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Development of mental abilities in preschool children. Development of intellectual abilities of preschool children

Project “Intellectual development of children through educational games”

Author: Kostenko Larisa Anatolyevna, senior teacher of MKDOU "Podgorensky kindergarten No. 1"
Relevance of the problem
The modern world around a child is constantly changing and dynamic. The education system should help ensure that the child receives such knowledge, skills and abilities that would allow him to successfully adapt to new conditions of society.
Today there are a large number of educational programs for kindergarten, and institutions have the opportunity to choose the one that meets their requirements and interests.
Modern requirements, taking into account the federal state educational standard of preschool education for developmental education during preschool childhood, dictate the need to create new forms of play activity that would preserve elements of cognitive, educational and playful communication.
Based on the goals and objectives of the Federal State Educational Standard, I developed my project, which will reveal new opportunities for preschoolers.
The formation and development of mathematical concepts in preschoolers is the basis for the intellectual development of children and contributes to the general mental education of the preschooler. Intellectual development is the development of operational structures of the intellect, during which mental operations gradually acquire qualitatively new properties: coordination, reversibility, automation.
To implement this project, I organized the work of the “Entertaining Mathematics” circle. The circle provides an opportunity to develop cognitive activity, interest in mathematics, develop logical thinking, and creative imagination. The peculiarity of this work is that this activity presents a system of exciting games and exercises for children with numbers, signs, geometric shapes, thereby allowing them to qualitatively prepare children for school.
When conducting group work, I pay special attention to the development of logical forms of thinking. I organize educational activities based on the interests, needs and inclinations of children, thereby stimulating children’s desire to engage in mathematics. As part of circle activities, children are not limited in their ability to express their thoughts, feelings, and moods in games. The use of gaming methods and techniques, plots, fairy-tale characters, and schemes arouses constant interest in logic games. The activity of the circle does not take the form of “study and teaching”, but turns into a creative process of the teacher and children.
When starting the project, I proceeded from the assumption that the leading conditions for the intellectual development of younger preschoolers in the process of forming primary mathematical concepts are:
- the presence of clearly substantiated goals and content of the educational process aimed at the intellectual development of preschool children in the process of forming primary mathematical concepts;
- taking into account the characteristics of children in the process of forming mathematical concepts;
- systematic work by activating games and gaming techniques that arouse children’s interest in activities;
- variability in the use of programs in preschool educational institutions that stimulate the intellectual development of preschool children;
- humanization of the educational process as a condition for the intellectual development of preschool children.
Objective of the project: intellectual development of preschool children, development of mathematical abilities, logical thinking, creative imagination through the introduction of innovative technologies.
Development of basic mental operations (comparison, classification).
Development of cognitive processes of perception of memory, attention, imagination.
Development of creative abilities.
Development of fine motor skills and visual-motor coordination.
Development of mathematical abilities and aptitudes.
Give children the opportunity to feel the joy of learning, the joy of new knowledge gained through logic games.
Mastering the basic skills of an algorithmic culture of thinking.
Consolidation of knowledge acquired in the course of direct educational activities.

Project type:
educational - research
group, long-term
Project implementation timeline: September - May

Project participants:
children of the second junior group, Art. teacher Kostenko L.A.
Expected Results
By the end of the project, children should know:
Count within 5, using the correct counting techniques (name the numbers in order, pointing to objects located in a row; coordinate the numeral with the noun in gender, number and case).
Relate the number to the number of items.
Solve math riddles.
Establish equality and inequality of groups of objects.
Know geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle, rectangle.
Compare objects of contrasting and identical sizes in size, height, length, width, thickness.
Distinguish and correctly name the parts of the day: morning, afternoon, evening, night.
Distinguish and name the seasons.
Be able to distinguish between concepts: yesterday, today, tomorrow, use these words correctly.
Focus on a piece of paper.
Determine the position of an object in relation to another.
Solve logical problems involving comparison and classification.
Understand the task and complete it independently.
Develop age-appropriate logical abilities.

Organizational stage
Drawing up a work plan for the “Entertaining Mathematics” circle.
Diagnostics of children at the beginning of a project on intellectual development.
Selection of didactic material.
Practical stage
Conducting a circle 2 times a week.
Use of logic games, verbal, didactic.
The final stage
Diagnostics of children at the end of the project
Project presentation.
Educational games used during the project

Educational play is a huge factor in a child's mental development. (Blonsky)
Author's logic game “Hide the Butterfly”

Logic game “Make a circle”

Games contribute to the development of fine motor skills of hands, logical thinking, imagination, and consolidation of knowledge of the color spectrum.
Voskobovich games- these are games of a new type, simulating the creative process, creating their own microclimate for the development of the creative side of the intellect.
Logic game "Miracle - honeycomb"

Logic game "Miracle - cross"

By using Cuisenaire sticks The child learns to decode the play of colors and numerical relationships. They arouse a keen interest in children, develop activity and independence in the search for ways to act with the material, ways to solve mental problems.

Dienesha blocks contribute to the development of the ability to classify and generalize geometric shapes according to signs, develop attention, logical thinking.

Exercise equipment turn the learning process into entertainment and encourage kids to believe in themselves and their abilities. Playing simulators, children become smarter and more reasonable, train visual memory, voluntary attention, fine motor skills of fingers, get acquainted with colors, geometric shapes.

A painter needs a canvas,
A sculptor needs space,
And for the thinker - mental gymnastics.

Zack's Games

In games with sticks, they create great opportunities for the development of not only ingenuity and ingenuity, but also such qualities of thinking as activity, independence.
Nikitin's games
Logic game “Fold the pattern”

Each of us is a designer and an artist at heart,
The main thing is not to be afraid to act and create boldly.

Games - puzzles develop spatial representations, imagination, constructive thinking, combinatorial abilities, ingenuity, ingenuity, resourcefulness, purposefulness in solving practical and intellectual problems.

"Pick up the key"

A child's life is complete only when
when he lives in the world of the game,
in the world of creativity.
V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Logic game "Mosaic of numbers"

"Pythagoras's Puzzle"

Doing something with your own hands is a pleasure.

“Children are always willing to do something. This is very useful, and therefore not only should this not be interfered with, but measures must also be taken to ensure that they always have something to do.”
Y. Kamensky

Logic game "Columbus Egg"

I hear and forget
I see and I remember
I do it and I understand.
Chinese wisdom.

Logic game "Magic Circle"

Logic game "Leaf"

Games using an interactive whiteboard
Working with an interactive whiteboard allows you to use didactic games and exercises, communicative games, problem situations, and creative tasks in educational activities in a new way. The use of ID in the joint and independent activities of the child is one of the effective ways to motivate and individualize learning, develop creative abilities and create a favorable emotional background.

When working with an interactive whiteboard, children's cognitive and creative activity, curiosity, imagination, and thinking develop.
The use of an interactive whiteboard in kindergarten allows children to develop the ability to navigate the information flows of the world around them, acquire practical skills in working with information, and develop versatile skills.
Game "Keeping Eyes"- this is a training of visual analyzers, the development of a holistic perception, attention, memory.

Board and printed games develop perception, attention, memory, logical and spatial thinking.

Board games arouse interest in children with unusual and entertaining, requiring mental and volitional stress, contribute to the development of spatial representations, creative initiative, ingenuity, quick wits.

Educational games “Find a pair”, “Match by silhouette”, “Whose silhouette?” help kids in the development of logical thinking, attention, visual memory, speech. They consolidate knowledge about the world around them and have developed the skill of grouping objects according to shape.

Logic game "Loto"

Games of logical content help to cultivate cognitive interest in children, contribute to research and creative search, desire and ability to learn.


Developing intelligence in preschoolers through entertainment

Shared reading not only a great way to entertain a child with an interesting story or fairy tale. Reading is also crucial for enhancing a child's mental abilities. Another important value of reading is the emergence and improvement of early literacy. The child begins to speak better and also better understand speech addressed to him. By the way! Do you know ?

A preschool child usually has a highly developed imagination. Although he begins to play even earlier, at the age of 3-5 the child continues to use his imagination more often and more fully. The baby portrays the characters of famous cartoons, strives to convey not only speech, but also the manner of speaking, moving and dressing. In addition to being fun, pretend play allows children to develop creativity, language skills and peer interaction skills. When children play a game with certain rules, they improve their social skills, self-control and communication skills. Children also exchange existing experience and knowledge with each other. Therefore, it is important to have not only peers, but also older comrades as friends.

Research shows that the younger the child, the easier it is for him to learn several languages ​​at once. Second language learning at an early stage, doubly stimulates the area of ​​the brain responsible for storing and sequencing words. A second language also helps develop verbal and spatial abilities, improve vocabulary and reading skills.
Educational games and TV programs will help your child's development, but not everything. A child should not just sit and watch a program or play, performing the necessary actions mechanically. You need to be nearby to explain what is happening on the TV or monitor screen. Parents must first watch the program or game themselves and approve of it, to understand what benefits it will bring to the child. Try to keep the time your child spends watching TV and computers to no more than two hours a day.

Sports clubs for children improve social and motor skills. Music and art clubs develop the child’s musical and artistic intelligence.

There is an opinion that if a child at 3 years old can already read well enough, then this increases his intelligence. But research shows that often reading a text, such a child does not understand the meaning of some words and the general meaning of the text being read.

With the help of entertainment together with parents there should be. Remember that you can and should take part in your child's entertainment, but do not allow excessive control. Otherwise, they may become not very attractive to the baby and lose some of their importance for the development of the child’s skills. It is also important not to overload your child with activities in different circles; this can lead to fatigue, bad mood and reluctance to do anything at all. Regardless of what type of activity you choose for your child, make sure that he enjoys it and enjoys the activity.

Watch a very interesting video about the development of intelligence in children: how, in what ways, at what age and what to do with your child.

How and what do you do with your children? development of intelligence through entertainment?

See you soon!

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about the author


Mother of three wonderful children. You can read about us on the page of the same name. I created this site to help young parents raise their children. And my site will also be useful for both the children themselves and future parents. Visit us more often, subscribe to receive site news first. We are always glad to see you as our guest!

  1. Irina Zaitseva

    Oh, Irin, I read the topic and so many memories came flooding back...My daughters were also early. And in order to somehow seat them together, I couldn’t think of anything. There were no such opportunities before. But I still remember all our classes. There were such wonderful lessons with Fafalya. There was such a character. And Fafalya taught everything. We bought all the CDs with it. We also learned to draw. What wonderful lessons these were, and there was a lot of music, and the lessons were simply super, there is no other way to say it. And I really remembered all the lessons with plasticine from him and in English. We watched everything a thousand times. And they did it together.
    And how many books have you re-read? This was our favorite activity. And they started going to the library early. Of course, I worked a lot with my daughters. I almost didn’t work then. There was no Internet either... so it was just him all the time... Which I’m very, very happy about...

    June 15th, 2013 at 20:38

    Hello, Irin! But for some reason I don’t remember such a character as Fafal. I wonder how. I also wanted the same lessons. Although there is a lot of wisdom for children now, sometimes the quality is not enough.

    Irina Zaitseva Replied:
    June 15th, 2013 at 20:52

    @Irina, it’s just that it was almost 20 years ago... I still have all the tapes with such lessons. Only almost no one watches them in this format anymore. But then it was a miracle...

    June 15th, 2013 at 21:20

    @Irina, my oldest is almost 16 years old. Was Fafalya there before? Then I might not have heard of him Irina invites you to visit and invites you to read the post

    Irina Zaitseva Replied:
    June 15th, 2013 at 22:00

    Irish, Fafalya was when my daughters were a little over 2 years old, i.e. about 18 years ago.. Not far from my daughter’s age. It’s just that maybe everything passed by a little. Honestly, I don’t remember where we learned everything from... If memory serves, there were children’s programs on television with him. And after that I ordered all the CDs with lessons.

When a child is born, knowledge of the world begins on an emotional level. The baby feels his mother's care and affection, he is surrounded by a wide variety of sounds and smells. Develop this area of ​​acquaintance with the outside world, talk to your baby, smile at him, he should constantly feel your warmth, as you give him confidence in safety.

From about two months, the baby’s main organ of cognition of the world around him is the mouth. That's why kids start trying everything they see. A child’s intelligence develops along with new experiences. Provide your baby with the opportunity to listen to new sounds, feel, and look at objects. There is nothing wrong with the fact that a child can pull a finger or a rattle into his mouth; children often calm themselves down in this way. Constantly talk to your child, call objects by their proper names. Don’t forget: what you listen to and watch is what your baby absorbs.

From four months, the baby already holds objects more tightly. He begins to “walk”, answering his mother, smiling, actively moving his arms and legs. For a child of this age, you can purchase more complex toys. The spinning wheels of the car will arouse the baby's extraordinary interest, and the singing teddy bear will definitely hold the baby's attention.

From 6 months the child can sit. This is a new position for getting to know everything that is happening around you. From this time on, motor skills actively develop. “Walkers”, “jumpers”, educational mats - all this will give the child the opportunity to discover the world. Offer your baby cubes, pyramids, and nesting dolls. There are many options for playing with these items, make them more complex according to the age of the baby. Read poems and fairy tales to your child, pay attention to the voices of animals. Let's compare the sounds of musical instruments.

From 1 to 3 years old, a child actively explores the world through imitation of adults. The baby sees the lifestyle of his parents, and the same behavior gradually develops in him. So that your child strives to acquire knowledge, so that his intellect develops, fill his life with useful and interesting things. Observe what is happening on the street, show how to react to a particular situation. The child must see an example in order to perceive what you teach him not only by ear. Draw with your child with paints, sculpt from plasticine - this develops many mental processes.

While working with your baby, you can evaluate what he likes best and what he eats. Attend children's plays and concerts; they increase spiritual culture, and therefore the ability to feel and think. When a child goes to school, for the further development of intelligence, he must have a certain accumulated sensations and skills. Everything you taught him will begin to manifest itself in educational activities, so do not waste time with your baby.

For a loving parent, his baby is the smartest. Yes, intelligence is an innate human ability, and the level of its development in the early years depends on heredity. But even if the genome did not add up to mom or dad’s expectations of getting a little genius, you can raise him.

So, you’ve decided to figure out how to develop a child’s intellectual abilities, raise your daughter or son smart, talented, and even more successful than you. It is possible to shift responsibility to teachers or tutors at the age of 4-6, but it is better to study together.

We have developed the LogicLike platform to help parents.
Now it's just create a profile for a child, and we will remind you and tell you where to start.

Basic intellectual abilities that need to be developed in children

Develop your preschooler’s practical and emotional intelligence, his creative and logical thinking consciously, with an understanding of what needs to be worked on. Children aged five to seven years urgently need training:

  • perception - a cognitive process (it can be simple, complex and special in relation to abstract concepts - time, movement, events);
  • memory - the basics, without which further effective development of the intellectual and creative abilities of preschool children is impossible;
  • attention: exciting mental activities help in the formation of voluntary attention; The parents’ task is to “switch” the child from involuntary attention during the game to voluntary attention for better perception and assimilation of new information.

At this stage, you need to “have time” to develop general intellectual abilities - analytical, logical, deductive. And then, as the child moves to a new level, the acquired thinking skills will become the basis for achieving high results in new, more complex training and exercises.

Development of intellectual abilities of preschool children

Issues of development of emotional and social intelligence are the subject of a separate article. We will talk mainly about how to develop mental intelligence (logical-mathematical and spatial) and everyday intelligence (sanity and intelligence).

Intelligence is realized through a number of abilities that need to be developed from early childhood:

  • to learn and learn;
  • analyze information for its systematization and high-quality assimilation;
  • ability to think logically;
  • find patterns and differences in the information received, build associations with previously learned facts.

Do you doubt whether you can handle all this on your own? But you are not the one who will give in to difficulties. Otherwise, they would not have read our material, which is not so easy for a person to understand, loaded with dozens of diverse daily tasks. 🙂

You can easily make activities a fun time together. Turn the development of intellectual and creative abilities into a fun game, and your child will learn to master and absorb tons of information.

Among the most effective tasks and exercises for developing the mind and intelligence of a preschooler:

  1. . While the child and mother are thinking about the answer (it’s good if the son or daughter gets used to pronouncing the logic of their own reasoning), solving riddles develops logical thinking, concentration and memory. The main benefit of puzzles, charades and other riddles is effective training for the brain. Such exercises to develop intellectual abilities will become something like a warm-up before playing sports (only it will be the brain, not the muscles, that will be pumped).
  2. Logic problems (,). If riddles are, first of all, training for the speed of thought, then tasks are already classes to develop the skill of deeply and comprehensively analyzing a situation, to develop flexibility of thinking and quick wits. Logic problems train well the ability to hold several conditions in mind at once and form the skill of developing your own approach to finding the correct or better answer.
  3. - the simplest option to start with. They are bright, “tailored” to training voluntary attention and stimulate active logical thinking (plus they can develop memory, the ability to make forecasts, and build strategies). Many games of this kind are based on the speed of completing assigned tasks.

Also at this stage it is worth instilling in children a love of reading and sports, music and dancing. In dancing, martial arts, and team sports, you always need to move and think simultaneously for yourself and for other participants in the process. All this works great for the development of intellectual abilities not only in preschoolers, but at any age. Both the ancient Romans and modern scientists are unanimous in their opinion: the capabilities of the mind and the degree of physical development are interconnected.

Development of intellectual abilities of schoolchildren

From elementary school, boys and girls urgently need to develop critical and logical thinking (detailed information with a specific solution -).

At the age of 6-10 years, a person’s mentality is formed - analytical, visual-figurative or mixed.

Already in elementary school, children should actively develop:

  • working memory (the ability to hold several intermediate facts, decisions, conclusions in the head);
  • skills of ordering thoughts in judgments, striving to build the correct architecture of thinking;
  • the ability to draw conclusions from the received arrays of information;
  • Gradually increase the speed of performing analytical and other operations.

To better understand how to develop intelligence in a child, how to be able to help him improve his mental abilities, you need to realize:

  • only comprehensive work on increasing intellectual abilities in primary school age (logic, creativity, erudition, emotional, social and practical intelligence) will form a successful personality;
  • a pronounced tendency towards analytical thinking does not cancel creative impulses, they only “hide” behind logic, but they can and should be developed in order to raise a harmonious personality;
  • It is necessary to increase your intellectual abilities not only at the computer or in another relatively passive way, but also through sports: the undisputed leaders are chess, karate; Any team sports, general physical training and athletics are also useful.

Exercises to develop intellectual and creative abilities in younger schoolchildren

In the first grades, children do not yet learn mathematics; they are just beginning to be introduced to the course of arithmetic. However, it is already possible to solve simple problems of searching for patterns and other logic tasks with them.

The LogicLike educational website includes more than 2,500 entertaining educational tasks for children. Register and show it to your child.

Such exercises are excellent training in the ability to think and reason. Those exercises that are recommended for younger children are also effective for the development of intellectual abilities at primary school age (see more details above about logic riddles, tasks and intellectual games).

The period from seven to ten years is the most intense in terms of intellectual development. At this time, nature itself helps: the child’s sense of competition intensifies and voluntary attention and conscious interest in analytical activity are formed. You can safely add to mathematical and logical problems:

  • tasks on spatial thinking (figures and their development, reflections, etc.);
  • chess - perfectly develops the intellect and motivates with the opportunity to surpass your opponent in flexibility and inventiveness of the mind; – are able to teach even a beginner to play chess at a decent level and significantly increase interest in this game;
  • various puzzles for verbal-logical, visual-figurative and abstract-logical thinking, creativity, ingenuity and ingenuity, including truth and lies tasks, algorithms, puzzles with matches and much more.

The comprehensive training program is structured in such a way that the level of difficulty in each category of tasks gradually increases. Where to begin?

As a result of completing a course in the development of logical thinking and intelligence, a 10-12 year old child will not only be able to solve such complex problems that many adults may not be able to do, but also in many aspects of intellectual development will be two heads taller than their less purposeful counterparts. peers.

Middle school and adolescence

From the age of 10-12, in classes for the development of intelligence, you can focus on competition or on an entertaining and playful form of pastime with benefits for the mind and mood. Perhaps the best answers for any parent to the question of how to develop intelligence in a schoolchild:

  • various Olympiads (real and “game”, at school and at home between friends);
  • entertaining competitions for solving logic problems;
  • family, friendly and official chess tournaments;
  • joint solving of Sudoku, solving crossword puzzles;
  • guessing rebuses, logical riddles, tasks and puzzles for logic and ingenuity, and much more.

Setting an example: how to develop intelligence in an adult

The same goes for mom and dad. Yes, the answer to the question whether intelligence can be developed in adults after 40 years of age is unequivocal and positive. You can increase your level at 20, 35, and 55 years old. What changes is the time it takes to get results and the amount of effort required.

How to act to improve the functioning of your own brain as an adult?

  1. Remove barriers that may be stopping you from moving forward:
    - turn off the fear of failing in new activities;
    - realize that just knowledge of a narrow topic, even at the highest level, does not make a person smarter on all fronts, and often, on the contrary, greatly interferes with the versatile harmonious development of the intellect and personality;
    - even if you are already an established super-pro in your business, your motivation should not suffer, especially if you already have children: work out with them, for them and for yourself.
  2. Do you understand the importance of regular exercise? The human brain is the same muscle. If it is not exercised for years, it will become flabby, but it can be brought into shape through a cycle of classes to increase its intellectual level through the development of creative abilities and logical thinking. Solve logic problems with your children, play chess, solve riddles, captivate them with puzzles and puzzles, especially mathematical ones.
  3. Read more books. But even if you have speed reading skills, don’t forget that sometimes you just need to read for pleasure: delve deeply into the plots, enjoy the works, “living the adventures of the main character.” A good book (remember what works inspired you in childhood and youth) can work as a full-fledged “vitamin complex for the mind.” This is fertile soil, but in order for the brain to be constantly in good shape, it must be regularly trained.

How to increase the level of intelligence in an adult and a child at the same time?

Engage in sports, reading and the comprehensive development of logical thinking and intellectual abilities together as a family.

Okay, everything is clear with sports activities and reading. It would be nice to find a place where the most interesting and diverse tasks, riddles, conundrums and other tasks for the full development of intelligence are collected... Perhaps an online service created for raising smart kids and adults?

Take responsibility for organizing both any offline family activities and online joint activities:

  • You can study on a tablet, but it’s better to use a home computer or laptop;
  • set a time that is convenient for everyone, and teach your child discipline: make your joint training of intellectual abilities a family ritual, for example, after dinner;
  • you can start with 20-30 minutes a day, it is important to do a mental warm-up “without downtime” - regularly, every day;
  • During the summer holidays, some children should increase the load to keep their brain in good shape.

Develop your logic and intelligence playfully, easily and with pleasure, while having a pleasant time with your family: for the benefit of your soul and mind.

We have prepared a special complex for the formation of a logical foundation of thinking

  • 2500 tasks, 15 categories, 5 difficulty levels.
  • Video lessons and blocks with theory.
  • Hints and explanations from experts.

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