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Teenage pregnancy or how not to ruin your fate. What to do to avoid early pregnancy. Teenage pregnancy: relevance of the problem

Teen pregnancy is a condition of pregnancy in a minor teenage girl (usually aged 13-18 years).

The problem of teenage pregnancy stems from the discrepancy between the ages of puberty and social maturity. Age and criteria of social maturity are not the same in different countries world and cultures.

Teenage pregnancy is a multifaceted problem – parental, medical, social. And unfortunately, this problem has not lost its relevance over the years. Moreover, it seems that today this problem is at the peak of its relevance. When people see a teenage girl pregnant, they usually immediately judge her and get annoyed with her. But it is worth thinking about the fact that, first of all, this child himself needs the support and understanding of the older generation.

Teenage pregnancy is so common in the CIS countries that it is sometimes called an epidemic. In Kazakhstan, the percentage of underage mothers is somewhat lower than in Russia and Ukraine, but it is still alarming and makes you think. Premature pregnancy, as a rule, leaves a deep wound in the souls of girls and their loved ones. At the same time, teenage mothers often drop out of school completely. In Kazakhstan, only twenty percent of young mothers graduate from high school and enter higher education institutions.

Causes of teenage pregnancy

There are not enough reasons for this normal phenomenon exists whole line. And it is not always necessary and possible to accuse a girl of ignorance and promiscuity. It happens that pregnancy can occur at this age as a result of the violent actions of a partner, coercive factors, and so on.

1) One of the main reasons, of course, is lack of sex education. It may be absent altogether or may be incorrect. The entire responsibility for sex education lies on the parents' shoulders. But not everyone finds time to pay attention to their daughter. And many parents themselves lead antisocial image life. Sex education in educational institutions practically absent at all. And accordingly, both the centers and services that are designed to help (psychologically) and protect families and children do not function in the required and one hundred percent mode.

2) The second reason for teenage pregnancy is sexual liberation. Today average age teenage pregnancy - sixteen years. According to the same inexorable science of statistics, ninety percent of young people by the age of twenty have sexual experience in extramarital relationships.

3) The third problem of teenage pregnancy is ignorance of contraceptive rules. Despite the variety of types and methods of contraception that exist in pharmacology and medicine, adolescents, as a rule, neglect them. Here is a sign of a lack of knowledge, understanding, sex education and fear of purchasing contraceptives at the pharmacy in public, financial insolvency, fear of using them incorrectly, so as not to be ridiculed by peers. Well, there’s no talk at all about turning to a doctor for recommendations on contraception in adolescents.

4) The fourth reason for teenage pregnancy is violence. In this case, this term is broader than just sexual violence. The constant beating of teenage girls by their sexual partners, forced sexual intercourse - all this also refers to the designation of violence in adolescence. An unfavorable family atmosphere can also influence this fact and be psychological violence for girl.

5) Another reason for teenage pregnancy is socio-economic status.

According to statistics, a larger percentage of this pathology occurs in countries with low level socio-economic status. In many of them, pregnancy at such a young age opens up the possibility of receiving financial benefits after the birth of the child.

Will the girl's attainment of the state of fertility lead to the emergence of early pregnancy, will depend on both social and personal factors. An important reason is the lack or defects of sex education. The latter is understood as a system of medical and pedagogical measures for the education of parents, children, adolescents and youth correct attitude to gender issues. As part of the larger category of “education of the individual” sex education represents one of the types of its content.

What are the dangers of teenage pregnancy? What psychological, physiological and social problems does it entail?

Teen Pregnancy Statistics

Most early pregnancies are unplanned. Hence the sad statistics: 70% of pregnancies end in abortions (very often in late stages), 15% in miscarriages, 15% in childbirth. Teenage girls very often engage in intimate relationships because of the desire “to be no worse than others,” and the widespread propaganda of sex plays an important role in this. According to surveys, only a third of sexually active teenagers use condoms, another third practices interrupted coitus, and the rest do not use anything. 5% of schoolgirls surveyed faced the problem of early pregnancy.

Psychological problems

Often, the fact of pregnancy among teenagers is recognized with a delay. The natural first reaction is shock, shame, guilt, confusion, unwillingness to accept what happened, fear, shock, panic. At such an early age, it is difficult for girls to cope with the surging problems and their emotional side. This plunges some into depression, while others encourage them to wait for a “miracle.” They are not able to decide on their own what to do with the pregnancy. They are faced with a painful choice: to continue or terminate the pregnancy? Therefore, it is very important that a teenage girl has a person next to her whom she trusts (mother, grandmother, school teacher, etc.) and who would help her cope with the feeling of hopelessness and make the right adult decision.

Physiological problems

The course of pregnancy in teenage girls does not have any significant differences from the pregnancy of adult women. However, the following trend is observed: the younger expectant mother, those greater risk complications and the likelihood of any pathology both in herself and in the child. Risk for pregnant teenager: anemia (decreased hemoglobin concentration in the blood); hypertension (increased arterial pressure); toxicosis; preeclampsia ( late toxicosis); insufficient weight gain during pregnancy (due to poor nutrition, unhealthy image life); placenta previa (due to insufficient hormone levels); miscarriage; premature birth; complications during childbirth - fetal obstruction, resolution by cesarean section (due to a clinically narrow pelvis); prematurity (the earlier a child is born, the higher the risk of developing problems with vision, digestion, respiratory system, general development organism); low birth weight of the newborn (2.5-1.5 kg); intrauterine hypoxia fetus; birth injuries; Great chance artificial feeding(because of lack of motivation teenage mothers); predisposition to mental and physical development retardation.

Preventing teenage pregnancy

Trusting relationship with a teenage child, including frank conversations on “forbidden” topics;

Sex education for adolescents at school, showing films, conducting relevant lectures;

Providing varied and complete information about contraceptive methods.

What to do?

There are two ways to end a teenage pregnancy: abortion or childbirth. In teenage girls, the risk of ectopic pregnancy increases several dozen times compared to older women. The reason for this may be sexual and general immaturity, accompanying infectious diseases which are sexually transmitted, uterine inflammatory diseases, inflammation of the appendages.

The problem of maintaining or terminating a pregnancy faces not only the teenage girl herself, but also her sexual partner and parents.

Remember that a teenage girl has every chance of giving birth healthy baby. Healthy image life and early medical supervision- recipe for success!

Gynecologist at Arasan Aktobe LLP
Mukhitova Raisa Ospanovna

The state of carrying a developing embryo and fetus by a minor teenage girl. Clinically manifested by the same signs as gestation in adults: absence next menstruation, causeless nausea and vomiting, changes in taste habits, engorgement of the mammary glands, hyperpigmentation of the areolas and nipples, weight gain, increase in abdominal circumference. When making a diagnosis, data is used gynecological examination, pregnancy test results and uterine ultrasound. When a patient decides to keep the child, management tactics are aimed at timely detection and correction of complications, choice suitable method delivery.

In pregnant girls of menstrual age 1-2 years, fetoplacental insufficiency with hypoxia, antenatal distress and delayed fetal development is more likely to develop. Insufficient secretion of steroids by the fetoplacental system leads to abnormalities ancestral forces. With teenage pregnancy, the risk of spontaneous abortion and premature birth increases. Hypoglobulinemia and insufficient reserve potential of phagocytes provoke immune failure, which is manifested by an increase in infectious and inflammatory processes during the gestational and postpartum stages.

The course of labor directly depends on the menstrual age of the minor. With CF up to 1-2 years, anatomical or functional narrowing of the pelvis is observed in 50-66% of first-time mothers, breech presentation occurs more often, labor is complicated by spastic irregular contractions in the preliminary period, violent labor, primary weakness of labor forces, soft tissue trauma, hypotonic postpartum hemorrhage arising due to pathological attachment of the placenta. Girls with 3-year-old CF often give birth quickly or rapidly, they show signs of primary weakness or incoordination of labor, and ruptures are observed birth canal, especially the perineum and cervix. After childbirth, postpartum endometritis, uterine subinvolution, hypogalactia and agalactia are detected twice as often in minor mothers.


A special feature of teenage pregnancy is its late diagnosis, associated with the fact that up to 35-55% of girls do not suspect that they are carrying a child, or hide it. Often, teenagers turn to an obstetrician-gynecologist only in the later stages, and 8-11% of underage pregnant women do not register at all. The “golden” standard for diagnosing a condition is based on identifying the same presumptive, probable and reliable signs, as in the adult reproductive group. To definitively confirm pregnancy in a girl with delayed menstruation, the following is carried out:

  • Examination on the chair. Bimanual palpation determines enlargement of the uterus before the probable gestational age, softening of its isthmus, and increased mobility of the cervix. Examination in mirrors reveals possible signs genital infection (inflammation of the vaginal mucosa, discharge from the cervical canal).
  • Pregnancy test. Laboratory diagnosis is based on the determination of human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine - a specific hormone that begins to be secreted from the time of implantation of the fertilized egg in the uterus. Modern inkjet tests are highly sensitive, and their reliability reaches 99%.
  • Ultrasound of the uterus. Sonographic examination is the most popular and accessible method, reliably confirming the fact of pregnancy in a teenager. Using ultrasound, the fetus, placenta, and membranes are detected in the uterine cavity. Regular screening allows you to dynamically monitor gestation, and fetometry allows you to assess fetal development.

To exclude possible infectious and inflammatory pathology of the genital organs, microscopy of a vaginal smear is performed, bacteriological culture for nutrient media, TORCH complex, RIF, ELISA, PCR diagnostics. Subsequently, CTG is recommended for early detection of signs of fetoplacental insufficiency. Differential diagnosis carried out with neoplasms of the abdominal cavity and pelvis, malformations of the uterus, hypothalamic-pituitary disorders, primary ovarian insufficiency, metabolic and endocrine disorders in diabetes mellitus, hypofunction and hyperfunction thyroid gland, other diseases accompanied by amenorrhea. According to indications, the patient is counseled for adolescent

  • Pregnancy with natural delivery. The tactics for managing young primigravidas do not differ significantly from standard protocols and require timely correction of emerging complications. In more than 90% of cases, a teenage girl is able to give birth to a child on her own. Even with an anatomically narrow pelvis, a clinical discrepancy between the sizes of the fetal head and the maternal pelvis is observed in only 10% of patients, which is associated with frequent premature birth.
  • Pregnancy and caesarean section. The decision to operate in each case is made individually, and the patient’s young age should not be perceived as an obstacle to timely surgical intervention. Indications for operative delivery in teenage women giving birth are the same as in adult women. C-section performed when identifying anomalies of labor resistant to conservative therapy, a clinically narrow pelvis, and signs of intrapartum fetal hypoxia.
  • When caring for a girl carrying a child, the obstetrician-gynecologist pays attention to how medical aspects pregnancy, as well as correction of the patient’s lifestyle. Since representatives of teenage age group often eat irregularly and unbalancedly; awareness-raising work is carried out about the importance of a rational diet and adherence to food intake. Special attention is devoted to discussing issues of smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs, preventing sexually transmitted infections, and psychoprophylactic preparation for the upcoming birth. Considering increased risk development of complications during childbirth, pregnant adolescents are advised to be hospitalized in highly qualified obstetric hospitals at 37-39 weeks of gestation.

    Prognosis and prevention

    The prognosis for proper management of teenage pregnancy and the choice of the optimal method of delivery is favorable. Average duration Gestation in the adolescent group is shorter than in adults, averaging 37.9 weeks. Providing adequate medical support can significantly reduce risks possible complications. Preventive actions should be aimed at warning early start sexual activity, the use of contraceptives, targeted educational work with schoolchildren and especially girls at risk (living in asocial families, using alcohol and drugs).

    Your beloved schoolgirl daughter became withdrawn and taciturn, and during the conversation she burst into tears and ran out of the room shouting “Mom, I’m pregnant.” Shock, confusion, because just yesterday she was sewing clothes for dolls and fooling around with her friends... How to behave in such a situation. How to explain to a child and protect him young girl from early pregnancy?

    Pregnancy is considered early if it occurs in a young woman under eighteen years of age. This age, from the point of view of doctors, is considered early, since the young body has not yet matured and the woman is not ready to become a mother. As sad as it may be, early teenage pregnancy is now very common and has ceased to be a rarity.

    How to tell a teenager about pregnancy

    First of all, the primary reason for early pregnancy is considered to be adolescents’ lack of awareness of contraception and relationships between men and women. UroMedic will tell you how to determine whether conception has occurred or not:
    • A girl's period is late.
    • If you measure your basal temperature, it will be elevated, about 37 degrees and above.
    • There may be increased colorless discharge from the vagina, without a characteristic odor.
    • In the morning, a young schoolgirl may feel aversion to food, increased sense of smell, nausea and even vomiting.
    • Increased urination.

    Teen pregnancy

    • For a young, not yet strong body, early pregnancy is a lot of stress and strain on all organs. Very often, young girls who become pregnant have a difficult pregnancy, with complications, and childbirth is difficult. Often, at an early age, insufficient oxygen saturation of the fetus develops (placental insufficiency), the risk of anemia is very high, and the likelihood of miscarriages is high, both in the early stages and on the eve of childbirth. Young expectant mothers are often at risk sudden death fetus and maternal mortality during childbirth. In this regard, if a teenage girl decides to give birth, doctors often prescribe a caesarean section.
    • After birth, the newborn in most cases has little weight, and may also be born with congenital diseases and developmental abnormalities. According to statistics, children born to teenage mothers are more likely to die in infancy.
    • In more than 70 cases out of 100 unplanned pregnancy is interrupted. Enormous harm is caused to the young body, both in the early stages of interruption and in the later stages. By the way, late termination of pregnancy occurs more often than in the early stages, due to the fact that the teenager does not have the support and advice of an adult and does not know how to behave in similar situations. Late abortions can harm a young woman’s body and lead to the development of gynecological diseases and even lead to infertility.

    Risk of pregnancy before age 18

    ABOUT favorable age There is still a lot of debate about conceiving a child. Some doctors think optimal age for the birth of a healthy child, the age after 20 years is from 22 to 25 years. Others claim that an 18-year-old girl can already carry and give birth to a baby without problems. But psychologists unanimously say that psychological age a woman ready for pregnancy and childbirth is 30 years old!

    But there are situations when pregnancy occurs much earlier. Early pregnancy is considered to be pregnancy occurring between the ages of 13 and adulthood. There are cases when a girl aged 12 years or earlier could become pregnant.

    Difficulties of early pregnancy:

    Termination of pregnancy in early and late stages.
    The egg may be immature.
    Polyhydramnios is possible during pregnancy.
    There is a high risk of miscarriage.
    Early birth.
    Complications during childbirth.
    Risk sudden death women in labor.
    Weak or complete absence of labor.
    Having a low birth weight baby.
    Overweight and even obesity after childbirth.
    The risk of uterine cancer and other diseases increases.
    Not ready for motherhood.
    No profession or material income.

    Despite all the main risks listed above, gynecologists recommend childbirth instead of abortion for young girls. But the mere thought that a young woman wants to get rid of the child and have an abortion is fraught with danger for the unborn child. Having been born and grown up, such a person falls into the risk group of people prone to frequent depression and suicides.

    This is interesting, but the countries of Great Britain and the USA occupy a leading position in the rate of early pregnancy. Japan is at the lowest level.

    What to do if pregnancy has already occurred

    Russian experts unanimously say that for a happy pregnancy, only three factors are needed:

    Establish positive contact with family.
    Do not be nervous.
    Follow all doctor's recommendations.

    Parents should be support and support for the future young mother and explain to her that it is necessary to strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations. It is advisable to enroll in courses for pregnant women to know how to prepare for childbirth, how to care for your breasts, how to swaddle and change a baby’s diaper, and much more. It is also necessary to consult a psychologist.

    The task of parents is to tell their grown-up child that no one will leave a pregnant young woman alone, and parents will help overcome all fears and doubts together. The ideal for a young pregnant woman would be to give birth with the child’s father, and if this is not possible, partner birth You can spend it with your mother or an older friend who has already given birth and can help. But there is no need to force this on a young girl, if she does not want to give birth with a partner, you cannot insist.

    After giving birth, the young mother will need help. It is advisable for parents to organize the young mother’s day so that she has time to care for the child, relax, take care of herself and have the opportunity to continue her education.

    What to do to avoid early pregnancy

    Many adults believe that sex education for young people is unnecessary. They are wrong. Teenagers need to be aware of these issues and know how to avoid unwanted pregnancy– know methods of contraception. Also, most adults are inclined to believe that their children are still children and underestimate their activity and continue to delay the start of conversations. taboo topics.

    If a girl grows up in a family that is antisocial, then the risk of early pregnancy is much higher. In such families, parents should try to create comfortable conditions and relationships between family members.

    The risk group includes active fighting girls prone to conflict and aggression. Identify and prevent the problem in a timely manner - these ways of relationship between an adult and a teenager will help reduce the risk of pregnancy at an early age.

    It is undesirable for parents to do this: put a “tick” in the education of a teenager and “throw” condoms and special literature at him. A teenager should know not only everything about sex life, but also about the possible negative consequences. Girls should know how to properly protect themselves so as not to harm the young body. Sex education should not be forced. An ideal and affordable option for adolescent sex education would be lectures held in schools and confidential conversations. During conversations, adults teach teenagers to be independent and responsible for their actions.

    The birth of a baby is a joyful event and let it happen on time and only under happy circumstances.

    Unfortunately, growing up earlier entails non-childhood problems, the most serious of which is teenage pregnancy. Girls are often in a hurry to grow up: they try on their mother’s dresses and high-heeled shoes, paint their eyes and lips with cosmetics older sister, talk “about their own things, about women’s things” and stare at older men. As a result, every year more than a million girls end up in interesting position before they reach adulthood, and only 15% of them decide to keep the child.

    Early pregnancy in teenagers: to give birth or not?

    Not only is teenage pregnancy different, but it also comes with its own set of challenges. On the plus side, young girls are more fertile compared to older women, their reproductive system completely healthy, thanks to which conception occurs quickly. For example, a 17-18 year old mother, whose first menstruation began at 10-11 years old, and pregnancy occurred in the first months of sexual activity, will probably give birth to a strong and healthy child. Of course, provided that he eats right and gives up alcohol, smoking and dangerous entertainment.

    However, the girl’s body itself is not quite ready for pregnancy - pelvic bones until they have expanded enough, the balance of hormones has not stabilized, the body is in the growth stage. Early pregnancy in adolescents is accompanied by a high risk of miscarriage, severe toxicosis, maternal and child mortality. So the probability of death during childbirth is higher for a girl under 15 years of age than for adult woman. Less serious complications include anemia, poor weight gain, hypoxia, premature birth, and birth injuries in newborns.

    An abortion in a girl who has never given birth before can lead to serious consequences. Among probable complications These include bleeding, adhesions in the tubes and ovaries, uterine perforation, blood poisoning, and even infertility. We should not forget about the psychological consequences of an early abortion, which will last a lifetime. However, here it is necessary to take into account that continuing pregnancy during conception, which was the result of rape or incest, can result in severe mental illness or suicide.

    Deciding what to do with a teenage pregnancy (maintain or terminate) and the unborn child (keep in the family or give up for adoption) must take into account all possible factors. The opinion of a young mother should not be neglected - why inflict additional trauma on the child’s psyche by forcing her to give birth or have an abortion?

    Teenage pregnancy: what should parents do?

    Of course, the news that a schoolgirl is pregnant always comes as a shock to parents. However, there is no time left for emotions - the daughter needs help. First, the girl needs to visit antenatal clinic, do an ultrasound, take tests and carry out full examination. Early sex often leads to STDs (sexually transmitted diseases), and teenage pregnancies often turn out to be ectopic. It would be useful to consult a psychologist - most likely, the expectant mother is very scared and excited.

    After your visit to the hospital, in a calm atmosphere, have a heart-to-heart talk with your daughter; reproaches and threats are out of place now. Try to find out if the pregnancy is the result of seduction or violence; It is possible that you will have to contact the police. If the father of the future baby is a teenage peer, you will have to talk with his parents. Only after this can a final decision be made.

    It is recommended that teenage pregnancies be terminated as early as possible and in the best medical facility the family can afford. Don't reach out to artificial birth– they are dangerous not only for the health, but also for the girl’s psyche. As a rule, after the procedure, a long period of rehabilitation period, regular observation by a gynecologist and work with a psychologist.

    All responsibility for early pregnancy, sadly enough, falls on the shoulders of the parents. You will have to keep everything under control - from your diet and vitamin intake to doctor visits. You will need support from your mother and immediate family, get-togethers and walks, because communicating with peers will become a problem for the girl. If teenage pregnancy persists expectant mother will need to learn how to care for a newborn, breastfeeding, housekeeping.

    The issue with studies is resolved on an individual basis. It’s good if the daughter manages to master a profession that will allow her to support herself and the child. Not the most bad way out of the situation is marriage between teenagers. If both love each other and are ready to do everything for the good of the family, such a union can last a lifetime.

    Preventing teenage pregnancy

    Teenage pregnancy is one of those problems that is much easier to prevent than to solve. Even the most difficult things will not be able to keep young Juliet from making fatal mistakes. strict upbringing, so with girls entering into puberty, it is necessary to talk not only about reasonable behavior and chastity, but also about contraception. Parents who stubbornly avoid talking about sex should not hope that their daughter will patiently wait for a decent prince on a white horse who will shower her with rose petals. 5 out of 5 (22 votes)

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