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Facial makeup removal at home: how to do it right, makeup removers. For dry skin. The eyes are the area of ​​special attention.

Proper removal of applied cosmetics is no less an art than the ability to perform beautiful high-quality makeup. The make-up remover procedure should be performed every evening before applying the night nourishing cream and before any cosmetic procedures. Make-up removal - what is it and what are the basic rules for its implementation?


Every girl or woman who cares about the health of her skin will be able to tell you what make-up removal is. Make-up removal is understood as cleansing the skin of the face from sweat, sebum And various pollution accumulated on the skin for the whole day. The remains of unremoved cosmetics and dirt on the face can cause irritation on the skin, and the systematic neglect of the rules for cleansing the skin will inevitably lead to clogged pores, acne and pimples.

Even if you do not use decorative cosmetics at all, make-up removal should be a mandatory item of evening dress. Street dust and dirt also “sticks” well to both made-up and unmade-up faces. Lack of energy and time is not a good reason not to cleanse the skin of the face. At present, thanks to innovative technologies in the field of modern cosmetology, such, at first glance, a routine procedure will become a real pleasure for you. Let's try to figure out what facial makeup removal is and by what rules it is performed.


The range of products for high-quality facial cleansing is growing every day, so any woman can perform makeup removal at home. On sale you can also find makeup removers for certain areas of the skin of the face, used at home, and waterproof makeup removers, as well as special tools for removing theatrical makeup, and so on.

In order for the removal of cosmetic residues and dirt to be as effective as possible, all cosmetic products must be selected in accordance with your skin type and its structure. When buying a product, you must carefully study the annotation on the label and strictly follow the recommendations for its use.

There are the following types of make-up remover:

  • cosmetic cream and milk- the composition of these products includes a large number of various additives and fats, they are designed for make-up removal of normal and dry skin, as well as mixed and mature skin;
  • makeup remover water- gives a feeling of freshness, tones and cleanses. It is used to cleanse the skin of any type, even for sensitive;
  • gels, foams and mousses- these funds are used in the company with ordinary water. They contain various additives that help regulate secretions. sebaceous glands and relieve inflammation. The absence of any oils will give your skin a feeling of cleanliness and freshness, so the products of this group are most often used to clean the combined and fatty type skin;
  • dermatological soap- available for various skin types, as a result of its use, dry and very sensitive skin receives the necessary hydration, while oily and combination skin is cleansed and gain health.
  • - it is difficult to overestimate the necessity and importance of this subject of hygiene. They can be used in any "field conditions" and can easily replace a cotton pad soaked in tonic, lotion or cream. Great for oily skin, as they have good bactericidal properties and noticeably narrow pores.


Eye make-up removal is a cosmetic procedure, which must be approached with all responsibility. Removing makeup from the eyes requires special care and diligence, as the skin in this area is especially delicate and sensitive. For eye make-up removal, it is necessary to use products that have passed ophthalmological control. They should include components that enrich the skin, dissolve makeup and give the skin of the eyelids a feeling of cooling calmness. In addition, cosmetics for removing make-up from the eyes and eyelids helps to reduce swelling and circles under the eyes.

Due to the fact that modern makeup is often very intense, using only a thorough make-up remover will help clean your face. What it is? This is a high-quality cleansing of the skin of the face from persistent cosmetics using professional cosmetics. For make-up removal persistent funds liquid lotions are most commonly used, which effectively dissolve cosmetics, and at the same time gently cleanse the eyelids and eyelashes without irritating the eyes.


In order for make-up removal to be safe and not harm the health of your skin, it must be performed in several stages and subject to several rules:

  • when performing make-up removal, in no case should you rub and stretch the skin, as well as rub makeup removers into the skin;
  • the water used for washing during make-up removal should not be either too hot or too cold;
  • the best option is to use infusion for washing medicinal herbs such as chamomile and calendula. You can also use green tea infusions, mineral and spring water;
  • in no case should you wash off decorative cosmetics from the eyelids and eyelashes with ordinary soap.

Makeup removal is done in three steps.

  1. Removed first. If you use ordinary lipstick, it will be enough to wipe your lips in the direction from the corners to the middle with a regular cotton pad. But to remove persistent lipstick, you need to moisten the disk with a waterproof makeup remover.
  2. After that, you should proceed to the make-up removal of the eyes. You need to start it from the upper eyelid - wiping movements should be light, directed from the temple to the bridge of the nose. From the lower eyelid, the shadows are washed off in the direction from the bridge of the nose to the corner of the eye. To remove, it is necessary to use two cotton pads soaked in a special product: one is placed on the lower eyelid under the eyelashes, and the second is gently wiped over the eyelashes from top to bottom. A qualified cosmetologist will help you choose the best makeup remover that suits your skin.
  3. Powder and removed at the final stage of make-up removal. Movements should be strictly directed along the massage lines to prevent excessive stretching of the skin. The remains of the product must be washed off with infusion of herbs or specially prepared water.


The procedure for cleansing the skin of cosmetics and small particles of dust and dirt is called make-up removal. Previously, it was believed that enhanced cleansing is necessary for those who wear a lot of makeup, but today it becomes clear that such a measure is needed for everyone who cares about the health of their skin. Even washing with special products can be considered a make-up removal procedure, because most modern washers are “smart”: they can remove makeup and reduce the negative effects of the external environment.

Unfortunately, finding your own remedy is not so easy: milk, tonic, make-up remover, cosmetic oil, ... What to choose? Maybe the names are only confusing and there is no difference between the means of make-up removal?

  • This will allow you to remove the make-up with high quality, so that after washing there are no traces of the panda on the pillow or towel - mascara smudges. The main thing is that there will be no cosmetics left on the skin itself, which clogs into pores and creates an excellent “habitat” for bacteria.
  • Toilet soap copes with some types of cosmetics. Washes it off, leaving a feeling of dryness, creating a film on the skin and destroying the natural protection and pH level. In general, non-universal and unsafe.
  • A waterproof make-up cannot be washed off just like that, the feeling of a “stranger” on the skin remains for a long time. Specialized cleansing copes with this effect in a matter of minutes.
  • Skin uniqueness. IN special care needs sensitive skin prone to allergies and dryness. With age, the face begins to "act up", you have to look for "one's own" on the shelves. The right product does not cause acne and other skin problems, prevent dehydration and skin aging.

In addition to soft and universal products, make-up removal of the eyes, eyelids and lips can be distinguished separately - these are the zones that are actively distinguished by cosmetics.

Even after a long day, make-up removal rules should not be neglected:

  • painted eyelashes lose their natural elasticity, break or fall out;
  • lipstick on the lips "collects" bacteria, clogs pores at the borders of the skin of the face and the pink delicate mucous membrane. Pimples that appear there are particularly painful and unaesthetic.
  • make-up removal of the face and eyelids cleanses the pores of cosmetics, softens the influence of the metropolis. This is a fresh complexion and prevention of the first wrinkles. Even thin layer powder disrupts the natural respiration of the skin.

How to choose

We study the label

  • For example, some foams and mousses are not suitable for cleansing the skin of the eyelids, which means they are not applicable for eye makeup removal.
  • There are universal products that manufacturers are trying to highlight, for example, micellar water and two-phase lotions.
  • A number of products remove makeup only with water (gels, foams, mousses). If you choose this option, then pay attention to the annotation: an additional remedy may be needed to cleanse the eyes. Such helpers do not work well with waterproof products and are not suitable for sensitive and dry skin as the main remedy.

By skin type and cleaning method

Milk, cream or a special lotion are suitable for delicate and gentle cleansing.

  • They work without water, but you will need cotton pads or swab balls.
  • Makeup removal will be gentle.
  • Although for full feeling cleanliness, many still lack washing.

What is the feature? Makeup remover with milk does not remove small particles and clean pores from sebum and dust. This option will not appeal to owners of oily, combination, acne-prone skin.

The disadvantage of such cosmetics is that it does not cope well with waterproof makeup, if there is no special mark on the package.

Among home analogues - cosmetic or (olive, almond). Oil make-up remover nourishes and moisturizes it.

Biphasic lotions- combine the advantages of tonic and cosmetic oil.

  • Tonics and lotions are suitable for oily, normal and combination skin.
  • Read the label: not all of them are suitable for cleansing the face of make-up, make-up removers must contain the mark “for make-up removal”. And certainly not everyone copes with waterproof mascara.

Two-phase options successfully cleanse the skin of cosmetics (including waterproof), and also take care of the face. If we talk about the type of skin, then make-up removal with such a lotion is universal.

Micellar water - unique option. Today, almost every cosmetic brand offers it.

  • The successful action of the liquid is based on the activity of micelles, to which small particles of paint, dirt, and dust adhere.
  • Micellar water perfectly copes with any makeup, does not require the use of water, hypoallergen, does not cause a feeling of dryness, stickiness.
  • Light and almost not only cleanses, but cares for the skin.

Using this tool is a real pleasure!

Makeup remover wipes- compact road version. Disposable packages are popular, but now a successful “reusable” option has also appeared on sale, which helps to wash off cosmetics without the use of additional “soap” products.

In addition to cleansing, the face receives and light massage, exfoliation of the epidermis. This treatment is not suitable for all skin types mechanical impact should be minimal, for example).

Proper washing

To cleanse the skin according to all the rules you need:

  • cleanser;
  • cotton pad or swab;
  • special wipes for make-up removal.

Discs are more practical to use than cotton wool or cosmetic swabs. When carrying out cleansing, first do make-up removal of the lips, then the eyes, complete with cleansing of the entire face. Lip make-up removal is carried out from the corners to the center.

The course of the rest of the cleansing should be directed along the massage lines: from the center of the face to the periphery. Eyes cleanse in a circular motion: from the inner corner of the eye outward along the upper eyelid, from outer corner- inside by lower eyelid.

When using waterproof cosmetics, it may take a little longer to remove. Do not try to “save” it: a persistent make-up dries the skin a lot, soft makeup removal will help not only “cleanse”, but also restore your face.


How to properly remove makeup from the skin of the eyelids and eyelashes? Despite the many application techniques, there are not so many successful removal options. The hardest part is getting the mascara off. To make the procedure comfortable for delicate skin and soft for your beloved eyes, use the following advice.

Apply the product on two discs (tampons). Close the eye tightly and cover the top and bottom of the eyelashes with discs soaked in the product for a few seconds (15-30). Lightly pressing the discs against each other (do not overdo it, the cotton wool should slide over the cilia, and not tear them out!), Swipe a couple of times through the hairs from the roots to the tips.

For each eye, use a fresh pair of "pair". After removing the mascara, you can clean the eyebrows along the hairline, and then carry out make-up removal of the eyelids.

Of course, at first it will take more time. However, having mastered this technique, you will notice that fewer movements are required to remove makeup, which means it is more careful for sensitive skin. And the eyelashes will fall out less.


In addition to the direction of movement of the disk on the face, it is necessary to take into account the features of cosmetics: it is better to remove powder, primers, foundation and foundation creams with milk, and then wipe the skin with tonic. This helps to get rid of the feeling of stickiness and heaviness on the skin, removes the remnants of the “milk” itself.

If you do not additionally align the complexion and do not use tonal cosmetics, then the main make-up remover is enough for make-up remover. When choosing it, be guided by your skin type.

After cleansing

Although some products will easily cope with cosmetics without water, the desire to wash appears almost immediately. This is normal: washing completes makeup removal and cleanses the skin.

Washing products should be selected specifically for the type of skin. Then it is important to restore the balance and protective barrier, moisturize the skin. To do this, use a tonic, lotion, completing the ritual of care with a face cream.

Most of the funds in a cosmetic bag have to be found by trial and error. I hope that this article will help you navigate and give up those tools that are not useful to you. Remember that facial skin also matures and changes, so at times you may need to update your must-have list. On the other hand, it is quite normal and natural that you need your own product for cleansing and care, not similar to those used by friends. After all, each of us is unique and needs individual care!

Helpful sign:

Tool type Need for water Application area Impact on waterproof cosmetics skin type
Penka Yes All Yes Select by type
Milk No All Yes Dry
Micellar water No All Yes Delicate all-purpose remedy
Tonic No All No Oily
Cosmetic oil No All Yes,
special equipment may be needed
Dry, sensitive - perfect
for oily and normal selection
Shower gel Yes except eyelids No Doesn't fit
for dry and
Bi-Phase Lotion No All Yes any
Reusable wipes Yes All Yes,
but not always
It is impossible with dry, rosacea,
(viral, bacterial diseases)
Disposable make-up remover wipes No All Yes Not for permanent use
not suitable for sensitive and dry
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In previous articles, we have repeatedly touched on the topic of a good make-up. However, creating a spectacular image is only half the battle. In order not to harm your skin, you must also know the basic rules of makeup removal and be able to put them into practice.

Many girls still mistakenly believe that ordinary tap water is the best remedy for any cosmetics. And others do not see any difference between mousse and milk, tonic and cream. Therefore, let's figure out what it is - make-up removal, and what secrets this procedure hides.

A bit of theory

We all know that sleeping with makeup on your face is a sure way to get wrinkles for 7-10 years. ahead of schedule. And therefore, getting ready for bed, it is necessary to carefully remove all traces of make-up on the face.

However, do not think that makeup removal is simply washing or wiping your face with a clean napkin. Not at all, with such methods you will only completely ruin your skin, because it. Therefore, before discussing the removal of makeup from the eyes, lips, cheeks and other areas, let's see what tools we need for this action.

  • Napkins or cotton pads

To remove everyday make-up, as a rule, they require 3 to 5 pieces. We add that it’s not worth saving here, because using one napkin to clean different areas, you will simply smear cosmetics on the skin, and not remove it.

  • Remover

Indispensable for those who want to properly remove eye make-up. If you practice dry make-up removal (without using water), then you first need to wash your face with a remover, and only then use various lotions and mousses.

  • Makeup remover

Their choice will be discussed in more detail below. Therefore, we will only say that it is necessary to select these drugs with special care. And if you are at a loss with the choice, it is best to consult with professional beautician.

  • Folk remedies

They will also be discussed later, therefore, we only focus on the fact that when choosing, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of your own body so that instead of skin cleansed of cosmetics, you do not get an allergic rash or something even worse.

  • Terry towel

Why terry, and not some other? Everything is simple. Since after the procedure the skin cannot be rubbed (so as not to stretch it), but you can only get wet, terry cloth (which absorbs water more than others) will do just fine.

Good to know! Any makeup remover is best applied and washed off with a cotton pads. Ordinary pieces of cotton wool will not work here, because during use they will simply exfoliate, and after removing the make-up, you will also have to clean the skin from the remnants of cotton wool.

Let's move on to practice

Now that you have everything you need at your fingertips, it remains to learn how to properly remove makeup from different parts faces.

We clean the lips

To remove the remnants of lipstick or gloss, apply a few drops of milk to remove makeup on a cotton pad and begin to gently drive it over your lips. At the same time, we move from the corners of the mouth (which we do not forget to hold) to the middle. If there are cracks on the lips, do not forget to treat them separately with a new disc to remove the remnants of lipstick that could clog in them.

Cleansing the eyes

To properly remove eye makeup, it is necessary to start processing from the eyelids. To do this, we moisten a napkin (or cotton pad) with the selected make-up remover, after which we gently press it against the eyelid and draw it in the direction from the bridge of the nose to the temple. Next comes the ink. To remove it, we will perform the same actions, only we will move along the growth of the cilia - from the roots to the tips.

At the end of the procedure, be sure to wash off all the mascara, as often its remnants remain at the very roots of the eyelashes and adversely affect the skin.

Little trick. To make mascara removal faster, easier and more efficient, divide the cotton pad into two halves. Press the first one to the lower eyelid, “laying” the eyelashes on it, and the second one is already cleaning off the cosmetics. You can also use a cotton swab instead of a disk, moving it in the same way as a brush while applying makeup.

We clean the skin

Now that the eye make-up removal is over, you can proceed directly to the processing of the forehead, nose, cheeks and the rest of the skin of the face. To do this, you can use plain water in combination with gel, foam or mousse. Please note that the water should not be either very cold or very hot. The optimal temperature for washing is considered to be between 20 and 25 °C.

If you use waterproof cosmetics, the “dry” method will be useful. According to him, a cleansing milk is used, which is first applied to the face, then rubbed with light massaging movements, and then removed with a napkin / cotton pad.

Now that all the procedures are completed, you can wash your face again, dry it with a terry towel and treat it with another product (depending on skin type).

Good to know! In order not to accidentally stretch the skin and not provoke the appearance of wrinkles, make-up removal of the face must be carried out strictly along the massage lines, which are presented in detail in the diagram.

Classical massage lines for the least stretching of the skin

Makeup remover

Now that you know how and in what sequence make-up removal occurs, it remains only to determine which make-up remover is best to use. We do not recommend to treat this choice superficially, because otherwise your own face may suffer.

For example, the presence of alkali or alcohol in the preparation will adversely affect the protective hydrolipidic film, and treatment with a cream intended for oily will only dry it out even more. Therefore, when choosing, you need to pay attention to literally everything.

  • On the composition and its interaction with the composition of cosmetics

So, the foundation is washed off with funds for water based(tonics, lotions), and against “heavy” makeup with a primer, products on oil based(hydrophilic oils, milk).

  • The type of skin for which the drug is intended

Inappropriate use will only exacerbate your skin problems, making oily skin even more shiny, and dry skin more flaky.

  • To pH balance

Thus, in healthy skin, the acid balance varies between 4.0 and 5.5 pH, thanks to which it has a healthy appearance and easily resists bacteria that enter it from the outside. And for a product for normal skin, the acid balance should be no more than 3.0-3.5 pH, only then it will be as effective and useful as possible.

  • On the shape of the product itself

Gels, foams and mousses are best suited for skin and. Milk and cream, rich in various fatty additives, are used to treat dry and irritated skin. Tonics are suitable for owners of skin of any type, and lotions - for those who suffer from its hypersensitivity.

A few words about micellar make-up remover

Micellar make-up remover is gaining more and more popularity today, and therefore deserves special mention. In the beauty industry, it is believed that micellar water must be in the cosmetic bag of every advanced woman. Allegedly, this is an inexpensive and easy-to-use tool:

  • without unnecessary help, it will dissolve both makeup and most skin impurities;
  • does not need rinsing;
  • suitable for any type of skin due to its unique, absolutely harmless composition;
  • can be simultaneously used as a make-up remover for eyes, lips and other areas of the face.

However, if you read the reviews of girls who have already used this drug, it will become obvious that not all of them share the enthusiasm of the sellers.

So (regardless of the brand), the composition causes criticism, in which not all components are equally beneficial for the skin. A number of ingredients can harm its individual types, exacerbating an already obvious oily sheen or dryness. Another disadvantage is the weak effect. The photo below shows that even after several minutes of diligent cleaning, traces of cosmetics remain on the skin (which means hello wrinkles).

The third disadvantage is stickiness on the face, due to which going outside on a dry day will give you certain problems. And the last - a burning sensation around the eyes after application. However, this effect was observed only in girls with hypersensitivity, and even then not for everyone, so you should not give special attention to it.

Remember correct make-up removal can never be done by just one means. Therefore, to achieve the optimal effect, do not be afraid to experiment with various drugs and their combinations.

Folk recipes for makeup removal

When it comes to how to remove eye makeup at home, multiple combinations of various folk remedies immediately come to mind. So, the following combinations are considered the most successful.

  • Natural yogurt and lemon juice
  • Natural yogurt and strawberries

Three tablespoons of yogurt and 5 medium-sized berries are turned into a homogeneous mixture with a blender. Then the mass is applied to the face and the resulting mask is left for 5-10 minutes. When allotted time will pass, the mask is washed off, and the face is re-treated with a damp cotton pad.

This solution not only helps to get rid of even the most persistent makeup, but also helps to saturate the skin with vitamins and improve its appearance.

  • Olive oil and chamomile

This recipe will be a great help for those who want to learn how to properly remove eye makeup. 5-7 drops are added to the infusion of chamomile, after which the resulting mixture is thoroughly mixed and applied to the skin with a cotton swab. Such simple movements help to remove puffiness of the eyelids and significantly reduce circles under the eyes. Ideal Solution- for dry skin.

  • Various oils and warm milk

For example, hazelnut oil is suitable for treating oily, shiny skin, indispensable for treating the eyelids and skin around the eyes, and oil or canola is an excellent solution for those whose skin lacks softness and elasticity. The main thing is not to forget to wash at the end of the procedure.

However, be especially fond of folk remedies not worth it either. Firstly, not all of them are equally effective against various types of cosmetics. Secondly, on individual ingredients you may have an allergy. And thirdly, individual recipes are compiled by people who are far from cosmetology (in order to increase their own popularity), which means that they can simply be dangerous for the skin.

As you can see ideal remedy for make-up remover, simply does not exist. All drugs have strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, when choosing the best way to remove eye makeup, be guided not by the advice of girlfriends or sellers, but by the needs of your own skin.

It also does not hurt to ask the advice of a professional beautician. However, do not rush to buy everything that he advises you, but rather pay attention to the composition of the recommended funds. As practice shows, in 90% of cases they have less well-known analogues, with which you can remove eye makeup at home much cheaper for your wallet and safer for your skin.

Would you like to know the opinions of experts, the better to wash off cosmetics from the face, and also get acquainted with small overview popular makeup remover, go to.

Almost every woman, if not daily, then several times a week for sure, applies makeup on her face. Decorative cosmetics during the day mixes with skin secretions and dust particles, penetrates into the pores, clogs them and interferes with the normal functioning of the epidermis. This negatively affects the condition of the skin, which becomes lethargic, reacts with rashes and loses healthy color. But such consequences will overtake you only if you neglect the correct make-up removal procedure and go to bed regularly without washing off decorative cosmetics and pollution from your face.

Facial skin needs proper make-up removal - do not neglect this rule!

Facial cleansing is essential even if you don't wear make-up at all, as unprotected skin is exposed to fine dust and sweats. Moreover, even the most expensive creams will not show itself on a dirty surface of the face. Consider what make-up removal is, why this stage of care is extremely important, what means can be used during it, and what features they have!

The concept of makeup removal

The health and youthfulness of the skin is largely determined by competent care, which includes make-up removal. It consists in cleansing the skin of the face and neck from the remnants of decorative cosmetics, waste products secreted by sebaceous and sweat glands and preparing the skin for application. Skin that is not cared for and cleaned reacts with comedones, allergic reactions and early aging.

Proper makeup removal will not only save you from these troubles, but will help your skin look well-groomed and healthy, and mimic wrinkles and flabbiness will not bother you for many more years. Note that make-up removal should be carried out only with special means - the use of soap in make-up remover is not only not recommended, but absolutely unacceptable, since it greatly dehydrates the skin.

If you have ever tried to cleanse the skin in this way, then, undoubtedly, noted unpleasant feeling tightness. Aggressive alkaline soap will wash away not only beauty products and dust, but the entire sebum which we need to protect the epidermis. In addition, soap, like any alkaline product, disrupts the lipid-fat barrier of the skin, which leads to the rapid growth of bacteria. Do not be surprised if, after prolonged use of soap, small wrinkles and rashes begin to bother you.

The use of soap in make-up remover is strongly discouraged.

Makeup removal technique

The make-up removal process will require certain skills and knowledge of the basic rules. Remember that the wrong approach to make-up removal over time will lead to excessive stretching of the skin, which, despite all the elasticity, will react to this with additional wrinkles. In order to avoid such a nuisance, you need to remove makeup with smooth, unhurried movements, adhering to the main massage lines: from the center of the forehead to the temporal part, from the nose to the temples and ears, and then from the middle of the chin to the ear.

Makeup removal steps

  • Removing makeup from lips. This procedure is recommended by cosmetologists to be carried out with fatty creamy products, that is, with special milk or cream. The product is applied to a cotton pad, after which the lipstick is removed by moving from the corners of the mouth to its middle. When working with resistant lipsticks and tints, first you need to hold a disk soaked in make-up remover on your lips (30 seconds), and then proceed to cleanse the pigment.
  • Eye make-up removal It is considered one of the most difficult and crucial stages, since the skin in this place is tender and very easily injured. First of all, they begin to remove the shadows, moving in the direction from the inner corner to the temporal part. If you paint the lower eyelid, then you need to move along it in the opposite direction: from the outer part of the eye to the inner corner. Then the mascara is removed from the eyelashes, moving from the root zone to the tips (and not in the way that many are accustomed to - just moving the disc or fingers one way or the other). The most responsible girls can heed the recommendations of cosmetologists and cut the disk into two parts, each of which is wetted in a make-up remover. Then the resulting crescents are placed under the lower eyelid, and the mascara is removed with another disk, and the product must be given 20-30 seconds for it to begin to dissolve the decorative pigment. This method will allow you to protect the skin under the eyes from stretching as much as possible. At this stage, it is recommended to use a two-phase product, micellar water or hydrophilic oil.
  • Facial cleansing. This step involves getting rid of a layer of foundation, blush and powder, so you can use one of the many special products such as foam, gel, milk, oil or micellar water. The make-up removal technique at this stage depends on the chosen cosmetic product for cleansing. For example, it is better to apply a foamed gel on a moistened face, a hydrophilic oil on a dry one, and first warm the milk in your hands.
  • Toning. On last step you should definitely apply a tonic to the skin, which will remove small particles of dirt, make the skin fresher and nourish it with moisture, preparing the face to accept all useful products from creams or serums.

Facial cleansing with foam gel - one of the options for make-up removal

Makeup removers

Despite all the variety of means for make-up removal, their choice must be approached responsibly. After all, a well-chosen product should take into account your personal skin characteristics, age, possible dermatological problems and what kind of cosmetics you will remove.

Choice of remedy

Beauty products for make-up removal are conventionally divided into two categories:

  • with washing in the process of removing cosmetics. This group includes foams, mousses and gels. Any of the gel products must first be foamed (mousses have a special pump for this) and only after that distribute the product over the face and rinse with water;
  • without washing. These products include micellar water, make-up remover wipes, cream, two-phase products, milk, etc.

Most no-wash products involve the use of cotton pads. good quality. Do not think that you can save money by using ordinary cotton wool for makeup removal. On the one hand, the discs will cost more, but on the other hand, the cotton wool will delaminate into fibers, which then have to be removed from the eyelashes and skin. The disks can be replaced with another beauty helper - konnyak, sea sponge or cellulose sponge, which can be used to remove makeup, wash off masks and apply when washing.

How to choose a make-up remover?

When buying a makeup remover, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • audit your cosmetic bag and determine the type of cosmetics that you most often apply to your face. If your arsenal is dominated by waterproof products, you will definitely need a hydrophilic oil or a two-phase product;
  • for oily and combination skin, it is preferable to use gels, mousses and foams, as they have a drying effect. Milk and cream are more recommended for dry and aging skin - they have more fats and various natural supplements in the composition and nourish the skin well. Biphasic products and micellar water are excellent at removing stubborn eye makeup, so many products are best combined;
  • pay attention to whether there is alcohol (alcohol) in the first five components of the product, since a high content of ethanol leads to drying out of the skin (even oily), but if this component is listed at the end of the list, you can buy the product, since alcohol was used manufacturer only to stabilize the beauty product.

Makeup remover

The modern cosmetic industry offers the fair sex a huge selection of products that remove makeup. Let us dwell on each of them in more detail to make it easier for you to choose and give you the opportunity to purchase the best possible means.

Cosmetic wipes and sticks

Napkins are made from very soft materials and are easy to use. With their help, you can carry out the cleansing procedure in a matter of minutes and in any conditions. They are impregnated with a cream or lotion that removes impurities and makeup even if you don't have access to water. During transfers at the airport, in the waiting room of the station, when traveling by bus or car, you can always do make-up removal.

However, gentle impregnation does not cope with waterproof cosmetic products, and the consumption of these wipes is large, so it is better to use more effective and economical products at home. Recommended wipes include L'Oreal Triple Active Re-Nourish, Filabe Moisturizing by Filabe, Wipes Lingettes Demaquillantes by MAC, Visibly Clear by Neutrogena, or budget options from Nivea, Biocon, e.l.f. Studio or Ola!

New to the makeup remover market are special sticks soaked in makeup remover, like Jane Iredale's Dot the I. Of course, they are not suitable for a complete cleansing of the face, but they will be indispensable as an express tool for correcting mistakes when applying cosmetics (or for quickly correcting swollen eye makeup during the day).

Biphasic liquid

This modern cosmetic development is designed to cope with even the most resistant cosmetics, easily washing off mascara, liner and thick foundation. As part of this tool there are two layers: the first is almond oil, castor or olive oil, which helps to dissolve persistent eye makeup, and the second is an aqueous solution with extracts from medicinal plants (removes oily film).

Before using the product, you need to shake it a little, achieving uniformity. The undoubted advantages of biphasic include high quality cleansing, the ability to use on the delicate skin of the lips and eyes, the ability to moisturize and nourish the epidermis. But girls who wear lenses need to be careful when choosing such a product.

It is better to purchase biphasic lenses that say on the labels that they can be used for sensitive eyes. In this segment, you can recommend such products as Garnier "Gentle Care", Gentle Bi-Phase Eye Make Up Remover from SwissLine, Take The Day Off from Clinique, Instant Eye Make-up Remover from Clarins, Perfection Eye Make-Up Remover from Giorgio Armani or "Trio Active" from L'Oreal Paris.

Milk, cream and cream

One of the most popular make-up remover products. They contain a set of useful components and fats that quickly eliminate even persistent cosmetics. Makeup removers from this category are mild, effective, saturate the epidermis with moisture and fight peeling and dryness. Therefore, these products are recommended for girls with sensitive and dry skin, as well as women of age.

Makeup remover milk is recommended for girls with sensitive skin

However, milk and cream do not have a tonic effect, so owners of oily skin will find them heavy, with a pronounced film after the procedure. From this category of make-up remover, I can recommend Toleriane Dermo-Cleanser by La Roche-Posay, Olay Total effects 7 in one, Givenchy Clean it all, Unstress Gentle Cleansing Milk by Christina, Ultrabland Facial Cleanser by Lush and budget options like "Ginkgo and Hamamelis" from Natuderm Botanics or milk from "Grandmother Agafia".

Tonics and lotions

Liquid products for make-up removal, which consist of solutions of acids, floral or thermal water and, if intended for oily skin, an alcohol part. With the help of this beauty product, the skin is easily cleansed of powder, blush and foundation. Among the positive qualities, one cannot fail to mention the refreshing effect and light texture.

They are not suitable for moisture-resistant cosmetics and eye makeup removal, therefore, such products are more likely to be classified as finishing products, which allow for the final cleansing of the face before applying the cream. In this segment, we recommend trying Pur Bleuet from Yves Rocher, Mild Eye by IsaDora, Eye Make-up Remover Lotion by Pevonia Botanica, Normaderm Solution Micellaire 3 in1 by Vichy, Perfect Glow by L'Oreal or Garnier Skin Naturals.

Gels, mousses and foams

These products are aimed at deep cleansing pores, easy drying and removal of cosmetics, so they are especially recommended for girls with oily and combination skin. For them, it is better to choose products with a high content of extracts of chamomile or calendula flowers. If the skin is very sensitive, cosmetologists advise choosing a product containing panthenol, azulene or bisabolol soothing it.

For girls with skin prone to excessive dryness, such a product is not suitable, as it removes an important lipid film for them. Gel products need to be foamed in the hands or on the mesh so as not to injure the skin, distributing a dense product, but foams and mousses are usually more convenient in this regard - the manufacturer has already taken care of the customers by providing the bottle with a special pump. In addition to convenience, the undoubted advantage of gels, foams and mousses is their cost-effectiveness and ease of makeup removal.

After application, simply rinse with water. By the way, when choosing a mousse or gel, pay attention to the possibility of using a product for the delicate skin of the eyelids - not all of them are suitable for this area. We advise you to look at products such as Gel' Demaquillante by Decleor, Gel Démaquillant D'Tox by Payot, Secret DePurete by Guerlain, Purifying Foam Gel by Darphin, Rinse-Off Foaming Cleanser by Clinique, Foamingly Clean by Benefit, Purefect Skin by Biotherm or foam from Natura Siberica.

Hydrophilic oil

Perhaps the best way to remove persistent cosmetics and an indispensable component of the Korean and Japanese cleansing system. Fans of BB creams definitely cannot do without it, since hydrophilic oil does an excellent job with fat-containing cosmetics and therefore has long become an unambiguous must-have in make-up removal. In addition, it cleanses the pores, nourishes the skin, saturates it with useful components, fights the first signs of aging and dermatological problems, stimulates the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows.

The oil is very economically consumed (for a full wash you will need literally 2-3 drops), it helps to tighten pores and remove blackheads. Its composition includes a mixture of various oils and an emulsifier, which allows the product to turn into a creamy foam when water is added. A good hydrophilic oil is a hypoallergenic product suitable for any skin type, the main thing is to choose a product with the right content.

For normal skin type, it is recommended to use oil with almond, apricot, grape and coconut oil, for oily skin - choose an oil-based product grape seeds, St. John's wort, jojoba or wild rose. When using the product on dry skin, you need to make sure that the composition contains avocado, shea or peach oil, grape, walnut, almond or jojoba oil is more suitable for combination skin, and cocoa, avocado and shea for a fading type.

The only drawback of this tool can be called a high price. Some girls complain that the oil leads to the formation of comedones, but this problem arises if it is used incorrectly - any hydrophilic oil must be washed off with foam! In addition, the oil is used on dry skin, distributed over the places where cosmetics need to be removed, wait 30 seconds, and then moisten the face with water, lightly massage and remove beauty products, fat and impurities.

Makeup remover oil is now produced by many European manufacturers - Lancome Huile Douceur, Take the Day Off from Clinique, 15 Second Miracle Cleansing Oil from L'Oreal and Cleansing Oil D from Pola. The palm in this segment belongs to Asian brands: Lemon Seed Cleansing Oil and Floria Nutra-energy Cleansing Oil from Tony Moly, M Perfect BB Deep Cleansing Oil and Flower Bouquet Fresh Cleansing Oil from MISSHA, Apple Juicy Cleansing Oil from Innisfree, Real Art Cleansing Oil Moisture by Etude House.

Micellar water

The product of the latest innovative developments in the field of cosmetology, which is one of the hypoallergenic and has no color or smell. Water contains a huge number of micelles that capture particles of cosmetics, providing them quick removal. The undoubted advantages of micellar water are gentle skin care even when removing very persistent beauty products, no need for rinsing with water, maintaining the natural balance of the skin, and the absence of alcohol and coloring components.

The main and integral plus of micellar water is gentle skin care.

This remedy is suitable even for those with sensitive skin. The main disadvantage is that micellar water is inferior to hydrophilic oil in its ability to cope with BB creams, and is heavily consumed when removing waterproof mascaras and liners. In this segment, cosmetologists recommend products: Hydra Vegetal from Yves Rosher, Vichy Purete Termale 3 in 1, Physiological Micellar Solution from La Roche-Posay, Cleansing Make-Up Remover Micellar Water from Collistar, as well as products from Caudalie, Garnier, Bourjois, Uriage and Bioderma.

Removing makeup with home remedies

Many girls use homemade products. So, ordinary olive oil is suitable for make-up removal, which must be applied to a cotton pad and wiped over the face, following the massage lines. Olive oil perfectly moisturizes, softens and nourishes the skin, it is anti-allergenic, contains a lot of vitamin E and does not cause irritation. It is better to remove the remaining oil with a clean natural cloth dipped in hot water. Finally, the face should be washed with cool water and wiped with an ice cube or lotion.

Another proven remedy is the usual low-fat sour cream or cream, which is applied to the skin and washed off makeup with a cotton pad. These products will not cope with waterproof cosmetics, foundations and BB creams, so the consumption will be large, and the skin will undergo prolonged stretching and deformation.

Helper Items

Let's take a closer look at the devices that make the makeup removal process easier and more enjoyable. In this segment, sponges for washing and special nets, which are an indispensable component of the Japanese makeup removal system, have proven themselves well.


Sponge is considered one of the optimal devices for washing, as it simultaneously provides a wide range useful procedures and has good qualities:

  • convenience of form and naturalness - it is easy to hold in your hand and you can not be afraid of allergy manifestations;
  • thorough cleaning of the face due to the porosity of the sponge structure - the face after washing becomes velvety to the touch;
  • saving money for washing due to the rapid formation of a cap of soft foam from one drop of the product;
  • effective cleansing of dead cells due to soft peeling.

Sponges can also cause harm, so when washing, you need to gently move the sponge over your face without excessive pressure, adhering to the massage lines. In addition, this assistant must be monitored, thoroughly rinsed from residues of funds and ensured that it is dried in a warm, ventilated place so that it does not become a breeding ground for bacteria and mold.

If care is not taken with sponges, harm can be done

The most popular types of sponges for washing:

  • chinese konjac- a natural sponge made from the fibrous plant Amorphophallus konjac. Sponge has long earned rave reviews because of its ability to help moisture penetrate the cells of the epidermis, conduct gentle exfoliation and facial massage, so it can be used on its own. Konjac sponges should be chosen taking into account the characteristics of the skin. So, a green sponge with aloe has regenerative qualities, a black one with charcoal cleanses oily skin from black dots, purple with lavender - relieves irritation of sensitive skin. The list of konjac does not end there - you can choose a sponge soaked in orange, strawberry extracts, with white or red clay. Such a sponge should be changed once a quarter or half a year;
  • sea ​​sponge. Sponge has a pronounced softness and very gently cleanses the face of impurities without causing injury and allergies, so it is the best choice for girls with very sensitive skin. In addition, the high content of iodine has a beneficial effect on wounds and pimples. With a marine sponge, you can not only wash off makeup, but also masks, do peeling and moisturizing upper layers epidermis. In dry form, such a sponge resembles coral, before using it, you need to slightly wet it with warm water. You can use this sponge for 3-4 months. A clear disadvantage of the sea sponge is its exceptional high cost;
  • cellulose sponge. One of the cheapest sponges, while having a fairly high efficiency. It is best to choose a product with a large porosity - such sponges are softer and less injure the skin. Cellulose cleanses pores well, removes impurities and products of the sebaceous glands. At the same time, cosmetologists note that foamed cellulose is not suitable for girls with excessively dry and sensitive skin. It is worth changing the cellulose sponge at least once every 5-6 weeks.

Wash net

With the help of a mesh, a thick lush foam is obtained from a drop of the product.

This item, consisting of a soft net and pieces of foam rubber, is an integral part of the Japanese and Korean system washing. With its help, literally from a drop of gel or mousse, you can whip up a whole cap of foam that gently cleanses the face without injuring and deforming the skin. A special ring makes it easy to hold the mesh in your hands. The undisputed leader in this segment is the Missha Bubble Maker.

The ability to beautifully apply makeup is a whole art, where the sense of proportion and harmony is one of the most important. But, almost no one thinks how important it is to be able to properly remove makeup from the face. In terms of complexity and importance, this can also be called art.

Makeup remover basics

In fact, this is a procedure for washing off all the dirt that has accumulated during the day from the skin. All cosmetics are also subject to mandatory removal. One of the golden rules of makeup removal is that the procedure should be performed every evening. This also applies to those representatives of the weaker sex who do not use cosmetics.
Washing off excess sebum, dust and keratinized particles of the skin itself every night will save you from acne and inflammation. It will also help you maintain a healthy complexion.

Another unshakable rule is the selection of a cleanser, taking into account the individuality of the skin. This takes into account its type and sensitivity.

Means for the procedure

If you are using the product for the first time, be sure to test it on an inconspicuous area. Allergic reactions are not uncommon. Let us examine in more detail what modern cosmetology offers women for washing:

Lotions. All sorts of tonics can be attributed to the same category. The basis becomes thermal water with acids dissolved in it. Means for fatty type provide an alcohol component. Do not require rinsing, but are not suitable for removing water-resistant cosmetics;

Cream (milk) for washing. Due to the high content of fats, the products cope with cosmetics of any resistance. The composition includes nourishing and moisturizing elements. Ideal for dry, combination and mature skin;

Biphasic products. The original composition creates 2 poorly mixed layers in the bottle. The oil layer is intended for the eye area and may contain almond, olive or castor oils and many others. water layer designed to dissolve fatty products (creams and powders). It is also enriched with vitamins and herbal extracts. Before application, the product is well shaken;

Hydrophilic oil. This tool is in particular demand among asian women. Works great on stubborn and oily cosmetics. Differs in the extremely economic expense (drops). Not only nourishes the skin, but also fights breakouts by tightening the pores. The tool itself is universal. Under the type of skin, an extract is selected, which is the main one. For example, for a dry type, specimens with avocado, peach kernel or shea butter are perfect;

Mousse, foam or gel. All these products require subsequent rinsing. Best of all, such products are suitable for owners of fatty and combined types skin. Since their main task is degreasing and deep cleansing. For sensitive skin, products that contain inclusions of panthenol, azulene and bisabolol are suitable.

Forbidden tricks

First, let's figure out what not to do:

  • Wash the eye area with hot water and soap. This will provoke irritation and loss of eyelashes;
  • Rub vigorously on the skin. All movements should be smooth, taking into account the massage lines;
  • Use hot water(or ice). Most best option- it's warm herbal infusion chamomile, calendula or other herbs with antiseptic action;
  • Cleaning agents do not rub into the skin.

Makeup removal technique

Now it's time to move on to the rules for removing cosmetics:

  1. Eyes. This is the area from which the correct make-up removal starts. To remove the mascara, use 2 discs with the agent. One is applied to the lower eyelid. Next, the eye is closed. With another disk, the eyelashes are gently rubbed towards the bottom. After contamination, the discs are changed. Do not use one disk for different eyes. If the mascara is waterproof, then the product should be appropriate. The next step is to remove the arrows and shadows from the eyelids. All movements should be directed from the inner corner to the outer.
  2. Lips. Next, lipstick and lip liner are carefully removed. When using gels or regular lipsticks, a regular disc or napkin will suffice. Additional funds are needed only in cases where persistent and developing samples are used.
  3. At the last stage, the face itself is cleansed of tonal creams, powder and blush. Remember, no sudden pressure or rubbing. This will only lead to a deeper penetration of cosmetics into the pores of the skin and their complete blockage. All movements should be light. For this, you should not save a cleanser. The next step is an active tonic or washing with foam or gel. Next, the face is wiped off. After that, the appropriate cream is applied to the skin. Its type also depends on the season. For example, in winter, you should give preference to nourishing options, and in summer, light moisturizers are better.

Differences in salon make-up removal

The stage of removing the main makeup is not much different from the traditional method. But, professional cosmetics are used in salons. You can pick up several products for different areas of the face.

The next step is a procedure called vaporization. In fact, this is steaming the skin for its more deep cleaning. The procedure is carried out using a special steam generator. As a liquid for evaporation, various medicinal formulations are used. Exposure time and temperature depend on the patient's skin type:

  • For oily 20 minutes;
  • On the combined from 10 to 15 minutes;
  • For normal 10 minutes;
  • Dry 5 minutes.

In the process of vaporization, the veins are opened and the skin keratinized scales are softened.
The next step is a cleansing face peel. The procedure is also selected by a cosmetologist, taking into account the characteristics of the skin type. Peeling can be:

  1. Mechanical. These include vacuum or ultrasonic cleaning, brosage, dermabrasion;
  2. Physical. This category includes cryotherapy (cleansing using cold) and laser resurfacing;
  3. Chemical. From the degree of activity of the agent, superficial, medium and deep skin treatment are distinguished.

Micellar make-up remover

Micellar water was invented by the French as a replacement for hard water. tap water. It is also actively used by young mothers when rubbing the skin of babies. The tool is so hypoallergenic that it is suitable even for newborns.

The principle of action is based on the so-called micelles. These are capsules fatty acid, dissolved in water. They act on the principle of a magnet, literally attracting sebum (sebium), dirt and makeup particles. A few minutes after application, the product should be gently removed with a disk.

home methods

dry type.

For 50 ml of brewed green tea, add 20 drops of olive or almond oil and 1 tsp of dry concentrated milk. Everything is shaken and poured into a glass bottle. Shake well before each use. Keep refrigerated for no longer than a week. You can also use refined coconut oil;

Problematic and inflamed skin.

In 100 ml mineral water(Borjom type) 7 drops of tea tree oil (essential) and 6 ml of grape seed oil are added. The product is shaken thoroughly.

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