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Determination of inflammatory diseases by analysis of urine culture. Urine culture - decoding of the analysis

Bacteriological culture of urine (or tank culture) is necessary to identify and identify pathogens of urinary infections, with further determination of the sensitivity of harmful bacteria to antibiotics.

The sowing tank during pregnancy is given twice - when registering and before childbirth (somewhere at 36 weeks of pregnancy). If leukocytes and / or protein are found in the general analysis of urine, as well as in diseases of the kidneys and bladder, urine collection for the tank is prescribed more often.

In the treatment of urological infectious diseases, a second urine culture tank is prescribed for control one week after the antibiotic or uroseptic is discontinued.

Urine collection container

Why do I need to take a urine culture tank during pregnancy?

Urine culture is one of the important tests during pregnancy, so it is included in the list of mandatory tests during pregnancy. Even with a good general urine test, with the help of a seeding tank, you can find a chronic or latent (asymptomatic) form of an infectious disease of the urinary system. It is better to prevent the development of the disease than to treat an advanced stage of the disease, risking giving birth healthy child or even lose it.

Asymptomatic bacteriuria occurs in approximately 6% of pregnant women with a normal urinalysis. In such analyzes, a significant increase in Escherichia coli (E. coli), Enterococcus faecalis (fecal enterococcus), Staphylococcus aureus (Staphylococcus aureus), fungi such as Candida and others are most often found.

In the absence or untimely treatment, the infection spreads further, affecting the kidneys. Then begins pyelonephritis - inflammation of the kidneys of bacterial etiology.

Pyelonephritis can occur under two conditions: 1) from the source of infection, the bacteria spread further, reaching the kidneys; 2) the number of pathogenic bacteria, which are present in each organism in small numbers, begins to increase under favorable conditions for reproduction, for example, with a decrease in immunity "plus" stagnation of urine.

Pyelonephritis during pregnancy most often occurs due to:

  • a decrease in the tone of the ureters and an increase in their length and width under the influence of pregnancy hormones, which can lead to stagnation of urine, where pathogenic microorganisms begin to develop;
  • an increase in the uterus, which can lead to squeezing of the urinary tract (this pattern is especially common in pregnant women with a narrow pelvis), which also causes stagnation of urine;
  • hormonal changes during pregnancy, which can lead to an expansion of the ovarian veins that compress the ureter, thereby disrupting the outflow of urine, etc.

Pyelonephritis can cause intrauterine infection of the fetus, spontaneous abortion, and in the third trimester cause premature birth. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out treatment in time in order to maintain the health of the baby. During pregnancy, for the treatment of pyelonephritis, a sparing antibiotic is usually prescribed, for example, Amoxiclav or Monural, in combination with an antispasmodic, sedative, vitamins of group B, PP and C.

How to collect urine for analysis on a seeding tank?

Often the test results are distorted due to improper urine sampling. Prepare a sterile dry container with a tight-fitting lid for collecting samples (preferably transparent). Special jars for collecting urine tests can be purchased at pharmacies at almost a penny price.

Immediately before the very collection of urine, it is necessary to thoroughly toilet the external genital organs using toilet soap. It is recommended that pregnant women cover the entrance to the vagina with a piece of sterile cotton when collecting urine so that nothing from the genital tract can be brought into the collection of urine. Be sure to wash your hands too, so you don't accidentally transfer bacteria from your hands.

For the study, it is necessary to collect an average portion of morning urine (excreted immediately after waking up) in an amount of at least 70 ml. For this, it is necessary to skip the first and last stream of urine during urination. Those. start urinating, then hold the flow and place the jar, continue urinating into the jar, at the end of the process, hold the flow again, set the jar aside with the lid on, and finish urinating.

Urine analysis must be submitted to the laboratory within 1.5-2 hours after its collection.

Remember that a day or two before passing a urine test, it is not recommended to use foods that can color urine, such as beets and carrots, as well as diuretics and other drugs that can affect the result of the analysis.

Please note that excessive physical activity can increase the concentration of protein in the urine, so the day before the test, reduce physical activity to a minimum.

Deciphering the urine culture tank during pregnancy

In organism healthy person all kinds of pathogenic microbes and rods are present, but in small quantities. Treatment is necessary only in case of an increase in their growth, since the reproduction of harmful microorganisms entails the appearance of various kinds of diseases.

Refusal of treatment threatens with serious consequences not only for one's own health, but also for the health of the baby, which the woman carries under her heart. Therefore, during pregnancy, a urine culture tank must be prescribed.

In the results of the urine culture tank, the presence (“+”) or absence (“-”) of the growth of harmful microorganisms is noted. If the growth of bacteria is still detected, then the laboratory assistant immediately conducts a study to determine the sensitivity of bacteria to different types of antibiotics - an antibiogram.

The measurement value of the number of microorganisms - CFU / ml.

CFU (colony-forming units) is a single cell of a microbe, which over time will turn into a colony of such cells.

And if the gynecologist says that a pregnant woman has a bad urine culture tank, then this means that an increase in infectious agents has been detected. Treatment is carried out with antibiotics, and not just Kanefron or cranberry juice. In addition to antibiotic therapy, other drugs may be prescribed.
Usually, in case of poor urine culture, an ultrasound of the kidneys and a smear from the urethra are additionally prescribed to determine the disease and prescribe the correct treatment.

Bacteriological examination of urine is a complex laboratory analysis, which is characterized by high-precision information content. Allows you to identify pathogenic microorganisms in urine that are not detected using a general urine test. Biomaterial for research is handed over as prescribed by a doctor in case of suspicion of the presence of an infection of the urinary tract and organs of the excretory system.

The essence of bacteriological culture

What is a urinalysis for tank culture? This research method identifies and determines the type of harmful microbes that cause infections and inflammations, on the basis of which conclusions are drawn about the general state of health. In addition, urine culture for microflora determines the sensitivity of microorganisms to antibiotics and phages (a bacteriophage is a virus that devours bacteria).

Normally, urine should not be completely sterile, the presence of a small number of bacteria is allowed. If microorganisms (bacteriuria) are detected, we can talk about possible inflammation in one of the sections of the urinary system. A bacterial urine culture shows exactly how many pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms are present in the urine. According to their number, assumptions are made about the severity of the infectious process.

What microbes are usually detected by a urine culture in an adult? Often, streptococci, defteroids, staphylococci, klebsiella (klebsiella pneumoniae), fungi are determined in the biomaterial. These microorganisms are dangerous if their number significantly exceeds the permissible levels.

Indications for the appointment of a tank of analysis

A urine culture tank is not prescribed for prophylactic purposes. This makes no sense, since the microflora of each person is individual, and opportunistic bacteria can live without harming health. A urinalysis for culture is performed if an infectious lesion of the urinary tract is suspected. Urine for sowing is also given in situations where OAM or shows any deviations from the norm. This type of research is prescribed mainly for the following indications:

  • Cutting pains during urination (observed with cystitis).
  • Soreness of the lumbar region (indirect evidence that bacteria multiply in the renal tubules).
  • General weakness, nausea, vomiting, fever are symptoms indicating pathogenic flora in the kidneys (with pyelonephritis).
  • Dysuria is an abnormal frequency of urination. Too frequent or too infrequent trips to the toilet may indicate kidney damage. With prostatitis, dysuria is also possible.
  • Monitoring the effectiveness of therapy. If the diagnosis is known and antibiotic therapy is prescribed, then urine culture for the patient's flora allows you to respond in a timely manner to changes in the effectiveness of prescribed drugs.
  • Preventive pregnancy control. During the period of gestation, a woman has to twice collect urine for bacteriological examination, since latent bacteriuria is observed in 3-10% of cases.
  • Diseases of the digestive tract (enterococcus and dysentery).
  • Also, regular urine collection is done in diabetes mellitus and in HIV-positive patients.

Research methodology

A urine test for a sowing tank implies a certain algorithm of standard actions:

  • an initial microscopic examination of the sediment of the urinary fluid is carried out (according to the indications, this item can be skipped);
  • then - primary urine culture for sterility to determine the type of pathogen;
  • then the culture collected in the sowing is accumulated;
  • study the characteristics of isolated microorganisms;
  • the finished result of the study is the final identification of the pathogen.

The study of urine for culture involves the selection of the right medium for a particular microorganism. For example, seeding of staphylococcus occurs in blood agar, streptococci in a sugar solution, fungi in Sabouraud's medium. It is allowed to carry out sowing in several environments at once (the largest number is 3-4).

How long does this analysis take? After the urine is given, the results of the sowing begin to be examined from the second day. The final conclusion regarding the identification of the pathogen will be received after 7-10 days. The algorithm for studying the results implies a description:

  • quantities;
  • forms;
  • transparency;
  • shade;
  • surface structures;
  • growth of the colony in height (depressed or flat).

Peculiarities of bakposev on antibiogram

An analysis of the flora with the determination of sensitivity to antibiotics helps to choose the most effective treatment. The result is called an antibiogram. Bacteriological analysis of urine for flora and sensitivity to antibiotics has the following algorithm of actions:

  • The Petri dish is divided into zones, in each of which a strip with an antibiotic is placed. They are marked by color.
  • Zones are sown with selected culture.
  • The bowl is placed in a thermostat with a temperature of 36.6.
  • Every day they control the situation.

A suitable antibiotic completely destroys the bacteria, preventing them from multiplying. If the microorganisms are resistant, then the antibacterial agent cannot be used in therapy.

How long does it take for the analysis to be carried out? Urine culture lasts 7-10 days. The result of modern express methods is prepared in two days. This provides information not only on sensitivity to drugs, but also determines their dosage in therapy. If you need urgent results, for example, for emergency treatment of a serious patient, in a hospital, preliminary information can be provided already after 4 hours.

How to donate urine culture correctly?

To get the most accurate analysis results, it is important to follow some rules. 12-14 hours before the material is taken, it is not recommended to use a large number of liquids. Otherwise, the number of bacteria in the urine will be reduced. Also, patient preparation implies the exclusion of alcoholic beverages a week before the analysis.

According to the rules, morning urine is taken for analysis, but in emergency cases it is permissible to collect a sample in the middle of the day. In this case, you can not empty at least a few hours before passing urine. Women are not allowed to douche.

It is important to properly prepare for the delivery of the material. It is necessary to pre-wash the genitals and hands to prevent microbes from entering the urine from the outside. Otherwise, bacteriological culture of urine may give false results. It is not necessary to collect urine all, but the average portion.

A sterile jar or special container should be used for storage and delivery of the material. It is correct to take a freshly collected sample, since urine is stored for no more than 2 hours. Therefore, you need to deliver it to the laboratory immediately after sampling.

Taking urine for bacteriological examination is not recommended if antibiotics were taken less than two weeks before. Also, diuretics can have an impact on the results, so taking urine for analysis while taking them is also contraindicated.

Deciphering the results

The number of bacteria is measured in CFU (colony forming units) per 1 ml of urine. The higher the CFU, the wider the opportunistic and pathogenic microflora. Everyone can decipher the results, but this is not enough - their correct interpretation is necessary. Many patients try to do this on their own, but only the attending physician can give an accurate assessment of the study.

The norm of bacteria should be no more than 1000 CFU / ml. Also, a negative result should not arouse suspicion. If the analysis showed from 10 to 1000 CFU, it can be assumed that an incorrect urine collection was performed. Therefore, it will be necessary to take a urine test again.

CFU indicators correspond to a particular disease. For example, with cystitis, only 100 CFU is important, with pyelonephritis - 10,000 CFU. If the indicator is very high - over 100,000 CFU, then a strong inflammatory process occurs in the urinary system, and treatment should be urgently prescribed. For example, a large number of CFU is observed if the causative agent is Klebsiella.

Buck seeding urine in children

Indications for tank seeding in children are the same as in adults. Often in children of the first year of life, intestinal dysbacteriosis is observed, which causes Klebsiella. Due to the imperfection of the immune system, this bacterium multiplies rapidly. Klebsiella infection is determined by sowing urine on the flora, bacterioscopy, serological methods.

How to donate a urine culture tank in childhood? To get the most accurate results, you should collect urine correctly. Only morning urine is suitable for analysis, while in newborns, any one that can be obtained will do. How to collect urine for bacterial culture in a child? In infants, urine can be collected using special polyethylene urinals.

Older children should be encouraged to urinate first into the toilet to release the first portion of urine. Then collect the middle part of the urine in a sterile container and deliver it to the laboratory as soon as possible. For the analysis, about 10 ml of urine is taken - this is enough to determine the presence of microorganisms.

The rules for collecting a sample from a child suggest stopping antibiotics. Therefore, parents should warn the doctor about this in time, who will subsequently decipher the results.

Bacteriological urine culture (bacteriological culture, flora culture, etc.) is one of the varieties of laboratory urine testing. Unlike the general analysis of urine, the analysis of urine for flora is a rather complex, but at the same time highly informative, study.

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And if a standard urine test is prescribed every time you seek medical help, urine culture for flora has strict indications for carrying out. It is also worth considering the fact that this study must be carefully prepared, because in this case, sterility is important when collecting urine. Bacteriological culture is prescribed for men and women both as a preventive study and to clarify existing diagnoses.

The main task of such a study is to identify harmful bacteria in the patient's urinary system. A tank analysis is prescribed to determine the presence of microflora that provokes the appearance of inflammatory processes and the development of infections in the body. Also bakposev shows colonies of certain types of bacteria, which allows us to draw conclusions about the general state of health of the genitourinary system and the whole organism as a whole.

But after all, urine is a product of human metabolism, a kind of “trash can”, in which all substances are concentrated that, for one reason or another, are not demanded by the body. This liquid, by definition, cannot be sterile, which means that it is overpopulated with bacteria. How to study the state of health in such conditions?

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A urinalysis for culture shows whether the number of bacteria does not exceed the permissible limits and whether there are any conditionally harmful microorganisms that can cause serious damage to the patient's health.

Urine usually contains streptococci, staphylococci and diphtheroids. They are considered dangerous, but only in large quantities. And if their number exceeds the permissible norm, then infectious processes develop in the body.

In what cases is it assigned

Not suitable for every patient. If a referral for a general analysis of urine can be obtained from any specialist, then a tank analysis for sterility is prescribed by urologists or gynecologists. Usually a tank study is prescribed if:

  • there is a possibility of developing an infectious disease;
  • control of ongoing therapeutic therapy is required;
  • it is necessary to confirm the preliminary diagnosis;
  • there was a relapse of the disease;
  • a woman is preparing to become a mother;
  • the patient suffers from diabetes;
  • it is required to establish sensitivity to antibiotic drugs.

Most often, planting on the flora is necessary in order to establish the presence of inflammation and diseases of the bladder and urinary tract.

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The results of this analysis will depend on the treatment of the patient. Also, this study is carried out as an analysis for sensitivity to antibiotics, that is, in the course of laboratory diagnostics, it becomes clear whether the bacteria are resistant to a particular drug and whether it should be prescribed for treatment. Sometimes it is done in the middle of medical therapy if the patient is not getting better and his health is deteriorating. From this we can conclude that the bacteria are resistant to the antibiotic chosen at the beginning of treatment, and it is better to replace the medicine.

Sowing on the flora is mandatory for pregnant women, it must be given to patients suffering from endocrine diseases (diabetes mellitus) for general health monitoring during an annual preventive examination, and also if any disease has caused a relapse.

Urine culture during pregnancy is prescribed to all women to monitor the health of the genitourinary system. If the pregnancy proceeds without complications and the expectant mother does not suffer from kidney and bladder ailments, urine culture during pregnancy will need to be passed before registering and before going to the hospital, at 35-36 weeks.

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If a protein is found in the general urine test or the patient complains of back pain, it will be necessary to undergo such a study again. Also, this study can be prescribed monthly for women suffering from chronic kidney disease, which they must inform their doctor when registering.

The advantage of the sterility analysis tank is the high accuracy of its results and accessibility to all segments of the population. But in order to make a diagnosis based on the diagnostic data and choose drug therapy, you need to carefully prepare for the study, otherwise it does not make sense.

How to prepare for the study

If urine is collected without meeting the requirements of the microflora study, the results will be incorrect, and this will lead to the appointment of the wrong treatment. Therefore, before taking a bacanalysis, you need to carefully study the information about the collection of urine.

First of all, you will need to purchase a sterile container for collecting urine. In the pharmacy there are containers with a lid, designed specifically for collecting urine.

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But in the laboratory, they usually give out their own container for collecting biomaterial, disinfected, dried and closed in accordance with the conditions of the laboratory. To purchase a container at a pharmacy or take it in a laboratory - the doctor who writes out a referral for a tank study will tell.

Before you start collecting urine, you need to prepare a towel for hygiene procedures. To do this, a clean towel is carefully ironed on both sides and folded in half. In this form, they bring it to the bathroom.

Next, you need to thoroughly wash your hands and genitals. It is forbidden to use cosmetics for washing; laundry soap is best in this case. Next, you need to wipe the genitals with a prepared towel, unfolding it (with the inside). Women are advised to cover the entrance to the vagina with a sterile cotton swab to prevent bacteria from the genitals from entering the urine.

Next, you need to open the prepared container without touching the inside of the lid and container. The first stream of urine is drained, because it helps to flush the urinary tract, and the middle one is carefully collected. The container is closed with a lid and taken to the laboratory.

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Before donating, it is better to refrain from sexual intercourse, excessive physical exertion and taking medications, if they are not vital medicines. It is also advisable to avoid eating foods that can color the urine and thereby distort the results of the study.

For the analysis tank, the biomaterial should be collected immediately before being sent to the laboratory. For the study tank, the morning portion of urine is needed, which contains the highest concentration of bacteria. Collecting urine in the evening, and then storing it in the refrigerator in this case is strictly prohibited. The storage period of the biomaterial collected for analysis should not exceed two hours. It is allowed to store urine in the refrigerator for no more than six hours if the trip to the laboratory is scheduled for the afternoon. If all the requirements for urine collection are met, the results of the tank analysis will be absolutely accurate.

Another question - how much urine does bakposev require? As with the general analysis, it is better to bring 50 to 70 ml of urine to the laboratory. But there are modern laboratories that require up to 10 ml.

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Therefore, this information should be clarified with the attending physician or in the laboratory itself.

What the results will tell

Results are prepared within 10-14 days. This time is necessary in order to grow a colony of bacteria, and then study them. Decoding usually consists of two forms: directly data on the presence of certain bacteria and an antibiogram, i.e. information on the sensitivity of microflora to antibiotics.

The result sheet includes information about the detected microorganisms, which are indicated in the CFU. The higher the CFU, the greater the concentration of certain bacteria in one ml of liquid. Usually, CFUs have upper and lower limits, the excess of which indicates that an inflammatory process is developing in the body.

The antibiogram includes information about all types of bacteria that are present in human urine. Opposite each representative of the pathogenic microflora is information about whether this particular species was found in the material under study. It is also mandatory to contain information about which types of antibiotics they have sensitivity to.

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Thanks to the first decoding point, the attending physician will be able to determine whether the patient has diseases, the second will help identify the causative agent of the disease and make the correct diagnosis. Thanks to the third point of decoding, the specialist will be able to choose drugs for therapeutic therapy as correctly as possible.

Since urine is not sterile, bacteria are present within acceptable limits. When deciphering the received data, the doctor first of all studies their number. If the total number of microorganisms does not exceed 1000 cfu / ml, it can be said with confidence that the patient is healthy. Indications exceeding 100,000 CFU / ml indicate the development of an infectious disease and require appropriate treatment. Intermediate data require re-testing. Usually this is evidence of non-compliance with the requirements for the collection of biomaterial, less often - information about the onset of the inflammatory process.


  • Sowing on flora with determination of sensitivity to the main spectrum of antibiotics
  • Sowing on flora with determination of sensitivity to an extended spectrum of antibiotics
  • Sowing on flora with determination of sensitivity to the main spectrum of antibiotics and bacteriophages
  • Sowing on flora with determination of sensitivity to an extended spectrum of antibiotics and bacteriophages

Bacteriological urine culture (urine bacteriological culture) is a type of bacteriological study in which microorganisms (most often bacteria) in the urine are detected and identified, and their concentration is determined. For this purpose, the biological material (urine) is placed in a nutrient medium (agar, sugar broth) favorable for the growth and development of bacteria. If there is no growth of microorganisms, then the result is negative. If the growth of bacteria or other microorganisms (for example, fungi) is still detected at such a concentration that infection is possible, then the result of the urine culture is considered positive.

The concentration (number of microorganisms per unit volume of the biomaterial) during urine culture is determined in colony-forming units (CFU). A colony-forming unit (CFU) is a single living microbial cell (or group of cells) from which a visible colony of microorganisms grows.

In the case of a positive result of urine culture - identification of the identified pathogen, it is necessary to choose an effective antibacterial drug (antibiotic) to combat it. To do this, the sensitivity to antibiotics of isolated cultures of microorganisms (antibiogram) is determined. Determination of sensitivity to antibiotics is extremely important in the appointment of rational antibiotic therapy.

Bacteriological urine culture (urine bacteriological culture) is a fairly common study with high sensitivity and specificity. The analysis for bakposev during pregnancy is widely used. A serious advantage is the high accuracy of the results obtained.

Urinalysis for bacterial culture (urine bacterial culture) is also indicated to determine the effectiveness of ongoing treatment for urinary tract infections.

The disadvantages of the method (mainly technical) are the relative duration of the study and high requirements for material sampling. However, urine culture can provide information that other research methods cannot provide.

Indications for urine culture:

  • urinary tract infections,
  • treatment control,
  • clarification of the diagnosis with an atypical picture of the disease,
  • relapsing course of the disease
  • pregnancy,
  • diabetes,
  • immunodeficiency,
  • suspicion of resistant (resistant to antibiotic therapy) flora.

An average morning portion of urine in the amount of 3-5 ml is taken for urine culture, collected in a sterile plastic disposable container. A container for collecting urine for bacteriological culture should be obtained in advance from the registry of the CMD laboratory. Urine collection for testing for urine culture is carried out after a thorough toilet of the external genital organs without the use of antiseptics.

Biomaterial for the study of urine culture is taken before the start of antibiotic therapy or in the intervals between courses of treatment, but not earlier than two weeks after its completion.

The collected urine must be delivered to the Laboratory as soon as possible: at room temperature (+18+20°C) - within 1-2 hours; at +4+8°C (refrigerator) - 5-6 hours.

Bacterial culture is an informative analysis that allows you to determine the causative agent of the disease and its sensitivity to medications. This analysis is most often taken in gynecology and urology. This research method allows diagnosing various inflammatory processes and diseases and prescribing effective treatment.

The female genital organs are inhabited by beneficial bacteria and microorganisms to maintain the necessary balance and acidic environment. They act as a barrier to various viruses and microorganisms. Due to various factors, pathogenic microorganisms become more than beneficial microflora, as a result, an inflammatory process develops.

Bacteriological culture (bacteriological culture) is a method for diagnosing pathologies caused by bacteria. The main purpose of bacteriological seeding is to identify harmful bacteria above the permissible norm, causing various diseases and inflammatory processes.

However, it should be noted that the vagina may contain a small amount of harmful bacteria that are associated with female physiology.The doctor makes a sampling from the mucous membrane of the genital organs, and then places it in a special nutrient medium, where the necessary conditions are provided.

After the development of a bacterium in a favorable environment, a study is carried out under a microscope to determine its type.

Bakposev from the vagina helps to determine the composition of the microflora. If pathogenic microorganisms are present in it, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Indications for analysis

Biomaterial sampling is carried out from the cervix and cervical passage.Diagnostics can be scheduled for research.

There are the following indications for taking a smear for bakposev:

  • Planning for pregnancy.
  • Diagnosis of inflammatory diseases in.
  • Identification of abnormal microflora.
  • Elevated blood levels.
  • Frequent inflammatory processes in the uterus.

The study may be prescribed when unpleasant symptoms appear: itching, burning, white vaginal discharge, menstrual cycle abnormalities.

It is mandatory for a pregnant woman to take a swab for bakposev if a genitourinary infection is suspected or for prevention purposes. Pathogenic microorganisms detected in a smear in a pregnant woman are very dangerous for the fetus and can lead to miscarriage or infection.

Culture methods

During the study, pathogenic microorganisms are determined, on the basis of which it is possible to judge possible pathological changes in the genitourinary organs. In addition to the qualitative determination of microorganisms, a quantitative assessment of pathogenic microflora is also carried out.

The biomaterial is taken from the area where the cervix and vagina connect. This is the cervical canal. Along with this, the discharge is made from the urethra and vagina.The definition of a colony forming unit (CFU) helps to establish the number of pathogens per unit volume.

Colony forming unit counts can be done in several ways:

  • Serial dilution method. Thanks to this method, it is possible to determine the sensitivity of bacteria to antibiotics. 1 ml of the biomaterial is diluted with inoculation in a numbered test tube with a nutrient medium. A test tube in which the growth of colonies stops is considered the maximum limit of the concentration of bacteria in the sample.
  • Counting colonies under a microscope. This is an approximate method in which colonies are counted under a microscope. Further, the results are interpreted in accordance with the table.
  • sector method. It is used to study the degree of bacteriuria in urine.
  • In the study of antibiotic resistance, 2 methods are used: the standard disc method and the diffuse method. After growing microorganisms in a favorable environment, discs are lowered into the container, which are impregnated with an antibiotic concentrate. The second method involves the use of paper strips with the drug applied to them.

The results of bacposev can be found after 5 days. In a special form, pathogenic microorganisms and their number that inhabit the cervical canal are recorded.

Preparing for a smear for bacterial culture

To obtain a reliable result, you should properly prepare for the smear test:

  1. In order to avoid the presence of other microorganisms in the smear, it is necessary to ensure the sterility of the taken material.
  2. You should also refrain from sexual intercourse the day before the study.
  3. Douching, inserting candles, etc. is not allowed.
  4. The procedure is not performed during menstruation. You can take a smear only 2 days after their end.
  5. If a colposcopy was performed, then bakposev is prescribed in two days.
  6. It is not recommended to carry out sowing if the woman was taking antibacterial drugs. Drug treatment can distort the results of the study and it will not be possible to obtain reliable information about the state of the genital organs. A man must follow the same rules before taking tests.
  7. Before taking a smear for research, one should not perform genital hygiene, use various creams, gels for intimate hygiene, etc.

You can learn more about cervical smear from the video:

The procedure is performed as follows: a woman lies down on a gynecological chair and an obstetrician inserts a special tool into the vagina and takes a smear. In a man, the doctor inserts a disposable probe into the urethra and rotates several times around the axis.

During the sampling of a smear, a woman and a man should not experience any pain. In most cases, there is mild discomfort. Only with the carelessness of the doctor and the presence of any disease of the genital organs can there be slight discomfort.

Deciphering the results

Various microorganisms are present in the vagina and cervix. If they belong to conditionally pathogenic microflora, then they do not pose a danger. The discharge of the cervical canal is not sterile.Normally, the analyzes should contain lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, which are representatives of the normal microflora.

Microorganisms colonizing and present in the smear should not be in the results. However, a single number of such microorganisms is allowed. If in sowing they are found in large numbers, then this indicates an inflammatory process of the genitourinary system.

Normally, the sowing should be free of gonococci, Trichomonas, yeast, key cells, staphylococci, gardnerella, leptothrix, etc.

All these pathogenic microorganisms lead to the development of the inflammatory process and serious diseases.

During sowing, several degrees of development of microorganisms and the rate of their growth are distinguished:

  • In the first degree, there is a weak growth of bacteria and they are present only in a liquid medium.
  • The second degree is characterized by the growth of up to 10 colonies on a solid medium.
  • The third degree is characterized by an increase in bacteria up to 100 colonies.
  • For the fourth, the excess of the number of microorganism of one type is more than 100 colonies.

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