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The smartest man on earth: geniuses among us. The smartest people in Russia - list, features, activities and interesting facts The smartest people in the world

Since 1912, they began to measure the level of human intelligence, the so-called IQ (intelligence quotient or Intelligence Quotient). The founder of the test system was the German scientist William Stern. Based on these tests, the smartest person in the world is officially a (USA) writer, journalist and playwright.

It is Marilyn vos Savant who is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. Her result is 230 units, which she showed at the age of 10.

Marilyn was born on August 11, 1946 in St. Louis, Missouri. She has been married to Robert Jarvik since 1987 and has two children, Maria and Denis. Marilyn is the CFO of Jarvik Heart, a cardiovascular company. Since 1986, she has been running a column in one of the most popular American magazines, Parade, called “Ask Marilyn,” in which she answers a variety of questions.

However, unofficially the most mentally gifted person on the planet is an American. His intelligence level was 250 units. He had a talent for languages, as well as a unique mathematical talent.

William was born April 1, 1898, and died in Boston in 1944 at the age of 46. William's achievements include the fact that he became the youngest student at Harvard University in its entire history. The smartest man in the world entered university at the age of 11 and graduated with honors at the age of 16. At 12 months he could already write. At the age of 4 I read Homer in the original. By the age of 8, he had already written 4 books and knew 8 languages, including Russian.

At the age of 17, William Sidis began teaching in Houston, Texas. After his life, works on psychology, cosmology, and history remained.

According to official data, William James Sidis knew 40 languages, and according to unofficial data, about 300. Moreover, at the age of 8, he created his own language, Vendergood. This language was based on the Romance, Greek and Latin languages.

Korean Kim Ung-Yong is also considered one of the smartest people in the world. His intelligence level is 210 units. Kim was born on March 7, 1963, and at the age of 4 he was solving complex mathematical problems, and by the age of 5 he already knew 4 languages ​​(German, Korean, Japanese and English). At the age of 3 he entered Hanyang University, where he studied until he was 6 years old.

At the age of 15, Kim Ung-Yong received a doctorate in physics from Colorado State University, after which he worked in the United States for a year. After that, he returned to South Korea, where he worked in educational institutions. During his life he published about 90 different kinds of works.

American Christopher Mike Langan I realized that I was different from most people and had unique mental abilities while working as a security guard in a bar. His IQ is 195. This one of the smartest people in the world is the founder of the cognitive theoretical model of the world.

Nigerian engineer Philip Emeagwali has an IQ of 190. Born in 1954. He is the author of a supercomputer consisting of 65,000 parallel processors. By the way, according to some experts, Isaac Newton’s IQ level could also be 190.

PS: There is an opinion that men are by nature smarter than women, that they say “all women are fools”, they speak with a smile about women’s logic and so on, but this opinion is not true, the IQ of men and women is almost at the same level, the difference can be only 1.7 points.

It is quite difficult to determine the exact level of intelligence; the difference in the coefficient can be ± 5 units, but on average:

50% of the world's population has an IQ of 90-110.
14.5% of the population has an intelligence of 110-120.
7% of the population has 120-130.
3% with a coefficient of 130-140.
And only 0.5% has a coefficient of 140.

When you were in school, there was always a guy smarter than you in the class. But these powerful brains give a hundred points ahead even to the favorites of all the teachers together. These are the smartest people in the world - both in terms of IQ and contribution to their field of activity. From movie stars to columnists, from scientists to laboratory technicians, they are all changing the world.

Noam Chomsky is a world famous linguist, philosopher and political scientist. Studied and worked at several Ivy League universities. Chomsky is considered the "father of modern linguistics" and is Institute Professor of Linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His IQ is unknown.

Although his name is much more famous than most of the people on this list, Stephen Hawking's IQ of 160 is lower than most of the brainiacs on this post. Nevertheless, his contribution to theoretical physics and the study of the Universe cannot be overestimated.

Manahel Thabet is a Yemeni economist and academic who is known as the youngest woman and the only Arab woman to receive a PhD in financial engineering with great honors. She is the recipient of numerous awards, including for her humanitarian work within the UN. Her IQ is 168.

Polgar is a chess grandmaster from Hungary. She is one of the greatest female chess players of all time. Her IQ is 170.

John Sununu, with an IQ of 180, has an amazing life story. Born in Cuba in 1939, Sununu later moved to the United States and graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (with 3 degrees). In addition to his excellent achievements in the sciences, Sununu also achieved impressive success in politics: he was a representative of New Hampshire, chief of staff of President George H. W. Bush, and also governor of New Hampshire from 1983-1989.

Carlsen, at 24 years old, is the youngest on this list. The IQ of the current world chess champion and probably one of the best chess players is unknown.

In fact, it's great when the head of state is so smart. The IQ of Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel, is about 180. Hard to believe, right?

Pinker is a Canadian-American psychologist who teaches at Harvard University. He is considered one of the most influential scientists.

You may know him from his acting career, from films like The Virgin Killers or White House Down, or as the voice of Hades in Hercules. But did you know that his IQ is about 180? He graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and has a political science degree.

Emegwali is a Nigerian software engineer with an estimated IQ of 190.

Although her IQ is unknown, being a child prodigy, Ruth Lawrence graduated from Oxford at age 13. She is now a professor of mathematics at the Einstein Institute in Jerusalem.

Kripke is Institute Professor of Philosophy at Princeton. He is considered one of the most influential people in the field of logic and philosophy.

Kasparov is a former world chess champion, as well as a political activist and one of the representatives of the Russian opposition. Many consider him to be one of the best chess players in the world. He has an IQ of 190 and is a member of the Human Rights Foundation.

Rosner is a brilliant TV writer and TV show contestant with an IQ of 190-192 who has had a rather strange career path: after 10 years in high school, he posed nude and did other strange things until he became a screenwriter. He is also known for taking careful care of his health. Well, and a powerful intellect, of course.

Katsioulis is a Greek doctor known for his IQ of 198-205. He is the founder of several associations of people with high IQs.

Although his IQ is unknown, this charismatic astrophysicist and space explorer is one of the most vibrant and visible people on the planet. He advocates for NASA expansion as well as social justice.

Kim Un-young is a Korean civil engineer and former Guinness World Records holder for the highest IQ (around 210). His IQ has been above 200 since the age of four.

Christopher Hirata is a former child prodigy with an IQ of 225. Physicist Hirata has worked with NASA and as a physics and astronomy teacher.

Although this number is disputed, Vos Savant is widely claimed to have one of the highest IQs on Earth (and the highest among women) at 228. She is well known for her "Ask Marilyn" column in Parade. Her husband is Dr. Robert Jerwick, famous for designing the first successfully implanted artificial heart.

Terence Tao is a Chinese-American mathematician whose IQ is 230. He has two equally gifted brothers.

Christopher Langan is considered one of the smartest people on Earth. He is an autodidact (self-taught) who managed to break through an extremely difficult childhood in Montana. His IQ is 195-210 points.

Have you ever wondered who is the most intelligent, talented and comprehensively developed person in the history of mankind? You can confidently call Leonardo da Vinci, but he is far from the only genius of our civilization. High intelligence is a double-edged sword. It can be both the greatest gift and a real curse for the person who possesses it. However, each of these people is a real person, despite the complex destinies and complex relationships with surrounding individuals, who fade against the background of such bright “stars”. But don’t be upset, the brain can be developed and “pumped up” with knowledge and skills. So take this list as motivation!

The most famous person is Albert Einstein

The "disheveled" symbol of the 20th century

Born in Germany, Einstein became a symbol of science and progress throughout the 20th century. His surname became a common noun for smart people. He is one of two theoretical physicists that almost anyone can name (the other would most likely be Stephen Hawking). During his life, he wrote more than 300 scientific articles, but is also known as an ardent opponent of nuclear weapons (he regularly wrote letters to President Roosevelt warning about the dangers of using atomic bombs). Einstein also supported Jewish scientific development and stood at the origins of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

The physicist’s IQ is difficult to calculate accurately, since no such studies were conducted during his lifetime, but his friends and followers talk about a figure in the range from 170 to 190 points.

At all times, in every century, one could find a dozen of the most intelligent and talented people. Their names remain forever in history. Many writers and researchers tried to find that “golden ten” intellectuals. But with every decade, another “nerd” appears on the horizon, breaking any ranking of the smartest people in the world. According to researchers, of course, there is a certain core of intellectuals who “rule the Universe.” At the moment, we can name the 10 smartest people in the modern world. But it is worth considering that in the next ten people are not ranked in descending order of intelligence level. These are the ten winners. It includes the smartest people in the world who have achieved success and earned everyone's respect.

Stephen Hawking

There is probably no point in telling the biography of this person, since she is known to everyone. It's better to talk about his merits. The smartest man in the world, a famous physicist and popularizer of science, made a lot of discoveries in his time. To this day, he continues to reveal his new crazy theories to the public.

One of his discoveries in the field of quantum mechanics was the concept of the past as probability. Hawking believes that what has already happened does not have a specific image. Memories are a spectrum of possibilities and what now exists as uncertainty, just like the future.

The development of M-theory began in the 90s of the last century, but was later refined by Hawking. This is the so-called string theory. It gives a description of our Universe. The scientist claims that all the smallest particles contain multi-chamber membranes. Physical processes on Earth depend on the properties of the latter. By the way, presumably, there are a huge number of Universes where the laws that apply may be radically different from ours.

Another reflection of Hawking led to the fact that the authorities of one of the cities in Italy banned fish aquariums at the legislative level. The scientist is sure that it is impossible to know the true nature of reality, and therefore we, like fish in an aquarium, are doomed. As a rational person, Hawking is an atheist, and therefore one of his theories is that the Universe gave birth to itself. And for this process she did not need God.

Kim Ung-Yong

It is worth immediately pointing out that this genius now has an IQ of 210. He is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. From the age of three to six, Kim Ung-Yong managed to study at Hanyang University. By the time he was five, he had mastered a complex system of differential equations.

When the boy was 7 years old, he was called to NASA. Already on his fifteenth birthday, he received a doctorate in physical sciences and managed to work at the University of Colorado. Then he decided to return to Korea, where he gave preference to design and construction. Now he works at a provincial university.

Paul Allen

Another genius who can rightfully be considered unrecognized. Together with his schoolmate Bill Gates, he founded Microsoft. His task was to develop and technical ideas. Gates, in turn, was involved in the organizational sphere.

In the early 80s, doctors diagnosed Paul with Hodgkin's disease. The scientist decided to leave the corporation, but retain his place on the board of directors. For 20 years, Allen tried to organize his business and bought up many small companies, which later had to be closed. In 2000, he finally left the corporation, but remained there as a strategy consultant. His friend Gates continues to be his source of support after 40 years.

Garry Kasparov

Well, who doesn’t know a great chess player? Harry is called “great and terrible” behind his back, implying his power and strength. He has an excellent playing career behind him. At one time, he won the world title 13 times, won the Chess Olympiad 8 times, and received the so-called chess Oscar 11 times.

Kasparov's first and significant achievement was the USSR championship at the age of 12. Already at 17 he became a master of sports. His coach and best friend was his mother, who, after the death of Harry's father, gave her life to her son. She also accepted his decision to change the Jewish surname Weinstein to the Armenian one - Kasparov. Since 2005, Harry has been an oppositionist in the Russian Federation.

Andrew John Wiles

Until March 2016, not the whole world knew about him. Wiles is a mathematical genius. Works at Princeton University. At the age of 22, he already had a doctorate and was a junior researcher for a long time. Already at the age of 10, the future scientist learned about Fermat’s Last Theorem and tried to prove it. Naturally, with the help of school textbooks and the methods that were given there. Naturally, nothing worked out for him. Therefore, later he began to study the work of researchers who had previously worked on proving this theorem. Once he entered college, Wiles abandoned the idea.

After studying elliptic curves in 1986, Andrew returned to his childhood dream. Already in March 2016, Andrew John Wiles was awarded the Abel Prize and a cash prize of 700 thousand dollars for being able to prove Fermat’s theorem.

Christopher Hirata

This young astrophysicist with an IQ of 225 became famous at the age of 13. At this age he won the International Physics Olympiad. This happened in 1996. From age 14 to 16, he studied at the California Institute of Technology.

At age 16, Hirata worked for NASA with the Mars colonization project. At age 22, he became a doctor of physics at Princeton University. He currently holds a position at Ohio State University. Scientist - professor of physics and astronomy.

Terence Chi Shen Tao

In three years, the mathematician became a member of the Royal Society of London, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the US National Academy of Sciences. He began to demonstrate his mental abilities at the age of 9. Showed stunning results in the math section. A year later he took part in the International Mathematical Olympiad. When he turned 13, he took the “golden” place. At the age of 20, he received his doctorate and began working at the University of California.

James Woods

The smartest actor. At one time he graduated from the University of California with a course in linear algebra. He was then enrolled at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, but soon dropped out. The intelligent actor decided to devote his life to cinema. Now he has three Emmy awards and two Oscar nominations. Woods' example proves that not all of the smartest people in the world work as scientists and researchers. Among them there are also people of art.

Marilyn vos Savant

The woman is a famous American playwright and writer. Already at the age of 10, the American woman’s IQ reached 228. The husband of the most intelligent woman created an artificial heart, but could not catch up with his wife - his IQ is 180. Marilyn is confident that the truth can only be learned by depriving the mind of all emotions and prejudices. Therefore, art for a woman is only a manifestation of feelings, but the intellectual disciplines that she loves are nuclear physics and mathematics.

Daniela Simidcheva

Another candidate who has found her place in the ranking, which includes the smartest people in the world. Many believe that her IQ level, which is 192 out of 200, is the highest. Although there are scores higher than 210, Daniela's scores are based on the Mensa Standardized Test.

Bulgarian Simidcheva - Master of Economics and Social Sciences, holder of a Bachelor's degree in Electronics and Automation. He also has a diploma in English philology and many certificates received abroad. Daniela’s main education was economics, but she received the rest through correspondence or distance learning. Currently he is an employee of the Bulgarian Economic Chamber.

Smart women in history

The smartest people in the world aren't just men. As we see, women are also famous for their skills and can give odds to many scientists - representatives of the stronger sex. For example, Hypatia of Alexandria. Thanks to her father, she received the best education and became the smartest woman of the Ancient World, an expert in philosophy. She created an astrolabe - an ancient computer. This is what this invention is called today.

Another smart woman is Maria Kunitz. She was an astronomer and did a lot for her time. The intelligent girl spoke several foreign languages ​​and played musical instruments. In the 17th century she was famous for her horoscopes. But Sofya Kovalevskaya became the first female professor of mathematics. At the same time, she was popular for her works in the field of philosophy and literature. Marie Sklodowska-Curie is a woman-brain. Now she is the only scientist in the world who has been awarded two Nobel Prizes: in physics and chemistry. Thanks to Mary, the world learned about a chemical element called radium.


The smartest people in the world throughout history have amazed and made shocking discoveries. These include more than a dozen talented minds who created modern science bit by bit. These include Plato with his philosophies, Aristotle, known for his political and philosophical judgments, Archimedes, who made many discoveries in geometry and mechanics.

We should not forget the equally famous Leonardo da Vinci, who was comprehensively developed and studied not only mechanics, but was also a magnificent artist, physician, writer and philosopher. Nikola Tesla, who solved the riddle of alternating current, Newton, who discovered the law of gravity, and Einstein with his theory of relativity, were also included in the ranking of the smartest people in the world.

It is impossible to answer the question of who is the smartest person in the world. Every decade, at least one individual is born with genius abilities. Compiling the top of the smartest people in the world is also a thankless task, because each of the people mentioned above made a significant contribution to one or another field of science and art.

There are many miracles in the world, one of these mysteries that scientists have not been able to solve for many decades is the question of the genius of some people, whose mental abilities are simply amazing. It is quite difficult to say unmistakably who is worthy of the title of the smartest person in the world or in Russia, because each of the applicants has their own individual abilities.

Very often, after solving some life problem, we can hear the statement addressed to us: “You are the smartest person on earth.” We are glad that our efforts were noticed, but at the same time we don’t think about what kind of person he is - really the smartest person on the planet, what talents does he have and what can he do with the power of his mind? The only thing that can be said is that all brilliant people throughout history were united.

How to measure intelligence

In the modern world, identifying people with high performance and mentality is very simple - an IQ test was invented for this purpose. This test was originally invented by the English psychologist Hans Eysenck in order to accurately determine the smartest person in history.

Now the test has become widespread and everyone can try their hand. At the development stage, the test was used only on children, but in 1905 it was refined by psychologist Alfred Binet and became suitable for use on adults. The test was first used in 1916, but even its results failed to determine a person’s special talents. The idea that the smartest people who ever lived on the planet achieved success in life through constant work is still relevant in our time.

To make it clearer to most readers, the average IQ for average people is 90–110 units, for people with weak mental abilities the coefficient is less than 70%, for those who can develop their abilities and achieve something - 125–135%, and only 0. 5% of all people on the planet have an IQ above 135 - they are usually called geniuses.

All Nobel laureates take an IQ test, and most of them score 160. Unfortunately, there are people with high mental abilities who have never managed to distinguish themselves in anything and have not found an application for their talent. Such people in most cases go crazy or commit suicide.

The highest intelligence score ever was possessed by a ten-year-old girl born in 1946. A girl named Marilyn Vos Savant managed to score 228 units based on the results of the entire test. So far, no one has managed to score more than this little girl, and she is considered to this day the smartest person in history. According to the owner of this unusual title, only such disciplines as mathematics and nuclear physics can reflect high human abilities. Marilyn married a man as gifted as herself - her husband Robert Jarvik (his IQ is 180 units) invented an artificial heart. Marilyn also claims that with the help of proper nutrition, everything that is inherited by a person can be increased by 20%.

Our country also has something to be proud of, since our compatriot is listed in the Guinness Book as the first person who managed to prove the Poincaré theorem. He is Grigory Perelman, born in 1966, he is considered the smartest person in Russia.

Now many people consider Anatoly Wasserman the smartest person in the country; he often won in various television shows.

Top Smartest on Earth

If we consider the issue of genius more globally, then we can confidently note that in every corner of the world there are special and unusual people. Now we will try to recreate the top of the smartest people, based on their IQ results and the successes that they were able to achieve in their lives.

So, in first place, as mentioned above, is Marilyn Savant.

She is only 10 units behind the Chinese genius Kim Pik, who has a phenomenal memory.

He is also included in the Guinness Book of Records, as he can remember 98% of all information he reads. Throughout his life, Kim Peak retained more than 12 thousand books in his memory, which he could recite by heart in different orders.

Daniel Tammet from the UK, born in 1979, can mentally calculate and solve complex problems in the field of mathematics.

Daniel also managed to master a new language within a week. In total he knows 11 languages. At age 4, he could easily multiply and divide multi-digit numbers. As he himself claims, such abilities appeared to him after suffering an attack of epilepsy in childhood.

Albert Einstein is also on the list of greatest people.

The German physicist became known to modern times thanks to the theory of relativity. Much to our surprise, we can say that as a child, Einstein was not a very active child - he spoke poorly, he was generally considered underdeveloped and mentally retarded.

The name of the next genius is probably known to all modern people - Stephen Hawking, an outstanding theoretical physicist, is one of the few people who know about the structure of the Cosmos.

A cripple, in a wheelchair, who does not control his body, lives an incredibly busy life: he teaches, acts in films, publishes scientific works and travels. His IQ is much lower than most of the inhabitants of this list, but nevertheless he managed to change his life and most modern people with his lectures and scientific treatises.

Arran Fernandez is the first person to obtain a Secondary Education Certificate at age 5. At the age of 14, he became a student at Cambridge University and is the most talented and youngest mathematician in the world.

Paul Allen is the man who co-founded Microsoft. His IQ is only 170 units, but this did not stop him from becoming a big man and putting his skills into practice.

Manahel Thabet is a Yemeni woman, economist, and the youngest Arab woman to receive a PhD in financial engineering. Her IQ is 168.

Another woman who impressed with her talent as a strategist is Judit Polgar, a chess grandmaster originally from Hungary. Her IQ is 170.

John Sununu, with an IQ of 180 and three degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, became famous for his political career.

In addition to his unprecedented successes in science, he worked in the administration of President George H. W. Bush.

It would take a very long time to count talented people, because there are so many of them. Using the example of several of the above personalities, we have shown that there are people today who can improve things with the help of their intelligence and wisdom.

Most of these people with genius abilities today lead an unpretentious lifestyle. As almost every one of them claims, they do not consider themselves special, because an unusual mindset is a gift of nature with which they were endowed.

Video about five great minds of humanity:

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