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What kind of girls are they chasing? If you're chasing someone who isn't interested in you, it doesn't give you anything other than a sense of vicious circle. No need to run after a man

Love as it is and all its manifestations

It is love and strong sympathy can inspire the writing of lyrical poetry, songs, music and become the reason why women run after men. But at the moment when a man feels complete composure towards a lady or simply wants to seem invulnerable in her eyes, she begins to experience a feeling of restlessness, which pushes her to run after this man and try to light at least some spark in his eyes. All this can continue until the woman gets what she wants from the man or he lets her know that he is not interested in her. Over time, this can all develop into a slight grin when remembering an ex-lover, or harbor a deep wound and resentment in the soul not only for this man, but for the entire male race.

Of course, from the outside, such behavior of a woman can be considered a ridiculous act, which is not worth doing at all, because you cannot force a person to pay attention to yourself. By the way, for some men, such assertiveness on the part of a lady can cause not only a feeling of contempt, but also fear of such persistence and the desire to get “what’s theirs” no matter what.

Imaginary reasons or " soap bubble» illusions

Besides unrequited love a woman in this situation can be led by others psychological aspects. For example, having grown up, she was never able to rid herself of addiction demand boundless love and attention from others, namely from the stronger sex. In childhood, the world of such a child consisted of love and attention from family and friends, but it is worth remembering that the laws adult life have completely different postulates. Not every man can reciprocate and offer a woman his care and affection. That’s why a spoiled woman simply has nothing to offer a man and she starts running after him, trying to get at least some attention from him.

This also includes the empty life of a woman, in which there are no hobbies, which proceeds in an ordinary and gloomy way. Therefore, the lady chooses a certain object of adoration and begins to pursue him in order to dilute the “grayness of life”. Also, at such a moment, a woman’s actions can be guided by her personal fears and experiences, one of which is the fear of loneliness. For example, after repeated attempts to arrange a personal life with one man or another, a woman suffers a complete fiasco. Therefore, she, disappointed, tries with all her might to correct the current situation and any man who shows at least a little attention to her is considered in her subconscious as a real candidate for a gentleman. It is precisely for this very reason that a woman is trying to somehow “hook” this man by imposing herself on him.

Another imaginary reason that pushes a woman to persistently show initiative is an attempt to prove something to herself regarding the “game” with the stronger sex. In such a situation, the lady is ready to make a bet with herself that in a certain time she will be able to get the chosen man and, forgetting about her pride, she sets off after him, as if after her prey, chasing him, as they say, on his heels. By the way, having often achieved her goal, a lady can simply stop communicating with this man. After all, a woman does not need feelings at all; she is attracted by vivid experiences, excitement and the desire to test her feminine “tricks and pranks” in practice. In other words, what is important for a lady is not the result itself, but the celebration of the soul that she receives from pursuing her object and realizing the desire to conquer him and make him hers, at least for a while.

Many women will agree with the statement that now men have become somewhat inert, lacking initiative, lazy, and do not want to achieve female love and generally just do nothing.

The development of the Internet also played a role in this - it’s so easy to immerse yourself in virtual world and keep yourself busy with lots of entertainment. So we lower ours precious energy and strength in the virtual space, women losing the desire to admire, and men to conquer.

However, this is also the fault of women, who took away from men not only the right to wear trousers, go to work and pump weights in the gym, but also became predators themselves.

I really like the writer and psychologist Svetlana Ermakova, the creator of the “ Don't stop him from falling in love with you. A technique that will revive even your husband! She very succinctly called such women “catching up.” Today I want to outline some of her tips from the methodology and convey one simple thought to women:

Men have stopped hunting because the “game” itself runs towards them with open arms. Who would be interested in such a hunt?

In a pair there is always someone who is chasing and someone who is running away. Or, to put it another way, one loves, and the other allows himself to be loved. This doesn't always happen, but often. Or in a couple the love is mutual, but one is still always a little more interested in the relationship. And it is very desirable that this “more interested” person be a man. This means that he must be catching up, and not vice versa. And today many women live their lives “catching up.” And then they complain that normal men disappeared, became extinct as a species.

No need to run after a man. You need to interest him, ask him riddles and... run away. And if you don’t run away, then they won’t catch up with you. And if you do catch up, they run away from you! Imagine a cow running after a bull. Or a hen after a rooster. They calmly do their job (grass, peck food) and do not pay attention to the males. The rooster will probably be shocked if the hen suddenly starts running after him, he will obviously consider her “abnormal”.

Therefore, the harder you run after a man, the faster he will run away from you. As Svetlana put it: “ How more woman suffers from a lack of His love, the more a man suffers from an excess of HER love" Don’t become clingy and catch-up, take better care of yourself, your inner world and mood.

No need to run after a man

So, how can you stop him from falling in love with you?

I think you already understand that you shouldn’t run after a man. How to do this practically and what is this “not running”? And it consists in five Non-actions.

5 Non-actions

1. Always remember that as soon as you turn into a catch-up man, the man loses interest in you. Don’t try to please a man in everything and make his life pleasant. Take ONE step towards him only when he takes TWO towards you.

2. Do not reproach a man for paying little attention to you. And behave in such a way that he will listen to you. They don’t demand attention, they call it. Don’t ask him questions: “when will you call me,” “where have you been,” “where did you go and when will you arrive?” Don’t tell him: “hug me”, “kiss me”, “take me out”...

3. End the conversation first (including on the phone), without waiting for him to say goodbye to you first. You've probably noticed that the one who says goodbye first has some kind of moral superiority (after all, he has more important things to do than talk).

Men always feel chased (as well as not-chased), so try to say goodbye first. Your farewell may not be the end of the conversation; the man will probably continue it. But with your behavior you will create a situation where a man will be forced to catch up. After all, you are running away!

4. When hugging, no matter how hard it is, pull away first. Don't wait for him to pull away from you. Let him hug you, you give in, answer him, but pull away first. And don't initiate hugs. For many men, they are very inappropriate. At this moment he may be thinking about something, being preoccupied with something, and a long hug is imposed on him. This can cause frustration and a desire for these hugs to end as soon as possible.

When a woman is often the first to hug a man, and even holds him in these arms for a long time, she deprives him of the opportunity to catch up with her, conquer and win. You are depriving him of the most important need - to catch up (and win)! Men are “winners” by nature, and even if he doesn’t always succeed in winning, he still always wants to do it. Therefore, if your man does not catch up with you, he will catch up with the other.

5. Don’t let him know that you are “his forever.” And don't be the first to say that you missed him. This word itself is very insidious. You think that with this word you let the man know that you are glad to see him. But men often perceive this as “I’m in love, I feel bad without you, I’m all yours.”

There is also another meaning. People are very afraid of boredom. Watch people and you will see how almost all their activities are aimed at combating boredom. And when you say you are bored, you sound dangerous, because boredom is contagious!

As soon as you stop running after a man and start running away from him, he will begin to catch up with you. When he starts to catch up, he will start to think a lot about you (“why didn’t she pick up the phone”, “where was she in such a hurry yesterday”, “does she love me”, and so on). How more man will think about you, the more attached. The more thoughts, the stronger the love!

Be the first to say goodbye, be the first to leave, be the first to hang up the phone and be the first to propose separation. A man who is interested in you will begin to catch up with you. And if not, then this is not your man and sooner or later your relationship would have ended anyway.

Don't run after a man, but take care of yourself! Fill, fill and fill yourself with love and inner light! Take care of your body, take care and cherish yourself!

Many women will agree with the statement that now men have become somehow inert, lacking initiative, lazy, they do not want to achieve a woman’s love and, in general, just do nothing.

The development of the Internet also played a role in this - it is so easy to immerse yourself in the virtual world and keep yourself busy with a lot of entertainment. So we release our precious energy and strength into the virtual space, women, losing the desire to admire, and men to conquer.

However, this is also the fault of women, who took away from men not only the right to wear trousers, go to work and pump weights in the gym, but also became predators themselves.

I really like the writer and psychologist Svetlana Ermakova, the creator of the “Don’t stop him from falling in love with you” method. A technique that will revive even your husband!” She very succinctly called such women “catching up.” Today I want to outline some of her tips from the methodology and convey one simple thought to women:

Men have stopped hunting because the “game” itself runs towards them with open arms. Who would be interested in such a hunt?

In a pair there is always someone who is chasing and someone who is running away. Or, to put it another way, one loves, and the other allows himself to be loved. This doesn't always happen, but often. Or in a couple the love is mutual, but one is still always a little more interested in the relationship. And it is very desirable that this “more interested” person be a man. This means that he must be catching up, and not vice versa. And today many women live their lives “catching up.” And then they complain that normal men have disappeared, become extinct as a species.

No need to run after a man. You need to interest him, ask him riddles and... run away. And if you don’t run away, then they won’t catch up with you. And if you do catch up, they run away from you! Imagine a cow running after a bull. Or a hen after a rooster. They calmly do their job (grass, peck food) and do not pay attention to the males. The rooster will probably be shocked if the hen suddenly starts running after him, he will obviously consider her “abnormal”.

Therefore, the harder you run after a man, the faster he will run away from you. As Svetlana put it: “The more a woman suffers from a lack of His love, the more a man suffers from an excess of HER love.” Don’t become clingy and catch-up, take better care of yourself, your inner world and mood.

No need to run after a man
So, how can you stop him from falling in love with you?

I think you already understand that you shouldn’t run after a man. How to do this practically and what is this “not running”? And it consists in five Non-actions.

5 NOT-actions
1. Always remember that as soon as you turn into a catch-up man, the man loses interest in you. Don’t try to please a man in everything and make his life pleasant. Take ONE step towards him only when he takes TWO towards you.

2. Do not reproach a man for paying little attention to you. And behave in such a way that he will listen to you. They don’t demand attention, they call it. Don’t ask him questions: “when will you call me,” “where have you been,” “where did you go and when will you arrive?” Don’t tell him: “hug me”, “kiss me”, “take me out”...

3. End the conversation first (including on the phone), without waiting for him to say goodbye to you first. You've probably noticed that the one who says goodbye first has some kind of moral superiority (after all, he has more important things to do than talk).

Men always feel chased (as well as not-chased), so try to say goodbye first. Your farewell may not be the end of the conversation; the man will probably continue it. But with your behavior you will create a situation where a man will be forced to catch up. After all, you are running away!

4. When hugging, no matter how hard it is, pull away first. Don't wait for him to pull away from you. Let him hug you, you give in, answer him, but pull away first. And don't initiate hugs. For many men, they are very inappropriate. At this moment he may be thinking about something, being preoccupied with something, and a long hug is imposed on him. This can cause frustration and a desire for these hugs to end as soon as possible.

When a woman is often the first to hug a man, and even holds him in these arms for a long time, she deprives him of the opportunity to catch up with her, conquer and win. You are depriving him of the most important need - to catch up (and win)! Men are “winners” by nature, and even if he doesn’t always succeed in winning, he still always wants to do it. Therefore, if your man does not catch up with you, he will catch up with the other.

5. Don’t let him know that you are “his forever.” And don't be the first to say that you missed him. This word itself is very insidious. You think that with this word you let the man know that you are glad to see him. But men often perceive this as “I’m in love, I feel bad without you, I’m all yours.”

There is also another meaning. People are very afraid of boredom. Watch people and you will see how almost all their activities are aimed at combating boredom. And when you say you are bored, you sound dangerous, because boredom is contagious!

As soon as you stop running after a man and start running away from him, he will begin to catch up with you. When he starts to catch up, he will start to think a lot about you (“why didn’t she pick up the phone”, “where was she in such a hurry yesterday”, “does she love me”, and so on). The more a man thinks about you, the more attached he will become. The more thoughts, the stronger the love!

Be the first to say goodbye, be the first to leave, be the first to hang up the phone and be the first to propose separation. A man who is interested in you will begin to catch up with you. And if not, then this is not your man and sooner or later your relationship would have ended anyway.

Don't run after a man, but take care of yourself! Fill, fill and fill yourself with love and inner light! Take care of your body, take care and cherish yourself!

In this article we will look at a situation where a woman runs after a man. We will also try to convince women that this is not necessary.

Unfortunately, the form of unrequited love is much more common than mutual love. Many women are ready to literally do anything to ensure that the man of their dreams reciprocates. Representatives of the fair sex who are unrequitedly in love are easily manipulated and persuaded, and often become victims marriage scammers and gigolos, because they believe that they can win a man with exemplary behavior, gifts, financial support and other benefits.

Today we will analyze: is it worth running after the object of your sympathy, in what cases is it worth fighting for love, and is there a chance of building a relationship if your partner does not have feelings for you.

Is it worth running after a man?

Many women for mutual feelings ready for any sacrifices and concessions. Often the fair sex ceases to be guided by common sense, neglecting personal interests and principles. However, there are several arguments in favor of why you should not rush into all seriousness and run after a man. Among the main ones, psychologists identify the following:

  • Men love challenges: winning over the fair sex, conquering her and proving their devotion. This helps them realize their personal potential and increase self-esteem
  • Women who are ready to give in to their principles and interests will not be able to become support and support for their partner, since they cause mistrust, because one day they will be able to betray their lover in the same way as their personal priorities
  • The obsessiveness of the fair sex kills any desire to take initiative and offer help
  • Lack of personal space and own interests pushes the partner to search for new sensations, and often other lovers
  • A woman’s availability does not motivate her partner to develop and achieve spiritual and financial enrichment
  • A man’s awareness that a representative of the fair sex depends on him morally pushes him to various manipulations towards her

It is also necessary to remember that relationships are the work of two partners. After all, no matter how hard a woman tries to keep her loved one, in the absence of common interests, a common outlook on life and similar values, the couple will not be able to find harmony in the future. Therefore, representatives of the fair sex should motivate men to comprehensive development, as well as build relationships on equal terms, without succumbing to emotions and personal grievances.

What's wrong if a woman chases a man?

Many women prefer to independently seek reciprocity from men. This fact is explained by several factors:

  • A similar pattern of relationships could be seen in her close circle.
  • Lack of a positive image of a man in life
  • Lack of confidence in one's own beauty and charm
  • Long absence of any close contacts with the opposite sex
  • Confidence that financial support more important than mutual respect and moral support
  • Fear of loneliness and childlessness
  • Hyperbolic ideas about men
  • Excessive demands on your partner
  • Lack of sexuality and femininity

In order to stop building a relationship with a person who does not show reciprocity towards you, it is important to find the reason that pushes you towards this form of love and psychological dependence from a partner.

The following methods are suitable for this:

  • Psychoanalysis
  • Professional psychological consultation
  • Dance classes
  • Meditations

Dancing and yoga are like any other form physical activity, will help you unlock female potential: develop flexibility and plasticity, and also teach you how to control your passion, emotions and improve body control skills that increase self-esteem and sexuality.

Well, now let’s list the consequences of a woman chasing a man:

  • The stronger sex loses interest in his partner
  • There is no proper distribution of responsibilities in the relationship
  • Gender role reversal promotes the manifestation of qualities and behavior in men that are characteristic of women
  • There is a lack of understanding and respect for each other in the relationship
  • A partner whose feelings are not reciprocated feels inferior and may become depressed or develop a psychological disorder
  • A woman experiences her own inadequacy
  • The fair sex acquires complexes and self-doubt
  • While a woman is trying to attract the attention of one man, she does not notice worthy partners next to her

Why doesn't a real woman run after a man, and why don't men like it when people run after them?

Many ladies wonder why some representatives of the fair sex never try to please men, but they do not experience a shortage of fans, while others try in every possible way to attract attention to themselves, but for some reason they are passed over.

In order to understand what the difference is between such opposing models of behavior, it is necessary to note the general and various factors behavior. Among the main ones are the following:

  • A confident woman does not need encouragement from others.
  • A strong lady has priorities, interests and work. Therefore, he always knows what to do free time without girlfriends and men
  • A real woman takes care of her own external beauty, health and education. She regularly expands her knowledge in various topics, watches her figure and uses cosmetics
  • A strong personality does not depend financially, morally or psychologically on his partner. She has a profession, skills and experience, so the financial condition of her lover does not play a major role
  • A real woman knows how to build relationships. She accepts a man without trying to change him
  • A confident lady will not tolerate being around a gigolo, a gambler, a cheater, or another man who does not match her personality. mental development. After all, she knows that she deserves only the best
  • A true representative of the fair sex is not ashamed of her age, weight and shortcomings, but at the same time, she knows how to emphasize her strengths

The psychology of women who are accustomed to seeking a man’s love has several common characteristics:

  • Weak ladies are not very confident in themselves and try in every possible way to hide their shortcomings, creating the image of an ideal housewife, employee and woman
  • Representatives of the fair sex did not have healthy, full-fledged relationships
  • Women are used to proving their devotion and fidelity through their actions. Therefore, they win the object of sympathy with the help of gifts, food and various surprises
  • Weak ladies are envious and often gossips. They rarely manage to build relationships with strong personalities
  • Insecure representatives of the fair sex have many complexes and doubt their attractiveness

In order to determine why men do not like it when a woman shows persistent signs of attention, it is important to consider the situation from the point of view of representatives of the strong part of humanity. Psychologists identify the following factors:

  • A man stops feeling like a “hunter”
  • The motivation to win the object of sympathy disappears
  • A man does not need to look for a way to get closer to his partner with the help of flowers and gifts, because he knows that she is ready for anything without them
  • The representative of the stronger sex is provided more choice women, because using own beauty and charm, he can win anyone without any effort.
  • A man does not need to spend time going through all the stages of a relationship, so sexual intercourse can happen without any costs

Of course, there are a considerable number of representatives of the stronger sex who are obviously looking for weaker partners. This is due to a number of complexes and psychological problems, which are typical for such men. However, name similar relationships healthy and full-fledged cannot be, because most of the people who are members of them are not happy.

Why you shouldn’t run after a man after a breakup: psychology

Breaking up with a partner is not easy for most women. Especially if the relationship lasted long time. However, you should not try to get your ex back. Psychologists also agree that experienced relationships must be forgotten without trying to renew them. In favor this opinion the following arguments are made:

  • There will be no more harmony and respect in the relationship. Our consciousness is designed in such a way that it constantly returns us to past memories and emotions, so it is physically impossible to forget grievances and misunderstandings
  • You must understand the reason for the separation and analyze your behavior in order to avoid the same mistakes in the future.
  • Breakups can be new for women life stage. You need to take care of your appearance and inner beauty, and also spend as little time as possible alone with thoughts about your ex
  • If your boyfriend betrayed you once, he will gladly disappoint you again

  • You're not in love with current partner, but in the image that was remembered from the first stages of the relationship with him. However, people can change under the influence of many factors, so it is impossible to return the personality for which you experienced love
  • Getting back together with your ex won't solve the problems that caused you to break off contact with him in the first place.
  • You might miss out real chance improve your personal life with another partner while you are distracted by the past
  • If a man really needs you, he will take the initiative: meet, call, write a message, send a gift by delivery service, etc. Regardless of his financial situation and other factors

If you can't forget ex-partner, you should not show signs of attention first. Give the man a chance to rehabilitate himself and take the initiative on his own. It is this act that will help you realize the likelihood of further development of your story, and will also show true attitude to you.

Never run after a man, let him run after you: tips for girls and women to fall in love with yourself for life and keep a guy, a man

Understand human relations and feelings are sometimes beyond the power of even highly qualified psychologists. After all, every person means by the phrase “ ideal partner» a list of qualities that may be unacceptable to others. However, in the case of unrequited love, you should not give up. You always need to fight for your right to happiness, without succumbing to humiliation and psychological pressure from the object of sympathy or society.

The best way to attract a guy's attention is the opposite reaction: so that he himself shows interest in your personality. To achieve this goal, you must follow the following tips:

  • Become interesting. Try to find out what your crush's hobbies are. After all common interests will help start a conversation, and will also interest both in long-term communication
  • You shouldn’t put pressure on a man and show your interest in every possible way. Let him make the first move
  • Try to appear in the same places where your chosen one most often visits. However, remember, you must remain steadfast in any situation. Therefore, if he regularly goes to a bar, remain a lady even in such an establishment
  • Respond to messages neutrally, but do not long pauses in the answers. He needs to see that you value his attention and are interested in communication.

  • Agree to go on a date. There is no need to reject his proposals, because the man will think that you simply do not like him
  • Awaken his passion. Send a provocative photo or message, but don't overdo it. Vulgar women Not many representatives of the stronger sex like it, but its piquancy and eroticism will not leave anyone indifferent
  • Be independent. Don't ask men for money or help. He must see that there is no infantilism in you, and you are a holistic, formed personality
  • Let the man control the situation. He can make his own decisions and take actions. Support his initiative and don't criticize him
  • Accept your object of sympathy, his family, profession and hobbies without reproaches or moralizing. No one is perfect, but a man should feel calm and confident that he is loved. It is this factor that motivates representatives of the stronger sex to take care of women and give feelings and emotions with additional impact

How to stop running after a guy, a man, but get him interested: tips from the book of Rashid Kirranov

Rashid Kirranov - famous psychologist, specializing in relationships. His book “Psychology of Men” reveals secrets that will help women not only better understand the opposite sex, but also build harmonious relationships. long term relationship. Some of the fundamental principles of his book are:

  • Men are not breadwinners 24/7. In moments of despair, they also deserve attention, care and affection, like representatives of the fair sex
  • In order to build strong relationships it is necessary to discuss conflicts, disputes and claims
  • Don't give gifts or support financially
  • There is no need to be afraid to take the first step, but it is important to keep your distance and not impose your feelings
  • Don't let a man live on your property

  • A woman needs to be sincere and clearly articulate her desires and needs.
  • Do not agree to close contact if you do not know each other well, and also if your partner does not respect you
  • Stand up for your point of view and do not allow yourself to be manipulated

Unrequited feelings sometimes lead to mutual sympathy, love and marriage. However, do not forget about the purpose of a woman and your own priorities. After spending years trying to win over the object of your affection, you may suddenly realize that something is very close to you. ideal man, not needing heroic deeds and sacrifices for the sake of love.

Video: How to stop being afraid of being alone and not running after men?

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