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How to induce premature labor at home. Premature birth - causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention. Premature birth test

In Europe, a baby born from 22 weeks of gestation to 37 is considered premature, and such births are considered premature. In our country, this “status” begins to be assigned from the 28th week. Certain conditions during gestation lead to premature birth and they do not depend on the wishes of the mother. But pregnant mothers, tired at the end of their term, dream of giving birth. And as soon as 38 weeks of pregnancy hits, they ask themselves: how to induce premature birth? We'll talk about that.

When should preterm labor be induced?

The need to induce premature birth has only medical indications. The procedure for inducing labor is called “labor induction”, and it is carried out exclusively in a hospital.

Post-term fetus

Childbirth from 38 weeks to 42 is considered normal (on time). If the baby decides to stay longer, then such a pregnancy is called post-term. But the basis for making such a diagnosis can be not only the due date set at the antenatal clinic. Readiness for childbirth is also determined by the condition of the fetus. This is done using ultrasound. The obtained studies confirming “overripeness of the belly” are an indication for inducing labor. What is done in cases of postmaturity can be found in the article “What to do if labor does not begin on time?”

Gestosis in the later stages

Preeclampsia is a complication that occurs during pregnancy. This condition is accompanied by:

  • swelling,
  • beam loss,
  • convulsions,
  • increased pressure.

Initially, gestosis is treated with medication, and only in exceptional cases, when medications are powerless, the timing allows and there are no contraindications to natural childbirth, does the gynecologist decide to induce premature birth.

Rush of amniotic fluid in the absence of labor

The breaking of water is a normal phenomenon, but a delay in the development of labor for more than 3 hours is the basis for induction of labor. This is due to the fact that prolonged “absence of water” (for the mother it is 12 hours, for the fetus 10) causes the risk of complications of an infectious nature, which entails various diseases. Therefore, in such a situation, a course of antibiotics is prescribed.

You can learn more about the role and function of amniotic fluid from the article “Amniotic fluid during pregnancy.”

Rhesus conflict between mother and child

Pregnancy with Rh conflict in itself is quite difficult. The constant threat of fetal rejection forces a woman to remain in confinement almost all the time. When antibodies begin to pose a threat to the baby, and the term allows for the birth of a full-fledged child, the gynecologist must decide to induce artificial labor in order to save him.

How is premature birth caused in the maternity hospital?

There are several medical methods of labor induction. The choice of any is based on the condition of the mother and the health of the fetus. Their action (the beginning of the birth process) begins in a matter of hours.

  1. Peeling of amniotic membranes. The essence of the procedure is the careful gradual peeling of the shell that surrounds the fruit. First of all, the lower part of the uterus is exfoliated in the region of the internal os. The doctor may carry out the procedure in several stages. In case of failure of actions, stimulation is carried out with drugs.
  2. Introduction of prostaglandins. Preparations based on prostaglandins help soften the cervix, ensuring its ripening. In addition, they act on the pituitary gland, causing it to secrete endogenous oxytocin, which increases the frequency of uterine contractions. Usually a gel is used, which is inserted directly into the vagina (used if the amniotic sac is intact). Delivery begins 8-12 hours after applying the gel.
  3. Amniotomy (puncture of the bladder with water). It is considered the safest method and the closest to natural childbirth. After opening of the amniotic sac, a reflex contraction of the uterus (contractions) begins. It is possible to induce labor in this way, provided that the cervix has softened and is “ripe” for the birth process. If, after 3–5 hours, labor has not begun, drugs are administered intravenously to activate it.
  4. The oxytocin system. Oxytocin is administered intravenously for labor induction. Oxytocin is the medical analogue of a hormone secreted by the pituitary gland. Immediately make a reservation that this method is not suitable:
  • women after cesarean or other operations on the uterus, during which a scar was left;
  • suffering from increased intraocular pressure;
  • in multiple pregnancies.

With such stimulation, the obstetrician or gynecologist must closely monitor the fetal heartbeat.

I want to give birth! How to induce preterm labor on your own?

If the pathologies described above bypassed you and you carried your baby normally until 38 weeks, congratulations: your baby will no longer be considered premature. You already want to give birth, but the baby is not going to leave his “home” place, and the gynecologist at the next examination says - wait a little longer. Then you can turn to traditional methods to induce premature birth. What safe ways to induce labor are there?

Sex is a way to cause premature labor

Intimacy is always “delicious”, even if you are 38 weeks pregnant. And if you consider that this particular process will help you meet your baby faster, then doing it is much more enjoyable. Comfortable positions for having sex in later stages can be found in the article “Poses for Pregnant Women.” The benefits of having sex can be divided into two blocks:

  1. During the receipt of the highest pleasure (orgasm), physiological contractions of the uterine muscle occur. It is these contractions that can trigger the onset of labor.
  2. Male sperm contains prostaglandins (with their help, but in a much higher concentration, they stimulate women in the maternity hospital). These are active substances of biological origin that help soften the cervix.

Together, these two factors can cause premature birth, but there are no scientifically based or medically confirmed facts about the effectiveness of this method.

If you have a mucus plug (excessive discharge of thick mucus from the vagina), then it is better to use a condom during sex so as not to introduce an infection into the uterine cavity. Even if you trust your partner 100%, his penis cannot be perfectly clean. In order not to miss this moment, find out how the mucus plug comes off from the article “How the mucus plug comes off before childbirth.”

Impact on the nipples as a way to induce labor

The process of the onset of labor is regulated by the release of the hormone oxytocin. It is responsible for all stages of cervical dilatation, stability and strength of contractions, and in general for the entire birth process. Its artificial administration provokes the onset of labor. But the body of the expectant mother is capable of producing it even before the onset of labor. Gentle nipple stimulation is a direct route to the maternity hospital. Of course, labor will not begin immediately, but if after 38 weeks you massage your nipples every day, it will have an effect. In addition to actively contracting the uterus and inducing the onset of labor, such a massage will help prepare the nipples for lactation.

What foods can cause premature labor?

No matter how strange it may sound, food can directly contribute to childbirth. These products include:

  • pineapples - they contain bromelain, which can initiate labor;
  • hot spices (chili peppers) – activates blood flow;
  • black licorice – stimulates intestinal spasms, which subsequently lead to uterine contractions;
  • garlic – has similar indications to black licorice.

In addition to the above foods, eating beets and parsley also contributes to the initiation of the birth process.

Physical activity is a direct path to the maternity hospital

For a long time, women before giving birth tried to prepare the house for the arrival of a baby. They cleaned, washed, washed the floors, and it was during this activity that contractions caught them. Moderate exercise makes the heart work faster, accelerating the blood. Its abundant flow to the pelvic area stimulates contraction. Such physical activity could be daily house cleaning or gymnastic exercises for pregnant women. In order not to provoke placental abruption, you should not be zealous. Walking in the fresh air and going up/down stairs are ideal.

Traditional medicine, herbs that induce labor

In such a matter as the challenge of premature birth, traditional medicine could not “stand” on the sidelines. The safest herbs that help induce contractions include:

  • shepherd's bag;
  • raspberry leaves;
  • common nettle;
  • barberry.

They should be used only after 38 weeks, since they can provoke labor quite quickly and successfully.

Can laxatives cause premature labor?

Recently, laxatives have become increasingly popular as a way to induce labor. A pregnant woman can read how such drugs affect the body in the article “Laxatives during pregnancy.”

But before you decide to act in this way, consult a gynecologist, because not all drugs are safe for a child. The action of laxatives is based on an irritating effect on the smooth muscles of the intestine, causing it to actively contract. Physiologically, the uterus is located next to the intestines, and intestinal contractions are gradually transferred to it.
In addition, during emptying, the fetal head in the later stages may drop lower, putting pressure on the fundus of the uterus, provoking premature birth. Of all the known drugs, castor oil is considered the safest for a pregnant woman. It was this method that was once (20–30 years ago) actively used by leading obstetricians and gynecologists to induce labor.

Now you know how to induce premature labor, but is it worth the risk? Maybe you should be patient and give birth to a healthy baby when he is ready to be born? And the expectant mother should have a good rest, gain strength in the additional month allotted from 38 to 42 weeks and not look for ways to cause premature birth.



According to the World Health Organization, births that occur between 22 and 37 weeks are called

or on days 154 - 259 of gestation, if you count the period from the first day of the last menstruation. However, in Russia, births that occur between 28 and 37 weeks of pregnancy or 196 to 259 days of gestation are considered premature. Childbirth in the period from 22 to 27 weeks inclusive in Russia is allocated to a special category, which is considered late

And not premature birth. It is the different timing of premature birth that causes the difference in statistical data between the countries of Europe and Russia. The birth of a child from the 37th week of pregnancy inclusive is not considered premature. Thus, if a woman gives birth from 37 to 42 weeks, then it is considered urgent, that is, it began on time.

In the countries of the former USSR, civil registry offices for premature births that occurred at 28–37 weeks of pregnancy register all infants born alive or dead with a body weight of more than 1000 g. If body weight could not be measured, then newborns with a body length of more than 34 cm are registered. This means that the woman will be given a birth or death certificate for the child. If a child was born with a body weight of 500 - 999 g, then he is registered with the registry office only if he lived more than 7 days (168 hours after birth).

From the point of view of everyone's survival premature babies born as a result of premature birth, they are divided into three categories depending on body weight:

Children born with low body weight from 1500 to 2500 g. These children in most cases survive, catch up with their peers by 2.5 - 3 years, and, starting from the third year of life, grow and develop according to their age;

Children born with a very low body weight from 1000 to 1500. These children are not always able to survive, about half of them die, and the rest may develop persistent dysfunction of various organs and systems;

Children born with extremely low body weight from 500 to 1000 g. These children can be delivered only with specialized equipment and highly qualified neonatologists. However, even surviving children born with such a low body weight, as a rule, are not absolutely healthy, since they almost always develop persistent disorders of the central nervous system, digestive tract, respiratory, digestive and genitourinary systems.

Thus, premature birth is dangerous, first of all, for a child who is not yet ready to be born, since he has not developed the necessary functions of the internal organs. The high mortality rate of premature babies is due to low body weight and immaturity of internal organs, which are not able to support the existence of the baby outside the womb. However, premature birth is also dangerous for a woman, since the frequency of complications after it is much higher compared to full-term birth.

The frequency of premature births in Russia is approximately 7%, in the USA - 7.5%, in France - 5%, in Australia and Scotland - 7%, in Norway - 8%, etc. Thus, the incidence of preterm birth does not exceed 10% in developed countries. In countries with a low standard of living and unsatisfactory quality of medical services, the frequency of premature births can reach up to 25%.

Depending on the mechanism of development, premature birth is divided into spontaneous and induced. Spontaneous birth occurs without the use of special means that can provoke labor. Induced preterm labor is specifically provoked by specialized medications. This type of induced labor is also called late abortion, flooding, or induced labor. They are usually carried out for social reasons (limitation of parental rights, pregnancy resulting from rape, serving a sentence in prison, death of a husband while carrying a child), when fetal deformities are detected or when a woman’s health is at risk.

Premature birth - timing

Currently, in Russia and most countries of the former USSR, the entire set of premature births is divided into three options, depending on the stage of pregnancy at which it was interrupted:

Early premature birth (occurs between 22 and 27 weeks inclusive);

Midterm preterm birth (occurs between 28 and 33 weeks inclusive);

Late premature birth (occurs between 34 and 37 weeks of pregnancy).

These types of premature births are distinguished on the basis that during the specified periods of pregnancy, the gynecologist must use certain obstetric tactics for a successful and minimally traumatic delivery for the woman and the fetus.

Early premature birth in Russia is now often classified as a late abortion and taken into account in the corresponding statistical categories. Most often (in approximately 55% of cases) premature birth occurs between 34 and 37 weeks of pregnancy. Premature births at 28–33 weeks are recorded in 35% of cases, and at 22–27 weeks – in 5–7%.

In world medical practice, live newborns weighing at least 500 g are cared for. A baby’s weight reaches this level already at 22 weeks of pregnancy. It is precisely because of the development of medical knowledge and technologies that make it possible to care for babies born no earlier than the 22nd week of pregnancy and weighing at least 500 g, the World Health Organization recommends providing assisted resuscitation measures and caring for children who, at the time of birth, weighed at least 0.5 kg.

However, to care for babies born weighing from 500 to 1000 g, special equipment and a qualified neonatologist are needed, which are not always available in ordinary obstetric institutions in the CIS countries. Therefore, in most cases in the CIS countries, infants born no earlier than 28 weeks of pregnancy with a body weight of at least 1000 g are cared for, since this is possible with the medical equipment available in maternity hospitals and the qualifications of a neonatologist. Only in specialized central perinatal centers have the necessary equipment appeared in recent years, and doctors have received appropriate training, allowing them to care for newborns from 22 to 27 weeks of pregnancy weighing from 500 to 1000 g.

Premature birth of twins

Multiple pregnancies (twins, triplets, etc.) more often than usual end in premature birth, since the fetuses overstretch the cavity

Thus provoking the development of its contractile activity with the subsequent expulsion of babies. In principle, the birth of twins is considered conditionally normal, starting from 35 weeks of pregnancy. In other words, in case of multiple pregnancy, births occurring from 22 to 35 weeks are considered premature. Premature birth for twins is more dangerous than for one baby, since the weight of each of them is very small. However, with premature births that occur from 28 to 35 weeks of pregnancy, as a rule, both premature babies are able to be delivered.

Threat of premature birth

Very often, gynecologists use the term “threat of premature birth,” which is a designation of the stage of this pathological process. Regardless of the stage of pregnancy, doctors divide premature birth into the following clinical stages:

  • Threatened premature birth (threat of premature birth);
  • Beginning premature labor;
  • Premature labor has begun.

Thus, the concept of “threat of premature birth” reflects the earliest clinical stage of this pathological process. At this stage, labor has still begun, but there is a high risk of this happening. Therefore, if there is a threat of premature birth, a woman should receive treatment aimed at reducing the risk of labor. In principle, the term “threat of premature birth” is identical to the concept of “threat of miscarriage”. Simply to denote the essentially same process of termination of pregnancy, depending on its duration, the terms “abortion” and “childbirth” are used.

The threat of premature birth is manifested by severe nagging pain in the lower abdomen or lower back. When examined by a gynecologist, increased tone and excitability of the uterus are revealed. If a pregnant woman feels severe pain in the abdomen, which is firm to the touch, then she should immediately contact an obstetric hospital (maternity hospital, pregnancy pathology department) to receive treatment aimed at preventing premature birth.

Risk of premature birth

The risk of premature birth exists in women suffering from infectious diseases of the genital area, isthmic-cervical insufficiency, severe diseases of internal organs, chronic

or living in unsatisfactory conditions. In general, we can say that a high risk of premature birth is created when there is a hormonal imbalance in a woman’s body,

genital organs or blood clotting disorders.

That is, premature birth develops when a woman’s pregnancy occurs against the background of any factors that adversely affect the woman’s physical and mental state. If these factors appear in a woman’s life, the risk of premature birth increases significantly. And when unfavorable factors disappear from a woman’s life, the risk of premature birth is reduced to a minimum. This means that this risk is manageable and can be reduced by using treatment methods that can minimize or completely eliminate the influence of a negative factor.

The following factors increase the risk, that is, contribute to the development of premature birth:

  • Stressful situations in which a pregnant woman finds herself in the family or at work;
  • Unsettled personal life (unmarried woman, scandals with her husband, state of readiness for divorce, etc.);
  • Low social level;
  • Unsatisfactory living conditions in which a pregnant woman lives;
  • Hard physical labor;
  • Unsatisfactory, low-quality nutrition with low vitamin content;
  • Young age of the pregnant girl (under 18 years old);
  • Mature or old age of the pregnant woman (over 35 years);
  • Any episode of increased body temperature;
  • Severe chronic diseases that a pregnant woman has (hypertension, diabetes mellitus, heart disease, thyroid disease, etc.);
  • Exacerbation or acute onset of any sexually transmitted infections;
  • Severe anemia (hemoglobin concentration less than 90 g/l);
  • Drug use or smoking during pregnancy;
  • Work in hazardous industries;
  • Severe course of any viral infection, including ARVI;
  • Isthmic-cervical insufficiency;
  • Malformations of the uterus;
  • Overdistension of the uterus with polyhydramnios, multiple pregnancies or a large fetus;
  • Surgical interventions or injuries suffered by a woman during pregnancy;
  • Kidney pathology;
  • Placenta previa or abruption;
  • Intrauterine infection of the fetus;
  • Fetal development abnormalities;
  • Bleeding during pregnancy;
  • Premature rupture of membranes (PROM).

The listed conditions are risk factors for premature birth, that is, they increase the likelihood of miscarriage, but are not the causes of this pathology.

Premature birth between 22 and 27 weeks of pregnancy most often occurs with isthmic-cervical insufficiency, intrauterine infection of the fetus, or PROM. Considering the risks of premature birth in the period of 22–27 weeks, they are most often observed in women carrying more than their first pregnancy. In women pregnant for the first time, preterm birth usually occurs between 33 and 37 weeks.

Currently, obstetricians have identified the following interesting pattern: the later the date of premature birth, the greater the number of causes and possible risks that can provoke it.

Causes of preterm labor (what causes preterm labor) The entire set of causes of premature birth is usually divided into two large groups:1. Obstetric and gynecological factors; 2. Extragenital pathology.

Obstetric and gynecological factors include various diseases and dysfunctions of the genital organs, as well as complications of the current pregnancy. Factors of extragenital pathology of premature birth include any diseases of various organs and systems with the exception of the genitals, which negatively affect the course of pregnancy.

The obstetric and gynecological causes of premature birth include the following factors:

  • Isthmic-cervical insufficiency, which is a failure of the muscular layer of the uterus in the area of ​​its cervix, as a result of which the fetus is not retained in the uterus;
  • Any infectious diseases of the genital organs. The infectious-inflammatory process provokes disruption of the normal functions of the muscular layer of the uterus, as a result of which the organ loses its usefulness. The most common direct cause of premature birth due to sexually transmitted infections is the loss of elasticity of the uterus, which cannot stretch to accommodate an increasingly enlarged fetus. When the uterus can no longer stretch, preterm labor occurs;
  • Excessive stretching of the uterus during multiple pregnancies (twins, triplets, etc.), polyhydramnios, or simply a large fetus. In this case, the immediate cause of premature birth is the uterus reaching its maximum possible size before the end of pregnancy. The uterus, which has become very large, “gives a signal” that labor can begin;
  • Malformations of the uterus (for example, bicornuate, saddle uterus, etc.);
  • Premature placental abruption;
  • Premature rupture of membranes;
  • Placenta previa;
  • Antiphospholipid syndrome;
  • The presence of miscarriages, missed pregnancies or premature births in the past;
  • Previous history of abortion;
  • A short interval (less than two years) between two subsequent pregnancies;
  • Large parity of births (fourth, fifth and more births);
  • Fetal development abnormalities;
  • Intrauterine infection in the fetus;
  • Hemolytic disease of the fetus in Rh-conflict pregnancy;
  • Bleeding or threatened miscarriage that occurred in earlier stages of pregnancy;
  • Pregnancy resulting from the use of assisted reproductive technologies (for example, IVF, ICSI, etc.);
  • Severe gestosis. In such a situation, pregnancy threatens the woman’s future life, and doctors induce artificial premature birth to save the woman’s life.

Among extragenital pathologies, the following diseases and conditions may be the causes of premature birth:

  • Endocrinopathy – disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine glands (for example, the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, ovaries, pituitary gland, etc.);
  • Acute infectious and inflammatory diseases of any organs, for example, tonsillitis, pyelonephritis, influenza, etc.;
  • Any kidney disease;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system (hypertension, heart defects, arrhythmia, rheumatism, etc.);
  • Diabetes;
  • Joint diseases;
  • Surgical operations performed during pregnancy. The most dangerous are surgical interventions on the abdominal and pelvic organs;
  • Woman's age. The risk of preterm birth is especially high at a young age (under 17 years old) or older (over 35 years old). In young girls, premature birth is caused by the unpreparedness and immaturity of the reproductive system, and in older women - by acquired severe chronic diseases.

In 25–40% of cases, premature birth is caused by premature rupture of membranes (PROM).

Regardless of the specific causative factor, preterm labor can begin when one of the following three mechanisms is activated:1. Enhanced production of biologically active substances during the inflammatory process;

2. The formation of microthrombi in the vessels of the placenta due to increased blood clotting, which leads to its death and subsequent detachment; 3. An increase in the number and activity of oxytocin receptors in the muscular layer of the uterus, which provoke the opening of calcium pumps in the cell membranes. As a result, calcium ions enter the myometrial cells, an increased concentration of which causes labor. Premature birth - symptoms (signs) Symptoms of premature birth are similar to the precursors of normal labor at term. The most characteristic signs of premature birth are the following:

  • Drawing, cramping pain localized in the lower abdomen and lower back;
  • Feeling of pressure and fullness in the genitals;
  • Frequent urination;
  • Urge to defecate.

If premature rupture of the membranes occurs, the woman experiences liquid discharge from the genital tract. If a lot of amniotic fluid has leaked out, then the woman’s abdominal volume decreases so much that it becomes very noticeable.

According to the clinical stages, preterm labor may be threatening and incipient. Threatening childbirth is characterized only by pain in the lower abdomen and lower back of a pulling nature. The intensity of the pain is the same, it does not increase or decrease. The abdomen is tense and hard. If labor begins, the pain becomes cramping and gradually intensifies.

The correlation between the onset of symptoms and the actual risk of preterm birth is as follows:

  • Painful cramping pain in the lower abdomen and regular contractions of the uterus - the risk of premature birth is very high;
  • Nagging pain in the lower abdomen and lower back – the risk is very high;
  • Bleeding from the vagina is a high risk;
  • Watery vaginal discharge – medium risk;
  • A sudden change in fetal activity (sharp turns, active movements and, on the contrary, complete cessation of movements, etc.) is a medium risk.

Premature birth must be distinguished from acute pyelonephritis, renal colic, appendicitis, malnutrition of the uterine myomatous node, which are also accompanied by severe pain in the abdomen and lower back. Treatment of premature birth Treatment of premature birth is currently being carried out, the main goal of which is to stop labor and continue pregnancy , as long as possible.

If there is a threat of premature birth, the woman must be hospitalized in the department of pathology of pregnant women of the maternity hospital in a separate room. If labor has not yet begun, then tocolytic drug and non-drug therapy is carried out. And if labor has already begun and it is no longer possible to stop it, then the woman is transferred to the maternity ward and the neonatologist is warned about the birth of a premature baby.

Non-drug treatment of the threat of premature birth is carried out by providing the woman with sexual, physical and emotional rest, as well as bed rest. Moreover, you should lie in bed with the leg end raised. If appropriate equipment and qualified specialists are available, physiotherapeutic methods such as magnesium electrophoresis, acupuncture and electroanalgesia are used.

Drug treatment of preterm birth includes the following aspects:

  • Tocolysis – relaxation of the uterus and cessation of labor;
  • Sedative and symptomatic therapy - calms the woman, relieves tension and relieves stress;
  • Prevention of respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) in the fetus if delivery is expected to occur before the 34th week of pregnancy.

Tocolysis is carried out in case of beginning or threatening premature labor. The essence of tocolytic therapy is to suppress the contractile activity of the uterus and, thereby, stop labor. Currently, drugs from the group of beta2-adrenergic agonists (Fenoterol, Hexoprenaline, Salbutamol) and magnesium sulfate (magnesium) are used for tocolysis. To enhance effectiveness, adrenergic agonists are recommended to be used in combination with calcium channel blockers (Verapamil, Nifedipine).

To prevent premature birth, hexoprenaline (Ginipral) is first administered intravenously and then given in tablet form. Ginipral is administered intravenously in large doses, and after achieving the effect, women switch to taking the drug in tablets in a low maintenance dosage.

Fenoterol and Salbutamol are used only for emergency relief of premature birth. Administered intravenously in glucose solution. After stopping labor with Fenoterol or Salbutamol, a woman needs to switch to tablet forms of Ginipral, which are taken in a maintenance dosage.

To enhance the effectiveness of Fenoterol, Salbutamol or Ginipral for stopping the onset of premature labor, they are used in combination with Verapamil or Nifedipine (calcium channel blockers). Moreover, Verapamil or Nifedipine is taken half an hour before the intravenous administration of adrenergic agonists. Calcium channel blockers are used only at the stage of stopping the threat of premature birth, and when switching to maintenance therapy with Ginipral tablets, they are canceled.

Magnesium sulfate (magnesia) to stop premature birth is administered intravenously in the form of a 25% solution. However, the effectiveness of magnesium is lower than that of adrenergic agonists. Therefore, magnesium is used for tocolysis only if adrenergic agonists are contraindicated or unavailable to a woman for some reason.

Sedative therapy in the complex treatment of premature birth is necessary to eliminate psychological and emotional stress in a pregnant woman. Currently, Oxazepam or Diazepam are used as the most effective drugs that relieve stress and relieve anxiety during premature birth. If necessary, antispasmodic drugs are administered - No-shpu, Papaverine or Drotaverine. To reduce the production of prostaglandins, which can trigger premature labor, Indomethacin is used in the form of rectal suppositories, which are inserted into the anus every evening from 14 to 32 weeks of pregnancy.

Prevention of fetal respiratory distress syndrome (RDS). If there is a threat of premature birth at 25–34 weeks of pregnancy, then to prevent RDS, glucocorticoids are administered, which are necessary for accelerated maturation of surfactant in the baby’s lungs. If a baby is born without surfactant coating the lungs, the baby will develop collapsed alveoli, which cannot open when inhaling. RDS can result in the death of a newborn. Glucocorticoids lead to accelerated synthesis of surfactant, as a result of which even a very premature baby will be born without RDS. Currently, Dexamethasone and Betamethasone are used to prevent RDS, which are administered intravenously several times over two days. If necessary, glucocorticoids can be reintroduced after 7 days.

Prevention of premature birth The best prevention of premature birth is preparation for pregnancy, which includes diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases and achieving a stable, controlled course of the existing chronic pathology. After pregnancy, the prevention of premature birth consists of regular monitoring of its course, timely treatment of detected complications or diseases and hospitalization in the hospital during “critical periods” (4 – 12 weeks, 18 – 22 weeks and days on which menstruation would occur), when the risk is highest. In the hospital, preventive therapy is carried out aimed at maintaining pregnancy. Pregnancy after premature birth It is advisable to plan pregnancy after premature birth, having undergone a detailed examination of all internal organs, and not just the genitals, before this crucial moment. It is imperative to donate blood to determine the concentration of thyroid hormones, the deficiency of which can provoke repeated premature birth. In addition, it is recommended to do an ultrasound of the abdominal organs, examine the heart and donate blood to determine the concentration of hormones and immunity indicators. If a woman has any serious diseases of the internal organs (for example, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, pancreatitis, etc.), then before pregnancy she should undergo a course of treatment that will allow her to control the course of the pathology. In addition, it is recommended to create the most comfortable domestic, psychological and emotional conditions for the future bearing of a child. Careful monitoring of the course of pregnancy and timely treatment of complications, as a rule, leads to normal pregnancy after premature birth. Pregnancy after premature birth occurs quite normally and quickly. Childbirth after premature birth Childbirth after premature birth usually proceeds normally. If the cause of premature birth has been eliminated, then the woman will carry through her next pregnancy quite normally and with a high degree of probability will carry it to completion and give birth to a full-term, healthy baby. The risk of developing complications during childbirth after premature birth is not higher than the statistical average. How to induce premature labor In order to induce premature labor, the following medications are used:

  • Dinoprostone;
  • Dinoprost;
  • Mifepristone + Misoprostol;
  • Oxytocin.

These drugs provoke labor, as a result of which the baby is born prematurely. To induce premature birth, it is necessary to administer medications in certain dosages and according to strict schedules, taking into account changes in the woman’s condition, which is only possible in a hospital setting. Due to the fact that premature birth is much more dangerous for a woman than timely labor, you should not try to induce it yourself. Premature birth - test Currently, there is a test system for determining the onset of premature labor, which is called Actim Partus. This test is based on the determination of binding insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGFFR) in the mucus of the cervical canal, which is secreted by the membranes of the fetus in large quantities several days before the upcoming birth. The test cannot be performed at home, since it is currently available in modification only for qualified medical personnel. Unfortunately, the accuracy and sensitivity of this test for preterm birth is not very high, so you cannot absolutely rely on its results.

Today there is a test for premature rupture of membranes (PROM), which can also be used to diagnose preterm labor. The PROM test can be used at home, and its results are quite accurate. If the test for PROM is positive, then the woman is at high risk of premature birth and should be immediately hospitalized in a maternity hospital.

Premature birth: resuscitation, nursing and rehabilitation
premature baby - video

ATTENTION! The information posted on our website is for reference or popular information and is provided to a wide range of readers for discussion. Prescription of medications should be carried out only by a qualified specialist, based on the medical history and diagnostic results.

In the section on the question how to cause premature birth or miscarriage? given by the author compound the best answer is Preterm birth is birth occurring between 28 and 37 weeks and accounts for 4-12% of all births. The figure is unstable and largely depends on the development of medicine in a particular country. A child born with a body weight of 500 to 2500 grams and a height of 25 to 45 cm is considered premature.
What are the dangers of premature birth?
Premature birth is the cause
·60 – 70% of all infant deaths
·a 50% increase in the number of neurological complications, cerebral palsy, blindness, deafness and systemic diseases
· an 8-13 times increase in the number of stillborn children compared to full-term births.
What can cause premature birth?
There is a huge list of factors that can lead to early pregnancy termination. And they can be divided into three large groups.
1. Fruit factors. Gross anomalies of fetal development. As a rule, such a pregnancy is spontaneously terminated in the early stages.
2. Maternal factors.
Cervical insufficiency (weakness)
Infectious systemic and sexual diseases
Low social status and abuse of bad habits
Systemic diseases (arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, renal pathology, heart defects, excess weight, malnutrition, etc.)
· Presence of abortions, miscarriages and premature births in the medical history
· Malformations of the uterus (bicornuate, presence of a septum, etc.)
Precancerous conditions of the cervix
3. Factors caused by the current pregnancy.
Late toxicosis
Incorrectly attached placenta
·Premature abruption of a normally attached or low-lying placenta.
Rhesus conflict
Multiple pregnancy
·Increased load
·Age under 18 and over 35 years old.

While expecting a baby, every woman tries to speed up the date of its appearance. This leads to the fact that the expectant mother decides to induce premature birth. An imaginary relief of the difficult condition of the pregnant woman or an approach to happy motherhood is created.

On average, gestation lasts for 40 weeks. After this time, the child is ready to live independently. After the due date, mothers begin to worry, turn to the obstetrician, and look for ways to carry out the stimulation process at home.

Reasons why premature birth occurs:

  • post-term fetus;
  • late gestosis;
  • rupture of amniotic fluid;
  • Rhesus conflict;
  • abruption and placenta previa;
  • high water;
  • stress;
  • age under 17 and over 35 years.

The normal period is considered to be from 38 to 42 weeks. If labor is delayed, the antenatal clinic makes an appropriate diagnosis based on examination and ultrasound, and decides to induce contractions. In the last term, pregnant women experience gestosis, which is accompanied by cramps, high blood pressure, and swelling.

Too young an age for the expectant mother indicates immaturity of the body. She needs care and good nutrition. A woman after 35 years of age should be checked for genetic disorders, eliminate emotional situations, and improve her diet.

What can trigger premature birth:

  1. stress;
  2. ecology;
  3. being in a bathhouse;
  4. acclimatization when moving.

If the water breaks and labor does not occur for more than three hours, labor induction will be required. If the fetus is without water for more than 10-12 hours, the risk of complications from infectious diseases increases. Sometimes a Rh conflict occurs, which leads to a complicated pregnancy from the very beginning. The woman is often kept in custody. Antibodies pose a threat to the baby, so the doctor decides to induce labor artificially.

A pregnant woman, in order not to give birth prematurely, does not need to engage in intense sports, lift weights, or take long walks. If the expectant mother feels well, do not neglect the rules. This applies to women who are accustomed to constant movement and active life. They give preference to methods specially designed for pregnant women.

Can ARVI cause premature birth? Yes, this is an infectious ailment, which is on the list of diseases that affect uterine contractions. This also includes smallpox, rubella, and influenza. Microorganisms penetrate the placenta, which leads to damage to the fetus. Contractions begin prematurely.


After 38 weeks, the fetus is considered full-term. When a woman is about to give birth prematurely, the baby does not yet show signs of birth. The gynecologist recommends waiting; you can use labor stimulation in the hospital or at home. It is better if the method is selected by a doctor. To do this, you need to make sure that the baby is ready for independent living. The obstetrician must monitor the baby's heartbeat.

How do pills cause premature birth? When medicinal intervention is used, drugs are used for stimulation. The composition includes an artificially synthesized antigestogen that blocks uterine receptors. There is a change in the balance of progesterone and estrogen, labor activity is activated. The uterus is preparing to open.

How to induce premature labor at home:

  • aromatherapy;
  • sex;
  • moderate physical activity;
  • stimulation of nipples, feet.

Some pregnant women use products with a pleasant scent. For this you will need jasmine or rose oil. It is dripped into a special lamp, onto a scarf for subsequent inhalation. The aroma will help you relax, open up the uterus, improve your mood, and intensify contractions.

Choice of method

Traditional medicine is used not only to treat diseases, but also to induce childbirth. This is an effective method, when using which you need to remember the unsafe use of some herbs. Exceeding the permissible dosage leads to placental abruption and bleeding, so you should consult a doctor before use.

Sex. You can use simple and pleasant sex. It is believed that an effective method will set up a woman in labor for an easy process and cause premature birth. Intimate relationships stimulate the genitals, causing the uterus to contract, which leads to the onset of contractions. There should be no contraindications for having sex, no medical prohibition on sexual activity. This will stimulate labor thanks to the hormone found in the male seed.

Perineal massage. An excellent home remedy is perineal massage using primrose oil. It is taken orally in capsule form. After a few days the effect is felt. The procedures take 2–3 days.

Can masturbation cause premature labor? Yes, this method is used when sexual relations are prohibited.

Intestinal stimulation. When sex is prohibited, the intestines are cleansed, the procedure helps contractions begin. For this purpose, enemas and laxatives are used. Castor oil, which is eaten with black bread with salt or lemon, will help induce premature birth. You can use herbal decoctions. The action begins in half an hour.

Physical exercise. The onset of labor is facilitated by walking, walking up the stairs, cleaning the house, and squats. The main thing is not to overdo it. You cannot perform complex exercises or lift weights. Swimming, yoga, belly dancing are allowed - all these are ways to prevent post-term pregnancy.

Herbs. You can use decoctions of raspberry leaves, jam or preserves. Mix shepherd's purse, nettle and barberry. They are brewed at 38 weeks. The method has been used for a century. Preferring an effective method of delivery will reduce the process time and reduce pain.

Stimulation in the maternity hospital

Where can I have a premature birth? At home or in a hospital. The doctor suggests a method taking into account the period and number of embryos. Under supervision, a woman begins to give birth within 3–12 hours. The method of induction of labor is selected depending on the health status of the mother and child.

Prostaglandins are administered to soften the cervix. There is an effect on the pituitary gland, the release of natural oxytocin, and the frequency of contractions increases. The gel is introduced into the vagina when the amniotic sac is intact. After 10 hours, delivery begins.

Pierce the bladder, since the method is considered safe and close to the natural process. After opening, the uterus reflexively contracts and contractions occur. This method is effective when the neck is soft and ready to open. A woman begins to give birth after 3–4 hours. If the effect does not occur, medications are administered orally.

Peeling of amniotic membranes is a procedure in which the layers in the lower part of the uterus are gradually removed. This is done in several stages. If ineffective, stimulate with drugs.

Oxytocin stimulation. A special oxytocin system is used. The drug is a medical analogue of the hormone that the pituitary gland secretes. It is administered intravenously. The method is not suitable for use at home, for mothers with intraocular pressure, after cesarean section, uterine surgery, or during multiple pregnancies. The doctor monitors the embryo's heartbeat.


You can provoke premature birth with the help of a selected diet. During the last weeks before giving birth, it is necessary to increase the amount of high-fiber foods to influence the onset of contractions. A simple set will allow you to prepare dishes that affect the condition of the uterus.

What foods stimulate premature labor:

  1. a pineapple;
  2. black licorice;
  3. hot spices;
  4. garlic.

Pineapples contain bromelain, which helps induce labor. Chili peppers and Mexican dishes are used as an irritant. Liquorice stimulates due to its effect on the intestines. It is recommended to start using it from 37 weeks. Garlic can cause premature birth, but only if there are no contraindications.

Among the products are beets and greens. Parsley is a safe remedy. A woman needs to monitor her condition. At the first signs of nausea and an allergic reaction, products are removed from use.

The diet should be rich in proteins, vitamins, minerals and fiber. Pay attention to the choice of bread type, add nuts, and monitor your drinking regime.

Eating foods high in fiber will help relieve constipation and stimulate stimulation. These products may cause premature labor if taken in the last month of pregnancy. The menu includes a lot of vegetables, fruits, and dairy products. Prunes and dried fruits quickly stimulate the intestines.

Symptoms and consequences

Some signs will help determine whether labor is starting or not. A woman needs to be careful not to miss time to prepare. If a successful induction of premature labor occurs, there is a nagging pain in the lower back, sudden vomiting, spotting, and frequent contractions that occur more than four times per hour. Among the obvious signs is the passage of the plug and amniotic fluid.

Complications. In the process of premature birth, complications occur: perineal ruptures. With rapid labor - uterine ruptures, injuries to the child. Self-stimulation in the early stages leads to the death of the fetus, inflammation of the uterus up to its removal.

Depression. Women often experience postpartum depression. Added to this is emotional pain due to ruptures and caesarean section. The support of relatives is necessary so that subsequent births are not subject to surgical intervention.

Prematurity. The consequences for the baby can be sad. At 28 weeks, difficulties arise with further courtship, maintaining temperature, and brain development. During this period, there is no respiratory readiness, and problems with the sucking reflex arise. A newborn has weak bones and highly vulnerable skin. A woman needs to protect her child. Before conception, plan to check the body's reproductive systems. Mothers with reduced immunity are at risk.

How many decibels can cause premature labor? The indicator is around 150. Despite the fact that a woman is allowed to play pleasant music for the baby in the womb, it is forbidden to turn it on too loudly.

Doctors' actions

Events can develop in several directions. In case of critical condition, the doctor will begin to deliver the baby. If your water breaks after 34 weeks, the pregnancy will not be prolonged. Be sure to monitor the cardiac monitor and, if necessary, decide on a caesarean section.

Preservation of pregnancy. If the process is inappropriate, the uterus is calmed in order to delay the date of premature birth. First, they put on an IV, then they prescribe injections and pills. Medicines will help normalize blood circulation in the placenta. Dexamethasone is used to calm the newborn's pulmonary system. A woman's stress and tone of the uterus are relieved with the help of products. Homeopathic medicines are predominantly chosen.

Stimulation of labor. Among the methods of mechanical influence is amniotomy, when the amniotic sac is opened. How the effect occurs is not completely known, however, it is believed that the production of biological substances necessary for the start of activity is activated.

When the birth canal is irritated, the muscles reflexively contract. This method is indicated for polyhydramnios, since the fluid affects the decrease in contractile activity. The procedure is carried out in the maternity hospital. It is painless to pierce the bladder; the water comes out in front of the head, the rest comes out during labor. Before starting, the uterus is checked for readiness for childbirth using a vaginal examination. The woman is then observed for three hours.

If in doubt, the doctor will always suggest an adequate way to induce labor that will be safe for mother and child. In the hospital, the obstetrician will always choose an effective way to speed up the process of the birth of the baby. All methods are applied after diagnosis, the effect appears within a few hours.

If the pregnancy is going well, there is no need to rush to meet the newborn. There is no reason to worry, even when the baby is born at 42 weeks. Mom will be able to relax, sleep well before the upcoming birth, and gain strength.

Before a long-awaited vacation, many women wonder how to get their periods ahead of schedule. Critical days during this period are completely inappropriate. The timing of the appearance of menstruation can be brought closer with medications and traditional medicine recipes, but this should be resorted to only in exceptional cases.

When thinking about whether it is possible to induce menstruation ahead of schedule, you need to understand that it is quite easy to disrupt the established cycle. It turns out to be very difficult to bring it back to normal. Therefore, before shifting the timing of menstruation, you need to evaluate how important such actions are in each individual case. Perhaps this is just a fleeting desire - and you can do without intruding into the menstrual cycle.

To avoid unwanted complications, you need to consult a doctor and, together with him, choose the appropriate option for calling your critical days. To ensure they arrive early, you can use medications and effective folk remedies.

Abuse of actions aimed at ensuring that menstruation begins in advance is strongly discouraged. Doctors allow the use of menstruation stimulants no more than twice a year (for example, during vacation).

Drugs to induce menstruation

Among those a week ahead of schedule (for example, before a vacation) there are hormonal and non-hormonal ones. It is possible to stimulate the arrival of regulators by taking large doses of vitamins E, C and A. It should be borne in mind that such actions will lead to excessive saturation with these substances, which in turn has a negative effect on the body.

The safest way to approach the onset of menstruation is available to those women who regularly take oral contraceptives. A few days after their discontinuation, bleeding appears.

Emergency contraception is used to stimulate menstruation. Their purpose is to prevent pregnancy, and the main side effect is the arrival of menstrual periods. In this case, the following pills are used to induce menstruation:

  • Postinor;
  • Microlute;
  • Ovidon;
  • Non-Ovlon;
  • Genale;
  • Bisekurin.

These medications should be taken under strict medical supervision. This is due to the fact that they can significantly disrupt hormonal levels.

Progesterone-based medications are used to increase regulation. The process of ovulation directly depends on this hormone; when its concentration decreases, bleeding appears. The drugs Progesterone, Femoston, Utrozhestan, Pregnin and Duphaston will be effective.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine will help speed up menstruation. To induce menstruation, you can resort to many methods, including those that are often used. With their help, it will be possible to make adjustments to the menstrual cycle relatively safely.

Chamomile decoction

Previously, you can use one of the recipes. To do this, pour 100 grams of dried flowers into a glass of boiling water and simmer on the stove for just a few minutes. Next, the liquid is infused, filtered and taken 100 ml immediately after waking up and before going to bed. After the appearance of menstrual bleeding, stop using the decoction.

Decoction of bay leaves

This drink is considered one of the most effective menstrual inducers. Thanks to its use, critical days come after a day. It is believed that taking bay leaf decoctions is relatively safe for the body.

To prepare the product, you need to pour 20 grams of leaves into 500 ml of water and simmer on the stove for about an hour. Then you need to cool the broth, cool it and drink the entire portion at once.

Cornflower blue

You can induce menstruation with blue cornflower. To do this, you need to pour 10 grams of flowers with 200 ml of boiling water and keep it warm for one hour. The product should be taken one tablespoon at an interval of 1-2 hours. You need to drink all the prepared medicine in one day.


To prepare the infusion, you need to pour 2 tablespoons of tansy with a glass of boiling water and leave for at least 50 minutes. The finished product should be drunk three times in equal portions.


To prepare the infusion, parsley is chopped and placed in a jar. After this, the container is filled with boiling water. Leave in a warm place for three hours and then filter. take half a glass twice a day until the onset of critical days.

Onion peel

To make menstrual flow appear several days earlier than expected, use an infusion of onion peels. It is simply placed in a container and filled with plain water, then brought to a boil and kept on the stove for at least ten minutes. The color of the liquid should be as saturated as possible.

A glass of the finished drug should be drunk at one time. A day after this, your period should appear.


It is not at all necessary to drink herbal decoctions or take medications to provoke the arrival of the regulator. To do this, you can fill the bath with hot water, add a small amount of salt and add 5 drops of iodine. You need to immerse yourself in the liquid for a quarter of an hour. This procedure is performed once, since frequent heating of the pelvic organs negatively affects the reproductive system.


Before artificially inducing the onset of menstruation, you need to assess all the risks associated with these actions. Intervention in the menstrual cycle leads to disruption of the normal rhythm of processes occurring in the body. The premature appearance of regula will inevitably affect the state of the reproductive and hormonal systems.

The consequences may be as follows:

  • cycle failure;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • amenorrhea;
  • dysmenorrhea;
  • a significant increase in the volume of blood lost;
  • infertility.

In addition, before calling, they find out the reason for the absence of menstruation.

First of all, a possible pregnancy is excluded. All products that can affect the menstrual cycle have a negative impact on the female body and the fetus developing in it. Such manipulations can lead to irreversible consequences.

You can bring the timing of the arrival of the regulus closer with the help of medications and folk remedies. All of them are effective, but unsafe. Their use is allowed only in exceptional cases and only after consulting a doctor. In addition, you can adjust the arrival of menstruation in this way no more than once every six months. Regular changes in your normal cycle can lead to serious complications.

You may feel like you have a very good reason to induce labor on your own, but giving birth closer to your planned date is critical to your baby's health (and your own).

You wouldn't take the cake out of the oven until it's ready, but what about the baby that's preparing to arrive in your tummy? Some pregnant women will answer:

“Of course, a child can be born earlier than the due date!”
Approximately 10% of all births are carried out prematurely at the mother's own request (that is, before 39 weeks), by caesarean section or induction of labor. In some hospitals, the percentage of such births reaches 44.

But experts do not recommend taking such a step. The normal duration of pregnancy is 37-41 weeks - this is the time frame that indicates the onset of normal, spontaneous labor without medical intervention. Giving birth at the mother's own request can lead to the development of health problems for mother and child that are rarely encountered with spontaneous childbirth. Experts made these conclusions based on the health of children born at 37-38 weeks, when they were not yet ready to be born. Although at 37 weeks the baby is already considered full-term, all children develop at different rates: some are already completely ready for birth at 37 weeks, and some prefer to grow a little more in the mother’s tummy and be born, for example, at 40 weeks.

Fetal development by week

Of course, if you have complications such as diabetes or pre-eclampsia, where the risks of problems outweigh the risks of premature birth, it may be better to meet your little one earlier - in which case, you shouldn't feel any remorse: you did it , what will be best for you and your baby. But it is often worth waiting until the baby is born on its own. Read on to learn about the disadvantages of elective birth.

It's risky for the baby

More than 25% of newborns who were born at 37-39 weeks and whose birth was planned at this period required admission to the neonatal intensive care unit. While only 5% of children born after 39% end up in this department.

Size matters

Early babies may end up in the NICU for a variety of reasons, most of which are related to immaturity. These babies may have difficulty maintaining a normal body temperature because they do not tolerate cold or stress well. For other such children, the problem is low blood sugar. Feeding these babies is much more difficult because they may have a weaker grip on their mother's breasts. Doctors typically discharge these early babies after a few days when these problems resolve, but many of these newborns remain in the hospital because of jaundice or lingering feeding problems that can lead to dehydration. If problems with breastfeeding continue, the baby may miss out on the benefits of breastfeeding, such as increased immunity to common diseases.

Feeding premature babies

Brain Development

Here's another thing to think about: At 35 weeks pregnant, your baby's brain weighs only 2/3 of what it will weigh at 40 weeks. Research shows that full-term babies do better in school than those born prematurely. It has been proven that the earlier a child is born, the higher the risk of learning problems and behavioral problems. Babies born between 34 and 36 weeks have an increased risk of cerebral palsy. After week 37, these risks decrease significantly.

Comparative characteristics of various types of mental development disorders in premature infants in the residual period of development in the main group (%)

Type of violationDegree of prematurity
I Art.II Art.III Art.IV Art.
Violation of gnosis (agnosia)object-visual27.3 34.6 35.5 31.8
prosopagnosia- - - -
literal32 49.4 49.7 50.1
auditory- - - -
somatoagnosia28 32.2 31.24 36.3
spatial23.8 31.7 34.3 37.2
violation of all types7.46 13.6 30.8* 40.9*
Praxis disorders (apraxia)ideatorial22.2 29.23 35.8 38.1
ideomotor28.2 33.43 35 37.2
constructive26.7 35.7 42.2 45.4
dissociative1.49 - - -
kinetic- 13.6 - -
violation of all types7.46 54.3 30.8* 40.9*
Violation of gnosis and praxisdysgraphia39.3 32.1 59.4 91*
acalculia24.7 - 29.1 91*
memory impairmentshort-term- - - -
long-term46.7 50.6 42.3 40.9
all types of memory30 39.5 46.15 54.5*
Attention disorderarbitrary16.4 45.5 29.8 31.9
involuntary1.5 - - -
all types of attention22.4 32.2 52* 63.6*
rapid depletion73.1 77.7 81.8 95.5
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder24 27.2 19.2 22.7
* significance of differences p

Breathing problems

You may not know this fact, but the lungs mature later than other organs. This is why respiratory problems are especially common in children who were born too early. In fact, babies born at 37 weeks (and before) are three times more likely to suffer from respiratory distress syndrome (severe lung disease in newborns), pneumonia, and respiratory failure. Such newborns are much more likely to require connection to a ventilator.

Maternal health problems

Induction of labor can set off a chain of events that will lead to the need for a cesarean section. Mothers carrying their first child who underwent labor induction were twice as likely to require an emergency cesarean section, according to a recent study in obstetrics and gynecology. As you know, after this operation the recovery period increases. Despite the fact that today a cesarean section is considered a simple and common procedure, it is still a fairly serious operation.

More difficult birth

To trigger the onset of labor, a prostaglandin drug (taken orally or inserted into the vagina) is used during induction. This drug stimulates the softening of the cervix. Also, for induction, a drug with a synthetic form of the hormone oxytocin (Pitocin or Syntocinon), which causes the onset of contractions, can be used. Your doctor may also consider artificially rupturing the membranes. Many experts note that induced contractions are much stronger than contractions during natural childbirth. In addition, the study found that synthetic oxytocin (Pitocin) can cause complications during labor that often lead to emergency caesarean sections that could be avoided with a natural birth.

Complications after cesarean section

Over the past few decades, the rate of caesarean sections has increased from 5% to 31%. Of course, some popular publications may trumpet that “pushing a baby on your own is too difficult” and that celebrities prefer an easier method of delivery. However, almost every woman who has experienced a C-section recovery will probably tell you that there is nothing fancy or painless about this operation. Like any other surgical procedure, a cesarean procedure carries an increased risk of complications, infections, and a long recovery period (usually two to four days in the hospital, plus an additional four to six weeks of recovery at home).

In addition, if you have already had one cesarean section, the risk that it will be performed during the birth of a second child increases, and this can be more dangerous than some women think. A repeat cesarean section increases the risk of bleeding, infection, hysterectomy, bowel and bladder injury, and abnormal placenta. And although doctors have now reconsidered their opinion about the dangers of vaginal birth after a woman had a cesarean section during a previous pregnancy, arguing that 60-80% of such women are candidates for natural childbirth, many doctors are still afraid of allowing such women to give birth naturally .

Comparative analysis of repeat cesarean section and spontaneous labor after a previous cesarean section

Repeated caesarean sectionSpontaneous birth after cesarean section
High risk of repeated surgery due to possible adhesions.The risk of uterine rupture is less than 1%. If a uterine rupture occurs, there is an increased risk of:
- bleeding;
- hysterectomy;
- damage to the bladder;
- infectious and thrombotic complications.
The duration of hospitalization is at least 5 - 7 days.The duration of hospitalization is 3 - 4 days.
High incidence of postoperative infectious complications:
- endometritis;
- urinary tract infections;
- wound infection.
The risk of infectious complications doubles if spontaneous labor fails and a repeat emergency caesarean section is performed.
Risk of damage to the bladder, intestines and neighboring organs.Possibility of perineal rupture or episiotomy.
Thrombosis of the veins of the lower extremities and/or pelvis after surgery.The risk of thrombosis is minimal.
More severe and prolonged pain in the surgical area.Moderate pain and discomfort in the perineal area.
The risk of developing respiratory complications in a newborn.When the fetus passes through the natural birth canal, respiratory complications are minimal.

By choosing a cesarean induction, you are postponing the touching moment of meeting your baby

When you're recovering from surgery or your baby is in the NICU, you won't be able to hug him right away. It is known that early contact between mother and child has a positive effect on the duration of breastfeeding, the bond between mother and baby, and also strengthens the child’s cardiac and respiratory systems. An association has also been found between complications during pregnancy and childbirth (including emergency cesarean section, fetal distress, and infant hospitalization) and postpartum depression. Of course, there are situations when you cannot control events. Remember that the most important thing is a healthy mother and a healthy child. Talk to your doctor and ask them to do everything they can to keep your baby in the womb as long as possible.

Medical reasons for planned preterm birth

Of course, there are many good medical reasons for inducing labor or planning a cesarean section:

  • Bleeding during pregnancy caused by complications;
  • Problems with fetal development;
  • high blood pressure or preeclampsia;
  • Diabetes;
  • Infection;
  • Problems with the placenta;
  • Premature rupture of the membranes.

Talk to your doctor about your condition and make sure he or she thinks there are good reasons for giving birth prematurely. If there really are compelling medical indications, feel free to take this step.

October 30, 2017 Author admin

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