don’t let me leave the house. Amen.

You perform this ritual during the day, at any time, for twelve days in a row. If your husband returns earlier, you still do this for twelve days.

Conspiracies to get rid of a rival

1. And this ritual can be performed by everyone. If your relationship with a man is not formalized in any way, he is also suitable for you. It is not suitable only for keeping a married man nearby.

With your left hand, take seven pinches of dry poppy seeds, pour them into a bowl and say:

WITH there is a damp mountain, on that mountain there is a rotten birch tree, on that birch tree there are seven eagles; They are sitting, not sleeping, looking at my rival. They don’t take their eyes off her, they don’t let her near my husband, they torment her eyes, they take out her heart, they drive her away from my house. Amen.

After this, scatter the poppy behind the threshold, on the threshold and in front of the threshold in the apartment. Repeat the spell.

2. This ritual will help you if you are being pestered by an insolent rival.

You need to buy a regular lock in the store (do not buy it secondhand - the lock must be completely new). You open the lock and whisper to him:

Z I’m not locking a new lock, I’m locking up a new, sinful, cursed love, taken from Satan. Take it back, Satan! My rival will burn in hell, but my husband and I will find love again. Amen.

Then you close the lock, go to the river bank and leave it there (if possible, it is better to bury it). The key must be buried on the opposite bank of the river for at least two weeks.

Conspiracy against husband's jealousy

Excessive jealousy is an obstacle to the greatest happiness. She destroyed more than one family. If your husband or lover is too jealous, brew two tablespoons of chamomile flowers with a glass of boiling water and say to the decoction:

TO Just as the lamb is meek, so you, (name), become meek. Just as a lamb trusts its mother, so you trust me, your wife. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Then take a silk thread, soak it in the broth and sew it to your husband’s clothes. Give him a decoction to drink before going to bed. The ceremony takes place on Thursday.

Conspiracies for family quarrels

1. This ritual will help you if you cannot tolerate your husband or wife, parents, daughter or son.

Take an ordinary ripe carrot and plant it with the root facing up. The carrot tops must first be cut off. When landing, say:

TO When this carrot sprouts, then a quarrel will come to our house. Amen.

After exactly forty days, the carrots need to be pulled out and thrown away. This must be done three times on Women's Day (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday) with any break.

2. You need to buy three nails on Friday. At sunrise, drive one of them into the frame of the front door with the words:

P I’m not nailing a nail, I’m nailing all the entrance quarrels and discords.

At noon of the same day, you need to drive the second nail into the door frame to the kitchen. At the same time say:

P I’m not nailing, I’m nailing all kitchen quarrels and discords.

At sunset, drive the third nail into the frame of the door leading to the bedroom. At the same time say:

P I’m not hammering a nail, I’m nailing down all bedroom quarrels and discords.

The ritual is performed on the waning moon.

Conspiracies for marital quarrels

1. When everyone in the family is asleep, light three church candles and place them in a triangle on a white napkin. Place a glass of cold tap water in the center of the triangle, place a wedding ring in the water (the ring can be yours, your parents', or your children's) and, looking into the ring, say:

TO Just like a golden wedding ring is endless, beginningless, so would our love be continuous and carefree. Amen.

After this, carefully remove the ring from the water and bring it to the flame of each candle in turn.

2. If you quarreled and one of the spouses left (not necessarily forever, maybe just for a walk or to work), you need to take his thing (small), put it under the mattress on the bed where he sleeps (so that when he returns, he didn’t notice her), and say after midnight, but before three o’clock in the morning:

TO As this thing lies and will not turn around, so my husband will not turn away from me, but will leave and return to me. Amen.

Do not touch the item for seven days and read the hex all week, every midnight.

3. You need to say about the morning water:

G Lord, give me water from my trouble. I wash myself with water, I sanctify myself with water, I am healed with water. God's servant (name) be with me, his wife. Century after century, from now until century. Amen.

Wash your face with this water and pour it on your spouse.

4. You need to wind a ball of three threads, any two, the third special, and when knitting read:

TO Just as the Trinity is one, indivisible, just as this thread is one, indivisible, so I, the servant of God (name), with my husband, the servant of God (name), would be one and indivisible. Amen.

This is for the patient, but forever. The family's problems will end.

5. In order to reconcile with your spouse, you need to go to the cemetery during the day, find an abandoned grave, bring funeral food (bread, wine, apples) and say:

P okoynik, servant of God, no one remembers you, I remember you, I wish for your soul the Kingdom of God. And remember me, wish me marital happiness. Lord, rest the soul of Your servant (name of the deceased). Amen.

Then leave without looking back. Leave food and wine at the grave.

6. Talk about fish and feed it to your husband or wife.

R The fish swam, was silent, and died without screaming. So my husband would have remained silent and not raised his voice at me. Amen.

7. Take any icon and walk around your apartment around the sun, saying in each corner:

U I consecrate the goal, I bless the house, for happiness, for residence, for marital love. Amen.

Conspiracies and rituals to avoid family destruction

1. Boil the rooster's heart and feed it to the wife, and give the husband the boiled chicken heart to eat at the same table.

2. They tear off the shreds from the underpants of the husband and wife and twist them together. They hang it on a double tree, saying:

TO Just as you can be together forever and never separate, so we too should be inseparable. Amen.

3. They make jelly from two types of berries, for example, currants and raspberries, and while it is boiling, they have time to say twice:

WITH different bushes, but in one compote! Amen.

4. The new lock is locked with a key, a spell is read and thrown away:

Z The window cannot be opened, we cannot be separated. Amen.

5. If a wife wants to leave her husband, the husband takes a spoon, which the wife should then use to eat, heats it white hot, throws it into cold water, saying:

TO Just as I cool a spoon, so you, servant of God (name), cool down and come back to me! Amen.

6. After salting your food, say:

B Without salt there is no food, without love there is no life. Food with salt, and wife with husband. Amen.

Conspiracy for a child to study successfully

Cut off all the buttons from your child's school uniform and then re-sew them. While sewing, say this:

TO I sew a lot, I’m forever shy. I’m not sewing on a button, I’m strengthening my mind, setting me on the path. Lord Jesus Christ, illuminate and enlighten everything, sanctify and enlighten the servant of God (name) and grant him straight paths and a clear mind. Amen.

Spells so that a husband does not forget his wife

1. If your husband is leaving for a long time, for example, on a business trip, and you are worried that something might not work out, you need to take a small piece of ribbon or ribbon and a church candle. At midnight the night before your husband leaves, take a mirror, a ribbon and a candle and go to the bath. There, turn on the cold water and turn to the Master of the water with the words:

IN Oda, give me purity and beauty. Amen.

After this, put a mirror, light a candle, take out the ribbon and say to it:

T I give you my ribbon, I take your love. As long as this ribbon is with you, you will have no peace. Amen.

Then sew this ribbon discreetly to your husband’s clothes - he will be bored the whole trip, think only about you and will try to return as quickly as possible.

2. Keep the new pin pinned on yourself for three days, then, talking about it, fasten it inconspicuously on your husband’s clothes. Read like this:

P I’m bringing you to me, to our house. Amen.

3. Place three candles on a new white tablecloth. Read the spell three times and extinguish one candle after each time. After this, tie them together and light them all together again until they burn out completely. Release the smoke through the window.

G Lord Jesus, everything is done according to Your holy will. You gave me a husband, don’t take him away, keep him faithful, give him back to me. I speak not to the heart, not the soul, not the shameful oud, I speak to the eyes of the servant of God (name), so that no matter what woman he looks at, he sees me, but he misses me alone, and yearns for me. Amen.

Conspiracies to get along with your mother-in-law

As you know, a mother-in-law can destroy her son’s family, driving her daughter-in-law with her nagging to the point of leaving the family. To prevent this from happening, you need to read each of the three conspiracies several times. The first time you read it is for the new month, the second time (so that quarrels subside) - during the waning month, the third time - for the full moon, so that the mother-in-law truly, truly loves her mother-in-law. All conspiracies are read on Fridays, in the evening, after sunset.

1. You need to bake pancakes, talk about them and feed your mother-in-law.

TO As the month grows, so in my husband’s house the love for me, God’s servant (name), would grow. Just as people don’t think anything bad for a month, no one would think anything bad about me. Amen.

2. You need to pick a sprig or rowan berry, talk about it and toss it to your mother-in-law.

TO As the month wanes, so does the enmity disappear. Just as the month walks across the sky and is silent, so my mother-in-law would walk around the house and be silent. Amen.

3. After preparing a delicious dinner, say this spell and invite your mother-in-law to the table first. As soon as she brings the spoon to her mouth, make a fig under the table.

TO Just as the moon is full, so would our love be full. Just as people admire the moon, so my father-in-law and mother-in-law would admire, marvel at and praise me as a young woman. Amen.

Conspiracy to make son-in-law respect

On Friday after sunset, you need to prepare flour food that your son-in-law loves (pancakes, pies), and say about it:

R Absolute God (name), pray to God, bow to Christ, and don’t forget to bow to me, respect me and call me mother. Amen.

Treat your son-in-law to this food, and when he starts eating, make a fig under the table with your left hand.

Cold spell

R The stream runs together with the stream, the mountain does not meet with the mountain, forest with forest grows together, color sticks to color, grass develops. I’ll pick the flower from that grass and take it with me; I’ll go out into the valley, onto such a large path, I’ll take some dirt for myself, I’ll sit under the forest; I’ll go out into a wide meadow, I’ll look in all four directions to see if (the young man’s name) is there, and I’ll throw it, and I’ll throw it into an open field; and just as mountains do not converge with mountains, so (the young man’s name) would not converge or move.

Also on the cold

This conspiracy is slandered about food or water:

WITH I, (the young man’s name), will go without praying, and I will go, without being blessed, from the hut not by doors, from the gates not by gates, I will go out through a basement log and a smoky window into an open field. In an open field there runs a black river, along that black river the devil and the devil and the merman and the merman ride, they do not sit on the same boat and do not row with the same oar, they do not think the same thing and do not advise advice. So if (name of the young man) and (name of the girl) wouldn’t sit on the same bench, wouldn’t look out of the same window, wouldn’t think the same thing, wouldn’t give the same advice. The dog is white, the cat is gray - one snake spirit. The key and the lock are in my words. Amen.

A conspiracy to ward off a dissolute girlfriend from a guy

This plot is used when a guy has already started bringing a girlfriend into the house who you don’t like - she behaves impudently, looks predatory, or, on the contrary, plays an orphan and pushes for pity. Don’t let someone like that infiltrate your family if you see that she’s just looking to grab something. Especially if you have something to take, although some people do not hesitate to rob even a poor family.

Take off your belt, hairpins, ribbons, and if you have them, a cross and a small icon. Scrape the very little sulfur from the matches, mix with salt, hold it in a pinch with your left hand, circle 13 anti-salt circles, that is, counterclockwise, holding the pinch not in front of your face, but above the ground. Then dissolve this sulfur and salt in water and pour that water with a sentence over either the threshold, or the footprints of the slippers that the guest was wearing, or, if she is sitting with you, her street shoes on the sly.

Sentence like this:

IN I will go without praying, I will go, without crossing myself, beyond the iron gates, beyond the gray mountain, beyond the cemetery cross. I see a viper crawling, poison flowing from its mouth. Crawl away, you won't be able to bear it. Forget the way to our house, don’t touch our clear falcon. The devil stinks of sulfur, incense leaks, but you get away from us and don’t harm the servant of God (name). My word is law, forty to forty obstacles for you. Amen.

After finishing the ceremony, wash your hands with running water, put the cross back on, cross yourself, and read the “Our Father.”

Love spell on gingerbread

Speak charming words on the gingerbread, then give the gingerbread to your lover (beloved):

G Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us, amen. On the sea Ocean, on the island of Buyan, on the Yardan River, there was a tomb, in that tomb lay a maiden, a servant of God (name), get up, wake up, dress up in a colored dress, take flint and steel, ignite your heart with zeal for the servant of God (name ), and so light it strong, and let God’s servant (name) fall into melancholy and sadness; like a strangled man in a noose, so the servant of God (name) would be sick of the servant of God (name). Like someone drowned in the sea, so would the servant of God (name) be sick of the servant of God (name), as the soul says goodbye to the body, forever and ever, amen. I affirm by Jesus Christ, the Most Holy Theotokos and all heavenly power, forever and ever, amen. Always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages, amen. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen. Father - amen, Son - amen, Holy Spirit - amen.

Conspiracy for love

AND Thou art the land filled with wonder. Like on the sea on the Ocean, on the island on Buyan there is a flammable stone Alatyr, on that stone there is a fire bathhouse; in that bathhouse, longings rush, longings rush and longings rush from wall to wall, from corner to corner, from floor to ceiling, from there through all the paths and roads and crossroads, by air and air. Rush, longing, rush, longing, into her wild head, into her rear, into her face, into her clear eyes, into her sugary lips, into her zealous heart, into her mind and reason, into her will and desire, into her whole white body, and into all the hot blood, and into all the bones, and into all the joints, into seventy joints, half-joints and sub-joints; and in all her veins, at seventy she lived, half lived and veined, so that she would yearn, grieve, cry and sob every day, at every hour, at every time; I couldn’t stay anywhere, like a fish without water. I would throw myself, I would throw myself from window to window, from door to door, from gate to gate, at all the paths and roads and crossroads with trembling, straining, whining and sobbing, I would walk in great haste and sob and be without it for not a minute I could not. I wouldn’t think about him, I wouldn’t sleep, I wouldn’t sleep, I wouldn’t eat, I wouldn’t drink, and I wouldn’t be afraid of anything; so that he would seem dearer to her than the white light, dearer than the bright sun, dearer than the beautiful moon, dearer than everyone else, and even dearer than his dream at all times when he was young, at full moon, at the end of the month, and at the end of the month. This word is affirmation and strengthening; it is also affirmed, strengthened and closed. If anyone, other than me, tries to unlock this fear, then you will be like a worm in nut lead. And nothing, not air, not air, not storm, not water, can solve this matter. Amen.

Conspiracy for love

N and the sea on the Ocean is the white-flammable stone Alatyr, unknown to anyone; under that stone is hidden a mighty power, and there is no end to the power; I release a mighty force on (the girl’s name) the red maiden; I plant a mighty force in all joints, half-joints, in all bones and half-bones, in all veins and half-veins, in her clear eyes, in her rosy cheeks, in her white chest, in her zealous heart, in her womb, in her arms and legs . Be you, mighty power, in (the girl’s name) the red maiden is inexorable; and burn you, mighty power, its blood is flammable, its heart is seething with love for (the name of the young man), the amorous young man. And the beautiful girl (name of the girl) would be obedient in everything to the amorous young man (name of the young man) for his entire life. The beautiful maiden could not have dissuaded herself with anything, neither by a conspiracy, nor by a sentence, and neither an old man nor a young one could have dissuaded her with his word. My word is strong, like the white-flammable Alatyr stone. Whoever drinks all the water from the sea, who plucks all the grass from the field, will not be able to overcome my conspiracy, nor will he be able to captivate the mighty force. Amen.

For dry men

A twig is taken from a broom and placed on the threshold of the door through which the one for whom the dryness will pass. As soon as they step over the rod, the rod is removed to a place where no one could see it. Then they put him on the floor in a hot bath, saying:

TO As this rod dries, let the servant of God (name) dry for me.

Wedding amulet

E there is the Black Sea on the western side; there is an island in that sea. On the same island there grew a tree, on the same tree - a root and a branch, on the same Tree sits an iron man - the iron husband examines every sorcerer, sorcerer, magician, so that I, the watchman, can see the sorcerer and the sorcerer, the man and the wife and the girl . Show me on all four sides, show me, the watchman, in the hut or on the street, at a feast or at a wedding, or at the dam, or behind the scaffolds, or across the river, wherever anyone stands, no matter how much you touch the watchman. The same iron man, so that he draws a bow against the sorcerer and the sorcerer, turns away unkind words, and the speeches of the sorcerer and sorcerer, if he is an enemy, or is hostile to me, he turns away the same iron man. Or the woman is with you, the same enemy of hers, if only she could lightly grab the hem between her teeth and show her friend, know her hand, amuse her devil, and the same iron husband, tie her to the stove pole in the hut, and on the street to the garden, and the man, the same sorcerer, is torturing me; You are an iron man, if only his prayer would not come to us, and he, the sorcerer, would have nothing to do with me; take him, the same iron man, take him to the bathhouse and put him in a stone chamber with his head, like his enemy, who will fight, and hang him upside down from the rafters to one corner, and throw him on the damp ground; Yes, the same iron man, do not untangle me, (name), strike his enemy on the ground, his counterman. Or the young prince's horse gets stuck; from a poke, or from a matchmaker, from a thousand, from friends, from a watchman, from the entire princely train, a device from driving, which the enemy will knock down wants about a fortress, the same iron man defends me, (name), the watchman, the prince and princess, a thousand, friends and the whole princely apparatus; throws him, the same enemy, no matter how he thinks about us, throw him on the damp ground. Amen.

Bride's amulet

Upon entering the husband's house after the wedding, the young woman says:

P First, second, I'm coming third, everyone out, I'm the only one at home.

Groom's amulet

When a young man goes to the bride’s house to live (step-in-law), then, entering the hut after the wedding, he utters the words, looking at the ceiling:

I I’m coming, a paw-footed and proud beast, a loud-mouthed, toothy wolf; I am the wolf, and you are my sheep.

There are many magical ways - conspiracies, prayers, symbols and rituals for success in life and business, so that things come together, so that in any endeavor there will ultimately be a happy ending and everything will be fulfilled as planned. A conspiracy to make things work out will help in a variety of life situations.

A conspiracy to successfully resolve all cases

In order for all controversial matters, quarrels and conflicts to be resolved safely for you, read this plot at least three times in the morning:

— "Praised Mother of God,
They snatched God's servant (name) for the whole day,
For the whole hour, for all the minutes, for all the seconds,
For the whole company, at all meetings,
On all ships, at all auctions.
I am more beautiful than everyone, I am stronger than everyone,
Everyone is lively and cheerful.
I left my mother
She stuck out from the people,
Among the merchants, I excelled.
She grew, she grew taller than everyone else.
She carried it, she endured more than anyone else.
Amen to my words.
Amen, I close with an amen,
I put my foot ahead of everyone.
I am the sun, I am the moon,
I am a bright star.
How people look at all the lights, they are surprised,
So let me not a single person
Doesn't resist.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen.

Whispers for good luck

The human voice has unimaginable power. Especially if the words are spoken with a will that expresses a firm intention. It is not for nothing that it is said that in the beginning there was the Word. Man is given the image of God and given a likeness; man, with his own words, can to a certain extent create, create, and influence the surrounding reality.

Whispering has a special mystical power, largely due to the fact that in everyday life we ​​do not often use whispered conversation and it is accompanied by a magical, mysterious aura. You can pronounce such whispers for good luck in any business either in a row or in parts, at any time and in any place, which is an obvious advantage.

I open the doors to luck and let you into my heart. The matter is going well, my hands are burning. It will come true as planned. I go towards my happiness, attract good luck, nothing else. I leave, I change, I come, I bring happiness with me. Where I go, so does luck. He wakes up with me, spends his day, leads me to success. Everything will work out the way I want. My luck and success are with me. I see failures out of life and close the door behind them. For good luck, I’ll smile at the sun in the morning and bow to him at the waist. As the matter is conceived, so it will come true.

Ritual for good luck in work and its search

In order to find something you love, to find a fruitful and profitable job, and also so that things come together at work, so that everything works out, for the successful completion of any enterprise, read this plot 7 times in a row, be sure to read it out loud:

I whisper and whisper: God’s servant (name) will have good luck on the road and success in his work. Wherever I go, I’ll find a job there. I don’t see any refusals, I don’t hear the word “no”. Amen!

Conspiracy to make the business you started end in success

This plot to make things work out is especially useful to read before any important matter, for example, before a business meeting, important negotiations, interview, etc. But the spell also has power in other life situations.

Lord, God, bless. I, the servant of God (name), will be blessed, I will go, crossing myself, into an open field, into a green oak forest, I, the servant of God (name), will wash myself with water and dew; I will rub myself with woven, spun cloth, and I, the servant of God (name), will stand between heaven and earth; I will become frequent stars; I will gird myself with white light; I, servant of God (name), will close myself in the bright young month. And I, servant of God (name), will pray to the Most Pure Mother of God: Most Pure Mother of God, close and protect from all trouble, all sin and poverty. And what will I pray to you for, and what will I worship you for, Most Pure Mother of God: pray for me, the servant of God (name), and for my providence Jesus Christ, the Heavenly King. Jesus Christ, the Heavenly King, created heaven and earth, and all the saints of Christ, and all the disciples of Christ, and us sinners, and have mercy on all. Amen.

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