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10 makeup mistakes that age you. Which makeup makes you look younger and which makes you look old? Dark eyeliner on the lower part of the mucosa

Staying young and beautiful as long as possible is a completely natural desire for almost every woman. Of course, youth depends not only on makeup and the right outfit. But sometimes it’s the wrong makeup that can add several years to your life, which, you see, is never the desired result for women. Let's talk about 5 makeup mistakes that make you look older.

5 makeup mistakes that age a woman

  1. Mistake #1: Using a thick layer of foundation and powder

A layer of foundation that is too thick will inevitably get stuck in your wrinkles. Use a light layer of foundation or a good substitute - BB cream. If your skin is oily, then instead of 3-4 layers of unsuitable foundation, apply one layer of tone for oily or problem skin. Also, a concealer would be a good replacement for foundation. It is enough to highlight problem areas - the area under the eyes, the area near the wings of the nose, the forehead and other minor imperfections on the face. This method is perfect for those with dry, normal and aging skin.

  1. Mistake #2: Dark lipsticks

Despite fashion trends, dark lipsticks are not suitable for everyone. Brown, maroon, purple - all these shades will work against you. Brown shades on the lips very rarely give freshness to the face. And after a certain age, our natural blush becomes less and less noticeable. So choose lipsticks in shades of pink, peach, lilac and red depending on your skin color and taste. Also, be careful with matte lipsticks. Matte lipsticks dry out lips and make them less plump. If you are still partial to a matte effect on your lips, then choose rich shades of lipsticks applied to previously well-moisturized lips.

  1. Black eyeliner and black eyeliner

For many women, black eyeliner, thickly lined eyes with black pencil or eye shadow is a favorite technique for applying eye makeup. But, unfortunately or fortunately, such makeup makes most ladies look old. Try to replace black pencils and shadows with lighter ones - brown or gray. Focus on the upper eyelid. The lower eyelid should be highlighted just a little, or even avoid applying pencil and eyeshadow to this area altogether. The reason for such “taboo” is due to the fact that swelling and circles under the eyes quite often appear on the lower eyelid, and with age this becomes even more noticeable. Therefore, excessive darkening of the lower eyelid will only aggravate the situation and add a couple of years to you.

  1. Thickly colored eyelashes

Thickly colored eyelashes, like dark eyeliner, make your look more tired and, as a result, make you look older. You need to be especially careful with your lower eyelashes. Thickly painted lower eyelashes emphasize and enhance the shadow under the eyes, making the look heavy. Therefore, limit yourself to a very light layer of mascara on your lower eyelashes or leave them completely bare.

  1. Poorly defined eyebrows

Too dark or, on the contrary, too light - barely noticeable eyebrows will give the face a painful, tired look. The same applies to the width of the eyebrows. Nowadays fashion trends tend towards a natural eyebrow shape, which refreshes the face well and makes it look younger. But still, very wide eyebrows are not an option suitable for every woman. Therefore, first of all, focus on your face type.

Important! Choose an eyebrow pencil or shadow that is 1-2 shades lighter than your natural eyebrow shade. Eyebrows that are too dark will make your face look rough and will inevitably make you look older.

Love and beauty to you dear women! 🙂

Every woman wants to look fresh and young. The most faithful assistant in this is makeup. With the correct application of miraculous cosmetics, you can hide stress, lack of sleep, and age-related changes. But there comes a time when sadness begins to be reflected in the eyes, the skin becomes less elastic, even if you are a regular client of the cosmetologist, and the oval of the face changes.

It also happens that makeup creates the opposite effect. Women make mistakes and in most cases do not even realize it.

Will tell you about the 10 main mistakes in age makeup, which should be avoided if you don’t want to look older than your age. Young women aged 25 should also pay attention to this if they do not want to look like their mothers.

Makeup for women 50 years old

Makeup doesn't matter if your skin is unkempt. Remember, hydration is the key to good makeup. Over the years, the skin becomes more dehydrated, so regularly use various face masks. Fabric ones are perfect: convenient and very effective.

Don't make the above mistakes and you will look young and beautiful. Share beauty tips with your friends on social networks!

There is a happy medium between too much tone and no tone, and that's what we're looking for. Too much tone will highlight all your wrinkles and facial folds, and its absence will leave all skin imperfections visible. The solution is to use a light moisturizing, but not too greasy foundation that will hydrate your skin and at the same time hide imperfections.

2. Dry, hungry skin

Skin becomes drier over the years, requiring increasingly stronger moisturizers. Not giving her enough care is a big mistake and ages you significantly. Don't forget this. Check out new moisturizing products and experiment with natural skin care products that are both healthy and affordable. A good night cream will help your skin look rested even if you haven't slept much, reduce wrinkles and give your face a youthful glow

3. Too much powder

Translucent powder is the way to go! You need to make it a rule to use it over the tone, it gives the skin a velvety and well-groomed appearance, mattifies the shine. Due to the absence of pigment, the transparent powder is not noticeable in small folds and wrinkles, which is especially important for women who want to use makeup to divert attention from the appearance of small facial wrinkles. Naturally, transparent powder will not be able to hide obvious skin imperfections, for example, severe inflammation, but for women with good skin condition, such powder will be an excellent solution.
The powder perfectly mattifies the face and helps get rid of oily shine in the T-zone, but you should not apply it to the area around the eyes, it will look drier and older.

4. Glitter shadows

Add metallic shadows to your list of makeup mistakes, make it a point to replace them with matte shadows, and you will never regret your decision! Oddly enough, glitter shadows and light metallics increase the visibility of wrinkles, making the delicate area of ​​the eyelid appear duller, drier and older visually. Never apply glitter to the outer corners of your eyes - shiny shadows will highlight every wrinkle. Glitter is best applied to the inner corner of the eye, the center of the eyelid and the bone under the eyebrow. Matte, warm, skin-toned shadows will give your eyes a flawless satin shine, smoothing out imperfections.

5. Bad relationship with blush

To look good, you must know perfectly how to use blush! You need to find the shade that suits you and learn how to apply it correctly. Say goodbye to your dark, bright blushes and look for lighter, pinkish or peachy ones. Apply them to the upper area of ​​your cheeks, not the middle. Highlighting the apples of your cheeks used to be a good idea, but we change as we age, and if you're over thirty, there's no need to draw attention to this area - apply your new shade of blush higher up on your cheekbones. Start at the top of your cheekbones (at your hairline , next to the ear), then see the brush across the cheek horizontally (not diagonally or down) until you reach the center of the face. the effect will be simply amazing. A soft, more natural shade will give your face a romantic, youthful look, and blush applied to the cheekbones will give a mini-lifting effect.

6. Wrong choice of lipstick

Using dark, metallic lipstick colors and formulas that are too dry is a very serious mistake. This will visually weigh down your lips and make them look older. Choose a soft, buttery, deeply hydrating formula to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and to add volume to your lips, choose a lipstick with a soft, velvety sheen, definitely avoiding dark shades. Fresh, natural colors give the best effect, giving your lips just enough protection and hydration and adding a subtle tint.

7. Too much makeup under the eyes

Carefully painted lower eyelashes highlight crow's feet and emphasize dark circles under the eyes, so you shouldn't paint the lower eyelid. But apply black mascara to the upper eyelashes - it will highlight the whites of the eyes. Use an eyelash curler - it will open your eyes and help you visually lose several years.
Likewise, too much corrector or concealer under the eyes makes you look older. The skin under the eyes is very thin and delicate, and a thick layer of corrector will inevitably enhance and add relief to small wrinkles. Apply only a light layer of concealer under your eyes. Buy a liquid product that is convenient to apply with a brush and adjust the layer thickness.

Yes, it’s better not to make makeup mistakes that age you... Experiment - yes, try something new - yes, but don’t add years to yourself! What about you, have you made similar mistakes? I - yes..)

Lips in a “bow”, eyebrows in a “house” ─ what other makeup mistakes can ruin a woman’s image and visually age her? How to create the perfect Make Up according to makeup artists?

It’s not just high school girls and university graduates who make makeup mistakes. Young women and older ladies “suffer” from this no less often! But a solution has been found! We have collected the top common mistakes and ways to fix them from professionals. You will find out what ideal makeup looks like after reading the article.

Mistake 1: Matting the skin

Smooth, smooth, velvety... Who among us doesn't want to have flawless skin? But in an effort to hide juvenile acne or simply uneven tone, some women go to extremes. And then the matting of the skin erases the volume, which is why the face looks flat, and the fair sex looks several years older.

The secret of youth: Instead of a thick mattifying product, which is only relevant for a stage look, use foundation creams and serums. They are distinguished by their light texture, good masking properties and weightless coverage. To add youthful freshness to your face, before applying the product, combine it with a couple of drops of liquid highlighter with shimmer. The face will seem to be illuminated from within. Look at Kim Kardashian, how different these two images of her are perceived!

If you cannot refuse to use a proven foundation, use it only in the correction area, and not on the entire face.

Mistake 2: Too much powder

High-quality powder is an indispensable item in your cosmetic bag. Powdering the skin after using foundation helps avoid the appearance of oily shine and also extends the durability of the makeup. But if you overdo it and apply more powder than necessary, your face visually becomes older, looks faded and painful. And when there are already wrinkles on the face or skin creases have formed, the powder can roll off and clog them, thereby focusing attention on aesthetic defects.

The secret of youth: Makeup artists working at Fashion Weeks advise the fair sex to use powder only in the T-zone - powder the forehead, nose and chin.

But you shouldn’t correct the eyelid area with powder; the skin there is very thin and sensitive. Not only can the product dry it out, but also the “disguise” will be noticeable to everyone. Angelina Jolie often sins with an abundance of powder, but she also has successful solutions.

Mistake 3: Thin eyebrows

Today, the trend is thick and wide eyebrows, like those of model Cara Delevingne; thin “threads” are a thing of the past. If you are still drawing your eyebrows like a house, stop doing that immediately! And when planning to tattoo your eyebrows, pay attention to modern techniques, for example, microblading. Unlike classic tattooing, it gives the complete illusion of natural eyebrows, because each hair is drawn separately.

The secret of youth: Grow your eyebrows! Expressive arches above the eyes make the look open, clear and fresh. Jennifer Lopez has realized this over the years.

Once your eyebrows reach the desired thickness, seek help from a professional. The master will select a shape that will not only ennoble the face, making it more beautiful and harmonious, but also visually rejuvenate it. To make your makeup flawless, all you have to do is apply a fixative (wax or gel) to your eyebrows and carefully comb them with a special brush.

Mistake 4: Using the wrong eye product

Young beauties and older ladies can be bothered by the same problem - blue under the eyes, dark circles and a tired look. If in youth these “signs” are a consequence of improper care or nocturnal lifestyle, then in older age they speak of natural aging. To erase imperfections from the face, women use foundation, sometimes applying it in a very thick layer. Needless to say that the result is not pleasing? A few finger movements ─ and plus 5-7 years! For example, like Leighton Meester in the first photo.

The secret of youth: Carefully select skin care cosmetics for the skin around the eyes, and then early wrinkles and dark circles will not bother you. But if the problem has already made itself felt, pay special attention to the choice of concealer.

Decorative properties and skin care combine foundation fluids for the eyelids. It is important that the shade is not too light - it is permissible to exceed it by one tone. Another good option is a corrector for the area around the eyes; it expertly hides imperfections and adds radiance to the look.

Mistake 5: Darkening the lower eyelid

In age-related makeup, darkening the lower eyelid is often justified because it highlights the eyes, visually “opening” them. If a woman has good skin and no bags under her eyes, there is no need to emphasize the lower eyelid - the look is already expressive. A thick line along the lower row of eyelashes makes you look old, and often looks vulgar. The only exception is makeup done using the Smoky eyes technique.

The secret of youth: Draw graphic arrows on the moving eyelid. If you want to emphasize the lower row of eyelashes, draw a thin line along it in white, golden or silver color - according to experts, this technique erases years from the face, makes the look deep and beautiful. Look what wonders it does to Kim Kardashian's eyes!

Mistake 6: Lack of blush

With age, the face loses its youthful colors, the skin becomes dull and acquires a characteristic pallor. Excitement and anxiety, as well as lack of sleep and some chronic diseases are reflected on the face, adding years to the passport age.

The secret of youth: If the reflection in the mirror seems faded to you, pick up a round brush and a box of blush. Smile at your reflection and place dots on the apples of your cheeks. Blend the latter well until you achieve a barely visible girlish blush, like Scarlett Johansson.

If you don’t know which shade of blush is right for you, take a closer look at peach shades. Makeup artists claim that such blush suits everyone.

Mistake 7: Lipstick too dark

Dark matte lipsticks are trending today. They are worn by Hollywood stars and famous models. You can find them on the pages of glossy magazines and in your favorite cosmetics store. But before you buy lipstick in the current shade, weigh the pros and cons! The matte structure of the product and dark color will look good only on the perfectly smooth skin of plump lips. Look at Lana Del Rey - in the first photo there is not only drama in her image, but also an extra 5-7 years.

The secret of youth: To avoid turning into a youthful “old lady” after applying your makeup, prefer fresh pink and red shades to dark matte tones. Before applying lipstick, be sure to make a contour - outline your lips with a pencil to match your lips. This will not only prevent your lipstick from going beyond the edges, but will also visually add sensuality and fullness to your lips. Look how Amber Heard did it: with fresh lipstick, she is unrecognizable, while in the first photo the look turned out to be slightly decadent.

Mistake 8: Falling eyeshadow

Eye shadow is a real lifesaver if a woman needs to highlight her eyes, adding shine, depth and radiance to them. Depending on the chosen shade, you can adjust the shape and shape of the eyes, and focus on the color of the iris or eyelashes. But sometimes shadows can play a cruel joke on a woman - rolling into wrinkles or crumbling under the eyes. At one time they really liked to paint Kristen Stewart. But how much better she looks in the second photo, without those dark circles under her eyes from the crumbling shadows!

The secret of youth: Before applying eyeshadow, prime your eyelid area with primer. This product was created to maintain the integrity of makeup and prevent eyeshadow from falling off. But it is better to apply foundation on the face after creating eye makeup, especially if you like Smoky eyes.

Mistake 9: Ignoring concealer

Not only wrinkles age a woman, age spots also have this unpleasant property. They can appear on your face if you love sunbathing and tanning in a solarium and neglect protective equipment. Creams and serums with sun protection factor should definitely be in every woman’s arsenal! If you are prone to pigmentation, you need to use them all year round, and not just during the sunny period. When pigment spots have already settled on the face, you can hide them with the help of cosmetics.

The secret of youth: To hide pigmentation, before applying foundation, use a yellow corrector. This technique will even out your complexion and mask the “kisses” of the sun. If the spots are too dark, after applying foundation, apply concealer locally with a brush to match your skin tone. Blend carefully, and there will be no trace of cosmetic imperfection left!

Mistake 10: Doll eyelashes

Beautiful eye makeup for every day is lush, thick, separated eyelashes. Thick black sticks that imitate thickness, “doll” and false eyelashes are best left for costume parties or a 60s-style photo shoot. Such makeup in daylight makes a woman look older and looks pretentious. Beyonce with and without false eyelashes is an example of how natural is better than artificial.

The secret of youth: To make your eyelashes look natural and have natural fullness and length, determine for yourself the optimal number of layers of mascara.

According to makeup artists, three layers are enough for luxurious makeup. Moreover, each subsequent layer can be applied only after the previous one has dried. If done correctly, you don't even need a brush to separate your lashes!

Wonderful images for you! Always be young and beautiful!

    Which star do you think had the worst look?

A simple trick to lift your cheeks and lengthen your face: Apply blush with a light brush stroke in a swirl just above the high point of your cheek. And don’t blend the blush onto your cheeks and mouth—this technique makes you look older. It is preferable to use dry blush. More about how to apply blush correctly.

2. Too pale foundation

Forget the usual rule that your makeup base should match your skin tone. As you age, your skin color becomes pale, and if you choose too light a foundation, you will look like you've been sick. Stylists advise choosing warmer shades for your makeup base, one tone darker than your skin. If you're wary of changing your tone all at once, try mixing a little of your old foundation with your new, darker shade on the back of your hand, then apply to your face. Warmer foundation tones contain less pink undertones, so they will also cover up any redness on your face. TOP 10 foundations.

How to look younger with makeup: video instruction

3. Concealer abuse

Do not use a concealer pencil (concealer) often. It can let you down, not by hiding, but by emphasizing the wrinkles on your face. Concealer is best used to cover dark circles under the eyes, but not to cover wrinkles. It’s better to take a highlighter and apply it with a brush to the middle of the upper eyelid and blend it out. Then apply a dab to the inner corners of the eye and under the eyebrow, as well as under the eyes and blend. The shine of the highlighter will make your eyes brighter and more expressive, and will disguise signs of fatigue.

4. Thin drawn eyebrows

There are two main makeup mistakes: heavily plucked sparse eyebrows or brightly drawn ones with a black pencil. Do not use eye pencils to define your eyebrows; they are too soft and leave large marks. There are special eyebrow pencils that are harder, use them and your eyebrows will look natural. All major cosmetics manufacturers also have special products for masking plucked areas on the eyebrows.

Why is it better to apply lipstick with a brush?

5. Applying lipstick without a brush

Do not paint your lips with lipstick in a tube or pencil, but use a special brush to apply it. Over the years, the contour of the lips fades, so be sure to highlight it with a lip pencil. Using a brush, apply a little lipstick to the center of your lips and blend out to the corners. Stylists advise blotting the first layer of lipstick with a paper napkin, and then applying the second layer.

6. Lack of hydration

Over the years, when hormone levels drop and the skin becomes drier, it is advised to moisturize it using a richer foundation. But there are dangers here, since for a greater effect, more coloring pigment in powder form is added to such creams, and it dries out the skin. Before applying makeup, apply moisturizer to your face, and then apply a thin layer of regular foundation.

7. Too bright eyeshadow

During the day, shadows on the eyelids should be invisible. Shadows applied too thickly make you look old, and they also get stuck in the folds of your eyelids, forming streaks. The same effect is obtained from using concealer. The best solution: do not use eye shadow during the day or simply apply a thin layer of beige foundation or powder.

8. Pencil instead of liquid eyeliner

Often the eyeliner line ends up uneven and jagged. To avoid this, do not pull the eyelid towards the corners of the eye. Simply lower your chin and half-close your eyelids so that you can see them, and apply a thin line of liquid eyeliner to your upper eyelid. It does not tighten the skin and lies smoother than a pencil. Do not emphasize the lower eyelid. How to apply eyeliner correctly.

What color should eye shadow be?

9. Choosing the wrong eyeshadow

If you use brown eyeshadow, be aware that brown contains red and yellow pigments that make you look tired. Purple eyeshadow gives your eyes a tear-stained look. And the ivory eyeshadow is too light to disguise skin imperfections on the eyelids. Your best bet: A sage or light gray shimmer eyeshadow that doesn't contain red or yellow pigments and makes the whites of your eyes appear lighter. Gray-brown, dark gray, and beige shadows also look good.

10. Abundance of creamy cosmetics

There is an opinion that dry powder and dry shadows dry out the skin, but you shouldn’t completely abandon them. In some cases, they do more good than harm, for example, dry shadows and dry blush last better and do not accumulate in the folds and wrinkles of the skin, unlike oily ones. An abundance of creamy cosmetics ages the face. If your skin is dry and dehydrated, then first moisturize it with cream, let it absorb, and only then apply makeup. Women in adulthood should avoid greasy eye shadow, stylists advise, because it warms up on the skin and begins to flow, creating a sloppy look. Forget about using a powder puff, but don't forget about dry powder, it's not your enemy, but apply it with a brush. Choosing the best face powder.

11. “Lack” of mascara

Eyelashes coated with mascara make your eyes look younger and more alert. Stylists advise not to neglect eyelash curling. Or use a special mascara with a curling effect. If you have little time to get your face in order and need to choose between eyeliner, eye shadow and mascara, feel free to choose mascara. Try not to paint your lower eyelashes, this will make your look more open.

12. Heavy lipstick shades

Definitely worth painting your lips! Moisturizing lipstick or lip gloss. The fastest way to freshen up your image is to change your lipstick. If you've been using neutral-colored lipstick since you were 18, then it's time to go for a brighter one, like red. And if you've always preferred red, change it to pink. Forget the old rules, because it's not about the color of the lipstick, but about its heavy texture and quantity. Everything excessive, dark, aggressive - from lipstick to hairstyle - will age you. Don't be afraid of red lipstick, but choose a light and sheer shade and apply a thin layer with a brush.

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